#the clue being that in order to become a sea creature you need to ritually sacrifice yourself to another sea creature
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aprito · 5 months ago
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sos month 2024 day 2: once upon a time
two people who are sick of their current circumstances and crave the other's world but it's kind of hard when you need that other to make it happen!!
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one can only hope they figure it out
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writing-ro · 5 years ago
Fictober 19-3: “Now? Now you listen to me?”
@fictober-event​ // Set in a Multi-fandom Fantasy AU where most if not all kinds of fantasy creatures exist alongside humans, though the two cultures stay fairly separate, with many humans being afraid or prejudice against creatures.
Rating: T Fandom: Star Wars, Dragon Age Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Arista Amara (OFC), Oren Revik (OMC), Merrill (Dragon Age), Kato Shinin (OMC), Merida Mahariel (OFC), Tamlen (Dragon Age), Minaeve (Dragon Age),  Additional Tags: elf!Ahsoka, dragon!Oren, Temple exploration, Don’t Touch The Magic Mirror!, the monsters are basically the ra’zac from eragon acting like the darkspawn of Dragon Age, Three guesses who the statues are of and the first two don’t count.
She'd known something bad was going to happen. It had been gnawing at her gut since she was asked to lead the expedition. Merrill and Ashalle had been studying an old elven text and found reference to a temple. Merrill managed to use the context clues and some other old records and figured out the location and asked to go find it. The elders discussed and finally agreed to allow it, and asked Ahsoka, as one of the clan's best hunters, to lead the party. 
She told Arista of the trip, just so she wouldn't worry about her absence. Instead, she insisted on accompanying them. She had a fairly good grasp of Old Elven from her studies, and did have some talent as a mage, so she could be a help. Ahsoka had argued, that the elders would never accept her help, and that it'd be dangerous, but when Arista wanted something, she knew just how to run right over Ahsoka about it. 
So they set out, a party of seven: herself, Arista, Merrill, Merida, Tamlen, Kato, and Minaeve. Three mage scholars and four warriors. Considering the ruins were rather close to the Primian Kingdom border, that should have been more than enough to handle anything. 
The journey there took a week, and they found the ruins nestled up against a mountain, distinctly elven and covered in growth. They spent another looking through the first few chambers of the place, the ones accessible from the front door without need of another ritual like they had used to open it. Notes were taken, a few items collected, and catalogued, and each one made the scholars more and more excited to see what lay beyond. So, the eighth day in the ruins, the mages gathered together and unlocked the door. The hall behind was most impressive, gold and marble being visible even under centuries of dust. Strangely though, there was nothing inside, except a large mirror, twice as tall as any of them, standing on a dias with two statues on either side, one a elven man with a wolf sitting at his feet, the other a dragon with a elven woman kneeling at its feet. It, unlike everything else, was also completely clear of dust. 
“This place is beautiful,” Merrill said. “None of the clans have had the means to build something like this in centuries.”
“What is this mirror?” Tamlen asked.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Merida said, moving towards it with him. 
“Careful you two,” Ahsoka ordered and they flinched back just before they could take the first step up the dias. “We don’t know what it was for. Had to be important, if they locked it up so tight.”
“The room also suggests that hypothesis,” Arista said. “A vault wouldn’t have all this gold just put on the walls. Could this be a ritual chamber?”
“I don’t recall any rituals involving mirrors from the histories,” Merrill said. “Maybe there’s an inscription somewhere that can tell us what it is.”
They spread out around the chamber to look, brushes, brooms and rags knocking down dust which was then swept out the chamber with sweeps of magic. None of them realized that as more of the magic was used, the more was drawn to the mirror, and now the previously clear surface had become cloudy and mottled. 
“Did anyone find anything?” Minaeve asked, wiping her hands on a rag after polishing a plate on the east wall. 
“Nothing,” Marrill sighed as she looked in the last crevice on that wall. “Not a thing. This must have been one of those ‘everyone knows of it, so why should we write it down’ type things.”
“I think I might have found a passage,” Arista said, she and Ahsoka standing by the southwest corner of the hall. “Or at least where one used to be. The stone’s settled different than the rest.”
“Hey, the mirror’s changed!” Tamlen called, and the other turned to see him and Merida standing on the mirror’s dias, Tamlen reaching out to touch it. “I-I think I see something inside. A- It’s a city! But it’s dark, and cold and - WHAT IS THAT!”
“Tamlen!” Merida called, lunging for him.
“No!” half their group screamed as a flash of light from the mirror engulfed the two, forcing them to cover their eyes or be blinded. When they managed the blink the spots away, the two hunters were gone. 
“What just happened!?” Kato asked. 
“I don’t know,” Merrill said, moving a bit closer to the mirror. “Maybe our magic activated it somehow, but what it does, i don’t-” she cut herself off with a gasp as some things sprang out of the mirror, and Ahsoka and Kato drew their weapons while the mages grabbed their staves.
The things were humanoid, but wore black leather armor and black cloth over their faces. Wicked blades of black oily metal hung from their waists, and they made weird clicking and hissing sounds as they moved, looking over the party before drawing their blades and splitting into two groups to attack. 
“RUN!” Ahsoka ordered, but found herself and Arista cut off before they could follow those orders. Kato, Merrill and Minaeve managed to get to the door, and there they tried to hold position, Minaeve holding a barrier while the other two attacked the monsters. Arista tried doing the same for herself and Ahsoka, though it was hard to maintain it and attack.
Yet it seemed for every monster they cut down, two more would take its place. Eventually there grew to be so many, the clicking and hizzing was all that could be heard, and a sea of black separated the party. 
“Kato, go!” Ahsoka screamed over the horde. “Seal the doors and warn the clans, tell them to not send anyone else here!”
“Ahsoka-!” Kato called back, but Ahsoka screamed louder.
Merrill put a hand on Kato’s arm, and finally he relented he and Merrill backing up, Kato shooting the monsters while Merrill used her magic to grip the doors and pull them closed, the room growing darker as the light disappeared until all that remained was the strange, purplish glow of the mirror. 
“Think you can get that passage open?” Ahsoka asked. 
“I can try.” Arista let out another burst of magic that pushed the monsters back a few feet. “Hold them off?”
Ahsoka nodded and took a deep breath, then lunged into the fight. Her swords whirled around her in a dance of steel and gore, cutting down monsters and dodging their own return blows. As she fell more into the groove of the fight, she got faster and faster, where she could cut down several monsters before even one got a swipe at her. Those swipes she dodged, sometimes by a hair, but a miss was a miss, and the monster never got a second swing. A short wall of bodies was starting to form, but she never lost her footing. She was getting lost in the dance, and some distant part of her mind was saying it would be a story for the ages, if anyone were ever to learn of it. A elven knight sacrificing all to defend her lover and the world, taking out as many of these twisted foes as she could before her blades finally-
A grind of stone sounded behind her. “Got it! Come on!” A barrier pushed the monsters back a few paces and Arista’s hand touched the back of her shoulder. Ahsoka gave one last sweep of the monsters before turning and running after her lover down the passage way. 
However, the barrier was weaker than usual, and Ahsoka had not noticed the archers who had joined the first wave of monsters. Not until an arrow pierced her armor and into the back of her shoulder.
“AHH!” She gripped her shoulder, shoving Arista ahead when she paused. “We’ll worry about it later, for now run!”
The two ran for they didn’t know how long. The corridor was line with sconces of stone, glowing a pale blue, perhaps charged in the same manner as the mirror, or some other magic. Either way, it meant their flight was lit, and they managed to keep ahead of the horde. Every once in a while, there would be an ancient trap of some kind, always activated by the horde after their own passing, and right after a split in the corridor. A cross ways to the left and right, two sets of stairs going up or down. By unspoken decision, they always went right and up, hoping to find some doorway out. The traps slowed the horde down enough to give them some breathing room, but they would soon overwhelm it by sheer force, and Ahsoka could feel herself starting to fatigue, the exhaustion of fighting and the blood dripping from her shoulder causing her to slow. 
Finally, as they reached another junction, a giant pit trap behind them slowly filling with the bodies of the horde, she collapsed against the wall, barely keeping her feet under her. “‘Rista, go.”
“No, not without you.” Arista said, taking her hand, but Ahsoka pulled it back. 
“I’m not going to make it, I’ve lost too much blood. You at least have a chance to get out.” She raised her hand to caress Arista’s cheek, and Arista caught it.
“I’m not leaving you. Besides-” she smiled at her “-didn’t you once say you wished we would die together?”
Ahsoka couldn’t help the breathless laughter that left her at that. “Really? Now? Now you listen to me about that?” Still, Ahsoka pulled Arista close to her, burying her face in her hair as they sank to the floor. She wanted her last memory to be of her lover’s scent and the sound of her heartbeat, not the click-hiss-whoosh of the monsters and the smell of- burning bodies?
Arista screamed as a torrent of flame erupted out of the corridor they had just come down, almost drowning out the dying shrieks of the monsters as they were incinerated. The fire, heat, and smoke blocked the hall, and Ahsoka found herself growing more and more lightheaded. Black spots began dancing in her vision, and she started slumping in Arista’s hold, her lover’s calls for her to wake up becoming more and more distant. Right before the blackness overtook her, the fire finally dissipated, and she thought she saw the dragon she and Arista had met all those months ago, standing over the charred bodies and looking intensely worried about something.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years ago
7 Ways To Use Magic For The Zodiac: Cancer
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SL Bear
July is the season of the Crab and to celebrate, I’m dedicating this post to Cancer witches! Here, I’ll be providing some Cancer self-care tips and ways to counter some natural weaknesses. There are also a few treats included for the Crab seeking love, or those needing a quick recharge of those great Cancerian traits. So get cosy, Cancer, this one’s for you.
Soft-Shell Crab
Cancer is a water sign, ruled by the moon. Like the tides, a Cancer’s mood can rise and fall, changing rapidly depending on outside influences — usually the people they surround themselves with. Cancer seeks equilibrium and needs to feel comfortable and loved, and when they don’t, their moods can go dark. They are empathetic creatures who feed off the emotions of others and try their hardest to make the ones they love feel good. However, they are also hypersensitive, and if they don’t feel that love returned, Cancer will overanalyse and panic. While this sweet nature is an asset in so many ways, it also unconsciously gives people a lot of power over you. Not good! It’s fantastic to love with your whole heart, you just need to make sure your heart is protected in the process. So how can this be achieved?
Whenever you feel the balance start to shift, and you’re giving more than you get, don’t get moody — just pull back! While people love that you’re so thoughtful (always thinking of ways to do something unexpected and kind), remember that it’s not a relationship requirement that you give ‘til it hurts. And even if they don’t show it in the same way you do, that doesn’t mean you aren’t loved. One of my best friends growing up was a Cancer and she used to buy me cards once a week with paragraphs written inside describing why she was happy to be my friend. It was the most thoughtful and kind thing ever, and all my bone-headed self could think of to express my gratitude was to just say thanks. That’s it! It was so much less effort than she made but that didn’t mean I didn’t value her friendship. Keep that in mind, Cancer — you will always be dealing with people who give about 75% or less when you give 200%.
So, when you feel you aren’t getting enough in return (and it will happen a lot), stop and treat yourself like you do your family and friends. Instead of spending a lot of energy on others for a change, take a break and do those things for yourself and remember your Cancer self-care.
Clean your house, light some candles, and make it cosy. Cancers rely heavily on a safe and comfortable home, so instead of tending to others, tend to your own space. Cleanse with sage. Take care of anything that’s been neglected. Turn your ringer off and make this time all about making your home a little brighter.
Return to the water. As a Cancer, water is your sanctuary. Go swimming or take a long bath with all the extras (salts, bubbles, candles). If you live by a lake or the sea, go spend an hour by the water’s edge and meditate, or bring some music and just relax. Most importantly, do not bring your phone. Be unreachable during this time so that your only focus is you.
Volunteer. The simple truth is, Cancers love feeling needed and being helpful. While this can be draining when you’re constantly doing it for the same people and getting little in return, it will feel amazing doing it for people or causes who really do need you. I usually don’t like it when people just say “volunteer!” as a solution to a personal problem, but in Cancer’s case, it will be a great way to get out of your head while doing something good for others.
Practice being alone and feeling satisfied with just yourself as company. Cancers can get a little needy and the best way to break yourself of this habit (that only hurts you) is to find enjoyable solo hobbies. This way, when someone doesn’t come through with the energy you need, you can retreat and find comfort in yourself.
Collect moonstones! Cancer is ruled by the moon and will have a natural affinity for these lovely, powerful stones. And just like the moonstone, Cancers can recharge themselves in the moonlight. Spend some time basking in the white glow when you feel mentally or physically drained.
Play To Your Strengths
Cancer excels at protection spells, especially protection of the home and the ones they love. However, because Cancers have such big hearts and love so easily, they are vulnerable to those who’d take advantage of them. Don’t forget to protect yourself, too! Carry tourmaline to ward off negative energy and people, and be wary of those who seem too good to be true.
Cancers are also incredibly intuitive. Because they are so attuned to the people around them, they are excellent people to ask advice and are usually uncanny at zeroing in on what you need to hear — whether you want to or not. This is exactly what makes Cancer such an excellent witch, especially in divination.
Hydromancy is an old form of divination using water. You can drop pebbles into the water and read ripples in the water’s surface or whisper words over the water and wait for answers. One method includes dropping some oil into the water and observing the forms created as the oil twists along the water’s surface. Candles can be set around a bowl of water, and their flickering reflections interpreted. This can also be achieved with sunlight or, more ideally, moonlight. However you choose to work with the water, as a Cancer you will be especially talented at reading its secrets. Combining this form of divination with the moon will be extra powerful for Cancers seeking answers.
Cancerian Altar Spell
Cancers in love are happy creatures, especially if they’ve found partners who go above and beyond to treat them right. Naturally a little co-dependent, Cancers seek out partnerships and do well in pairs — not even necessarily romantic pairs! Even their glyph, the distinctive “69”, is a reference to duality, yin and yang, and partnership.
This spell is an attraction spell for Cancers looking for love. It’s designed to showcase the great Cancerian traits and draw out those who will be most attracted and best suited to those traits. If you’ve got your eye on a specific person, I’ve included a loophole in the spell for that situation. However, this spell is all about compatibility and if the one you’re after isn’t that great of a match, the spell won’t be as effective.
Best time to perform this spell: With the full moon of course! If you have a cycle, perform this spell a week after your period starts.
You will need:
The Chariot tarot card
White rose petals, freshly cut
Rose oil
Shells, any will do though cowrie shells are best
Rose quartz
Two small mirrors
A warm bath
Pink salt if you can get it, though sea salt will work
Seven red candles
To begin, prepare your candles. On each of the seven candles, carve one trait you are seeking in a mate, then dab a little rose oil over the word.
Next, prepare your bath. Drop your rose petals in and stir the bath seven times. Next comes your milk — just a few tablespoons will do — your vervain, and your salt. Stir again.
Set your candles along the edge of the bath where they will be reflected in the water, but in no danger of falling in, and light them in order of importance of each trait you’ve chosen. Place one mirror behind you at the head of the bath, and one mirror at the foot of the bath where you will be able to see your reflection. Set the Chariot card near or behind one of the red candles — somewhere it can be front and center while not at risk of falling into the water. Between each red candle place a moonstone. If you only have one, place it by the Chariot card.
Now, in one hand take a few shells and in the other, take a rose quartz. Step into the bath and stir the water gently seven times. Raise your hands palm side up in front of you, with the quartz and shells on display.
Recite these words:
"On this altar, I offer my love
To the one worthy of me
Who will nourish and protect
Love and respect
Send them straight to me"
Lean down to the water’s surface and whisper these words:
"Don’t leave me blind
Guide my way
Help me find"
Keep a careful eye on the candlelight reflections in the water and take a mental note of any shapes or images that appear now. These are your clues to help you recognise your new lover when they come into your life. As the water settles and you become more accustomed to reading these clues, they will become more pronounced and certain shapes will repeat. These are the ones to take special note of.
Still holding the quartz and shells, sprinkle water on your arms, shoulders, and top of your head. Extinguish your candles with droplets of water from your bath.
If you have a specific person in mind, this spell can be altered slightly by adding a white candle and writing his or her name on it. On the seven red candles, write the reasons why you want this person — their specific traits that attract you. Change the line in the spell “to the one worthy of me” to “to [their name].” Finally, instead of reading the water for clues about a new lover, ask for guidance on how to win the heart of the one you want.
This ritual does not need to be repeated unless you’d like more practice reading the candlelight reflections or you were unclear of any signs. Otherwise, one bath will suffice!
So, happy birthday, Cancerians! I hope you have an amazing month, find what you’re looking for, and enjoy every moment.
And don’t forget to put yourself first sometimes — no one deserves it more!
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