#the confidence in which she'll speak about drow matters she has zero actual experience with
moghedien · 4 months
I decided that my current durge's backstory is that she woke up with holes in her head on every single thing about her personal life but somehow retained all knowledge she had of drow culture and religion and politics that she had previously invested a lot of time into learning about solely in order to convert drow to the Absolute. like the reason why there are drow absolutists and why Minthara was targeted and drawn out and whatnot is because of her planning that the others took over after her lobotomy
so post-lobotomy she wakes up as a drow cleric with strong religious feelings but doesn't remember the direction they were pointed at specifically but she does know a lot about Lolth and Menzoberranzan so she just assumes she's from there and is a war cleric of Lolth and Lolth will guide her on her journey to remembering every other detail about her life and probably sent her this goblin slave because she's just Lolth's bravest soldier. its probably normal for drow to crave roasted dwarf right?
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