#the cursed slave
tsukiyohanayome · 2 years
The Cursed Slave ch.1
an: I have no idea how long it's gonna be or whether or not I'm gonna ditch it, since I'm already upset with this fic as my proofreader shits on me and took more than 3 weeks and I didn't hear anything from them since. But I'm very invested in this fic. It's supposed to be a slowburn with eventual smut bc its Sukuna and my brain is rotten. wc: 1.6k tw: slavery??
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Sukuna has always had a preference for the innocent ones.
It wasn’t because he wanted someone to take care of or because he liked to be gentle, no. It was rather the opposite. Innocence was fun. Fun to break. He delighted himself in how they always crumbled under his touch, succumbing to what they’d sworn their life to always run away from. It was amusing to play with his victims, play with their emotions, and make them addicted to his presence, his mere attention and physical contact. Addicted to the point of madness.
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A slave. An empty shell of what formerly was a human. Why did this happen to me, you wondered, as one of them yanked you harshly by the chains connected to the collar around your neck and handcuffs on your wrists, causing you to fall. – "Pathetic maggot" – he scoffed, lifting your body and throwing you over his shoulder – "Can’t even walk, we probably won’t even make any money off selling you." – he said, carrying you over to the bidding area. 
You didn’t care. You didn’t care who is going to buy you or how much they were going to pay for you. It’s not like it matters. You don’t exist. Since that very day when the purge happened in your village, you were dead. They killed you with everyone else. Burned you down with all the houses, crops and memories. Except they didn’t. You and the group of other village girls and young women were spared and took prisoners to be sold. Were you really spared, then? They all were taken with different men, making it impossible to plan any way of escaping as you were completely alone. Where would you go, anyway? Every person you used to know was long gone. 
The room is cold and damp, circle shaped with a pedestal in a middle. Filled almost to the brim with monks buying slaves for their kings, as well as nasty drunkards, wanting a toy for their own sick pleasure. The moment you entered the room, sickening catcalling noises hit your ears and you wanted nothing more than to disappear. Your oppressor dragged you on the pedestal and then spun you around, like a little rag doll causing the group of those disgusting barbarians to whine even louder and the auctioneer hushed them to start his speech. – “Gentlemen, please! This one is our last for today, so calm down and we all can go home. Starting price is 1000 gold pieces!” – You hung your head. Your life was worth just a bit more than a couple loaves of bread now. Stinging tears started forming up in the corners of your eyes, as there was a brief silence in the room. Were you worth even less? Will they kill you, if no one buys you?
- “1500!” – shouted one. Strange relief, followed by terror when he continued – “she will make the cutest housewife for me and my men!” – a loud, repulsive smack of his lips filled your head and your stomach dropped. You’ve never been a religious person, but you found yourself praying to any possible god that was out there. Please, please, please NOT him. – "2000!" – Said another. Your body started shaking involuntarily as the bid went higher but you couldn’t dare to look, at who was going to be your next owner. You prayed for all of this to be just a sickening nightmare.
Your blood ran cold when you heard soft but a firm voice say “two million” and, as shocked as the rest of the attendees, you looked toward its source. It was a monk, dressed in a dark blue robe, with chin-length white hair. Your heart started racing, as maybe, just maybe the person you’ll be sold to, won’t be your death, judging by the stoic look of your bidder. 
Everyone was too shocked to proceed, the auctioneer sold you to the monk right away.
Grabbing your chains, the oppressor from before was about to drag you to the monk only to be stopped by their raised hand. – “Now, now. There’s no need to be this harsh.” – They spoke elegantly. The tiniest flick of fire lit in your heart, giving you a promise, you desperately tried to hold onto. Were you actually saved now?
The monk came up to you and you lowered your head, not daring to look at them. You’re just an object, after all. You’re not worthy to look at anyone without permission. A hand touched your chin lifting it and you yelped softly at a sudden, gentle contact. They looked into your eyes and smiled. – “Come on, we need to make you look appropriate before you can see the Master. My name is Uraume. Let’s go to your new home.” – Home. You wanted to both laugh and cry at that word. Your home. Flashbacks of the purge immediately hit you and you couldn’t hold the tears that rolled freely down your cheeks. 
Your village was your safety. You led a simple life of a young adult woman and helped your parents with daily errands, the farm and the crops. Sometimes you also would help other elderly neighbors as not many of them had kids on their own. The population structure in your village was rather an old one and you didn’t have any plans of changing that. You just weren’t interested in any village man you knew for your entire life. Every single day was the same, but you couldn’t care less. Of course, you longed for some thrill in your life, like from those tales your mom used to tell you. About a young village girl who met a prince and they lived happily ever after. Sometimes you even let yourself fantasize and think about “bad guys” coming to the village and a charming prince appearing out of nowhere, to save everyone and falling in love with you instantly. It certainly was something, that should only be a mere fantasy, right? 
Your village was a safe place, after all. Every full moon a sacrifice in the shape of a cow, pig or calf was taken away to the place you would rather not think about. But it kept your village safe. Something, certain someone was protecting your home and you never wanted to delve into details. 
You’ve heard a lot about neighboring villages being seized by brigands but nonetheless, the villagers weren’t scared. They said the sacrifices they’re giving suffice and so you were calm about your life as well. Until one day your fantasies became true. But partially. 
You woke up to the horrific screams of villagers and the smell of smoke. Looking out through the window you could see the fire, dangerously dancing on the rooftops of the houses you knew so well. You could hear voices you know, screaming, begging for help. Feeling the urge to stand up and do something, help them, fight! Fight? You are a common village girl who can’t even hold a bow properly. Cursing yourself mentally, you opened the window as silently as possible and you slid through. You had to hide, somewhere. But, to your misfortune, the second your feet touched the ground a pair of arms grabbed you, a hand covering your mouth to silence your cries, and you’ve been dragged somewhere. 
All the things they’ve done to you and everyone and everything…
Your prince never showed up…
- “Hello?” – a snap of fingers in front of your face brought you back to reality. Before you stand the same, white-haired monk that just bought you. Their dark-pink eyes looking intently at you – “I’ve asked you a question. What is your name?”
Your name? No one’s asked about it in so long, you almost forgot what it was. Did it even matter anyway? You whispered your name, barely audible though – “But I’ll answer to anything my new Master chooses to” – you add immediately. 
The monk smiled lightly and reached for a key, that the auctioneer must’ve given them when you were lost in your thoughts and unlocked your handcuffs and the collar, and started walking towards the direction of your soon-to-be-home. A hiss left your lips as you grabbed your wrist to massage the bruised skin. How long were you chained for? Weeks? Months? You don’t even know, time lost its meaning long ago. – “Are... Are you not worried that I might escape?” – you asked sheepishly. 
You could hear them chuckle shortly and they looked at you over their shoulder, without stopping – “I know you have nowhere to go, I know what happened to you. Besides, I’m taking you to the safest place you could ever be at. If you’re wanted there.”
The last bit leaves a dreadful chill running down your spine. But… How did they know what happened? You had so many questions forming up in your head and somehow, you felt like you can trust them. Uraume, was it? – “Ummm… U-Uraume…?” – you started, suddenly regretting using their name like this and all you wanted was to crumble into dust. You shut your eyes, waiting for a punishment that didn’t come and only heard a hum in response. Opening your eyes you saw the monk facing you now, their eyes tinted with concern – or so you imagined. – “I… What… Who… Who is going to be my new… New Master?” – you hate how this all sounds on your tongue. you knew you were going to hate them. You just wanted to be free. Not to be someone’s puppet, you wanted to live life again. “I know you have nowhere to go” the echo of Uraume’s words hit you instantly as if to mock your situation. 
They smiled at your question, turned away and started walking again. – “Your new Master? It’s Ryoumen Sukuna.”
Your stomach dropped. 
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©tsukiyohanayome 2022 no next chapter date bc I have no idea and I'm just starting my new work, but I'll try my best to upload it next month or so
taglist: @sakuraryomen01 @xxnghtclls @dr-skazkaif you want to be on the taglist drop an ask or comment here
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unforgivenn · 2 months
CW: abduction, captivity, slight whump, coercion, power dynamics, pet whump, drugging, defiant whumpee, swearing, dominant whumper, slavery
Noah woke to the jolt of the wagon hitting a rut in the road. Darkness surrounded him and he could only think he was blindfolded. The cloying scent of sweat and fear clinging to the air like a suffocating shroud. Disorient and groggy, he blinked away the remnants of his sleep, his senses gradually coming alive to the harsh reality. He suddenly sat up frantically shaking his head as if the tightened blindfold would somehow magically fall off.
"H-Hey!! Let me out of here!!" His body ached from the unforgiving jostle of the wagon, every bone protesting against the place he was in right now. Chains rattled with each bone-jarring bump in the road, a chilling reminder of the shackles that bound his wrists and ankles, tethering him to a fate he dared not contemplate.
"Where are you taking me?!!" Noah's screams only grew louder when no response was given. His heart beating so fast as if it would jump out of his chest. "ANSWER ME! SOMEONE!" He quietened when he heard a "tch" near him.
A deep, South American accent cut through the darkness like a blade, sending a shiver down Noah's spine. "Didn't expect him to wake up this early. And he's awfully loud," the voice mused, its casual cruelty sending a chill through the air.
Noah's heart pounded in his chest as he felt a rough hand grab his arm, the sting of a needle piercing his skin sending shockwaves of numbness coursing through his veins. Just then he heard whines around him. There were people. More people like him. Gradually, the numbness from the injection site started to spread.
Noah tried his best to speak something. Something that could catch the attention of other people there. He felt confused.
Who were these people? And where the hell were they taking him?
Abruptly, the cart lurched to a halt, the sudden cessation of movement sending Noah sprawling against the unforgiving floor. He woke with a small cry of pain, his heart hammering in his chest as he listened, breath held in fearful anticipation.
Footsteps approached, heavy and purposeful, accompanied by the jingle of chains and the murmured voices of unseen captors. Noah's pulse quickened, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach like icy tendrils of dread.
Two muscular arms went under each of Noah's underarms holding him up.
"Where are you taking me?!" he cried out, his voice raw with fear, but his captors remained silent, their faces hidden in the shadows.
One of the guys patted Noah's head leaving him more enraged.
All of a sudden, he was thrown to the ground before he was being manhandled to be in a kneeling position with multiple chains on his neck, ankles and wrists holding him in place allowing his captors to have full control over him.
As the blindfold was ripped away, Noah blinked against the harsh light, his eyes adjusting to the sight of his surroundings. It seemed like some sort of a court room? His mind was still clouded up from the drug that was given to him.
"W-What the fu-" A harsh slap shut him up.
"Shush. The young prince will be here any second" Prince? What the fuck was happening?? He wanted to question more but knew better than that. It felt like a scene right out of Hollywood.
Suddenly, he saw the men around him which he thought were most probably the guards bowed down to a young man. Noah raised his head up as to see who it was before a rough hand in his hair forced his head back down only allowing him to see the man's piercing green eyes. The man whom they called the "young prince" stayed quiet. The tension in the room visibly increased before a deep voice spoke.
"Leave us." The guards were quick to retreat from their position and going out of the court room. Noah was about to get up from his kneeling position before flinching at the harsh voice. "Stay still slave!"
"Slave?!" Noah's voice wavered with disbelief, but the harsh slap that followed left him reeling, his cheek stinging with the sting of humiliation. He heard the man tutting.
"Oh dear" He sighed. "It's going to take a lot of time to break that swearing and defiance from you.. But.."
The man grinned, the smile no other than a vicious beast's. He leaned closer, his teeth barely just grazing the other's ears before he whispered. "Oh how I'll enjoy seeing you squirm and beg me to spare you" Noah's body practically froze, terror filling his eyes.
Desperation clawed at Noah's chest as he dared to question his captor's authority. "W-Who are you...?"
But the prince's response sent a chill through his bones—a predatory grin twisting his lips as he whispered promises of torment and submission.
"I'm Andrey. Son of Viktor Kozlov," the prince declared, his name a whispered curse that echoed in Noah's ears. "You will address me as 'sir'."
Noah's blood ran cold as the weight of his situation settled upon him. This was no mere kidnapping—it was a descent into a nightmare from which there would be no waking.
As the reality of his situation sank in, Noah's world spun on its axis, his mind racing with unanswered questions and unspoken fears. With each passing moment, the weight of his captivity grew heavier, a suffocating shadow looming over him, threatening to consume him whole.
Noah only knew this was going to be one hellish of a ride. And only god knew when it was going to end.
Taglist: @anutz1234 @ash-reh @miireux134 (Let me know if you want to be added <3)
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siremasterlawrence · 5 months
Curse Of A Leather Jacket
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Jensen Ackles is on the cusp of something so iconic that he has no idea what is about to happen to him and just am the creator of a brand new clothing brand.I sent him a giant package free of charge to Jensen Ackles landing on his door step and pound the front door as he opens it up arm looks around.
He shrugs his shoulders picking it up as he is leading it back in to his home and places it on the wooden table cutting it open to see this item.The box broken in to reveal an attractive blue and shiny moto leather jacket with a lengthy long letter explaining the situation to him with a caption.
He picks it up slit to the letter to see a letter with golden and bold written letters for him to read and invisible ink to keep it private from any prying eyes.Apparently! He is choosing Jensen to wear his newly exclusive leather jacket for free in an exchange for a promotion and Jensen is all smiles.
He swings the leather jacket to the side shift of air hits the box sending in to the ground it makes impact with Jensen but he kicks it away.He stops in front of the mirror checking his new clothing item, he smirks so brightly slow action and the sleeves ride up till he reaches to his shoulders.
Same to the other side as it settles on to his shoulders carefully wrapping on to his mass muscle body and he has no idea that I can see him through his mirror.The back of the jacket touches his skin soft in its touch, unexpectedly a thin needle pops from within in to his skin and sending a spin tingling jolt.
A current of energy phases from the device into him transferring his item in to him it is amazing and though Jensens mind attempt to fight it.His eyes go dull and like a blank empty full he switches off completely and his mind fell to the back of his brain and something new took over.
“Oooooohhhh! Finally!”
“Fuck yeah! You are hot Jensen”
“Thanks for the purchase”
“Where am I?”
“In the mirror man”
“Don’t get smart”
“Give me my body back”
“Fuck that! You can have my body “
“You work remember anyway “
“You don’t comprehend this well”
“You took the deal “
“Signed the paper work “
“You see this is an exchange “
“I get to sponsor them “
“My reward is a new body “
“Who are you anyway? I am Jensen Ackles”
“No! I am Jensen Ackles! I am Je…Oh My God You Are Jensen Ackles”
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“Mwahahahahaha! I am! “
“It is very nice to meet you “
“Get the fuck out”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“I love this life “
“Time start over “
“I hate this outfit”
“Let me remove this shit”
“What do you have?”
“You have a nice collection “
“This shirt and jeans will do”
“Look so much better “
“I am HOT”
“Hell yyyeeesss!”
“This ass is tight”
“I am going to party tonight
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The end
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laugtherhyena · 5 months
Dungeon meshi fans i understand the catgirl hype now
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What wouldn't I give for a bonkers crack au with Carissa-Bastian family reunion where Ezio and his father still survived
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lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year
The way Tamlin in the narrative is structured as fully a victim to Amarantha in acotar and yet people STILL read that book and go “he was always terrible actually” like he wasn’t in an impossible position just blows my mind.
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theholypeanut · 6 months
Imagine King of Curses Sukuna telling you to be his slave, and you realise you’ll get free housing and food and don’t have to work anymore.
Sukuna gets confused. „Don’t you want expensive clothes and jewels?”
You think for a second. „Do you provide health insurance?”
„But I can kill you anytime”
„Bold of you to assume my generation have a will to live anyway”
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nando161mando · 1 month
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capitalism is a death cult and must be ended immediately if we are to live freely, safely, happily
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harb1n9er · 4 months
Man, somebody give this story some love, it’s really good
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six-demon-bag · 4 months
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writing about him in like six different fics at the same time because i just love him somuch
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landgraabbed · 1 year
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sometimes you gotta take in the lil details
#non sims#i'll come up with a skyrim tag#in my tes era again#(always i just go sleeper agent on it ig)#still in my modding skyrim era i'm sick so that's not v conductive to me actually playing morrowind so this is what i've been doing#sad bc nammu made some good progress he joined house redoran he's actually level 3 and somehow keeps invading every vampire tomb#(i run away bc i cannot deal w that right now)#his slave bracers finally broke off <3#i'll compile some screens and post tomorrow maybe#i truly am the people todd coward thinks about when bethany esda is concocting the latest installment of weird ass lore told through#environmental storytelling and esoteric books and an open world crafted with meticulous detail cursed with bugs up the wazoo#but yeah modding skyrim is being surprisingly fun after i figured out mod organizer#i have bookmarked some mods that require me to regen lods dyndolod or whatever it's called but i'll do that at the end#at least in morrowind that's how i do it#i did my engine fixes my bug fixes my graphics and sounds overhauls my model replacers enb landscapes and now my cities and locations mods#armor next and then i'll start overhauling combat#i'm gunning for dark souls like bc that combat style suits me rly well and i always hated melee in skyrim#(re: armors sforz i looked at your imitations previews and i'm in love i'll have fun experimenting w/ them i owe u my life)#but yeah...... 99% of my skyrim experience has been in ps save for a brief moment i pirated it on release on my shitty laptop i had then#it's been wonderful to actually mod it
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siremasterlawrence · 3 months
The Hardy-Well Syndrome
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The Tom Hardy-Well is the man of the hour at least for now since he is on the news it is a factor but he soon rallies to meet me in a bid of heat latching at me someone who he has deemed to be a enemy since I now have what has been opposed to me.He is my boss upfront when I had enough of his nonsense so when he walks into a awe inspiring golden board room swooping over us both and he ushers everyone to leave the room in a hot feverish battle of anger. I roll my eyes as he instructs me to sit down more like orders me he sighs heavily pacing the room a bit and I slip my hands under the table and pressing a button I had placed in professionally.He is left lost in a barrel of my laughter as it rises up a tornado of my laughter bouncing off the wall hitting his ears and he panics the fear is evidently driving him up the wall shaking him to hell a core.He loses himself racing to the wall pounding on the door so hard as it is slamming more like wailing the expression is apparent on him and be spun about to face me with rage on her. He attempts to leap over the table but I am prepared throwing a bomb on the floor right in his face as it blows up flowing up all of the entire room and covering it into new levels of pure shocking display. Yelling at him he stops cold the anger in his eyes is alivecurrently the nerve of him it is palpitating his senses as he backs up to the wall I am in control. Snapping my finger I can see his dominance leaves him shattering into about a million pieces as shards are left on the floor showcasing his on demise at the hand of an employee. I knelt next to him cupping his hand as I lift him up his chin as I kiss him slowly as the will to fight me and hold back is vanquished. “Rise up to your feet, stand tall and undress for me.” I demand informing him as the reprogramming taking effect.
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“Who the fuck are you? What are you doing to my dad?”
“Your dad is helping me off”
“Bastard! Get off of him”
“No son!”
“Dad! What on earth?”
“Tom! Please correct your son”
“With pleasure “
“Yes dad!”
“What are you calling him dad?”
“Dad? Stop!”
“Zip it punk”
“Listen to your new dad and boss”
“He is your God”
“You are compelled to obey”
“Explain sir”
“Good boi! Focus on me Ellis boi”
“Into my soul”
“I can’t resist! Drag me to hell”
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His ex-wife gave him two more children this one’s name is the Andrew Garfield a famous odd looking model and actor who he rarely speaks to at all but loves very much so he invites him to the office. He invites him to the office which the man appears extremely unhappy with a swagger in his steps so he
is proud to be himself and I hide behind
the door and he saw me in distance very confused.
“What do you want?”
“Spend time with my son”
“Since when”
“Since I was bitched out “
“Broken in to”
“Reprogrammed for him”
“Bro! What is he going on?”
“We belong to Master”
“This is my company “
“Do you want to join us?”
“Serve him with us?”
“Excuse me!”
“We love him”
“You shall too”
“Get back! Back up”
“Flip the switch on the wall”
“Woah! What the fuck?”
“Oh My God! You are fucking beautiful “
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“Hey Dad”
“Are you ok?”
“Who is this ?”
“Submit to me!”
“I love you “
“Take a look at this “
“Fuck! I can’t help it “
“Drop in and explore”
“Give in”
“Call me Master Lawrence “
“Yes Master Lawrence@
The end
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alexandersimpleton · 10 months
Y'know, I ended up rereading some of the series to make something, and I'm now starting to realize that Blaine is massive d***.
Even if you exclude the gaslighting and beating of Frederick, he's a total jerk to literally everyone. He basically bullies Dandridge (I'm probably spelling that wrong), because he has a crush on a girl. He's really egotistical, and has this holier than thou attitude with almost everyone, including his own family. He is a smug d*** in the worst way possible, and I'm saying that as a proud smug jerk, so you know it's bad. He lectures everyone else, and his inflated ego just makes me angry. I have no idea how I didn't notice this on the first read, but I'm noticing it now, and I'm pissed off that this borderline narcissistic behavior gets encouraged by everyone around him for almost the whole series. You could say that the recital was him comeuppance, but after it he gets comforted by Maria like he isn't a total b****. He's just so vindictive, he has an inflated ego the size of Jupiter, and he treats everyone around him like inferiors.
And again, this is almost completely excluding his relationship with Frederick. His holier than thou attitude is blown up to monstrous proportions whenever he talks with him. He beats Frederick, calls him names, and gaslights him, while still thinking that he's some perfect angel and that Frederick is at fault for everything. He's so hypocritical with Frederick, saying horrible things to his face, and then hitting him for saying something remotely similar about Gwen. He rats Frederick to their father, who he's said himself that he doesn't feel same around, for literally no reason other than spite. He treats his own brother like a god damn cockroach and it's encouraged by the narrative. Considering all that's happening to Frederick over a single insult, I'm franky offended by how Blaine and narcissistic, self centered attitude, not only goes completely unpunished, but gets encouraged. Later in there series, when they reconnect, there is no change whatsoever from Blaine. Sure he starts kinda thinking of Frederick better, but he doesn't try to treat him any better. I mean, he doesn't treat Frederick like a cockroach anymore, but he really doesn't treat him much better. He still talked to Frederick like he's some inferior being that he has to push along. And Frederick is just expected to play along. Frederick did agree to the marriages, but I think I know how Blaine would have reacted if he didn't. Blaine would have forced two LITTERAL CHILDREN to get married and spend the rest of their lives chained together, because he's Blaine, and Blaine is the only important person on the planet and everyone are inferior being looking up to their god in hopes of guidance. "Oh, who cares that they're 17? Let's get married!" "Oh, who cares that Frederick is afraid of Gwen and flinching when she makes sudden movements? Gwen is lovely and Frederick deserves to get beaten and coerced into child marriage by his own family, and this is absolute and right because I am Blaine and I think so and I an always right and Frederick is always wrong because I am a perfect angel sent from heaven and Frederick is just a dog at my heal."
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adelalovesmadara · 2 years
It Comes Back Biting Him or Naruto Is Crudely Reminded That The Hyuuga Practised Slavery
"It's been decided that Uzumaki Himawari, courtesy of her possessing the Byakugan and her being the cousin of the heir of the Hyuuga main family, is to be sealed."
Naruto is sure that he has misheard. "Sorry?" He coughs and catches himself. He politely rectifies, "I must have misheard that. Could you, uh, repeat that for me, please?"
Being the son-in-law of the Hyuuga's clan head, Naruto had been strongly advised to be as cordial and polite as possible, even before his marriage to Hinata.
"Higasa-sama, Hanabi-sama's son will be three in a few days from now. So we, the Hyuuga, have decided that Uzumaki Himawari is to be sealed."
"Excuse me," says Naruto eloquently. "Sealed?"
"Uzumaki Himawari will be receiving the Caged Bird Cursed Seal on Higasa-sama's third birthday."
It takes all that Naruto has to not let out a scream. "Third birthday," he weakly says. "But ― isn't Hinata still a part of the Hyuuga main family?"
"Hinata-sama is. But both of her children are not."
It feels like reality is punching Naruto in the face as the muscles of his face go slack. "Why? Why do this at all?" he demands.
"For the good of the village. For the stability the Hyuuga have maintained for centuries," an elder proposes. She adds, "This will also benefit your heir, Hokage-sama. Uzumaki Boruto might not possess the Byakugan, but he will have his sealed sister as his loyal aide."
Naruto stands there gawking in the middle of the Hyuuga's training room.
"Uzumaki Himawari will have to be a gift to Higasa-sama first and foremost," one of the Hyuuga elders says imperiously.
An elder interjects with a sneer, "Her first priority can be both Higasa-sama and Boruto-sama."
"Of course," a few elders voice their agreement.
"Of course," Naruto echoes dumbly. It sure feels different when this... thing personally involves him.
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ellrond · 11 months
im too fun and hot and sexy to have to work I deserve to have an emotionally distant rich spouse who can fund a cocaine addiction and a 5 bedroom house overlooking St James’ park for me I deserve to do nothing all day but day drink and blog
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Hi I’m looking for a fox where hermione is part of Theo family and is brought up to be a breeder and draco wants her it’s AU
House Pet by NinaBinaBallerina - E, WIP - After a dark curse, the wizarding world is left barren. Facing extinction, the Purebloods subjugate the muggles, searching for the rare muggleborns—the only witches able to reproduce. Raised in the Nott household as a pampered pet, Hermione is forced to enter the Trials as she comes of age—a competition created for pureblood wizards to claim a breeder. Determined to win her, Draco Malfoy only knew two things: she belonged to him, and he’d destroy anyone who tried to take her. But the cries of the enslaved muggles pierce through Hermione's comfortable life, causing her to reexamine everything she thought she knew about her world and the people in it. She soon discovers that the ancient call of magic and vengeance cannot be denied. Plot inspired by the Prince of Egypt, with themes from the Handmaid's Tale.
- AgnMag
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