#the core of kravens last hunt is xenophobia.
kideternity · 1 year
Nobody is allowed to have thoughts or opinions about Kraven or even like the topic of darker spider man stories except for me because all of you fuckers only know him/about it from like Kraven's last hunt and sucking JM DeMatteis' xenophobic dick and I've had it. How about you guys read literally any other spider man or Kraven comic before talking about how amazing it is when the entire concept relies so heavily on the idea that JM DeMatteis is an entitled piece of shit who genuinely believed he understood every single nuance of Russian identity and trauma because he read some fucking classic Russian literature (I am not making this up. You can read this on his blog from a post from years ago.) before proceeding to write Kraven in the absolute worst stereotyped way possible down to him thinking that SPIDER MAN is somehow responsible for not only his very upsetting family dysfunction but also for DESTROYING THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE??????? I could not be making this shit up. Like I know comic fans don’t give a shit about xenophobia ever even though it’s basically engrained into most American comics but come the fuck on man
Like block me i don’t care if seeing this upsets you but I'm tired of xenophobia in comics literally never being discussed / outright ignored usually in favour of making up shit about how well the white Americans are written LOL it feels like shit i'm gonna be honest!
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