#the cass one is from april and the rest are from june-july
telffiin · 29 days
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stuff i drew but never posted (or finished)
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pseudocitrus · 6 years
year-in-review writing snapshots // 2018
[rules! // 2013 // 2014 // 2015 // 2016 // 2017]
January // second time (nsfw)
it drops aside. touka sets her hand on kaneki’s arm, on his bicep that immediately prickles up with goosebumps. she brushes her fingers gently lower, to the knitted, plated flesh that makes up his lower arm, and under her carress the dark red cells quiver and for an instant his fingers shiver and grip into a melty fist.
February // oral fixation (nsfw-y)
but now. there’s no point. his money is converted increasingly, steadily, into cigarette boxes he can fit into his coat two at a time. sometimes he doesn’t even bother removing the empty boxes first, only crams the new ones in with mindless firmness until finally, at the end of the week, withdrawing his hand from his pocket triggers them all to accordion out, tumble, crumple and flutter to the ground like deflated birds.
March // hangover
there’s a memory now, coming back to him, rising out from the dark depths where he had shoved it, hoping never again to remember. but it hits him like a truck, this memory, an incredibly troublesome night that had started with arima spitting out a beer in his face, and continued on to ui grumbling about sensibilities and getting him a well of whisky, and, yes, concluded exactly the way things are concluding now, with him somehow managing to gather hairu from the floor and onto his back, snapping at her when she babbles out breathlessly and kicks out her legs excitedly, not bothering to take off his shoes when he enters his apartment and dumps her unceremoniously onto his bed and pulls out the futon in the other room for himself.
April // rest
She nods. She is, Gilbert realizes, holding her stomach.
“You need to eat,” Gilbert tells her, feeling, for the first time, a little helpless. “But you also need to tell me if you are full. Does…does that make sense? It’s an order,” he says, with inspiration followed immediately by a stab of guilt.
Her eyes light.
“Understood,” she says.
May // kiss
her senses must be dulling, or something, to not notice him entering her cell, to not notice him crawling into her cot, right behind her. he pauses, and without thinking she shuts her eyes again, quickly, and keeps her breath even, and her body still.
they wait. then, carefully, kaneki resumes — wrapping his hand around her waist, gently — grazing her arm with his mouth, then pursing his lips to it, making the slightest noise. kiss.
June // lifelines
the hands he used for their first time had clinical accuracy, every joint and knuckle precisely placed, every muscle smooth and functional. he caressed her and it felt like a caress; he clutched her and it felt like a clutch. they were smooth — when touka pushed her body closer to him she even felt his fingers slacken, soften like warmed wax, before forming again to grip her.
the hands he uses now —
she cringes the moment he lays them on her bare skin.
“sorry!” he gasps, and she swats him.
“they’re too cold! idiot!”
July // recovery (nsfw)
their clothing rips, flies. her jagged nails rake and he can’t help a groan that he tries and fails to keep quiet, and they have no furniture yet, the sound echoes. he pauses a moment, to gasp, to hold a hand to his head, and she looks at him, and he tries to tell her it’s fine, but when he gazes at her all he knows he’s saying is i want, i want, i want, and she understands. she pushes him, gently, onto his back, and his frayed muscles oblige. she tugs off the rest of his clothing, and hers, and swings her leg over his hips.
October // tradition
She closed her eyes the moment it happened, and sank into it completely. It was…warm. Slightly wet. Tinged with a staggered exhale of all the feelings they’d held in for…for years. Their first kiss was…was…
Almost a whole week ago.
this was my 6th year of my “year in review” meme. thanks to you, for reading my writing this past year. <3
i didn’t do this earlier because i thought i would feel too discouraged about missing months this year. in the end, i surprised myself by how much i wrote, though it turned out i had months where i wrote like 5 to 10 things and other months that were barren.
that being said, for the first time since doing this every year, i didn’t have something to share every single month. (i missed 4 months completely.) hilariously, in august i got a lil puppy and you can see that it pretty much put all of my writing on pause. 😂 the only thing i managed to squeeze out was my birthday gift for cass. even now i feel a little disappointed by how much having a pet affects my writing time. i hope that in this upcoming year, especially as my puppy matures and needs a little less help from me, i can have a little more discipline and focus, and accomplish some of the goals i’ve been working on since i started 6 years ago. :)
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junker-town · 7 years
WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: Full rundown and why you should care
WWE’s excuse to say “balls” on television every week for a month is here, and it is stacked.
RAW’s Great Balls of Fire is here, thanks to Jerry Lee Lewis deciding not to sue WWE so long as they used his song of the same name as the theme for the new July pay per view. And while the name might be goofy as heck, the card is loaded. There are ways it could all go wrong, of course — this is wrestling we’re talking about — but if this show goes off like it could, Great Balls of Fire might be one of the better pay-per-views of the year.
The show begins at 7:30 p.m. ET on the WWE Network with a kickoff that will include analysis as well as Cruiserweight Champion Neville defending his title against Akira Tozawa. That match should be better than its placement suggests, so if you don’t want to wait until 8 to see wrasslin or just want to see a lot of hard suplexes, tune in to Great Balls of Fire early.
As for the rest of the show...
Enzo Amore vs. Big Cass
What am I looking at here? Enzo Amore is the little dude with the strange haircut and the boundless energy. That energy and the checks his mouth writes that his fists can’t cash is what got him here, in a match against his former best friend Big Cass. Cass turned on Enzo as the little guy was holding him back, and then made it clear their partnership was over by faking Enzo out and turning on him once more.
Why you should care: WWE took one of their most popular tag teams and split them up, in large part due to Cass’ ceiling as a main eventer. This shouldn’t be a Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty situation, though, as Cass is great but no HBK, and Enzo should have a lengthy WWE career ahead of him even without the big man backing him up — look at how he’s handled the betrayal of his buddy, doing some growing up and realizing he is, in part, at fault for this dissolution. Enzo has layers.
What’s going to be fascinating is how this all plays out: is Cass just going to murk his former friend and force Enzo to find a representative to fight on his behalf? Will Enzo surprise Cass by putting on the fight of his life and stealing a victory? Where does Enzo go once this is all over? We won’t find out all of these answers on Sunday, but Sunday is where we’ll start to see them.
The Miz (c) vs. Dean Ambrose in an Intercontinental Championship match
What am I looking at here? Miz took the title from Dean Ambrose at Extreme Rules because Ambrose was a dummy who let himself get distracted with mind games, and now in order to keep said title, Miz has enlisted a couple of buddies who co-starred in The Marine 5 with him. Not like, random actors or stunt doubles or something — this isn’t Roddy Piper’s WCW run, you know — but wrestlers Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas.
Ambrose is outnumbered, easily distracted, and probably going to lose so he can move on to something else. Right?
Why you should care: Miz is always good television, even when WWE is forcing him to host segments with LaVar Ball and his sons and the whacky version of Dean Ambrose, and he managed to form a stable around himself and his title at a time when his wife, Maryse, doesn’t seem too keen on helping him. He and Ambrose can put on an entertaining match, as they did at Extreme Rules, and as this could be the one that ends the feud, it’s going to be worth watching.
RAW Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro vs. The Hardy Boyz in a 30-minute Iron Man Tag Match
What am I looking at here? That’s the question, isn’t it? Sheamus and Cesaro have lost basically every interaction with the Hardy Boyz, except for when they won the RAW Tag Team titles on a technicality in a cage match at Extreme Rules. Now we get an Iron Man match between the two teams, where whichever side picks up the most victories in 30 minutes is the winner. Sheamus and Cesaro are going to need to pick up more Ws in 30 minutes than they have in 30 days against the Hardyz in order to retain the tag titles.
Why you should care: Well, Sheamus and Cesaro are going to need to pick up more Ws in 30 minutes than they have in 30 days against the Hardyz in order to retain the tag titles, and seeing how they do that should be worth the price of admission. The cage match was not good for a number of reasons, but Sheamus and Cesaro are wonderful, intimidating baddies, and seeing them methodically beat down the Hardyz for 30 minutes to finally achieve a victory that puts an end to this feud is a reason to care about this showdown.
The Hardyz could win the titles back, sure, but come on. It’s time for them to move on to something else, too, whether it’s each other or something in a non-fratricide vein.
Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt
What am I looking at here? Man I don’t know I’m checked out on Bray Wyatt, sorry Seth I still love you.
Why you should care: Maybe the match will be good and Rollins will move on to something else for SummerSlam and we won’t have these two facing off again? idk.
Here’s Brandon Stroud perfectly and succinctly explaining why it’s hard to care about this:
Every single Bray Wyatt angle http://pic.twitter.com/hTdJ5I2VZl
— Brandon Stroud (@MrBrandonStroud) May 30, 2017
Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Sasha Banks for the RAW Women’s Championship
What am I looking at here? Sasha Banks won a Gauntlet Match for the number one contendership, so now she’s set to take on Alexa Bliss at the first major pay-per-view since then. Bliss has held the belt since winning it from Bayley following the Superstar Shakeup. Normally, Alexa Bliss is dealing with being the smaller performer in a match, and tends to focus on how she can outsmart her larger opponent, but Sasha is the next-smallest women’s wrestler on the RAW roster.
Why you should care: Alexa and Sasha are both wonderful performers, albeit for different reasons, and we didn’t get to this feud through some dumb setup: that Gauntlet Match was legit, putting over both Nia Jax and Sasha Banks in the process, and now we’ve got a fresh matchup for the RAW Women’s title that doesn’t involve Bayley, who needs to step aside from the main event for a bit while she finds herself.
Really the only downside to this is that it’s once again a RAW pay-per-view with just the one women’s match, but that doesn’t take away from this event. Well, besides putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on this one fight both in terms of quality and how much time it gets, but RAW did that to themselves.
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman in an Ambulance Match
What am I looking at here? Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns has been the feud of the year on RAW, and now that Strowman is healthy once again, it’s back on. The two were probably going to have this Ambulance Match at Extreme Rules, but so long as they’re having it, we’re in for a treat.
Ambulance Matches can be stupid, for sure, but everything these two have done together — matches, backstage segments, brawls — has been wonderful. So, let’s give them a chance here.
Why you should care: Hmm idk maybe because
BRAUN is doing BRAUN things! http://pic.twitter.com/MFK4B0m8et
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) June 27, 2017
and also
.@BraunStrowman is the greatest of all living human beings. http://pic.twitter.com/56S557iD2Y
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) April 11, 2017
It barely matters who wins, though, we’ll get pretty different outcomes depending on who does. Let’s enjoy the match in the moment before we get to discussing what could come of it.
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Samoa Joe for the WWE Universal Championship
What am I looking at here? Brock Lesnar hasn’t wrestled since WrestleMania 33, when he defeated Goldberg to win the Universal title. RAW’s top title hasn’t been defended since, but now Samoa Joe is here to try to wrest it from Brock. Besides Goldberg, we usually see that no one is a threat to Lesnar -- even Undertaker only defeated Brock once during their feud, and that wasn’t a clean finish.
Joe, though, has continually shown that he’s capable of not only hurting Lesnar, but taking him down. Will he be able to do that in the match itself? Or will Joe’s obsession with proving he can down Brock take him out of his game long enough for Lesnar to recover and successfully defend his title?
Why you should care: It’s two of the baddest dudes in wrestling trying to destroy each other, and it’s likely the match that makes Samoe Joe a main event mainstay in WWE whether he wins or not. What’s not to love?
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