#the canonical end of mat’s storyline sucks so unimaginably hard that it makes me feel like crying so this is my solution <3
killldeer · 2 years
post-amol good ending where mat just grabs talmanes and Leaves. tuon has her heir on the way and has made it clear she could just murder him for kicks now, and in the year or two since tylin mat has goddamn had enough. the finn said he had to marry her, but they didn’t say anything about sticking around. so he leaves her a chest of child support gold she doesn’t actually need and fucks off with his boyfriend, and potentially also min, if she asks nicely (she does more than ask – she almost begs him to get her out of there before tuon ships her to seandar. they’ve both agreed not to bring it up.)
and they sorta just roam the countryside together. they make a habit of avoiding the seanchan when possible, but mat’s personal guilt over his involvement with the empress still drives him to occasionally do things like bribe a couple of windfinders into going on a week-long camping trip with them, with the promise of a well-hidden spot from which to pick off as many sul’dam as they can (the atha’an miere remember who he is, but they also remember ebou dar, and more than one channeler mat released is willing to come back for round two).
tarmon gai’don is over. mat and his boyfriend and his dead best friend’s ex girlfriend (who totally did not ask to stay in the westlands so she can constantly sneak off to go visit said dead boyfriend) explore the westlands with no stakes except for when they’re occasionally doing guerilla warfare. mat is a painfully average gambler without the dice on his side and it’s okay. mat wins.
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