#the consenses was “the servers is gonna eat these screenshots up”
mmuffncakes · 2 days
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What the Night Brings
There was a time in Cal’s life where he’d been repulsed by touch. A fear that gnawed away at the back of his mind that if someone touched him, they would find out he was Jedi and he’d be reported to the Empire. He'd be turned and corrupted into something unrecognizable... even to himself. That fear grew and grew and grew, so he never let anyone touch him. The years passed, people came into his life, people died, he gained a family. And through all of it he still didn’t know how to feel about another touching him. He’d pull away, flinch, tense, even a hug from someone he trusted felt wrong. And at some point, he started to crave it. Touch. The sensation of being held, of being cradled, of being loved and wanted. It came so easy to others. But to him? It was such a struggle. Until Bode. Casual intimacy became second nature with him. A pat on the shoulder, a grasped handshake, a tap on his bicep. He never tensed, he never flinched. And those cravings grew stronger. Unbearable. How could anyone live with the aching agony of needing to be physically close to someone? Cal could barely contain himself. The night brought low conversations, cigarra smoke, strong drinks, loud music, and a moment. A moment for him to be the first one to reach out to initiate that touch he yearned for. For just a moment. Just with Bode.
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