#the choreography of movements is a matter of taste tho
purple-worm · 2 years
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i cannot get over the framing in the show. this one, in particular, is giving me a lot of thoughts rn.
It's so... whole. The entire narrative and the inner lives of the three characters are effectively represented. Mol reminisces the past and they immediately turn in three different directions, each of them so lonely and consumed by their emotions, each one of them dealing with the same tragedy from completely different perspectives. they turn to seek refuge in the world inside them. and with that, the touches. the longing for connection. In is unsure, hands towards himself. afraid to reach out. Wang is longing for a connection, reaching out slowly toward In. creeping in quietly. Mol is holding on to In. a tight grip on his hand, like how tightly she wants to hold on to her facade. she wants to hold onto In being her loyal friend so that once again she gets Wang to herself. so that once again she isn't left behind. i love how the turning happens in sync. the story flows this well because of how many of these details have been choreographed. I love that they're able to hold the scene for the right amount of time, enough to drive in the intent without getting too long. it really amps up the tension.
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do-ray-mi · 3 years
NCT Dream Jisung as your boyfriend(M!reader, could pass as GN)
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○Park Jisung as your boyfriend!!●
I imagine the first couple of months into the relationship he would be very cautious. Since you'd most likely be his first lover, he would be walking on eggshells to make sure not to screw up.
After that it's easy sailing for him! He'll get shy every once and a while, but that would be do to moments of intense endearment for you.
Forehead kisses, doesn't matter if you're shorter or taller. He will go to extreme measures to ensure you get a kiss on your forehead at least 10 times a day.
Not much for pda but once you two are alone, he holds you like you're his favourite teddy bear.
I'd imagine he'd spoil you, his love language is totally gift giving.
He would make a choreography with your favourite song.
Matching phonecases of fictional couple, more specifically, Toothless and Lightfury.
Jisung would have Toothless since they're both cute and dorky, aswell as Jisung was the one to try to impress you before you started dating(and embarrassed himself a few times in doing so)
You would have Lightfury since I would imagine you to be quite protective of Jisung, Yourself and the people you care for. Also it took you a while to trust Jisung do to unfortunate past events, but once that trust is earned, you are the most loyal.
Do to his complete lack of skill when it comes to housework, you're usually the one to do most chores while he keeps you company and cheer you on.
If he's filling extra humorous that day, he would grab a nct lightstick and act like a kpop fan and pretend to lose his shit over the littlest movements you do.
For example...
You could be playing a video game, suddenly he'd show up putting on his best girly voice "oPpA yOu'Re sO hOt!!!" And various other phrases he's read or heard.
We know sometimes he sleeps under the livingroom rug for warth, well if you ever have the chance to wake-up during those times. You join him no matter how uncomfortable it would be.
If you are a part of a culture different from Jisung's, I would imagine he'd be very interest to learn about it and would listen to you with that twinkle he has in his eye. You know the one.
If you work at a convenience store/cafe/library, he would come visit you during your lunch break. Disguised enough to not draw suspicion.
He would think about your relationship going public a lot. He would have to stop himself a lot during V-lives from talking about you.
However, he never goes through with it, people are scary and they still live in a pretty homophobic country.
Surprisingly, he was the one to initiate your first kiss. It was around a month into your relationship. You were too worried to initiate it since it's Jisung's first relationship and you didn't want him to do anything he wasn't ready for.
You always make sure he's eating and staying hydrated during comeback season.
If you find out about him being overworked, you'd bet your ass you'll be marching at SM with more than just a few words.
You two definitely have a minecraft world together.
If you play Genshin, you two would cause so much havoc. He would most likely always end up buying you a crap ton of Genesis Crystals whenever he catches wind of you wanting a certain 5 star who is either being released or having a rerun. You tried to stop him, but you would most likely end up fighting a losing battle.
After you two started getting more comfortable in the relationship, he would spend more time in your apartment than the dorms.
The Dream members love you, you're quite close with Renjun, Jaemin and Mark.
If he were to get sick, you'd force him to rest. Taking care of him, making him soup and making him take his medicine as he whines about the taste.
If you fall ill, he'd do his absolute best to take care of you. Calling his mom for advice, he would order soup instead of making it though... for obvious reasons.
Arguments are VERY rare, but they have happened.
Even tho you knew it was gonna happen, you sometimes feel lonely whenever he goes on long schedules. Especially when you wake up to an absent presence that you know was there the night before.
Sometimes the shipping makes you a bit insecure, especially when it's with Chenle. With the knowledge of the two's incredible bond, sometimes you catch yourself thinking "he would be better for Jisung than I am"
... that may have sparked one of your rare arguments.
It was solved quickly tho, don't worry. Turns out it was a lack of communication.
All in all, you two are ready to fight god for each other.
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o-f-all · 7 years
(1) omygosh, im so happy u wrote all that! (sorry for the vague questions tho orz) i don't know french unfortunately but still! thank u for putting all the effort, x3. as for specific questions, let's see. what i noticed the most from ur vids were how well the song and the anime audio played without either overwhelming the other. also just damn, the drops and the video syncing so fine. hng!i realize all that is the result of painstaking basic editing,
Now that I came back from Paris (to spend some quality time with my best friend and my sister
First of all …. Can I hug you ? … You’re so cute I just went full gyugyfqkf while reading your messages ;w;  Thank you so much for all those nice words and your implication, dear
“what i noticed the most from ur vids were how well the song and the anime audio played without either overwhelming the other“
- The best tip I can give you if you want to produce a similar effect is to try to edit the audio first as much as you can before touching the clips. Voices and sound effects are part of what we’ll be listening to while watching your vids, so try to think of them as instruments you’re adding to the beat to produce a new music. Because that’s what music is in the end, an orchestra of different instruments with various types of sound that are brought together and harmonized to generate a pleasant melody. So yeah, it’s important to tell a story when you’re editing and the audio is an easy way to do so, but don’t forget you can actually tell a lot of subtle things with just two images put together. So don’t overburden your soundtrack and let it take some deep breaths. If something doesn’t fit in the rythm, don’t push it and try something else. You will know you succeeded if you can close your eyes and still enjoying what you’re hearing, as if you were listening to a new song freshly discovered.  
- Also, the reason why you should edit the soundtrack first is a direct result of the fact that you have to treat the anime audio as part of the music, so you’ll have to synchronize the clip with it for a better impression.
- Of course, you’ll also have to add/remove sound effects (and more rarely extra voices) once you edited the clip since it’s impossible to anticipate everything ^^ Don’t worry about that. You’ll always have to change some details from the first thing you imagined in your wonderful brain and we all have our own limits to what we can imagine from nothing. If you don’t edit the audio once you added the clips, that’s where you should be worrying and reconsidering the quality of the final result of your work (if you want to make asmv of course ^^).
“also just damn, the drops and the video syncing so fine. hng!i realize all that is the result of painstaking basic editing”
hflqzefu thanks again ;w; It’s really difficult for me to talk about the synchronization in english so I’ll use an exemple
- When it comes to synchronization, the basic mistake I see the most in videos of young promizing editors is to consider cuts as the only way to highlight parts of the music. It results in a flow that is way to fast and a screen with so many informations on it, popping everywhere every seconds, that we no longer can understand what is happening or take the time to feel something and establish a proper emotion. Take an extra care of your flow, be the person behind the wheel and don’t let your car drive you too fast into a wall. Don’t forget transitions, camera movements, characters’ movements and expressions, ect. Those are even better ways to synchronize the clip with the music ^^ Try to visualize your video as a choreography, clips/characters in it being the dancers (I actually like to watch dancing videos when I feel like my editing skills are kind of off, so that it helps me to wake up my senses) Here’s an exemple (a preview of one of my futur videos). Not the best exemple to illustrate this point, I’m sorry about that but I need to edit more vids on this freshly new channel ;w;  
- Last tip is to try to synchronize your clips on as much instruments as possible. It’s difficult to understand what I mean by that so I’ll directly show you one exemple with a small preview of the same project. Try to focus your attention on differents part of the music
+ first the violons + then the flute + now the drums + the piano + and finally the voices
You’ll notice that I try to synchronize clips with many parts of the same soundtrack, and since all those parts are harmonized and form a coherent whole, it works and doesn’t look too much like a mess (I think haha but it’s also a matter of tastes I guess ^^) Note also that I couldn’t synchronize the clips with the beats of the piano everytime we could hear it. Firstly because the drums come over it and I couldn’t ignore that, and secondly because this piano is playing the same rythm during the whole song, so it will get quickly boring if I focus my editing too much on it. Since the piano is kind of covered by the rest, it was my chance to avoid having to work on it :) But in the end, it’s also a matter of choices you have to make. Also, don’t forget the flow ! You can see here that it’s pretty fast and chaotic, but that’s because I wanted to create this effect. But it can only work out if the rest of the vid is slower and more stable. Try to think about that while editing to correctly communicate what you wanted to say/show. It is important to not confuse your real intensions with parts clumsily edited that don’t bring out the effect you wanted.
I still have a lot of things to say on this subject but I feel like it will quickly get boring if I don’t end it here xD  
Thanks again dear
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