#the dekobd disaster
bitegore · 2 years
Okay so Breakdown waking up one morning with two spikes because his lovers have finally decided that rather then argue about who gets it now they both can. Obviously this is a major wtf moment for BD who is attempting to come to terms with the fact that he’ll never be able to fuck anyone who isn’t KO or dead end because what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
…..however he can now get TWO blowjobs at once so maybe it’s a fair trade. Alternatively he can absolutely wreck drag strip the next time he starts getting mouthy.
ajdfsfhfsdhdsfhdsf bonus points if both of them are specially constructed to spec so like dead end's preferences are all on one spike and knockout's are all on the other
also like honestly i dont even know if he appreciates getting two blowjobs at once is really what'll make him feel better about this, look at him he's a tiny uwu praise kink service top who never gets as much appreciation as he deserves and i'm sure the first time he gets to rail both of them at once and they both say he did a good job at almost the same time he'll be like "...wait a second. wait this might be. well i am still pretty mad but like that's kinda nice actually"
"also now he can wreck drag strip" i think breakdown is a little bit too nice for that one, lmao, i can't actually see anyone but motormaster and drag strip trying to use sex as a weapon against their other teammates. but now wildrider is definitely going to try and hop on just out of curiosity (and probably a few other people besides, if KO and DE start bragging) so there is that
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bitegore · 2 years
Following up on the last anon ask tho- imagine the absolute disaster of KO BD and Dead End. I’d say they’re the most dysfunctional polycule I can think of, but then I have to remember Starscream and his trine and they’re whole brand of fuckery
no but see. the seeker trine has like competence going for them, they just kind of suck as people. kobd is two useless idiot sluts with no brains and a person who is just kind of an asshole. they're definitely more dysfunctional even if the schemes are less brutal LMAO
like. ko and dead end are just sitting around chatting and out of nowhere dead end is like "i think you'd make a nice corpse :)" and this is him being perfectly nice but BRUH. DUDE AMIGO. U CANT SAY THESE THINGS and he totally, if ko is like "uhhhh what the everloving fuck did you just say to me" is like ah. the perils of being goth and edgy like NO NO NO stop!! stop do not pass go! back up!
and breakdown is breakdown. i love him but this guy also has no social skills, being the easiest to coerce into everything is gonna end up with all sorts of mess and fuss down the road. especially because Dead End, at least, is attached to Breakdown as a Person and not just as a walking sex toy, and if they like fuck him up emotionally significantly enough there's gonna be fireworks. tears. motormaster might get involved to knock some holes in knockout's face as though that would literally do anything but make everything worse. it would be so messy. they wouldn't even break up after they would just cry a lot and keep being assholes to each other while also having excellent hatesex because despite everything breakdown still likes being appreciated
at least knockout is kind of just a scheming asshole who wants specifically what he wants and likes being catered to and who could easily get used to having his boyfriend and his boyfriend's boyfriend listen to him when he suggests they do things they don't want to but the other two? they are fail garbage people, they suck at being a people, they are useless in interpersonal situations and they will cause problems by accident and not understand why they're problems and then get really upset about it
[pulls out a bag of popcorn] and i cant WAIT to watch
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bitegore · 2 years
He’s lucky he’s fragging a medic- KO can repair him when BD blows his own back out from going too hard at KOs valve. Bet KO tricks out BD’s equipment too
knockout: come here babe i have your dick mods ready
breakdown: UH. did we. did we like talk about this um
knockout: aw cmon please :(
breakdown: uhhhh well i guess if you really want--?
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bitegore · 2 years
Okay so idk if you like Knockout/Breakdown, but after your last break down of the stunticons shitty sex-
Knockout gets his claws into BD and after he’s through BD is in fact excellent at sex bc KO is a princess who demands to be worshiped. How to the rest of the stunticons react to getting out classes by their punching bag? Or does KO have a whole host of mechs to whip into shape because to varying degrees none of them can let Breakdown be significantly better at something than them?
okay so like YES i do kobd but i don't mix g1 and tfp because i don't find them terrribly interesting to cross the streams in fjgdfjsd if the stunticons are in tfp they're not nearly as closely interwined as they are in g1 in the first place, and i'm inclined to say they're not really a thing wrt Breakdown like, at all.
if we make this a "ko gets transposed into g1" sort of deal i don't... actually see kobd happening outside a lot of maneuvering because, like you said, Knockout is a bit of a princess and he's not going to settle in with the world's shyest bottom-feeder unless there's something about Breakdown to like really catch his eye in a way that i think would be kind of unusual for him. Knockout doesn't strike me as a person who wants to chase, he wants to be chased, you know? He's kind of like Drag Strip in that regard, though obviously more, like. functional and not a giant insecure mess lmao
all that aside so my stances are clear, i dont think the other stunticons would care that much beyond begging breakdown to "please fuck them, c'mon breaky it'll be fun pleaaaaase please please please" and occasionally getting really jealous at Knockout for taking away their extremely good teammate who fucks them good when they ask real nice lmao. Maybe Drag Strip gets competitive but i think it's more likely that he's like "well i'm better at, uh. bl- no. uh, fuckin- no. uh. uHHH [storms off]" all huffily and shit than actually, like, getting good because i don't believe he knows how to cooperate with anyone ever and KO's attitude would get on his nerves because he wants to be the preettiest person in a room but he's like just insecure enough that KO's shtick would get under his skin. The rest of them like....
well, MM won't care, because Motormaster is unaware he has flaws and that extends to sex, he's just like "well i do it so i must be okay at it" (he's not). Wildrider just likes having sex so if Knockout is up for it he'll fuck around with Knockout but I think Knockout would kind of bore him, he doesn't strike me as someone who wants to spend more than 30 seconds on foreplay unless there's violence involved, which KO would definitely not do, so it'd end poorly because Wildrider acts out when bored. And I don't think Dead End and Knockout works because if you're both pillow princesses that want someone else to polish you and fuck you, who's gonna do the fucking? Kinks too similar. Insert "and they were both bottoms" meme here. though i imagine dead end appreciates knockout's work on breakdown the most, then, now that i think about it lmfao
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bitegore · 2 years
See I agree that KO is a total size queen, so I think he’d give BD a spike that could expand or contract depending on how much he wants to get stretched- knots are always 💯💯💯 but if you’re going to customise your spike toy you’re going to *customize* it.
I have no idea about dead end, but I do like that spiky nubbins idea. Maybe he starts off plain but the more the dekobd disaster frags each other (and others??) he starts to add more bells and whistles?
tbh i figure all this happens at a rate of "new additions and/or switching out the bits we don't like once a week" lmao, so my ideas were more what i figured they'd settle on lmao.
For Dead End, I imagine he'd prefer either a so-textured-it-scares-everyone experience or a no textures at all sort of one, no in between haha. he tries out a knot on KO's suggestion and he's just like eh. this is annoying. why can't you keep moving :/
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bitegore · 2 years
Which begs the question who wants what???
GREAT QUESTION and one that i havent actually thought about in great detail like. or at all really. hm
i think we can reliably assume that whatever Knockout is interested in is of a bigger size class than Dead End, given how literally all the people he hits on are like 2x+ his size. outside that, like, in terms of texture? hardness? knots or lack thereof? i have no goddamn idea.
I guess- if i had to guess- Knockout would want a spike that's a little on the softer side but more heavily textured. Maybe a row of ridges along the top or something, maybe a few bulbs along the side but not like, anything that will change size or shape, it's just shaped like that. And Dead End- i'm torn between saying "he wants a tapered spike with a knot at the base" or "he wants something very smooth and plain" but either way, I think he prefers something that's minimally textured.
....either that, or i think he got little barbs put on the shaft. maybe they can be transformed out. i think he could enjoy that too but only sometimes. under specific circumstances. and i think that it would freak breakdown out to ever use them lmao, he seems like the kind of person to balk at a little blood
by mutual agreement KO and DE both came to the conclusion that vibrating mods are cool though, so that's on both
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