#the caption is the night we met by lord huron
corpsoir · 2 years
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i don't know what i'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you
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andaniellight · 8 months
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"I had a brother who was my savior, made my childhood bearable."
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wodania · 1 year
Made a compilation of all the songs I’ve used as captions for my art work!!! Through this you may also find a few other playlists 🌚 I’ll be updating this each time I use another set of song lyrics
Present in this playlist as of today:
Daenys/Dany/Young Griff : Cassandra by Florence + The Machine
Jenny and Duncan : Jenny of Oldstones by Florence + The Machine
Jeyne with the Head of Robb : The Night We Met by Lord Huron
Lyanna : Winter Bird by AURORA
Lottie Matthews : Eat Your Young by Hozier
Ranni : Brutus by The Buttress
Loras and Margaery : Daffodil by Florence + The Machine
Historia Reiss : Call of Silence by Hiroyuki Sawano (Attack on Titan ost)
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seasosworld · 1 year
reload with captions!
song: The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Audio from Rusty Quill’s The Magnus Archives
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annecoulmanross · 4 years
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Stellis Superis, or “By the Stars Above” 
A Rossier-in-aesthetics imageset for @theterrorbingo​ square “I will always come to you,” inspired by the brilliant “Rossier but it’s all Lord Huron playlist” by @jamesclarkross​ titled “By the stars above, I know we were in love.”
One image for each song, with my favorite selected lyric translated into Latin (original English in caption), with details about the translations beneath the cut! 
1. Ends Of The Earth (Theme) 
There's a world that was meant for our eyes to see.
Est orbis videndus ab oculis nostris. = “There is a world that is meant to be seen by our eyes.” (The word used here for “world” is orbis, meaning the world in the sense of the round globe, reflecting the exploratory work that Sir James Clark Ross and Francis Crozier did together at both poles.) 
2. Brother (Before the expedition)
How many miles have we wandered, under the sky? 
Quot milia sub caelo vagati sumus? = “How many miles under the sky have we wandered?” (The phrase “we wandered” is translated as vagati sumus from the verb vagor, meaning to rove or to ramble, in a largely positive sense – think “Not all those who wander are lost.”) 
3. Way Out There (Francis leaving with Franklin) 
I’ve been drifting in a land that time forgot. 
In terra cuius tempus oblitum fluo. = “In a land which time forgot, I drift.” (There’s a contrast here between terra (“land”) and fluo, meaning “I drift,” but also “I flow, I fall away, I vanish,” a Latin euphemism for death.) 
4. The Night We Met (James missing Francis)
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you.
Quid faciam nescio concelebratus umbra tua. = “What should I do? Haunted by your shadow, I do not know.” (The Latin language doesn’t have a specific word that corresponds to the English verb “to haunt,” but here, the term “concelebratus” means “haunted” in the sense of “thronged,” or “enlivened,” or “animated,” or “filled,” with some person or spirit, in a way both positive (think “celebrated”) and negative (“overwhelmed”); here, literally by Crozier’s umbra (“shadow”), a common term for ghost.) 
5. Frozen Pines (The start of the search) 
I am ready to follow you even though I don’t know where.
Quo nesciam me tibi sequendo praeparo. = “Although I know not where, I prepare myself to follow you.” (The grammatical implication of “I prepare myself to follow you” is that of changing one’s self for a specific purpose, readying the soul as one might equip a sailing-ship for a long journey.) 
6. When The Night Is Over (The search continues, worrying intensifies)
Will I hold you when the night is over?
Esne cadente mihi complectendus limite noctis? = “Are you meant to be held by me, when the boundary of night falls?” (The grammatical construction here parallels the quote from the first song, “There's a world that was meant for our eyes to see,” by using the passive periphrastic, a fancy term that implies duty, obligation, or fate – a world meant to be seen, a person meant to be embraced – but here it’s a question, because Ross is beginning to doubt.) 
7. Lonesome Dreams (The search continues, hope fades) 
I’ve been dreaming of a lonesome world where I’m lost and I’m on my own.
Avia in quibus solus errem somniavi. = “I have been dreaming up pathless places in which I wander alone.” (The word avia is doing a lot of work here, meaning “a [place or world] that has no paths, that is barren, lonesome.” Note also that the verb for “to wander” is not vagor, as above, but errem, from erro, meaning “I wander, I make a mistake, I err.”) 
8. In The Wind (James returns alone)
I have passed my days by the sound of your name. 
Aetatem mihi nominis tui imagine habui. = “I have spent my lifetime with the echo-image of your name.” (Instead of literally translating the word “sound,” here I’ve chosen the Latin term imagine from the noun imago – from which we have the English term “image” – because imago carries a burden of meanings from “echo” and “likeness,” to “ghost” and “grave-mask.”) 
9. The Ghost On The Shore  (The Spectral Arctic; Franklin Expedition confirmed dead)
Lie where I land and let my bones turn to sand. 
Quo obii iaceam ossaque saburra fiant. = “Let me lie where I have fallen, and let my bones become sand.” (The term used for sand here, saburra, is a rarer term than the more standard options, and it refers specifically to sand used on boats as ballast; the material that weighs down a ship, now sunk to the sea-bed, not to be recovered.) 
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archivingspn · 3 years
2020: Twitter- Meghan Fitzmartin, Emma Peterson, Davy Perez, Jeremy Adams (Part 1)
Background Context: August 19, 2020, SPN Writer Meghan Amanda tweeted out:
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megfitz89: “every time LordHuron's The Night We Met comes on my writing playlist, I always text talli_approved, gravity_fail09, emmafpeterson, EmilyRussell9, KCLinnHammons as part of my #amwriting ritual, it cannot be helped, it is part of my process pls respect it” - 8:37 PM Aug 19, 2020
Sept 3, first assistant production coordinator Emma Peterson tweeted out:
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emmafpeterson: “Me, thinking about tomorrow's #songoftheday and the likely reactions to it.... 🙃🎶
[A few people already know what it is because I warned them last week...]
‘[gif of season 6 gag reel of J2M dancing and jumping in a wooded area. Caption on the bottom of the gif reads ‘I REGRET NOTHING’]’“ - 10:03 PM Sep 3, 2020
Sept 4th, Jason Fischer tweets out SPN’s Production Board:
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JasonFischer77: “#supernatural QOTD
emmafpeterson, SPNFan24, havokspolaris, beaches_hannah, dannymalfoy, DanieFairchild, mishascurls, deancaship, Lucifer_Zornica, CastielCollins, IcedSunChyme, _jenmish, serenityv001, stateofgrace, AriaChablisKing, zenokarr, brooklynlovespn ‘[image 1:
SUPERNATURAL TOTAL EPISODES: 326 SHOOT DAY: 160 EPISODE: 1520 {the impala with a S15 decal and four passengers, driving away from a ‘the end‘ sign on a music scale into a setting anti possession tattoo.} CREW CALL: 1000                                    DAY: 6/8 FIRST SHOT: ___ LUNCH:________                                                         Quote of the Day FSAL:_________                                                          Having hope is the SCENES: 28pt. 3                                                         ability to peer into the
{image of cassette tape}                                         darkness, envision the #songoftheday                                                        light and beckon it forth The Night We Met                                                            -Kelly Robbins Lord Huron {left vertical border text: SAVING • PEOPLE • HUNTING • THINGS • THE • FAMILY BUSINESS•••} {right vertical border text: FAMILY • DON’T • END • WITH • BLOOD •••} ] [image 2: Quote of the Day Having hope is the ability to peer into the darkness, envision the light and beckon it forth. -Kelly Robbins]’” - 2:09 PM Sep 4, 2020
Three minutes afterwards, Emma celebrated the song by tweeting it out and then retweeting and tagging their friends in it:
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emmafpeterson: “#Supernatural #songoftheday Day 160. 🎶 ‘[youtube hyperlink to: The Night We Met by Lord Huron ]’“- 2:12 PM Sep 4, 2020
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emmafpeterson: “This one is for megfitz89, KCLinnHammons, talli_approved, gravity_fail09, EmilyRussell9 💙💙💙 ‘emmafpeterson: #Supernatural #songoftheday Day 160. 🎶 youtube.com/watch?v=KtigYx...’“ - 2:13 PM Sep 4, 2020
Meg responds saying the song for them is about sisterhood and friendship:
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megfitz89: This song represents SPN sisterhood and friendship and I love these dummies v much. ‘[image: You named the conversation “The Night We Met Fanclub”. Today 11:14 AM Alex Brown]’ ‘emmafpeterson: This one is for megfitz89, KCLinnHammons, talli_approved, gravity_fail09, EmilyRussell9 💙💙💙 twitter.com/emmafpeterson/...’”- 2:16 PM Sep 4, 2020
A little while after receiving some of the fan reactions to the exchange Meghan quote tweets their tweet from August and makes this response: 
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megfitz89: “What I have learned from the SPN internet today: y’all spiral out an awful lot about a song that exists in the SPN world only as a friendship song for five people ‘megfitz89: every time LordHuron's The Night We Met comes on my writing playlist, I always text talli_approved, gravity_fail09, emmafpeterson, EmilyRussell9, KCLinnHammons as part of my #amwriting ritual, it cannot be helped, it is part of my process pls respect it’” - 11:54 PM Sep 4, 2020
About thirty minutes later, SPN Writer Davy Perez then pipes in:
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davyperez: “Okay but hear me out—
We all know that everything you tweet is actually dripping with spoilers and triple meanings!!! You’re timeline is a SPN PUZZLE waiting to be decoded.” - 12:21 AM Sep 5, 2020
davyperez: “Why don’t you tell people the REAL reason behind Toto’s Africa??” - Sep 5, 2020
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davyperez: “What about that one thing you tweeted about a certain scene!?? You know the one “cut for time” ?? MEGHAN HAS THE ANSWERS!” - 12:30 AM Sep 5, 2020
megfitz89: “DAVY YOURE A MENACE” - Sep 5, 2020
davyperez:  “My work here is done. NOW I can sleep.” - Sep 5, 2020
megfitz89:  “No you can’t your infant won’t let you.” - Sep 5, 2020
davyperez: “😩😩😩😭” - Sep 5, 2020
SPN Writer Jeremy Adams also adds in his two cents:
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spacekicker: “’[gif of a woman looking and figuring out the code on a device with a caption at the bottom of the gif saying ‘CODE BREAKER’]’” - 12:34 AM Sep 5, 2020
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megfitz89: “NOT HELPFUL JEREMY” - 12:35 AM Sep 5, 2020
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spacekicker: “’[gif of man pointing at himself with the caption ‘Who, me?’ on the right middle]’“ - 12:36 AM Sep 5, 2020
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megfitz89: “‘[gif of toddler furiously shaking their rattle at someone off screen]’“ - 12:36 AM Sep 5, 2020
Davy continues his teasing:
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davyperez: “You just need to RELEASE THE TAPES!” - 12:37 AM Sep 5, 2020
megfitz89: “😡😡😡“ - Sep 5, 2020
••continued in: [part 2] [part 3]
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linkeightvideo · 6 years
Some of the lyric videos I’ve seen that actually is pretty good:
Final Masquerade by Linkin Park (This is pretty neat because most lyric videos go for the looks and basically make the words unreadable or just not in sync at all. This video is a simple and typical lyric video you could find anywhere on Youtube. It’s a nice change.)
The Night We Met by Lord Huron (Now, some of the words are unreadable due to the coloring and contrast. What stands out in this video is the fact at some parts they use captions, actual TV caption style, for the lyrics.)
I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers (The words aren’t showing up all at the same time but in parts and actually show up when the person is singing. The words aren’t by one or by one sentence either. One con is that the text is white and the video is of him dunking his head into a bathtub.)
Happy by Pharrell Williams (Even though it has the Minions in it, they don’t really get in the way of the words. The words actually are in sync and even include the backing vocals on the bridge. The lyrics are creative, colorful, presented in an unique way and best of all, it’s still readable.)
Feel free to add more if you want to!
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imaginethatt · 7 years
The Night We Met (Oliver Queen x Reader) (Part 1/2)
REQUESTED BY ANON: Hi sweetie, how are you? Could you do a Oliver Queen imagine inspired in the song "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron? Thanks and have a good night!!
Genre: ANGST  
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears When you had not touched me yet Oh, take me back to the night we met
It was like in all the music videos, blurry lights came in and out of focus as drops of rain bounced off the car window. Tears welled up in your eyes and threatened to fall. This wasn’t the first night a situation like this had occurred. You had went to one of Oliver’s parties, saw him, kissed for the cameras, and then drifted away to the bar. 
The next morning you woke up and squinted at your phone screen. It was a text from your friend with a link to an article written about you and Oliver. Though it wasn’t the first time this had happened, you couldn’t help but feel a sharp pang of regret as you saw the photo of you and Oliver kissing, the caption stating that Star City’s power couple was still going strong. 
“Yeah right,” you muttered, tossing your phone to one side of the bed and swung your legs off the mattress. It’s a twin bed, just big enough for you in your studio apartment. Granted, you could afford much better on terms of size, but the studio was cozy, and it’s not like you had a lot of company anyways. 
You and Oliver had been drifting apart. Both of you had lives; he had the company to run and you worked as an editor for a media company in Star City. You met through the night job and slowly but surely fell in love. Things were going incredibly, and the paparazzi was all over you and the young billionaire. The thrill of it all was overwhelming, but as things fell into place, you were beginning to doubt if your relationship with Oliver would work out. 
As the stress of the night job began to increase, you found that your relationship with the Arrow was slowly becoming more and more strained. About the only time you saw him was at the Arrow Cave, and dates were almost impossible to secure. In the end, though the two of you never formally initiated a break, it was as though you weren’t together anymore. The team took note of this, the tension between the two of you evident when what used to be full blown make out sessions were reduced to chaste kisses, nicknames returned to formalities, training with each other became sparring with a dummy, patching each other up after a fight became strictly professional, and going ‘home’ meant two cars in two directions. 
The cold, winter weather meant many weekends spent at home watching Netflix. Surprisingly, no one had wanted to kill anyone in the past few weeks, so ‘vigilante’ing was put on hold. Halfway through an episode of Game Of Thrones, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Felicity that read:
Put on something nice and wait for Digg to pick u up. 
You cocked your head and furrowed your brows, but replied with “ok” and slid into a classy red dress and black patent leather heels. 
When the knock sounded at your door, you expected John Diggle to be in some kind of hurry, rushing to debrief you in the car on the way to some party a criminal was attending. But when you saw the man, you realized that perhaps you didn’t need the earpiece you had already put in.
“Digg?” you asked. “What is this?”
It had Oliver written all over it. You had hoped for a sign, an apology, a gift, something that indicated he still cared. Hell, even a text saying “hey” would’ve sufficed. There was nothing though, and the fact that you hadn’t seen Oliver in almost two weeks only brought that hope back. The ride was silent, save for a bit of awkward small talk. Digg told you he was sworn to secrecy, so you concluded that it either meant you were about to die, or Oliver had planned something. While you hoped for the latter, it seemed like the first option was more realistic. 
Relief and childlike excitement rolled in like a flood when Diggle pulled up at the Haviliard. A steakhouse was more of a “I’m sorry, please love me” place for a make up date than a “kill Y/N” place, right? You were still weighing the situation in your mind when Digg’s voice cut through. 
“Oliver told me to give you two choices,”
You raised your eyebrows.
“You can either go in, find him, and eat dinner, or you can decide that you want something else, and I’ll take you anywhere you ask,” 
“Well,” you said. “I was actually thinking sushi tonight,” Digg’s expression turned to a surprised look. 
“Y/N, think about this,”
“I’m kidding,” you interjected. “Have a nice night,” 
John Diggle nodded a drove away, heart still beating slightly faster than normal from your initial reply.
(End Part 1)
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crank11news-blog · 6 years
An Event On The Town With Lord Huron
An Event On The Town With Lord Huron
Listen To Lord Huron Live
Catch Lord Huron in concert at one of the venues listed below. With hits like The Night We Met, Ends of the Earth and Time To Run Lord Huron has made a mark since forming in Los Angeles in Year . (more…)
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years
Lord Huron Wants To Entertain You
Lord Huron Wants To Entertain You
Catch Lord Huron In Concert
See Lord Huron live at one of the locations listed below. With hits like The Night We Met, Ends of the Earth and Time To Run Lord Huron has made a mark since forming in Los Angeles in Year . (more…)
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years
Lord Huron Lays Down The Law
Lord Huron Lays Down The Law
Listen To Lord Huron In Concert
See Lord Huron live at one of the venues listed below. With hits like The Night We Met, Ends of the Earth and Time To Run Lord Huron has made a mark since forming in Los Angeles in 2010. (more…)
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years
Lord Huron Is Performing In Concert
Lord Huron Is Performing In Concert
Catch Lord Huron Live
Enjoy Lord Huron in concert at one of the locations listed below.
With hits like The Night We Met, Ends of the Earth and Time To Run Lord Huron made an impact in the industry.
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crank11news-blog · 6 years
Lord Huron Lays Down The Law
Lord Huron Lays Down The Law
Lord Huron Events
Enjoy Lord Huron in concert at one of the venues listed below.
With hits like The Night We Met, Ends of the Earth and Time To Run Lord Huron made an impact in the industry.
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years
'Lord Huron' Concerts
‘Lord Huron’ Concerts
Lord Huron Concert List
Experience Lord Huron live at one of the venues listed below.
With hits like The Night We Met, Ends of the Earth and Time To Run Lord Huron made a mark in the industry.
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