#the deaths of me atm
neyxmessi · 2 years
mourning 14/15 barca again what else is new
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letsdontdie · 7 months
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They must've had some wild dreams right after the kfc incident
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rakkuntoast · 7 months
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dumb death family doodle except people kept telling me to add people so here's where its at
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asmodeauxx · 5 months
hello cotl fandom I revive once more
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"I wanna fuck government hooker!"
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[ID: a digital sketch of Eda and Raine from the owl house. They're in their designs from watching and dreaming, pre epilogue. Raine holds out their arm for an injection (given by a disembodied hand and labeled "magic rabies shot") and Eda lays a hand on their shoulder and leans her head on theirs. She says "you're doing great Raine! how'd you get rabies tho?". Raine stares dead eyed at the viewer as a thought bubble connected to them shows Belos biting down on their arm. End ID]
I was gonna post a request today but I feel like it's gonna flop and this is funnier. So request tomorrow, Raine Whispers Rabies doodle today
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sweattyspaghetti · 1 month
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CW(?) slight horror imagery in the third pic
This is me trying to practice drawing the trio in the most flip floppy art style way to prepare myself for when I draw.. a specific au… mwehehehe.
Waiter! Waiter! More wtvr tf light & L got going on in that last one!!
Edit: I made more down below
Human shinigamis added to the roster. The OG design or the human design of Ryuk is banger but idk if I’ll keep it the same as it, cuz it doesn’t fully fit the Ryuk we know so who knows, may change his design.
Bottom centre of L & Light r inspired from a ff scene I may or may not make fanart for… also yassssss Misa & Rem yaasssss one sided yuri maybe who knows.. just play Chappell roan already
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employee052 · 2 months
turns out a brief moment of feeling ok doesnt mean im done grieving
anywho, heres a vent doodle with a pose i saw online, might not reblog the road trip thread posts for a bit (i feel bad for not being able to participate in my own trend but as long as people enjoyed it then i dont mind all too much)
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i dont wanna call it a break bc i cant help but be on tumblr, but things might go quiet in terms of art or me talking.
hope yall are doin well today/tonight/timezone n ill see yall when i see you :3
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theinfinitedivides · 24 days
going to freak out about my bestie Daniel again by talking about headcanons but to me he's like. not only half-Armenian half-Irish (yes Molloy is an Irish surname but Eric is Armenian people. so what do we do we make the sensible choice and split the difference. put that shit in your fics my rep is lacking) but also Jewish. not necessarily practicing but yk. it's called his mother grows up in the US in a household where her father's Armenian Orthodox and her mother's Jewish and takes a little bit of both but mainly from her mother and then she meets his raised-Catholic nebulously-agnostic Irish-American father and gives shit a shot. and here's Molloy in the midst of it all, born to wreck marriages fail at parenting his own kids and get his shit absolutely fucking rocked by two vamps in the 70s
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v33-art · 5 months
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instant frenemies
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steveshairychest · 1 year
"Love is a curse."
His mother had spat the words down into her glass of wine when Steve was 14, just after he admitted to having a crush on a girl in his class. He never mentioned loving her. He'd only spoken to her a few times and he thought the way she smiled and twirled her hair was cute. He'd hoped his mother would share in his excitement; it was his first real crush, after all.
But she wouldn't even look at him. She scowled down into her emptying glass and said. "Don't waste your time, Steven."
Steve should have expected as much from her, she's always been a bitter, sad woman. Every night she stumbled around the house, glass of wine in one hand, a cigarette in the other, as she listed off all the things she could be doing if she hadn't fallen in love with his dad, if she hadn't of had Steve.
"Love ruined me." She'd wail and whine, the sound echoing around the house and reaching Steve in his room.
He never understood how she could hate love so much.
All the stories he's read and movies he's watched all depict love as this bright, wondrous thing, not as the dark, soul crushing beast his mother depicts it as. Love is supposed to be soft and sweet, it's supposed to be gentle touches and shy smiles, it's first dates and first kisses. It's everything Steve wants.
He wants so badly to be in love, to be loved, to prove his mother wrong.
He knows that when he finally falls in love, it will be the best thing that's ever happened to him and he'll be able to look his mother in the eye and say, "You were wrong."
Except, years later, Steve finally learns that she wasn't wrong. It is a curse. It sinks its dark claws into you and rips you apart when you least expect it.
Steve comes to realise this in the upside down. He finally understands that love hurts. It rips you apart and leaves you dry heaving up parts of your heart. It makes you cradle someone you love, someone you thought you would have a life with, in your arms as they bleed out everywhere. "Eddie, no, please." His heart is in sharp little pieces as he rocks Eddie's lifeless body, bits of his broken heart stab him from within and cause him to scream and shout and beg whatever god that was listening to fix this, to bring his friend, his love, back. But no one is listening.
He never thought love would hurt like this, never thought he'd feel the ache his mother wailed about.
Never thought he'd agree with her.
But he whispers the same words she'd spat at him all those years ago to himself days later as he watches the empty coffin slowly lower into the ground.
"Love is a curse."
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shmowder · 3 months
im different i would've befriended those plague rats in pathologic i would've given them cheese and crackers
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kindred-spirit-93 · 22 days
welcome to episode one of a new series where i slowly kill myself via epic the musical. this is going to be so fucking good.
started off strong with just a man. boi did that forever rewrite my brain chemistry. beautiful animation btw, amazing work @gigizetz
today i learned that im a sucker for overlapping harmonies and register changes (i think thats what theyre called??) like if u want my heart forever sing interwoven layers and motifs and alternate between high and low and i will be yours, a crying mess at your feet.
anyway yes this will take over me briefly (famous last words yes i know, but im serious i have an exam on sunday. sunday evening we return to mutiny) so until then
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dont-offend-the-bees · 11 months
I would like to go on record to say that even though I don't agree with Izzy's death or the manner of it, I will not be reblogging posts about it that refer to it as bury your gays on principle. I am sick of the misuse of that term. It is not fucking bury your gays if he was one gay of an entire cast of gays who are still alive and kicking and being gay together. There's other more pressing reasons to be mad about that death; you could comment, perhaps, on how he was the most physically disabled of the crew, or the gay with no textual (current) romantic attachments and therefore 'expendable', or the most suicidal apart from Ed and how it leaves a bad taste in the mouth to see him succumbing peacefully to death (hello spn finale war flashbacks). There is no need to further dilute a once-useful term.
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south-park-dimensions · 7 months
(Figured I’d just post a quick text update jddbjd)
(Life has been all over the place lately so I haven’t been drawing much ripp but I haven’t forgotten about this project at all. Hopefully get back to it when issues properly calm down)
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ra1nbot · 9 months
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darcyfirth · 7 months
after finishing the spirealm i now know why the platform had to remove it within hours bc that many lgbt friendly scenes? simply couldn’t exist in china lmao
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