#the brother-brother love of ronarry and brother-sister love of harmione makes me wanna cry why don’t i have anything like that
delumineight · 10 months
do you ever think of the golden trio not being able to sleep alone after the battle and having to wake the others after a nightmare to check if theyre alive and using silencing charms incase they scream in their sleep
yes. yes i think of this so much. immediately after the battle they sneak off and go to sleep, all in one bed together and sprawled out all over each other. at the burrow they all sleep in ron’s room. molly doesn’t say anything or try to stop hermione from being with the boys. she somehow knows they need it (after all they were all alone together for however many months). i think when ron and mostly hermione have nightmares harry is filled with horrible guilt. he has to leave. he makes sure they’re okay and he goes downstairs and makes tea and comes back up a few hours later. he cannot stand to see others suffer for his cause, for something he feels like he did. especially his two best friends. in general i just think they’re all a bit traumabonded i don’t care if it’s “unhealthy” but it’s so true it’s just undeniable. when ron and hermione are like “hey we’re going to australia um” harry’s like… who do u think u are. anyway. side note but i think hermione’s nightmares are actually sleep paralysis because if something is wrong with a character i like i WILL make it worse!
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