#the brasilian name is much better
vvettaka · 9 days
Just watched As above so below and before ANYTHING ELSE i gotta say 10/10 movie. just. fuck. man my gf really dont miss on these recommendations which btw we watched together, it was fun so like, im so fucking impressed because IT IS AN ENTIRE FUCKING HOUR OF BUILDUP WITHOUT MUCH HAPPENING (debatable) AND BRO ITS SO FUCKING WORTH THE PAYOFF BECAUSE YEAH, ITS 1H BUT EVEN SO YOU GET HOOKED ON ON THE FUCKING FIRST MINUTE WITH HER GOING TO A FUCKING FOREIGN COUNTRY TO RESEARCH SOMETHING SOMETHING like dude the reveal "ABANDON ALL HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER" just gooood gave me chills, 10/10 just absofuckinglutely perfect all around except. just. one. fucking. scene. bro. BRO. JUST. MAN. I CANT LAUGH PROPERLY ON ENGLISH SO FUCK IT AKDSFIOJKOIASDJKFOIJKASDOFIKASDOIFJKQOIWJKROIASJKEOIASJK MEU PARCEIRO MEU BROTHER MEU CAMARADA MEU IRMÃO MEU COMPARÇA MEU PARÇA NÃO DÁ PRA TANKAR
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toni-peperoni · 5 months
1.001 words of pure crack, treated not nearly as seriously as I intended, prompted by @yeastinfectionvale with 'Uccio and Checo being twins, but make it dramatic'. Here it goes:
He couldn't quite remember who had suggested to do that 23 and me test, but the entire academy came together and Vale was doing it too. So Uccio couldn't just opt out. He wanted to be cool after all. And really, what spoke against it. Being from such a little place like Tavullia meant that everyone knew everyone and the only thing that Uccio really hoped to find out was the he and Vale might be related at least in someway?
One after the other, they opened their results and all seemed normal and right, they even got the Brasilian part of Franky right, but then when they got to his results, something was weird. It said he was half Mexican. Mexican? How could that be with how much he despised the Spanish language and anything associated with it.
But when it was right with Franky and Brasil, that had to mean it was right with him and Mexico too right? Everyone was confused and Uccio wanted to call his mother. Naturally everyone else wanted to hear the explanation too, so he was forced to stay and call his mother on speaker.
"Hello Alessio, my baby, what is up? Why are you calling me so late?", his mother asked him.
Bez and Cele were giggling he was still called 'my baby' by his mother. That got them a death glare.
"We all took DNA tests and it turned out I'm half Mexican. Any comment on that", he asked with spite in this voice, that usually only came out when he defended his family, Vale, against the great evil, Marc.
"Oh what, that must be a mistake. Neither I nor your father are Mexican!", his mother tried to play it down. But Uccio saw right through her, like he always saw the malicious intent of people.
"But is my father even my father?", Uccio shot back. And his mother's defence crumbled.
She was sobbing, tears rolling. Her son had never been supposed to find out. Nobody was supposed to know what happened when that hot shot from Mexico had suddenly showed up one day and like a whirlwind threw her world upside down.
"I never wanted you to find out. Of course your father is your father, he raised you, but your biological dad is someone else. His name is Antonio. He was charming, he was sweet and just everything I missed in your father. I am so sorry I never told you, but it was for the better. I didn't want to start a whole identity crisis for you. You know, because Salucci is not your biological father's last name. My one motto has always been: The main thing is that Alessio is well"
He swallowed hard. "Salucci isn't my right last name. I'm not actually Uccio. But who am I? What is my last name supposed to be?"
"It's Perez", his mother sobbed out.
"That's so Spanish. That's so typical in the Spanish language it's even in the Spanish Duolingo course as a standard example name", Pecco threw in from the side, not being helpful or considering of the crisis he was currently going through.
"Wait Antonio Perez as in the father of Checo Perez?", Valentino was the first to make the connection.
"That's exactly him. I can't watch Formula 1 without thinking about him. And your twin brother."
"My twin? I have a twin?", Uccio - was he even Uccio anymore, or was he now Rezo and needed to dye is hair blue because of an identity crisis - asked.
"His name is Sergio. He was so weak as a baby, he passed as a lot younger than he actually is. It's a miracle he actually made it. And look at him now, sometimes winning races in F1 of Max isn't able. Or Carlos", she wept.
"Checo Perez is my twin? But isn't he ten years younger than me give or take?", the half Mexican asked.
"Like I said, he was very week as a baby, it was easy to pass him as younger."
"So what you are saying is that not Fernando, but Checo is the oldest driver on the grid?", Valentino double checked.
"He is. My sweet little angel. I haven't seen him in so long."
Uccio ended the call with his mother after that. He always thought he was her only sweet angel, but now that.
"I need to get in contact with him. How, how can I do that?"
"We could get in contact with Marc, he was good ties to the RedBull F1 team."
"No, not Marquez. I have a reputation to loose here, not you. I can't ask him."
"Well alternatively, we could try Lewis. See if Checo is in the WhatsApp group with all drivers."
"That, let's do that."
Valentino and Uccio went somewhere more private to call Lewis Hamilton and not even 10 minutes later, they had the phone number of the mexican and apparently also half-italian driver.
It took a few rings until Checo picked up, confused as to who was calling him.
"Hi, this is Alessio. The best friend of Valentino Rossi. We got your number from Hamilton. I'm calling because. Because I just found out I'm your brother. Your twin brother."
"My. My what?"
"I'm your twin. We were separated shortly after birth. Your father took you back to Mexico, away from my mother and away from me. I can't believe I finally found out."
"But what does that mean? How old does that make me? I have to be 40-something."
"Yeah, you are. I am so happy to have finally found you. I always felt like a part of me was missing. Like my family wasn't complete. But now you are there and it all makes sense."
"I know what you mean. How could they have never told us? We could have met so much sooner!"
"It doesn't matter", Uccio said, voice strong, though the emotion in it was clear. "Because we have found eachother now, brother."
I formally want to apologize to anyone. Especially to anyone who understood the accidental Rezo reference (for context, there is a very, very well known German YouTuber, with blue hair, which is basically his trademark), this was not done on purpose, I typed out Rezo, before realising what I had actually just typed.
Let me end this with another quote two quotes with great German popculture relevance:
1. Hauptsache Alessio geht es gut (The main thing is that Alessio is well) said by a famous German rapper over the child of a very bad German musician.
2. Weil mein Ruf kaputt geht, ned deina! (I have a reputation to loose here, not you!) Quote fro the father of said Alessio, the very bad German musician Piedro Lombardi.
And I think that sums up this entire experience quite well. Because whatever repution I had, I have probably now lost. Thanks for indulging in my crack
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notsodailycake · 3 years
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So like, i said I'd show a ref sheet of her, and here she is
Meet Helena, my fnaf oc, she has a older sister named Sofia who left for college, a mom who is in the hospital and a neglectful dad who is responsible for her, she hates him
She moved from brasil to utah at around the age of 9
She was born without a leg
She doesn't like to show weakness to anyone, and wants to prove she can do stuff herself, and won't ask for help often
Her relationship with her sister is a bit messy, they were very close, sofia being the one who mostly took care of her, but after she moved away Helena became bitter for being left alone with her dad
Hates the fact she resembles her dad while Sofia looks like a copy of their mom
Really likes figure skating, used to do it alot with her mom, now she uses roller skates to replicate what once was
Really likes cars, wants to be a racer
Now, she does have a friendship dynamic with @saltyandsassy31 and @iennoganan-aha ocs Selena and Grace, along side Gregory, making what we like to call, The GlamCadets
Each has their own animatronic friend, Helena has roxy, Grace has Monty, Selena has Chica, and well, Gregory gor the famous father bear Freddy
Here are like, few little doodles i did of them
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How Grace and Helena first met, Grace sneaked out of daycare to explore the pizza plex, and Helena sneaks in the pizza plex alot to get away from home, she met Gregory by this time and they became close friends, in which he introduced her to the animatronics, and how she formed a close bond with monty and roxy
She saw grace winning a roxy plush, the same one she got a monty plush..she already had, and when she saw him she realised how much of a monty fan he was, with the amount of monty merch he wore, so she offered a trade, the rest is history
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This one explore more on how they are
Grace is the type to bark but not bite, but he knows damn well that he doesn't need to bite bc Helena and Gregory would bite for him, meanwhile Selena being a sweet talker, can get them out of trouble
Gregory and Helena like to bully Grace alot tho, in a friendly manner, while Selena is the mom friend and mostly the most sweet
Grace and Gregory got a bit of a rivalry going on, but they enjoy each other's company
Helena and Selena bond quite a bit like sisters, being that bith are brasilian so they are closer bc of that, and Helena helps Selena out when she can't understand something (Helena is more fluent in english then Selena)
Grace and Helena are pretty close, probably the first to bond better then the rest for their mutual like for monty, plus i belive Helena introducing monty to him gives her extra brownie points lol
Gregory and Helena are like partners in crime and will most certainly cause trouble when together
Any ither info u want with the gang you can check the respectable owner of each oc :>
Now i will say, if I'm not working on my comic, or any asks and doodle requests, yall will most certainly have me rambling about these babies wether you like it or not
So expect oc content in between breaks with my comic
Oh and bonus drawings of Helen's sister
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Ok I'm off now-
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g1 brasilian nirvana ponies, from the perspective of my brasilian mom
thanks to my (brasilian) mom, ive discovered the portuguese names for g1 ponies are SO MUCH BETTER than the english ones. hell, they almost made her cry bc they were so cute.
my mom was raised in brasil for most of her life, so i was rather enlightened from this conversation
my mom telling me of her experience with estrela, the company who produced brasils mlp line
“they were the number one toy producer when i was young”
“yeah, their quality was really good”
“aw, im sad i never saw the ponies. i guess i was too old.”
minty was “graminha”, or “little grass”
blue belle was “estrelinha”, “little star”
applejack was “rosquinha“, named after a type of cookie that is normally shaped like a donut
dont confuse with rosquinha frita, which is a donut
peachy was “drops”, which weirded my mom out, bc thats. thats an english word. where did this come from.
gusty was “bola de neve”, or “snowball” (literally “ball of snow”)
parasol was “pingo de chuva”, or “raindrop” (literally “drop of rain”)
starshine is “asinha de açucar”, or “wings of sugar”/”wings made of sugar”/”sugar wings”, which is my fave name probably
gusty, in the shy pose, was named “escocês“, which my mom said was “what we called people from scotland”, so, gusty was named “scottish”
bubbles in the shy pose was named “festinha”, or “little party”
baby cuddles’s name on the wiki is misspelled, and is actually “chocalhinho“, which is “(baby) rattle”
magic star was “varinha de condão“, which is “conductor's wand/baton”
shady, “óculos-de-sol“, is literally “sunglasses”
twist is “batatinha doce”, or “sweet potato”
paradise is “asinha banho de lua“, which is one of the more interesting names. we know “asinha” is wings, but “banho de lua” is a “moon bath”. literally, paradise is “wings of moon bath”/”wings of the moon bath”/“moon bath wings”
north star, “Asinha Rosa-dos-Ventos“, is “wings of the compass rose”/”compass rose wings”/“wings of the windrose”/”windrose wings”
fun fact: prior to the creation of the portuguese language orthographic agreement of 1990/AO 1990, a compass rose was called “rosa-dos-ventos”, WITH the hyphens. afterwards, it was named “rosa dos ventos”, WITHOUT them. you can read about the AO 1990 here.
truly was “asinha de amor”, “wings of love”. it is also misspelled on the wiki.
milky way was “chuva de estrelas”, literally “rain of stars”, but likely “raining stars” or “star rain”
moonstone is very interesting and confused my mom briefly. she is “asinha bola de prata”, literally “wings ball of silver”. we discussed the possibilities of the true meaning of her name, and heres what we came up with:
“wings of balls of silver”
“silver ball wings”
“balls of silver wings”
further notes: “asinha” means “little wings” (i failed to mention this earlier), and was present in almost every pegasus’s name
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lenezdansleruisseau · 5 years
Why Feuilly cares about Italy or “a lot of words to explain Hugo’s crush on Garibaldi”- part 4.2
Hi everyone! I’m officially back *trumpets play a funny song* and with me, it’s back also my niche history corner for everyone interested in answering the question: why did Hugo care about Italian politics? 
My friends this is THE chapter, the chapter everyone was waiting for, the chapter that starts to finally explain the title of this series of little history lessons: yes, you guessed it, it’s about Giuseppe Garibaldi.
First of all though, if someone has no idea of what I’m talking about because this is the first time they see me posting anything like this: here, here, here and here you can find the first four parts. 
If you’re here just for the main man, Garibaldi, or you just don’t have time to read the other four parts, just a quick reminder: the Kingdom of Sardinia, Piemonte and Savoy are the same thing (more or less, it’s a bit complicated, but this way you’ll follow better the events). 
And finally a disclaimer: Garibaldi is a HUGE figure in the history of Italian independence, he is the pinnacle of Italian heroism and he remains on a pedestal of bravery and glory. And he was kind of an incredible figure, I mean I’m not surprised in the least that both Hugo and Dumas LOVED him, he was everything they liked in just one person: (sorry for the spoilers!) he had been a sailor, he was in a secret society, he had been a corsair, fought in, at least, three war of independence, changed identity too many times to be counted, had a romantic and tragic love story started with love-at-first-sight first meeting, he had been a factory worker, he freed slaves, he insulted kings and he was a fervent republican. 
But as we well know, and Hugo himself in the book we are all here to analyze in its every detail, no man is perfect and Garibaldi certainly wasn’t. He was better than most, but not perfect. 
Why am I saying this? Because I’m not a historian and I’m not perfect either so it can be that some part could be more pro-Garibaldi than they should be, I tried my best though! 
The last disclaimer then I’ll start, I swear: there is a part about Brasilian history. Do I know a lot about Brasilian history? Unfortunately not! Did I try to research enough not to say anything really stupid? Yep! Still, if someone wants to expand on that subject or correct me or specify something I couldn’t be happier! 
And now let’s begin! 
Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in Nice on 4 July 1807. Second son of Domenico, a merchant captain, and Rosa Raimondi. At 8 years he saved a laundress who was drowning and helping people drowning was a constant through his whole life, so much so that it is reported that he saved at least 12 other people in the course of his life. 
His parents wanted to make him study to become a lawyer, a doctor or a priest, but Giuseppe did not like to study, preferring physical exercises and sea life. Seeing himself hampered by his father in his vocation to become a sailor, during the holidays he tried to escape to the sea from Genoa with three of his friends. Discovered by a priest who warned the family, he was stopped as soon as he reached Monaco and brought back home (rumors has it that this episode was the beginning of his dislike of the clergy, but I prefer to think his dislike for the clergy was rooted in the knowledge that it was a corrupt institution rather than for some petty teenage resentment).
In the end, he was able to make his dreams come true and become a sailor, he was, first of all, on the brig Costanza, then sailed with his father and other ship-owners to the East. At 25 he commanded a ship of his own and the following year, in 1833, in an inn of Taganrog, on the Black Sea, informed by a friend of his of the Mazzinian political action (= trying to create a Republic in Italy), he was "initiated", as he himself said, to the "sublime mysteries of Patria", and decided to devote himself to the national cause by enrolling in the secret society founded by Mazzini called Giovine Italia (which meant Young Italy).
He embarked as a simple sailor with the name of Cleombroto (which is the name of a Spartan king who fought against Thebes) on the frigate Des Geneys, to participate in the revolt that should have helped the Mazzinian expedition to Savoy.
The revolt failed in February 1834 and he was forced to flee. He was almost caught several times during the escape, after having passed the Varo river (between Savoy and France): the first when on the border it was led momentarily to Draguignan, then to a tavern where he sang all night to escape the host who threatened to denounce him. Finally, he arrived in Marseille.
Meanwhile, he had been declared one of the leaders of the conspiracy and he was sentenced to an ignominious death in absentia as an enemy of Patria and the State.  Garibaldi thus became a wanted man and for that time he lived with his friend Giuseppe Pares. Escaping again under a false name, he assumed the identity of an Englishman, Joseph Pane: on the 25th of July, he set sail towards the Black Sea on the French brig Union declaring he was a 27-year-old born in Naples.
He disembarked on the 2nd of March 1835 and in May he was in Tunisia. When he returned to Marseille he found the city devastated by a serious cholera epidemic and so offered himself as a volunteer to work in a hospital and stayed there for fifteen days. Since the routes were partly closed due to cholera, Garibaldi decided to leave for South America with the intention of propagating the Mazzinian ideals.
On September 8, 1835, he left Marseilles on the Nautonnier brig, assuming the false identity of Giuseppe Pane and claiming to have been born in Livorno.
In Rio de Janeiro he participated with other Italian exiles in the meetings of the Giovine Italia. Later he agreed with his friend Rossetti to run a war in favor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul that was rebelling against the Brazilian government, he first became a corsair in the name of the rebellious state (he apparently refused to take any part of the loot for himself even when he became captain and made a point to free any slave they encountered in their missions) and he later became commander of the war fleet. This experience will have great value for the formation of Garibaldi both as a leader of men and as an unpredictable tactician.
In the city of Laguna in 1839 Garibaldi met the woman he would have married some years later: Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva. It is said that, after having seen her with the binoculars while he was on board of his ship, once he reached her on the shore, he said in Italian "tu devi essere mia" (= “you must be mine”). Ana Maria, at the time 18 years old while Garibaldi was 32, had married four years before with a shoemaker, Manuel Duarte de Aguiar, much older than her, who, enlisted among the imperial troops, had fled from Laguna sometime before, but his wife did not follow him.
Garibaldi and Ana Maria passed to history and almost to the legend of the Italian Risorgimento with the diminutive Anita, married on March 26, 1842, at the church of San Francisco of Assisi with a religious rite. It is often told that Anita, a skilled horsewoman, taught Garibaldi how to ride, Giuseppe, in turn, instructed her, by will or by necessity, to the rudiments of military life.
At the beginning of 1842, forced to flee in Montevideo, Garibaldi brought with him Anita, he entered in the Uruguayan navy and he immediately resumed fighting in favor of Fructuoso Rivera against Oribe, supported by the Argentine Dictator De Rosas.
At the command of a flotilla, he was forced by the Argentine fleet near Nueva Cava to seek refuge ashore. Garibaldi had the command of a new flotilla and, having organized an Italian legion, went up the Plata. In September 1846 he was called back in Montevideo where he received the news of the Palermo’s revolution which persuaded him to embark for Italy.
In January 1848 he sent Anita and her sons (from the previous marriage) to Nice to his mother, but the Savoy ambassador didn’t allow him to embark until April of the same year. Once he arrived in Gibraltar, he learned that the king of Sardinia was preparing to intervene against Austria, so he decided to land in Nice, where, to the surprise of his fellow Mazzinians, he declared "not to be Republican, but Italian".
What did these simple words mean? You might ask, my dear readers. Well, they meant that Garibaldi who was a quite good military strategist and a not-too-bad political strategist had understood that the only chance for Italy to become a united, independent state was the Savoy family: Italy had to be united under a monarchy before becoming a Republic.
Was he right? We will never know and we will never know how much he actually believed in the Savoy monarchy. All we can say is that they did manage to unite Italy (after a couple of decades) and that Italy did become a Republic, just only 85 years later.
But back to the first war of independence!
Garibaldi was coldly received by the Sardinian government which wasn’t really convinced he had abandoned his republican dreams especially because Garibaldi was a severe critic of the at-the-time king of Savoy, Carlo Alberto. So much so that the king gave the order to stop him and, if deemed necessary, also to arrest him, causing the desertion of some volunteers. Not even bothered about that, at the command of a group of volunteers, he fought in Luino and conquered Varese which he had to abandon shortly afterward. He resisted in Morazzone and then, pressed by the overwhelming Austrian forces, he sheltered in Switzerland.
Back in Nice, he left with a few hundred volunteers for Sicily, but, having stopped in Tuscany, he offered his sword to the Roman Republic: first he fought in Macerata, which appointed him deputy to the Constituent Assembly, and then in Rieti, he was later called to Rome for the last defense against the French. After the bloody battle of April 30th, 1849 he participated in the brief campaign against the Neapolitan army, interrupted by Mazzini, and later he fought in the siege of Rome which ended with the fall of the Republic.
Garibaldi escaped and repaired to San Marino, from which he intended to reach Venice still a free Republic. Still, in San Marino, he discovered that his wife, who had already been sick for the whole journey, had cholera. They had no choice but to try and find shelter in Venice, but on the way, they were attacked by Austrian ships and they landed on the coast of Magnavacca (now Porto Garibaldi), in the pursuit that followed Garibaldi would carry Anita in his own arms since she was too sick to even walk. In August they were able to find a ship to escape the Austrians but once on the ground again, Anita died.
Garibaldi wanted to give his wife a dignified burial and to transport her to the nearby Ravenna, but there was no time and a grave was hurriedly dug in the sand of the pine forest. A few days later, a young girl, discovered the corpse and it was transferred in the cemetery of a nearby town.
The causes of Anita's death were long discussed in later years, even to attack Garibaldi. Eleven years later, on September 20, 1859, Garibaldi with his children Teresita and Menotti will return to Ravenna to move the remains of Anita to Nice, alongside those of Rosa, Garibaldi's mother.
Escaping through Romagna and Tuscany he managed to reach the Piemontese territory, from which, without protests, he accepted to be exiled. First, he stayed as a guest of the Piemontese consul of Tangier, then he went to New York to work in a candles factory, he finally resumed sailing in Central America, and between Peru, China and Australia.
Conquered by the realistic politics of the Sardinian government, in 1854 Garibaldi returned to Europe. After a shipwreck, Garibaldi stopped being a sailor for a while and decided to devote himself to agriculture, working as a farmer and breeder: he owned an olive grove with about 100 olive trees, as well as a vineyard, with which he produced wine, and raised 150 cattle, 400 chickens, 200 goats, 50 pigs and more than 60 donkeys (this isn’t really important information, but I thought it was something nice to know, he brought there his children to help him, it’s a really lovely image).
In August 1856, following a secret meeting with Cavour he made his thoughts public by distancing himself from the Mazzinian positions.  In December 1858 he met Cavour again, but this time publicly, on that occasion he also met Vittorio Emanuele (the new king of Savoy). He became vice-president of the National Society (a society that believed in a united Italy under the Savoy monarchy) and he was put at the head of troops: the next year the Hunters of the Alps were established, thanks to a royal decree and Garibaldi had the rank of major general.
In command of the Hunters of the Alps, he won the battles of Varese and S. Fermo, he protected the flanks of the Franco-Piemontese army and entered triumphantly in Brescia. Throughout this campaign, the number of volunteers following him grew from around 3,000 to a number not well quantified: 12,000 according to some historians, but only 9500 according to Garibaldi’s letters.
The events that followed the Villafranca peace (in which Vittorio Emanuele promised to retire his troops from Veneto in exchange of Lombardia) cooled the relations between Garibaldi and the Sardinian government. Second in command of the troops of the military league formed between Tuscany, Romagna, Parma and Modena, he passed through the Marche to extend the revolutionary movement there, but, called back by Vittorio Emanuele himself, he renounced the command, retiring to the island of Caprera, after launching a manifesto in Genoa to the Italian people of violent criticism of the Piemontese politics.
 We stop here for this part, in the next one, we’ll talk about Garibaldi’s famous Expedition of the One Thousand in Sicily and Italy’s unification. 
As always, if you have questions, doubts or corrections don’t hesitate to ask, I’m always glad to talk about history.
See you next time!
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Somos da mesma família
After Ruff's complicated childbirth her family has to help her make a new life. Basically a fluff without plot.
A/N: Sorry for any possible mistakes, as you probably know (or not) English isn't my first language ^.^'
Also the title is in Brasilian-Portuguese and it means "we are the same family". I didn't have any better ideas, okay -.-'
It’s also on ao3.
It's been said that the worst childbirth you can go through is your own. Well, Reena would straight up laugh at the person who would tell her that, especially after this night. Her own pregnancy was hard and exhausting, but the labor was simple and easy, as well as not that painful, due to her trainings and high pain threshold. It surely was a bad experience, but not the worst.
However her sister-in-law... that was a whole different story. Starting with a terrible parent material, ending with a body that had completely zero predispositions to give birth. It was a bad idea for her to get pregnant at all, but no one seemed to care. Well, Reena was too absorbed by her own pregnancy to care about the others and even though Ruff knew she was right, no one else listened to her. Besides, Fishlegs wanted children so bad and they were the only members of the gang who didn't have their own kid. Hiccup and Astrid’s daughter was nearly two years old, Snotlout and Heather's boy wasn't much younger, even Tuff was a father already. No wonder Fishlegs was tired of waiting.
Reena sighed, wiping the sweat off Ruffnut's forehead. She should probably come back to her son, but she couldn't leave her sister. A sister she's never had, even though that was technically her husband's sister. They were so close, almost like real sisters, completely different, but still loved each other.
“How is she?” Fishlegs asked quietly, coming into the bedroom. He was mad and embittered that he was kicked out of his own house, from his own wife's side. Even though the women knew better what they were doing. Reena would even let him stay, but Fishlegs' mother as well as Ruffnut's mother made him leave. Besides of all their friends only Hiccup managed to help with childbirth, because Snotlout passed out and Tuffnut didn't manage to come in time, since as he was told, the first labor is always long. Well, Astrid’s and Heather's were, while Reena had a better shaped body that made it quick, so before Tuff finished his work, their son was already born.
“She'll be fine. They all will be” the woman answered, not looking at her friend. She knew he should be grateful he didn't have to see that, since Ruff went through hell that night. Her labor was far from quick and easy, it was long, complicated and very painful. It'll also be traumatic.
“Why didn't you let me in?” Fishlegs asked, caressing his wife's cheek.
“You know why. You weren't mean to be here” was the only answer he heard for the past few hours.
“Don't say that crap again” he scoffed. “Tell me the truth, Katarina” he demanded. Reena winced, she didn't like being called by her full name and everyone knew that.
“It is the truth” she finally looked at him. Her tired, steel grey eyes were full of worry. “The whole thing that happened tonight” she gestured around “it was terrible, it was just too much. I won't be surprised if I'll have nightmares about it. I helped with labors already, I gave birth myself, but I've never had this much trouble. She could've died tonight. As well as your kids.”
“Kids?” the big man was clearly surprised.
“She was carrying twins. She has a twin brother, does it really surprise you that she had two babies?” Reena was slightly amused.
“N-no... well... you had one baby. I didn't think...”
“I think it's actually pretty good for her. Because that's it. You can't have any more children if you want her to live. The next childbirth will kill her” she said very seriously. The risk was high before, now another pregnancy was a straight up suicide for Ruff.
“Was it this bad?” suddenly Fishlegs stopped being mad. He obviously didn't realize it was this serious.
“It was worse than bad. And I'm so grateful I already have a baby, because I would never want to give birth after experiencing all of this” she confessed. “That’s why we kicked you out. To spare you this trauma.”
“Where are the kids? Can I see them?” he asked unsure.
“They're sleeping now. I fed them myself, I have a lot of milk anyway” she answered. Apparently her body was made to have babies, or maybe her son didn't like to eat a lot? Anyway, the fact was that she had enough milk for two, maybe even three babies. Yay for everyone except for her, heavy breasts aren't comfortable at all. Even though the pain was eased every time she could help some poor mother who had trouble with breastfeeding. Like that time when Heather suddenly lost her milk due to stress and Astrid couldn't help her best friend because she didn't have enough milk for two kids, it was Reena who was able to help until Heather could feed her baby herself again. Now she worried she might have to do the same for Ruff, especially if she'll have trauma after the labor.
“Thanks. Will you let me know when she's up? I need to do some things, besides you probably should eat something.”
“I'm not hungry” she shook her head and started to untie her short raven black hair.
“I'm not saying you are, I just say you should eat. You know you should-”
“Thanks. I know what I should” she cut him off. “I'm not really able to eat right now. I'll eat later” she promised. As the chief's daughter she was stubborn and everyone knew already that it was either her way or no way. Just like Hiccup would act sometimes. A chiefs' children trait.
It took a few hours - with one breastfeeding and one quiet fight - for Ruff to wake up. When she opened her eyes she saw her brother sleeping on the chair with his son on his chest. Reena was nowhere to be seen. Ruffnut looked at her twin and sighed. He was such a wonderful dad to his baby boy, he loved him so much and they already had a unique bond. She didn't feel it, despite being pregnant for nine months, she didn't feel close to her child. She hasn't even seen it and she didn't care. Well, she hoped it's alive, because she didn't go through hell for nothing, but she definitely lacked motherly instinct and that wasn't a nice feeling.
The bedroom door opened and Ruffnut saw her wonderful sister-in-law coming quietly in. She was as beautiful as usual and it didn't matter that she had a sleepless night.
“Hey” Ruff whispered, trying to get the woman's attention.
“How are you?” Reena sat down on the edge of the bed and checked her patient's forehead. Fortunately there was no sign of a fever.
“Everything hurts like hell down there, but aside from that I'm fine” the blonde answered quietly. “How did you even do that? I don't want to experience it ever again.”
“You won't if you want to live. Fishlegs knows everything, I told him about the risk. He's been worried sick” the woman looked at her sister-in-law. She was also worried sick.
“Good. He should be happy now” Ruff sighed, shifting her position slightly.
“What about you?” the other woman was concerned about the important things.
“What about me?”
“Don’t you want to see your babies?”
“Babies?” the twin was as surprised as her husband was before.
“You gave birth to twins. Seriously, you didn't feel that you carry more than one baby?” Reena raised her eyebrows, as far as she knew the mother should be able to feel it.
“I didn't care.” Well, that explained a lot.
“Well, do you now?”
“No. Give those babies to Fishlegs, let him worry about everything” Ruffnut really seemed to be indifferent what would happen to her children.
“You heard me. I don't want them.”
“Ruff, please-”
“No. I said I don't want them. I never wanted twins, I know how does it feel like.”
Reena listened to it shocked. How twins can be so similar yet so different? Ruff and Tuff had so much in common, yet apparently they had so different approach to parenthood. Tuffnut loved his son deeply from the very first moment he looked at him, she saw that in his eyes. He took care of the baby, especially when his wife was busy. And he wanted to protect him at all cost. Yet his twin sister completely didn't care about her newborn babies. Tuff was such an amazing father, why was Ruff so different?
“Ruffnut” she spoke softly. “Those twins are your children. And they're the only children you will ever have. Do you understand?”
“I don’t care. I never wanted them, I don’t love them.”
“You can learn if you want. It happens sometimes, not every mother loves her child from the very beginning. It's rare and no one likes to talk about it, but it happens” she knew what she was talking about, she was an experienced midwife and a very empathetic woman. “You can learn to love them and if you don't want to do that for them, do it for Fishlegs. You love him, why can't you love his children?”
“I don’t know. I should've married you, we wouldn'thave to care about any stupid kids” she sighed half jokingly. She never hid her interest in both men and women, as well as her slight jealousy of her brother's girlfriend. No, wait, wife. They were married for a couple of months by now, but Ruff kept forgetting that constantly. Heck, she was married herself and even though she really loved Fishlegs, she couldn't forget her former crush on her sister-in-law. Well, that woman was perfect in every inch, no wonder Tuffnut was head over heels over her.
“Well, I like the way it is now” Reena smiled with amusement. She never thought she might end up like this, her father was a chief, after all. She always expected he would arrange her a marriage with some noble chief's son for alliance. She was strongly against it, but that was how it supposed to look like. She could've been salty about it, but she couldn't change anything. Yet everything changed when Tuffnut Thorston stormed in her life, turning it upside down. She saw new possibilities, she fell in love and now she was here, on Berk, a wife and a mother. Something that she always feared, an unpleasant duty, became her dream. No one force her to anything, it was her decision to be with Tuff, to marry him, to have his child. She was free to do anything, if she wanted to leave, she could leave, no one would lock her up and make her stay. But she didn't want to leave and that was the most beautiful thing to her. That she found a man who made her so happy she wanted to be with him forever while staying as tough and proud she always used to be.
“Who would expect, huh? You're a warrior and yet you are a wonderful mother” Ruff didn't hide the slight envy in her voice.
“So will be you.”
“I won't make a good mother. I know it. Just look at Tuff” she gestured to her brother. “He's so good and natural in it, like he was born to being a father. You look at him and you know he loves your son. And I can't compete with that.”
Reena turned her head to look at her dear boys and her own eyes filled with love. It's not like everything was perfect, but Tuff was certainly doing his best to be perfect. Even though he was far from that.
“You don't have to compete with that” she turned her head back to look at Ruff. “I understand that, sometimes even I think I can't compete.”
“You? But you're the best mom ever, so loving and badass, and you didn't stop being a beautiful woman, unlike many women do.”
“Well, they do, because they forget that they're not only mothers. And because kids are very absorbing” she chuckled. “Anyway, yes, even such a wonderful mom can be worried she's not enough, compared to a perfect dad. But look at our friends. Do you remember how impatient was Snotlout to see his child and how terrified he was when he was supposed to hold the baby for the first time? He couldn't stay near his son for weeks, because he was scared of hurting him accidentally. Or Hiccup, he tried so much to be the perfect chief and the perfect dad, that he overworked himself and he nearly forgot that his daughter has also an amazing mother. They fought a lot about it, remember? He was stressed all the time and so was Astrid, she also didn't think she can make a good mother and look at her now. Every one of your concerns is valid, but not necessary. Even those who seem to be perfect have a lot of fear in them.”
“I bet Tuff doesn't” the twin said with a slight sarcasm.
“Then you're wrong, sis” came the deep, raspy voice from Tuffnut, who was no longer asleep. The baby on his chest also stirred, but fortunately didn't wake up. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just overheard some things.”
“It's okay” Reena smiled, looking at her husband with loving eyes. She adored that voice also she couldn't imagine more beautiful view than the one in front of her.
“Get a room, you two” Ruffnut rolled her eyes, looking at two lovebirds. They were worse than Hiccup and Astrid sometimes.
“We'll get a room when we want” snapped Tuff, he's changed and matured a lot, but not quite, especially when he was around his sister. “But you know what's your problem? You're overthinking it. Sis, you can perfectly take care of dragons and you can't take care of your babies? They're easier than dragons.”
“Easy to say, you didn't make twins.”
“What was that supposed to mean?” Reena raised an eyebrow. “What if I don't want more kids?”
“I know you do, love. Maybe not now, but in a year or two. Astrid is thinking about it already. Besides, I don’t want to be worse than them and have only one kid while they have two and at the first try.”
“Haven't you heard, brother dearest, that it was the only try?”
“Well then, you should be grateful. For now you're better than me” Tuff admitted, closing his eyes again.
“I'll go tell Fishlegs you're awake. He wants to see you so bad” Reena stood up and left the room.
After a moment of silence, Ruffnut spoke.
“I'm scared.”
The man opened his eyes and looked at his sister. Then he slowly stood up, careful not to wake his son up and moved to the bed.
“Me too. I'm scared all the time that something might happen to Reena or our son. Or that I'll do something terribly wrong and therefore I'll lose them. Last night I was scared I might lose you” his grey eyes looked deeply in the blue ones. “I know we wanted to kill each other more times than we can count, but we can't pretend we don't love each other. We can act as if we never cared, but the truth is that we do care about each other. We just needed to understand that.”
“Why do you tell me that?”
“Because if you try, you'll understand that you already love your babies. Even though you say you don't. You can take care of them, besides, you have Fishlegs. Stop thinking, start feeling. It helped me, it'll help you.”
Ruffnut looked at her twin clearly impressed. When did he change from her irresponsible idiot brother to this grown-up man? Tuff she knew would never do or say something like that, he would only laugh at her. Not that she complained, it was a very good change. Reena seriously did a hella good job, she brought the best out of him, that must've been Tuffnut she's seen all the time whenever someone asked why such a wonderful woman is married to the biggest idiot Hooligans know. She'd seen in him what no one else had seen. Now Ruff could see that too. She didn't have a chance to reply somehow, because the door burst open and Fishlegs stormed inside, holding a small bundle in his arms. Her child.
“I was so worried about you, cutie pie” the big man sat down on the bed when Tuff stood up.
“I'll be fine” his wife answered, forcing a small smile. Reena, like the expert she was, opened the chest that was standing by the bed and took some pillows from inside, then closed it, all with one hand and one foot. Her other hand was occupied by the baby she was holding. Ruff's other child.
“Try to sit up, I'll put these behind your back so you'll be able to sit comfortably” she ordered. With a little help from Fishlegs and only a little pain, they succeeded. “Now you may take your son” she carefully placed the baby she was holding in its mother arms.
“Take also our daughter” Fishlegs put the baby next to her brother.
Ruffnut felt a twitch in her heart as she looked at her twins. She never expected she'd ever seen something like that. Her own babies. She wasn't so sure if she really doesn't care about them.
“I will” she said, looking up at Reena. “I will learn to love them.”
Another A/N: I wasn't really sure if I should even post it, because a) there's no Hiccstrid, they're only mentioned, b) my ships are not your ships, c) my OC is not your OC. In general I was afraid that you might not agree with what I created, but in the end I decided "screw that". Fanfiction is about different points of view, new characters, new ideas. You don't have to agree with it and that's okay. There's only one thing I ask for: don't be salty on my OC, I love her so much and she's so complex character, I tried to show it here. Also don't hate me for ooc Tuff, though with that I can live ^.^'
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plurilinguismo · 6 years
I was tagged by @sciogli-lingua​, thank you very much!!! ❤️
RULES: Answer the 11 questions. Make 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
What would you name a pet if you had one? (Or, if you already have one, what’s their name?)
I have two cats, the boy is called Max, the girl Luna (moon)
What’s your happiest memory?
I’d say the day I graduated, with all my friends and family celebrating with me they were all crying except my parents lol
If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would that be?
Idk maybe my favourite book, One hundred years of solitude by Marquez
Where would you like to be right now?
Somewhere in France, possibly Lille or Paris
Are you superstitious?
Not really
What’s your favorite animated movie, and why?
When I was a kid it was the Aristocats, now idk XD
What song would you sing at a karaoke party?
I’m awful at singing, but that wouldn’t stop me from singing the whole Bohemian Rhapsody
How would you define friendship?
Friendship is being able to talk about everything from stupid memes to our worst moments, is feeling like you can count on them whenever you need them, is feeling that you can be a better person just by looking at them and hoping that they can feel the same about you.
What’s your favorite place in the whole world?
There are so many to pick from, but I’d say somewhere on a beach, with the calm sound of the waves 
What are you most proud of?
My achievements so far, the way I try to keep moving forward despite all the problems.
So my questions are:
What’s your favorite animal?
What’s the last book you’ve read?
If you could teleport somewhere right now, where would you go?
What’s one of your best qualities?
How long have you known your best friend?
Would you rather live without the internet or live without AC and heating? (this is mean, I know)
Are you a hoarder?
A quote that you love?
What skill would you like to master?
Are you usually early or late?
Do you have any tattoo? If not, would you like to have one?
I tag @brasilian-bs @beevean @thequeensclock @thomassmcgraw @langsandlit and whoever wants to do this
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I was born in January 1987. The last of three girls. After two girls, my parents were expecting a boy. They even had a name for him: Takashi. I wouldn't like to be called Takashi. Well, probably because I'm a girl after all, but anyway, I think I wouldn't like it either way. But yea, there I was. Another girl in the family. So, I was literally a bummer since my very first second in this world. My family was not poor, but also not rich. In fact we were quite indeed a lower middle class family. My childhood before Kindergarten was all about eating candies and playing outside with my sisters. What certain day brought me the runs, as I possibly ate or accidentally put in my mouth some sort of mud as playing I was baking chocolate cookies. The thing was...I got really bad and had to be hospitalized for about a month. Hard times. Being alone at night in a dark hospital room and after a while sharing it with a child in pretty much worst situation as I was. Cancer. As I was very small I can't remember too many details of it all. What I can remember? The sad face of this child with cancer, being desperate when my mother had to leave to work, the kindness of the nurses and eating gelatine everyday for dessert. Being back home was a delight and I remember getting much more love from my family after that, as the doctor said at some point I could've died. As a lower middle class family I always went to public schools since kindergarten. Kindergarten was, by the way, okay. Playing the most of the times and making collages. I remember we had to pray before every meal and that I didn't quite understand the meaning of it as I didn't have a religious background from my family back then. My best friend in kindergarten was Leila, a japanese-brasilian half. I remember she always wanted to do the kindergarten activities with me and hug me very tight, but I also remember that in primary school she didn't want to be my friend anymore, for reasons I'd never know, but that I suspect it was because I wasn't cool enough. From these times what I can remember is my father teaching me how to cross the street when he finally let me go to school by myself. And that's the sweetest thing I can possibly remember. Apart from it, I remember being terribly bullied especially from boys. I still can picture the image of one of them screaming "alien head" after me, because I had a short haircut that made my hair thick and my head considerably disproportional to the size of my body. Still no reason for such a mean thing. So at these times school wasn't the best thing going on in my life. My joys were playing with my toys, eating candies, watching cartoons & TV series and waiting for my mother to come back from work with more candies. What made not so possible for me to fit in with the other children in school was also because I didn't have a videogame. My parents never wanted to buy us one. They said this would make us not focus on learning, but I think this wasn't entirelly the only reason. In times when not eating all our meal was a reason to get the chopsticks on our head, I just think we hadn't the money to afford it. Dad got fired, had to leave to Japan to work and after some time was back in here and with enough money to start something of his own. That was the start of a better life for us. I'd say we were then from this moment a middle class family. What made us possible to get cable TV, so the end of my childhood to the next phase was all about exploring TV Channels from all over the world and picturing myself in a hotel room from a very distant country watching local news.
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