#the chris pratt hate is weird to me because it's like hating mayonnaise
badoccultadvice · 2 years
What if every time Chris Pratt was supposed to say Luigi he said Weegee instead, would that appease the masses?
I honestly think there's a real expectation that Nintendo would switch to the video game actor for Mario's movie voice. Question: do you hate Mario's original voice actor, Charles Martinet, so much that you would select him to go to every press junket, red carpet, bullshit interview, podcast, night show appearance, and social media event that Chris Pratt has had to go to for what is an international blockbuster movie's media campaign? In this age of covid no less?
Because I get it, it would have been nice for Martinet to do the voice. I think so too. But the media promotion machine is part of what killed Carrie Fisher. I don't think she was able to handle that ride anymore. A lot of celebrities end up taking hard drugs and doing a lot of dangerous things to be able to keep up with the pace of the modern movie industry's promotion demands.
Chris Pratt signed up for that life. He's in his prime years. He does it all the time so he's in shape for it already. Charles Martinet is 67 years old, and good on him for handling all the E3 appearances he has, but that's not the same world as Hollywood.
Charles Martinet voices an italian plumber in videogames for a living. Let him have some more years with his grandkids. Chris Pratt's performance is fine and you were never going to get Charles Martinet's performance instead of his. That exchange was never going to seriously happen. So stop judging Chris Pratt as some man depriving you of Charles Martinet--if it wasn't Chris Pratt, it would have been another A-lister who would be as or better able to handle the demands of an international Hollywood job.
The target audience for this movie is kids in their single digits who are accompanied by their parents. We are not the focus group. Maybe realign your expectations with the reality of the situation.
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