#the boyz chanhee au
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mymoodwriting · 1 year ago
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15.8k, yandere, manipulation, gangs, drugs, guns, needles, sedatives, car accident, alcohol, kidnapping, knives, pills, smut, non-con, dub-con, knife play, aphrodisiac, BDSM, sex toys, fingering, dry humping, gang bang, double penetration, restraints, supernatural power (@starillusion13)
“Welcome to Wingz Express, how may I help you?”
You pulled down your hood as you walked into the shop. The gentleman behind the counter was quite handsome, and more focused on the white cat in its arms. When he looked up at you he offered a smile, standing up.
“What can I do for you?”
“Uh… hi… I was wondering… how much could you give me for this necklace?”
You pulled your fist out of your pocket, holding it out and opening your hand to reveal a small gold necklace. The gentleman asked for your permission to take it and then proceeded to do so. He examined it for a moment up against the light and then handed it back to you, checking under the counter display case for something.
“So, tell me, why’s a pretty thing like you selling something so pretty.”
“I just need the money…”
“What for?”
“Nothing bad!” You quickly remarked. “Just for school… I need new books for the semester and… I don’t really have any other options.”
“I see.”
The gentleman got out a scale, turning it on and testing it out with a few other jewelry pieces. As he did that the door opened, a bell ringing to signify there was someone new entering the shop. You looked over to see another guy with a cap walk in, and before the shop worker could say their greeting he spoke.
“I’m back.”
“Welcome back, Hyunjae.”
“Oh, what do we have here?”
This Hyunjae gave you a smile before going behind the counter with the other, looking around for the item in question. Although you still had it.
“May I?”
The other held his hand out to you, and you handed over the necklace. He put it on the scale and noted down its weight. From there Hyunjae grabbed it and began examining it.
“So, how much are you looking to get?” The worker asked.
“I’m not talking to you right now, Hyunjae.” Juyeon cleared his throat and smiled at you. “How much do you need?”
“Uh… if I could get a few hundred… that would be fine… although I don’t think the necklace is worth that much…”
“Well you’re in luck.” Juyeon grabbed the necklace, holding it up. “The craftsman ship on this is quite unique, the weight is decent, and it seems to be 14k, so I can give you about six hundred dollars.”
“Six… six hundred?”
“Too little?”
“I… no… if that’s what it’s worth… I had no idea…”
“Whoever gave this to you must have really cared for you.”
“I guess… it’s the only thing I have from my birth parents… before they passed away…”
“Oh, something with this much sentimental value… are you sure you want to-”
“I need the money for school… it’s okay…”
“If you say so.”
Juyeon grabbed a sheet of paper and pen, sliding it over to you. He asked for you to fill out your personal information, as they needed physical records of all transactions. He stepped away for a moment to get the money, counting it in front of you so you’d have no doubts. As he handed it over to you he kept his grip on it, confusing you. He reached into his jacket pocket and held out a business card for you, which you hesitantly took.
“What’s this?”
“If you need money, it might be better to get a job. We also run a delivery service and are always looking for new people.” Juyeon let go of the money. “Just a thought.”
“Thank you…”
You politely bowed your head and made your way out of the shop. Juyeon watched you every step of the way until you were out of sight. When he looked back he was met with Hyunjae’s death glare.
“Six hundred dollars? Seriously? How much is that necklace actually worth?”
“About a hundred.”
“Sangyeon is going to kill you.”
“He can try.” Juyeon looked down at the paperwork. “Let me know when she calls.”
“You mean if she calls.”
“When.” Juyeon corrected. “She’ll call.”
“And how can you be so sure?”
“Cause I’m gonna make her mine.”
You went to the shop early in the morning the day before classes started. You made it back to your dorm, ignoring the boxes you needed to unpack and just collapsing onto the bed. You were grateful you had gotten some money, hoping it’d be enough for books. Your stomach growled and you could only whine. You had two meal passes per day, and you’d rather save those for lunch and dinner. For a moment you thought to spend some of the money you had on breakfast, but you quickly shot the idea down reminding yourself you had to save every penny. After some more lounging around you heard your roommate come in, reminding you that you needed to unpack and get ready for the semester.
After the first week you had all necessary materials, and a few bucks left over. You kinda wanted to treat yourself, but you knew you shouldn’t be spending so recklessly. You’d spend your time in the library, working on assignments, or in your dorm. Even though you wanted to go out, even when classmates invited you, the only option you had was to stay in your dorm. It sucked, but you were used to it by now. Especially the morning hunger pains. Which were way worse after pulling an all nighter. 
You laid in bed the next morning, telling yourself you had to get up. You went about your morning routine, getting your things and when you put your phone in your pocket found a business card. For a moment you questioned it, but seeing the name on it reminded you where you had gotten in. The shop worker told you it would be best to get a job, and that they were hiring. You weren’t sure if you’d be able to do it though, considering you’ve seen a lot of delivery workers dropping off big heavy boxes. Not to mention the fact your schedule was all over the place. 
Then again you could do late evenings but you’d sacrifice sleep in the process. You groaned as you debated this, unsure what to do. In your current situation you were just getting by, staying at a constant with no real movement upwards. You were okay, but you could be better. Some money in your pocket would probably make you feel less anxious. Since you still had time before your morning class you decided to call on your way over, hoping to get some information and go from there. 
“Hello, Wingz Express, how may I help you?”
“Hi… I was calling to ask about your open positions.”
“Open positions?”
“Yes. One of your employees from the shop gave me a card, I believe his name was Juyeon. He told me you were hiring.”
“Ah, yes. So, what do you want to know?”
“Well, I was curious about the pay? Does it depend on the department or-”
“…” You stopped in your tracks. “Thirty… what?”
“All the work is basically the same, so I’d be paying you thirty an hour.”
“Thirty… an hour?”
“Is that not enough?”
“No! I mean, that’s great. Although, I’m a uni student so I could only really work late in the evening.”
“That’s fine. A delivery service is available 24/7 so that’s no problem. When can you start?”
“… just like that? No interview or background check.”
“It’s a delivery job, don’t need much, just you.”
“Oh… okay then…”
“You think you could come by later today? I know where I could put you.”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that. Does seven sound good?”
“Works for me. Can I get your name?”
“I’m Sangyeon, the owner. I’ll text you the address for the warehouse and when you come over ask for me.”
“Got it. Thank you.”
“I’ll see you later.”
When the call ended you found yourself staring at your phone. You easily got a job, and it paid very well. For a moment your heart fluttered with joy but then you thought about it. If it paid this much, and they were hiring, there had to be something wrong with the job. That killed your mood a bit but you told yourself it wouldn’t hurt to check it out. Besides, they were expecting you now so it would be rude not to show up. You put it all to the side for now focusing on your classes. You had an early lunch before catching a bus and heading to the warehouse. It seemed pretty empty, so you began to worry you were in the wrong place, but you saw some trucks with the Wingz Express stamp on it in the loading dock, giving you some reassurance.
You then saw a few people walking inside the building. You called out to them, but they didn’t seem to hear you so you followed them inside. It looked how you’d imagine a delivery service would have their warehouse stocked, rows and rows of items going up to the ceiling. Still, you didn’t see many workers around. You were starting to think this place was fairly new, it would explain why the pay was so high, they needed people. You cautiously walked around, looking for another employee, but it wouldn’t be long before you were called out.
“Ya! Stop right there!”
You turned around to see these two gentlemen walking over to you, concern on their faces. You merely offered a smile, trying not to be nervous.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m the new hire.”
“New hire? Seriously?”
“Uh, yes. I spoke with the owner on the phone and he-”
“Sure you did. Look, you seem nice, so why don’t we escort you out.”
“We have no problem dragging you out if necessary.”
“Guys!” A third voice boomed. “What is going on?”
“This girl says she works here. That she spoke with you on the phone.”
“I did speak with someone.”
You looked back to see who you believed to be Sangyeon approach. He came up to you with a smile and held his hand out to you.
“You must be y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person, I’m Sangyeon.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.”
“I’m glad you found the place, now let’s go to the office and get all the paperwork sorted.”
“Wait, why didn’t you tell us that-”
“It’s fine. Just get back to work you two.”
You followed Sangyeon to the office at the back of the warehouse. He brought out some papers for you to fill out, getting you a hat and vest as well. Afterwards he showed you around the warehouse, telling you about the company. They had been around for a while and as you suspected, only recently set up a location in this area. They pretty much delivered everything to anyone, so their services were sought after.
“I don’t expect heavy manual labor from you, so I’ll be partnering you up with Younghoon.”
You went over to the docks, Sangyeon introducing you to your new partner. He was happy to meet you, giving you a big smile as he shook your hand.
“Welcome to the team.”
“I expect you to take good care of her.” Sangyeon commented. “And show her the ropes.”
“Of course.”
“Alright, be safe, and let me know if anything happens. See you both later.”
Younghoon closed up the truck and playfully offered you the keys, but said you didn’t know where to go yet. You also mentioned you didn’t know how to drive which he assured you wasn’t an issue as no one really did deliveries alone.
“So, what’s up with you?”
“Sorry, I worded that weirdly. Tell me about yourself. What do you do with your time, why the job?”
“Oh… well I’m a university student, and I need the money for my expenses… and to pay back my loans someday.”
“Your parents won’t help out?”
“I don’t have any…”
“Oh, my bad.”
“It’s alright. I was in foster care and did grow up in a nice home, it’s just… different…”
“You still live with your foster parents?”
“No, no, I live on campus in the dormitories. It feels more like my home that way.”
“Look at you, miss independent.”
You giggled. “I try.”
“Well, getting a job is a good step.”
You arrived at an apartment complex, going with Younghoon to get the delivery items. You had multiple deliveries in the building, and it would go faster with two people. Younghoon pulled out a small cart, handing you these paper bags with numbers on them. He got another cart and did the same, the two of you taking one and making your way inside the building. He gave you a list, and certain floors to attend to, as well as a walkie to keep in touch with, telling you the numbers on the bags corresponded with apartment numbers. You just had to place the bag in front of the right door and take a picture of it, followed by ringing the doorbell and moving onto the next. Pretty simple.
You did this with a few other apartment complexes, returning to the warehouse in the early hours of the morning. To your surprise you could hear music and cheering coming from inside. Younghoon seemed to know exactly what was going on and had you follow him. You saw a bunch of boys gathered around two others in forklifts, they were gonna race. Sangyeon noticed the two of you and came over. Younghoon told him everything had gone well and all deliveries were made. He was happy to hear, asking you how you felt with the work. It was good, and you were glad to help.
“You should stick around for the race.”
“I don’t think I should.”
“It’ll be fun. You can place your bet too.”
“I don’t really have money to bet…”
“Then how about this.” Younghoon suggested. “You bet an hours pay, and if you win, your paycheck gets doubled. You should have some fun with us too.”
“It’s not much to lose.”
“Sure. I’ll play.”
If you were gonna keep this job, you should make an effort to get along with your coworkers. You joined in the crowd, going over to the front, and being told who the racers were. One was a gentleman by the name of Sunwoo, and the other Chanhee. You didn’t have much to go by so this was truly a gamble for you. In the end you put your money on Chanhee, and then the race began. The gentleman from the shop, Hyunjae, went up to start the race, doing a count down and dropping the flag. It was easy to get caught up in the energy as you watch the two go around the warehouse, and you were overjoyed when Chanhee crossed the finish line first. You screamed in joy and jumped into Younghoon’s arms. He spun you around until you came back to your senses and apologized.
“Congrats to you.”
“Sorry, I didn’t…”
“It’s okay, you were excited.”
“Y/n.” Sangyeon called. “Let’s get you your money, follow me.”
You went with Sangyeon to the office. He gave you a check for your first shift, and your earnings from the bet in cash. You kept yourself together as best you could, but it was hard to hide your joy.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you then.”
You returned to your dorm, tired but satisfied. A bit of a burden had been lifted off your shoulders. You cleaned up and went to bed. Even though you wouldn’t get much sleep you had the peace of mind that everything would be alright. In the morning you even treated yourself to a yummy breakfast before class. You went about your day with a slight skip in your step, and happily returned to the warehouse in the evening. While you made your way to the office you heard a honk and one of the forklifts came over to your side. You recognized the driver.
“Hello, I don’t think we got to properly meet last night.”
“Hi, I’m y/n, a new hire.”
“I’m Chanhee, your lucky charm.” He chuckled. “You made the right choice last night.”
“Thanks for winning.”
“It’s all skill. We should hang out sometime outside of work.”
“If I have the time.”
“Then keep me in your thoughts.”
“Y/n!” You heard Younghoon call. “You ready?”
“Coming! I’ll see you around, Chanhee.”
“Don’t be a stranger.”
Chanhee went off and you went over to Younghoon, going off to work. For the next few days it was the same routine. You went to the same places, and did the same job. Since it was late in the evening going into the morning, you rarely ran into people, although it did happen on occasion. These people usually just said hello, and moved on, but on one occasion things were different. Someone approached you, asking about their order. You were happy to help, and asked for their apartment number. You didn’t have anything on your list, so you used your walkie to call Younghoon and ask him about the situation. He had no record of such an order either.
“Sorry, we don’t seem to have your order. Perhaps you could-”
“Just give me one of the ones you have.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. These are for other people. And-”
The person just grabbed a random bag off your cart, and you quickly reached out to grab it as well. You were trying to explain this wasn’t for them, but the other party was not letting go. Eventually the struggle caused the bag to rip, multiple items falling to the floor, and a white powder exploding onto you. The other person immediately dropped the bag and ran, causing you to collapse to the floor. You were upset and as you got up Younghoon came to your side, helping you to your feet.
“Are you okay?”
“I guess. Sorry, one of the orders-”
“It’s fine.” Younghoon tried to dust you off. “There’s a small vacuum in the back of the van, why don’t you go get it and I’ll do some cleaning here.”
“Of course.”
You went down to the van and retrieved the vacuum returning to Younghoon as he got off the phone. He thanked you and got to work cleaning up, telling you they liked to operate like ghosts, not leaving a trace behind. He also told you not to worry about the order that was damaged, Sangyeon was already taking care of it. You continued with the deliveries together, although after a while you began to feel dizzy. You thought you were fine but your legs suddenly gave out. Younghoon was quick to catch you, holding you in his arms.
“Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me?”
You felt strange, as if you were floating on water. Younghoon’s voice sounded so distant, but you were trying to listen. All you could give him was a smile before your body gave out and everything faded to black.
Your head was throbbing as you regained consciousness. It took a moment to register where you were, but as you sat up you could see that you were in the office back at the warehouse. You were relieved to be somewhere familiar, although you were alone. Besides the headache you felt fine, and when you checked the time you saw that your shift had ended half an hour ago. You felt terrible for what had happened, but at least it wasn’t bad enough that you needed to be taken to the hospital. It was getting late and you needed to return to your dorm, but you also wanted to check in with Sangyeon to apologize.
You grabbed your things and stepped out of the office, looking around the warehouse. The place was eerily quiet, yet you called out to see if anyone was there. As far as you knew the warehouse never really closed, so someone had to be around. While wandering around you noticed just how many boxes were stacked in the warehouse. You had never really looked into the type of things Wingz Express delivered, and after today’s incident you were quite curious. The boxes were labeled according to what they had, but you noticed the boxes higher up didn’t have a label at all. 
“You should be careful.”
You jumped when you heard a voice, looking over to see Chanhee up on some boxes looking down at you. If he had been there this whole time then he surely had heard you calling for someone, but just ignored you until now. He chuckled and apologized for startling you, hoping down.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better, sorry for what happened.”
“It wasn’t your fault, you were just doing your job.”
“Yeah… so what is it that you guys deliver? What have I been delivering?”
“No idea, big boss Sangyeon takes care of all that. We deliver anything and everything, so who knows, not really our business.”
“I see. I should get going.”
“Right, you have class in the morning. I’ll show you out.”
“I was actually looking for Sangyeon.”
“He’s busy with something, but I’ll let him know you’re alright.”
“Okay, thanks.”
You made it back to your dorm in one piece, feeling a mix of exhaustion and annoyance. People just had to be so dumb and you were sure you’d get a pay cut for passing out on the job. For now though you just needed to sleep and worry about your classes. In the morning you still felt tired, but you had to get on with your day. Although as you were on your way to class you got a call from Sangyeon.
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
“I’m alright. I do need to apologize for last night.”
“There’s no need. All that matters is that you’re alright. If you need anything, you let me know.”
“I will, thank you.”
“Since I have you on the line, could I ask something of you?”
“What is it?”
“I know you don’t usually work weekends, but if you ever have the time you’re always welcome to come by. I could use the help in the mornings and I’d pay you extra too. Which reminds me, I am paying you for your full hours for yesterday.”
“Oh you don’t-”
“I insist. You got hurt on the job and I need to take care of you. I know it’s early so I’ll let you go, but if you can come in this weekend please let me know.”
“Yeah, yeah I will, thanks Sangyeon.”
“Have a good day.”
“You too.”
The weekends were normally your days off. You’d use them to catch up on assignments, or sleep, and maybe treat yourself since you had money to spend. Although you didn’t really have friends to hang out with. At least if you went into work you wouldn’t be alone, and you’d get some more money. So you decided to make your way over to the warehouse, greeted by happy faces.
“I’m glad you could spare the time.” Sangyeon commented.
“No problem. So, where’s Younghoon?”
“You won’t be with him today. I’m gonna have you help Kevin out. Nothing too crazy.”
“Sure. That sounds like fun.”
“I’ll take you to him.”
You followed Sangyeon through the warehouse, going back over to the loading docks. He brought you over to Kevin and introduced you.
“Pleasure to be working with you.”
“Same here.”
“Take care of her.” Sangyeon mentioned.
“I got it, boss.”
“Then I’ll leave you to it. Let me know if anything happens.”
“Will do.” Kevin playfully saluted. “So, I know you’re used to working the evening shift, but I promise the day shift isn’t too bad.”
“I guess we’ll see.”
“Truck’s already loaded so let’s go.”
You made small talk with Kevin on the drive, and the job was fairly similar. You were dropping off boxes to apartment buildings or stores. If there was no one to receive it then you set it down, take a picture, and send a message, just like before. The only real difference was politely greeting people around you. The uniform was simple too, which meant it was easy for people to recognize you.
While heading back to the truck you were stopped by a group of girls, recognizing them from one of your classes. You weren’t exactly friends, but you knew each other to be more than strangers.
“What are you doing?”
“Just… working… I need some extra money so I thought I’d pick up a few shifts.”
“That explains a lot.”
You looked back just as Kevin approached you, seeming out of breath. He placed an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“This was our last stop, so we can go.” Kevin smiled and looked over at the girls. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse us.”
“What’s your name?”
“Sorry, I’m not that easy.”
Kevin pulled you along back to the truck. The other girls followed you for a bit, but Kevin didn’t pay them any attention. As you were on the road heading back to the warehouse your phone started pinning. The girls had your number from previous projects and were asking you about Kevin. Before you could even attempt to answer them Kevin snatched your phone.
“I thought you were keeping me company.”
“Right, sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” Kevin said. “Thanks for today, you were a big help.”
“No problem.”
“You got any plans for later?”
“No, not really. Why?”
“We’re having a party tonight down at our favorite spot. You should come.”
“You mean a club?”
“I don’t really have an outfit for that.”
“Just wear something nice. You should come. Have a few drinks and relax, I’m sure uni must be stressful.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Would love to see you, consider it a work get together. You’d be able to meet everyone.”
“Uh… sure… there’s no harm.”
“Awesome. I’ll text you the details.”
Like you said, you didn’t have an outfit for the club scene, but found something nice. You were a bit nervous, but to your surprise the bouncer let you in without issue. As you stepped inside you could feel the music shaking everything. The lights were low and people were dancing and drinking in every direction. You glanced down at your phone, sending Kevin a message that you were here. While walking around you wound up running into your classmates from before.
“Y/n? Surprised to see you here, it’s not really your scene.”
“I… I know… it’s a work thing…”
“Oh, then maybe we can join you.”
“I’m not sure if you could.”
Despite the crowd you managed to see a familiar face, Chanhee, excusing yourself and trying to follow after them. You called their name, but you can’t hear much besides the music. Although you stopped when you came across two bouncers, realizing Chanhee had gone into a VIP section.
“Hello, I’m here with my friends and I saw one of them just went through here.”
“Yeah, I didn’t know we were doing VIP tonight.”
Your classmates had followed you and come up from behind, trying to sweet talk the bouncers. You weren’t exactly with them, but if they could help you get in then maybe it wasn’t a bad thing. Although you noticed another familiar face and called out to them.
“Y/n, glad you could make it.”
Kevin came over and told the bouncers to let you in, although your classmates weren’t allowed. They started pleading with you, but you weren’t sure what to say.
“Are these your friends y/n?” Kevin asked. “And be honest.”
“Uh… well… not really… we’re just classmates.”
“I see, well, ladies, I’m afraid VIP is invite only, have a nice night.”
Kevin wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you deeper into the VIP section. You were brought over to a private area, seeing many more familiar faces. You got a simple drink from the bar there, mingling with your coworkers and meeting new people. Although some were definitely old faces.
“Y/n! Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you.”
“Yeah, how’ve you been? How’s the job?”
“It’s good, and the money has been a great help.”
“See, told ya it would work out.”
“Thanks again for the introduction.”
“My pleasure.”
You danced the night away, having a few drinks too. Not enough to be drunk, but you were a bit tipsy. Come morning things were winding down, and you definitely needed rest. Some of the boys offered you a ride back to the dorm, which you gladly accepted. They didn’t all drink as some were the designated drivers of the night. You cozied up in the back of a car, squished between Sunwoo and Eric, while Hyunjae took the passenger seat and Jacob sat behind the wheel. The drive was smooth, Eric having his face pressed against the glass while you leaned against his shoulder. You were half asleep and couldn’t really make out the voices around you.
“She’s so cute…” Hyunjae mumbled, looking at you through the rearview mirror. “Can we keep her? I know tonight-”
“You already know the answer to that.” Jacob interrupted. “We can’t just keep an innocent person around.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
The peaceful ride was suddenly interrupted as you were sent spinning, another vehicle crashing into yours. The car came to a stop when it crashed against the side of the building. All the windows were smashed and you had cuts from broken glass. You groaned as you looked around, seeing that the others were conscious too. Sunwoo was in your field of vision, talking to you, but you couldn’t really hear anything. Next thing you knew the door behind him was yanked open and he was dragged out. Then someone reached in and pulled you out of the wreck. You were laid on the ground, vaguely making out Haknyeon before passing out.
You expected to wake up in the hospital, or maybe even in an ambulance. Instead you found yourself in the office back at the warehouse. You felt a few aches around your body, and your cuts stung, but you were fine overall. You slowly sat up, Juyeon and Sangyeon both there to tell you to take it easy.
“What… what happened?”
“Minor car accident.” Juyeon explained. “No one was seriously injured.”
“Shouldn’t we go to the hospital?”
“We’re fine.” Sangyeon assured. “But if you feel like-”
“No, no, I’m fine.”
“Glad to hear. Apologies though, we were supposed to take you back to the dorm, but we needed to make sure you were alright first.”
“I understand, thanks.”
“Why don’t you rest for a bit and then we’ll take you home.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Juyeon got up and got you a glass of water. You thanked him and laid down, feeling like a good nap would do you well as you still felt kinda dizzy and tipsy. Juyeon gave you a blanket and tucked you in on the couch, saying he’d come by later to get you and take you back to your dorm. You thanked him and closed your eyes, getting some sleep. You were out for a while before you opened your eyes again, feeling more clear headed. You found yourself alone in the office, figuring you might as well go look for Juyeon or one of the others. You found your things and headed into the warehouse.
You called out to the guys, but got no answer. Before you could try again you heard some noises and followed them. You saw the boys gathered around, laughing and smiling. You were about to make your presence known when you saw Chanhee hold up a gun and cock it. Your eyes went wide, seeing he wasn’t the only one with a weapon. You took a closer look at what the boys were doing. Besides weapons you saw needles, jewelry, and other types of contraband. It was clear you needed to leave on your own, and quietly. You took a step back and wound up knocking something over and making noise. You cursed under your breath, intending to run off only to bump into Kevin. He had an amused smile on his face, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Look who’s awake.”
“Ha… hi…”
“We were just gonna go get you.”
“Right… I would like to go back to-”
“What’s this?”
The others had come to see what the noise was, finding you with Kevin. You offered the boys a smile, but it was hard to act normal when you saw some of them holding guns.
“Hey… I… I was looking for someone… I need to get back to the dorm…”
“Juyeon.” Sangyeon sighed. “You were supposed to give her a laced glass of water.”
“I swear I thought I did.”
“Well clearly you didn’t.”
“Wa… what do you mean…” You nervously laughed. “I’m fine, and I’d really like to go-”
“I guess we get to keep her after all, Hyunjae.” Jacob commented. “Lucky us.”
“Grab her.”
Since Kevin was the closest to you he immediately grabbed your arm which caused you to act. You tried to run and free yourself from his grasp but his grip was tight. Then Younghoon came over and grabbed your other arm, the two of them keeping you from escaping.
“What are you doing! Let go!”
“We can’t do that.” Younghoon said. “Sorry.”
“What about the mission tonight?” Sunwoo asked. “Are we going to postpone?”
“No, it will proceed as intended.” Sangyeon stated. “Those bastards aren’t gonna get away with a stunt like that. And we also need to send a message.”
“Then what do we do about y/n?”
“We’ll keep her here until we get back. Put her in the cage for now.”
“What is that!?” You screamed. “Please, just… just let me go! I won’t tell anyone anything! I swear!”
“We should have made her drink more.” Chanhee said. “Things wouldn’t have gotten so complicated.”
“Probably. Now let’s move.”
You tried to argue some more but the boys just dragged you along effortlessly. You were taken further into the warehouse, coming over to the sortation area. You weren’t sure what this cage was, but you were a bit relieved when you saw it. In order to transport packages around there was this cage on wheels to make sure they were safe. Usually it was stacked high with packages but this time you would be put inside. It was hard to fight back as they locked you in. You expected them to use some sort of lock but instead you watched in disbelief as Kevin bent the metal together. He gave you a smirk and a wink.
“We’ll be back later. So stay put.”
You couldn’t resist the urge to try and break yourself free but the door wouldn’t budge at all. Your mind was still processing what had happened, but the proof was right in front of you. There was no way someone was physically strong enough to bend metal the way Kevin just did, but you were living in that reality. You screamed at them to let you out, but none listened and just walked away, leaving you trapped and completely alone. You kept trying to free yourself for a while, but eventually you exhausted yourself. You collapsed and sat in the cage, contemplating your next move.
These guys were something else, and you didn’t know them at all. Now you were their prisoner, and you were certain they wouldn’t easily let you go. Since it was quiet and you were settling down from everything that had happened, exhaustion was catching up to you. Without really meaning to you wound up falling asleep. You didn’t know for how long you were out, but you woke to the rattling of the cage. You jumped awake and quickly scrambled against a corner, seeing Chanhee grabbing onto the cage and giggling.
“You look good in there.”
“Let me out!”
“Sure, but no running away, okay?”
Chanhee bent the metal back, allowing for the doors to be opened. You didn’t bother thinking about his insane feat of strength, but you were certainly surprised to see him holding his hand out to you. Reluctantly you took it, finally being able to stretch properly. You didn’t see anyone else around, so this was your chance. You offered Chanhee a smile before shoving him away from you and running in the opposite direction. Unfortunately you didn’t make it far as you crashed into Haknyeon, who you swear wasn’t there a second ago, and fell to the floor. You glanced back to see that Chanhee was still standing by the cage. Your shove really hadn’t thrown him off balance at all.
“What did I say?” Chanhee teased. “No running away. It’s pointless either way.”
“Please just let me go…” 
“We’re going home now, so don’t worry.”
“Of course.”
Haknyeon helped you to your feet, distracting you as Chanhee came up from behind and jammed a needle into your neck, emptying out its contents into you. Your eyes went wide, and Haknyeon held you still. Once the needle was removed you began to feel a bit dizzy, your legs losing strength. You could vaguely make out the smile on Haknyeon’s face as he lifted you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style. You tried to speak, to stay awake, but it wasn’t long before the darkness swallowed you.
“Let’s go home.”
When you regained consciousness you felt a bit sore, but as soon as you had your head on straight your focus was on figuring out what happened and where you were. Unfortunately you couldn’t see much as your surroundings were pitch black. Not to mention your hands and legs were tied together, leaving you with a limited ability to move. So you carefully began to wiggle around, bumping into some boxes. Despite being close to the object, you couldn’t actually see it unless you got really close. Although this didn’t help you much as you had no means of freeing yourself.
A moment later you shake as the ground beneath you begins to move, and you hear the loud roar of a trailer. You were in the back of a truck and being moved to some unknown location. You tried to move around, screaming for help, but you eventually exhausted yourself, deciding to just wait and see what happened next. Since you had no concept of time in that darkness you had no idea for how long you were in there. There wasn’t even a point in trying to remember what turns were made. Eventually you came to a stop and heard the engine turn off. You were left to wonder if you had reached your final destination or if this was just a quick stop.
You heard the sounds of something unlatching, and then you were blinded by a bright light. You lifted up your arms to shield your eyes, taking a moment to adjust. As you suspected you were in the back of a trailer, and there were a bunch of boxes and other pieces of furniture around you. Being able to see it all now, this seemed like a moving truck. You heard voices and saw some of the boys climbing into the truck and grabbing boxes. Although before you could say something Jacob came up to you and tied a gag around your mouth. You began to squirm, but you were powerless in your restraints.
He got you up, getting help from Kevin as they moved you towards the end of the trailer, intending to unload you like the rest of the cargo onboard. You remained restrained as you got out of the trailer, being left with Younghoon for a moment. When you tried to get the gag off he grabbed the rope that bound your hands together, using that as a means to keep you leashed. You looked around, noticing the huge house. They had brought you to their place. All around you could see trees and a long driveway leading out to what you assumed was the main road. As far as you knew this place was in the middle of nowhere.
Younghoon suddenly pulled on your ropes, and the next thing you knew he had you over his shoulder. You squirmed and hit his back, but he seemed completely unphased. You weren’t super light, but even then he was carrying you so effortlessly. You were taken into the house, the others giving you smiles but not saying anything to you. Given the truck and all the items, you thought they were moving in, but upon entering the house you could see it was clearly lived in. This was their home. You were set down on the couch, Younghoon pulling out a knife and setting you free. He reached up and took your gag off as well.
“Welcome home.”
“What the hell is wrong with you guys…”
Younghoon chuckled. “Nothing, why?”
“Here.” Juyeon came over with a case. “Before you do anything else.”
Younghoon took the case from the other, opening it up and revealing what looked to be a small dog collar. You immediately thought that was going around your neck, but Younghoon grabbed your leg, taking your shoe off and slipping the collar onto your leg. When you tried to pull away he just held on tighter, really unbothered by your actions. He tightened it around your ankle, and then you heard something click. You noticed a green light emitting from the device, realizing it was some sort of ankle brace, and he just placed you under house arrest.
“What the hell!”
“Don’t want you running off now.” Juyeon smiled. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you or anything.”
“I’m a prisoner in this house!?”
“You don’t have to think of it that way. This place is yours, and that’s just a precaution.”
“I want to go home!”
“We are home.”
“This place isn’t home.”
“I suppose you just have to give it a chance.”
“Fuck you!”
You got up and stormed off, just walking in any direction just to get away from them. No one tried to stop you, probably since you weren’t actually walking towards the door but further into the house. That wasn’t your intention, but at least none of them followed you. After walking a bit you went into the first open door you found. You closed the door behind you, leaning against it and taking a breath. This whole situation was insane, but they were acting so normal, or as normal as kidnapping someone could be. Now you were who knows where in a foreign house with no escape in sight.
You slid down to the floor, feeling defeated. You didn’t even understand how you wound up in this situation. You were just working for their stupid company and saw something you weren’t supposed to. Then again you were probably lucky to be alive. Most people who learn someone else’s secrets wind up dead, but this wasn’t exactly better either. You didn’t have your phone or any means to communicate with the world beyond this house. So in a sense you were dead to the world. You got up and found a window, staring out at the sky and then looking down at your foot with the ankle brace. 
You took a moment to further examine it, but you didn’t see any way to get it off. You really were trapped in this house. You sat back down on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest. You just wanted to go back to campus, go back to classes and be a normal person again. Your situation seemed hopeless, making you tear up, but you had to remind yourself this wasn’t the end. Surely there was a way out, and you were certain you could find it. If you gave up now, then you definitely wouldn’t get out. You took a moment to pull yourself together. This place was huge, but maybe you could find something to use to your advantage.
This would be a process, but you also didn’t intend to be friendly. For the following days you kept to yourself, not speaking to any of the boys, and avoiding them outside of meals. They tried to make conversation and engage with you, but when they saw you were unresponsive they left you alone. You didn’t expect them to just let you be, but you were still glad they did. You were allowed to explore the house as you pleased, discovering all kinds of things. They seemed to have huge collections of expensive and luxurious items. It made sense to have all these things as they did run a pawn shop and delivery service. They had access to so many things.
In that same vein, remembering the weapons, a handful of these items were probably stolen or acquired by illegal means. Seeing all these priceless items made you realize you were practically a living trophy in this house. Another prize they had won, or more accurately taken. It made you feel a bit sick, but you had yet to find something of use. Most doors around the house were open, so you could go where you pleased. Even the boys’ rooms were all open to you, but you already searched them. The room you had given was plain and empty. They told you that you could decorate it however you wanted, but you weren’t planning on setting roots here.
Only a handful of doors were locked and off limits, so you were extra curious about those. By now you had a good idea which rooms you couldn’t get into, so you’d always try to open them throughout the day, hoping to maybe catch one open. It took a bit, but you eventually got lucky. You quickly looked around to make sure you were alone, then slowly opened the door. You quietly listened, trying to figure out if anyone was inside, but it seemed to be your lucky day. You stepped in and didn’t even think to close the door as you realized what was in here. All types of weapons surrounded you. So many guns and blades hanging on the wall, a few things locked behind a cage, but this was what you had been looking for.
Surely something here could help you escape. Although before you could take another step you felt something cold against your neck. You were no longer alone. While you were distracted by your own thoughts someone noticed the open door and found you standing in one of their secret rooms. Of course it was only logical to assume you were an intruder and treat you as such. You swallowed nervously as you realized the object against your throat was a knife. You carefully looked over, seeing Eric gazing at you with a bright glint in his eyes and a cocky smirk. He only pressed the blade further against your flesh.
“Look what I have here. How did you get in here?”
“… the door was open…”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“… you… you think I picked the lock?”
“Hm, I suppose that’s true. So, what do you think?”
“… ah… about what?”
“This room. You must be terrified seeing all this, or perhaps excited. Although I’ll let you know right now, you’re out of luck.”
“You better watch it.” Eric growled. “You wouldn’t want to get hurt.”
Eric chuckled and moved the knife away from your throat, although he merely had it ghost over your chest before moving it up to your face, dragging the dull end along your cheek.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”
“In fact, I really want to do the opposite.”
“… huh…?”
Before you could really process what Eric was talking about he leaned in close and pressed his lips to yours. You tried to move away, but he followed, and ultimately pinned you against a wall. The knife clattered to the floor and he pinned your arms to the wall as well. He only pulled away from you when he needed to catch his breath. A big smile adorned Eric’s face as he pressed his head against yours.
“I’ve been waiting to do that.”
“… why…”
“That’s your question?” Eric chuckled. “You are interesting, but don’t you think the answer is obvious.”
“… is it?”
“Why do you think we went through all the trouble to bring you here, hm?”
“Cause I saw too much…”
“You mean all of this? No, no, if we cared for that you’d be dead.”
“Is it really that hard? I guess I should show you.”
Eric shoved you to the floor, and soon enough he was on top of you, kissing you once more. His hands were at your hips, one slipping under your shirt, making you shiver from the skin to skin contact. Soon enough his lips were against your throat, sucking and nibbling on the skin, starting to mark you up. You squirmed beneath his touch, your hands above your head, moving about when you felt something against your fingers. It was the blade Eric had dropped. You cautiously reached for it, getting a grip on the handle. Just as you were about to make a move Eric’s hand quickly pinned down your wrist, a low chuckle escaping his lips.
“Did you really think that would work?”
Eric placed a chaste kiss against your cheek, keeping your wrist pinned and reaching over with his other hand to take the blade from you. He remained on top of you, using his body weight to keep you pinned. He twirled the knife in his hands, looking down at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“You know, we want to give you everything, and yet how have you acted? You’ve been avoiding us and giving us the silent treatment, and now you break into our little armory. I think it’s about time you’re punished for your actions.”
Before you could process Eric got off you and proceeded to flip you over, cuffing your hands behind your back. He got you to your feet, dragging you along, out of the room and down the hall. Soon enough you were in the living room, avoiding the gazes of the others who were around. Eric shoved you onto the couch and then the tip of the knife was under your chin.
“How do you think we should punish you?”
“What’s all this?” Sunwoo asked. “What punishment?”
“You know, for ignoring us, and breaking into the armory.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s cause for punishment. Not sure about the knife though.”
“Well, I need her to behave.”
“But there’s still no need for such things.”
Sangyeon entered the room, having gotten a message about the show going on in the house. Soon enough the others joined too and he could see how you tried to make yourself small. He didn’t want you to be afraid, or feel threatened by them, so seeing Eric playing around with a knife was very much not allowed. He went over to the younger boy and took the item from him, throwing it and embedding it in the wall.
“I wasn’t going to hurt her with it.”
“I don’t doubt that, but why don’t you play with something else.”
“Oh, what does the big boss have in mind?” Hyunjae asked. “I’d love to participate.”
“For starters, we have to set the mood. Jacob, you know what I mean.”
“I do indeed. I’ll be right back.”
“She also needs a party favor.”
“Why that?” Juyeon questioned. “Don’t you think that’s risky?”
“It’ll be more fun, for everyone.”
You had no idea what any of that meant, but you knew it couldn’t be good. There was no point even attempting to run off as everyone was in the room with you. A while later Jacob returned with a small case in hand, giving it to Sangyeon. The eldest opened it up, revealing a needle. You instinctively tried to move, unaware of what the contents the needle contained.
“We’re not gonna hurt you.” Sangyeon assured. “Hold her.”
Kevin and Changmin reached over to hold you still as Sangyeon emptied out the needle into your neck. You did your best to squirm, but there was nothing you could do.
“What is that! What did you give me!?”
“You’ll see soon enough.” Kevin teased. “Now the party favor, right?”
“Give her a moment.” Sangyeon said. “Then she can have it.”
“Have what? What are you guys talking about!”
“Just be patient.”
You cut yourself off before saying more as you began to feel different. Your face was beginning to burn, and you felt this heat overtaking you. Now it was obvious what they had given you, and it wasn’t hard to guess what came next. You couldn’t help but squirm in your restraints, starting to get annoyed by your own clothes, but unable to remove them. You felt rather pathetic too, giving in so easily to the drug, but it was really clouding your head and making everything fuzzy.
“Now for the next part.”
“I call dibs!” Chanhee volunteered. “Come here, baby.”
You were vaguely aware of Chanhee as he approached you, but you didn’t know what he was doing. That is until he leaned in to kiss you. At first you thought it was a normal kiss, his tongue forcing your lips to part, but then you felt something in your mouth, and before you knew it you had swallowed it. That got enough sense in you that you pulled away from Chanhee, immediately coughing and bending over, hoping to throw it back up, but that wasn’t an option. Chanhee placed a hand over your mouth, forcing you to sit back up.
“Don’t be wasteful.”
You were worried about what else they had added to the mix. Chanhee didn’t move his hand away until he was certain you wouldn’t be able to throw up the substance you had taken. You still coughed when you had a chance, but you knew it was far too late for that.
“What did you give me!”
“You’ll feel it in a moment.” Haknyeon giggled. “And you’ll like it.”
“… wa… what does that-”
You inhaled sharply as you felt this wave of energy surge through your body. There was the heat of arousal, but this was something else, something more. You were merely taking in the feeling when you snapped your arms free, having broken the chain of your restraints. You fell from the couch onto your hands and knees, shocked over what you had just done. You vaguely made out the sounds of laughter around you, looking up to see the boys with smiles on their faces. Your head was spinning, and you felt a hand on your shoulder which caused you to act. In the blink of an eye you had Changmin pinned beneath you.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“What… what is this… what did you give me?”
“Power.” Changmin chuckled. “At least now we won’t break you.”
The boy freed himself from your grasp and flipped your positions. He gave you a devilish grin before ripping your shirt open. Your hands immediately covered your chest and then you moved to shove Changmin off you. To your surprise you had the strength to do so, knocking him to the ground. He just laughed, not at all fazed by your actions. You stared at your hands again, seeing the remains of the handcuffs on your wrists. If you were really strong like them now, then this was your chance. Just as you were about to run, Younghoon came up from behind, wrapping his arms around you and holding you in a hug. You tried to break free, but he held you tightly, making you question your own strength and his.
“You may be strong,” Younghoon whispered. “But you don’t match us.”
Hyunjae stepped in front of you, his hands gliding over your bare chest. He stopped over your crotch area, his fingers undoing your shorts and a hand slipping into your pants. You squirmed back against Younghoon, but he held you still.
“You’re supposed to be drunk off love.” Hyunjae commented. “Shall I help?”
“Let go.”
“The surge of power probably overtook the aphrodisiac. I’ll fix that.”
You kept your squirming so Hyunjae opted to slide your shorts down, leaving you in your panties for a moment before having them torn off. You shivered from the sudden cold feeling, trying to close your legs but Hyunjae forced them open.
“Be a good girl now, or else you won’t get a treat.”
You couldn’t say anything as Hyunjae’s fingers ran up and down along your folds, making you hold back a moan. You weren’t knowledgeable in this area, and had little to no experience. There wasn’t much time, or interest in the matter, both from you and other parties. This was certainly going to be a first for many things. You still tried to move away, but the more Hyunjae played around with you the harder it was to think.
“… please…”
“Please what? I think you can still use words.”
“… please…”
“Are you a virgin baby? Don’t know what to ask for?”
“You are, aren’t you? Oh, don’t worry baby, we’re gonna take very good care of you.”
“I wanna do it! I wanna go first!” Chanhee volunteered. “Please, please, I wanna feel her so bad.”
“You guys can fight for it.” Sangyeon mentioned. “Winner takes all. I’ll keep the doll entertained.”
The boys agreed to Sangyeon’s proposal. The eldest took you into his arms, loving your dizzy little state. Your legs were trembling and you were whimpering over the lack of touch. Sangyeon pressed a kiss to your head.
“You good baby?”
“We’ll play soon, just let the boys have their fun first.”
“We all still get a turn right?” Juyeon questioned. “Even if we don’t win.”
“I’m pretty sure she can keep up with all of us tonight.”
Sangyeon picked you up bridal style, following behind the others. You were subconsciously rubbing your legs together, trying to get back some friction. The moment of power you had was long gone from your mind, the heat engulfing every inch of your skin. It was getting a bit uncomfortable, but the little kisses Sangyeon pressed against your skin felt nice. In your haze all you could think about was them. Even if you had been brought here against your will they hadn’t been cruel to you in any way. They had given you space and let you roam around the house freely, but that was all about to change. You couldn’t fathom the consequences that would come tomorrow, nor did you care. You just wanted to be taken care of in every way possible tonight.
You inhaled sharply as you regained consciousness, feeling a minor throb in your head. You groaned and pushed your head further into the pillow it was resting on, feeling a dull ache all over your body. Once you got yourself together you took in your surroundings. This wasn’t the room you had been given, but going by the decorations and mess, it certainly belonged to one of the boys. Your questions were answered as a hand draped over you and you saw Kevin laying next to you, still asleep or so you thought. He must have felt your gaze on him, or heard you whimpering.
You didn’t answer, instead moving Kevin’s arm off you and getting out of bed. Although as soon as you stood up you felt dizzy and collapsed to the floor. You managed to catch yourself, getting your hands beneath you, but you winced from a sudden pain in your left hand. You looked down to see a butterfly tattoo on your wrist, one wing blue and the other orange, wrapped up as it was still fresh.
“What… what is this…”
“You might feel sick after your first time…” Kevin mumbled. “Bathroom’s on the left…”
You weren’t exactly listening, more focused on the new ink you had, but as soon as Kevin mentioned it you felt an ache in your stomach and then you threw up. Kevin groaned when he heard the noise, mustering up the strength to get up. He came over to the other side of the bed, seeing you on your hands and knees.
“My poor baby, come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Kevin grabbed your arm and gently got you up to your feet, keeping you close as he helped you towards the bathroom. He sat you down on the toilet, getting a washcloth and holding it under warm water before using it to clean your mouth. You were out of it after throwing up, feeling unsteady and the headache had gotten worse. You probably figured this is what it felt like to be hungover since you never had alcohol before. Then again you hadn’t been drinking last night, something else entirely had happened.
“I know what will make you feel better.”
After cleaning you up and brushing your teeth Kevin helped you onto your feet again, leading you out of the room and towards the kitchen. The others were already up and gathering around for breakfast. A few didn’t hesitate to place a kiss on your cheek after greeting you. Kevin had you sit at the table, letting you put your head down.
“Rough morning?” Changmin questioned. “She doesn’t look so good.”
“She’s fine, but I’m gonna need to clean my room.” Kevin mentioned. 
“Yikes. Well, you choose to take her.”
“It’s whatever.”
You were vaguely aware of all the boys around you, feeling more tired than anything else. You had your arms on the table, and you looked over at the tattoo on your wrist. A part of you still thought you were just imagining things, but the throbbing ache from it told you it was very real.
“Here.” Jacob placed a glass on the table in front of you. “You’ll feel better once you drink this.”
“What is it…”
“Just drink it.”
Jacob helped you sit up, and he held the glass up to your lips. It looked a bit like a watered down blue sports drink, but you parted your lips when you felt the liquid against them, getting a sweet taste and having a few gulps.
“Good girl.”
Your headache certainly wasn’t as bad anymore, so you had no trouble sitting up. Two of the others were finishing setting the table, and the smell of eggs and rice filled the air. You were certainly hungry, but now that you could think straight there were other things on your mind.
“What happened last night…”
“You don’t remember, baby?” Sunwoo chuckled. “Did we fuck you that good.”
“… you… we… we did…”
“You were asking for it by the time we actually got started.” Eric commented. “You were so needy like a bitch in heat.”
“Shut up.” You felt your face burning. “I… I…”
“No need to be shy, baby, we had a good time.”
“I don’t remember…”
“It’ll come to you.” Hyunjae stated. “Just give it a minute. If not, well, I don’t mind jogging your memory.”
“Why? You certainly weren’t denying any of us last night.”
As the conversation kept going you felt yourself getting nervous. The night must have been insane if you didn’t remember it, especially considering the fact you got a tattoo. You wanted to remember, you had to, because besides the obvious there was something else. You shut your eyes to focus, and when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder you jumped, falling out of your seat. That’s when you had a rush of images flash through your mind. Your whole body suddenly felt hot and you remembered what had caused all the aches and pains from last night.
Sangyeon held you close as the others fought for the chance to be your first. He had you on his lap straddling his thigh. He couldn’t help but bounce you up and down, hands on your hips guiding you as he had you gently grind on him as well. It wasn’t long before he had a tent in his pants, but he had enough self control to not act on his own urges. He wanted to make sure his boys still had their reward. You on the other hand were full of sugar, drooling a bit and feeling like cotton candy. You had your eyes shut and head thrown back as you let Sangyeon take control, keeping you so well balanced on the edge. You weren’t aware of the fight going on, more focused on yourself until you felt a kiss on your head.
When you opened your eyes you saw Haknyeon smiling down at you. For a moment you swore he had a busted lip and cut on his cheek but those seemed to fade away right before your eyes. He was out of breath but very happy to see you. He took you from Sangyeon, throwing you over his shoulder and smacking your ass before walking off with you. He took you to his room, tossing you onto the bed. Before you knew it he was on top of you, kissing you roughly and exploring your naked body. You didn’t really feel cold, the heat of arousal kept you warm and now you had Haknyeon to provide you with more warmth. 
He had his way with you for a good while, the feeling of his cock sending you spiraling into your first orgasm. You didn’t need much prep as Sangyeon had already got you feeling loose. Another orgasm or two later there were knocks at the door. The winner had gotten his prize so now it was time for the others to have their fun. Juyeon was the one to drag you out of bed, surprised you could still walk on your own. Despite already having a few orgasms you still had the strength and stamina to keep up, although you were more concerned with getting your next high.
You happily went with Juyeon, getting messy with him in his own room. He was excited to show you new things, wanting more than just vanilla sex. Although he wasn’t alone, having Changmin and Chanhee in his room waiting for you. There were hands all over your body, massaging your breasts and thighs as wet kisses were placed all over you. With all that attention you were getting lost in the feeling of pleasure. The only thing that took you out of it was when you felt someone penetrate your core. One after the other stretching you out and making you feel a joy you couldn’t describe. You don’t know how you managed to take on all three of them, but you made it through their endeavors.
The night was still young, and you weren’t done with them. While you lay among the boys, splayed out on the bed, finally getting a moment to rest you felt a hand caress your cheeks. You opened your eyes to Kevin coaxing you awake. He took your hand and pulled you out of the giant cuddle pile, asking if you were having fun. By then words were difficult, but the smile on your face spoke for itself. You two danced around the hall since you were starting to get uneasy on your feet. You were probably heading over to Kevin’s room, but your arm was suddenly grabbed and you were yanked into Hyunjae’s arms. He had started you off early that night, and it was about time he finished that up.
His fingers trailed along your sloppy center, feeling just what kind of mess you had between your legs and eager to add to it. Of course Kevin wasn’t just going to let him have you all to yourself, shoving the two into the nearest bedroom, getting out of his clothes in the process. Everyone’s kiss was unique, some gentle, some rough, some desperate and hungry for you. Hyunjae was the first one to add to the festivities, tying you up against the bed and limiting your movements. You were already feeling sore, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. While Hyunjae continued to play with your sloppy cunt Kevin was preparing something else.
You felt him trail his fingers along your lips, teasing you before pushing two digits into your mouth. Instinctively you knew to suck on them, letting your tongue swirl around. Kevin was quite proud to see you acting appropriately, and for that you deserved a reward. He pulled his fingers out with a loud pop, letting you whine for a bit before putting something much bigger against your lips. You opened your mouth without question, taking in his whole length inch by inch. Then you felt Hyunjae filling you up, getting stimulated from both ends. You let them take control, just floating on cloud nine as they got another handful of orgasms out of you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head multiple times.
Once you were finally wrapped up in Hyunjae’s arms you were really feeling sore in your legs and jaw. You did want to rest, but as you were dozing off a hand came down and pulled your head off the pillow. You were met with Eric’s piercing gaze, seeing a rather psychotic glint in his eyes. Of course you weren’t gonna get off easy, he still had to punish you for you breaking and entering. You probably should have explained to him at some point you found the door unlocked, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, nor would it matter to him. Despite Hyunjae’s protest Eric took you to his own room.
Although it wasn’t long before you were joined by another. Sunwoo had crawled into bed, pulling you into his arms and snuggling against you. He wanted to be soft and sweet but Eric had other plans. Took a bit of talking but he got Sunwoo on board. Next thing you knew you were on top of Sunwoo, barely able to make out his words of praise. His hands ran up and down along your chest, taking your breasts into his hands and massaging them ever so gently. You mewled at his touch, gently rocking your hips. You were exhausted, but your body still craved more friction. Eric placed his hands on your hips, guiding you down onto Sunwoo’s cock, making sure you took in everything.
He gave you a moment to revel in the feeling before bending you over. You didn’t know what he was planning until he pushed himself into you right alongside Sunwoo. The stretch was like nothing before, and you swear you saw white for a moment. You leaned back against Eric, giggling as he whispered dirty things in your ear. They gave you a moment to adjust and really feel them before they started moving. They tried to be gentle and slow at first but their own burgers got the better of them. You felt like they were tearing you apart, but in a good way. Your orgasms all blended together, and all you remembered was ending up sandwiched between them, still full with their cocks and cum while you all wound down from your high.
One moment you were in bed, the next you were in someone else’s arms. You could barely make out Sangyeon as he carried you bridal style, but the smile was obvious. You snuggled against him, not wanting to let go when he set you down. You felt hands on your body once more, and not just too. A hand grabbed your chin and you locked eyes with Jacob. He had such a content smile on his face, placing soft kisses all over you. The eldest of the bunch had been patiently waiting to finish you off. You were already at your limits but they pushed you past that, taking you in whatever way you saw fit. 
Younghoon had you bouncing up and down on him, making deeper bruises on your hips. Jacob was gentler and such a tease as he took you from behind while you stayed on top of Younghoon, letting the other watch the show. Sangyeon though, he dragged you out of bed and took you against the wall, surprising you with his strength and resolve. He didn’t let up, making sure you were still enjoying yourself even if you were so far gone. It wasn’t easy to close your legs, and you felt so full you swear your stomach was a bit bigger. You thought you’d finally get to sleep, but you weren’t going to be left alone just yet.
You could vaguely recall Sangyeon getting you into a bath with him, cleaning you up and making sure you were well cared for after such a night. Kevin had found the two of you and helped with getting you dressed. Everyone else was mostly out for the night. Kevin’s room was one that wasn’t used to so he offered to share his bed, happily taking you with so the two of you could sleep together. You didn’t hesitate to snuggle against him, still feeling sore but glad to finally wind down and rest. It was quite impressive you made it through such a night. You knew you’d probably be all kinds of bruised tomorrow, but that was a problem for later.
You couldn’t help the dopey smile on your face as you remembered all of this, all the things you had done the night prior. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before, and you didn’t even know if you’d get close to it ever again. Although you quickly had to tell yourself to get your act together. Even if you now remembered what you had done, you could look back and see what was bothering you. The boys had given you an aphrodisiac, but there was something else too. You sat up, lifting up your shirt and seeing that you had no bruise or marks of any kind. Your skin was untouched, but you knew that shouldn’t be the case. While you were lost in your own head Juyeon and Eric helped you get back in your seat.
“Are you okay, baby?” Eric asked. “Did you remember something?”
“Last night…”
“Oh, that’s good. Wouldn’t want to be the only one to remember how capable you are.”
“What did you give me?”
“Ah that, it was good, right?”
“What was it!?”
“Power.” Jacob stated. “True power.”
“It was a drug.”
“So is ibuprofen, your point?”
“What exactly did you give me?”
“I already told you. Power. Don’t you remember? You broke the handcuffs with ease, you kept up with all of us. Despite how rough some of them might have been, you don’t have a single bruise on your body.”
“It’s temporary.” Younghoon assured. “You’re back to normal now. Although, if you ever want more, you just have to ask. Only the first one is free.”
You needed a moment, you needed to be alone. Without saying anything you left the table, finding the nearest open room and locking yourself inside. You felt a bit sick, coming to terms with the fact they had given you some sort of unknown drug. Now you only had the lingering taste of that power high. You didn’t want to believe what they had told you, but you had felt, and moreover you had seen it too. That night at the warehouse, the incredible strength they displayed, it was all real and now you knew how. Whatever drug this was, they used it a lot. You had your suspicions about their business, especially once you saw all the weapons. If they were some kind of gang in the area, they certainly had their advantage to stay in power.
All this speculation just gave you more reason to want to leave. Even if they were good to you, the kind of life they lived wasn’t something you wanted to be a part of. After that night you continued to avoid them, not wanting to form any kind of lasting attachment. They certainly gave you space, but were a bit more willing to try for your attention, especially since they had no problem getting handsy with you now. From what you did get, they seemed to be so fun, but you couldn’t just drop the idea of escape. Your biggest problem was that ankle bracelet you had, but it seemed the solution was around the corner.
One day you overheard a few of the boys talking about a potential party at the house. Of course you came up as a subject since they weren’t sure they could trust you to behave. A party would be a great opportunity, so you had to make sure you were allowed to attend. In order for that to happen you had to engage with them and socialize, show them that you could behave. You really had to let your guard down and be friendly with them. You rejected any advances they made and they respected that, probably very happy that you were done giving them the cold shoulder. Eventually the party came up in conversation around you, so you offered to help with planning and set up. They happily agreed.
You made sure a lot of alcohol was purchased, and intended to get them drunk. This was going to be your night, but in order to do this you needed one key ingredient. You needed the ankle bracelet off, and fast, and the only real solution you saw was that drug. You had broken handcuffs with ease, so with that kind of power you’d break the ankle bracelet quickly and then get out before they even knew you were gone. The only problem was that you had to ask for it, and not get denied. You didn’t see why they would say no, but you also needed to make sure you didn’t arouse suspicion.
The day of the party you helped with setting up, popping open a bottle of vodka and taking a small sip before pouring shots for the others. They happily took the drink you offered, cheering to a night of fun. You needed to pick one of them and you figured your best bet would be Eric. You kept your eye on him and waited for your chance. People were starting to come to the house, so you figured things would be getting started soon. You found Eric and got him alone, coming up from behind and wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He was a bit startled at first, but happy to see you, placing a kiss on your head.
“I want tonight to be fun.”
“It will be.”
“But you know what would guarantee it?”
“If I got to be strong like the rest of you…”
“Ah, you want a special party favor, huh?”
“It should last me all night right? How else am I gonna keep up with all of you?”
“Good point, but promise you’ll behave.”
“Pinky promise.”
“Good girl.”
Eric took your hand and led you to another room. It was another armory they had, and he told you to stay put as he got something out of a safe. He presented a pill to you, telling you to open your mouth. Your plan had been to take it later when you were ready to act, but Eric wasn’t going to let you leave without consuming it. As far as you knew, it lasted a few hours, so you should be okay either way, but you were gonna have to act the first chance you got. You gave Eric a smile and took the pill. After a moment you felt this spark of power run through your whole body. It made you dizzy for a second but Eric assured you the uneasiness would pass and you’d be your normal self, just better.
Soon enough the party began and things got wild fast. You made it a point not to drink, but you still hung around the boys, wanting to engage with them for a bit before disappearing. As the night was getting on, you started to iron out the finer details of your escape. When you had a chance you glanced outside, seeing all the cars parked around. You considered taking one, but you didn’t know how to drive. What you needed was to get your hands on a phone, figure out your location and call a cab. With everyone around drinking and having a good time, it shouldn’t be hard to sneak a phone, and money, off someone.
You kept in mind the time, keeping an eye out for someone vulnerable, and occasionally testing your strength to make sure you were still able to break free. You stuck around those that were drinking, getting friendly with someone and managing to snatch their phone. You cautiously snuck away to get some privacy, finding a bathroom. You managed to unlock the phone and checked the address. Thankfully you weren’t so far from civilization and called for a cab. You had about fifteen minutes to get out of this house, and the first thing you needed to do was get that ankle bracelet off.
You sat down on the floor and figured out a good grip, taking in a deep breath before pulling and breaking the bracelet in half. You thought maybe some noise would be made or something, but it was silent. Lucky was on your side. You tossed the broken thing in the trash and made your way out of the bathroom, needing to get outside. Part of the party was in the backyard, but it wasn’t a good idea to go around, so you had to exit through the front. The door itself might not be the best, but you could give it a shot. If not, you had no problem jumping out a window. Thankfully you got away from the house undetected, checking the phone and then leaving it by a car before heading to the main road.
When you saw the lights of the cab you were finally able to let out a breath. It brought such relief to be moving away from the house, free from your captivity. The cab took you back to the only place you could go, to your uni campus. You had been gone for a little over two weeks, but hopefully nothing had gotten messed up in your absence. You knocked on the door for your roommate to let you in, not bothering to answer them about your recent whereabouts. You were so happy to collapse into your bed, even if it wasn’t as comfortable, feeling like you could finally get some real sleep. 
Thankfully a good amount of your things had been in your dorm room, but you would need a new phone, and new cards. Come morning you got to emailing your professors with some basic excuse of being ill and asking for assignments to make up. Out of curiosity you tested your strength, but you were back to being a normal person. At least you had money, so you could afford a new ID card, and even though you could afford a new phone, that involved leaving campus. You knew the guys couldn’t just waltz onto school property, and they didn’t know where your dorm was, so this was the safest place for you. By now they sure knew you were gone and probably pissed, which meant you were in danger.
Your best bet for now was to wait, just let this all die down and maybe they would forget about you and move on. The bright side to not having a phone was that they had no means of reaching you. As for your classes, you still had your laptop and could email classmates and do assignments. It was kinda hard going back to your lectures as if nothing had happened. Of course you had a decent amount of work to catch up on, and your grades were gonna take a hit, but at least you were free. Even if that was true, you did have this uneasy feeling. You felt paranoid, like you were always being watched. You couldn’t sleep that easy anymore, and you felt quite irritable. Still you did your best to just focus on being a normal university student.
“Nice tattoo.”
You were taking notes in a class when someone had made the comment. At first you were confused, but then you remembered the butterfly tattoo on your wrist. You never asked about it, not remembering how you got it anyway. After that night of passion you were out cold, and they had probably done it then. It was the least of your worries and even now you had completely forgotten about it until someone brought it up. The tattoo wasn’t a bother, but it wasn’t your thing, nor did you want any sort of connection to them. You did a bit of research and made a call to set up an appointment with a tattoo artist to have your tattoo removed. It was risky to go out, but you wanted that thing gone.
You made sure to cover up and hide your face, constantly checking your surroundings to make sure you weren’t being followed. This little outing of yours was dangerous, but if it wall went down in one piece you could probably start to relax. Since you were out, you figured you could get a new phone too. After the tattoo removal of course. Thankfully you made it to the shop without issue, introducing yourself and being moved to the back. You were glad there weren’t any windows where you were seated, so you felt less worried about removing your jacket, hat and mask. The chair you were in was like a dentist chair, but it was quite cozy.
“Alright, I’m Hongjoong, I’ll be your artist today, although I believe you’re here for a tattoo removal.”
“Yeah, just a crazy night, and I made a mistake.”
“No worries. Can you show me where the tattoo is?”
“Sure.” You rolled up your sleeve. “It’s this.”
“Is there a problem?”
“No, no, not at all. It’s pretty.”
“I want it gone.”
“Yeah, of course. I will need to strap down your arm though.”
“Removing a tattoo isn’t painless and considering it is on your wrist, I don’t want you moving too much during the process.”
“Ah, that makes sense. Alright then.”
“Good. Just give me a second.”
Hongjoong got up and disappeared for a moment, coming back and using a belt to strap down your arm. He made sure it wasn’t uncomfortable, and that it should allow him to work without issue. He got up once again, giving you a chance to collect yourself. Although when he returned he grabbed your other arm and strapped it down as well.
“What are you doing!?”
You tried to fight him, but your other arm was already restrained. Hongjoong didn’t answer you, he just made sure you couldn’t escape and then left you alone. You screamed at him, then started crying for help, hoping someone else would come, but there was no one. You continued your attempt of escape, but it got you nowhere. When you heard the door you started screaming again. You heard footsteps approaching, thinking you were finally gonna get some help but you immediately went silent when you saw who approached.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here.”
“I didn’t harm her.” Hongjoong commented.
“Good. I’m glad we’re still on the same page.” Sangyeon chuckled. “Care to explain yourself, baby?”
You didn’t want to meet Sangyeon’s gaze, but you could feel his eyes digging into you. He didn’t need a response from you. Instead he had the other boys gag you and then untie you, dragging you out of the shop. You wound up in the back of a car, sandwiched between Changmin and Younghoon, knowing very well their strength outmatched you, so there was no escaping them. Of course you wound up back at that house. You were dragged inside and taken down below, thrown into an empty room. You got the gag off yourself and tried to run for the door, only to get tossed back.
“What the hell were you thinking!” Sangyeon yelled. “Did you really think a stunt like that would work!?”
“I got out of this house, didn’t I?”
“Oh, aren’t you quite cocky for a dead girl walking.”
“You’re doing much better than we thought.” Hyunjae mentioned. “We thought you’d be hospitalized by now.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Did you forget again?” Eric questioned. “The night of the party you asked for power. I should have known better.”
“You were the easiest target.”
“You bitch!”
Eric wanted to get a hit, but he was held back by Juyeon and Sunwoo. You were putting on quite a brave act, but the truth was you were terrified. You had done well to avoid their grasp, but in the end they still caught you.
“What the fuck do you guys want with me! And what’s with this talk about death? Are you gonna kill me this time?”
“Oh no, none of that.” Jacob said. “But the truth is you are dying. Haven’t you felt it?”
“Felt what?”
“The withdrawal.”
“What? You think taking drugs doesn’t have its consequences?”
“I…  what?”
Chanhee chuckled. “After using the drug you’re supposed to take something else to negate the side effects. Remember the little hangover cure we gave you the first time?”
“… why didn’t you tell me this!”
“Why would we? It’s a means of keeping you in line.”
“It seems it hasn’t hit you that hard yet, but it’s only gonna get worse. Surely you’ve had trouble sleeping by now, maybe feeling irritable and jumpy? It’s the withdrawal.”
“You’re gonna start feeling really sick soon.” Juyeon mentioned. “And it’s possible to get to a point of no return. We wouldn’t want you dying, now would we?”
“Where is it! Where’s this cure of yours!”
“Do you seriously think we’re just gonna give it to you? After the stunt you pulled?”
“You’re the ones who knowingly put my life in danger!”
“You asked for it. You asked for all of it. A night of passion like never before, and a night of power. Don’t blame us.”
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Seriously?” Haknyeon questioned. “Is it not obvious?”
“Amuse me.”
“You, silly. We want you, and we’ll do anything to get you back.”
“So if you want your cure.” Kevin added. “No more running away.”
“And if I refuse?”
“Oh, you really wanna play with your life? We can always come back to this conversation when sunlight starts to hurt you.”
“I… I’ll stay… but…”
“This isn’t a negotiation.” Sunwoo stated.
“I want to go back to school.”
“I still want to be able to study and get my degree. You can drop me off and pick me. I won’t-”
“I said-”
“Sure.” Sangyeon interrupted. “Why not.”
“Hand it over.”
The others stared at Sangyeon with questioning looks, not really agreeing with his decision, but he wasn’t gonna hear anything else. Jacob came over and handed him a water 
bottle with a similar blue sports drink color. Sangyeon opened it up and handed it to you.
“Drink it. Every last drop.”
This was what they had given you last time, so you did trust it. You emptied out the water bottle, immediately feeling this tension leaving you body. Perhaps all your worries weren’t just in your head, but part of the side effects to this drug of theirs.
“Now we can talk.”
You were suddenly shoved up against the wall, hand around your throat. Sangyeon had you pinned, glaring daggers at you. It was hard to breathe, and you tried clawing at his arm but he didn’t budge at all.
“You know, the second you broke that ankle bracelet we knew, but our guests kept us distracted so you got very lucky. That won’t be happening again.”
“I… I’ll… I’ll come… back…”
Sangyeon chuckled. “It’s funny you think I’m actually letting you set foot outside this house again.”
“You… you-”
“I make the rules here. The thing is, you just don’t get it.”
Sangyeon grabbed your arm, holding up your wrist to show you the tattoo you had. He leaned forward to place a soft kiss on it.
“This right here, it’s how we found you. It’s our mark, it lets everyone know who you belong to. Our people are everywhere, so even if you did end up in the hospital, you’d wind up right back here where you belong with us. It doesn’t matter where you go, we will find you.”
Sangyeon dropped you to your hands and knees and you gasped for air. You coughed as you tried to steady your breathing, realizing everything else that had been said previously was a lie. There was no getting out of this place, not again. After a moment Sangyeon kneeled down and grabbed your chin.
“Baby, I want you, even if I have to hurt you.”
“… why…”
“Cause you came into our lives, and you’re too good to pass up.”
“… please…”
“Don’t lie to yourself. As if you truly want to leave and return to that boring life of yours. Stay. Let us take care of you and treat you the way you deserve.”
“You’ll come around. In the meantime.” Sangyeon pulled out a pill. “Take this.”
“I… you just…”
“An ankle bracelet won’t work with you, so might as well use different means. Go on now.”
There wasn’t much of a choice here. If you didn’t do it willingly you knew Sangyeon would force it down your throat. So you took the pill, feeling that spark once more.
“Good girl. You can keep up with us better this way, and now you know you won’t last long out there if you were to leave again. Which is not gonna happen, right?”
“I need you to say it.”
“I won’t run away again…”
“Good. You won’t regret meeting us, I promise.”
“I do.”
“Watch it. You don’t want us to test your limits again, do you? Or maybe you do. I don’t mind having a brat in this house.”
“… sorry… I�� I didn’t…”
“Much better, although we do need to carry out your punishment for running away. Last time was nothing compared to this, so I hope you’re ready. You won’t be sleeping tonight.”
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tinytinyblogs · 2 years ago
Sunwoo As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
The boyz masterlist here #1 #2
Sunwoo is the type of boyfriend who you can lean on. He is mature, smart, and knows how to take care of you. He is also romantic and will always make you feel special. He is always there for you. He is the first person you want to call when you have good news or bad news. He is always there to listen and to offer support. He is mature and responsible. He can handle anything that comes his way, and he always puts you first. He is smart and funny. He can make you laugh even when you are feeling down. He knows how to take care of you. He will cook for you, clean for you, and do whatever he can to make your life easier. He is romantic. He will surprise you with flowers, gifts, and thoughtful gestures. He always makes you feel special. He is always honest with you. He will never lie to you or betray your trust. He is supportive of your dreams. He will always encourage you to follow your dreams and to achieve your goals. He is patient and understanding. He knows that you are not perfect, and he will always be there for you, even when you make mistakes.
Sunwoo loves to fall asleep around you. He loves the feeling of being close to you and the warmth you give him. He also loves the feeling of being safe and secure in your arms. He likes to cuddle with you. He loves the feeling of your arms around him and your body against his. He likes you to hold his hand. He loves the feeling of your hand in his and it makes him feel connected to you. Sunwoo loves the feeling of not being alone. He feels safe and secure when he is with you, and he knows that he can always count on you.
Sunwoo would obviously take you on a beach date. He loves the beach so much, and going with you would be another level of happiness for him. He loves the feeling of the sand between his toes. He would love to walk hand-in-hand with you on the beach and feel the sand between his toes. He loves the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. He would love to sit on the beach with you and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. He loves the feeling of being close to you. He would love to cuddle with you on the beach and feel your warmth against his skin. Sunwoo would also love to do some activities with you on the beach. He might want to go swimming, build sandcastles, or just relax and enjoy the view. A beach date with Sunwoo would be a perfect day. He would be so happy to spend time with you in his favorite place.
When Sunwoo spots you in a crowded place, he will ignore everyone else and make a beeline for you. He will have a sweet smile on his face and he will give you the best hug he can muster. He will tell you how much he loves to see you and how happy he is to be with you. Sunwoo will tell you how much he loves to see you in a way that makes you feel special. He will tell you how beautiful you are and how much he enjoys spending time with you.
When you're with Sunwoo, you can't help but laugh. He has a way of making you feel comfortable and relaxed, and you can always be yourself around him. You both have a lot of similarities, so it's easy to understand each other. You love to play around and tell jokes, and you always have a good time together. You might make up silly songs or dances. You'll laugh so hard that your sides hurt. You might tell each other jokes that only you find funny. You'll laugh until you cry. Sunwoo makes your day full of happiness and fun. He always knows how to make you laugh, and he always knows how to make you feel special. You love spending time with him, and you know that you can always count on him to make you smile.
Sunwoo is not afraid to show you his broken side. He will let you know when he is feeling down, and he will let you know when he is struggling. He will cry in front of you, and he will tell you all of his problems. He knows that you will listen to him and that you will help him to feel better. He trusts you. He knows that you will not judge him, and he knows that you will not tell anyone else about his problems. He needs your help. He knows that he cannot solve his problems on his own, and he needs your support. He loves you. He wants to be able to be himself around you, and he wants you to see all of him, even the broken parts. Sunwoo loves all the attention you give him when he is feeling down. He loves the way you listen to him, and he loves the way you make him feel better. He knows that he can always count on you to be there for him, and he is grateful for your love and support. When you make Sunwoo feel better after a rough day, it makes you feel good too. You feel happy that you could help him, and you feel loved that he trusts you enough to share his problems with you. You know that you are making a difference in his life, and that is a great feeling. Being there for Sunwoo when he is feeling down is a privilege. It is a sign that he trusts you and loves you, and it is an opportunity to show him how much you care. If you are lucky enough to have Sunwoo in your life, cherish him and be there for him when he needs you.
Sunwoo loves to call you randomly just to remind you that he loves you. He doesn't care what time it is, he just wants to hear your voice and tell you how much he cares. Sunwoo's random calls are a sign of his love for you. He loves you so much that he can't help but tell you how he feels, even if it's in the middle of the night.
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loverseon · 11 months ago
SOUL SWAP .ᐟ masterlist coming soon ᯓ★
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pairing female reader x ???
genre royal au, fantasy, kinda mystery ish
synopsis you wake up in a bedroom thats not your own. curtains that arent your own, bed thats not your own. a life thats not your own. no one around you seems to take you very seriously when you try and explain that youre… not exactly who they think you are. but hey, who are you to complain when everywhere you look theres a handsome man who wants you?
word count tbd (around 30k+)
warnings angst, fluff, themes of death, suggestive (tbz being sexy what can i say) cursing, slow burn, gradual pairing reveal, will add more tags as we progress
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teaser one moodboard playlist
part i. the dream of the golden bedroom
part ii. the hero of the first water
part iii. the saviour of the fallen
part iv. the master of the wild
part v. the commander of the gods
part vi. the ceremony of the conqueror
part vii. the end of the beginning
part viii. epilogue: the princess of stars
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a/n shakes u by the shoulders ohhhh its happeninf its happeningg
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cloverdaisies · 1 year ago
# UR SUCH AN EMO! 。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
— choi chanhee x gn!reader
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₊⊹⁀➴ description: the popular kid meets his unconventional match in one of the school’s most hated emo’s. from lab partners to cleaning buddies: the events that caused social royalty to fall in love with someone from the very bottom of the high school food chain. 。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
₊⊹⁀➴ genre: angst, fluff, enemies to lovers.
₊⊹⁀➴ word count: 4.1k+
₊⊹⁀➴ a/n: happy belated birthday @sanaxo-o , ily a lot, hope you enjoy this little piece i put together 4 u 🫶 it’s been in the works for a while but i really wanted to complete it for you. 。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
₊⊹⁀➴ warnings: mentions of bullying, frequent arguing.
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The sound of crashing drums and noisy guitar riffs leaked from your headphones, lazily dragging your shoes across the pavement as you were unwillingly met with the gates of the hell that was school. As usual, the halls were like the inside of a incredibly overpopulated zoo, with heads being met with the sides of lockers and the boisterous roars of students celebrating the beginning of the last semester of senior year.
You couldn’t be more excited to finish school, considering school simply wasn’t the safest place for anyone with alternative taste in anything. You clumsily made your way to your locker, abruptly pausing the music in your headphones before placing them on the shelf and shutting it with a slam.
“Someone’s not happy.” You sighed at the voice beside you, a familiar voice that has haunted your nightmares since you were at least 14 years old. “If you wear anymore eyeliner, you’re gonna start looking like your cosplaying a panda.”
“Good one.” One of other boys perked up, cheering on the other with a pitiful snicker sucking up to him like a little minion in goggles and dungarees ready to steal the moon.
Sunwoo definitely wasn’t the nicest guy to be around in high school, it certainly didn’t help that your locker was conveniently placed next to his so you got the divine pleasure of seeing him everyday. It also didn’t help that his group of minions congregated around that space 24/7 during every break like they had nowhere else to be.
However, he wasn’t the worst of the bunch. If anything it was a boy called Chanhee, he always had something to say, in fact too many things. “Your headphones are making my ears bleed.” , “Try not to wear black challenge!” , or just simple things sometimes like “I HATE your shoes.” You couldn’t deny you brought that upon yourself after one time you’d made fun of the fact he’d worn a beret to school, yeah the entire, “dAd yOu CaNt dO tHiS i WaNna gO tO fAsHioN sChoOl” comment you’d made didn’t sit well with him.
He stood towards the back of the small circle, him, Sunwoo and Changmin were the only ones that had arrived on time surprisingly, as some of that group seemed to only turn up half way through the day when they felt like it. The others weren’t as bad either, Hyunjae was a nice guy and so was Haknyeon, the rest you hadn’t had too much interaction with, thankfully.
Breezing past them with a sigh, you threw your bag over your shoulder and decided it’s best to ignore them rather than make any attempt to clap back. Besides how could you waste anytime when you had the extremely fun class that was chemistry to rush to?
“Okay class, welcome. Take your seats.” Your chemistry teacher welcomed you in with a jovial smile, his combover gelled so stiffly it would survive a hurricane intact. "We're jumping straight into some lab work today, I've assigned you partners based on ability."
The entire class let out a unanimous groan at the thought of set partners, the excited glances made by bestfriends across the room being replaced with long frowns. However, for you, this was simply the best case scenario since you didn’t have any friends in this class. At least that’s what you thought until the teacher spoke some unfathomable words that sent you spiralling as soon as they fell from his tongue.
“Y/n, you’re with Chanhee on this bay.” He called from the second row, you glanced over at Chanhee who rolled his eyes with a groan grabbing his bag and grumpily shoving it down next to his stool.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy either.” You laughed sarcastically, sitting beside him as he rested his head on the desk in frustration.
The teacher went on to explain the test you’d be carrying out, different chemicals reactivity in water, recording the results and comparing the differences. It was pretty simple, since it’s was just a warm up to ease the class into the semester. Hopefully the time would pass fairly quickly so you wouldn’t have to sit next to mr. miserable for much longer.
“Are you just going to sit there or help?” You sighed, watching the boy sit up with sleepy eyes peaking through the strands of his dyed blonde hair. You passed him a pair of protective goggles, dropping them in front of him as he jolted awake.
“Sorry, I fell asleep you’re that boring.” He replied satirically placing his glasses on. He sported a false smile gleaming off his white teeth, his eyes creasing and smile lines faintly showing at each peak of his lips.
“Charming.” You raised your eyebrows momentarily, filling the plastic basin with water and placing it on the table in front of you. You took turns dropping chemicals into the water watching the the chemicals fizz or even catch light at times. Recording the sound and visual on paper as well as the time taken for it to stop.
“So why do you hate me so much?” You asked the boy curiously, crossing your arms as you watched him scribble down some more notes in his workbook.
“I don’t?” He laughed slightly, shaking his head, his golden earrings dazzling under the light. “I’m more annoyed I have to work with you, because to him, hopefully I can get your grades up.”
“So you’re crying because you think you’re doing charity work? Get over yourself.” You snickered, not breaking eye contact as he stared you down with an intense glare, his pupils darkened in silent rage.
“Maybe you should get over yourself, huh? You ever thought about that, don’t talk to me on your high horse when you had no reason to make fun of me for what I wear in the first place.” Chanhee spat, thankfully the ringing of the school bell paused the argument, diffusing the tension in the air.
The class was dismissed, and in your next few classes you couldn’t stop thinking about what you would have said back to him in that conversation. Perhaps something along the lines of “Isn’t that what you and your group have done to me everyday for the past 5 years?” If the bell hadn’t rang there would have probably been some sort of cat fight break out.
Soon it was lunch, and as you were sitting with your friends on your own table you felt an intense stare across the room. You looked up inquisitively at the feeling of eyes on you, spotting the same group of boys Sunwoo, Chanhee and the others you like to call the minions ( come on they literally have one called Kevin ) staring at you like hawks. You rolled your eyes and continued talking with your friends, eyes occasionally wandering to the other side of the room. You needed another drink, squashing your empty carton of apple juice and throwing it into the trash can nearby —landing a pretty cool trick shot.
“He’s not very happy with you.” A polite voice chimed from in front of you in the line of the canteen, “Said you got in a bit of an argument.”
You turned to see Haknyeon, nibbling on cherry tomatoes from a plastic packet like a small mouse, whilst heartily filling up his lunch tray and sliding it across the surface.
“I can tell that, the minions seem to have a bit of a staring problem.” You chuckled looking over the group where they were trying to land food into each others mouths from large distances, yelling boyishly when Juyeon caught a grape from across the cafeteria.
“He’ll get over it.” Haknyeon shrugged, as he got to the front of the line ready to pay for his food. He held out the plastic packet of tomatoes he was snacking on and offered. “Tomato?”
“No thanks, I hate them.” You laughed slightly, listening to the beep as his card was accepted on the lunch reader.
“More for me then.” He shrugged, stuffing his face with another before flashing the brightest and cutest smile you’d ever seen. You paid for your drink, sitting back at the table with a sigh, glancing back over at Chanhee as he smiled and laughed along with the other boys in glee.
Next period after Lunch was English, the sound of the teacher reciting quotes from The Great Gatsby singing you to sleep like a lullaby. It also didn’t help in front of you, Chanhee and Hyunjae were sat working away taking notes. After the argument you’d had this morning with him, the presence of Chanhee couldn’t put you anymore on edge.
“Hey y/n… y/n? Wake up.” Hyunjae flung a pencil towards your head, abruptly causing you to sit up straight at your desk eyes sensitive to the bright lights around you.
“What?” You rubbed the top if your head where he’d hit and groaned in annoyance. “I was getting a good amount of sleep there.”
“I’m having a party on Friday, you wanna come?” He asked, with bright eyes and a grin of genuine interest spreading across his face.
“You know, I always say no.” You replied with a sarcastic jingle, situating your head back on your desk and yawning tiredly.
“That is not happening. Even if you say yes there is no way I’m letting you come.” Chanhee chimed in with a shocked gasp, laughing to shake off the thought of you being at one of Hyunjae’s events.
“Can’t you just be nice? Y/n’s my friend and actually is pretty damn cool if you get to know-” Hyunjae laughed, thinking the other boy couldn’t be serious but was sharply cut off before he could finish his sentence.
“Are you even my friend?” Chanhee scoffed, immediately going back to his work and not making eye contact with him. Hyunjae shrugged at you, offering a sympathetic smile and going back to his own work.
You didn’t pay anymore attention to the pair of them, your head reintroducing itself back to the table planning to nap the rest of the lesson away.
“Jesus wake up.” You felt a push at your arm, “You can’t interrupt my sleep and then start snoozing behind me.”
You looked up at Chanhee in annoyance, raising an eyebrow whilst observing the disgusted look on his face. You smiled, taking a breath, choosing your words carefully before speaking to the brown eyed boy.
“Will you do us both a favor? And stop speaking to me?” You spoke calmly with a false sweetness loading each word like a bitter bullet, watching as his eyes rolled to the top of their sockets and back.
“That’s enough! Y/n and Chanhee! Both of you out of the classroom.” The teacher demanded, fed up of the disruption from the corner of the classroom. You both got up, more than annoyed leaving the classroom door with a slam.
“You’re so dead for this.” Chanhee glared at you in annoyance his palm resting against his forehead as he tried to destress.
“Deserved. If you kept your mouth shut we wouldn’t be here, would we?” You smiled as he sighed, it was quite funny watching him being kicked out of class for the first time — a place you’d been so many times before, but for him it was more than ego crushing.
“What brings you both out in to the corridors?” The sound of heels clicking down the corridor, has both your heads turning towards the principal with a sigh. “Kicked out of class.”
“Not intentionally.” You groaned, hating having to encounter the woman considering she had her eyes on you 24/7 for sleeping through classes and not doing any homework contributing to your grade.
“Y/n, you can’t be pulling down the reputation of some of our best students like Mr. Choi here. Seeing as the both of you aren’t in lesson, the music store room actually needs cleaning and it would be amazing if you could help.” She smiled, passive aggressively clasping her hands together like a fly.
You’ve got to be kidding me, was the only coherent thought to pass your brain, it was only the first day back and you’d already gotten yourself into so much in just a few hours. She brought you to the storage room, where there was clutter everywhere, cardboard boxes, trash, old instruments just scattered over the unseeable floor.
“It might take a few days, so I’ll make sure you both commit to this for at least an hour each day until it’s clean. No free periods after lunch, got it?” She cocked an eyebrow at the two of you, pulling the dusty chain for the dim light bulb that barely lit the room.
“Yes Ms.” You both replied unenthusiastically, beginning to move boxes to make some walking room amongst all the chaos in the room.
“I could really use a coffee right now.” You groaned as the door slammed shut behind her with a deafening screech, the both of you covering your mouths with your forearms due to all the dust.
“You’ve just slept like a sloth for an hour and you need coffee? Pfft.” Chanhee scoffed, adding on a cough at the end blowing the dust out of his face with a look of disgust painted all over his face. “I can’t believe you got me into this.”
“You got yourself into this because you can’t keep yourself quiet, you’re just always dying to say something negative to me.” You put down the box you were carrying into a pile in the corner, the fragile cardboard wearing thin.
“Only because you for, some reason, think it’s okay to be mean to me too!” He snapped back once again referencing the time you’d made fun of his outfit one day, pulling his red sweater over his palms as he lifted another box.
“I was actually gonna say earlier, don’t you think I hear the same thing everyday from your gang of guys? Do you think that one time I made fun of you outweighs the last 5 years of you making them at me?” You turned around, tears welling in your eyes as you spat your words of frustration out in to the air. A moment of silence lingering, the tension in the air so cuttable and cold it felt like shards of ice hitting your skin, the nerves and adrenaline painting a pink color your in your cheeks.
“Just because they made fun of you, or even just Sunwoo, does not mean for even one minute I thought that about you too.” He softened his voice having seen you get so vulnerable on the topic. “Plus you give Hyunjae a pass, why did you go for me? Why did you make fun of me? I still get slander for the way I dress and act to from them-”
“I could ask you why they get a pass? If they’re so mean to you and you don’t think they should be mean to me, then why are you even friends with them?” You laughed in frustration at the boy justifying years of torment to not only you but himself, it simply made no sense.
“Because I don’t know anything else? Is that what you wanted to hear?” He threw up his arms in frustration watching as your lips sealed in silence. “Or the real answer, because I’m too scared to say I got hurt by it? I don’t want to seem fragile or like I can’t take a joke. I’ve known them since when we were kids, they’re still my friends, my day 1’s. That’s the truth.”
Seemingly emotional, he turned around to the wall slightly frustrated he’d let his guard down, however also perhaps in a state of processing the reality of his own actions and feelings. As if he’d had some sort of emotional awakening, as if the cogs finally started turning on why he was so hurt by what you’d said to him. He was hurt by you, because he’d already had his confidence worn down by the same people affecting you.
The both of you began unboxing the items in the storage room in complete silence, not uttering a single word other than a few coughs or mumbles about how much dust was in the room. You began opening a rather dusty box, a large rectangular one attached to a smaller chunkier box. You opened it and let out a quiet “cool” as you found a brand new electric guitar attached to an unopened amp.
“Do we have a power outlet in here?” You turned to Chanhee with an excited smile, he didn’t look up at you but just pointed to a old looking socket on the wall. You plugged in the amp, attaching the connecting wire to the guitar and played a slightly off key chord due to the guitar being untuned.
“Oh my goodness, that’s so loud stop.” Chanhee laughed slightly, a giggle from pure joy, not a sarcastic or mean one, a genuine chuckle. “We don’t have time for this.”
All of a sudden he returned to seriousness, the laughter pausing as quietly you put down the guitar neatly in the corner of the room and unplugged the amp. Clearly it was impossible to clear the air or bitterness with this guy, you may as well give up trying to reconcile at this point.
“I see how it is.” You sighed, lazily continuing the move the plethora of boxes around the room to try at least uncover the floor of the storage room by the end of hour.
Around 10 or so minutes later the bell rang, signalling the end of the day and soon the hallway outside was filled with muffled laughter trapping you both in the musty room until the storm passed. He didn’t say anything to you, asides from slinging his bag over his shoulder and leaving, it felt as if the conversation earlier seemingly had no effect on his feelings of hatred towards you.
Since it was the end of the day, you went to retrieve your headphones from your locker opening it up to a note that read:
“Ur Such An Emo!”
“Real original, ur so funny!” You uttered, crumpling the paper in your fist and letting out a deep sigh before putting your headphones around your neck.
“Didn’t like my note?” Sunwoo asked leaning against his locker with a cocked brow and his arms folded across his black wash denim jacket.
“Not really. I almost forgot how unfunny you were for a second though.” You sighed closing your locker door, only to have your arm gently grabbed back.
“I’m only joking, you do know that, don’t you?” He asked, his condescending smirk saying much otherwise. Despite it being ‘not that deep’ to him of course it was frustrating being the butt of the joke everyday for you.
“Sunwoo shutup for one minute, will you?” Chanhee approached him, pulling his gentle hand from your arm and turning back away from you coldly.
Almost shocked for words, you stood there for a moment before quickly rushing away from the scene down the hallway. Chanhee? Chanhee Choi? Defending you? Perhaps the conversation did have some impact on the way he thought of Sunwoo and his minion clan.
“So about that party, Friday night.” The cheery voice of Hyunjae beside you forced you to take off your headphones on your way out of the gates. “Are you coming?”
“Maybe.” You sighed, clutching your bag on your shoulder with a delayed and airy chuckle.
“That always means no, doesn’t it?” He laughed in response, trying to make eye contact as you only kept your eyes on the pavement ahead.
“Pretty much.” You shrugged, briefly nodding a goodbye to the boy before parting your ways to walk home. The trees hung over the sunny sky in September, leaves drooping, getting ready to decay orange and make the departure from their branches. Birds flying over the neighborhood in crowds, humming the scene a soundtrack as you stepped through your front door home. Crashing into your bed, you huffed wondering why Chanhee had defended you yet still acted as if he hated your guts.
。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ —
Friday soon stumbled upon you, the rest of the week hadn’t been particularly interesting, however Chanhee hadn’t spoken to you since Monday. Everyday the hour at the end of the day that you’d both designated to cleaning the music store room, he remained silent not speaking a word to you everyday, ignoring your questions, jokes and thoughts - only speaking when necessary with the odd “excuse me.” or sometimes even a brief “pass that over.”
Today wasn’t any exception, he strolled in on the last hour without any polite “hello”s or quite frankly any acknowledgment of your presence in the room at all. You’d had enough of trying to entertain yourself with your own thoughts and turned around to the boy with a quick snap. He’d chosen to wear a more toned down outfit than usual that day, straight fitted black jeans with a loose tucked in black t-shirt. In his ears he’d opted for small silver hoops which complimented the thin silver chain around his neck.
“I can’t take it anymore, why’ve you been ignoring me all week?” You huffed out, watching as the boy did nothing but shrug in the most annoying and frustrating fashion. “You don’t know, really? It’s killing me, did I do something to upset you? It can’t be nothing.”
“I’m not sure why I’m ignoring you, I’m actually not.” He sighed, carrying himself within a register that translated words of genuine truth. He finished packing one of the last boxes, placing his palms on the top and beginning to stare into nothing but space.
“Then can you stop?” You laughed walking through to the thin aisle of shelves where you’d been placing organised boxes for the past week. You gently put your last box down, turning and accidentally bumping into Chanhee as you hadn’t noticed he’d moved from his original spot to move his own box.
You caught eye contact with him, forgetting to apologise for bumping into him instead you were lost for words. As you looked into his hazel brown eyes, you couldn’t seem to catch a single coherent thought other than how unreal he looked in the warm lighting above him.
“Can you not? I just nearly dropped my shit.” He rolled his eyes and huffed a huge sigh of frustration forcefully breaking his eye contact with you.
“Jeez I’m sorry, didn’t see you there.” You groaned, returning the eye roll, annoyed he’d began picking arguments with his unpredictable attitude once again.
“If you’re going to apologise try not being rude about it.” He clapped back, you immediately whipped your head back around, slowly walking back up to him and shaking your head in disbelief.
“Shouldn’t you be the one apologising? Didn’t you start the argume-” You began, before you were unexpectedly cut off by him passionately smashing his lips against yours, his hands cupping either side of your face. You couldn’t help but immediately reciprocate the kiss, the shock fading away almost instantly. You pulled away looking at him with a bewildered expression painted across your face, not expecting him to even have that kind of action programmed into his perfect little system.
“Uh, Why? I thought I was ‘such an emo’.” You asked, not being able to contain your laughter as he mirrored your chuckles, a smile plastered on his face as he locked eyes with the ground.
“Well first of all, never tell anyone what I’m about to say or you’re actually dead.” He looked up at you with a pair of sparkly eyes, “I like you? Even though you’re such an emo. I guess.. I have for a while, I always thought your style was really cool and I’m sorry I made fun of you.. I don’t really know why I did it.”
“You’re so awkward quit being so nervous about it.” You laughed as he chewed on his lip trying to hide the nervous grin creeping up. “I guess there’s always second chances, apology accepted.” You teased him, placing a boop on his nose with your finger.
“Thanks.” He spoke softly, his cheeks turning bright pink as you placed a kiss on one side of his face to reassure him. “Uhm, So you coming to that party tonight?”
“Sure I will.” You smiled, grabbing your bag as the last bell of the day sounded. “I guess I like you too, by the way.” You added before quickly escaping through the music storage door, leaving him behind alone, his brain running marathons and his heart beating out of his chest. His phone screen lit up and sending an aggressive bell sound to be muffled thorough the denim of his jean pocket:
y/n: oh and u looked like such an emo today xo
Chanhee laughed, his fingers shaking nervously over his cracked phone screen as he thought of a reply. When he got home he’d continue to text you until the very sunset, when his eyes simply couldn’t stay open any longer. For him, he finally felt accepted for who he was and what he liked — similarly so did you.
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from-izzy · 1 year ago
"what do you think of flowers/bouquets?" | tbz 98 line
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i don't know much about them but if you like them then i'll gladly learn them for you!
​PAIRING » the boyz x gn!reader (not proofread one again 😭) TROPE/AU » established relationship au!, non-idol au!, smau! (text messages!) GENRE »​ most fluff out of all imo, barely any angst, ah maybe changmin's one is a bit angsty??, JUYEON WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE---, kevin and reader praying for each other 🥺 (i find this really comforting and cute to be honest), confident (and cute) boyfriend chanhee hehe, changmin is really thinking (cause i think he's that type of person). WORD COUNT » 395​ ESTIMATED READING TIME » ~2 mins (for all) WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » mentions of religion in kevin's
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 hyung line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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second one hehe! make sure to check out the hyung line that i released a few minutes ago!! maknae line should be up after around the estimated reading time from now!
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 hyung line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 'especially to you...' tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months ago
So Much More
Summary: Choi Chanhee and everything you thought you knew about him: he was so much more. 
Fluff, Friends to Lovers au 
Word Count: 2,202
Chanhee (New) X Reader
There were a lot of things you thought you knew about Choi Chanhee. And something you thought you knew was that he hated affection. He’d always avoid it, giving everyone a side eye as he did. So why was he wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a back hug? And why did you find yourself sinking into his hold? Why were you cherishing something as small as this? And why did you want more? You hope he can’t hear your heart beating out of your chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder, just resting on you. You were sure you’d fall in love with him if he kept this up. But the worst part was, you were already in love with him. You just weren’t sure when it all started. 
Maybe it all started when he laughed at a joke you told him. Or when you confided in him how all your last relationships went wrong, he put his hand over yours and assured you that not all relationships were bound for ruin. But none of those reasons ever felt right. Maybe you had loved him since the moment you met him. You just never had the right words to express it. You relax further into his hold that he still hasn’t released you from. And you can’t find it in yourself to tell him to let go because you wanted the opposite. You always wanted more. When it came to Choi Chanhee, you wanted him desperately and all the time. You were in love with him like a sick puppy.
It was odd. You never felt this way about anyone before. You’ve been in relationships before. But none where you wanted to be wrapped up in the person endlessly. Where you felt like you couldn’t get enough of them, as if your world was spinning around them. As you think about how you like the odd feeling, he starts to let go, “Sorry, I just thought you looked sad, so…” You turn back to him, “No, it was fine. I didn’t mind.” There were so many things about Choi Chanhee that you didn’t know that you wanted to learn. You wanted to know more than just his favorite color and skincare routine. You wanted to know how he liked his coffee in the morning and how it felt to hold his hand. But those were words you couldn’t express, at least to him. He nods at you and moves to go over to your shared friends. 
They’re wolf-whistling for some reason, and you roll your eyes at them. They were always dramatic, but you bet part of the reason was that they knew about your feelings for Choi Chanhee. You sigh to yourself as you reminisce about his hold. You were supposed to be having fun at this party, and instead, here you were thinking about your feelings for him, making you look sad. But you’d look sad every moment if it meant he’d hold you again. But that’s not how he works and that was a one-time deal. At least, that’s how you think he works. Your friends start waving you over, and you shake your head as you head over to them. They’re beginning their drinking games, and you can’t help but laugh as you partake in them. 
Drunken Chanhee is a rare occasion to see. Mostly because the eleven of you would try to prevent him from getting drunk; he would be way too silly. And here he is all loose, hanging onto Changmin and you, trying to get his grip on reality. You laugh at him, and he pouts, “Why are you laughing at me, baby?” He’s never called you baby. And it nearly has you sobering up as you gulp. Why was he calling you as such? And what could you do to get him to call you that name more? You shrug, “Cause you’re silly, Chanhee.” And he shoves his head into your bicep, “No, I’m not…” You grin there’s your Chanhee, well kind of. “Yes, you are… Min, you wanna help me help him to his room?” Changmin nods, and Chanhee swats at him, “No… I only want (Y/n) helping me.” You both raise your eyebrows at him. And Changmin shrugs as he gestures for you to take Chanhee. You do, and you help him to his room. 
He truly mystified you. You didn’t know what to do. You never knew what he was going to do next. You always thought you had him figured out, but as he nuzzles his head into your arm, wrapping around you tighter. He leaves you further and further confused, but you can’t get enough of it. You chaste yourself, reminding yourself over and over that this is just drunken Chanhee behavior. He’s just looser with his affection, that’s all. But maybe he finally felt free to show all his affection with lower inhibitions. You shake your head at that thought as you lead him to his room. You unlock his door, and he holds you tighter, “You won’t leave, right?” You blink at him; this has got to be some kind of a sick joke. Why is he all over you tonight?
You shrug, trying to stay unaffected, “I guess not?” He looks deeply into your eyes and asks, “You promise?” You nod as you promise him, and he giggles, kissing your cheek, “Good.” You must be redder than a fire hydrant now. You can’t believe the turn of events. Everything you thought you knew about him was crumbling. You pinch yourself. Maybe you’re the one who had too much alcohol. You lead him to bed and help him under the blankets. As you sit down in his desk chair, he whines. And you have to be insane at this point. There was no way he just whined. “(N/n)!” You blink at him, and he’s pouting. Oh yeah, this has got to be a dream. You wipe your eyes harshly with your hands, trying to get your mind straight, and when you open them again, you see he’s still pouting, “Are you not going to join me?” You look at him like he has three heads. And he pats the bed next to him, “Come on… I’m lonely.” Yeah, this has to be someone else. There is no way this is Choi Chanhee. He whines again, and you decide, if this isn’t Choi Chanhee, that you’ll deal with the consequences tomorrow. Because if you’re receiving his affection and a sweetened version of him. You were taking the risks. 
You scramble up from the chair, and he lifts the blanket beside him. And he grins as he wraps his arms around you, “Was that so hard?” Oh, someone must have spiked the punch; this is insane. But you easily accept his affection and let him snuggle into you. You sigh as he finally closes his eyes. And you whisper, “What happened to my Choi Chanhee… Why are you acting so affectionately, huh?” You run your fingers through his curls, and he giggles, “You weren’t getting my hints before…” Your eyebrows raise at that, “Huh?” And he opens his eyes, locking them on yours, “I like you… I like you a lot.” You blink at him, “How much did I drink?” He doesn’t reply to that; rather, he tells you, “I mean it…” You pinch yourself again and find this isn’t a dream. “Oh… You do?” And he sighs, “Have for a while…” You whisper, “I’ve liked you for a while too.” And he cheekily replies, “I know.” And with that, he curls into you, nuzzling his head into your chest to fall asleep. You’re positive that tomorrow, when you wake up, this will all be a dream, and Choi Chanhee will return to his usual self. 
You wake up and find Chanhee still wrapped around you. And you’re starting to think pinches aren’t working, and you need to smack yourself awake from this dreamland. When you see he’s blinking his eyes awake, you ask, “How… How much do you remember from last night?” He looks at you softly, “Everything.” You look at him in question, and he holds your hand in his own. “I told you I liked you, and you told me you liked me too.” You better wake up from this dream soon. There’s no way this is your Choi Chanhee. He must be a changeling or something. When you look at him like he’s lost his mind, he asks, “Did you not mean it?” He pouts, and you shake your head, “No… I meant it. But I just? You’re… I don’t know… You’re being so affectionate with me... And I? I don’t know how to process this.” He laughs, “I knew you weren’t getting my signs before, so…” “You decided to be affectionate?” He nods, and you sigh, “You didn’t have to change yourself for me…” He shakes his head, “No, I’m affectionate… Just subtly, and I save almost all my affection for you.” You blink at him, “But why?” He laughs, “I think I already told you the answer.” You hum as you smile, “I’d like to hear it again.” He giggles and kisses your forehead, “I like you. That’s why I wanted you in my bed. That’s why I held you. That’s why I only wanted you last night.” You hide your face in his chest as he talks, just taking it all in. This wasn’t the Choi Chanhee you knew because, you had him all figured wrong. And before today, he was your friend and only your friend. And now you mumble into his chest, “Does this mean we’re dating?” He giggles, “I hope so.” You look up and see him smiling, and he runs his fingers through your hair. And you whisper, “Okay.” 
How wrong you were to think he hated affection. Choi Chanhee, in love, was more than affectionate. He was subtle before with his little touches and sweet words. And now, knowing that hugs and kisses made you a blushing mess. He was keen on surprising you with them, your reactions leaving him in fits of giggles every time he did. Sure, he wasn’t that affectionate in front of others, but everyone knew you were together just by a passing glance. It wasn't just because of your matching outfits either, but it was how you looked at each other as if you were each other’s whole world. Choi Chanhee in love is everything you dreamed of and more. You learned everything you wanted to and more. He was everything you ever fell for and ten times more. You loved him like a sick puppy. And he loved you like a cat seeking out his favorite human, always wanting to be a part of your world. 
You could both be doing something separate, but suddenly, he was there wanting you and only you. He’d invade your space until your attention was only on him, wanting to talk about everything and nothing with you. And you couldn’t get enough of his arms around you. As much as your affection was changing for him, his was changing for yours. You became more accustomed to quality time and finding happiness in the time you spent together in conversation or silence. Like sharing a cup of joe together in the morning or a pizza in the evening, everything was together and comfortable. And he grew to love you curled up into his side, finding comfort in all of your holds. The feel of his hand in yours was just as lovely as you had dreamed but even better because he’d initiate it knowing you loved it. You couldn’t get enough of each other in your own ways. As much as you’d seek out his affection, he sought after your time. And slowly, you found yourself seeking out his time as he found himself seeking your affection. And from there, you learned he was right. Not all relationships were bound for ruin. Some were bound to build empires and last for eternities. And that’s exactly what you and Choi Chanhee had. A relationship people wish they had, one that was built on a silly drunken confession.
Chanhee would later confess he was only a little tipsy that night and had exaggerated it. And you’d gasp, “What!? That whole time?!” He nodded, “I just knew I wouldn’t have the courage to do it without anything in my system. Turns out it only took one drink for me to act.” You laughed as you kissed him, “You dork, I love you.” And you did. You loved Choi Chanhee just as much, if not more than he loved you. But he’d argue that he’d loved you most. Choi Chanhee was much more than you ever dreamed or thought he was. He was everything in between, an overflowing cup of everything you wished for and that much more. And the best part is you get to call him yours. You love him dearly, more than anyone you’ve ever loved before. And he loved you. He told you every day, even in his subtle ways. 
Choi Chanhee, a man who mystified you, was all yours.
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sungbeam · 2 years ago
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tbz 98 line x f!reader
just a few besties doing bestie things: prepare for trouble, but make it.... quintuple??
▷ genre, warnings. social media au, idol au, reader's older brother is a choreographer for tbz, reader is an editor, humor/crack, fluff, swearing, warnings will come w each chapter, honestly this is for fun bc i needed something like this 😃
▷ status. ongoing (not a priority project tho!)
▷ taglist. open!
a/n: big thanks to @winterchimez who lit the flame of inspo for this 😭 also sometimes the timelines don't make sense w the real life stuff so DON'T COME AT ME 😔
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[1] jacob's 24hr hotline for free ab exposés
[2] it's the newdshot (naaaa na na na-na na—)
[3] if not babygirl, why babygirl-shaped?
[4] what's worse than a tie? a three-way (three's a crowd; get out.)
[5] who's your daddy?
[6] why can't i be baby boy :l
[7] one day i will be chanhee's btch, too
[8] baby squirrel, you's a sexy mfkr
[9] but he don't shake his booty no more 😔
[10] SPIDAH-MAN !!! 😩🤘
[11] it's rainin' men! (hallelujah)
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fic taglist: @ilovechanhee @matchaoreocrepes @rodygr @haylandthewoods-blog
permanent taglist: @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @mingiholic @ja4hyvn @vatterie @yogurteume @ethereal-engene @hyunjaespresent-deobi @justalildumpling @hongyangi @pxppxrmint @nerdypastacalzonespy @jcmdoll @zhaixiaowen @wtfhyuck @winterchimez @sodafy @fluorescentloves @tinkerbell460 @kflixnet
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winterchimez · 1 year ago
Redemption of Love
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SUMMARY: Choi Chanhee—better known as the Phantom of the Opera, has dominated the Paris Opera House with his lifelong partner, Christine Daae, for years. Until one fateful day, an incident forces them to be separated and never to be reunited again.
Decades later, you have begun your journey here at the famous opera house with the help of your fiancé, Lee Sangyeon. After several performances, it was then that you would come face-to-face with the renowned phantom himself, and he is determined to never let you go again, convinced that you were his long-lost partner whom he has not seen in many years.
It is now your choice to make. To give your heart to the once-forgotten phantom? Or to stand firm and marry the love of your life.
PAIRING: phantom of the opera Chanhee x singer f!reader x fiancé Sangyeon
GENRE & WARNINGS: phantom of the opera au, angst, supernatural, thriller, crime, fluff, time travel, reincarnation, major & minor character deaths, otome, pg-13
RELEASE: 01/10/2023
STATUS: ongoing!!
A/N: i am beyond thrilled & excited to finally announce season 2 of old tales, new beginnings!! it makes me so happy to be able to come back to this series after taking a break since the previous one. this time, it's based on phantom of the opera, and what's special about this is that there's 2 members in this particular season aka our beloved SangNew!! hence, i've decided to opt for the otome route, where you get to pick either Chanhee's or Sangyeon's route towards the end of the story. i'm super pumped for this season, and i hope you guys will hop on along the ride with me!!
giving a shoutout to my biggest supporters since day 1, @sungbeam & @cloverdaisies for brainstorming, planning, and helping me so much for this season. no words can ever describe how grateful i am for you both 🥹🫶🏻❤️
send me an ask/comment to join the taglist for the series!!
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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chanhee's route
sangyeon's route
chanhee's route
sangyeon's route
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taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @atinycafe @hanniluvi @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction @heemingyu (join my permanent taglist here!)
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wolvesland · 1 year ago
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→ Choi Chanhee x Leitora
→ Palavras: 2k
AVISOS: leve angst, fluffy, smut, troca tradicional de "papéis", massagem erótica, masturbação, reforço de maneirismo, super estimulação, sexo desprotegido e insinuação de creampie, vocês são casados, squirting, menção aftercare, switchdom!chanhee, mommy!chanhee, dono de casa!chanhee, switchsub!leitora, leitora estressada, trabalha no escritório!leitora.
📌 ps:. sempre use camisinha, se proteja, se cuide, é a sua saúde que está em jogo.
📌 masterlist
© all rights reserved by @tinyidle
© tradução (pt/br) by @wolvesland
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Você não deveria ter ido trabalhar. Na verdade, você deveria ter deixado aquele emprego estúpido há muito tempo. No entanto, como ele pagava muito bem - e porque você se recusou a permitir que seu marido recém-casado de quatro meses arrumasse um emprego - você continuou assim. Chanhee estava mais do que disposto a trabalhar; afinal, ele era um homem, mas você insistia em deixar que a cabeça e as mãos bonitas dele se limitassem a fazer o trabalho doméstico, trabalho para o qual você, infelizmente, não tinha nenhuma habilidade como mulher. Vocês dois não eram uma família tradicional e gostavam de ser assim: Chanhee cozinhava e limpava boa parte da casa, enquanto você trabalhava no escritório e limpava o que podia nos fins de semana.
Felizmente, para você, o trabalho não era muito chato. No entanto, ainda era chato. Assim que terminou seu extenuante dia de trabalho de oito horas, você dirigiu rapidamente para casa. Assim que entrou na garagem e pegou as chaves, destrancou a porta da frente de sua casa depois de trancar o carro atrás de você. Respirando fundo, você afrouxou o cinto que o prendia ao trabalho e soltou a barriga apertada enquanto se deitava no sofá. Um a um, você tirou os saltos dos pés doloridos e desabotoou dois botões da blusa branca.
— Bem-vinda ao lar! – Seu adorável marido gritou todo animado.
Quase animado demais para você, com ele vindo da cozinha, deixando de limpar o fogão e indo em sua direção.
— Dia estressante no trabalho? – Ele perguntou com preocupação, ajoelhando-se à sua frente e pegando um de seus pés cansados com as mãos macias.
— Sim. – Você suspirou, apreciando a massagem que Chanhee estava fazendo agora.
Você estava tão envolvida na massagem que mal percebeu que o homem a levantou para deitá-la na cama, tirando lentamente sua calça cinza de trabalho. Quando se deu conta, sentiu os lábios macios de Chanhee pressionados contra seu joelho esquerdo.
Você mordeu o lábio, virando a cabeça para se recusar a respondê-lo. Seu orgulho era grande demais para responder a ele naquele momento. Assim que ele tirou o blazer cinza e a blusa branca, virou sua cabeça para os olhos de corça dele.
— Eu disse. – Ele repetiu impaciente. — O que você precisa, meu amor?
— Hum, hum... Você poderia me ajudar a passar loção nas minhas pernas? – Gaguejou.
Chanhee assentiu, levantando-se para pegar a loção e massagear suas pernas. Seus suaves suspiros de satisfação eram música para os ouvidos dele. Ele derramou um pouco da substância cremosa em suas mãos grandes e macias e as colocou gentilmente sobre você, massageando e apertando sua pele. Observar como você gostava de ser massageada deixou Chanhee feliz, adorando como ele cuidava de sua bela e trabalhadora esposa.
— Agora chegue mais perto de minhas coxas. – Você ordenou.
Chanhee assentiu, balançando a cabeça.
— Ora, ora. Onde estão nossas boas maneiras?
Sentindo-se um pouco envergonhada e engolindo seu orgulho, você pediu novamente em silêncio.
— Por favor, esfregue minhas coxas, mommy.
— Aí está, minha doce menina está de volta.
Chanhee sorriu e atendeu ao seu pedido, deslizando para baixo para acariciar também os músculos da panturrilha. Você corou, balançando a cabeça em concordância. Ele acariciou a parte interna de sua coxa com as mãos fortes, porém gentis.
Tudo o que você pôde fazer foi responder com um pequeno "de nada, mommy", arfando quando sentiu as mãos dele passarem das suas coxas para o seu núcleo aquecido.
— Mommy, eu quero que você acabe com o meu estresse. – Você disse.
Chanhee riu ao ver como você ficou pequena para ele com apenas alguns toques.
— Claro, já que você pediu tão educadamente.
Tirando lentamente sua calcinha preta, ele observou como sua boceta já estava molhada.
— Olhe para a boceta inchada da minha linda menina. Tão pronta para ser cuidada, não é?
Seu marido murmurou antes de inserir imediatamente um dedo em você, sabendo muito bem como sua boceta ficaria apertada sem muita preparação.
Fechando os olhos de prazer, você gemeu enquanto seus quadris se esforçavam ao máximo para aceitar o que Chanhee fazia com você sem se sobressaltar. Você permitiu que ele enfiasse um dedo longo, depois outro, esticando-a efetivamente até que ele tivesse três dedos dentro de você, ocasionalmente curvando-os para cima. Você perdeu o controle de sua voz, deixando que ela gritasse com a adorável intrusão, fazendo com que Chanhee soubesse exatamente como você se sentia sobre ele cuidar de sua área mais sensível. Seu corpo implorava para que Chanhee a fodesse com força, para fazê-la gritar, para lhe dizer que tudo ficaria bem.
Chanhee entendia que você estava dizendo essas coisas por meio de seus gritos.
— Desmorone para mim, querida, mommy está com você. – Garantiu ele, esfregando seu clitóris latejante enquanto você gozava nos dedos dele.
Suas pernas tremeram violentamente enquanto você entrava em pura euforia. Enquanto recuperava as forças, com o suor brilhando na testa, seus olhos turvos viram seu marido tirar as roupas uma a uma, dobrando-as cuidadosamente após cada item e colocando-as na lateral do quarto compartilhado.
Assim que ele voltou para a cama, você apoiou os cotovelos atrás de si, vendo o pau duro de Chanhee balançar suavemente entre as pernas dele enquanto ele voltava para a cama.
— Mommy mal pode esperar para agradar totalmente a bebê dele. – Disse ele com um sorriso antes de selar o seu nariz. — Deite-se de costas para mim. – Você estremeceu e fez o que ele mandou.
Com toda a confiança e avidez, o homem se inclinou para baixo, colocando seu adorável rosto diretamente acima de seus seios cobertos pelo sutiã, ajudando-a a soltar o material que a prendia.
Chanhee sabia que a esposa dele estava ficando faminta por causa dos seus sons de prazer e desespero. No entanto, tudo o que você conseguia verbalizar era uma súplica.
— Por favor, mommy, eu preciso do pau da mommy aqui. – Você gemeu, abrindo as pernas para mostrar sua caverna molhada aos olhos luxuriosos do homem. Ele apertou seus seios e sorriu, seus olhos de corça escurecendo para um apelo mais de sereia.
Chanhee acariciou seus cabelos com movimentos suaves enquanto entrava e saía de você lentamente. Chegando ao seu pescoço, ele o beijou com ternura, descendo os beijos até chegar ao seu decote. Chanhee adorava chupar seus seios; eles lhe traziam quase tanta felicidade quanto a que ele sentia quando estava dentro de você. Enquanto ele acariciava seus seios e você gemia a cada investida, ele subitamente afastou a mão, colocando-a embaixo de você, com o pênis dele se aprofundando ainda mais com a ação.
Um gemido alto foi forçado a sair de você.
— Porra, mommy! – Você exclamou enquanto Chanhee aumentava um pouco mais o ritmo, fodendo-a atentamente. Ao ouvir que você estava gostando da profundidade do pênis dele em sua boceta, ele se inclinou ainda mais para você, até ficar peito a peito com você.
— Hee... Chan... Huh... – Seu cérebro não conseguia formar nenhuma palavra devido a todo o prazer que você estava recebendo. Por fim, você foi além da fala, ofegando e gemendo alto o suficiente para que Chanhee pudesse apreciar segurando seus seios nas mãos dele, você não tinha forças para resistir aos esforços implacáveis de Chanhee para fazê-la se sentir satisfeita. Depois de mais algumas estocadas, você gozou com ele ainda dentro de você. Sua mente ficou entorpecida, o corpo sacudindo para cima enquanto ele continuava.
— Quero dar prazer à minha bebê até que ela implore para eu parar. – Disse Chanhee, continuando a foder o pênis ainda duro em seu centro espasmódico. Você poderia tê-lo afastado, dito que não queria mais, argumentado que estava cansada, mas, em vez disso, pediu para que seu marido continuasse, que não parasse, que lhe desse prazer.
Você estava mostrando a ele o quanto precisava se sentir cuidada e preenchida, dando-lhe permissão para transar com você até que ele desmaiasse.
Chanhee sorriu ao ver como sua esposa se entregou a ele, permitindo que ele depositasse grande parte de seu amor em você. Ele ficou grato pela frequência com que você o lembrava de que havia cedido a ele, apenas para que ele tivesse algo pelo que agradecer. Era simples; naquele momento, Chanhee agradecia a você por demonstrar seu amor.
Você gostou da sensação do pênis de Chanhee entrando e saindo de você, lembrando-se de como ele sabia foder bem: sempre com cuidado para não machucá-la, tentando constantemente esticá-la de todas as formas possíveis. Balançando lentamente os quadris, indo do ângulo mais profundo possível para o mais raso, de movimentos rasos de entrada e saída de volta para ângulos rápidos e profundos, aumentando o vapor novamente. Encontrando seu ponto ideal, sua garganta queimava enquanto você gritava, tentando expressar o que precisava; dizendo a ele para continuar fazendo o que estava fazendo porque era uma sensação muito boa.
— Por favor, por favor, por favor. Mommy, por favor. — Você choramingou, desesperada para se comunicar com seu amante.
Como se pudesse ler seus pensamentos, Chanhee assentiu, pedindo mais um minuto para preenchê-la. Ele a olhava com intenso desejo, tomando o cuidado de memorizar cada traço de seu rosto e cada som que você emitia. Ele envolveu seus braços em torno de você enquanto continuava a deslizar para dentro e para fora, absorvendo cada grama de prazer que lhe era proporcionado por suas paredes em contínuo espasmo. Ele tentou se manter firme, mas os sentimentos que se formavam dentro dele eram poderosos demais, correndo por ele tão rápido quanto ele a preenchia.
Chanhee deu um beijo carinhoso em sua testa, não querendo nada mais do que aproveitar o brilho de seus orgasmos. Afastando-se lentamente de seu rosto, Chanhee desceu pelo seu corpo, abrindo bem suas pernas e se acomodando entre elas. Tocando gentilmente seus lábios inchados, ele depositou um único beijo em sua carne exposta e avermelhada enquanto você gritava.
— Tão bonita, hum? – Ele disse, beijando cada centímetro de sua linda pele corada com adoração. — Você ficou satisfeita, querida?
Chanhee mordiscou levemente seu ombro enquanto subia novamente, pedindo uma resposta, que você murmurou fracamente.
Envolvendo os braços ao seu redor, Chanhee começou a circundar seu clitóris, sabendo que era assim que você sempre acabava gozando para ele quando ambos terminavam uma sessão. Não importava o quanto você resistisse ou gritasse, ele continuava a fazer isso, continuando a circundar seu botão dolorido até que seus quadris rolassem para ele em ondas incontroláveis.
— Ughh, mommy. – Você suspirou enquanto seu rosto se contorcia em êxtase. Do nada, seus sucos encharcam suas coxas e escorrem rapidamente para fora de você, dando as boas-vindas a Chanhee para comê-la com os lábios, lambendo, mordiscando, chupando enquanto você gemia.
— Meu doce, doce bebê. – Ele a elogiou, com as mãos percorrendo sua pélvis trêmula. — Tão trabalhadora. Deixe que a mommy a satisfaça até que você adormeça, hum?
Como se fosse a deixa, suas pálpebras se fecharam, sabendo que você não seria capaz de respondê-lo. Ouvindo seu sono tranquilo enquanto ele a provocava com beijos suaves em seu monte e em seus lábios inferiores, ele foi ao banheiro pegar alguns lenços.
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iuscious · 4 months ago
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penned by sera, @iuscious ꩜ྀི。
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about. she/her, legal age
filo/eng writings for: the boyz 🎯
warning: works are 18+, and please separate fiction from reality!
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mymoodwriting · 8 months ago
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16.3k, yandere, sirens, minor hydrophobia, sleep walking, lucid dreaming, potential drowning, trauma, drugs, manipulation, kidnapping, smut, aphrodisiac, monster fucking, monster cock, fingering, penetration, female penetration, french kissing, pussy licking, cream pie, implied gang bang (@starillusion13)
“This trip is gonna be awesome!”
Your friends had always told you to visit the Fairy Tale Waterfall, since it was a big tourist attraction, and something you had to do at least once in your life. You agreed, it was an incredible place, but you definitely didn’t have the heart to tell them you had already been there once, and weren’t really eager to go back. You had gone with another friend group back then and over the last year had drifted apart. You didn’t want to disappoint your new friends and make them feel bad if you were left out, so you packed a bag and went out with them.
You arrived at the waterfall early in the morning, the sunlight shining down on the water, making it sparkle. This place was really beautiful, you couldn’t deny that. Although you felt this nervousness in the back of your head as you stared at the water. You knew how to swim, and you still did so at pools and the beach, but this waterfall, you weren’t so sure you wanted to get in the water at all. You put that to the side and helped your friends set up the tents. You focused on that even as some of the others went for a swim, saying you wanted to make sure everything was set up before nightfall.
When you had mostly finished up you took a little break, sitting down in the shade of a tree, staring out at your friends. They were having so much fun, and their smiles brought one to your face. This really was an amazing place and you were glad to be here, but the memories of the past continued to haunt you. This whole scene before you actually felt like deja vu, especially when your friends noticed you and began gesturing for you to join them. You shook your head and pointed towards your campsite, telling them you weren’t done. They let it go for now, but you began to worry. It might not have been a good idea to come at all. As you continued to watch them you could help but think back to the last time you had been here.
“Y/n! Get up and get in the water!”
You opened your eyes to the sound of your friends calling for you. A groan escaped your lips, followed by a smile. You took a moment and then dressed yourself before stepping out of the tent. The warm sun shined down on you, and after a moment your eyes adjusted. You saw your friends out at the water, seeing them waving and gesturing for you to come over. You walked towards the shoreline, but yelped when you felt the water.
“It’s so cold!”
“Just get in!” Jemma shouted. “You’ll warm up to it.”
You laughed and walked into the water, shivering a bit but smiling all the way. Your friends cheered as you wadded over to them.
You heard a splashing sound, hearing a familiar voice call your name. You stopped and turned around, seeing your friend, Ally, frantically making their way over to you. It was an odd sight especially when you had seen Ally with your group of friends that had called you out. Something was off, and it was starting to freak you out. As Ally approached you stepped back, panicking. You wound up slipping and going under. When you resurfaced everything had changed. Day had turned to night and you felt a greater chill in the water. While you looked around confused and disoriented Ally caught up to you.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing?”
Ally could tell you weren’t in your right mind, so she helped you out of the water and onto dry land. She told you to stay put and not move a muscle while she went to get you a towel. She helped you dry off, bringing you over to a fire to help warm you up.
“Wa… what happened?”
“You don’t remember?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Girl, I woke up to get a drink and I see you walking out into the water. You scared me, were you sleepwalking or something?”
“I… I guess… I thought… you guys were out there… and it was morning…”
“Talk about a vivid dream. Let’s properly dry you up and change your clothes.”
You got up and went with Ally, cleaning up and getting into dry clothes. You couldn’t really go back to sleep, but come morning you packed up, Ally and your friends thinking it best to leave after such an experience, and you weren’t going to argue with them. As everyone finished packing you stared out into the water. Something strange happened to you, but you couldn’t quite understand it, nor did you want to. You thought you’d never come back, but it seemed that fate had something else in mind.
As the sun went down you helped prepare dinner, coming along with some of the guys, the smell of meat in the air. For everyone’s safety you had agreed on no alcohol, but you had plenty of other refreshments for the trip. You played some games to determine tent-mates and then everyone slowly started turning in for the night. You were one of the last to go to bed, staying up to admire the stars and the calmness of the water. Although after a while a bit of uneasiness settled in and you figured it was best to go to bed. For your own sake you set up a little trip wire with a bell on it outside your tent, just in case something happened again. You hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but at least you found it easier to fall asleep.
Come morning you woke to the smell of breakfast, hearing your friends outside. You made your way out, startling yourself when you tripped over a wire, a bell snapping you awake. You tumbled to the ground panting, sound hearing some chuckles, and then a hand came into view. Your tent-mate, Misu, helped you back onto your feet, commenting on your little contraption. She noticed right away when she got up and was careful not to trip it so you could sleep in. She didn’t think you would fall for it yourself, but one could be very groggy in the morning. Things were left like that and you joined the others for breakfast. Although today you probably couldn’t avoid going into the water, and it made you a bit nervous.
“Y/n, look over there.”
Avary pointed over to a group of boys near the water. It was so early in the morning but they were already going for a swim. You could feel the blood rush to your face as you noticed some of them weren’t wearing any shirts, and the others were in white t-shirts that were already soaked. You had never seen such a thing before, and you couldn’t stop staring.
“This is exactly why we came to the waterfall.” Misu commented. “The boys. We should say hi, maybe go for a swim together.”
“I… I don’t know… I… we can’t bother them…”
“Y/n, if they were just here to swim then they wouldn’t be doing all that.”
“I… I guess…”
Misu had a point. The boys weren’t just swimming around, but being very playful with each other, and being quite loud. At this point they were surely attracting everyone’s attention. Maybe this could work in your favor. You were already too nervous to enter the water, and you could use the pretty boys as another reason not to go. You’d surely embarrass yourself if you got near them anyway. Yet, you couldn’t help but stare, something about them drawing your gaze. You only broke away when your friends called to you.
After breakfast you helped clean up, your other friends going off to swim and make conversation with those boys. They’d be distracted trying to make nice with them, so you trusted they wouldn’t be bothering you about getting into the water. You were right about that, even as you kept catching yourself staring at them. You didn’t know what it was about them that kept getting your attention, but you tried not to keep staring. After the fifth time you told yourself you needed to have the waterfall out of your line of sight, so you went to your tent. Since it had always been your plan to stay out of the water you brought a book with you to keep you busy.
You laid down to read it, having a mini fan in the tent to keep you cool. You got engrossed in your book until you heard a bell that startled you. A scream escaped your lips and you quickly turned around, seeing a stranger poke their head into your tent. You screamed again and they quickly apologized, stepping out. Once you had regained your breath you carefully crawled over to the entrance of your tent, looking out at the boy who had startled you. He had a nervous smile on his face, waving at you and apologizing once more. Now that you got a good look at him you realized he was one of the boys you had been staring at earlier. You immediately retreated back into your tent, feeling your face heating up again.
“Excuse me…” The boy peeked down into the tent. “Are you alright?”
“Uh… fine… uh… can I help you?”
“Could you come out of the tent?”
“… why…”
“Well, it’s difficult to talk this way.”
“I won’t bite.”
“… what do you want…?”
“To talk.”
“To be honest, I was curious about you. I saw you staring again and again, yet you didn’t go into the water. Are you afraid or something?”
“What’s it to you?”
“This is the Fairy Tale Waterfall, one of the most beautiful places there is, but you won’t get into the water. Why bother coming all the way here if you’re not gonna enjoy yourself to the fullest?”
“I’m perfectly fine where I am…”
“Are you though?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know, I can teach you how to swim if you want to.”
“I know how.”
“Then why don’t you come out to play?”
“I’m good.”
“You’re very interesting.”
You heard the voice of your friend. You were glad not to be alone anymore, and this gave you the motivation to get out of the tent. You scrambled out and ignored the boy nearby, looking for your friend. When you tried to walk away your arm was grabbed and you were held back.
“Ya! Let go.”
“We weren’t done talking.”
“Y/n! Oh- I see you’ve met Juyeon.”
“I’m Juyeon.” The boy introduced himself. “Nice to meet you.”
“Can you let go of my arm now?”
“Ah, sorry.”
Juyeon had quickly changed demeanors when your friend showed up. He was no longer giving creepy vibes, but had a big friendly smile on his face.
“My brothers and I were talking with your friends.” Juyeon explained. “And they mentioned that someone from their group was missing. I thought to come over and get you myself. We don’t want you missing out on the fun.”
“I’m alright, thanks.”
“Come on, y/n. You didn’t get a chance to get in the water at all yesterday, you have to get in today.”
“It’s okay, Mina. Besides, I was about to start preparations for lunch, I’ll call you all when it’s ready.”
“My brothers can prepare lunch for all of us.” Juyeon suggested. “That way you’re free to come and swim with us.”
“That sounds perfect!” Mina cheered. “Let’s go!”
Before you could say more Mina grabbed your hand and pulled you along towards the water. She caught you off guard so you stumbled behind her, trying to protest. Even as you spoke your eyes were fixated on the water that was fast approaching. Your words were failing you, but just as you got close to the water’s edge you screamed.
Mina abruptly let you go and stepped back. You slowly settled your breathing, moving away from the water, keeping your arms close to your chest.
“Y/n… are you okay…?”
“… yeah… I’m fine… I just…”
“Close your eyes and take a deep breath.” Juyeon took your hands in his and turned your back to the water. “Just breathe, okay?”
Even though you were creeped out by Juyeon earlier it didn’t matter at that moment. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm your breathing. Juyeon gestured for your friend to go, keeping you company while you regained your composure.
“Just focus on my voice and breathe. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“… sorry…”
“What are you apologizing for? You didn’t do anything wrong. Just breathe, you’re okay.”
Once you had steadied your breathing you opened your eyes, seeing the worry on Juyeon’s face. He quickly hid it behind a soft smile, giving you some reassurance.
“Hey, you okay?”
“I’m fine…”
“We should go back to the tent, right?”
“Alright. Let’s go, one foot after the other, I got you.”
Juyeon stayed at your side while you made your way back to your tent. Your legs were a bit wobbly, but he made sure you didn’t fall. He helped you get back into your tent, not wanting you out in the sun, and disappeared for a moment to get you some water. You took the bottle and he figured that was an invitation to join you. It wasn’t, but you didn’t have the energy to tell him otherwise. Juyeon sat down next to you, pulling his knees up to his chest. He watched you quietly for a moment.
“What happened?”
“What happened to you that you’d react like that?”
“Why do you care?”
“Well, what am I supposed to tell the others? Everyone saw…”
“Ugh, I never should have come back here in the first place.”
“How about this, you tell me what happened to you a year ago, and I make sure no one mentions this little incident. Deal?”
“As if you could do that.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You stared at Juyeon, but he kept that friendly smile on his face. You had never really told anyone about what happened, and those that had been present back then were no longer in your friends circle. Maybe you did need to talk about it, and a stranger was less likely to judge.
“I won’t tell anyone.”
You sighed. “It’s silly.”
“I doubt that considering the way you reacted.”
“Last time I was here… I wound up sleepwalking into the water… it was the middle of the night, but for some reason I thought it was morning… my friend saw me and went after me… in my disoriented state I slipped under the water and panic took hold… I nearly drowned… I would have drowned if not for her…”
“And is that friend here with you?”
“No… we lost touch afterwards… my current friends don’t know about this… I didn’t want to tell them so I agreed to come along, but it was a bad idea… I couldn’t just avoid the water the whole time I’m here… I’m so stupid!”
“No, you’re not. You didn’t want to upset anyone so you came along. I think it’s great you came back here.”
“I don’t think it is.”
“From what I can tell, you’re not afraid of drowning, you know how to swim, what you’re afraid of is the waterfall.”
“That sounds crazy.”
“Is it though? The soothing sound of the calm water probably enticed you and caused you to sleepwalk. That’s understandable.”
“Why are you being so nice?”
“Can’t I? This place is amazing, I love it here, and the last thing I want is for someone to be afraid. Tell you what, how about I help you?”
“With what?”
“This, to overcome your fear so you don’t have to feel silly anymore. Not that it is silly.”
“And why would you help me?”
“Don’t you wanna have fun with all your friends and play in the waterfall? You had fun last time with your friends, so much so that you got into the water without hesitation when you thought they were calling for you. There’s nothing to be scared of. I promise.”
“… what are you gonna tell the others?”
“That you were startled and not ready to go into the water. No one’s gonna bring it up, I swear. So how about we go prepare lunch?”
“… sure… I can help…”
Juyeon got out of the tent, careful not to trip over the bells again, and waited for you. It took you a moment but you got out, taking the hand that was offered to you. Juyeon led you over to his camp area, not letting go of your hand the entire way. A few other of his brothers had already started preparing, and welcomed you as you arrived.
“These are my brothers Sangyeon, Jacob, and Younghoon.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jacob commented. “Hear a lot about you.”
“Yeah, your friends kept talking about you. Nothing but good things I promise.”
“Right… so what can I help with?”
“How about you wash some vegetables for us.”
“I can do that.”
You helped the boys with lunch preparations, loving the smell in the air. There were plenty of picnic tables in the area, so the boys brought a few together so you could all eat together. Once the food was ready the others were called over and everyone gathered to eat. That’s when you were properly introduced to the rest of Juyeon’s brothers. There wasn’t much of a family resemblance, but from the way they treated each other it was easy to tell they were very close. You on the other hand were a bit nervous, expecting some questions and concerns about the earlier incident, but there were none. Everything seemed normal, as if you didn’t have an outburst at all. You weren’t entirely sure if you should be grateful over such a thing, cause it was kinda strange, but for the moment you could at least enjoy your time with your friends.
“Hey, come with me.”
Hyunjae took your hand and led you away from the others. You thought maybe you’d go back to your camp, but he began making his way towards the water. You stopped, but his pull was far stronger than you anticipated.
“I know, we’re not getting into the water, I swear, but I wanted to try something.”
“What do you mean?”
“Trust me.”
You probably shouldn’t, but something about his words felt reassuring, so you followed. As he promised, you only came to the edge of the water. Hyunjae sat down and pulled you down with him. Your feet were inches from the water, but you weren’t all that nervous.
“Nothing much can happen at this depth, so there’s nothing to fear. How about we just dip our feet in?”
“… how… who…”
“Maybe I overheard you talking before… but anyway, let’s do this. Nothing like literally getting your feet wet to help you overcome your worries.”
Hyunjae put his feet in the water and gestured for you to do the same. In this situation you could see how your fear would be silly. You were just putting your feet in, and you were mostly on land, so there was no real danger. You took a breath and slowly dipped your feet into the water. The cool sensation was welcomed, and a little smile appeared on your face.
“Good job.” Hyunjae cheered. “See, everything’s okay.”
“I’m right here, keeping an eye on you, nothing bad is gonna happen.”
“You can stop, you’re making it sound like I’m a child.”
“Alright, I’ll back off.”
You moved your feet around in the water, feeling a bit childish with your actions. Your gaze was on the water around your limbs. It was clean and beautiful, not at all like it could swallow you whole. When you heard a splash you looked over, seeing Sunwoo swimming towards you. The water was pretty shallow over by you, so he began crawling to get close.
“Look at you, enjoying the waterfall?”
“A bit…”
“That’s good. Why not come in for a swim? I’ll be right with you.”
“I’m okay…”
“Baby steps.” Hyunjae stated. “Little by little. Besides, you shouldn’t be in the water either, Sunwoo, you just ate.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Sunwoo splashed some water up your legs, getting a bit on your shirt. It was refreshing, and you couldn’t help but laugh. You remembered doing all this back then with your friends, deep into the waters of the waterfall without a care in the world. You didn’t want to be scared of such a wonderful place. You stood up and both boys looked at you curiously. You took a shaky step forward, going just a bit deeper into the water. Sunwoo backed away whereas Hyunjae got up and grabbed your arm.
“Woah, we don’t need to do anything drastic today.”
“I can… I can go further…”
“Don’t push yourself.”
“I know… this… this is real… I’m not dreaming… right…? Pinch me.”
Sunwoo splashed some water in your face, getting you pretty soaked. You were stunned and wiped your face off before glaring down at Sunwoo.
“What was that for?”
“Splashing water in your face is usually a good way to wake up.”
“I said pinch me.”
“I can do that too.”
Of course Sunwoo didn’t miss the chance to move over to your leg and give you a little pinch. You yelped and jumped back a step.
“So, are you awake?”
“I guess I am.”
“Good. Let’s go waist deep.”
“No, no, no.” Hyunjae mentioned. “You also just ate, you shouldn’t be going into the water.”
“Just a bit more.”
You continued moving forward, even if it was like half a step at a time. Sunwoo was encouraging and cheering, while Hyunjae was worried and right at your side. With every step you thought about what Juyeon had said. You weren’t afraid of drowning, but of the waterfall itself. If you just showed yourself that there was nothing to fear, that it was just one bad experience, then you’d be able to enjoy this place just as you once did. The water got up above your knees when you had a bit of a slip. Hyunjae caught you and Sunwoo got up from the water to make sure you were okay.
“I think that’s good for today.” Hyunjae commented. “Let’s get back to land.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
You got back on shore, and the two took you to your tent, helping you dry off. You definitely needed a change of clothes, so you went off to do that. When you got back the two were still waiting for you.
“Since you’re not gonna swim, what are you gonna do for the afternoon?” Sunwoo asked.
“I have a book with me. So just some relaxing in the shade.”
“Why don’t you come over to our campsite, we have some games and we could keep you company.”
“I wouldn’t want to keep you from your brothers.”
“We come here all the time. So we won’t be missing out on much.”
“You should join us.” Hyunjae said. “You’ll love it.”
You spent your afternoon with some of the boys in their campsite, playing games and munching on snacks. It was nice, and you felt less bad about not being in the water. Later in the day you helped with dinner, and prepared some sausages and marshmallows for the campfire. Despite what had happened earlier you quite enjoyed your day and were happy to make some new friends. You stayed up a little late roasting marshmallows to make smores while sharing campfire stories. Nothing too spooky, so when you did finally sleep you didn’t have any nightmares. Come morning you were actually looking forward to the day.
After breakfast your friends mentioned they wanted to take a little hike to one of the other pools by the waterfall. You weren’t really one for hiking, but before you could give an answer Chanhee had come over to your camp, asking if anyone wanted to go for a swim. Your friends obviously already had plans, but at least now you had an alternative than to just staying behind. They didn’t seem to mind, and Misu gave you a knowing look telling you to have fun. Once they had gone you went with Chanhee to his campsite, greeting the others. They were happy to see you, and all eager for you to get in the water. Perhaps Juyeon had talked, but you didn’t care to scold him now.
Chanhee and Changmin were the two that took you over to the main pool. Not many others were around, so you’d have the place mostly to yourselves. The first to get into the water was Chanhee, diving under and getting himself completely soaked. He had a bright smile on his face, gesturing for you to join him. As you stared out into the water you felt nervous, but it was minor compared to the other day. You could stand at the edge of the water without being afraid. After a moment you took a deep breath and took a small step forward, feeling the water along your toes. You moved slowly, Changmin right at your side to make sure you were alright.
Although you only got a few inches in before Eric jumped into the water near you. He startled you a bit, causing Changmin to grab your arm and waist. You hadn’t really lost his footing, but his touch assured you that you weren’t alone. Although a moment later you were suddenly soaked as Eric was splashing water in your direction. You couldn’t help but laugh, trying to shield your face before Changmin moved you behind him. The other two began scolding the maknae but you were just curious as to why he had done this.
“What? Sunwoo said it was best to get her all wet so she’d know she’s awake, and pinch her too.”
“We’re not doing that.” Chanhee stated. “So don’t even think about it.”
“He said it was important.”
“It’s alright.”
Eric smiled and stuck his tongue out, going over to you and pinching your arm. You groaned but you grinned through the whole ordeal.
“Wide awake.”
“I am.”
“Good. Now we can continue with the important things.” Changmin said. “Shall we?”
“Yeah, baby steps.”
You continued where you left off, soon enough having water above your knees. It was as far as you had made it yesterday, and the goal was to go further. The water was a bit chilly but you were getting used to it. As you walked you kept your arms up, Changmin right behind you ready to grab you at any point. Meanwhile Chanhee stayed in front of you like a guide. You moved slowly, taking every step with caution and making sure you had your footing. Before you knew it the water was slightly above your waist. Now your nerves were starting to show.
“We can stop here.” Chanhee suggested. “You made good progress.”
“I… I can keep going…”
“You don’t have to.”
“I can… I know how to swim… I won’t drown…”
“We’re right here.” Changmin assured. “You can do this.”
You kept going as you had been, careful with every step. The two cheered you on and encouraged you. It wasn’t long before the water was at your breasts. You started laughing, a bit of nerves and joy mixed together. This wasn’t scary. You weren’t alone and the water around you was calm. Perhaps it was all that which caused you to lose focus. You took one wrong step and slipped into the water. You weren’t under for long but that was enough to trigger you and throw you into a panic.
The darkness you were met with when you went under put you back in the mindset of that day. Your vision was blurred and you were frantically reaching out for anything to hold onto. Before panic could truly settle in and take hold you felt someone lift you up. Next thing you knew you were sitting on Changmin’s shoulders, grabbing his face for stability. You were gasping for breath, shaking water out of your face.
“Easy, easy.” Chanhee grabbed your hand, trying to get your attention. “Deep breaths, deep breaths. That’s it, just breathe.”
“… what… what happened…?”
“You just slipped, but you’re okay.”
“… I’m okay…”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get you back to land.”
Chanhee kept a hold of your hand and Changmin moved slowly, getting you back to shore. You only took a few steps away from the water before collapsing to catch your breath. The two boys came to your side, keeping an eye on you as you recovered. A few of the others came rushing over to check on you.
“She’s alright.” Changmin assured. “Perfectly fine.”
“Good. We should probably dry you off.” Sangyeon held his hand out to you. “Come on.”
You accepted his hand and got to your feet. He kept you close, at his side, as you walked back to camp. As soon as you were there Jacob came over to wrap you in a towel, doing his best to warm you up.
“I’ll get you some cocoa.”
The boys had you sit by the fire, getting you another towel. Haknyeon was working on drying up your hair, being gentle, and keeping conversation.
“When did you learn to swim?”
“Uh… when I was like five…”
“Do you like it? Swimming that is.”
“Yeah. The cool water, moving in a way that feels like floating, it’s great.”
“You must have enjoyed swimming at the waterfall last year. Unlike pools, here the water is constantly moving on its own, adding to the experience.”
“You did really well today.”
“I still messed up…”
“You did no such thing. Most people would never come back here, let alone get in the water again after such an experience, but look at you. You’re quite brave don’t you think.”
“I guess…”
You had both hands on the mug of cocoa, using it to warm up. It really wasn’t that cold out, but right now you just wanted to get dry. You had lunch and stayed at the camp to play games again. No one else really brought up what happened in the morning and just focused on the present. You helped with dinner and afterwards found yourself rather tired. You wanted to wait for your friends to return, but sleep was calling to you.
“Maybe you should get to bed.”
“I’m gonna stay up and wait.”
“I don’t think you can.” Kevin chuckled. “Why don’t you go take a nap in one of our tents. We’ll wake you when your friends get back.”
You couldn’t argue, well, you didn’t want to. A nap sounded like a good idea. One of the others went to get your sleeping bag and had it set down in one of their tents. None of them would be sneaking in later, so you could rest easy. It honestly wasn’t difficult to slip away into dreamland either.
“Rise and shine.”
You woke to the sounds of someone unzipping the entrance of the tent, peeking over with blurry vision to see Younghoon smiling and waving at you.
“Morning? You were supposed to wake me when my friends got back.”
“Yeah, but they got back pretty late and didn’t want to wake you. Besides, it seems like you were sleeping happily.”
“Sorry. I’ll head out right now.”
“It’s okay. Let’s have breakfast first.”
Younghoon held his hand out to you, which you took after rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Everyone greeted you, and this time no one let you help with breakfast preparations. The rest of your friends came over to eat, talking about their hike and how much fun they had. You were glad to hear their stories, not speaking about your own activities from the previous day. After eating and waiting for the food to go down many went back out into the waterfall. You thought about yesterday. Even though it ended badly you had made great progress. You needed a different approach this time, and you knew exactly what to do.
“Where are you going?” Sangyeon asked. “Especially by yourself.”
“I’m gonna go swim.”
“I got pretty far into the water, but I keep walking and that’s my problem. The water is deep, if I keep walking I won’t make much progress. I need to swim in the water, that’s how I get my confidence back.”
“Okay, but you’re not going out alone.”
“I’d hope not.”
Sangyeon went with you to the waterfall, finding a place that was mostly empty. He got into the water first, diving down and getting completely soaked. You felt your face getting a bit red, seeing as he was shirtless and now completely soaking wet.
“You coming?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You slowly walked towards the water, but stopped at the edge. You had to mentally prepare yourself, but you were still nervous.
“I’ll go with you.”
Jacob suddenly appeared at your side, giving you a reassuring smile. He took your hand and the two of you walked into the water. You shivered from the cold water, letting out a yell.
“I guess the morning sunlight hasn’t warmed it up.” Jacob teased. “Shall we check to see if you’re awake?”
You nodded which prompted Sangyeon to splash water in your face. It was still cold, but nothing changed, it was still bright and early. Jacob gave you a little pinch, making you jump ever so slightly going further into the water.
“Shall we continue?”
You took a few more steps into the water, getting up to your waist. You stopped and slowly lowered yourself further in, getting the water up to your neck. You moved your arms around, trying to get a good feel for the water. The area around you was clear, so there wouldn’t be anything in your way. You mentally counted to three and then dove down into the water, swimming a little bit before surfacing. The sun was still out, Jacob and Sangyeon in your view, big smiles on their faces.
“I did it.”
“Yeah you did!”
Such joy surged through you, and your fears began to wash away. You were happy to be able to swim in the waterfall again, assured that you were awake and with good company. You swam around with Sangyeon and Jacob, some of the others coming over as well.
“Can I show you something?” Sangyeon asked.
“Follow me.”
Sangyeon led the way over to the waterfall, helping you get out of the water and carefully moving along the rocks. Next thing you knew you were behind the waterfall in what looked like a cave entrance. You sat down by the edge, watching the backside of the waterfall, taking in the beautiful sounds and scenery.
“I didn’t know you could get back here.”
“It’s a bit risky, but worth it.”
“I agree.”
“I have something for you.”
Sangyeon grabbed a plastic bag out of his swimtruck, revealing these transparent spheres. He pulled one out and popped it in his mouth, holding the bag out to you.
“These are gummies, mystery flavor. It’s my favorite so I thought you’d like some.”
You grabbed a gummy from the bag, curious as to what they were since you had never seen them before. They were very squishy and then you put it in your mouth. You chewed on it while focusing on the taste to figure out what flavor it was.
“Hm… I’m thinking peach.”
“Mine tastes like strawberry.”
“Nice. Where did you get these anyway?”
“That’s a secret.”
“Come on.”
“Not telling.”
“Why? I-”
Your words were cut short as you felt your throat drying up. You thought maybe something was stuck as it became difficult to breathe but you didn’t feel anything. You clawed at your neck, trying to find some sort of explanation. You looked to Sangyeon in fear, but he didn’t seem at all concerned. He popped another gummy into his mouth and then grabbed you. The two of you fell into the water together. You thought panic would overtake you, but for some reason you felt fine. You quickly surfaced and stayed a float, suddenly able to breathe again.
“What… what just happened…?”
“It’s temporary, just to get you home.”
“You’ll see.”
Sangyeon pulled you back under water, scaring you and causing you to flail around. He held you tight though, and pulled you close, surprising you with a kiss. His lips pressed firmly against yours, and you began feeling dizzy. The more you tried to push him away the less strength you had. The edges of your vision began to go black, and it wasn’t long before darkness swallowed you whole.
You gasped awake and began coughing up some water. As you began to regain your senses you looked around. There was a large pool of water before you, and there seemed to be rocks all around. You were in some sort of cave. A bit of sunlight came into the room from an opening in the ceiling, but there seemed to be nowhere else to go. You were trapped here. Now you were starting to wonder how you even got there and how you would escape. You got up on shaky legs and looked around for some type of opening you could reach.
“You’re awake.”
You jumped and looked around for the voice, then you saw Juyeon in the water, waving at you. For a moment you thought you were imagining things, but he swam closer, and that’s when you got a real good look at him. His eyes had become slits, like a cat, and were a golden color. A few bluegreen scales decorated his cheeks and ran along his arms. His fingers were webbed together, also showing claws instead of nails. A few fins seemed to poke out of his arms, and even his ears had changed to look more aquatic. Seeing all this causes you to stumble back and fall. Juyeon remained in the water though, chuckling over your actions.
“You’re very cute.”
“Wa… what are you…?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“A fish?”
“Okay, that’s just rude.”
“Where am I!? Why did you bring me here!?”
“Easy. We’re not gonna hurt you. We just brought you here while we got everything ready. We’ll leave soon.”
“To where?”
“Yeah. We were gonna bring you a year ago, but your stupid friend took you from us before we got to meet. Kinda wish they were here with you, I wanted to give them a piece of my mind.”
Juyeon growled and revealed sharp teeth, making you scream. You scrambled back and as far away from the water as possible. You had your back pressed against the wall, mumbling to yourself that this was all just a dream.
“You’re not dreaming, and before you get any ideas, there is no way out of this place. Well, not for humans. The only way in and out is through some underwater caves, but you’d need diving gear to go to and from, which you don’t have.”
“How… how did you bring me here?”
“Sangyeon gave you something that would let you breathe underwater for a while. Long enough to get here.”
“The gummies…”
“Yeah those things, I don’t know where he gets them.”
“Just let me go, please.”
“Nope. You got away from us once, and it’s not gonna happen again.”
“Please. I won’t tell anyone anything. I’ll never come back and-”
“We don’t want that.” Juyeon got out of the water, revealing more scales and fins. “You disappearing again is the last thing we want.”
You swallowed nervously. “My… my friends… they’ll look for me…”
“And they’re never gonna find you. No one will.”
You felt tears sting your eyes and start sliding down your cheeks. You closed your eyes and went back to mumbling about how this was all a bad dream and you’d wake up soon. You felt Juyeon approach, but you kept your eyes shut tight. Then you felt a hand on your chin.
“Look at me.”
Juyeon’s voice was so calm and soothing. Despite your fears you began to relax. You slowly opened your eyes, seeing that Juyeon had returned to normal. He had a soft smile on his face, seeming far friendlier than before.
“Just listen to my voice. Everything’s going to be okay. You can go back to sleep, and when you wake up, you’ll be home.”
“… home…”
“You’ll love it.”
Your eyelids felt heavy, and this sudden exhaustion was beginning to take hold. You wanted Juyeon to let you go, but you didn’t have the strength to lift your arm. He kept coaxing you to sleep, and you couldn’t resist for long. Soon returning to that void.
Once again you woke with a sharp intake of breath, followed by coughing up some water. You recovered quicklier than before. This time you discovered you were no longer in a cave, but what seemed to be some sort of cabin. The walls showed logs, and you were laying in bed. The room itself was mostly empty besides the basic furniture. You slowly got out of bed, avoiding the water you had coughed up. You made it to the door and carefully tried the knob, relieved to find the door unlocked. You carefully opened it and peeked your head out of the room. The halls were empty and quiet. You quickly decided which way to go and quietly snuck out of the room. All you needed was an exit.
You walked down the hall trying to make as little noise as possible. It seemed that no one else was in the cabin, and then you came into what appeared to be the living room. The TV was on, but no one was on the sofas watching. You noticed trees out the window, and another body of water, but you didn’t care for it. There was a door that you figured led out, but taking the front door might not bed a good idea. You noticed another way leading to the kitchen and you figured that could lead you to the back. You moved quickly and made sure no one could see you from the windows. The kitchen was clean and empty, and there was your back door.
You ran over, happy to find it unlocked and you stepped out. The fresh air was so nice, and it seemed that no one was around. Now was your chance, you made it to the trees, being quiet and once there was some distance from you and the cabin you began to run. Surely you’d find a trail or some other signs of civilization soon, but you just needed to get away from the cabin and the others. You ran until you needed to catch your breath, looking around for any possible clues as to where you could go. All you could really see were trees, which wasn’t much help, but at least you had gotten away.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
You screamed and looked back, seeing Hyunjae and Chanhee standing a few feet away from you. Your first instinct was to run, but you immediately tripped on an exposed root and collapsed to the ground. You scraped your knee and screamed again. The two boys came to your side, helping you to your feet. You wouldn’t be running anymore with that injury, and the two took you back to the cabin. Despite running for so long and getting so far, in a few seconds you were back at the cabin, as if you had never gone anywhere in the first place. Even though you were injured you yelled and tried to free yourself, but the boys held you tightly.
“We are trying to help.” Chanhee hissed. “You’re injured.”
“Let me go! This is kidnapping!?”
“It’s not. More like claiming ownership.”
They brought you over to the edge of the dock, having you sit with your legs hanging over the edge, your toes just above the water.. You saw movement in the water and started freaking out, but you couldn’t go anywhere. Moments later Eric popped his head out of the water. He looked similar to Juyeon in his fish form, and that scared you all the more. You tried to pull your legs up but Eric grabbed your injured one, making you freeze. You could feel the tips of his claw pressing gently at your skin. You whimpered and Eric met your eyes.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“What are you?”
“A friend.”
Eric cupped some water in his hand and splashed your wound, cleaning it a bit. Then he pulled your leg closer and kissed your wound. You yelped, but he just chuckled and disappeared into the water. You were confused but then your leg began to feel better, and you noticed your wound was healing. In a matter of seconds your leg was healed, as if nothing had ever happened.
“… how…?”
“Come on, let’s get you back inside.”
The two picked you up and took you back into the cabin. That’s when you noticed there were multiple cabins around, giving the impression this was some other camp. Although there was a waterfall as well that led into the lake the camp surrounded. You were still too shocked to voice any of your questions, so you were easily dragged back inside. The boys plopped you down on the couch, giving you the TV remote.
“We’ll be right back, and don’t go anywhere this time.”
You put the remote down and examined your leg, seeing for sure that there was no cut. You couldn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe any of this actually. You thought back to how you wound up here, remembering you went for a swim with Sangyeon, and then wound up in a cave, and now you were here. You looked out the window, seeing the sun. It was barely reaching its peak, meaning it was morning. It was hard to believe a whole day had gone by since you were last at the waterfall with your friends. They must be panicking and looking for you like crazy. Since you were alone you got up and looked around for a phone or something you could use to contact them. You found nothing, figuring they were probably hiding any means of outside contact.
“I’m pretty sure you were told to stay put.”
Younghoon offered you a smile, leaning against the entryway to the living room. You gave him a shy one in return, feeling like you were caught doing something bad when in reality you hadn’t done anything.
“Relax. Sangyeon wants to talk with you. Follow me.”
It wasn’t a request, but an order. After a moment you followed Younghoon, going up to the second floor and down the hall to the door at the end. He knocked and then gestured for you to go inside. You were kind of nervous, but it wasn’t like you could run away again. You shakily reached for the doorknob and turned it, making your way inside. You walked into what appeared to be a study, seeing bookshelves on the wall and a desk at the center. That’s where Sangyeon sat, staring at his computer and typing. He stopped when you entered, the door closing behind you, and glanced over at you.
“I could stand…”
“Sit down.”
“… okay…”
You sat down in front of his desk, keeping your legs close together and your hands in your lap. You didn’t dare to raise your gaze, feeling a scolding coming.
“Look at me.” You slowly lifted your gaze. “Good girl.”
“What do you want from me?”
“It’s good to finally meet. I’ve gone through a lot of trouble to bring you here. So, let me lay down the rules.”
“You can’t escape our little camp here. As you saw before, you can run for hours and days but you won’t go anywhere. Our home has magic surrounding its borders that prevent people from leaving or entering without our permission. You also won’t be able to contact anyone outside our home, signals come in, but can’t go out. If you try anything we’ll know.”
“What are you?”
“You speak of magic like it’s normal, and however you brought me here… I don’t understand…”
“You haven’t figured that out yet?”
“Are you… fish people?”
“That’s insulting.” Sangyeon chuckled. “We’re sirens.”
“How do you think we brought you here? A sweet melody to lure you into the water and into our embrace.”
“It… it was you… I wasn’t sleep walking that day… you lulled me into the water… if it hadn’t been for my friend-”
“Quite unfortunate we missed you the first time. Which was all the more reason to be cautious the second time around. We were all so happy when you came back. So we had to make sure you didn’t escape us again. It was nice of your friends to go off and leave you with us.”
“Did… did they even come back…? They wouldn’t just leave me with strangers!?”
“Are you sure? It’s easy for us to put someone to sleep, and you’ve seen what else we can do.”
“You… my friends will look for me! They’d notice I was gone when they got back!”
“They won’t. Who do you think gave them the idea? We took all your things too darling. As far as they’ll remember, you never came with them.”
“… wa… what … why… why me! I didn’t do anything to you! I didn’t even see you at the waterfall a year ago!”
“But we saw you. My boys were very entranced by the beautiful girl playing with her friends. They wanted you for breeding season, and who am I to refuse them.”
“Bree… what did you say?”
Sangyeon chuckled. “I’m certain you heard me. We won’t hurt you, so rest assured you’ll be fine.”
“You’re insane…”
“The boys agreed not to touch you unless the time came. I’m quite curious who’ll break first.”
You were still trying to come to terms with what you had just been told, and make sense of it, but your brain did not want to process. Sangyeon got up from his desk and took your hand, giving you a proper tour of what he kept calling your home. The cabin you were in was the main house, and where your room was. Since it was the biggest, everyone used it as a communal space, although besides Sangyeon and Jacob, the others actually had their beds in the other cabins. The whole camp surrounded the waterfall and the lake it led into, which you had noticed was much bigger than the one you had been to before.
A few docks led into the water, and there seemed to be a little farm area where they grew fruits and vegetables. In all honesty this place looked so beautiful, but it was hard to take it all in when you knew this was your prison. You weren’t really paying attention to the tour, and next thing you knew you were back in the living room, alone. You grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, not wanting to be reminded of the outside world you could no longer get to. Now that you sat in silence you realized you didn’t like it, so you left the cabin. After a few steps you stopped and looked all around. There had to be some way out. From what you understood the surrounding forest wasn’t an option, so that left the water.
You thought back to how you supposedly wound up here, which would mean the water. Your eyes looked to the waterfall, and you remembered getting to the cave behind it back at the other place. There was surely one here too, and that could be your way out. You started to make your way towards the lake. Now that you knew what really had caused your previous fear, you had let it go, having other things to worry about. Although before you could jump into the water you were grabbed. Haknyeon offered you a smile, but you didn’t return it. You didn’t trust any of these guys, especially now that Sangyeon had told you why you were here.
“You wanna help with lunch?”
“Come on, you helped before.”
“Yeah, before I knew you were a bunch of psychos!”
“Hey, we’re perfectly sane.”
“Is what an insane person would say.”
“Let’s just go, everyone is waiting for you.”
You didn’t have a choice as Haknyeon dragged you back over to the main cabin, and your strength was no match for his. You resigned yourself to being a complete klutz in the kitchen, and the second you got your hands on a knife you began swinging. Of course it was taken away from you immediately and you were removed from the kitchen.
“I get it, you’re upset.” Chanhee led you outside. “But I swear to you that you’ll like it here.”
“How would I ever like it? You kidnapped me and are holding me hostage!”
“That’s not true.”
“You used your stupid siren song thing to get me here, and I can’t leave, that’s kidnapping and being held against my will!”
“Okay, but this place is great. Your own paradise. It’s beautiful, and you have no job or responsibilities, you can do whatever you want here. And you’re not afraid of the water anymore, so you can swim to your heart’s content.”
“I want to go home.”
“Why? Back to school to work yourself to death for some corporation.”
“Being taken against your will isn’t exactly the best alternative, now is it?”
Chanhee scoffed. “You can fight with us all you want, but you’re gonna change your tune.”
“I won’t.”
“You will.”
It was obvious you didn’t want company, so Chanhee let you go off by yourself. He told you someone would come find you later when lunch was ready. You waited until he was gone before making your way back over to the docks. The water wasn’t super clear, so you couldn’t really make out how deep it was, but you figured it wouldn’t be bad. You sat at the edge of the dock and then let yourself drop over into the water. You didn’t touch the bottom, so you definitely didn’t go into the shallow part. You kept yourself afloat once you surfaced and figured which way the waterfall was. You began swimming towards it when you suddenly noticed something moving out in the water.
You came to a stop and looked out. As far as you were concerned there were no creatures in the lake, besides the boys themselves. From what you had heard before, all the boys would be gathering at the main cabin, so no one should be out in the water right now except for yourself. Still, you didn’t like this, so you decided to swim back. You got to the dock and pulled yourself out, although you suddenly felt something grab your leg. You screamed and managed to pull yourself free, looking back to see what had gotten you. Yellow slit eyes looked back at you from the edge of the dock. You couldn’t make out who it was until they got out of the water, crawling onto the dock towards you.
“Su… Sunwoo… what are you doing…? I… I thought you were with the others…”
“… pretty…”
You crawled back, nervous that any sudden movements would cause him to pounce on you. While you maintained eye contact you kept moving away, and he followed.
“… want…”
There was something different about his voice, and his gaze. He seemed more like a predator stalking his prey. A devilish smile adorned Sunwoo’s face, and it sent shivers down your spine. You were scared, and this little game would only last so long. All of a sudden Sunwoo made his move, lunging at you. Your scream did nothing to deter him, and even though you scrambled back he managed to grab onto your leg. In one swift motion he pulled you towards him, and you soon found yourself pinned under him.
“Sun… Sunwoo… let go…”
“… mine…”
Sunwoo buried his head in the crook of your neck, breathing you in, his wet lips against your skin. His arms began to move along your sides, and you realized the claws were gone. That didn’t change your current situation though. You began to squirm, trying to get him off, but he was wet, and kinda slimy. Not to mention he was much stronger than you. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t get him to budge. He began to pepper you with kisses, his legs pushing between yours. You kept fighting until you felt something poking at you down below. Your gaze slowly looked down to see a tent in Sunwoo’s shorts, starting to realize the inevitable.
“Sunwoo, get off!”
Your actions seemed to upset him as he growled and pinned your hands above your head. You stared up at him, seeing his eyes remained the slitted yellow color. He seemed to be reading your expression for a movement before he dove down for a kiss. It was rough, and since he caught you off guard it wasn’t difficult for him to get his tongue into your mouth. Even as you tried to fight him you realized there was a certain taste on his lips. Something sweet with a bit of a kick. Then for some reason you started kissing back, your head feeling fuzzy, followed by this warmth spreading down your body.
When he pulled away you were gasping for air, your vision a bit blurred, but the yellow of his eyes you could still make out. His hands trailed down your body once more, effortlessly ripping your shirt open. You felt hands grab at your breasts, followed by lips sucking on one of your nipples. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped you, this dizzy sensation messing with all your senses. You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to verbalize your thoughts, but it just came out as incoherent mumbles. A moment later Sunwoo’s hands were tugging down your shorts and panties. You tried to push your legs together, feeling a chill but he seemed to growl at that. He shoved your legs apart and moved down, burying his face into your center.
You yelled and grabbed fistfulls of his hair. You don’t know if you wanted him off or to go in deeper, but either way you felt something slimy between your folds, making you whimper and squirm. He didn’t tease you for long though, pulling away and climbing on top of you once again. You had no idea when he had gotten his shorts off, but now you felt something else poking at your entrance. In your state it was perfectly logical to reach down and feel this thing for yourself, but the result was very unexpected. Sunwoo was big, bigger than expected, and different. You could feel these ridges along his length, starting to wonder what that would feel like inside you. Although you didn’t have to wait too long.
Sunwoo pressed his lips to yours once more and then you felt something stretching you open. You moaned into the kiss, feeling the slow movement of his length going inside you, every little bump making you whine. You were quiet surprised you could take all of his like that. There was a moment of discomfort as you adjusted to the feeling, practically on the edge of being split in two. You whimpered as the slightest of movement shook your whole body. When he started moving you knew you were going to go insane. Sunwoo was taking in everything, your scent, your sounds, the slight twitches all over your body. He was going to enjoy this.
He wasn’t sure if you were ready, but he didn’t have much patience. Sunwoo pulled out nearly all the way before slamming back into you, over and over again. Your whole body moved with him, shaking and crying out in delight. He played you like an instrument, his giant cock rubbing against your sweet spot at every moment. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, incoherent sounds of pleasure spilling out of you. Sunwoo had your arms pinned above your head with one hand, the other trailing along your stomach, making you twitch. He purposely had his claws out to tease your exposed flesh, loving the reactions he was getting out of you. Every part of you was on fire, and his touch was fanning the flames.
You felt this bundle heat and sensations building up inside of you, well aware of what it meant. You tried to tell Sunwoo, but you still couldn’t do words. Although it seemed he understood your desperate pleas. He let go of your arms and grabbed onto your hips, the tips of his claws digging into your skin ever so slightly. He just needed a better grip to ram into you, his movements becoming erratic as he wanted to see you tremble in pleasure beneath him. You grabbed onto Sunwoo’s arms, mouth hanging open as you reached climax. You screamed out his name, shaking and twitching, getting more stimulation as you squeezed him tightly. Your lips were so inviting Sunwoo divided down to kiss you once again.
You moaned into the kiss, trying to devour him in your own way. He tasted so sweet you just wanted more and more. You didn’t really have a chance to calm down as Sunwoo kept moving, not losing his rhythm. He definitely had more stamina than you, so he took advantage of your sensitive state, building you up to another orgasm and forcing it out of you. Even if you were tired your body still reacted to him, holding him tightly, and letting him do whatever he pleased. You had devolved to a whimpering mess, more of a ragdoll in his arms. Your vision faded in and out, but you still felt every inch of him. The only distinction you could make was when Sunwoo’s movements became sloppy, his hot breath against your ear followed by the feeling of something warm inside you.
Sunwoo rested on top of you, breathing heavily and making low groans, his hips twitching and continuing to move, pushing his seed deeper and deeper into you. He seemed very content, nuzzling your neck, and mumbling sweet nothings. You could only respond with content whines, a ditzy smile on your face. You were floating on cloud nine, and had no idea when you’d come down. Although things did take a sudden turn for you. One moment you were laying on the dock with Sunwoo on top of you, and the next thing you knew you were in the water. The cold water seemed to snap you back to reality and you began to flail, trying to float. You managed to calm yourself a bit, but then something yanked on your leg and pulled you under.
You fought back and freed yourself, not caring to know what was happening and began swimming to shore. Once again your leg was grabbed and you were yanked beneath the water. You thought it was over this time, but you were suddenly grabbed by another force and brought up to the surface. You gasped as you took a breath in, unable to see as your vision was blurred by water. Someone was dragging you to the shore, but you noticed a clawed hand wrapping around your ankle. You could barely make out the yellow eyes staring at you, but that was the least of your concerns. Before you could scream and ear piercing screech filled th air. You slammed your hands over your ears, but it did little to block out the sound.
The hand had let you go and you heard a splash in the water. A moment later the sound disappeared. You took a moment to compose yourself and then realized what was going on. You were sitting on the shore, a few of the boys around you, and others knee deep in the water. They all seemed to be recovering from the sound as well, except for Sangyeon. He was speaking, but you couldn’t really make out his words. Then you began to remember you were naked. You quickly tried to cover yourself, but hands grabbed you and pulled you to your feet. A towel was wrapped around you and then you were swept off your feet. Sangyeon was carrying you bridal style, heading back to the main cabin.
“Are you okay?”
“Wa… what happened…?”
“You tell me.”
“Uh… I…”
“Kidding. Just take it easy, you’re fine.”
“I don’t feel fine…”
“I know.”
Sangyeon took you to your room and let you take a shower, properly cleaning yourself up, from head to toe, and then dressing yourself in fresh clothes. He was sitting in your bed and waiting. You were still a bit unsteady on your feet, and stuck close to the wall, holding onto the furniture. It didn’t take Sangyeon long to notice and bring you over to the bed so you could sit down. You mumbled a small thanks.
“Does your chest hurt? Or anything else besides… well you know.”
“No… but what… Sunwoo…”
“He was the first to break. My money was on Juyeon.”
“What the hell are you talking about? You said you brought me here for… that thing… but Sunwoo-”
“During breeding season a siren goes into a frenzy. There’s only one thing on their mind, and they’ll search for the nearest thing to satiate them. For the most part we stay in the water, but you were nearby, so he took advantage of that.”
“I… I wasn’t in my right mind… I didn’t mean-”
“Don’t blame yourself too much. We excrete a very lovely type of aphrodisiac to make our partners more agreeable. It’s okay to say you enjoyed yourself.”
“Fuck you. That’s not fair.”
“Sunwoo was just the beginning. Although I will apologize for him as he nearly drowned you.”
“Let me guess, he wasn’t in his right mind because of the frenzy?”
“Basically. He wanted to take you back to his cave.”
“Why do you think the lake is so big? We all have our own little caves down there. Of course he’d want to take you there, but you obviously can’t breathe under water.”
“No shit.”
“I’ll get him to apologize when he comes back to his senses.”
“Forget that. I want to leave. If that’s what’s gonna happen to me again, I want no part!”
Sangyeon chuckled. “We’ve been over this. You’re not leaving.”
“I’m certain there are plenty of other girls, or boys, who’d be down to help you through this, but not me! You managed last time without me, so leave me out of this!”
“They were very upset last time. Many wanted to chase after you, but it’s not safe to leave the waterfall. I’m not going to upset them again.”
“I don’t care about that! Find someone else, or better yet, another siren! You said it’s breeding season, and I’m not about to get pregnant!”
“A siren can’t impregnate a human, it’s a very rare thing. Which is all the more reason to have you around.”
“Then like I said before, find someone else.”
“They don’t want anyone else, and neither do I.”
Sangyeon came over to your side and pinned you down on the bed. Your heart was racing but you tried to keep your cool.
“You enjoyed yourself, we all know it. So you don’t have to lie and be upset. We heard you turn into a mess out there.”
“… you… you did…?”
“It was music to my ears. You know, we’re all the same down there, although maybe just different sizes. Tell me, how was it? A whole new experience right?”
“You don’t have to be shy. I know you wanna do it again, and you’ll get to, just be patient. It starts with one, but that’s all it takes to drag the rest of us down. There’s nowhere you can go to escape us, so look forward to that.”
Sangyeon placed a small kiss on your head and excused himself. It wasn’t until he closed the door that you let out the breath you were holding. You felt so hot, aware of the burning in your cheeks. You shouldn’t be into any of this, and you were certain he had influenced you somehow, but you had to focus. They all overpowered you, and the way Sunwoo was acting before, you’d be in major trouble if it was more than one next time. You needed to get out, but the problem now was your leg. There was no way you could make the swim out to the waterfall right now, so there had to be another way.
For the rest of the day you stayed in your room. One of the others brought you food, leaving outside your door. You didn’t want to eat, but you were going to need your strength. You stared out your window towards the lake and the waterfall. Right now the best idea seemed to be to get as close to the waterfall as you could from land, and then swim the rest of the way. The only other problem was to figure out when. At night the water would be very cold, and your vision would be impaired. You figured early morning would be the right time, so it was probably best to go to sleep now. You were quite tired after all.
It was a bit difficult to sleep, as you kept waking up after a while. At least you didn’t miss sunrise. The cabin was quiet, and you carefully made your way outside. The rest of the camp area seemed quiet, and even the lake was still. You had mapped out your path the day before, so you just made sure to keep hidden and made your way towards the waterfall. When you got to the end of the path you carefully got into the water, making sure no one was around to notice you. Once in the water you cautiously made your way to the waterfall, trying not to let the cold overwhelm you. It would have been worse if it was night time. 
You thought back to how you made it to the back of the waterfall with Sangyeon before, although this was a different waterfall so things would be different. In theory it was the same, climbing up on some rocks and carefully making it towards the back of the waterfall. The danger was how slippery the rocks were as they were always coated in water. Still, you managed to make it, feeling relief and quite proud of yourself too. You admired the waterfall for a moment before going into the cave behind it. Sunlight came in through some holes in the ceiling, illuminating your path. You walked down this tunnel until it opened up into a bigger room. You began looking around for a way out, but to your horror there didn’t seem to be one.
You walked around, but there was nothing but rock surrounding you. The only way out was through the tunnel you had come from. This was just a room. There was a small puddle of water at the center, only going up to your ankles. Even the holes in the ceiling didn’t seem big enough for a person, and there was no way you could climb up to escape. You collapsed to the floor in defeat, realizing there really was no way out of this place. You pulled up your knees to your chest, hugging them. You had no idea what to do now, and you certainly had no idea how much time passed. You only snapped out of your daze when you heard someone approaching. You quickly got up, scared for what would happen next.
“How’d you get here?” Younghoon looked you up and down. “I didn’t know you knew about this place.”
“Ah, did you think there was a way out of here behind the waterfall? That’s cute, but we meant it when we said you weren’t leaving.”
“Just let me go… please… I don’t know how long this breeding season thing lasts for you, but I want out, now.”
“You’re not just here for that. You’ll be staying with us permanently.”
“It would be nice to have someone else around, and we all like you.”
“I have a life! You can’t just-”
“Do you really want to go back?”
“I… I…” You started feeling dizzy. “Uh…”
“You humans tend to live such boring lives. Wouldn’t it be more fun to stay here with us? We can give you everything and more. If you’re having all these pesky thoughts bothering you, I can just wash them away.” Younghoon stepped towards you. “Would you like that? Do you want me to take away all those bad thoughts?”
“Stay… stay back… you…”
“Sh, you know, we come here for some privacy, so imagine my joy finding you here.”
“I… no… no…”
“I’m certain Sunwoo took good care of you, shall I continue where he left off? Did you like the way he felt inside you? I promise I’m just as big.”
“Stop… stop it…”
“That’s not what you really want, is it?”
Younghoon pinned you to the wall, watching you curiously. His eyes had changed to that golden yellow, and a few scales decorated his skin. He gently caressed your cheek, no claws present, but other siren features were.
“How about a little taste, before I spiral down into madness. Strip for me, baby.”
Despite the sorrow of realizing you were trapped, the fear of being caught, none of that seemed to matter anymore. Your head was fuzzy like before, and you felt oddly calm with Younghoon. His words flowed into your head and were welcomed with open arms. When he asked you to strip it just seemed like the right thing to do. You started with your top, slipping it past your head and tossing it to the side. Younghoon helped you with your bra, happily taking in your exposed breasts. You reached down to slide off your shorts and panties, feeling the chill of the cave, causing you to shiver.
“I’ll warm you up in a bit.”
Younghoon stripped out of his clothes. Your gaze took him in, unable to resist running your hands along his chest and feeling his scales. He was wet and slimy, and you quite liked that. He was like a fantasy come true. Fingers wrapped around your chin and raised your gaze, Younghoon capturing your lips in a kiss. It was natural to kiss back, getting another taste of the unknown sweetness. You felt yourself melting into this sensation, moreso when you felt a hand between your legs, teasing your folds. You mewled into the kiss, jumping up a bit when you felt something cold push into you.
“There’s a good girl.” 
Even in the cold you felt warm, and it was slowly spreading. Younghoon worked you over with one finger before adding another, his thumb rubbing your little nub in circles, just adding to the stimulation. You were whimpering, the fog in your head already making you lose the ability to communicate. Despite taking things slow, Younghoon had little patience. He pulled his fingers out without warning, grabbing your hips and lifting you up off the ground with ease. You could understand what he was doing, and followed his movements without being told. You wrapped your legs around him, feeling something poking at your entrance before you sank onto it, taking it all at once.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you were suddenly filled to the brim, stretched wide open and feeling those bumps running along inside you. Younghoon was whispering dirty things in your ear, his hot breath making you squirm. Every little movement just sent another wave of pleasure coursing through your body. It didn’t matter that rocks pressed against your back, or that you weren’t entirely in your right mind. At the moment the only thing that mattered was you and Younghoon. Your mouth hung open in silent ecstasy as he provided you with a whole new experience. Gravity played a part in all this as no matter how he moved, you’d always sink down on him to the base, feeling every inch.
He kept his movements steady and it was a testament to his strength. You couldn’t imagine anyone else doing such a thing, but he played his part wonderfully. He didn’t break a sweat as he rocked his hips into you, stealing a kiss from you every now and then. His moans mixed with your own, echoing in the room. You felt hot, like you were burning from the inside out, but it was a pleasurable feeling. Your whimpering became more desperate as you were nearing your climax, and Younghoon took note of this with joy. He took one of your nipples into his mouth, adding to the sweet sensations that were overwhelming you completely.
You ran your fingers through his hair, barely able to whimper his name before you cried out in ecstasy as an orgasm shook your body. Younghoon pressed his lips against your when you came, wanting you to moan into his mouth and get more of his sweet lips. You were so drunk on him that your vision had blurred. A soft voice lulled you into a safe space, telling you to let go and relax. It was so easy to listen and just focus on the nice feeling between your legs, taking care of everything. You couldn’t tell when Younghoon had lost it with you, but you certainly felt something warm between your legs as another orgasm took over and made you scream. At some point you were moved off the wall, soon being laid down on your back and feeling water.
Younghoon assaulted every bit of exposed flesh with kisses, starting to leave bruises and holding back from straight up leaving bite marks. He just wanted to mark you and claim you for himself at this moment. You held him close, your body still moving with his as he was trying to make this feeling last for as long as he could. You were both desperately needy, and there was no one to get in the way. Younghoon was mumbling against your skin, but you couldn’t make out his words. At one point you could see those golden eyes stare down at you with hunger and then everything went dark.
You gasped awake, looking around in a panic before realizing you were back in your room in the main cabin. You breathed a sigh of relief, but when you tried to get out of bed you collapsed to the floor. Your legs were sore like never before, and as you tried to stand you noticed all the marks on your arms. The best you could do was pull yourself back up onto your bed. The sun was nearing its peak and you could barely remember your morning. You knew you had gotten up to get to the waterfall, but from there things seemed to blur. You were pulled from your thoughts when there was a knock at the door.
“You’re awake.
“I was a bit worried when Younghoon brought you back to shore and you were half conscious. I guess he really did a number on you.” Sangyeon chuckled. “He certainly broke the rules.”
“Rules… I…”
“Sh, I’m sure he already messed with your memories in the hopes of not getting in trouble, but that’s not gonna work. Here. I brought you some medicine, should heal you up.”
“Thanks… I guess…”
Sangyeon offered you some pills and a glass of water, which you took. You laid back on the bed, just wanting to go back to sleep after whatever happened.
“You’re really not gonna let me go… once this is all over, right?”
“You won’t stop with that, will you?”
“What if I say no?”
“What are you gonna do right now? Run away? You can’t even stand. I’m lucky Younghoon didn’t try dragging you into the water. I won’t be able to stop them all when they go into a frenzy.”
“Won’t you be in the mess with them?”
“Exactly my point.”
“Amuse me then… how do I go back?”
“The only way out is through an underwater tunnel. You’ll never be able to reach it, even if you could breathe underwater, you can’t move as fast as us. Besides, there are multiple tunnels down there, you won’t find the right one.”
“How many people have you trapped here before?”
“No one. My boys like their space.”
“Wait, so I’m the first person you’ve ever brought here?”
“What about other sirens?”
“Like I said, my boys like their space.”
“So… why… what’s so special about me?”
“I don’t know. You’re beautiful, intelligent, sexy. They don’t always agree on things, but you piqued their interest, mine as well. There’s no harm having a nice little pet around. It’ll make this place feel more like home.”
“I’m not some pet!”
“Yet you like it when there’s something nice and big between your legs, acting like a little creature in heat. You can say whatever you want about our influence, but we’re just bringing out your desires. Rest up, I don’t know when they’ll snap.”
You didn’t want to argue anymore, needing to go over the fact there was no way out. Well, there was, you just couldn’t access it. This place was supposed to be home now. You stared out the window, zoning out a bit as you took it all in. Everything was really beautiful, as if it was a work of fiction. It really wouldn’t be bad to live here, but you had your own life. Now that you thought about it, you realized there wasn’t exactly much to return to. There was school, getting your degree in the hopes of building your life. You had some friends, but given what Sangyeon said, you were probably a missing person’s case that had no explanation. You weren’t sure there was anyone who would seriously look for you, regardless if they had their memories messed with or not.
When that came to mind you shook your head. There was a chance none of these thoughts were your own, but something they had planted. Still, you couldn’t resist the idea to just let everything go and stay here, live in peace and happiness. Even if you had been trying to figure out a way to escape, you couldn’t deny your time here had been nice, in multiple ways. It kinda felt like time didn’t matter, and even if you were being difficult, the boys were just waiting for you to warm up to them. The funniest thing was that this whole situation was probably someone’s wildest dream and you were fighting it so hard. You took a breath and laid down in bed. You had a lot to think about, but you definitely needed to rest as well.
You inhaled softly as you regained consciousness, seeing that it was dark out. Your stomach grumbled and you realized you hadn’t eaten all day. Although the problem was you weren’t so sure you could get up and walk. You had no idea where the others were, or how you would even reach them. So you took a breath and got up. You were still unsteady on your feet, but you could more or less stand. You stumbled your way to the door and out into the hall, using the wall as support and making your way to the kitchen. You were doing well, but one wrong step cause your legs to give out. You nearly collapsed to the floor, but were caught by someone before you hit the ground.
“I thought you were gonna sleep the whole day away.” Hyunjae joked. “You okay?”
“You must be hungry. We have some leftovers saved for you.”
Hyunjae brought you over to the kitchen and had you sit at the table. He heated up some food for you and brought it over. Your hands worked just fine, but he insisted on feeding you.
“I’m not a baby.”
“You’re my baby, now open wide.”
You were hungry, so you weren’t going to fight him much. You ate and afterwards he gave you some medicine. That’s when you finally noticed the marks on your arms were gone.
“You think we’d just hurt you?” Hyunjae scoffed. “Come on. We can’t break you so easily.”
“Do you… like me… or am I… just some toy…?”
“Hm… when we saw you at the waterfall a year ago we were entranced by your beauty, as if you were a siren yourself. You seemed so joyous and happy, your smile so bright. We were curious to know what you were like. We tried to bring you here before, but your friend got you out of the water before we could get to you. We didn’t realize that would traumatize you, sorry.”
“It’s fine. I just thought I was insane for a year.”
“I could just make you forget that.”
“I’m certain you’ve already messed with my memories.”
“Maybe. Only good things, I promise.”
“What happens… after…?”
“After what?”
“… well… after… the season…?”
“Oh, you mean that. Well, I guess we’ll see, but the idea certainly isn’t to discard you or anything like that. We waited a long time for you.”
“Alright, if you’re done, I’ll get you back to bed, you’re probably still tired.”
Hyunjae tucked you in for the night, and you found it easy to fall asleep. You probably shouldn’t have eaten so late, but you needed something in order to keep up your strength. You slept until morning, waking to the sounds of birds chirping. You had expected someone to wake you, but there was no one at your bedside when you opened your eyes. You didn’t think much of it and got up, realizing your legs were much better. Once you washed up you headed out of your room, but the cabin was eerily quiet. Perhaps the others were still asleep, and you didn’t want to bother anyone. 
So you made your way out of the cabin and towards one of the docks, sitting at the edge and letting your legs dangle. A morning view like this was something you could get used to. The sunlight danced on the surface of the lake in such a way that made it sparkle. The sounds of the waterfall filled the air, providing a soft melody. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to sleep outside one of these days. You weren’t even sure what the stars looked like at night. You were lost in your own mind, thinking of all the possibilities when you suddenly heard shouting.
“Get away from the water!”
You looked back to see Sangyeon running towards you. Before you could make a move to stand something wrapped around your leg and pulled you down. You screamed, but managed to hold onto a loose board in the dock. Sangyeon came over to your side, grabbing you and letting out an ear piercing screech.  You yelled, but you couldn’t do anything to diminish the noise. Whatever was holding onto you let go and Sangyeon pulled you up, getting you away from the water’s edge.
“Are you okay?”
“What… what was that?”
“Sorry, some of the boys have been in the lake since yesterday, and I know what that means.”
“Ah… how… how many…?”
“Eight of them, and I have no idea how much longer the rest of us will last.”
“Is it a bad thing to fight it?”
“Partially, but I have to make sure they don’t hurt you.”
“That’s gonna be hard to do if they’re goal is to drag me in the water.”
“Let’s just get back to the cabin.”
Sangyeon got you back to safety, checking on your leg to make sure it wasn’t bruised or sprained. Thankfully you were fine. The two of you prepared breakfast, but you could tell Sangyeon was anxious. It was starting to make you feel uneasy, so you tried to distract yourself.
“Earlier… when you… screeched… do you do that often? I thought sirens had these beautiful voices that they use to sing.”
“Are you saying my voice isn’t beautiful? We’ve sang for you before.”
“With the intention of manipulating me… but with the type of persuasion powers you have, I guess your voices must be divine.”
“Precisely. As for the other thing, I only use that when I need them to back off and I know they won’t listen to reason.”
“I see… well, it really hurts.”
“Imagine how they must feel with sensitive hearing.”
“Right… uh… how old are you?”
“Don’t you think that’s mean to ask?”
“Uh, well… I don’t know… you look like you’re in your twenties… all of you really…”
“I’ll just say we’re older than that.”
“So you guys don’t age?”
“Not really.”
“Are you immortal?”
“Why? Are you gonna start looking for a way to kill us?”
“Just wondering…”
“Then I’ll leave you guessing.”
You both ate breakfast together, but you weren’t really hungry. Sangyeon noticed and encouraged you to eat, saying you needed your strength. Although that wasn’t entirely motivational.
“What… what’s gonna happen to me…?”
“Honestly. You’re gonna black out.” 
“How long is this supposed to last?”
“Days! I… how are you not supposed to-”
“Easy. We’re not all gonna pounce on you at once. We have each other to mess with, and believe me, no one is gonna be allowed to hurt you.”
“You can’t promise that when you’re talking about going into a frenzy, all of you! I can’t do anything to defend myself!”
“Not that you’d want to.”
“Shut it!”
“Just saying.”
“I… I need to think…”
“About what? The outcome is the same either way.”
“Yeah, thanks for that reminder.”
You left the table and stormed off to your room, slamming the door behind you. Once you were alone you let out a breath, sinking to the ground. The most annoying part of all of this was the tingling sensation between your legs. As messed up as this all sounded, you hated the bit of excitement that was slowly starting to course through you. Just one of those boys was able to mess you up, so you couldn’t imagine what would happen to you if they all got their hands on you. More than anything though, you were confused on how this was all supposed to go down. The others were in the lake, and you certainly couldn’t breath underwater. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a knock at your door. You quickly got up and opened it.
“Hey, Jacob, where were you for breakfast?”
“Busy. Mind if I come in?”
“Uh, sure… is everything okay?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” Jacob sat down on your bed. “How are you feeling? Better now, I’d hope.”
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Good. So how about we go for a swim.”
“Sangyeon told me to stay out of the water for now.”
“He’s just saying that, come on, the two of us can have some fun.”
Jacob got up and came over to you, taking your hands in his. He had a sweet smile on his lips, but something felt off.
“Jacob, are you okay?”
“Fine. Just so happy you’re here with us this time.”
“Right… I actually need to clean up and-”
“You don’t need to lie with me. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I didn’t say-”
“Trust me. Take a deep breath, and just relax.”
“I want to take you somewhere special. Follow me.”
“… okay…”
Jacob pressed a kiss to your cheek and led you out of the room, but was quickly interrupted. Sangyeon separated the two of you, pushing you back into your room and shutting the door. A moment later you snapped out of your daze, realizing what had just happened. You quickly locked the door, stepping away from it. You knew time was running out, and you had nowhere to hide. Your heart was racing and you were trying to think straight, but your thoughts just drifted from fear to excitement, and everything in between. Somehow you managed to calm your mind, sitting on the floor against the bed, wondering what you should do.
“Y/n, open the door.”
You heard the knob turn, followed by Sangyeon’s voice. You quickly stood, but hesitated as you reached to open the door. It had been a while since you last saw Sangyeon, and you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to see him right now.
“Open up.”
“I’m okay… Jacob didn’t do anything…”
“That’s good, but I still need you to open the door.”
“Why? We can talk like this.”
“Don’t be silly. Open the door and let me in.”
“No?” Sangyeon chuckled and slammed his fist against the door. “This isn’t a debate sweetie. Let me in, or I’ll force my way in.”
“Sangyeon… you… you’re scaring me…”
“Good… then you know where we’re at. You know you can’t run, so open the door before it’s too late!”
“I don’t-”
Another loud bang against the door startled you. It was instinct to look around for some escape route, but it was pointless. Next thing you knew the door swung open. Sangyeon calmly walked in, his golden eyes finding you immediately. You thought to run, to get past him, but he caught you so easily.
“Relax. You’re perfectly safe.”
“… sangyeon…”
Sangyeon led you out of the room and outside, walking towards the lake. You noticed the sun setting, realizing it was nearly dark. You hadn’t noticed so much time passing. Although as you got closer you began struggling against Sangyeon.
“… wait…”
“Sh, everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”
You came to the end of the dock, and your gaze turned to the water. You could vaguely make out shapes swimming in the water just below the surface. As you were distracted Sangyeon slipped another one of those gummy spheres into your mouth.
“Eat it.”
Sangyeon’s gaze on you was so soft, mixed with the sweet melody of his voice, whatever fears you had before were all washed away. You ate the gummy as he asked, somewhat having forgotten what the effects were before it came back to you. Your eyes went wide as you struggled to breath, but Sangyeon pulled you close.
“You’re so beautiful.”
He pressed his lips to yours, stealing away what little breath you had left, and letting you fall into the water. You immediately went under, no longer struggling to breathe. It took a moment for your panic to stop, for the air bubbles to clear your vision. You could see everything around you clearly, but you weren’t looking in the right direction. You made a move towards the surface, only for something to grab your leg and pull you down. When you looked to see what it was, a multitude of yellow eyes stared back, and then your world cut to black. 
You inhaled sharply, only to find yourself coughing up a bit of water. Your vision was a blur, yet you moved to get on your hands and knees. Although the problem was your legs were incredibly sore, and you felt bloated. Still, you pushed through that and looked around, finding yourself at the center of a unique scene. You recognized where you were, the cave behind the waterfall, and you weren’t alone. The rest of the boys were scattered around you, all seeming to be in some shifted form or another, and not really wearing clothes. That’s when you noticed all you had on was a large t-shirt.
You began to examine your body, seeing all the purple markings on your exposed skin, a few cuts here and there as well. You were also in water, realizing there was far more here than last time. You tried to stand, but your legs weren’t really working, and you slipped, falling on top of one of the boys. He had been sleeping a moment ago, but was startled awake when you hit him. He quickly pinned you down, seeming ferocious before recognizing you and calming down. Juyeon had a ditzy smile on his face and leaned down to nuzzle your neck.
“My baby’s awake…”
“Uh… what… what happened…”
“You’re the best.”
“Ju… Juyeon…”
“Sh. Forget about the bad things and just stay…”
“… stay…”
“Good girl, our good girl.”
“… good…”
“Very good.”
Yellow eyes seemed to fill your vision, making everything spin. You couldn’t help the childish smile that adorned your lips. Despite the water around you felt warm, and safe. Juyeon stole a kiss from you, filling your mouth with a sweet taste, further reminding you everything was okay. This was where you needed to be, and where you would remain forever.
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tinytinyblogs · 2 years ago
Juyeon As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
The boyz masterlist here #1 #2
Juyeon will treat you like a real princess. You are his everything, and he will make sure to do anything for you. He is a very sweet boyfriend, and he knows how to make you melt. He will open doors for you, pull out your chair, and let you go first. He will always be there to make you laugh, and he will always be there to listen to you. He will make you feel special and loved, and he will make sure that you are always happy. If you are ever feeling down, he will be there to pick you up. He will tell you how beautiful you are, and he will remind you how much he loves you. He will make you feel like you are the only girl in the world, and he will make sure that you know how special you are to him. So if you are looking for a sweet boyfriend who will treat you like a princess, then Juyeon is the perfect guy for you. Just make sure that your heart is ready to take his sweetness.
He loves nature, and he loves to share that love with you. He will find a beautiful spot to take you on a picnic, and he will tell you stories about his life. He will tell you about the silly things he did when he was younger, and he will tell you about the important things that have shaped him into the person he is today. He wants you to know everything about him, and he wants you to share your stories with him too. He wants to create memories with you that you will cherish forever. He wants to show you the beauty of nature, and he wants to share his love of life with you. When you are with him, you feel like you are in the middle of a fairytale. You feel like you are the only two people in the world, and you feel like anything is possible. He makes you feel safe and loved, and he makes you feel like you can be yourself.
He is the type of boyfriend who will set his lockscreen with your pictures. He will proudly show it to you and the members, saying, "When I'm busy, I can still see this beautiful princess." If you don't have his photo on your lockscreen, he will change it himself, choosing the best photo of himself. He is always thinking about you, and he wants to see your face as often as possible. He loves the way you look, and he loves the way you make him feel. He wants to keep you close to his heart, even when he is not with you. He is also very confident, and he loves showing you off to the world. He wants everyone to know that you are his, and he wants everyone to see how beautiful you are. He is proud to be your boyfriend, and he wants the whole world to know it.
He is a bit slow on the uptake, so when you tell him a joke, he may not get it right away. He might need a moment to think about it before he actually laughs. This can make your jokes seem terrible, but he doesn't mean it. He just doesn't have the same sense of humor as you. But then, after he sees your reaction, he will start laughing really hard. He thinks it's cute how you laugh at your own jokes, and he loves the way you make him smile. He will attack you with a hug, and you will both be laughing together. He may not be the quickest to get a joke, but he is the sweetest boyfriend you could ask for. He loves making you laugh, and he loves seeing you happy. He is the perfect guy to share your life with, and he will always make you feel loved.
You must really love his weird side, because he does so many sudden jokes or weird dances. Sometimes he says silly things, and you are the only person who gets to see this side of him. He is not afraid to be himself around you, and he knows that you will love him no matter what. He is comfortable being goofy and silly, and he knows that you will appreciate his sense of humor. You are the only person who sees the real him, and he is grateful for that. He knows that he can be himself around you, and he knows that you will love him for who he is. You are his safe space, and he can be himself around you. He is grateful for your love and acceptance, and he knows that he can always count on you.
Jealous Juyeon is both hot and cute. He will stand in front of you or stay really close by your side, his hand on your waist, to show the other person that you are his. But then, when the other person is gone, he will pout and need your attention, telling you that he is scared you will like another person. He is hot because he is so protective of you. He wants everyone to know that you are his, and he will not let anyone else get close to you. He is also cute because he is so insecure. He knows that he is not perfect, and he is afraid that you will find someone else who is better than him. If you are dating Juyeon, be prepared for some jealousy. But also be prepared for a lot of love and affection. He is a complex person, but he is also a very special person. If you can handle his jealousy, you will be rewarded with a loving and devoted boyfriend.
Arguments will happen sometimes, but they will not be too big because Juyeon does not like arguing with you. He would rather talk about the issue and resolve it peacefully. However, there may be times when he raises his voice due to stress or other factors. After he raises his voice, he will usually stay silent and cuddle you or stay close to you. He may also play with your fingers. He will do this until he feels calm enough to talk to you again. When he is sure that he has calmed down, he will start talking to you like nothing happened. Juyeon may not be the best at handling arguments, but he is always willing to work things out with you. He loves you very much, and he wants to make sure that your relationship is strong. If you are ever in an argument with Juyeon, try to stay calm and communicate your feelings to him. He will appreciate your honesty, and he will be more likely to listen to you. If he raises his voice, try to ignore it and focus on the issue at hand. Once he has calmed down, you can talk about the issue and resolve it together. Remember that Juyeon loves you, and he wants to make your relationship work. If you are both willing to communicate and work together, you can overcome any obstacle.
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kitschun · 1 year ago
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Need 4 Speed Navigation
Summary: The infamous Hak's Garage, owned by well-respected technical expert Ju Haknyeon and financed by the retired underground drag racer Lee Sangyeon. Hak's Garage is an inconspicuous daytime automotive garage that offers your average vehicle tuning and modification. It's during the nighttime when the place starts to let loose and becomes the go-to spot for anyone and everyone who has an inkling of fascination for cars.
Tags: Underground street racer!AU for The Boyz Last Updated: February 14, 2024
Get to know the individuals behind the garage! The Skeleton Crew Circuit Breakers
Lee Sangyeon - [상연] Teaser - The Ultracheese (Coming Soon)
Jacob Bae - [제이콥] Teaser - Coming Soon
Kim Younghoon - [영훈] Teaser - Coming Soon
Lee Hyunjae - [현재] Teaser - Pacifier (Coming Soon)
Lee Juyeon - [주연] Teaser - Coming Soon
Kevin Moon - [케빈] Teaser - Coming Soon
Choi Chanhee - [뉴] Teaser - Coming Soon
Ji Changmin - [큐] Teaser - Coming Soon
Ju Haknyeon - [학년] Teaser - Driving, My Love! (Coming Soon)
Kim Sunwoo - [선우] Teaser - Coming Soon
Eric Sohn - [에릭] Teaser - Coming Soon
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A compilation of timestamps not necessarily meant to be precursors to the main storyline
Hak’s Garage — 12:45 AM Sunday
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cloverdaisies · 1 year ago
description: a mysterious trio rules the night, masked in balaclavas armed with whatever they could get their hands on… one favor can reveal a whole lot more than you expect. this is not your first visit to the black hearted universe.
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member: sangyeon, chanhee, juyeon x you
genre: angst!action!crime!au!
channel: @deoboyznet
warnings: violence! triggering scenes! reader discretion is advised.
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a/n: big thank you to @winterchimez and @heemingyu for helping to curate the ideas to write this piece !! i challenged myself to write this in an hour !! which i just about achieved !! i just had a moment where i was like guys let’s put our brains together and that idea of spontaneity is what makes pieces like this special!
When imagining criminal talk, you imagine murder, guns, the same cold-hearted clichè you hear on the silver screen, however when encountering brains that are not well developed enough to find full time jobs to be honorable members of society you find conversations like these:
“I’m literally batman.” Sangyeon spits across the passenger seat where Juyeon is busy groaning in annoyance, left palm rested on his head.
“No because that would mean I’m robin which is just so wrong.” Juyeon retorted, looking out to the road ahead ignoring the disappointment from Chanhee who had the courtesy of listening to these imbecilic conversations in the back seat.
“Guys-” Chanhee began but was shortly cut off.
“I would be batman.”
“No you wouldn’t, I’m batman.”
“Literally how? I’m batman.”
“Guys?” Chanhee couldn’t seem to get a word in between the two grown men as they drove to their destination, seemingly forgetting all about any plans or what they had to do. “You both are batman, I’m robin.”
Being the only one with a degree in computer science and the brains to execute any plans, Chanhee didn’t mind being robin as long as it settled the childish arguments between the two.
“We’re 5 minutes out, I’ve got into the security systems and disabled the CCTV cameras so we should be good to go. The place closes in 10.” Finally getting his words heard, the other two boys nodded and Sangyeon stepped on the gas - a wide cheshire cat grin spread across his face.
The night was a deep navy, the clouds wrapping up the silver crescent moon in a soft grey blanket, the street lights flickered as the wind hurled and whistled like the sound of pained ghosts.
A small café, bar at night, dimly lit with warm lights stood out from the other stores on 7th street, the place always did well and attracted customers from all over the globe with its homemade goods, in house brewery and highly prestigious aesthetics.
You were working your late shift that night and if you hadn’t noticed the red security light on the cameras begin blinking and suddenly going out - you’d have no reason to believe anything was wrong.
On the phone to your manager, you frantically began asking whether the security had been breached, as you couldn’t get on the till machine to view the stores earnings either - being the lazy old man who you’d woke up from his beauty sleep, he of course began yelling and being entirely unhelpful.
“I’m telling you, I can’t get on to the checkout the lights on the cameras have gone off, I’m scared this hasn’t happened before.” You try to your best to explain how dire the situation was but it was clearly landing on deaf ears.
“Y/N, it must happen all the time. I’m going back to bed I don’t have time for your shit this evening.” With that he hung up, leaving you afraid and the sound of tires screeching from behind the glass window pane had made everything you suspected feel as if it was coming true.
Frantically you got down behind the counter, making an attempt to press the panic alarm but failing as the sound of the door being shattered into tiny crystals screamed through the store, masking your whimpers you kept a tight grip of your mouth.
“Hey kitty cat? You can come out we know you’re here.” A low voice purred, already mapping out the sequence of your death you kept quiet and tried to prolong the moment.
“Come on birdy, you can’t hide.” With that two feet landed in front of you with a slam, a man dressed in all black, features covered by a balaclava crouched in front of you, a pair of unsettlingly familiar cat eyes smiling at you. He reached out, gently pulling your hand away from your mouth. “You know, I won’t hurt you, we just want some cash darling.”
In his right hand was a smaller gun which he didn’t point directly at you, he just led you to the counter where you hadn’t transported the money to the safe yet.
You opened it allowing him to grab all the cash you’d made that day and stuff it into the duffel bag the other was holding.
“Thanks, princess.” The other zipped up the bag, noting the sound of sirens beckoning in the distance.
Since you were unharmed, you didn’t really care that they’d stolen all the money you’d earned that day, after all you never saw a penny of it anyways. However, you’d realized there was a third man in the mix, slightly daintier in frame who rushed out of the private stairwell carrying an arm load of cash stolen from the high security safe upstairs - how did he even get in there?
The sirens closed in, they began to panic as the red and blue flashes closed in on the store.
“Go out the back. It’s unlocked.” You had no idea why you’d told them that, however something in your conscience told you to, whether the devil on your shoulder had told you or you genuinely hated your job that much.
“Why?-” The familiar cat eyes asked, whilst the doe eyed one also stared in confusion over at you.
“Guys there’s no time let’s go.” The muscle of the group barged through the back door, just in time for officers to breach the building.
“Are you unharmed? Are the perpetrators still in the building?” An officer with a megaphone yelled into the store, you did the standard procedure and walked out with your hands in the air.
The last thing you expected was to be grounded to the floor by an officer, your face hitting the pavement lightly with your hands behind your back.
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.” The officer spoke in a gruff voice, screaming to stop resisting as you laid confused.
“I literally work here. I didn’t do anything.”
“Ma’am this store closed hours ago, you have no-”
A shot, a deafening shot that began a frenzy, the officer behind you fell to the floor before you were grabbed and within half a millisecond told to sprint.
A jet black Mercedes had blocked the main road, the sound of chaos erupting behind you, before the door opened and you were let in. The driver sped to the scene before your saviour swept into the passenger seat, if they'd been able to send more police cars there would have been a high likelihood you'd have never gotten away. However, leaving the scene the immense stomach feeling of guilt consumed you.
"You killed a man? Why would you do that?" You yelled suddenly as a silence grew across the men that had gotten you in to the situation.
"Hey, I didn't kill him, it’s not fatal he’ll be fine.” Pulling off the mask, cat eyes revealed himself, his black hair, sharp gestures and sultry voice. Juyeon Lee? You almost couldn’t believe your eyes.. nevermind look at his.
“Besides he would have either killed you or you’d be behind bars. No state attorney would give you a good time in court, we’re just repaying the favor.” Also ripping off his balaclava the driver looked back at you in your seat, his honey skin and deep brown eyes. Sangyeon?
“Do you guys have no sympathy? Is this what you’re doing with your lives now?” You asked distraught over the entire situation that had unfolded.
“Sometimes it’s safer to be feared than loved, y/n.” Sangyeon looked back, a sadistic grin painted across his lips as he almost looked down on your tears.
“Just be quiet and we’ll talk more when we get back. Sangyeon drive.” The boy next to you spoke, his eyes engrossed in the laptop in front of him. He had a more ethereal appearance than the others almost fairy-like which must be a great disguise of innocence for the life he lived. Possibly the most shocking reveal of them all, Chanhee Choi.
Despite feeling as if your entire world had collapsed in front of you and the wavering feelings of guilt eating you up like a lion to steak, somehow it was the most alive you felt in a long time. However the most shocking reveal of this entire encounter was that the same people you’d went to high school with, were living double lives as some of the most notorious criminals in the city.
As you’d arrived a small home located in the middle of a forest area you hadn’t recognized before, the same familiar cat eyes had something to say after the others had already wandered inside.
“I don’t want to be anywhere near you.” You looked at Juyeon seriously folding your arms, had you not had history you probably would have been more grateful for his actions tonight.
“That was years ago, darling. Do you think I still love you? Do you think I still care?” He laughed, his teeth curling into a smirk and his tongue poking the side of his jaw.
“Clearly! You jumped in front of an armed police officer you absolute maniac. I was always right about you, you’ve become some kind of psycho, that’s why I broke up with you and why the hell is Chanhee even involved with you?” You yelled, quickly being hushed by his voice as he stepped closer.
Something about meeting an ex after years of being apart can feel awkward, but for you it felt like time never passed. The evil inherently toxic nature of Juyeon was always drawing no matter how much you told yourself no, it was addicting.. those feelings of spite, anger, envy were all things that buried that burning feeling of love.
As he looked at you under the moonlight you’d been reminded of the way his eyes softened, the way that the cold words he choses were always ways of communicating that he cared. He didn’t enjoy that he’d corrupted your life, he thought he was saving you. If you couldn’t bare the weight of your world he would take you into his, he didn’t want to ruin your life.. He’d risk his life for you, since he knew his was a lot less “valuable”, which you continuously told him back then wasn’t true.
“Maybe I do but remember, you wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for me y/n and I told you not to fall in love with me.” He shook his head, looking down at you, tracing his finger across your jaw, bringing back all those feelings of safety you once felt. “There’s nothing left for you but me. Everyone else is gone. It’s always been that way and you know that.”
Unfortunately he was right.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 days ago
Summary: It’s never too cold for ice cream, or at least that’s what Chanhee thinks no matter how much Changmin disagrees. And the more he talks about ice cream even with the wind howling, the more enticing it sounds to you. You've waited way too long to not have each other in the way your hearts always did. 
Fluff, Suggestive, Slowish to FAST burn, Best Friends to Lovers au
Word Count: 1,910 (600~ more words then the original 🫣)
Chanhee (New) X Reader X Changmin (Q) (Kyunyu)
Originally based off of: Prompt: 11. “I don’t want to get ice cream, it's freezing out! We’re going to get frostbite!” “I think it’d be fun.” “Yes, I agree, let’s do it.” (Loosely based off of Monster House line “...I don’t wanna go inside a monster and I don’t wanna die.” “I say it’s worth a shot.” “Yes, I agree, let’s do it.”). 
[A/n: When I originally wrote the first version, I desperately wanted to write it as a kyunyu poly au. But because it was requested for Changmin only… I stuck to it. Anyways, as a kyunyu biaser- this is my self-indulgent version of this fic. I hope you enjoy this version as much as the original~ I know I certainly did.]
(Alternative Poly au Version of Blizzards)
Chanhee had told you weeks before that Changmin liked you back, hoping you’d make your move. But you’ve never had concrete evidence, and as much as you trusted and liked Chanhee, you weren’t about to ruin your friendship with Changmin on a chance like that. So, that’s how you find yourself today, sitting in Changmin’s room leaning against the wall, playing on your phone when the two of them start bickering. It wasn’t unusual for them to bicker between each other like an old married couple. But you always found it amusing, considering how they were always at ends over the littlest of things. You figure out that they’re arguing about whether or not to get ice cream, and with the wind howling like it is, you can’t help but shiver at the thought. You think you’ll end up agreeing with Changmin that getting ice cream wouldn’t be a good idea right now. Considering the soon-to-be blizzarding conditions. No matter how enticing Chanhee was making your favorite flavors sound... But the more he talks about it the more you grow hungry for it. His pout crushes your heart the more Changmin disagrees. Your heart couldn’t take much more of this. 
Chanhee makes another point about them having hot cocoa at the ice cream place he wants to go to, and Changmin scoffs, “We could have hot chocolate here.” You hum at that point. You definitely could have that here. But ice cream? You know those two didn’t have any of it in their refrigerator. Changmin’s eyes flicker over to you, and he gives you a little smile. That’s when you remember your role. You’re their tiebreaker, and you just made Changmin hopeful. Uh-oh. Chanhee juts his bottom lip out as he looks at him, “But… I thought that would make the ice cream place sound good to you.” You knew if you disagreed with him, he’d go out and get it anyway. That’s just how Chanhee is. And you couldn’t help but want some (f/f) ice cream as well. So, when Changmin huffs, “I don’t want to get ice cream, it’s freezing out!” You chime in, “I think it’d be fun.” He doesn’t miss a beat, “Yes, I agree, let’s do it.” You raise your eyebrow at him and hide your laugh. Maybe Chanhee was right after all… Chanhee gives him a ‘seriously’ look before shrugging, and the three of you get your winter gear on before happily walking to the ice cream parlor. 
You can hear Changmin’s little regrets as he mumbles to himself about going when the snow is high enough that you can make snow cones out of it. You giggle at him, “You didn’t have to go if you didn’t really want ice cream.” And his mitten-covered hands make a little ‘eh’ motion as he shrugs before shoving his hands back into his pockets. You shake your head at him with a smile. You knew he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to be with you two. Because if there was one thing you knew for sure, was that Changmin liked Chanhee like you did, even if they always bickered. But the only question lingering in your mind as you head into the parlor was did Chanhee like you two back? You shake the thought from your mind as you order your favorite ice cream flavor before paying for them separately and heading to the booths to talk.
You sit in the corner beside Chanhee and across from Changmin as you happily eat your ice cream and watch the snowfall from inside. Changmin sighs as he digs his spoon into his cup, “We’re going to be so cold when we walk home.” You both laugh, and Chanhee tells him, “You should have disagreed! (N/n) and I would have gone by ourselves and enjoyed our ice cream.” Changmin rolls his eyes, and you hum, “As long as we walk quickly, it’ll be okay.” Changmin’s eyes look like they’re full of stars as he looks at you before shrugging, “I guess you’re right.” He takes another bite, and Chanhee gives you a pointed look before he mouths, ‘I told you so’. You press your lips together as you try to hold back your smile at the obvious signs of Changmin liking you back. Chanhee cackles at you, pointing his spoon at you, and Changmin’s head snaps up, looking between the two of you, confused. You both shrug, and you can’t help but see Chanhee’s smirk in the corner of your eye as you continue eating your ice cream. 
You scrape at your cup, getting the last bits of ice cream out, when Chanhee says, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to the restroom.” You hum, “Don’t get lost.” And Changmin chimes, “You need a map?” Chanhee scoffs at you two before he leaves, disposing of his empty ice cream cup in the trash as he goes. You turn to Changmin when Chanhee’s out of earshot, “Wasn’t he being so cute!?” He laughs, “Yeah, he was…” You grin before you go back to scraping at your cup. He clears his throat, and you look up at him. “Yeah?” He plays with his collar, “Um, I uh… About earlier. And the uh... immediately agreeing-” His ears are red, and he looks down into his cup as he tries to explain, “I don’t know what got into me and-” You interrupt with a grin, “I like you too.” He blinks at you, “You what?” You drop your spoon in your cup and tell him, “I like you too.” His eyes are wide as he looks at you like you just said all the gold in the world belonged to him. And he asks, “Really? All this time? You liked me as well?” “Yeah.” He breaks out into a grin, “So, you didn’t think it was silly that I went back on my argument?” You reach over and put your hand over his, “No, I thought it was cute. Plus, you agreed with me.” He grins and leans, “What do you say we ditch Chanhee and go out for a late dinner?”
You laugh, and before you can give him an answer, someone clears their throat as they sit down beside you. You look over, and Chanhee goes, “Ditch me? As if. Not in these blizzard-like conditions.” And Changmin scoffs, “So, you do agree it was blizzarding outside!” Chanhee smirks, “Yeah, but I knew if I could get (N/n) to agree, you’d go for it.” You watch Changmin’s face fall. And you give Chanhee a look as it clicks, “You didn’t even pay for our ice cream adventure even though it was your idea!” He shrugs with a smirk, and you roll your eyes and look at Changmin, “What do you say to dinner and a movie?” He grins, “I’d like that. Let’s do it.” You push Chanhee out of the booth as he guffaws at both of you. You both already have your jackets on and are out the door before Chanhee even has his on. 
You bump your hand into Changmin’s as you walk together, and he grins taking your hand into his mitten-covered one, keeping your hand warm. When you hear someone quickly approaching you two, stomping through the snow, and you both giggle at him. Chanhee complains, “I don't even get to be the third wheel like I usually have to?!” You tilt your head, “You do?” He rolls his eyes, “You two are always making goo-goo eyes at each other. It’s a little gross.” You scoff, and Changmin swings your hands happily between you two and sings-songs, “You’re just jealous~” Which causes him to roll his eyes again, “Maybe I am! So, what! At least you two finally confessed to each other.” 
Changmin and you exchange a look of surprise. Did Chanhee like you both back? You whisper to Changmin, “He’s jealous?” And you both are in shock, but you say for Chanhee to hear, “Damn… that means we could have gotten ice cream by ourselves instead today.” Chanhee scoffs at that. “My ice cream idea brought you two together, and here you are, dissing on it!” Changmin shakes his head, “No... We’re dissing on going with you.” Chanhee scoffs as he opens the door, “I’m never talking to you two again.” 
You laugh at their antics as you take off your coats and tell him, “You will.” He scoffs again, “Whatever. Are we at least having hot chocolate together?” You shrug and ask Changmin, “What do you say, baby?” You blush as you realize you already called him baby, and you see his ears turn red. But he quickly recoups, “Yeah, sure, doll.” Chanhee shakes his head, “We’re already starting the pet names… Gross… But deal.” You both smirk and Changmin goes, “Aww, are you jealous, sweetheart?” Chanhee rolls his eyes and if it wasn’t for his cheeks being red from the bitter wind, you were certain he would be now. He scoffs, “Yeah. So what?” You smirk, “You don't have to be jealous, darling.” As you hover next to his cheek about to kiss it, Changmin says, “You know we like you too, right?” Chanhee’s beet red as he looks between you both, “I- You- What?” You kiss his cheek, “You know how you and I always talk about my crush on Minnie?” He nods and you continue, “Minnie and I always talk about our crush on you. I confessed to it first and he quickly told me he felt the same.” 
Chanhee looks between you too, seeking reassurance, “You guys aren’t fucking with me, right now, are you?” Changmin kisses his neck, “Not about this.” And Chanhee stutters, “Oh-oh fuck, okay… I love you guys.” Your smirk doesn't fade as you lay a kiss on his collarbone, “We know.” He gasps, “There's no way you guys figured it out.” Changmin pulls back and says, “You’re right, we wouldn’t have but...” You lay another kiss on his jaw and whisper, “You carelessly said you were jealous of us. Confirming our theories.” 
He lets out a pleased hum before he rolls his eyes and asks, “So, do I get to have dinner and watch a movie with you two too?” You hum as Changmin grabs your hand and you tilt your head at him, “I think it’s only fair. What do you think, baby?” Changmin lays a delicate kiss on your hand, “I think it would only be right to, doll.” Then he pulls you in, hovers over your neck, and hums, “Yeah, I think we’ll need more than a movie after dinner though.” He sucks a mark onto your neck too, over his shoulder, you exchange a devilish look with Chanhee. And when Changmin pulls away, you pin him to the wall in the hallway. And you each suck a mark into either side of his neck. When you both pull away, you see his dark eyes staring at you two. As if he could ruin you both with a snap of his fingers, “You two drive me mad, you know that?” Chanhee and you smirk and nod, “We do.” He rolls his eyes and leads you both into the kitchen, where you work to make hot chocolate on the stove and drink it together to get warm again before anything else ensues. Maybe being the tiebreaker to an old married couple wasn’t so bad after all. Especially if it meant you were included in their marriage.
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sungbeam · 2 years ago
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episode two: it's the newdshot (naaaa na na na-na na—)
tbz 98 line x f!reader
even i have no idea what tf is going on and it's only ep2; smau, idol au, humor, no other warnings
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