#the chronicles of nahn
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starfata · 1 year ago
Star Names
I have, once again, gotten into Harry Potter fanfiction. To be specific, Rigel Black chronicles recursive fanfiction.
So I'm making my way through wikipedia, going through the constellations and star names, making notes on the ones that are most Given Name-like, ignoring the ones that are after 1980 (quite a few), and noting the ones that might still be too modern/muggle for the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.
Then I bought a book called Star Names, their Lore and meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen* and went through that. Given how confusing the book is to me, and how it includes poetical names as well as designations, I've marked the beginning of his contributions with *, the end with (RHA).
After all that work, I may as well share it.
Organised by Constellation, the genitive, and sometimes the constellation's abbreviation. Then the names of stars, which I haven't sorted at all. I used the Caelum constellation as a cutoff, which was something like 1756, which cut out suprisingly little compared to the post 1990 cutoff. The IAU has been Busy the last few decades, so many wonderful star names...
Too modern list
Nahn (1971)
Navi, Regor, Dnoces- (before 1967, by astronaut Gus Grissom)
Kaffa, Kruz, Haris, Heze, Ksora, Tyl, Achird (1950's)
Avior (1930's)
Miram (20th Century)
Leaena (Lioness, Leo Minor 1870)
Pulcherrima (loveliest, sometime before 1864)
Miaplacidus (1856) *(Maiaplacidus in 1835 typo) (RHA)
*Libella, (Norma, post 1840) (RHA)
Malus (Mast), proposed constellation, 1844
*Debilissima- Vega star, 1823 (RHA)
*Norma Nilotica- 1822 (RHA)
Noctua- Noctuae (owl, 1822)
Rotanev, Sualocin (1814)
Dalim (1803/1814)
Felis (cat, 1799) *Faelis (RHA)
*Niveau (Norma, 1776) (RHA)
The List
Andromeda- Andromedae (myth, princess) *The Woman Chained, Mulier Catenata, Persea (wife of Perseus), Cepheis (daughter of Cepheus), Virgo Devota (a scholiast), (Asnade, Alarmalah, Antamarda,) *Almara- sea calf(RHA)
Stars- Alpheratz/Sirrah/Sirra, Mirach/Mizar/Mirac/Merach, Almach, Nembus, Adhil, Almak, Manus Catenata, *Mirax/Mirath, Ventrale, Miyan (Persian)/Artulosia (Coptic)/Wabir (Khorasmian)- well mouth (RHA)
Antlia- Antliae (air pump)
Apus- Apodis (bird of paradise), *Apous, Avis, (RHA)
Aquarius- Aquarii (water carrier), *le Verseau, Amphora, Diota, Juvenis, Ganymedes, Puer Idaeus, Iliacus, Aristaeus, Cecrops, Hydridurus, Idrudurus, Hauritor Aquae, Imma, Monius, Eldelis, Daulo, Dolium, Aquary, Aquarye, Effusor, Eusor Aquae, Eluvius Aquarri,(RHA)
Stars- Sadalsund Rucbah, Sheat, El Melik, Lucida Fortunae Fortunarum, Hydor, Albali, Ancha, Situla, Albulaan, *Urna, Bunda, Kalpeny, Alpin, Mantile, Mantellum, Sidus Eastrum Regis (RHA)
Aquila- Aquilae (eagle) *Aigle (French) Adler (German), Jovis Ales (bird of Jove), Jovis Armiger (armor bearing of Jove), Merops (King of Cos), Vultur Volans, Flying Grype, possibly Erign (Euphratean, powerful bird), possibly Muru (Persian, bird) (RHA)
Stars- Aquila Tarazed, Alshāin, Deneb el Okab, *Atair, Alcair, Alcar, Althar, Althair, Attair, Alchayr, Gherges, Neshr, Alshain (RHA)
Ara - Arae (altar) *Altare (Italy) Antel and Encensoir (France), Ara Thymiamatis, Thymele (Altar of Dionysus), Arala, Apta Altaria, Acerra (altar where perfume burned for dead), Batillus (incense pan), Focus, Lar (hearth), Vesta. Pharus, Piteus (pit), (RHA)
Aries- Arietis (ram) *Ariete (Italy), Bèlier (France) Widder (Germany), Wider, Bamm (Anglo-saxon), Multans (Anhlo-Norman. 12th C), Phrixea Ovis, Phrixus, Athamas, Cornus, Corniger, Laniger, Vervex, Arcanus, Montone, Tèli (Hebrew), Amru/Emru (Syrian), Bara/Bere/Berre (persian), Kriya (Greek) (RHA)
Stars- Hamal, Sheratan, Mesarthim, Lilii Borea, *Hammel, Arnum, Padevar, Shalisha (RHA)
Auriga- Aurigae (charioteer) *Wainman, Cocher (French), Cocchiere (Italian), Fuhrmann (German), Hyginus, Heniochus, Erichthonius, Erechtheus, Erichtonius, Myrtilus, Cillas, Trethon, Bellerophon, Phaëthon, Aurigator, Arator, Mavors (Mars), Maforte, Ophiultus, Mafurtius (RHA)
Stars- Capella, Haedus/Hoedus Maaz, *Alhaior, Alanac, Alanat, Alioc, Capra, Gaper, Hircus, Crepa, Olenia, Olenie, Olenium, Cabrilla (Spain), Chevre (France), Alathod, Atud, Alcahela, Menkalina, Menkalinam, Aurigae Manns, Haedi, Dolones, Stimulus, (RHA)
Boötes- Boötis (ox/herdsman) *Bouvier (French), Bootis, Bootres, Arator, Boetes, Clamans, Clamator, Plorans, Alhava, Herdsman, Artophilaxe, Gustos, Arctni Custos, Lyacon, Areas, Sepentrio, Atlas, Philomelns, Nimrod, Icarus, Icarius, Cheguius, Chegininus, Thegius, Bubulus, Sabazius, Carman, Lanceator, Ogka (RHA)
Stars- Arcturus, Izar, Mizar, Mirak, Muphrid, Lancea Lanceator, Seginus, Ceginus, Princeps, *Aramec, Arcturi, Gladius, Kolanza, Pugio, Asad, Audiens/Audens. Artue, Arthurns, Arturis, Ariture, Arctuzona, Arctur (German), Arturo (Italian, Spanish),Mufrid, Mufride, Asellus, Clava, Inkalunis, Kalurns, Incalurus, Merga, Marrna, Falx Italica (RHA)
Caelum- Caeli, abbr Cael- Chisel *Burin (French), Bulino (Italian), Praxiteles
Cancer- Crab, *Litoreus, Astacus, Cammarus, Nepa, Lernaeus, Sartono
Stars- *Acubene, Azubene, Cirros, Cirrus, Flagella, Sartan, Sertan, Asini, Aselline, Elnatret, Nubilum, Nebulosa, Presepe, Pesebre, Mellest, Mallephon, Ermelia, Tegmine, Tegmen, Piatos (RHA)
Canes Venatici- Canum Venaticorm (hunting dogs) *Chiens du Chasse, Levriers (French), Jaghunde (German), Levrieri (Italian) (RHA)
Stars- Cor Caroli (Charles' heart), Asterion, Chara (joy), *Catuli, Coeur de Charles (French), Cnor di Carlo (Italian), Herz Earls (German), La Superba (RHA)
Canis Major- Canis Majoris (greater dog), *Canis, Canicula, Erigonaeos, Icarius, Sirion, Syrius Dexter, Magnus, Secundus, Alter, Sequens, Kelbo Gavoro, Greip (RHA)
Stars- Sirius, Sothis, Adara/Udara/Adhara, Wezen/Weseb, Aludra, Mirzam, Mirza * Serins, Latrator Anubis, Halabor, Gabbar, Ecbar, Habor, Sira, Vanand, Sivinam, Elseiri, Elsere, Sceara, Scera, Elchabar, Aschere, Alsere, Thoth, Sihor, Sothi, Solechin, Hannabeah (barker, Phoenician), Murzin, Adard, Udra (RHA)
Canis Minor- Canis Minoris (lesser dog) *Praecanis, Procanis, Gatellus, Catulus, Canis Orionis, Erigonins, Argion Ascemie, Algameisa, Fovea, Morns, Alchamizo, Alasgar, Dog of Tobias (RHA)
Stars- Procyon, Antecanis, Elgomaisa, Gomeisa, *Procion/Prochion, Siair, Siami, Aschemie, Algomeysa, Algomeyla, Algomeiza, Algomisa, Algomiza, Algomyso, Pallika, Palura, Gomeiza, (RHA)
Capricornus- capricorni (horned goat) *Capricorno (Italian) Steinbock (German), Bucca/Buccan Horn (Anglo Saxon), Gaper, Hircus Corniger, Capra ilia Amalthea, Pelagi Procella (ocean storm), Imbrifer (rain bringing one), Gelidus, Athalpis, Aegoceros, Alcaucurus, Alcantaras, Elgedi, Gadio, Mendes, Azazel, Oxirinque, Akokera, (RHA) Stars- Nashira
Cassiopeia (myth, princess)* Cassiope, Cassiepeia, Cassiepia, Carion, Mulier Sedes, Sedes, Sella, Solium, Inthronata, Cerva (a roe), Jostandis (girdle) (RHA)
Stars- Schedar, Caph, Rucba, Rucbar, Segin* Shedar, Schedir, Shedis, Zedaron, Chaph, Ruchbah (RHA)
Centaurus- Centauri (centaur)* Minotaurus, Peleanor, Pelethronius, Chiron/Chyron, Philyrides, Phililyrydes, Sonipes, Asemarik, Asmeat, Albeze, Albezze, Albizze, Birdun, Arma (RHA) Stars- Rigil Kentaurus, Toliman, Hadar, Agena, Menkent, Alnair
Cepheus- Cephei (myth)* Cēphēe (French), Cefeo (Italian), Vir regius, Regulus, Flammiger, Incensus, Cantans, Sonans, Kankaus, Kifaūs, Phicares, Phicarus, Caicans, Chipus (RHA) Stars- Errai, Arrai *Alderamin, Alfirk, Ficares, Garnet Star, Castula (RHA)
Cerburus * Cerbero (Italian), Ramo (the branch), Rameau et Cerbere (French) (RHA)
Cetus- Ceti (myth, sea monster)* Baleine (French), Balaena (Italian), Wallfisch (German), Pristis, Pristix, Cete, Belua (beast), Elketos, Elkaitos (RHA) Stars- Diphda, Menkar, Mira, Collum Ceti, Stella Mira, * Monkar, Difda, Rana Secunda, Boten, Dheneb, Schemali (RHA)
Circinus- Circini (compass)* Zirkel (German), Compasso (Italian), Compass (French) (RHA)
Columba- Columbae, abb Colm, (Dove)* Columba noae (Noah's dove), Colomba (Italian) Taube (German) (RHA) Stars- Phact, Phaet, Phad
Coma Berenices (myth, Berenices hair) * Chavelure (French), Chioma (Italian), Haupthaat (German), Ariadne's Hair, Crines, Capilli, Cincinnus, Trica, Tricas, Tericas, Rose Wreath, Ivy Wreath, Rosa (RHA) Stars- Diadem
Corona Borealis (northern crown) *Corona Borea, Ariadnea Corona, Corona Ariadnae, Corona Ariadnes, Cessa Corona, Corona Gnosida, Corona Cretica, Gnossis, Minoia Corona, Diadema Coeli, Oculus, Maera, Naxius, Ardor, Parma, Alphena, Caer Arianrod, (RHA) Stars- Alphecca, Gemma, Ashtaroth, Gnosia (knowledge), Nusakan *Munir, Munic, Gema, (RHA)
Corona Australis (southern crown) *Corona Austrina/Meridiata/Meridionalis/Notia, Südliche Krone (German), Couronne Australe (French), Centaur's Crown, Rota Ixionis, Coelum, Coelulum, Corolla, (RHA) Stars- Alphecca Meridiana (Alphecca South)
Corvus- Corvi (crow/raven) *Raven, Rabe (German), Corbeau (French), Corvo, Phoebeius Ales, Avis Eicarius, Emansor, Pomptina (RHA) Stars- Gienah, Gienah Ghurab, Algorab, Alchiba
Crater- Crateris (cup) *Coupe (French), Becher (German), Tazza (Italian), Cratera, Creter, Uma, Calix, Scyphus, Poculum, Alhas, Alker, Elkis, Patera, Elvarad, Pharmaz, Alkes, Alhes (RHA)
Crux- Crucis (cross) *Crur, Kreuz (German), Croce (Italian), Croix (French) Croisade, Mandorla, El Crucero, Crosier, Crusero, Crosers, Cruzero (RHA) Stars- Mimosa
Cygnus- Cygni (swan) *Cygne (French), Cigno (Italian), Cisne (Spanish), Schwan (German), Ales, Avis, Volucris, Olor, Myrtilus, Adige, Hyresym, Galina (RHA) Stars- Deneb, Arided, Ardidif, Arrioph (Gallina, Rosemund in poetry), Sadr, Sador, Aljanah, Al Janah, Fawaris, Albireo *Arion, Alberio, Abbireo, Albeiro, Hierizim, (RHA)
Delphinus- Delphini (dolphin) *Dauphin (French) Delfino (Italy), Delphin (Germany), Delphis, Delphyn, Delphyne, Dolphyne, Curvus, Persuasor, Smon, Hermippus, Acestes, Zizumara, Dulfin, (RHA) Stars- Dzaneb al Delphin, Cauda Delphini
Dorado- Doradus (dolphin fish) *Dorade (French), Xiphias,
Draco- Draconis (dragon) *Drache (German), Dragone (Italian, Anguis, Coluber, Python, Audax, Arctoe et Draco, Monstrum, Maximus Anguis, Ladon, Tanem, (RHA) Stars- Eltanin, Rastaban, Asuia, Alwaid, Aldib, Altais, Edasich, Thuban, Adib, Grumium, Nodus Primus, Erakis, Kuma, Giausar/Gianfar, Giansar, Giauzar, Dsiban, Dziban, Alsafi, Athāfi, Arrakis, Errakis, Al Rakis, *Etanin, Aben, Taben, Alanin, Altanino, Daban, Taeban, Adive, Eddib, Rastaben, Asvia, Rasaben, Etanim, Jais, Genam, (RHA)
Equuleus- Equulei (pony) *The Foal, Eculeus, Cavallino (Italian), Celeris, Cyllarus, Hinnulus, Rosa Mystica, (RHA)
Stars- Kitalpha, Kitalphar
Eridanus- Eridani (myth, river) *Eridan (French), Eridano (Italian), Amnis, Flumen, Fluvius, Padis Nilus, Gyon, Mulda, Melo, Vardi, Guad, Guagi, Alvahar, Nar, Nahar (RHA)
Stars- Archernar/Achenar, Acamar, Cursa/Kursa, Dhalim, Postrema Fluminis, Zaurak/Zaurac, Theemim, Theemin, Beemin, Azha, Beid, Angetenar, Zibal *Ecnar, Acarnar, Sulcus (RHA)
Fornax- Fornacis- the furnace/brazier
Gemini- Geminorum (twins) *Gemelli (Italian), Gēmeaux (French), Ledaei Fratres, Anaces, Algeuze, Elgeuzi, Gieuz, Apollo and Hercules, Triptolemus and Iasion, Theseus and Pirithoüs, Alioure, Duo Pavones (RHA)
Stars- Castor, Pollux, Muekher al Dzira, Alhena, Almeisan, Calx, Nuhuta, Tejat, Mebsuta, Propus, Praepes, Alzirr, Alzir *Almisan, Almeisam, Melaeta, Mebusta, Meboula, Menita, Mesoula, Propus Praepes, Tropus (RHA) *Castor- Eques, Apollo, Alefar, Aphelion, Aphellan, Avellar, Avelar, Anelar, Theseus, Phoebus, Algueze. (RHA) *Pollux- Polluces, Pugil, Aracaleus, Iracleus, Garacles, Rasalgeuze.(RHA)
Grus- Gruis (crane) *Le Groe (French), der Kranich (German)(RHA) Stars- Alnair
*Phoenicopterus- The flamingo. Bittour, Bittern (RHA)
Hercules- Herculis (myth, hero,), *Ercole (Italian), Melkarth, Engonasi, Engonasis, Engonasin, Gencenixus, Ingeniclus, Ingelicla Imago, Procidens, Saltator, Clavator, Claviger, Nessus, Nisus, Malica, Melica, Melicerta, Melicartes, Aper Cemuator, Ceteus, Alcides, Almannus, Celticus, Pataeus, Maceris, Desanaus, Desanes, Dorsanes, Ixion, Prometheus, Thamŷris, Oetaeus, Sanctus, Theseus, Melius, Ovillus, Diodas, Manilius, Orpheus, Trapezius, Temuelles, Samson, Elhathi, Alchete, Alcheti, Algethi, Row of Pearls (RHA)
Stars- Ruticulus, Rasalgethi, Masym, Misam, Sarin, Maasym, Marsic, Marfik, Marfak *Rutilico, Korneforos, Ras Algiatha, Ras Algetta, Marsia, Mirfac, Marfic, Masini, Mazym, Mazim, Gaiam, Guyam, Cujam (RHA)
*Horologium- pendulum clock, Orloge (French), Orologio (Italy), Pendeluhr (German) (RHA)
Hydra- Hydrae (myth, monster) *Hydre (French), Nepa, Nepas, Hydros, Hidra, Idra, Ydra, Idrus, Asina, Asnia, Asvia, Coluber, Echidna, Furiosus, Magnanimus, Lieu (RHA)
Stars- Alphard, Alfard *Alpherd, Alphrad, Alphora, Cor Hydrae, Collum Hydrae, (RHA)
Hydrus- Hydri (lesser water snake)
Lacerta- Lacertae (lizard) *Lēzard (French), Eidechse (German), Eidexe, Stellio (Stellion Newt)(RHA)
Leo- Leonis abbr Leon (lion) *Leone (Italian), Leun (Anglo-Norman), Nemeaus, Artān, Aryē, Asad, Alasia, Aleser, Asis, Assid, Alasado, Asid, Ellesed, Alezet, Leya, Leyaya (RHA)
Stars- Regulus, Denebola, Algieba/Juba, Zosma, Zozma, Zozca, Zosca, Dhur, Algenubi, Chertan, Chort, Coxa, Adhafera, Aldafera, Adhafara, Subra, Rasalas, Alteris, *Rex, Sharru, Miyan, Musu, Basilica Stella, Begia, Basilicus, Cor Leonis, Kale Alased, Achir, Nian, Nebulasit, Alesit, Nebollasid, Dafira, Asumpha, Serpha, Mutatrix, Avdem, Asphulia, Algieb, Zubra, Alterf
Leo Minor- Leo Minoris (lesser lion) *Leoncino (Italian) (RHA)
Stars- Praecipua*/Praecipna (RHA)
Lepus- Leporis (Hare) *Lepues, Haee (German), Lebre (Portugese), Lepre (Italian), Lièvre (French), Lepus Auritus/Levipes/Velox, Alaraebet, Elarneb, Hameb, Arnebeth (RHA)
Stars- Arneb, Arsh, Nihal
Libra - Librae- Scales *Bilancia (Italian), Peise (Anglo Norman), Zichos, Jugum, Noctipares, Mochos, Astraea, Tulam, Tolam, Almisan, Almizen, Mizin (RHA)
Stars- *Mizan, Aliemin, Zaban, Fasarivas (RHA)
Lupus- Lupii (wolf) *Wolff (German), Lupo (Italian), Loup (French) Bestia, Fera, Hostia, Hostiola, Panthera, Fera Lupus, Leaena, Martius, Lupa, Lycisca, Belua (RHA)
Stars- Kekouan
Lynx- Lyncis *Lynx sibe Tigris (Lynx or Tiger), Linx (French), Lince (Italian), Luchs (German) (RHA)
Lyra- Lyrae (Lyre, harp) *Leier (Germany), Lira (Italy), Clara Fides Cyllenea, Mercurialis, Cithara, Apollinis, Orphei, Orphica, Fidicen, Canticum, Aquilaris, Sangue, Mesanguo, Asange, Asenger, Azzango, Asanja, Arnig, Aznig, Brinex, Harapha, Hearpe, Harpa, Talyn Arthur, Albegala ange Albegalo, Lutaria, Marino, Testudo, Galapago, Testa Pupilla, Nablon, Nablium, Allore, Alloure, Alchoro, Lura (RHA)
Stars- Vega, Fidis, Lucida Lyrae *Fides, Fidicula Vuega, (RHA)
Mensa- Mensae (table)
Microscopium- *Neper (the auger), Bohrer, (RHA)
Monoceros- Monocerotis (unicorn) *Liocorno (Italy), Cervus, (RHA)
Musca- Muscae (fly) *Abeille (French), Mosca (Italian) (RHA)
Norma- Normae (carpenter's level) *Norma et Regula (the level and square), Quadra Euclidis, Lineas (Germany) (RHA)
Octans- Octanis (Octant, predecursor to sextant), *Octant, Ottante (Italian), Oktant (German)
Ophiuchus- Ophiuchi (myth, serpent bearer) *Ophiuchuls vel Serpentsrius, Ofiuco (Italian), Serpentaire (French), Ophiulchus, Ophiultus, Serpentiger, Serpentiharius, Anfuifer (RHA) Stars- Sabik. Cheleb, Celbarai, Kelb Alrai, Alrai, Sinistra, Muliphen, Marfic, Marfik, *Arangue, Alange, Rasalange, Alangue, Azalange, Alhague (RHA)
Orion- Orionis (myth, hunter) *Oarion, Aorion, Argion, Dianae Amasius, Comes Dianae, Jugula, Jeuze, Sugia, Asugia, Audax, Bellator, Fortis, Fortisisimus (RHA) Stars- Rigel, Algebar, Elgebar, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnilam, Saiph, Meissa, Rekbah al Jauza al Yemrniat, Tabit, *Mirzam, Gula, Klaria (greek, armlet), Begel, Riglon, Algauza, Mintaka, Mintika, Zona, Ensis, Ell, Manica, Thabit (RHA)
Pavo- Pavonis (peacock) *Pavone (Italian), Faon (French), Pfau (German) (RHA) Pegasus- Pegasi *Pegase (French), Pegaso (Italian), Melanippe, Menalippe, Theano, Cornipes, Alatus, Pegasides (RHA) Stars- Enif, Enir, Scheat, Seat Alpheras, Markab, Salm, *Artulos, Algemo, Enf, Homam (RHA)
Perseus- Persei (myth, hero), *Perseo (Italian), Persēe (France), Parasiea, Profugus, Cyllenius, Alove (RHA)
Stars- Alcheb, Mirphak, Misam, Atik, Ati, Demon star/Algol/Gorgona/Gorgonea, *Algenib, Chenib, Mirzue, Alove, Gorgonis Ora (RHA)
Phoenix, *Phènix (French), Fenice (Italian), Phönix (German) (RHA) Stars- Phoenicis, Cymbae
Pictor- Pictoris (easel)
Pisces- Piscium (fish) *Pesci (Italian), Poissons (French), Fixus (Anglo Saxon), Peisnn (Anglo Norman), Echiguen, Ichiguen, Aquilonicus, Aquilonaris, Nuni, Celeste Lasca, Dercis, Dercetis, Dercrete, Phaecetis, Dagiotho, Dione, Hermidone, Ittha/Anta/Titu/Mina/Minam (Tamil) (RHA)
Stars- Alpherg, Alrischa, Alrescha, Alrisha, Kaitain, Okda, Samaka/Samakah, * Desmos, Vincla, Kuton, (RHA)
Piscis Austrinus (southern fish) Formalhaut *Fomahant, Phomelhant, Phomant (RHA)
Pyxis/Pyxis Nautica- Pyxidis (mariner's compass), *Boussole (French), Bussola (Italian) (RHA)
Saggitarius- Sagittarii (archer), *Sagittiger, Sagittary, Sagitar, Scytta (Anglo Saxon), Crotos, Croton, Arcus, Pharetra,(RHA)
Stars- Kaus Australis (southern bow), Thalith al Warida (3rd of Warida), Sadira, Ascella
Scorpius- Scorpii (scorpion), * Scorpio, Scorpios, Hacerab, Scorpioun, Escorpiun (Anglo Norman), Throwend (Anglo Saxon), (RHA)
Stars- Antares, Cor Scorpii, Vespertilio, Satevis, Shaula, Larawag, Sargas, Acrab, Elacrab, Graffias, Lesath, Lesuth, Apollyon, *Insidiata, Antar, Iclil, Stephani (crown, coptic), Venand, Shauka, Mosclek, Shomlek, Sarur (RHA)
Sculptor- Sculptoris Serpens- Serpentis (serpent), *il Serpente (Italy), Anguilla, Anguis, Caesius, Laocoön, Serpens, Herculeus, Serpentis Lernaeus, Draco Lesbius, Tiberinas (RHA) Stars- Alga, Alya,
Taurus- Tauri (bull), * il Toro (Italy), le Taureau (France), der Stier (Germany), Portitor, Proditor, Europae, Agenoreus, Tyrius, Inachis, Cornus, Altor, Ataur, Altauro, Tora, Fearr (Anglo Saxon) (RHA)
Stars- Elnath, Aldebaran, Ain, Oculus Boreas, Hyadum, Cleeia, Kleeia, Ruby Star, *Aldebara, Aldeboran, Debiron, Atin, Hain Altor, Baharu (RHA)
Pleiades, *Peren, Parur, Perven, Pervis, Parviz, Parwin, Parven, Pliades, Plias, Peleiades, Sette Palommielle (7 Dovelets), Butrum, Vergiliae, Signatricia Lumina, Hedperides, Griglean, Grioglachan, Plejadi (Italy), Plejaden (Germany), Atorage, Athoraiae, Athorace, Altorich, Neith, Gallinelle, Gallinella, Crannarain (RHA)
Stars- Alcyone, Atlas, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta/Taygete, Celaeno/Celeno, Pleione, Asterope/Sterope, *Alcione, Alcinoe, Altione, Altorich, Athorric, Pleias, Mea, Maya, Maija, Electa, Atlantiz, Plione (RHA)
Hyades- Stars- *Kleea, Eudora, Koronis, Phaeo, Phaesula, Aesula/Pedile, Ambrosia, Dione, Thyene/Thyone, Polyxo, Phyto, Paricilicium (RHA)
Triangulum- Triangle, *Dreieck (German), Triangolo (Italian), Deltoton, Deltotum, Delta, Nilus, Trigonum, Trigonus, Triangula, Trigon, Tricuspis, Triquetrum, Trinity, Sicilia, Trinacria, Triquetra, Mutlatun (RHA)
Triangulum Australe- Southern Triangle Stars- Atria, Betria, Gatria
Tucana- Tucanae- Toucan, *Toucana, Touchan, Tukan (German), Toucano (Italian) (RHA)
Ursa Major- Ursae Majoris (great bear) *Orsa Maggiore (Italian), Grande Ourse (French), Arctos, Arctoe, Arctoi, Kallisto, Lycaonia, Erymanthis, Maenalia Arctos, Maenalis, Parrhasis, Parrasis, Wain/Wagon, Arthur's Chariot, Charere (chariot), Amaxa, Aganna/Akanna/Ajala, Cateletto (Italian, bier), Carro, Càrreta, Wagon of Odin, Woden, Wuotan, Horwagen, Hurwagen, Vaynes, Triones, Sepentrio/Septemtrio, Benenas, Benath As, Ben et thasch, Cynosuris, Helice, Catuli (lapdogs), Grigirean, Crann, Casserole (French, sausepan) (RHA)
Stars- Alioth, Allioth, Aliath, Dubhe, Alkaid, Benetnasch, Mizar, Phecda, Phegda, Pheka, Phad, Tania Australis, Tania Borealis, Talitha, Megrez, Muscida, Alula Borealis, Alkaphra, Alphrika, Alcor *Dubb, Merak, Miraë, Phaed, Phekda, Aliot, Risalioth, Alabieth, Aliare, Aliore, Alcore, Mirach, Micar, Mirak, Mizat, Elkeid, Benenaim, Bennenatz, Benenacx, Beninax, Benenath, Benenatz, Ackiar, Ackaïr, Alchayr, Talita, Alula Borealis, Awla, Acola, Eques Stellula (little starry horseman), Alkor (RHA)
Ursa Minor, *Orsa Minore (Italy), Unosoura, Phoenice, Horne, Bocina (bugle), Bogina (boa), Rukab, Tramontane (RHA)
Stars- Alruccabah, Yildun, Vildiur, Yilduz, Gildun, Alasco, Pherkad, Pherkard, Polaris, Cynosura, Stella Maris, Phoenice, Tramontana, Angel Stern, Navigatoria, * Alrucaba, Ludentes, Ludiones, Vigiles, Pollaris, Nortes (Spaniards), Cinosura,
Virgo- Virginis (virgins)* Mæden (Anglo Saxon), Pulcele (AN), Arista, Aristae Puella, Spicafera Virgo Cereris, Irene, Pax, Concordia, Fortuna, Ano, Atargatis, Cybele, Diana, Minerva, Panda, Pantica, Thespia, Beltis, Belit, Eladari, Eleadari, Adrendesa, Sunbala, Sumbela, Bethulta (RHA)
Stars- Spica, Azimech, Almuredin, Vindemediator, Vindemiatrix, Auva, Minelauva, Zaniah, Syrma, Khambalia *Spicum, Spigha (Italian), Erigone, Arista, Khoritos, Acimon, Alaraph, Alaces, Alazel, Azimon, Azimech, Eleazalet, Zavijava, Zavijan, Ninsar, Porrima, Antevorta, Postvorta, Prosa, Prorsa, Alacast, Alcalst, Almucedie (RHA)
Volans- Volantis- flying fish
Vulpecula- Velpeculae (fox), * Vulpecula cum Ansere (,the little fox with the goose), Volpe Colla Oca (Italy), Fuchs, Füchschen (German), Petit Renard avec l'Oie, Vulpes, Vulpecula, (RHA) Stars- Anser
Argo Navis- Argus Navis (myth, ship) *Schiff (German), Navire Argo (French), *Nave Argo (Italian), Argolica Navis (Cicero), Ratis Heroun (Heroes raft), Navis Jasonis, Osiridis, Celox Jasonis, Curris Marris (sea chariot) (RHA)
Puppis- (poop deck) *Argoa Puppis (RHA)
Stars- Naos
Carina- Carinae (keel)
Stars- Canopus, Soheil, Soheila, Suhel, Wazn, Hadar, Aspidiske, Turais, Tureis, *Karbana, Suhilon, Subilon (RHA)
Vela- Velorum (sails) *Segel (German) (RHA)
Stars- Suhail, Alsephina
Former Constellations Anguilla- Anguillae (eel) Antinous/*Antnoüs- (historical person, god/hero) aka Ganymede, Puer Adrianaeus, Troicus, Pincerna, Pocillator, Phrygius (RHA)
Rosae (rose) Tigis- Tigridis (Tigris river) Siren and Ceneus (myth) Apis (bee) Aranea- Aranae (long legged spider) Apes- Apium (bees) Vespa- vespae (bees/wasps) Asselli and Praesep (myth,Dionyus's asses and manger) Bufo- Bufonis (toad) Capra and Haedi (myth,Goat Amalthea and kids) Cerberus- Cerberi Deltoton- delta Gallus- Galli (rooster) Hirudo (leech) Lilium- Lilii (Fleur de Lys) Manis (pangolin) Pinna Marina- Pinnae Marinae (mussel) Phaethon- (myth, river) Ramus Pomifer (apple bearing branch)
Asterisms- Pleiades, Hyades, Warida, Thalith, *Thronos of Caesaris, Tre Facelle, Al Mīzān (scale beam), Row of pearls, Nairn (Persian), Testudo, Eahne, (RHA)
Unsure of lists Ruby star, Garnet Star, Stella Maris, Hydrobius, *Necht (unidentified Egyptian constellation) Ina, Mere, Vena, Aumea, Nubilosa, Luminosa, Sirian, Aelian, Paria (RHA)
Zodiac- *Zodiacus, Orbis, Orbita Solis, Belteus Stellatus (starry belt), Fascia (band/milky way), Cerole (zodiac is Cerole of Bestes), Mielan circul Zodiacum (great zodiac circle, Anglo Saxon) (RHA)
Generic- Nebula, Asterism, Nova, Pulsar, Borealis, Australis, Astromeric, Astronomer, Lucida, Zenith, Astra, Astro, Cosmos, Celestial, Galaxy, Cluster, Pearl Cluster, *Trigon, Decans, Decania, Decane, Decanica, Degane, Deganae, Decima, Decani, Sidera, Signa, Constellatio, Stellatio, (RHA)
*Milky Way- Aroch, Arocea, Strazu, Hilde, Hulde, Veierveien, Maiarati (RHA)
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 3 - Races and People
There are as many races as there are people, almost, in Nahn, with how many kinds of sub human and monster you can crossbreed with, but there are a handful of more major/common races. Most are categorized by how well in tune with magick they are.
Humans are the most common and regular of anyone. There is nothing special or not about them. They have a normal aptitude for all kinds of magic and enchanted equipment but there's nothing especially grand about it, outside of trying really hard, since hey, you do what you want to in life.
Elves are the primary non-magick capable race in Nahn. Not a single one of them can come to learn how to use any magick nor use any of the enchantments of any equipment that may come with it, using it instead as a regular tool. Instead, they are gifted with an abnormally quick aptitude for mechanics and hunting, and are the ones to develop things like blackpowder weapons and non-magick fueled combustion engines resulting in inventing warplanes and tanks among other things. Their medicine and science for it also most closely resemble ours and are also the first to conquer space. Subsets of elves include Jungle Elves, which are one of the primary predators of those dense woods, and the gutter elves, which are ones outcast by the bigger tribes and known for being filthy and immoral.
Dwarves are a set of people that live in vast underground tunnels that go all the way across the world, suffering from afflictions like albinism, and coming most in tune with the planet and earth. Most magick is extracted naturally from ores and gemstones, and they'll gladly take the magick out of such that the elves dig up and give them the scrap back so they can build their machines. Combined with the elves, they're able to invent things like magitech MMORPG servers and magickal fusion reactors. They tend to become geomancers and hermits.
Beastmen are anyone humanoid and not following into any of the ascribed three, usually things like orcs, harpies, merfolk, lamia, cat people, dog people, kobolds, goblins, and so forth. They're of varying capabilities of different elements and jobs, but all have capability to use it.
Dragonkin are like beastmen, but the humanoid children of dragons or are dragons taking a humanoid form themselves. They are the ones in charge of the greatest of magicks and tools on the planet, and usually derive pleasure from wary adventurers looking for it and will mess with them in a variety of ways in order to see if you are worthy. They love to pick off elves.
Planesmen are the Celestials of the Heavens Above and the Infernals of the Embers Below, most likened to angelic and demonic beings of various kinds. Serphim and succubi and such abound. They are the ones most able to take charge of the two main creative elemental forces that created the world and are known for having incredible lifespans.
Constructs are what we would call androids or the like, usually formed out of metal and controlled with complex series of runes and magick, tho a way to control them using forces like "electricity" eventually become a way for even elves to use them to their advantage. Though anything not fully biologically born or formed is usually considered a construct.
Muttbloods are a mixture of two or more of the above, with the most prominent example being a short lived race called the Vaiars, which were half elf/half dragonkin, born of a mad elven genius and one of the dragonkin she fought against but instead fornicated with. They were also knock as Flintlocks, the combination of the Flintsteel dragons and Stormlock elf tribes that first born them. They were more interested in study and mad genius than anything else in life, and died out as a result of forgetting to regularly mate. The most known one built the tower to the gods.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 6 - Gender + Sexuality
This one is short, for specific reasons of I myself am a gender non-conforming lesbian and my motives for this and having done it lay in me being exhausted by narratives in fiction, especially speculative works taking place in worlds far removed from our own, being driven by homo/bi/transphobias and/or the narrative being about overcoming it or "accepting" it. I would rather produce work that shows us all as the heroes of stuff I grew up loving but lamented not seeing myself in the protagonists otherwise; it's a haven for those of us who wished we were the pulp stars instead.
No homo/bi/transphobias exist on Nahn or Androgynous 6 in any culture or race, never have and never will. It is as varied and common as anything else could be.
GRS/HRT exist in magical, technological, and magitech forms depending on one's innate capabilities to use magic or not. Elves have the full set needed if you're looking for processes most closely resembling our own; other races have various forms of it combined with magic to outright being able to do things like shift gender/body type at will out of need or desire. It is seen as a process like any other.
There are ways that physically female people can impregnate anyone with a uterus, usually through ingesting potions that allow them to enable such a feature physically, either on a temporary or permanent basis.
There's no restrictions on whom can mate with whom. Polygamous/Polyamorous groupings are not unheard of nor frowned on either, and some gods/sects may even encourage it.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 1 - Introduction
Welcome to Nahan.
Nahn is a planet currently in its 419th cycle of creation, sister planet to the nearby world of Androgynous 6. Both are places of adventure and intrigue that welcome all kinds, from the sword-swinging and magic-flinging swashbucklers on Nahn to the laser-shootin’ and light-speed spacefaring never-do-wells of Androgynous 6, they provide a home for all sorts who wish to find glory, treasure, and all the things that go in between.
It appears at first to be a high fantasy setting, especially Nahn, but tries to avoid most of the tropes and common failures and underpinnings of the genre. There are many a varied people and race here, all with a unique role in keeping the world going and the gears churning. Everyone from dwarves who live in underground colonies that span under every mountain in the world to the nomadic elves who gather scrap to build guns and war machines as they can’t use magick to the lamias of the jungle who grow some damn good coffee beans live in and on and over and under its surfaces. No real world bigotries are mirrored here; I myself am  not cishet and tire of such stories where we struggle and wish a world free for anyone to be. Androgynous 6 is it’s soft science fiction counterpart, although the two share elements of both genres and eventually are capable of visiting each other regularly. The story/history of Cycle 419 for Nahn itself goes from prehistorical, to a lower and darker fantasy, to a high magitech setting, to one that combines elements of space operas and space travel, with its end planned to be post-apocalyptic survival as the structure of creation itself begins to massively fail and everyone/thing is in need of a dire reboot.
Magic is extracted from ores and gems and is used to enchant tools and cast spells from. Technology ranges from primitive at first to enchanted vehicles to magic-less planes and tanks to eventually conquering space and time itself. Ancient forms of robots made of stone and magic are common early on, and eventually become nonmagic metal entities. Power plants function by slamming forms of magic still in their rock form together and using it to generator energy and force, then sell the spent ores and such to smiths and merchants. People can play basic MMORPGs on magitech computer servers and gameboards. Complicated surgeries and medicines and procedures are done via magic, tech, or both depending on one's needs and comfort levels.
The main religion is Khastism, which is headed by two twin sister goddesses and the the elemental godheads below them. They, combined, rule Nahn, the plane of the Embers, and the Celestial planes. They’re primary form of divinity is the ability to write and draw and have it come to life or occur in history. A major figure in its history is Alicia the Martyr, who once stopped a potential apocalypse and saved Nahn. Once the gods no longer wish to write history, they close that chapter of Nahn’s creation, reset time, and put another set of gods in charge, whom are usually promoted heroes from that previous cycle’s history. Some cycles can be immensely short and some incredibly long. The afterlife is seen as a grand theatre where you are invited to sit and watch the rest of that cycle’s story play out. Godheads tend to govern specific elements and jobs that are attracted to them; people usually worship one of the two sisters in addition to an elemental god and you can have both "light" and "dark" versions of the same career/job class. Atheists take the form of apatheists who are the ultimate in do-it-yourself-ers.
In the truest and highest of spirits of all the pulp work that has inspired it, it’s a place of wonder, amazement, and probably some of the dumbest and most unlikely of heroes and geniuses to ever stumble upon a way to save the day you would every be so lucky to meet. It’s a place for those that dare to dream and achieve and reach past the stars and towards the gods so that if you miss, you at least take a few demigods down with you in the process. Or, you know, you could go become the #1 ranked player on the latest hit MMO, Battleaxxe. Nobody's stopping you.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 9 - Religion + Cosmology
This is one I’ve done extensively on its own webpage. But a quick summary to interest people so they click it.
Khastism is the pervading religion of Nahn and Androgynous 6. A proven, tangible set of gods, lead by two twin creator sisters named Laeshann and Hoethmarr, with 8 elemental godhead figures under them, of which 3 are male, 3 are female, one is “yes” gender, and one is “no” gender. They rule over specific elements and jobs, of which you usually worship a sister + godhead, a godhead + sister, a sister themselves, or just a godhead, meaning a “good” and “bad” version of the other 8 elements/jobs exist.
This page includes detailed descriptions of all the gods, a timeline of their history cycle, how they’re worshipped, special terms/people/locations, and bits on the afterlife.
Khastism is matriarchal polytheistic. 
You can find the main page about it here.
You can find a page about one of the sects of the fire goddess, Fyrshala, here.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 8 - Methods of Rule
The world of Nahn is divided up into several continents and things like island chains/nations and each one possessing a wide range of regions and kingdoms, duchies, and even locally or self-run governments.
Each part of the world, when it was created by the twin sister creators known as Laeshann and Hoethmarr, was handed out for each one of the races to rule over to begin with, before everyone started to trade and intermingle. After that, each section came to be ruled as a result of what conflicts, if any, went on then and how the resulting culture wound up needing to be governed.
Tanjil is one of the biggest monarchies in the world, run through a castletown and a long standing line/family of royals, protected by the primary warrior clan of the region, the Whelans. It has a sub-duchy known as Na'erdwell and within it is two small rival marquess territories known as Boltenhall and Darrowdrakk.
Others include ones run more by warrior or amazon clans and whom is strongest rather than by blood/hereditary gain, like the all women's island of Labryssinnia. Some towns, like Gryan, have a mayor that inherits the name/title by blood but is otherwise run locally and democratically, and they vote on laws/changes.
All of creation is overseen by the twin sister creator goddesses and their eight elemental sub-godhead figures, each one in charge of a specific set of traits and jobs and fundamental pieces of creation and existence. Most people usually worship one of the sisters and a godhead after, or godhead then sister, tho those just working under a specific sister or godhead or not at all do exist. This is split into two material planes known as the Lights and Embers that exist outside of the immediate, more mortal realm present all over Nahn, though they do have a physical location within the universe that is technically possible to visit. Cycles of creation/history are reset every so often allowing for new configurations of gods and rulings.
There's room for all sorts of forms of rule and government, good and bad, on Nahn and eventually Androgynous 6 as well.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 7 - Economy
The economy is driven largely by a set of standard currency and then trade outside of those that have not much need for it.
Smaller money denominations are known as Ducats. More expensive ones are in Riyals.
Trade takes form in stuff like needs/what is produced. Lamia are generally able to live comfortably, despite being the only ones existing in dense jungles, because only they can grow and produce coffee in mass amounts, which is in high demand by the whole world. They can get almost anything they want or need using these precious beans alone and see no need for things like coin.
Elves tend to value the raw metal/ores/gems produced by the earth, which contain all of the world's magic inside of them. Elves cannot cast or use magic, even if it comes in the form of enchantments (the tool will just act regularly otherwise) and offer the magic found inside of them to other races, usually the underground-dwelling/digging Dwarves, in exchange for being given the gems/ores/metals themselves back so they can build things out of them like tanks, guns, and medical technology/equipment. Being largely in the desert, pulpy and juicy fruits as well as waters and dried meats do them well. Their pilots are sought after for things like fighter planes and airships.
Those that can grow the mitter berries, an odd plant that works akin to opium or medical marijuana, and then either dry or ferment them for medical or recreational uses, tend to also be highly valued, and the black and red kinds, of which have different uses, are grown all over and used by everyone since time immemorial as a cheap way to heal up.
People can also trade or deal in stuff like skills or religious services, and prostitution is not only not frowned upon, but well-regulated to the point that specific well-known ones such as Gropecunt Lane can corner whole markets and act even as a safe refuge for women who otherwise might not be able to work. Other big businesses are found in the production of entertainment, such as the recently popular "long-runner" novel series that consist of dozens of short, pulp themed adventure stories aimed at younger audiences like teens and 20-somethings.
Agricultural regions like Tanjil can grow many things at once and become well-known food tourism spots, doing well with farming, ranching, and things like wineries and breweries. Harvests are seen as especially bountiful, attracting tourists and their hungry mouths to pay for the locals' continued standard of living.
Bartering is big and common the whole world over, but especially in island nations like Rissori or Labryssinnia. The port town of Gryan, run by a long-standing family of Elven pirates, is a big importer and exporter of everything and often holds a yearly bazaar where anyone can come congregate in an open market.
Once a space bridge is made between Nahn and Androgynous 6, the two swap goods and Androgynous 6 becomes a major tourist/vacation destination and world-sized resort. Any spots outside of it are seen as untamed wilderness ripe for Adventure.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 5 - Architecture/Civilization
This one will need to be expounded on.
In general, though, most people can live anywhere in any kind of community. Humans tend to inhabit what is most "normal" to us whereas Elves, being nomadic, live from space to space, usually in desert lands, setting up camps/tents either by the day or seasonally. Dwarves live in underground caves and creatures like the Lamia can live in trees and treehouses.
What era you're in will determine how "advanced" it is but usually most of the work I do for this world exists during both a magical and technical renaissance/industrial revolution producing a lot of magitech of all sorts, including things like airships and eventually spaceships. You can find stuff like magic-run A/C machines or even just basic electric lamps.
Depending on what race you are too is how more inclined you will be to a more technological or magical/natural abode and level of appliances/conveniences. Though sometimes you can find stuff made by people who cannot use magic at all (Elves) working with those that can (usually Humans or Dwarves) to put out something that anyone of any level of experience or innate capability can use (this usually results in things like people who have magitech internet servers/computers and games).
Hermiting tends to happen on an individual basis more than anything else.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 4 - History
The main religion of Nahn, Khastism, believes the timeline of the world is written as a play and that everyone and everything has a role, no matter how small it may seem. Their job is to just live and exist and move time and culture along to the next era for their gods. Unlike most real-world faiths that contain an end of world scenario and fear it, Khastics embrace this idea and cannot wait to see the finale they are working towards. Those that do fear it, although uncommon, are seen as the odd ones out. The play is simply called The Play with Nahn sometimes affectionately referred to as The Stage and all creatures divine or mortal or whatnot called The Players or The Actors. They don't know when the next era will start, just that you'll be able to tell after it's ended that a new one has begun.
The twin creator goddesses are seen as the ultimate writers of the play we all act in, and most believe they write over each others' plot points though some that believe they act as collaborative authors exist. The godheads are seen as the primary co-authors and contributors. Holy figures like Alicia the Prophet are seen as the biggest and most exalted fans of their work, and the most dedicated to them and their collective canon.
The Play's Timeline: There are eight eras that work as acts for The Play.
The Coming - When all the world is created and divided between the  races and people begin to Be.
The Fall - War starts as territories begin to expand beyond the ones given to the various races in The Coming. Eventually, the twins get involved, pissed their creations are spitting on the gift of life they gave them, leading to Nahn almost being wiped and reset. Tales of those like Captain Cecily Bloodwedthe were common in this era.
The Martyrdom - The life of Alicia and her subsequent martyring. The shortest era. Violet Voulge, a known fundamentalist prophet cult, formed after.
The Rebirth - A spiritual renaissance and era of travel and discovery. People work together to set out to civilize even the furthest regions of Nahn and begin to interbreed. Half-breeds start to show. Violet Voulge fades into obscurity.
The Golden Age - The era I most frequently write in. An absolute magical and technical renaissance, expanding on knowledge and creating now that most of the world is inhabited. Violet Voulge revives and is shot back down during this time. Nonmagic firearms, war machines, and transport are born and evolve rapidly during this era. Ends with the begin of the exploration of outer space. The primary hero of this time is a paladin of the fire goddess, a woman known as Siofra Aine Whelan, whom becomes one of the most important people in the history of the world.
The Warring Era - When there's nowhere else to go but up, people find a way. This is the era of discovering space and the regions beyond it. However, intergalactic war starts as a result. Captain Sonya Dammerung-Nejem is a prominent figure of this era, having lead us into space for the first time.
The End - The apocalypse. A time when even the stars are said to fade and die, dripping down to envelop us all in darkness. Nothing is right or well anymore. Time itself is destroyed and all slowly eats itself alive. The gods themselves may even be killed.
The Calling of Curtains - The epilogue. Nobody is sure what will happen, if anything, after the play of life ends. Some say nothing exists beyond the curtain, some say a new play will start up while others will live trying to find a way to cope with no longer having a role and yet others say they'd be fine defining one for themselves after. Only time will tell. "Prince" Serafina and The Exiles are prominent in The End and The Calling.
In reality, what usually happens here is the current head god(s) compile what they've created and the history of it into a book and place it upon a shelf and then conferring head godhood to any saints/holy figures, and if more than one existed they share authorship. The new head god(s) then have access to all previous cycles to draw inspiration from and continue the cycle of Nahn forevermore.
This implies the creator goddesses Laeshann and Hoethmarr were once mortal women and twin sisters (then called Lean and Hyledd) who rose to the last cycle's call of duty and became its holy figures, given authorship and godhood at the end and turning their friends and comrades in arms into the elemental godhead figures. This also implies Alicia would become a head god and continue this cycle from there.
However, plans did not work out this cycle, and Serafina inherits Hoethmarr's will and helps Laeshann reset, crowning Serafina the head god of the next cycle. Serafina appoints Siofra and Alicia as major deities under her, amongst others.
The Afterlife: Khastics have a simple afterlife, in which that you do not go to Laeshann or Hoethmarr's realms when you die, but instead a large, communal theatre building, divided into four seating sections. There's one for Laeshann, one for Hoethmarr, one for those that believed in any of the godheads, and one for the odd believers such as those that believed in all or none. However well you did in life and did good for your god grants you better seating, and the worse you did gets you people sitting in front of you. From here, you are given comforts and left to watch the rest of The Play unfold and wait for them to die and come in to sit with you.
The current cycle of Nahn that deals with all of this is cycle 419.
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devildykewashere · 7 years ago
Worldbuilding June - Day 2 - Geography
Major locations so far in Nahn include the continent of Lark, which in resides the Ahmonas Region, a coastal, Mediterranean clime that's known for many agricultural uses. In it is the capital kingdom of Tanjil, and nearby is Mt Lancar which is known for its brewing processes. Tanjil is one of the world's most major capitals. Other sub-parts of Tanjil include the dueling duchess-owned areas of Boltenhall and Darrowdrakk and the renowned resort town, Layabout in the Na'erdwell Duchy, which contains the rather infamous Gropecunt Lane brothel.
Another area is the Razan desert that is the main land of the elven tribes, most of them nomads and scrap-collectors. Herein also lays some jungles off on the edges that contain some Lamia for trading coffee, as they are the world's only known growers of it.
One of the other major areas of this all is the Rissori Achipelago, which is a chain of islands that contain ones like the all-women amazon tribe land of Labryssinnia, and is known for having a tropical and almost Muslim and Hindu flare. It more resembles SE Asia and Burma than it would China or Japan.
There's Gryan, the port trade town founded by a family of elven pirates, all their successive descendant mayors named simply Captain Susan.
Cape Qorre is another well known port famous for being the town the evil pirate queen, Captain Bloodwedthe, once held in terror.
Vaer Outpost was one of the first towns really founded for anyone, but especially out of a holy need, and contained some of Nahn's first churches. Over time, it's also host to the world's first spaceport and becomes the last vestage of civilization in the post-apocalypse.
The biggest landmark is the Tower of Izra'vaia. Built by an aging madman genius, it is the only structure able to bridge the world of the mortals to the world of the gods. You're going to have to solve its puzzles, first. And even then you're lucky to get a booking to speak with the gods this century; their secretary is not easily swayed for faster appointments.
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devildykewashere · 8 years ago
I did some basic mock-up work for a fictional MMORPG that runs on magitech for my original world so my main OC Siofra’s twin brother, Diarmaid Whelan, could have something to do as he shuts himself in his mom’s basement all day. It needs lore/quests/classes/races/NPCs but the rest is there. Feel free to say you play it and make up information about that and I’ll make it canon.
Think Star Wars Chess running a Runescape/Ultima Online level WoW ripoff mixed with Second Life as projected through the Queen’s Blade PPV orbs.
Also no, I’m not making fun of any specific game companies or makers, just more so the industry itself. Any resemblances to anyone real is purely coincidental on this one.
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devildykewashere · 8 years ago
in b4 someone gets mad my own world’s elves and dwarves not only get along, but the dwarves are the reclusive nature lovers (they’re exemplary geomancers actually) and the elves are the hardy, physically worn, combative badasses
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devildykewashere · 9 years ago
for the record, i am in no way at all the mysterious atman-maria, absolutely zero relation here pls photograph the other way. we have never met.
i am, however, blessed by fyrshala and brynshala both
(i’m sorting people into one of my original gods or prophets for bonus cool fandom labeling. or your OCs. or a canon character. i don’t care. more AUs for us all at any rate)
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devildykewashere · 9 years ago
here’s a bunch of info that i did about the gods i made/the religion for the world i am eternally building. a permanent wip article, but a good overview so far.
go sort yourselves/learn more about what you’re being sorted into.
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