#the bullying and harassment that doki (and others) felt
takkamek · 8 months
I've been going back and forth about the whole "Vox, Ike and Elira were forced to make that statement". because while it wouldn't surprise me to hear that nijikuro did pressure them, choosing the fan favorites to make that statement..... the two outcomes would be; the three are able to manipulate and sway public opinion to their side which then obviously makes niji look good; or what happened, backlash against Vox, Ike and Elira, so they're now less inclined to leave because fewer fans are willing to support them if they leave.
Vox is the golden boy and there's always been clear favoritism towards him and luxiem, so him not realizing it/wanting to keep that power makes sense. he clearly has a big voice in the company, and many come to him for advice, it's not surprising that he felt threatened. Ike is a big fan favorite, and to my knowledge has always seen as the 'reasonable' and chill/kind liver. but he is a big part of the music side--i remember seeing his name in the credits of many covers/og songs. so "if ike, of all people, is saying this, it must be true!" -is what nijikuro wanted the fans to think. Elira is also a big fan favorite and is like ''assistant manager'' as she's stated (iirc) that she does management work, giving her a lot of power over others, so her seeing those documents doesn't surprise me, even though legally she shouldn't have.
from what i've seen, people now bringing up clips from old, some deleted, streams, The Clique is/was real and connecting the dots ain't that hard. of course i'd like to believe the best in them but with everything coming to light, i think i can only give the benefit of the doubt to the livers whose names haven't been brought out--though i will extend this to scarle and aster as those were clearly fake screenshots.
maybe the management was pressuring vox, ike and elira to make that statement. but they could've said no, they could've chosen to be stealth suspended/terminated--it wouldn't have been easy but they could've done that. elira has a work visa in japan, yes, so nijikuro could've lied and pressured her to think that she'd be in huge legal trouble if they fired her then, but that's not true; iirc after firing you're allowed to stay in the country for 2-3 months w/ work visa.
so even if they come out later and say they were pressured, threatened to make that statement and they apologize for it.... unless something new and horrible things come out as well from the way nijikuro bullies/harasses/abuses their livers, a simple apology isn't enough for me. someone almost died, their friend almost died yet they're standing with the company.
and the worst part is that this all could've been kept under wraps. doki didn't say that she faced bullying and harassment from livers, nijikuro did that themselves, and vox, ike and elira added to it by naming themselves and enna and millie. So all of this would've stayed behind the scenes had nijisanji wanted that--had they agreed to allow selen graduate on somewhat good terms
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Going M.I.A Until July 5th After Being Peeved Off By Toxic-Humans
I just need to have some time for myself,
and I wanted to wait until July to start posting again.
I just need to try to relax and do some self healing,
and it all has to do with finding out a bit more about Scott Cawthon.
look, no one has to agree about the same religious views.
I mean I have to stay in the Neo-Christian/Ma-Acolyte Closet,
as well as the Aceflux closet and the bigender identity closet with my family.
it be nice if it didn’t happen while FNAF Security Breach was still in the works.
I’m not even sure if it’s even finished, I can only hope that someone with a heart picks up where Scott left off and adopts the series but still gives Scott credit.
right now I’m listening to a comfort song right now,
which is Lily Allen’s song F**k You.
I guess I could listen to some other songs to comfort me,
but how I feel, it calls for that song.
I just wish they didn’t bring Trump or the other names that are involved into that mess...
after finding out that Trump had some form involvement of the, my guess bullying...
I did get upset at him enough to cry and say I hate him.
of course I can’t say that to my Mom or half of my family.
sure one half supported him and the other half don’t,
but we are still family.
I don’t much care for Presidents in Real Life, I have very little trust in them.
ones in movies or video games or any form of entertainment, are fine.
since it is just in a fictional world that is at times a counterpart of ours.
no one has to agree about my being mad at Trump, and that’s okay.
 I can’t help but think that there is a possibility that Scott had retired
because of the bullying and it possibly being linked to Trump.
we all don’t have to agree to like or dislike Trump.....
but I’m sure a lot of people are upset at those that caused the early retirement
before the Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach   
but maybe there will be still hope for it,
at least if it is true that Scott has a successor.
and if they do continue work on the Security Breach,
then we can only hope things works out well.
I didn’t know there was gonna be a successor,
until I was just looking up some more info about the whole FNAF thing.
but yeah, with only half of what I know so far,
it is still going to be a part of my Semi-Misanthrope.
I still know there are some good people in this world,
that is why it is “Semi”, which is better than it being the full.
maybe later I can try to look up more info about the whole thing,
but it is still possible the bullying was part of the reason for the early retirement.
I’m still peeved at this one person who was bad mouthing YandereDev.
if they are taking long to finish the game, it is because these things take time,
and also everyone has a off day where they wont be able to work on something right away and might have to put it on hiatus.
if Yandere Simulator ever gets on a Disc or game card,
and ends up being playable on Xbox One or Nintendo Switch...
I hope there will be a mode where we can dress up as Chara from Undertale.
at least there is some good news,
Doki Doki Literature Club will be on Nintendo Switch, I have been meaning to mention that after I had found out some days ago.
and parents should not let their child play it if they are under the age of 15.
don’t go blaming the mature content, when it’s you the parents who are to blame.
hey I did see a movie that I was not the proper age for,
and I wasn’t even a teenage yet when I saw it.
I’m talking about Cool World, I still like it and have the DVD.
but after remembering I had seen that movie, and we had rented it from a place that rented out VHS tapes.
I came to realize that letting me see that too early, even though I don’t think I can remember much about watching it during that time, all I know is that I did watch it.
but at least it didn’t get as mature as the Deadpool Movie,
and I still like the Deadpool Movie.
but anyway I figured out that it was wrong for my family to let me watch Cool World when I wasn’t the proper age for it,
and even letting me watch something else with the “witch” word on it,
when I was a toddler and I ended up saying “Son of a Witch”
of course it wasn’t the word witch, but you get what I’m going with this right?
I had to try to keep my little cousin from playing my Deadpool video game,
and it was lucky I caught them on time when the game had barely started.
did they even think about stopping them before they fully started to playing?
I don’t want to make the same mistake as my Mom or anyone else in my family.
at least the bad word I used wasn’t my first word.
but I had come to realize that it isn’t the mature content to blame,
but the parents, and even if some parents are willing to admit this cold truth.
that is perhaps long overdo, not all parents might admit to it.
if you have any mature stuff either on your computer or even a movie or show on DVD.
make sure to hide it from the child, give them their own computer
but put a child lock on the browser, where only you know the password.
and if you tend to forget passwords, write it on paper then hide it where your child or little sibling, can’t find it and it’s in a place that only you know.
also I want to say this....
I rather be a part of a Neo-LGBT, there can be different types of Aces.
some who are flux like myself, but because of the whole sexual energies,
I didn’t figure it out until I started to protect myself with my bracelets.
a Aceflux person can be a sexual empath, picking up the sexual energies of others when they are either in the same room or a different room all together.
and just because someone is Heteroromantic-Ace, doesn’t mean they should be exclude from the LGBT Community, even if some will still welcome them.
 and even if some might not believe that a Ace can end up being a sexual empath, but it might be very rare.
I’m not sure if there are many Aces that are sexual empaths,
and didn’t figure it out until they started to wear gem bracelets to protect themselves.
I think I’m the only one I know of that is doing that.
of course when I had first started to wear a bracelet,
it was because of a dream that felt too real and I was in between awake and asleep and then I was scared awake...
it was also dark and I was laying on my back, that is part of what I remember before being scared awake.
and I can’t tell my family I’m one, or how I believe it had first started.
I rather not talk about that right now.
but the whole me rather being a part of a Neo-LGBT doesn’t really have to do with my being Aceflux, well technically Aroaceflux.
it is for different reasons,          
 of course I will have to be in the closet about being part of a Neo-LGBT Community......wait, is there already a Neo version...?
well I guess I’m fine being a solo member for now.
 at least not everyone in the LGBT Community made false accusations on Scott.
and I’m not sure if my pendulum is being 100% truthful,
when I asked about Scott’s sexuality, I mean when I asked if he was Hetero,
I was given a No, but when I asked if he was Pan, I got a Yes.
but that might not be true,
I mean I guess there is a possibility that it could be true.
but maybe I should throw some salt on my pendulum later.
and if it turn out those questions were true, and I was being given a truthful answer.
then it might make others sorry for bullying him.
plus I want to point out, that you can’t just keep hating someone
who believed the lies that they were taught while growing up
about how a different gender identity from your bio-sex one
or not being hetero, is evil.
it’s only when they end up seeing the truth that they might end up discovering
that they aren’t hetero, and might just be bi or pan instead.
I wanted to tell my my family about me being on the Asexual Spectrum,
well the flux type of it.
but I wanted to get their view on it first, about the Asexuality.
like I had said before, it didn’t work out too well.
and I had to make it seem I wasn’t Asexual at all.
even though I was asked if I was, I didn’t say Yes and made sure to not give away I was one.
then when I went to my room, I started crying.
how I reacted was perfectly normal, as I had found out when I found some info about how a parent shouldn’t disapprove of it.
I love my family, but it’s best that I never come out of the protective closets I place myself in, that I can only come out online.                                  
 also I’m gonna try to relax and try to just hope the FNAF series keeps alive and there really being a successor who will continue it.
well now that I know the one who partly more responsible,
is a Toxic Game Journalist........
that person sucks, they suck and I hate them so much.
any Toxic-Journalist that dares do what that one did,
they are just as bad as the paparazzi that harassed a distant cousin of mine.
and if their lies is what got everyone mad at Scott,
at least not everyone, but still.....
I hope that Toxic Game Journalist who started it all,
will get the karma they deserve after they screwed everything up.
and yes while writing this, I wanted to look up more info about the whole FNAF and Scott Cawthon thing.
and it does appear that the root is a toxic game journalist.
and if I had to put two and two together,
I say the Youtube Video that peeved me off before,
that had to do with a doxxing of Scott and [Redacted]
and if had to do with that disgusting filth of a shisno.
if the info had happen some time after that whole mess happen,
 then it means that that disgusting human whoever they are,
is the cause of it.
and there is a reason why I put [Redacted]
as I do not wish for the other person/creator of another series,
to be mentioned in this.
Cancel Culture is Evil, even if something does get cancelled,
it shouldn’t involve the cancel culture cult.
don’t blame the content, blame the parents.
Pepe Le Pew deserved better,
he could of been added into the Space Jam 2 Movie,
if he got character development.
he could still flirt, but would learn to keep it a bit more friendly,
and not force himself on a gal he likes.
  ya don’t see girl characters being treated the way he has been treated,
Pepe deserves better, not just Amy Rose, Dot Warner and Fifi La Fume.
that is being sexist towards Pepe.
and it’s sexist for women and even some men,
to assume if a guy wears pink or uses a pink straw, he might not be consider a man.
so wait, if a woman wearing a blue shirt or uses a blue straw, she is still a woman...?
only a real man wears pink, uses a pink straw and even cries.
and I really hope there is a Anti-Cancel Culture Group to put that shisno group in their place.
I want to try to hope things get better, and the FNAF will continue,
and Scott will get a apology from those who had believed that shisno.
maybe I should avoid looking more info about it.
I just need to try to do the self healing and hope everything gets better,
and hope it isn’t a cruel joke about there being a successor.
I guess I can try to look it up more about it to check to be sure if it is true.
I’m gonna check a few more stuff on here first, before I sign off.
and I hope some of you understand why I’m upset about what happen with Scott.
it isn’t right what happen, and how it happen.
and no matter if he supported Trump or not, there is some lines that should never cross when it comes to a dislike of a president or former president.
but if it came to picking him or the evil woman, I would only pick him to keep the babies safe.....but I’m not sure if the rumor about Hillary Clinton is true or not,
I mean when I had found out about it, I was praying she wouldn’t become president because I was worried about the innocent lives.
but if the rumors still turn out to be 100% true, I still don’t want her as the first Madam President.
 I don’t even trust Biden very much, but I will have to try to hope and pray everything will be okay.
like I said, I don’t fully trust Real Life Presidents.
the best thing I can do is hope and pray that everything will work out.
for real, this will be the last post until July.
but I wont sign back in and post anything again until July 5th.
I’m still listening to Lily Allen’s song, I’m gonna listen to it a few more times.
anyway not all of you might agree with all I said,
and I’m not gonna force you to...
so see ya later, stay safe and beware of shisno.  
Please Do Not Misinterpret anything that was wrote in this.
and I’m gonna hope that not everyone believed that bull about Scott being a Anti-LGBT.
and I do hope the shisno who started that mess, will get karma for what they did and causing FNAF to be almost cancelled for good.
and it better not be cancelled for good,
and there better be truth to the whole successor to the game series.
and if it turns out that my pendulum isn’t joking about Scott’s sexuality,
if it turns out to be 100% true and not a prank my pendulum is pulling.
then I hope he gets a lot of apologizes, not only from the other stuff,
but also about the Anti-LGBT calling.  
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el-oh-her · 5 years
Kate Marsh’s Rooftop Scene was better written and was more emotioanlly investing then the ending of Life is Strange
Suicide Trigger Warning
Life is Strange Spoilers 
This is an opinion. 
There was something that always bothered me about the ending of Life is Strange. When I reached the end of this surreal narrative, I was not happy with the idea that nothing I did throughout the entire game actually mattered. Not only because nothing in game changes the binary choice at the end, but no matter what ending I chose, it made so that none of my choices happened and those relationships no longer exist, or everyone dies and so my choices didn’t matter because everyone is dead. I felt emotionally robbed, and frustrated that all that time I spent really amounted to nothing, besides finding someone I was barely emotionally invested in finding (sorry Rachel), and putting a creep behind bars (which was a consolation to losing everything else).
Butterfly Effect Games ride a dangerous line of choice and the illusion of choice, and in this moment, for me, Life is Strange was reduced to a huge illusion of choice. In the end, nothing that the player does can change the outcome of the game. Compare this to that of Until Dawn, where you are actively trying to keep everyone alive, and you can end the game with several different combinations of survivors, from everyone to no one.
Despite my frustrations with the ending of the game, I think Life is Strange is a memorable game that people should play if they enjoy this style of gaming, and it has a lot of good messages integrated into its themes. The biggest selling point for Life is Strange for me was the well developed, unique cast of characters.
Something I applaud the game for is the complexities of their antagonistic forces. Nathan Prescott and Victoria Chase, two rich students of Blackwell, are the main force but throughout the game. We learn that Nathan has, at minimum, been emotionally abused by his father and he’s desperately searching for someone to care about him, and this has left him vulnerable to manipulation. Victoria, despite being a “Queen Bitch,” is has inner turmoil that she’ll never be good enough, and is often consumed by her own envy. David Madsen seems to always be antagonizing Chloe, Max’s friend, but we learn that he’s a war vet who is just trying his best to be a father, but struggles divorcing his militaristic teachings to his parenting. Jefferson seems to be an entity of good, from supporting Max to being a father figure to Nathan, but is ultimately unstable and mad, obsessed with his art to a dangerous, irredeemable fault.
I think ultimately, this game does what other games struggle with, and that’s with making characters that feel real and tangible. We hate Victoria because we all know a Victoria, for example.
Now, something that I found interesting about Life is Strange is that it simultaneously succeeded and failed at being a Butterfly Effect Game. Despite my aforementioned gripes, there was one moment where I was paralyzed in the moment, because I knew that my choices mattered, but I only had one chance to get it right (which is not the norm in this specific game).
Let’s talk about Kate Marsh, and her suicide scene. Why this worked so well, and was a beautiful emotional moment in comparison to what I consider a let down of an ending.
Now, I mention Nathan Prescott, Victoria Chase, Thomas Jefferson, and David Madsen not only to applaud them and let you know I don’t hate the game, but also because Kate Marsh is one of the few characters that is directly affected by all four of the antagonistic forces in a negative way.
Kate Marsh is Max’s friend, and is the subject of bullying and this has led her to be depressed and eventually suicidal. Her primary issue is that she had gotten drugged by Nathan Prescott, and was video taped by Victoria making out with several people at a party, and at the end of the night she’d been abducted and photographed by Thomas Jefferson with the help of Nathan Prescott. All of this happened in one night, and Kate does not remember any of it. Since then, she’s become reclusive and depressed. There is then a later scene where David Madsen (security guard at this point) is harassing Kate over something unknown to the player.
Beyond the exposition from Max, you can learn Kate’s story and about Kate by talking to Kate, looking at her journal, and then later looking at her room, though all of that is inherently optional. Kate does not come center stage anymore than Victoria or Warren does, and so to me in my initial play through, she wasn’t center on my mind. Up until the scene on the roof, she stays as a side narrative no more important than Warren, that progressively becomes more and more centered, but no more significant, until the climax at the end of episode two.
Everything comes together at the climatic scene on the roof, where Kate decides to attempt suicide. Suddenly, this side story has become center stage and now she is a character we have to interact with.
I’m not saying I was completely blindsided, because I picked up on the  narrative as I’m familiar with disinterest in passions as a sign of depression (Max comments on Kate’s violin playing) but it did take me by surprise because I did not think this game was bold enough to bring us to an active suicide attempt. This reminds me a lot of Sayori’s suicide from Doki Doki Literature Club where we can observe Sayori’s behaviors, but suicide was not what we were expecting.
The suicide scene is different from any other moment in Life is Strange. First, we learn Max can freeze time, and we learn that she can exhaust her powers and lose them momentarily. This forces us to have to talk down Kate down the roof without the help of our time powers, relying on everything we learned about her. And if we succeed, she lives, and if we don’t, she dies. There’s no easy way out of it.
I applaud Life is Strange for doing this scene so well, and it’s so well written because there are so many moving parts that allowed this moment to be shocking without being out of place, and it also pushes a very healthy message about suicide awareness and prevention. Essentially, this scene actually teaches you how you can talk someone off the ledge, and if you succeed in saving Kate I would take what you’ve learned to heart.
First I want to talk about how you’re supposed to save Kate Marsh. Nothing that is given to you through scripted exposition will help you save Kate, because that’s the point. Kate is feeling lonely and like no one cares about her. So if you, the player as Max, choose not to care about her by not exploring her room or interacting with her, you can’t save her outside of some lucky guessing. This is very true in real life in some cases(I can’t really say all because there’s always an exception). It’s not uncommon that those who feel suicidal also feel these things, and that reassurance that they matter, that someone cares about them, that there is a time past whatever is causing them suffering goes a long way. Suicide awareness and prevention is more than just checking in on your depressed or suicidal friends, it’s showing them that not only are you checking in on them, you’re remembering and invested in the friendship.
This scene was frustrating in the best possible way because you’re never given a warning that what you learn about in Kate’s room will ever become important. There’s no indication in scene as to which option is right even if you look at everything. You are, out of nowhere, suddenly tested on your knowledge of Kate Marsh, and there’s a life on the line so you better remember right. I liked this because it again pushes this message that if you want to save Kate Marsh, you have to have cared about Kate Marsh.
There are two choices Max makes that can play a role in this scene, but doing them doesn’t prevent or destine the suicide. Instead, they add a small layer of complexity as Kate confronts the players with their actions if they are perceivably wrong in her eyes.
1. Intervening with David Madsen. If you do this, Kate is grateful. If you don’t, you really become no better than Victoria in that both of you documented a suffering Kate without stepping in.
2. Telling Kate to involve the police. If you do, Kate is reassured. If you don’t, Kate is extremely depressed. Even if you said it to find more evidence which is logical, Kate isn’t in a logical head space and so this reaffirms the fact that maybe she can’t do anything about this.
The reason why these simply add complexity and don’t destine the choice is because Max as a character has decided that she’s always going to be trying to do the right thing with Kate. Max is never going to hurt Kate, so when Kate gets upset by these actions, Max explaining her logic is enough for it to make sense to Kate. I like this added touch because it feels so real to see Kate being lost in her own thoughts, seeing these actions as malice, and then being comforted and reminded that they weren’t.
It was clever that the Kate Narrative never felt very pressing. For starters, everything has already happened to Kate and beyond the bullying, nothing else seemed to be happening. Nothing that Max could actively do. It was elegantly placed in the background in tandem with all the other unique narratives of the other characters. It does become more centered in the story as we progress in episode two, with Kate’s Phone call, for example. But despite the fact it becomes more centered, it does not become more significant. I mean this in that, Max is not actively helping Kate because she is actively with Chloe. It would become more significant if Max had stopped everything she was doing, abandon the current quest, to go and comfort and help solve Kate’s issues. But that doesn’t happen, and instead, we are forced to deal with what happens because of that. The game cleverly keeps this out of the limelight, so that it feels that much more impacful when we’re forced to act.
Now, I go back and forth on how I feel about not having the ability to rewind time and Max’s apparent ability to freeze time. I think it was necessary not only to raise the stakes of the scene, but also to send a positive message about suicide awareness and prevention. This game basically said to the reader “See, you don’t need magic powers to save people like Kate, just listen to them, show them friendship, and act as a support when they need it, and make sure they’re getting the help they need.” Even if you could rewind time, it still hinged upon the fact that you had to know enough about Kate. So regardless, that message is still pushed regardless.
My gripe is the Convenience Factor. I use this term to refer to things that happen out of nowhere, because it’s convenient for the plot. These are always solved by showing us this beforehand in the form of a (narrative) gun. I refrain from saying Checkov’s Gun, since that’s more about making everything relevant and taking out irrelevant date, in that if you have a Gun in chapter 1, it should go off in chapter 2. The Narrative Gun works in reverse. If you want a gun to be shot off in chapter two, you have to introduce it in chapter one. In this case, if Max is able to freeze time and lose her abilities in Kate’s Scene, it has to happen at least once beforehand. I know that Max talks about fearing to lose her ability at one point in the Episode and I think that was their attempt to plant the gun for it to go off, but I personally think we really should have seen this in action. And there’s no excuse for the time freeze. That gun has to be planted beforehand for it not to feel convenient later down the road.
That is really the only problem I have with this entire scene. Everything is so carefully laid out with a clear but not abrasive message about suicide awareness and prevention, and it’s high stakes with an immediate showcase of how our actions have consequences. It was really one of the most emotional scenes in the game for me.
So, the question remains, why does this scene seem to work for me and Chloe’s doesn’t in terms of emotional investment? Because let’s not play around, Chloe’s death strikes others far more passionately than me. I sound sociopathic, but I didn’t hesitate to sacrifice Chloe because morally, I’d sacrifice the few to save the many, especially if the few is okay with it. In this case, Chloe was.  
The other reason was because I feel like this moral conundrum is overused, and it didn’t feel fitting for this story that felt so small and contained and important on a personal level, not a world ending level.
Ultimately, I think was made me so emotionally invested in Kate, and emotionally distant to Chloe’s death is that Max already decided she was going to save Kate, and the choice is our effort to save her. Chloe on the other hand, is the trolley problem (there’s an oncoming train going to hit 5 people. If you pull the switch, it will change tracks and only hit two. What do you do?). Max has to play God and decide who to save and who to sacrifice, and it just felt unfitting as an ending. Especially since nothing that happened in the game bears any weight here.
I think it’s important when you’re writing a story with a distinct main character that the choices we make fit the character. It doesn’t seem within Max’s character to make this kind of choice, but it does make sense for her to try her damnedest to save her friend from committing suicide. Kate’s story wasn’t about whether or not we choose to save Kate or not, it’s if we can save Kate. It feels more personal to Max’s character, because it feels cliche at this point to be presented with the “do we sacrifice the few to save the many” moral issue. This problem doesn’t seem to feel unique to a character anymore.
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