#the brush that spread across luffys face was worth it though
itsrainingbubbles · 4 months
Law giving Luffy a piercing
I specifically have a highschool au in mind where law does his own piercings and one day Luffy asks him for one so they skip class to give luffy an ear piercing in the school bathroom
I think ace would just say "cool" and move on but Sabo would be pissed, who did this to his little brother? Did they even use a proper needle? Was the jewelry clean? Why didn't Luffy come to him so he could get it done at a proper place? He'd try to take it out too but Luffy wouldn't let him
And when the piercing heals law and Luffy buy matching jewelry, maybe law gives luffy even more piercings (I really want to see luffy with dimples it's been on my mind nonstop)
Mgmnn but also regular pirate universe where law gives luffy ear piercings but as a date of that makes sense?
Law bringing Luffy back to his room and the two of them just cuddling on the bed talking nonsense when piercings come up and law offers to give luffy one which Luffy is ecstatic about
So law starts getting everything set up. He gets the needle out and some extra jewelery he has and they pick out the earrings together ("which one do you like?" "It's your earring, pick which one you like the most" "but I want to know which one Torao likes the most" "why?" "Because I wanna be pretty to look at for Torao of course!" )
Law even holds Luffy's hand when he does the piercing. Luffy doesn't need the comforting, he just wants to hold laws hand and this is the perfect excuse, not that he ever needs an excuse to hold laws hand
It's a bit hard to do the piercing while holding hands but law made it work (he can be as clingy as Luffy if not even more clingy, he'd never admit it though)
Law then instructs Luffy on how to take care of the piercing but Luffy insists that he'll definitely need help so that just means they'll have to see each other more often
But also Luffy with a lip ring and law staring at Luffys lips and wanting to kiss him all the time, but more specifically law being the one to have given Luffy that piercing
Even before the piercing law was always staring at Luffy's lips and one day out of the blue just blurted out if Luffy had ever thought of getting a lip piercing which luffy says he hasn't but that it sounds cool and he'd be willing to get one (he also teases law about how he especially doesn't mind if it'd give law more to stare at but law chooses to ignore that part)
So law gets everything set up and before he even gets started and Luffy is just sitting on the chair law just kisses Luffy and they make out for a while before law remembers what he was supposed to do and gets everything in place again but can't help himself from kissing Luffy in between
Luffy says something about how affectionate law is being and law tells him that after he gets the piercing they won't be able to kiss while it's healing which is news to Luffy, and he immediately jumps law and kisses him
They don't get the piercing done that day ("Luffy we still need to do the pierci-" "there's still time, less talking more kissing" )
Then Luffy finds out he also won't be able to give blow jobs and the piercing gets delayed again
They eventually do get the piercing done and Luffy is whining within an hour of how it's so unfair he can't kiss Torao which law would tease him for if he wasn't feeling the same way, it felt especially unfair for him since the jewelry made Luffys lips looks even more appealing and he couldn't kiss him stupid
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anubislover · 5 years
Welcome to the Heart Pirates, Nami-ya Chapter 4: Citrus in the Sun
“So, tell me about your old captain.”
Nami looked up from the shirt she was altering to pay attention to her roommate. In just a month, she and Ikkaku had bonded splendidly, the engineer offering up her limited wardrobe to the navigator, even if the curly-haired beauty was much taller and not as well-endowed. Luckily, she gave Nami full permission to tailor a few of her old shirts to fit on the promise that they go shopping together after the next job. Law said he had something big planned, and everyone was eager to gain a little extra spending money.
“Old captain?”
Chin resting on her fist, the brunette grinned at her. “Yeah. I didn’t exactly get to talk to him, what with the life-threatening injuries and him grieving for his brother, but we’re all curious about Straw Hat. I mean, I can’t even imagine a guy crazy enough to punch a Celestial Dragon over a Fishman.”
It annoyed her slightly that, despite her repeated insistence that her position as their shipmate was temporary, the Heart Pirates treated her like she was fully part of their crew. They meant well, but it raised her hackles when they acted as if she was no longer a Straw Hat. “Luffy’s an odd one, that’s for sure. I guess the best way to describe him is pure and straightforward.”
Ikkaku wrinkled her nose. “‘Pure?’ Weird description for a pirate.”
“Yeah, it is, but I don’t mean in the sense that he’s all goodness and rainbows. He’s just…his wants and needs are uncomplicated. He loves his nakama, his dream is to be King of the Pirates, and he doesn’t care about your past—just how you act in the present. It’s the reason I choose to sail with him; normally, I hate pirates.”
Pursing her lips, Nami considered just how much to tell her new friend. The tattoo artist was fun and friendly and kind, but she wasn’t nakama. So, she settled on the essential details that hopefully wouldn’t invite more questions. “My mother was murdered by pirates, and they held my town hostage for years.”
Sympathy lined her face, mouth turning down at the corners. “I’m guessing the Marines didn’t do shit to help you.”
“A few tried but got killed for their efforts. Mostly, they were bribed to look the other way.”
“That sucks. I’m really sorry.” The words were simple but sincere, and it brought a small, appreciative smile to the navigator’s face.
“It’s in the past. Thanks to Luffy, everyone on the island is free and happy, and I’m out on the sea fulfilling my dream. He’s reckless and stupid and I’m pretty sure I’m going to get wrinkles before my time because of him, but I couldn’t ask for a better captain. I just have to make the most of these next two years so I’ll be strong enough to guide him through the New World.”
Ikkaku’s mouth twisted like she wanted to argue but held herself back. “Well, I’m glad he helped you out—otherwise, you’d still be stuck in that village, and we never would have met!” she said with a grin.
You have no idea, Nami thought to herself, standing up to slip on the now cropped button-down T-shirt. It was a bit tight at the top, necessitating the top three buttons remain open, but the pink and white plaid was super cute, and with her modifications it nicely accentuated her trim waist and ample bust. “How’d you end up on this ship, anyway?” she asked, hoping to change the subject.
Grabbing her bandana, Ikkaku playfully bumped her hip as they left the room. “Captain found me in a shit port town when the Polar Tang needed repairs. My boss at the time insisted the whole engine was about to fall apart and would need to be completely replaced. It was actually only a few parts, and I told him so. Boss was furious and sacked my ass, but Captain Law told me if I could fix it as easily as I said, he’d hire me on the spot. By the next day, I was officially a pirate.”
“What, so he didn’t just decide ‘she’s my engineer. I found her, so she’s mine’?” Nami asked, head tilted to the side in confusion.
“No, why would he?”
“Eh, Luffy just always seems to recruit people that way. No matter how you try to argue, once he decides you’re part of his crew, you’re done.”
“Not gonna lie, that actually sounds like a pretty pirate-like recruitment system.”
“Right? I think Brooke’s the only one who actually asked to join up—the rest of us were basically shanghaied.”
The two shared a hearty laugh as they parted ways, Ikkaku making her way to the engine room to oversee some maintenance, while Nami headed topside, determined to enjoy some fresh air. Shachi and Penguin had initially been reluctant to surface—they’d switched out the sub’s air earlier in the week and had no real need to do it again so soon—but she’d gone over their heads and appealed to Law, arguing that the last few times they’d done so, the weather had either been miserable, or they had to submerge again prematurely due to sighting a Navy ship. It was driving her bonkers, and Bepo was especially suffering. Luckily, the doctor had easily agreed, apparently considering the navigators’ comfort important enough to excuse the minor inconvenience.
Pushing open the steel door, she breathed in deeply, relishing the familiar scent of the sea and wind. It was a beautiful, sunny day and the crew was taking it as the perfect opportunity to decompress, both literally and figuratively. Bepo was particularly appreciative of the reprieve from the stuffy hull, having taken all the charts and maps onto the deck to work on. Sprawled on his belly, he carefully sketched out an island’s details like Nami had instructed, though it was clear from the way his eyelids kept drifting shut he was close to falling asleep. Meanwhile, Law lounged against him, head tilted back to absorb as much vitamin D as he could, fuzzy hat nowhere to be found. There was just enough of a breeze to keep Bepo’s fur from becoming uncomfortably hot, allowing the captain to fully enjoy this rare moment of relaxation.
The click of her heels against the metal deck woke him from a light doze, and he spared the Cat Thief a grin, nodding to the spot next to him against the bear. “Care to join us, Nami-ya?”
It never failed to surprise her whenever she caught Law using his navigator as a pillow. Though she’d finally accepted that, around his crew at least, there was more to the man than the sadistic monster the World Government made him out to be, it was still weird to see him do something so (dare she say it?) cute.
White teeth sank into her plump bottom lip as she considered his offer. On one hand, she enjoyed Bepo’s company; he was friendly, always grateful for her help, and so incredibly comfy she found herself wishing she could lay on him instead of her bed some nights. On the other hand, she’d have to sit next to Law. When there was work to be done, like plotting courses or planning supply runs, he maintained a respectful distance, treating her in a similar manner to his professionalism in the infirmary. But during downtown like this, she’d feel his sharp eyes lingering on her, his expression calculating before morphing into a lazy smirk once he realized she’d caught him. It put her on edge, not just because he was a dangerous man, but because his gaze never failed to ignite a small fire in her lower belly. She did her best to brush it off, reminding herself that, attractive though he may be, he was Luffy’s rival, his intentions towards her were still unknown, she didn’t mix business with pleasure, and no man was worth risking the safety of her nakama for.
Too bad none of that stopped the warm tingles of lust that sparked at his come-hither smirk or ostensibly innocent touches.
Sensing her reluctance, the surgeon pulled out his trump card; a small basket of ripe mikans. “Care for one? The cook got these on the last island, but said if they’re not eaten soon, they’ll go bad. I’d hate to see them go to waste.”
A sudden burst of homesickness washed over her; not just for Cocoyashi, but for her mikan grove aboard the Sunny. Unconsciously, her feet moved forward, and she soon found herself snuggled up against Bepo, the rough denim of Law’s jeans brushing against her bare leg; he’d moved little more than an inch to grant her room, not even bothering to hide the way his eyes trailed along the pale skin of her thighs exposed by her white shorts. Her own eyes narrowed in annoyance, but it quickly dissipated as he handed her the bright orange fruit.
“Eat up, Nami-ya; an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” Law chuckled before going back to sunning himself, a victorious smirk lifting the corner of his lip.
As much as she wanted to be aggravated at his teasing, the citrus scent tickled her nose enticingly as she instinctively began peeling the mikan. Mouth watering at the deliciously familiar smell, she licked her lips in anticipation before biting into a succulent slice.
She was in heaven the second the juices hit her tongue; the mikan was perfectly ripe, with a fresh tang that balanced out the sweetness beautifully. The cook was absolutely correct when he said they needed to be eaten now. Even a day later and they’d begin going over-ripe and soft, becoming saccharine and not as pleasant to eat. A little moan escaped her as the bits of flesh burst between her teeth, crewing carefully to savor every last moment.
A low laugh in her ear broke her from her mikan nirvana. “Sounds like you’re enjoying that, Nami-ya,” Law whispered suggestively, reaching over to boldly steal a slice.
Hot red spread across her cheeks as she tried to smack his hand away, but he was too quick. Not that it would have really stopped him; another thing she’d learned was that he wasn’t above using his powers for petty, inconsequential reasons, especially when he was in a playful mood. She’d seen him move his crew’s tools around, switch sugar for salt, and a few other things that were surprisingly juvenile. Part of her wanted to roll her eyes, but another part was mildly comforted by it; it was similar to how Luffy would use his Gomu Gomu abilities to steal food from the other side of the table or swing around the ship. Such frivolity painted a slightly lighter picture of the infamous Surgeon of Death.
“Hey Nami!” Shachi called as he practically skipped over, Penguin in tow. Despite the initial reluctance to surface, both seemed more chipper now that they were above water, the beautiful day doing its job. “Enjoying yourself?”
She shrugged, managing to force down her blush and replacing it with a carefree grin. “I’ve got sunshine, mikans, and Bepo as a pillow, so the day’s off to a good start.”
“Hey, I was wondering if you could clear up a rumor for me,” Penguin began, eyeing the fruit. “Do you really have mikan trees on your ship?”
Popping another slice in her mouth, she chirped, “Yup! They’re from my family’s mikan grove. I know it sounds odd, but it’s extremely beneficial; I get to carry a little piece of home with me wherever I go, and the crew has a ready supply of fruit so we’re safe from scurvy, vitamin deficiencies, and colds. It’s a struggle keeping Luffy from eating them all, but Sanji-kun’s developed at least sixteen different mikan dishes for me.” A frown tugged at her lips, both at the memory and a sudden thought. “I wonder if anyone’s caring for them now. They might all be dead by the time I get back.”
Though the sun shone brightly, the men could tell her mood had darkened. Clearing his throat, Shachi said, “I’m sure someone’s looking after them! What about that mermaid and octopus guy? Considering Straw Hat saved them from slavery, it’s the least they can do, right?”
Bepo was quick to chime in behind her, “Sabaody’s weather is consistently tropical, so I’m sure they’ll at least get watered. You’ll probably just have some pruning and stuff to do when you get back.”
The possibility that her trees might survive lifted her spirits a bit, and Penguin added, “Honestly, I’m kind of jealous. Wish we could have an orchard on the sub!”
Even though it was obviously just a ploy to distract her from melancholy thoughts, Nami was grateful. Rubbing her chin, she said, “Well, I doubt you could fit any trees, but maybe you could set up a greenhouse and garden? With how hot and steamy it gets in some of the rooms, you could potentially make a biodome and grow tropical plants.”
“That’s a good idea.” Scratching his muzzle, Bepo continued, “The engineering team has been developing some lights that simulate sunlight. Captain ordered it because when we’re underwater too long, the lack of sun causes some of the crew to get depressed, kind of like Seasonal Affective Disorder.”
Nami hummed thoughtfully. No wonder convincing him to surface had been so easy. “I can imagine. My body’s still adjusting to the lack of discernable day and night down there.”
Penguin nodded in agreement. “It’s easier when you’re from more wintery islands; we’re already used to days with less sunlight. Still, I’m liking the garden idea. Plants would supply more oxygen. We wouldn’t have to come up to switch out the air as often.”
“What?” the Mink said, panicking. “I take it back; it’s a bad idea! I don’t want to be stuck in the stuffy sub for longer!”
“Quit being such a baby!” Shachi scolded as Penguin rolled his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he replied, a dark cloud of gloom surrounding him.
“I’m with Bepo,” Nami defended, reaching behind her to scratch behind his ear comfortingly. “Even with the plants recycling the CO2, your ship gets hot and claustrophobic. You may be used to it, but I sure as hell get stir-crazy after only a few days. You’re lucky I didn’t hijack the helm and bring us topside earlier.”
The two men shuffled their feet, contrite. “Sorry, Nami.”
Pleased to see the duo had been brought to heel, the beautiful navigator bit down on another piece of fruit, sucking at the juices gently. Movement out of the corner of her eye captured her attention; she’d nearly forgotten Law was there, as he’d stayed quiet throughout the conversation, but gold eyes now bore into her. The heat of his stare trailed down to where the sliver of mikan dangled past her lips, and Nami swallowed harshly. He looked…hungry, and not for the tangy fruit.
“I think a garden could be extremely beneficial,” he finally drawled. “I certainly wouldn’t complain about having fresh medicinal herbs at my disposal. We can clear out one of the storage rooms, maybe install some extra windows and sprinklers. It’s a clever idea.” Taking another mikan slice from her unresisting hand, he bit into it, tongue running along his lips to catch the juices. Hearing her breath catch slightly at the action, he smirked, honey eyes hooded and pleased. “I knew I was right to recruit you.”
Scoffing to hide her discomfort, she looked away. “Well, you’ve only got eleven months left to take advantage of my brilliance. After that, you’ll have to figure things out for yourself again.”
“Oh, don’t worry; I’ve got plenty of ideas on how to make the most of our time together.” He turned back to his oldest friends. “Why don’t you two run down and tell the engineering team about Nami-ya’s suggestion? I’m want them to start planning as soon as possible.”
“Yes sir!”
As the pair scurried off, Bepo let out a mighty yawn, and a few minutes later began softly snoring. It was no surprise; the sun had grown much warmer as they’d talked, and napping was the bear’s default method of dealing with the heat. Law chuckled before pulling off his hoodie, revealing a tight, black tank top.
Much as Nami wanted to ignore the sudden excess of skin, her eyes lingered on the scrolling tattoos across his arms and chest. She knew he had more than the ones normally exposed on his hands and forearms, but she hadn’t expected them to take up most of his chest and biceps. Nor had she expected the design; when Ikkaku had said she’d tattooed hearts on him, she’d expected something more anatomically correct, possibly with the individual parts labeled like in a medical textbook. Instead, they were bold, intricate, had an almost primal beauty, and were vaguely familiar.
“See something you like, Nami-ya?” he asked, preening at her rapt attention.
“Your tattoos just…my sister has a similar design.” Remembering the day Nojiko had come home with the swirling, indigo pattern made her smile. She’d been horrified at the time, but it was a touching act of solidarity on her older sister’s part, making her feel slightly better about the horrid Jolly Roger branded on her shoulder.
Law blinked, surprised at the answer. “Is she a pirate, too?”
“No, she’s back home taking care of Bellmere’s mikan grove.”
“And that’s in Cocoyashi, right? In the East Blue?”
“Yeah, so?”
One shoulder lifted in a nonchalant shrug, though his grin had an edge of cruelty. “You should be more careful what you reveal about yourself; you never know what could be used against you. For example, since I know you have a sister and where she is, I could potentially threaten her to ensure your compliance.”
A month ago, she would have completely flipped at the thinly veiled threat, but she’d gotten better at calling his bluffs. “You could, but you won’t—it wouldn’t be beneficial to our working relationship. After all, I’m as protective of my loved ones as you are of your crew. If I really thought you were a threat to my sister, I wouldn’t hesitate to end you.”
“That’s assuming you have the guts to kill me. I doubt you’ve ever taken a life.”
Thoughts of her numerous failed attempts to murder Arlong danced across her mind. “Not for lack of trying. And I don’t have get my hands dirty to take you out; Devil Fruit users risk death just by being at sea. I could potentially shove you overboard or lead the ship into a storm, and you’d be at the bottom of the ocean before anyone even realized.”
His smirk relaxed as he propped his arms on his knees. “That you could. It’s amazing the lengths we’ll go to for the ones we love. Mugiwara-ya was willing to storm Impel Down and take on the Marines for his brother, even if they weren’t blood.”
Secure in the knowledge that Nojiko would not be targeted by the Surgeon of Death, Nami tucked her legs underneath her, leaning against Bepo to get more comfortable. “Someone doesn’t have to be blood to be family,” she stated, idly playing with her bracelet.
“No, they don’t,” he agreed. “Whitebeard was a perfect example. When I heard he called his crew his sons, I spent years believing it was just a tactic to manipulate them into blind loyalty. But the deeper I dug, the more I realized it was legitimate. The man truly gave that much of a shit for the men that followed him.” His expression darkened. “On the other hand, I’ve known plenty of sick bastards that would shoot their own brother without a moment’s hesitation.”
Sensing his train of thought would likely lead them down an unpleasant path, Nami diverted, “I wish I could have met Whitebeard. And spent more time with Ace. Luffy clearly adored his big brother, and he was so incredibly polite. Should have been my first hint they weren’t related.” A sad smile touched her lips. Their brief time with the Fire Fist in Alabasta had been illuminating, and she doubted her captain’s goofy grin could have been any bigger with him around. “You, know, he actually asked Luffy to join the Whitebeard Pirates,” she laughed. “As if Luffy’d ever let someone else be captain!”
The smirk returned to the Dark Doctor’s face, chin resting in his palm. “It’s for the best he didn’t. For all the man’s virtues, Whitebeard had a problem with taking on female crewmembers. You probably wouldn’t be invited to join him.”
“Then Luffy definitely would have refused. After all the trouble he went through to make me his navigator, he wouldn’t just toss me aside.”
A midnight blue eyebrow raised, intrigued. “Now that sounds like a story.”
“Yeah, but it’s one you haven’t earned the right to hear yet,” she huffed, reaching across him to snag another mikan. “At least, not from me. If Luffy was as loose-lipped as you claim, he probably babbled the whole thing.”
“Hmmm, mostly he just talked about how great his crew was, nothing about how he roped you into service. Even if he did, I’d much rather hear it from you—fewer interruptions by agonized screams.”
Delicate fingers paused halfway through peeling the fruit, chest tightening as she remembered that Luffy hadn’t been casually trading stories with Law over a drink—he’d been on death’s door, suffering physically and mentally, and Nami hadn’t been there for him. None of them had. She’d been off with the weather wizards, and yeah, going there hadn’t been her choice, but she should have tried harder to leave Weatheria the second she heard about Ace’s impending execution. She knew how far Luffy’d go for his loved ones, knew where the inevitable battle would be, and instead she’d stayed on the floating island, fooling herself into thinking he would be fine without her.
She’d never been ashamed of her instinct to run away from a fight, but she doubted there’d be a single day in the next two years that she didn’t curse her cowardice.
The mood once more threatened to darken, so Law summoned his Room and switched the discarded mikan peel for a bottle of sunscreen. Breaking her from her guilty thoughts, he nudged her with the tube. “Someone as pale as you is susceptible to sunburn, Nami-ya. Put this on.”
Logical as it was, she bristled at the order. “I doubt I’ll be out here long enough to even tan.”
He shifted away from the still-sleeping Bepo to sit across from her, the heat of the day finally making his favorite spot uncomfortable. “Surfacing was your idea, and we’ll be submerging before dinner, so you’d best enjoy the sunshine while you can.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Scoffing, Law proceeded to squeeze some of the white liquid into his palm before rubbing it onto the back of his neck. His smirk turned mischievous, however, and he reached over to flick a few sticky globs onto her face.
“Yeek! What are you—!”
He laughed at her outrage. “You were being stubborn. I’m sure the last thing you want is to be horribly disfigured by skin cancer, so do as I say and put on the sunblock.” His piercing eyes grew hooded as he studied the white droplets splattered across her chin and cheeks. Leaning closer, he whispered, “At the very least, you should rub that in before someone sees you and gets the wrong idea.”
Heat blossomed across her face that had nothing to do with sunburn. She didn’t need a mirror to know what he was implying. Frantically, she rubbed at her face, fuming at his dirty trick. The orders were bad enough, but the innuendos, combined with that golden gaze, made her uncomfortably aware of how easily he managed to get the best of her. She was a lot more used to blatant perversion, like Brooke’s requests to see her panties, than Law’s more subtle double-entendres. In fact, she was surprised to find them harder to ignore, as they made her pick apart his every word and action, trying to figure out if he was hitting on her or not.
Enough is enough! she thought, a devilish gleam twinkling in her eye. It’s time to teach him that nobody teases like Cat Thief Nami! When her service began, she’d been too scared of the potential consequences to give as good as she got, but after a month of his flirting and touches and teasing, she was at her breaking point. She might not mix business with pleasure, but revenge with pleasure was fair game.
Studying her target, her clever mind began forming a devious plan. Scooting forward so she was directly across from him, she traced the tips of her fingers over the heart on his right arm. “Did Ikkaku do these?” she asked, eyes widened slightly to give the illusion of innocent wonder.
The way his eyebrow raised indicated he didn’t believe her act for a second, but the curve of his lips made it clear he wasn’t worried about a trap and was going to milk the sudden attention for all it was worth. “Yeah. Hiring her was one of my best decisions—I got an engineer and a tattoo artist all in one.”
Light as a butterfly’s wing, she trailed over his shoulder to the swirls across his collarbone. The tip of her index finger slipped beneath the neck of his tank top, tugging gently. “I’d love to see them all. Would you mind taking off your shirt?”
He closed his eyes briefly, amusement painted plainly on his face. “If you want to see them so much, how about you do it for me?” he suggested lowly, sitting up straight and smirking down at her in challenge.
Poking the pink tip of her tongue out playfully, she shifted onto her knees before running her hands down his chest, tugging the bottom of the shirt out of his jeans before slowly pulling upward. Inch by inch smooth skin and hard planes of muscle were revealed, the elaborate heart tattoo trailing elegantly across his pecs and abs. The whistle she let out was genuine—the shirtless man before her really was quite striking.
She sat back on her heels, taking a moment to admire him. He wasn’t quite as ripped as Zoro, but he definitely had a swordsman’s physique. She could easily imagine him doing one-armed pushups, sweat dripping down his sides, muscles rippling like an unsettled pond. Picking up a slice of fruit, she bit into it a little too hard, the citrus juices spilling all over her fingers.
Sharp gold irises honed in on the way the pale orange drops trailed down her palm to her wrist, and his Adam’s apple visibly bobbed. “Are you usually this messy an eater, Nami-ya?”
She gave him an embarrassed smile. “Not usually. I guess the heat’s getting to me.” Looking away, she stroked the tip of her tongue up her forearm, cleaning up the sticky streak. She could feel the intense way his eyes followed the movement, and when she met his gaze, the hunger had returned full force.
“Mind if I have another mikan slice?” he rasped.
Despite knowing he could easily get it himself, she nodded coyly, holding out a particularly fat and ripe piece mere inches from his mouth. When he leaned in to take it between his teeth, she pulled back, instead teasingly biting into it, more juices flowing over her lips and onto her fingertips.
She didn’t expect his arms to shoot out like vipers, hands grasping her hips to pull her onto his lap. She was forced to straddle his thigh to keep her balance, and she still nearly fell over in shock as he leaned down, lips less than a centimeter from touching her own as he stole half the dangling fruit straight from her mouth.
Never before had she imagined someone could chew smugly, but as he pulled away, that was exactly what he was doing. “Don’t play games you’re not prepared to do anything to win, Nami-ya,” he purred.
Idly, she draped her arms over his shoulders, tracing the tips of her wet fingers along his upper back in light, delicate patterns. “Are we playing a game, Law-kun?” she asked breathily.
The gleam in his eyes was answer enough, as was the way his palms trailed across the soft skin of her exposed waist.
Leaning back, she studied his naked torso through half lidded brown eyes, sucking the remaining mikan juices off her fingers. “I really do like your tattoos. Do you want me to put some sunscreen on them? I’d hate for you to get burned and risk the ink getting distorted.”
“That’d be much appreciated, Nami-ya.”
The pink tip of her tongue peeked out to wet her lips as she grabbed the nearby bottle, squeezing the coconut-scented cream onto her hands. Just as her palms made contact with his pectorals, his scorching hands encircled her wrists, pinning them there.
She looked up at him in surprise, to which he easily chuckled. “Just making sure your hands don’t stray anywhere inappropriate. I know how hard it is for you to resist the temptation of getting your hands on a man’s wallet.”
“Don’t you trust me, Law-kun?”
“I trust you to be a scheming little minx,” he replied, tone deceptively affectionate.
Her lower lip stuck out in a pout, though she quickly smoothed out her expression when his molten stare fixated on it, looking for all the world like he wanted to lean down and capture it between his teeth. Pushing away the thought that she wouldn’t exactly mind it, she focused on her task.
Up, down, and across her hands traveled, massaging the sunscreen into Law’s skin as his hands shamelessly guided her. His flesh was tantalizingly hot and deliciously smooth, a few faint scars visible now that she was so close. His muscles rippled as he flexed casually, and Nami was pleased when she felt his heart speed up when her fingers “accidentally” flicked a dusky nipple. Curious, she lightly scraped her nails over the ridges of his abdominal muscles, smirking when they jumped under her ministrations, a low rumble, almost like a purr, echoing through his chest.
“You’re looking a little flushed, Nami-ya,” he whispered in her sensitive ear, steamy breath smelling faintly of mikans. “Is the sun what’s getting you hot and bothered, or me?”
Looking up at him through long, dark lashes, she replied, “Definitely the sun. It takes a lot more than rubbing a guy’s chest to make me weak in the knees.”
“Ah, there’s the Cat Thief I know. You were acting so demure, I was beginning to wonder if your brain got fried.” His devilish grin turned smug. “Or were you hoping to get a little payback with the sunscreen?”
“Maybe I just wanted an excuse to feel you up,” she quipped, giving a cat-like smile.
“If you wanted that, you should have just asked. I’m happy to oblige.”
“Aw, but where’s the fun in that?”
“Good point.” At last, not a speck of white remained on her palms, so Law reluctantly released his hold on her. “Want me to return the favor?” he murmured, letting the tips of his fingers suggestively caress her bare midriff.
Though red still stained her cheeks, Nami managed to maintain her composure as she carefully stood up. One of her legs had started to fall asleep, and she didn’t need the Heart captain thinking he really had made her weak in the knees. “Nah, I think I’m going to go back inside for a bit. I’m feeling a little thirsty.”
With the woman out of his arms, Law rolled his shoulders, working out the stiffness that had started to form. “Fair enough. If you change your mind, the offer still stands.”
Before she could respond, one of the men called out from the lower deck, “Hey Captain! We need your opinion on something!”
Getting up with all the grace of a tiger, he lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Duty calls. Don’t stay inside all day, though; I can’t promise we’ll be surfacing again soon, and I don’t need you suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.” With that, he activated his Room, teleporting himself down onto the lower deck.
As she turned to go inside, motion caught her eye, and she found Bepo watching her, eyebrows raised in surprise.
Giving a catty wink, she pressed her finger to her lips in a shushing motion before gathering up Law’s hoodie, tank top, and the rest of the mikans, leaving one behind for the sleepy Mink to enjoy.
“I’ll just toss these in the laundry for him. I’d hate for them to blow overboard.”
“I guess it’s too hot for him to put them back on,” Bepo agreed hesitantly.
Her smile was sunny and painfully obvious. “Exactly! And fewer clothes means he’ll get exposed to more vitamin D, so I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
Shrugging as he watched Nami skip away, the polar bear settled back down to resume his nap. Law was his best friend and his captain but considering how shamelessly he’d been teasing the Cat Thief, he was pretty sure the Dark Doctor deserved whatever Nami had in store. Besides, she was the reason the crew even agreed to surface in the first place—Bepo owed her his silence, just this once.
As the crew sat down to breakfast the next morning, Nami was startled by a large, firm hand gripping her shoulder as a voice whispered harshly in her ear, “That was very clever, Nami-ya.”
Forcing her heart to slow, she glanced up at Law with a smirk. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Somehow, the scowl on his face deepened. “Then the sunburn on my back, despite me clearly remembering putting sunscreen there, wasn’t your fault?”
“Oh dear,” she gasped, “maybe the fruit juices on my fingers washed it away.”
“And maybe someone who grew up in a mikan grove would know that the juice from citrus fruits, when exposed to sunlight and bare skin, can cause sunburn?”
“You know, you’re right!” she said, planting a fist in her palm. Batting her eyelashes innocently, she smiled. “But surely you don’t think I’d do such a thing on purpose?”
“You’re the one who so generously brought my hoodie inside to be laundered. Without asking for payment, I might add. Quite suspicious.”
“I considered the mikans you gave me payment enough. And it’s not like I stole them away—Bepo told you what I did with them, and you easily could have gone inside for another shirt. Instead, you spent the rest of the day outside with insufficient protection. Rather silly of a doctor, wouldn’t you say?”
Law’s glare told her he knew he’d been played and was already planning his revenge. “Just remember payback is a bitch.”
The whole crew had a hard time containing their sniggers as Law stormed out of the galley. Now everyone could see why he was so mad—across his shoulders, just above the neckline of his tank top was the word BREAD in shiny, red, sunburned letters.
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laws-hat-headcanons · 6 years
Pancakes: Sanji x Reader Fluff
So today is Pancake day in England and I wanted to do something a bit silly. It was a toss up between Law, Sanji and Luffy and since I've written nothing for Sanji he won.
Very silly but fun to write. Hope you guys enjoy!
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“Name-chan, what are you doing?” Sanji asks as he enters the kitchen, arms laden with shopping bags, to find you standing behind the kitchen counter, apron on, pan in hand and covered in most of your cooking ingredients.
“I.. uh,” You pause, not really sure how to describe your current state. “Well I wanted some pancakes so....”
Depositing his bags Sanji comes round to join you, a frown on his face, “I'm always happy to make anything you want, Name-chan,” He says, taking in the flour dusting your face. “You only have to ask.”
“I know that,” You say, nodding because you know he is. “But I wanted to do this myself.”
“Oh?” Sanji hums, a swirled eyebrow raised.
You nod again and put the pan down, placing your hands on your hips instead.
“On the island I'm from today is Pancake day. Every year everyone on the island has pancakes, and every year my Grandma would make them for my family,” You explain, blowing a strand of hair from you face before looking at your feet. “It's been years since I've been home and I don't know why but I just thought...”
You trail off and rub at the back of your neck, feeling self conscious.
Sanji says nothing for a momenr and you start to fidget uncomfortably under his gaze.
“It was stupid, I've never been very good at cooking anyway – I didn't think pancakes would give me this much trouble though,” You say, forcing a smile as you motion to all your failed attempts, scattered on plates across the work top. “I know how much you hate wasted food too – Sorry, Sanji-kun.”
“Don't apologise,” Sanji smiles, looking around at the rejects. “I'm sure I can find a use for these.”
“Even that one?” You ask sheepishly, turning your eyes to the ceiling.
Sanji follows your gaze and snorts back a laugh when he sees the lone pancake plastered to the ceiling. He clears his throat, still trying to keep his mirth at bay and gives you a smile, “Zoro can have that one.”
You can't help the giggle that bubbles up inside you and after a moment both of you begin laughing, fuelled by the rogue ceiling pancake.
A minute passes and the laughing subsides but you feel much better about the whole situation. Sanji is still grinning at you and you're glad he isn't angry at you for using the kitchen without his permission.
“Ah, well, it was worth a try,” You say, reaching up to pull the apron ties from around your neck.
“Oi, oi, what are you doing Name-chan?” Sanji asks, his fingers circling your wrists to stop you removing the apron. You raise an eyebrow and he smiles. “You still have pancakes to make.”
“You really want more of them stuck up there?” You question, pointedly not looking at the ceiling pancake to avoid falling back into uncontrollable giggles.
Sanji's smile widens, “I'll help you. Come on.”
So, despite your misgivings and the shapeless forms of your previous attempts around you, you try again.
You oil and heat the pan while Sanji looks over the remains of your batter with a critical eye. He says nothing, which you're grateful for, but you have very little doubt that he could do a thousand times better.
Once everything is ready you pour the mixture in to the pan, making sure it spreads evenly.
“Alright, I think it's ready to flip,” Sanji tells you shortly after. You pick up the pan and stare at it blankly, feeling stupid.
“I don't want to,” You tell him, pulling a face. “This is where it usually went wrong all the other times.”
You both avoid looking up.
“Here,” Sanji says, stepping over to your side. He positions himself to your right, just behind you and covers your hand with his, helping to control the pan. “Right, here's what you do.”
It takes a lot of focus to concentrate on the instructions the cook gives you and not on the heat of his body against your back, or the vibration of his chest as he speaks, or the feel of his hand over yours.
If you turn your head slightly you can see him out of the corner of your eye, his own gaze firmly fixed on the task at hand.
Once he gives you a run down of the motions you nod and, with a fluttering in your chest that is not related to the stress of pancake flipping, you tilt the pan and flick it up.
You watch as the pancake somersaults in the air -once, twice- before tumbling back down to land in the pan with a soft thwap.
“Ah!” You shout, startling Sanji and almost dropping the pancake in your surprise. “I did it! Look Sanji-kun, it landed back in the pan!!"
“Well done Name-chan,” Sanji laughs, amused by your excitement. “I knew you could.”
You put the pan down and spin round to hug him, throwing your arms around the blond haired man's neck and earning yourself a grunt of surprise. You give him a big squeeze and start to pull away but pause. Without giving yourself time to think about it, you give him a quick kiss, brushing against his lips before stepping out of the embrace.
“Thank you, Sanji.” You smile again and mean it, then watch as his face turns a worrying shade of pink.
“A-any... anytime, Name- c-chwaaaan” Sanji manages to get out, his eyes bursting with little hearts while a thin trickle of blood runs from his nose.
“We should eat it!” You say, turning back to the pancake so your crewmate can collect himself. It takes a few moments before he joins you again and he is still an interesting pink colour but at least he is functioning.
“You eat it – you worked hard to make it, Name-chan.” Sanji says, watching you with a dazed look on his face. The blush fading slowly.
You shake your head and, after making sure the pancake is cooked, deposit it on a plate. “I want to share it with you.”
“W-with me?” Sanji asks, surprised.
You nod and give him your most winning smile, “Of course with you.”
While Sanji mulls that over you quickly collect a myriad of pancake toppings and dump them on the table in front of him, startling him out of his thoughts. The two of you pick out your toppings – strawberries and chocolate sauce for you and lemon and sugar for Sanji. You each decorate your own half of the pancake and dig in.
You miss the warm look Sanji gives you as he takes his first bite of the pancake, too busy savouring the taste of your own mouthful – but when you do look up you see his visible eye crinkled into a happy smile, “This is really good, Name-chan. You should cook with me more often!”
You grin, shovelling another forkful into your mouth as the ceiling pancake finally looses it's grip and falls to the floor with a loud thwap.
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