#the creator isdead
dct-creatorau · 4 years
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Vicious X SansUDIN
SansUDIN belong to: @azukary
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Hey this may sound weird I like your blog but I still don’t fully understand the name of isdead.
I think it’s something to do with that scholder (can’t spell it but the cat in the box is alive and dead guy)
I mean is it that since his character is real but Simon is not real?
P.s. I’m still in high school and I haven’t read any sort literature by that guy or I’m reading your url the wrong way. I do hope you have a good evening.
You’re thinking of Erwin Schrodinger.  It’s actually three references in one, because why do one reference when you can do more, right?
To start with Schrodinger, he was using the idea of the cat to make fun of the idea in quantum physics that atoms don’t have a definitive state until they’re observed.
So he made up this metaphor of the cat trapped in the box with a poison which will be released upon the atomic degeneration of some material.  And then he extended that metaphor ad absurdum to say that if the premise was true, then because we cannot observe the cat, then it must be both alive and dead at the same time.  
When I starting this blog, I was using a similar metaphor for Simon, in the sense that because we can’t observe him, we have to assume both that he is and is not a real monster at the same time.
The original reference, as I’ve said many times before, was just to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead, mostly because my mum had been watching the film the day or a couple of days before. The themes in that play are concerned with the nature of reality.  And obviously, so is Simon’s blog.
Then a while after I’d started it was pointed out to me that this blog is also ascribing to the concept of Death of the Author.  I know a lot of people on the internet talk about death of the author as though it’s a concept that allows you to divorce an author from their work, but that’s not what it is at all.  
The essay is basically saying that once a creator - any creator - has put their work out into the world, they don’t get to dictate how it’s received.  Any interpretation that an audience makes is a valid interpretation, because everyone is going to bring their personal experience to the work.
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Talk about Irony.
I always find it amusing when EUists complain about Disney Star Wars [which does suck, I hate Disney Star Wars myselfs; but fine with people who do, their right to their opinion.] when we got this beauty and they did it first and try to defend it. The only difference here is that at least Disney had the decency not to make Luke Skywalker a Darksider who bended the knee to the man his Father gave his life for to protect him from, all the while echoing him in saying “What is why bidding...my master?”
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Not much of a difference between Disney and the glorified fan-fiction of the EU.
Looks like they’re doubling down on the bad ideas by dipping into the glorified fan fiction once again in bringing Boba Fett back to life in the Mandolorian, despite the fact that Jango and Boba weren’t even Mandolorian and Lucas never stopped saying in canon Boba Fett was dead.
"The idea that Jango Fett is not a Mandolorian , that comes directly from George [Lucas]."
~ Dave Filoni, 2015 - SW:TCW Season 2: Creating Mandalore Featurette
"In discussions directly with George, he was very adamant about Jango notbeing Mandolorian, which is the entire reason that scene existed that moment.To have that specificity that Jango was not Mandolorian at least not toMandolorians."
~ Dave Filoni, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6p9sM7OLFk https://ibb.co/WgCGf1X https://ibb.co/Y2wLHd0
FROM THE FILONI FILES: In the season 2 episode of STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS,Mandalorian prime minister Almec made the claim that Jango Fett is not aMandalorian warrior. This info stunned many fans who always assumed he waspure Mando. Many claimed Almec was lying, others claimed it was a cover-up.This topic came up a few times during our conversations with Dave Filoni. Inthis compilation, Dave addresses the issue and sets the record straight.
"Q: Did George Lucas intend for Boba Fett to die in the sarlacc, despite what others may say or print?
A: Yes, in George's view -- as far as the films go -- the baddest bounty hunter in the Galaxy met his match in the Great Pit of Carkoon where --unfortunately for Mr. Fett -- the ghastly sarlacc made its home.
However, Lucas also approved Fett's comeback in the expanded universe. And ofcourse, by going back in time with the prequels, the Star Wars creator hasbrought Boba Fett back to life himself, albeit at a much younger age."
- Steve Sansweet, LFL/Fan Relations, December 2002
September 2004
During the DVD commentary for "Return of the Jedi," at the 33 minute mark,George Lucas says the following: "In the case of Boba Fett's death, had I known he was gonna turn into such a popular character, I probably would've made it a little bit more exciting. Boba Fett was just another one of the minions, another one of the bounty hunters and bad guys. But, he became such a favorite of everybody's that, for having such a small part, uh he had a very large presence. And now that his history has been told in the first trilogy,y'know, it makes it even more of a misstep that we wouldn't make more out ofthe event of his defeat, because most people don't believe he died anyway. I'dcontemplated putting in that extra shot in where he climbs out of the hole,but y'know I figure that's ... it doesn't quite fit, in the end."
Also, during an interview with USA Today, Lucas summarized the same point of"having Boba Fett survive and crawl out of the" mouth of the sand creature inJedi. "But that doesn't quite fit in the end." This infers that Boba Fett isdead. This quote was also in "Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays," published
September 8, 1997.
Boba Fett is Dead
Asked by MTV in 1997 about why is Boba Fett so popular: "I don't know why. [Laughs]. I'm mystified by it. He's a mysterious character. He's a provocativecharacter. He seems like an all powerful character, except he gets killed. Although he's gotten killed, the people who write the books, and everything, and the comics say 'we can't kill him, we gotta bring him back, we can't lethim die!'" https://www.bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/daily/instagram-696.mp4#t=0.1
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