#the characters aren’t Drakken and Shego but they also wouldn’t exist without Drakken and Shego so….
kidcataldo · 1 year
Random headcanons
Drakken and Shego would gentle parent their kid
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Drakken would be the overly affectionate parent, who’s constantly doting on his child, much like how his own mother is with him
In my headcanon, he would feel the need to be the best father in the world to compensate for his own fatherless upbringing. If his kid wants candy, then dammit they’re getting candy (and about a thousand kisses from him as payment)!
Shego would be less affectionate, but she’d basically treat the kid like an adult and not dumb things down for them
Like, being straight forward when they catch her and Drakken in the act. Drakken would want to say they were just wrestling or something and she’d be like, “no we were having sex. Come on, let’s go talk”
They aren’t called “mom” or “dad”
They’re probably called something like “Drakky” and “She-She” in the first few years of the kid’s life, which would eventually evolve back into “Drakken” and “Shego” when they’re older
Drakken and Shego aren’t bothered by it (Shego especially) but Drakken might miss the baby babble of his name after the kid grows out of it
They would genuinely raise their kid to always do what’s morally right, but not necessarily what’s legal
Shego gets her period and is stuck in a bathroom stall without anything, so she has her kid bang on the metal tampon dispenser thingy until one falls out. The kid asks if it’s illegal. And Shego would just shrug, “maybe but these things should be free anyway so it doesn’t really matter”
They’re much older when they have a kid and it’s by complete accident
They established early on there would be no kids but they just stopped being as careful in their later years, and then whoops!
Headcanon them to be around 44/28 at the end of the series and they have their kid at like 51/36
Drakken especially is much older, so he makes an effort to take better care of himself. He’s not all jacked like he is in a sitch in time, but he works out and drinks protein shakes and whatnot to be healthier for his kid
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