#the character creation process snowballed tbh
sntoot · 7 months
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finally finished something enough to put it together in a post
anyways i looked at the sky pirate raids and i was like hey what if i put a whm in there. that couldnt make things worse right
more details about them under the cut in case anyone is curious
(gron ehsk means escaped tree in dravanian)
they r born and raised in gridania, and reach adulthood as the autumn war hits. thats how old they are.
anyways time goes on and they become more of a cryptid and harder to interact with until quarrymill kicks them out and demands the elder seedseer take them in front of the elementals for some kind of punishment. the elementals dont give a shit bc gron was doing everything correctly for the forest, just not the people
so they get banished from the shroud by the elder seedseer and head to coerthas instead. they get branded a heretic pretty quick from having horns and offering to teach the lowborn conjury, so they end up in anyx trine with vidofnir and the dragons there. the dragons there give them their new name and they stay there for a while. the dragons think they r a funny little guy.
after the calamity they find that not only does the shroud still not want their help but the people of coerthas also dont want them around, and even when they offer the highborn conjury they r rejected for obvious reasons (heretic). they r chased out of coerthas and end up in the sea of clouds instead of dravanian forelands, much to their displeasure
as theyre running from camp cloudtop, leofard takes pity on them and takes them to ok'zundu where the zundu are kind enough to let them use an abandoned hut a little ways off from the village to live in. the redbills find having a healer accessible is really damn convenient
leofard visits to ask them to join the redbills repeatedly and also to pay them for healing all the random injuries the pirates get, they repeatedly refuse and also make him eat vegetables from their small garden. it doesnt seem to make him less inclined to visit. (they remind him of his mother; they obviously want to live freely but something is holding them back)
when they hear about the mhachi stuff and the void ark they demand to come along because as a white mage its technically their job to clean it up, since amdapoor and mhach are why these magicks are forbidden.
over the course of the raids they go from hating cait sith to becoming besties, and they finally join the redbills officially at the end of the quests because they do actually like the redbills despite the idiocy
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