#the boys also saw something upsetting during this trip
chibibuccicrew · 3 months
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The Torture Trio's First Trip About the Town
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viennakarma · 8 months
hear me out... ending 3: secrets
she just doesn't tell him, publicise their divorce, she's disappeared off the face of the earth basically, she keeps the baby, it's a boy, looks just like him but they just never see each other again. Lewis is upset, can't cope, just keeps partying, drinking during off season, or just gym gym gym not even socialising as much, fashion declines like no longer going for all the cool different clothes and just comes in trousers and merc top.
But how does he find out? when?
Maybe she's just out living a normal life now but an old fan recognises her, she's with her brother and son, maybe they don't recognise the brother and they think she's got a new man and kid, she always wanted a kid and Lewis was never ready wanting to wait. maybe that photo gets released so lewis finds out that way. loads of rumours on twitter. maybe not directly, someone else could bring it up. Jealous then realises. He tries to contact her, doesnt work, blocked on everything. He remembers where her parents house is and visits them, eventually meets yn and their son. Then co-parenting. But like no friendly friendly just civil. She has the son, Lewis has him on free weeks. She does eventually move up cuz when her son is with lewis, she has free time for dates. Just a regular guy tho and it's all great and eventually lewis also tries moving on but like fr this time. so like eventually yn and her new bf move in together, live a happy faithful life and have another kid. while lewis maybe has just won his 8th (or 9th depending on time line) but it's not what he dreamed of, not having yn to celebrate with. But he's got his now long term gf and he proposes.
so basically to summarise, she is alone, single mom, gets exposed, Lewis finds her, civil co-parenting, yn gets a bf happy life, Lewis eventually gets a gf, happy without each other
This is a little blurb on how I imagine a third ending of Say Something would go:
You leave, right after finding out about the pregnancy, maybe somewhere far from England and Monaco. Lewis doesn’t deserve to reap what you saw after ruining your future. He doesn’t deserve you or your kid or to play happy family. You move away, maybe to a farm Australia, since you’ve always wanted a quiet life anyway. Your parents and brother accept moving in with you to help with the risky pregnancy. It’s tough, you can’t do much to risk your health and the baby’s. Soon you find out it’s a boy, you’re happy something good came out of a dumpster fire that was your relationship with him. Him, because you don’t say his name anymore, trying to leave his memory behind.
You baby boy is delivered in a difficult C-section, one your brother and parents never left your side and you felt less alone, not sharing the moment with the father of your kid. The day is happy and sunny, so you name him Helio, like the sun. Like the light in your life. You realize you’ll never fully leave his memory behind, his son being his spitting image. The same hair, the same complexion, the same nose, the same shiny brown eyes and chubby baby cheeks. And you love him so much it hurts. You realize you may have lost him, but Helio was pretty much his copy.
Following your baby’s firsts is the happiest you’ve ever felt. Saying ‘mama’ for the first time, taking his first steps, playing with animals and saying his first words. You settle in a happy routine as a single mom. After the pregnancy, your parents move back to England because they couldn’t just leave their house. Your brother stay with you and your sister move in too, after finishing college.
You try not to know about him. Last you had heard was during the pregnancy, hearing about endless parties, trips and models, that had taken a toll on you, in a way you decided to stop looking. He had a life and you had a completely different one now.
Helio goes to school, eventually. Despite feeling protective, you know you can’t deprive him of a true kindergarten experience, not only for studies, but also for his formative years and to become socially active. The first year, your sister, who has a volunteering job close to his school, is the one who picks Helio up everyday. He makes friends at school and even invite them for a birthday party at the farm. It’s one of the happiest moments for him, eating cake with friends and showing them his pets.
During his second year, though, your sister get a little sick, so she can’t pick Helio from school. And you decide to go, along with your brother. It’s a hot day, so you stop by a park to eat frozen yogurt and let Helio play a little while.
That day, someone recognised you and recorded you.
That’s how Lewis finds you. The video eventually find its way to him. The post has a silly caption ‘for everyone wondering what had happened to y/n, seems like she found a new man and started a family’. Lewis scoffs because he knows the man in the video is your brother and you are thick as thieves ever since you were kids.
You’re just as pretty as ever. Maybe a little more curvy, and hair longer, but just the same, still the most beautiful woman-
But then he pauses. He zooms in the video and see the toddler running up to you. The little boy, who makes your eyes light up as you hug him, sharing what looks like ice cream or something. And from what Lewis can imagine, the boy looks 4 or 5 years old. But there’s no denying, he looks exactly like Lewis as a baby, if he put a baby picture of him beside the boy in the video, it would be the same. It was a matter of time until some of his fans put two and two together.
That’s how Lewis ends up going to your parents’ house in England. He had gone there after the divorce, but the house was for rent and he couldn’t contact your parents of you, after cutting him off completely. Now, when he knocks, you mum is the one to open.
“Is he mine?” Is all he asks, breathing hard.
Your mom let him in, seeing his state of distress. She doesn’t lie nor sugarcoat it. She tried to convince you to let Lewis know about the kid. Helio, he muses, whispering the name of the little boy he never even met.
He goes to Australia with your mum, not even letting you know first, because your mum believed you’d run away once again.
When he makes it to the farm, you’re out in the field with Helio, you two running and playing together barefoot on the grass. He hears Helio’s laugh, yours too, and something inside him breaks. He’s seeing before his eyes the life he threw away for one stupid mistake.
As soon as you notice him, you stop laughing, holding Helio behind you, protective. You call your brother out, asking him to take Helio upstairs and not leave until you say so. Lewis just watches helplessly as your brother takes his nephew inside and Lewis couldn’t even get a closer look at his son.
“Mom, what did you do?” You say, betrayed. You mum explains everything and you invite both of them inside.
Inside, you fight, almost shouting until you remember Helio upstairs, forcing yourself to calm down. Lewis feels betrayed, you tell to his face he doesn’t deserve this life. You pull a stack of documents, asking Lewis to sign. It’s a contract saying he gives up any rights over the kid. Lewis cries.
Your mother mediates.
After what feels like hours of arguing back and forth, you accept Lewis begging to know his kid, begging to be part of his life. How could you deny your kid of a father now you couldn’t hide him behind a layer of ignorance?
You introduce father and son a couple of days later, in the presence of a child therapist, to help mediate. Helio is skittish in the beginning, but he quickly warms up to Lewis. Sometimes, he run backs to you, hugging you tightly, feeling shy. You reassure him, letting him go back to meeting his father.
“Mama, do all daddies take this long?” Helio asks that night when you’re putting him to sleep. You swallow your tears when answering.
“No, my baby. Not all of them. One day you’ll understand better, yes?”
The first time Lewis takes Helio for the day, you cry for hours, feeling like a mother bird in an empty nest. He had invited his family to a nearby city, only 40 minutes away so he could introduce Helio to them. It’s planned for them to come back by dinner time, to not disturb Helio’s routine. But they come back earlier and your baby looked like he’d been crying. Worried, you carry him inside while Lewis explains that the first few hours Helio was enjoying himself and meeting everyone, but after a while, he started crying because he ‘wanted Mama’. Selfishly, that makes your heart grow easier, because you know Helio would never forget you, and in the end of the day, he’d would always want Mama’s arms.
The first months are like torture, until you get used to Helio coming back at the end of the day. Your Helio, your baby, becomes Helio Hamilton when Lewis registers him. Lewis tries to win you over many times, with gifts, inviting you to dates, until you have a stern talk with him, telling him it wasn’t happening. That every time you were polite and respectful to him, Helio’s well being is the only thing in your mind.
Eventually, the media finds out about Helio. Lewis blatantly lies, saying he had been keeping his son’s existence a secret for his safety and privacy. People mostly respected his wishes.
You see Lewis’ family for the first time again at Helio’s fifth birthday. You thought they’d hate you for hiding their grandkid/nephew, but they treat you with the same kindness as always, and you feel just a tiny bit of guilt for hiding Helio for so long.
You realised that you had much more free time now that Helio was with Lewis half of the time. So you started going to the gym, going shopping, not only for Helio but for yourself, you went to museums, parks and eventually, dates.
One day you meet Leon, a recluse just like you. He’s a writer, living in a cottage in a close city. You hit it off, but you and him get to know each other for a whole year before you introduce him to your family, and Lewis. Your ex-husband doesn’t take it well, admitting that deep down he thought you’d go back and be a family. You tell him, he ruined that himself.
You find some resemblance of balance. With Lewis’ coming to pick Helio whenever he had free time, you weren’t friends just a cold politeness.
Lewis, whenever he had to pick Helio, he found you and Leon sitting by the porch, or horseback riding, or helping Helio with homework and school projects, he would always envy your life, the happy family he could have, but he had only himself to blame. When he finds out by Helio you’re having another baby, he swears a part of him dies forever, buried alongside your love for him, and the future he threw away. Eventually, Lewis married again, a woman who loves him, loves Helio and she even gets along with you well, and that’s all he can ask for, knowing deep down he would never love someone else the way he loved you.
PHEW! I may have gotten carried away. Thank you for your ideia, Anon! I hope this was alright!
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extra-v1rgin · 10 months
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This fic is,,, weird. But I enjoyed writing it. I still feel slightly embarrassed posting it however lol
Root idea inspired by phantasmiafxndom
Cw for mentions of child abuse *cough cough* Shinjuro
Demons, in their current form, were not just disgusting to Kyojuro but also pathetic in a way that made his heart burn with anger. Decades ago it had been perfectly fine to kill them. The creatures were a scar upon humanity and extermination was agreed upon by nearly everyone.
Now people treated them like a nuisance at worst, some even tended to coddle them. Protests grew daily, demanding the demons be treated more humanely. Humanely? For creatures that used to eat humans, still did in some cases. It was a fate kinder than they deserved.
Despite Kyojuro’s distaste most people didn’t share his feelings on the matter. Perhaps the most upsetting was the fact that Senjuro had complete adoration for demons. He tried his best to tolerate his brothers ideas, but couldn’t often hide his disturbance.
It only got worse when a few of Senjuro’s schoolmates got demons of their own. They had become a new fad, and the ultimate status symbol. Why have a dog or cat when instead you could find a demon who you could dress up with hair to brush.
Even his own brother cooed over the creatures. One or two of his classmates (alongside a few of Kyojuro’s own students) sported such popular pets and enjoyed showing them off. During lunch students would gather around pictures to oo and ah over whatever unique features the particular example had.
And while Rengoku worked a humble job as a teacher, their father still had plenty of money to spare even after retirement, something his younger brother was well aware of. It was no surprise when Senjuro too started to beg for a pet. The man was less secretive of his distaste inside his own home. He wasn’t harsh or cruel with the boy, simply firm. Senjuro had asked for pets before. This obsession would fade much like rest.
Six months later Kyojuro gave in. Senjuro had earned some sort of reward. The elder brother didn’t like to leave the home often, not for elongated periods of time. Shinjuro mostly kept to himself now but it wasn’t impossible for their father to lash out. These incidents were few and far between. The only connection between them was that they occurred when Kyojuro wasn’t in the home.
But he had a job to do. Volunteering for an overnight field trip had perhaps been a mistake on his own part. In the past Senjuro had been able to find appropriate accommodations for the night or two his brother was gone. This time it was simply a combination of all the wrong things coming together.
He shouldn’t have believed his younger brother’s insistences that everything would be ok. Uzui or Sanemi would loathe watching the children but he could’ve forced one of the other men to take his place. That didn’t change the fact that he was the one who left on the trip. Everything on his end went rather smoothly. The children were rowdy, but didn’t cause any major problems. After constantly checking in and several reassurances from Senjuro he pushed his worries to the back of his mind.
They rushed forward again when Kyojuro arrived home. Even upon his return his brother greeted him with a smile and warm hug. It would’ve been a nice welcome under most circumstances. Senjuro wore a high collar, creeping above his neck. It wasn’t entirely inappropriate for the weather but wasn’t part of his typical ensemble.
Rengoku went to pull at the turtleneck. Though the boy nervously tried to avoid the attempts it wasn’t as if he could run away.
“It’s fine aniue,” he mumbled. Kyojuro saw a purple spot forming. It wasn’t too large, not the largest Senjuro or himself had ever recieved, but still there nonetheless. Softly he brushed the area with his thumb. His younger brother let out a little puff of air despite his attempts to hold in any reaction.
Finally allowed to pull away he backs up. Already his eyes are clouding with tears. Kyojuro waits for a moment, gently reaching his hand out so it barely hovers above the boy’s shoulder. When Senjuro leans into the touch he’s quickly smothered in an overbearing hug. He doesn’t quite sob, but tears soak into the elder brother’s shirt.
Even though Senjuro is mature (which sometimes makes Rengoku guilty in a way, because he shouldn’t have to be so mature) he’s still fourteen. Beyond that he’ll always be the younger of the two. Kyojuro had gotten used to sharing a bed and taking care of a sick brother and buying birthday gifts the moment their mother died, when Senjuro had barely started school. It feels natural to pick him up and settle on one of the softer couches. He’s small enough to still be able to curl up in Rengoku’s lap.
The two are happy to sit there for awhile. Senjuro was never much of a talker so the man doesn’t push him for now. Tears roll down his cheeks, which Rengoku swears still carry a bit of baby fat.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left. I’ll be more careful next time. You didn’t-“
“It’s not your fault aniue. F-father just- he got mad because I dropped a plate and it’s fine. I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.” More water wells up in the corner of his eyes. After sucking in a shuddering breath he tries again. “But I’m glad you’re home.”
“Ok.” Kyojuro’s eyes soften. “You did a good job though.” He shouldn’t have had to, but Senjuro’s been forced to grow quickly. “We’ll do something for you though. Whaddya want? We can get dessert or go to that fancy ramen place or whatever else.”
Senjuro sniffles again. “You’ll be mad at me.”
“Of course I won’t, you can choose anything.”
A demon was not was Kyojuro had in mind. He had lightly protested at first but after Senjuro relented with a horribly sad look the man ended up being the one to insist. He bit back the opposing words on his tongue and tried to be supportive.
It was obvious the boy had been thinking about this for quite some time. He already had a list of several local rescues and even pulled an older futon into one of the many spare rooms they had.
Rengoku had trouble keeping a solid smile on his face, but even when it slipped his brother didn’t notice.
So they (well mostly Senjuro, who finally insists on going one day after school) arrive at a vaguely creepy facility, white walls with rows of cages on either side. The cashier is a young woman who drags her voice out too much, weirdly high in an attempt to appear more friendly. Her lax appearance was strange with the rest of the sterile environment.
Senjuro was free to pick one of his own out. Kyojuro found all of them equally repulsive, and had no preference for which one ended up in their home. The only thing he wanted was for his brother to change his mind and let them leave empty handed. He felt bad for thinking such bitter thoughts considering what had propelled their visit. Everytime he tried to improve his attitude Rengoku would catch sight of meat sitting in feeding bowls or little signs declaring the temperament of a specific pet.
Senjuro was firm in his choices however and they ended up with something vaguely human, though that wasn’t very remarkable. It (They, Senjuro kept on insisting, like it was an actual being) had greyish skin and sunken eyes. With a few random spikes and other inhuman qualities it was pretty typical in terms of demons. It wasn’t the most repulsive one there, plenty had more appalling traits like multiple eyes or huge fists perfect for clawing people.
The chatty saleswoman cooed as she opened up the cage and beckoned you forward. “Good choice! This one’s quiet, but the most well-behaved cutie you’ve ever seen.” As you drag yourself out of the cage and rise to your full height Rengoku grimaces. You don’t look particularly threatening, smaller than him with blank eyes and greasy hair. ‘Cute’ is not the word that comes to mind.
Hesitantly taking the new leash clipped to your collar Senjuro tugs you forward. You move along with the motions, following quick enough that the lead never draws taut. One of your feet drags slightly each time you take a step.
“Hi.” The boy is so quiet as he whispers it. He seems a little shy, reverent maybe? Holding eye contact for only a moment or two he looks away and back towards his brother. “I want this one aniue.” The shyness holds as he
at Kyojuro.
The man bites his tongue for a minute and tries to think of an appropriate response. “And you’re sure?” He tries to keep the judgement out of his voice.
It’s detected anyways. Senjuro’s brow furrows slightly. His brother is never truly angry, but annoyed seems like a just reaction. “Yes! I promise.” The words rush out quickly in a way that leaves no room for argument.
“Awesome! And just so you know each adoption comes with some basic care items, a bit of meat, feeding bowls, um I think there’s a booklet included.” The saleswoman bounces around the counter and roots in the drawers underneath. “Is this your first one? Honestly I thought about adopting in the past but after spending all my time here I’ve gotten my fill of demons.”
Senjuro nods along politely to each sentence. Rengoku merely stares out the window and waits until she asks for a card. When she finally finishes her spiel he slaps the card down. Demons can be low-maintenance (in actuality that means negligent owners who can’t quite get in trouble with how resilient demons are) but when properly taken care of they can be rather expensive. The cost of meat alone, synthetic human or the animal kind, can scare many away. Money here isn’t the problem.
Kyojuro has to carry all the accessories back to the car. His brother opted to chose about a dozen different types of collars and bowls and whatever else in his excitement. Trailing behind slightly he still holds your leash in hand. Every few steps he’ll nervously look back as if to make sure you’re still following. You don’t react to any of these glances, don’t react to anything at all other than stopping when he does and moving forward when prompted.
Once you’re brought to the car Kyojuro directs you towards the back, where several plastic covers have been put over the seats. Senjuro has to lean over to buckle you, jolting each time his skin brushes against yours. Pulling away he hovers for a moment before his brother directs him towards the front seat.
Their house is nice. You’re led to a mostly bare room which is dubbed as yours. The older Rengoku dumps the toys in the corner and is quick to leave afterwards. You can still smell him sharply though, lingering just beyond the doorway.
The younger one parades you around the room to show off the space. Currently there is a futon in the corner with a shelf pressed against the opposite wall. Senjuro promises to get you more to furnish the space but it makes no difference to you.
“I’ll see if there’s a salon or something like that. They can bathe you and help with your nails.”
They’re claws, pointed and sharp but also splintering from lack of care. With no other way to respond you give a dull nod.
“I didn’t really think about clothes, but I do have an oversized shirt for you. It’s more like a dress really.” While explaining he plucks the piece from the bottom of your new belongings. “Aniue might have some old clothes that fit you, just until I go shopping.”
At that your mouth drops into a sharper frown. His brother smells like anger and hatred and something too harsh for your nose. It’s not as if you’re not used to being disliked. Demons generally don’t get along with one another and being put in a shelter usually meant whatever previous owner you had wasn’t great. His distaste though was sharp on your tongue as the smell wafted through the air. It wasn’t like casual neglect or dehumanization— there wasn’t even subtle joy taken in the sight of your current state, he didn’t want you there at all.
Put off by the thought of the man you turn away and crawl underneath your futon. It’s warm against your chilled skin. Peeking your head out from the thick sheets you watch as he spreads the rest of the accessories around the space. The whole time he talks softly, not to you specifically, but fills the space with sound. He’s quiet and doesn’t say things pointlessly which keeps your annoyance from rising.
By the time he finishes you’re already half asleep. You’ve spent the last few months sitting in a cage most of the day, even just moving from one home to another has worn you out. Nerves alone keep your eyes open, at least while he’s in the room. The moment he leaves however your willpower thins.
Days pass slowly. Senjuro feed’s you before he heads to school, at which point you’re mostly left alone. Kyojuro occasionally passes the room, but never pauses. A few times when it’s absolutely silent you’ll poke your head out of your room. You don’t ever end up passing the threshold of it though. Nobody’s invited you outside of the space and you don’t fancy getting punished for such a small journey.
Mostly you nap or pace around your room. There’s not much in terms of entertainment but it’s not a horrible existence. Senjuro is only gone for a few hours. When he gets home the boy will do homework in your room. It becomes so much of a habit that an extra desk gets shoved into the space. While he works you rest at his feet or watch him through your blankets.
Your routine rarely shifts, which is nice in its own way. Change is more often bad than good, but the humans seem to have their own ideas about what you need.
This afternoon when Senjuro enters his brother follows. When you sense Rengoku approaching however you try to scramble backwards. Senjuro’s arms stick out in front of him as he tries to calm you. You’re not very happy but you soften slightly anyways.
Now that you’re paying attention his words make real sense. “I want you and aniue to get along. He’s not mean so you can’t be either.” His brother stands in the doorway, looking threatening still.
“Please aniue, you have to be nice.” Senjuro looks up at the man. “Can’t you just pet them once? I don’t like it when you ignore each other.”
Rengoku approaches you carefully. In an attempt to please his brother the man wasn’t quite as brash as usual. But his feelings were still clear on his face, and the smell of his anger flows through the air. You’re tempted to back up even more, hiding flat beneath the chair.
In turn his expression only grows more displeased.
After a few minutes of him standing angrily in the middle of the room Senjuro observes the threatening aura easily and was quick to intervene. “Aniue! You have to be more gentle.” He runs to your side. Though the boy wasn’t particularly strong you allowed him to pull you into his lap. His soft hands run over your hair in soothing motions. “See, you have to be nice if you want them to trust you.” While he continued to cradle you an eye opened to peek at the elder brother. He looked even more upset than before, which brought a sly smile to your face.
With your sharp nose you could smell how hard Kyojuro had bit his tongue. The faintest smell of blood drifted in the air while saliva pooled in your mouth. Turning your smug face away you attempted to burrow further into the carpet and soft fabric. You roll around in the gentle feeling of his hands and the sweet smell of his clothes. He must’ve been cooking earlier, something sweet like sugar or baking mix is smeared over the front of his clothes.
Though you’ve hidden your face Kyojuro’s presence is still clear. When he settles beside you all your muscles pull tight. His hands graze over you twice while you lie as still as possible.
“Alright, is that good?” The man is already standing up.
Senjuro doesn’t seem satisfied at all, with your performance alongside his brother’s, but nods anyways. It seems the mood has gone sour, the way he leaves soon after. He tries not to make it feel like a punishment but a bit of guilt gnaws at your bones.
The next day Senjuro is back to his usual routine although the air still feels a bit too quiet. Worry keeps you alert to his movements. A few times he opens his mouth without speaking. On the third or fourth try he finally manages to get a few words out.
“I’m having aniue take you to get all washed up and everything tomorrow. You have to be good otherwise he won’t want to do this for me again.” His sternness is in full force, and surprisingly authentic. Blinking up at him you give a curt nod, waiting for the petting to resume.
It does soon enough and you’re happy to settle back down.
The spa- salon or whatever they call themselves is surprisingly pleasant. You’re shy at first. There’s lots of people there, other demons too. Some are carefully restrained, muzzles and harnesses and even one fashioned in a straight jacket.
You wish Senjuro had taken you. The boy would’ve coaxed you inside gently and explained everything along the way. Rengoku drags you towards the receptionist and clips your collar to one of the tethers there. As soon as you’re checked in and given a pickup time he leaves you there. You’re not shaking— that would be cowardly —but there’s a nerve running through your body.
The woman who takes you is nice. She has pretty pink hair with a friendly face, but ultimately is unfamiliar in a way that makes you resistant. When you don’t move with her she trues to guide you with a hand. It’s so warm again your skin. Senjuro’s touches are always light and the woman isn’t rough but it’s rougher than he is.
The hiss isn’t purposeful, not even threatening. It works to describe your discomfort. She tries soothing voices to guide you towards one of the chairs, but you stay rooted to the spot.
“Five steps ok? Why don’t you move with me and we can sit down.” When she nudges your legs you finally take one step. The woman guides you slowly until you settle down on one of the recliners. You’re still stiff, but in a position where they can start to take care of you.
Lots of different people do lots of different things. A man trims your talons and applies a thick shiny coat over them. He offers color but you staunchly shake your head.
Another person trims your hair. She carefully moves it away from your face and takes off a minimal amount. You can’t really see much of a difference, too distracted by all the little ends that have scattered across your face. The woman dusts them off with a fluffy brush that makes you sneeze. Everyone nearby coos after and you feel like more of a lapdog than a demon.
Someone else leads you over to a private bathroom, where you’re promptly scrubbed down. They use lots of bubbles and scented oils that edge on being too much for your senses. The after-effect is nice though, a calm lavender scent that’s much more pleasant than dirt and raw meat (even if the latter was tastier). You’re thrown into an oversized sweatshirt with matching pants, soft fleece lining the inside.
It all goes rather quickly. There’s dozens of new scents and people that cloud your brain. It’s hard to absorb the reality of everything until you’re allowed to actually rest. A side room lets you find a quiet place to curl up and rest.
Even though you’ve done just the barest amount of stumbling around there’s a weight to your bones that drags you down. You can’t remember if you were always like this or if it’s a side effect of being caged for so long. Either way you feel like a poor imitation of what a demon should be. A poodle compared to a wolf.
Part of you doesn’t really care. It’s not like you’ll ever be expected to kill or even hunt. This is the result from years of domestication.
You leave all the wondering for another day. Your mind is just a tired as your body and it’s no surprise when your eyes slip closed.
Kyojuro drags you back into the car after a harsh awakening. You’re still half asleep but stumble out once he has a hand on your leash.
Slumping over in the back seat you drift back in and out of sleep. Everytime the man hits the breaks you jerk forward and wake back up.
But by the time you get home you’ve been knocked out fully. Your head dips downwards only to lose ok up an indeterminate amount of time later.
For a few minutes you wait awkwardly in the car. It’s hard to tell how much time has passed, but in reality it probably hasn’t been too long. Senjuro would’ve come out to wake you if he was home.
You decide nobody else would be inclined to fetch you. Crawling out of the backseat you dart towards the door leading inside.
Unsure of where exactly your room is you’re forced to rely on scent. You’ve never been outside of your room in length, and can’t recall the layout of most of the home.
Currently your strategy is to point your head in one direction and sniff. It seems to be doing a relatively good job of leading you in the right direction, or at least the smell isn’t getting any weaker.
Though much of the house is rather boring, plain walls with nice furniture that doesn’t really tell you anything, you do take note of whatever is a little interesting. There’s fresh flowers in one of the vases along the hallway. They must’ve been cut just a day or two ago. As you pass the kitchen you notice four seats at the dinner table, with room for more if needed. You haven’t heard any guests in the weeks you’ve been here, so it’s an odd sight.
Kyojuro seems to be absent at the moment, making your movements much more relaxed. You don’t drag your feet or wander aimlessly but you’re happy to poke your head in certain places were it doesn’t belong.
One room in particular captures your attention. Most of the home smells the same, with the brother’s scents flowing and ebbing depending on the space. In a darker hallway however there’s the sharp scent of alcohol. Underneath it you can sense another human within, a damp smell like overripe fruit. At first it makes you pause (the only sound is heavy breathing inside the room) and then scurry away from it.
You find your room soon after, happy to dive into your sheets. Pulling off the oversized clothes you’re happier to take in more familiar fragrances.
When Senjuro gets home he showers you with compliments. Fingers sweep through your soft locks.
However he seems determined at ruining your peace. “Wasn’t Aniue great for taking you?” He tries to hide his pointed tone.
You give a non-committal shrug.
The boy huffs but doesn’t leave you like he did last time.
“They were booked too far ahead on Saturdays but next time I’ll plan for that so we can go together.”
Letting out a pleased trill you flop onto the ground.
The boy moves backwards. “Let’s get some food yea?” He waits for you to follow.
Never having been invited out of your room (Kyojuro taking you out earlier was less of an invite and more of a demand) you move hesitantly. Within the home there’s no leash attached to your collar. It’s nice most of the time but you could use it as proper direction for where he wants you to go. Every few steps you end up stopping because you’re so hesitant. You’re just grateful that Senjuro doesn’t mind how slow you make the journey.
The open air of the kitchen makes you nervous. There’s so many places to look that it makes you dizzy.
Senjuro opens the refrigerator. At the bottom there’s stacks of meat, all different kinds. Technically it makes sense. It’s not as if someone is purchasing your food everyday. The steaks and patties you get eat night have to appear from somewhere.
With it all in front of you however saliva fills your mouth.
“You can pick out your dinner this time. I thought that could be fun!” He pulls your arm towards the icy cooler.
Moving slowly you just point to the top of the pile. You’d eat the whole thing if you could, but given the choice to pick one there’s not much difference to you.
Senjuro looks a bit disappointed so you instead take more action. Moving the packages around pointlessly you choose another from somewhere in the middle. The letters outlining it explain nothing to you, but there’s juice and blood flowing around the free spaces. Mostly you’re just excited to run back to your room and sink your teeth into the fat and sinew. It leaves saliva pooling in your mouth.
With slightly shaky hands you hand it over to Senjuro. Even though you know it’ll end up back in your hold your instincts scream at you to keep it. The tips of your fingernails burn as you try to keep your claws in control.
With dilated eyes focused on the meat you don’t notice the smell of alcohol wafting into the room. The younger boy does, and he tries to take your hand and guide you away. As you’re unworried you drag your feet along the way. Ignoring his urgings you’re caught off guard when a hand hooks into the back of your shirt.
Turning around you think it’s Kyojuro who’s grabbed you. They look almost identical but a bit of extra height and some light stubble indicate him as someone else. You may be dumb but you’re not stupid and it’s easy to guess that this is the pairs father. You hadn’t considered the full image of their family, only caring to note those you interacted with.
His anger is different than Kyojuro’s. Is less pointed, engulfing the whole room rather than poking your skin alone. It smells rotten.
“Who brought this damned thing into my house?” Shinjuro’s question doesn’t require an answer, it’s already obvious. You try to turn tail and race into your room once he releases you, but you’ve been turned around and there’s no clear line to the exit. Senjuro reaches out to his father, trying to calm him.
“Aniue said it was ok so I just thought-“
“Kyojuro’s not your father is he?”
“N-no but-“
“Stop letting him act like he runs the fucking household. If he wants to be in charge he can get his own place.” Along with his cruel words his hands twist into fists. As an arm raises Senjuro shakes in anticipation.
You dart forward, nearly knocking the boy over. A strong fist collides with your forehead. You’ve been hit before, but you can’t remember a time a human had been able to hurt you this much.
Knocked off balance you’re happy enough to crouch to the ground. As the room comes back into focus another hand comes towards you. Lifted up harshly you’re face to face with the man. You’re hissing and spitting as you resist Shinjuro’s grip. Lying down and drinking had brought down the man’s physique, but shadows of muscle still remained. He clutches your hair in one hand. The minute you raise your claws he captures your wrists in the other. You try to gnash your teeth and aim yourself at his skin, but you can’t get near him. The best you could do now was lash out with your legs.
Twisting like a serpent you tried to loosen his grip. Senjuro was crying as he pulled on your clothing, trying his best to free you in his own way.
You’re only dropped when a door at the front of the house softly opens and shuts. The noise is barely perceptible to human ears, but Shinjuro still senses it. The moment he pushes you to the ground the man is quick to disappear back into his room.
Senjuro dashes to your side. At the moment you curl into yourself. The bruises around your wrists are already fading but your muscles are stiff when you move.
The boy clutches onto your body like you might be dying. Currently you’re not inclined to brush away his tears though you wish they’d stop.
“What happened here?” For once Kyojuro’s voice isn’t obnoxiously chipper or filled with disgust. There’s a genuine tone that you’ve never heard before. You still don’t bother to glance his way, trying to find comfort on the hard ground.
“F-father he um, he was being mean again and when he tried to grab me they got into a fight.” His voice is still thick with emotion as he crouches over you.
“Oh.” Kyojuro’s surprised. It’s silent for a quick second. “Well are you ok?”
“Aniue! I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” His arms grab your torso and try to lift you. With shaky arms you attempt to help him. There’s no reason you should be in such a weak state, perhaps after being pampered for a bit you’ve lost touch with what it’s like to be beast.
When the eldest is quick to scoop you up you’re at least well enough to let a quiet growl leap out from the back of your throat. You don’t move however. It’d be awful to get dumped on floor again and Kyojuro’s body is very warm against your side.
That doesn’t change the fact that the minute he sets you down into your room you run for your sheets. Hiding beneath them you try to peek without being caught. The worry is worthless because Rengoku has already disappeared and Senjuro is in his place.
He hand feeds you chunks of fancy meat, you think it’s cow, and pets your hair while you try not to fall asleep. The boy is whispering all kinds of praises that melt into one another but the culmination of all of them buzzes under your skin. Senjuro is often quick to praise but you’ve never felt as if it’s been truly earned.
The next day Kyojuro approaches your room (willingly) again. Senjuro is already is his typical spot while you hide in the corner.
You’re surprised, but not enough to move. Glancing up with tired eyes you watch him go towards his brother.
“How come you took them out of the room?”
“I- Aniue! I said I was sorry.”
“I know, I’m not mad or anything ok? You just gotta tell me what’s going on.”
You stick your head out of your bed to listen. Kyojuro gives you a curious glance before looking away.
“Um, Muichiro-kun said it’s good to involve demons with their feedings. It cultivates bonding. He said he saw it in an article online.”
The elder brother sighs deeply. “It shouldn’t have to be this way but I need you to ask me before you do things like this ok? I’m just looking out for you.”
“I’m sorry aniue.”
“Don’t be. I don’t- you shouldn’t have to be sorry. I’ll have a talk with father.”
“It won’t do anything,” he mumbles under his breath. Perhaps Senjuro is feeling especially bitter today.
Kyojuro frowns but can’t muster a response. His eyes sweep over the room before the man turns around to leave.
It’s another day where Senjuro is gone but the eldest is still home. You can’t keep track of the days or form any sort of schedule, you just know this happens on occasion.
You creep out of your room early in the morning. Though you can rely on scent to lead you it’s not as good as simply knowing the space. Every few turns you convince yourself you’re passing something relatively familiar.
After minutes of wandering you pass the room that contains Rengoku. The door is open so you step inside, then back out, and then back in. You’re not sure how to grab his attention.
Turning around you leave, only to re-enter. This time you let your foot collide with the door. The small tapping noise grabs his attention. You try to resist the instinct to hide. For now you just slouch more and hold your arms to your chest.
“What do you want?” Kyojuro speaks normally for once. You could imagine him asking anyone the question.
Peeling back your lips you try to get your vocal chords to form the proper noises. Instead of words you push out a low grumble that leads into a whine. You try the action several times to imitate something he could understand.
Moving closer you attempt the noise once more. His face holds a confusing mix of emotions, still a bit of disgust hidden within the layers.
Bowing your head and rolling your shoulders you hope that body language could bridge the gap in his understanding.
“Are you saying sorry?” At the question you look up and nod eagerly. Your face can’t form a proper friendly smile, but the result is hopefully close enough. It’s silly but a sense of accomplishment washes over you.
The man smiles back (his is warm and honest, painted with a touch of surprise). “Oh, well, thank you I suppose.”
A beat of silence. You wouldn’t be able to respond with anything other than more primal calls.
“And you do a good job of taking care of Senjuro. I’m glad someone is here for him when I’m gone.”
Ignoring the underlying bitterness (jealousy? blame?) you nod once more. As your head bows a sneaky hand rises to pet it. Kyojuro only taps your hair once or twice beneath turning and returning to his work.
Pleased you make sure there’s nothing remaining before running back to your room.
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
A Reason To Come Back! Shanks (OPLA) Part 2
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Reader is a mermaid who washed up close to death in Luffy's village and made a home for themselves. Shanks comes back and tries to convince y/n to join his crew. Shanks x Female Reader.
Part 1
'Then join my crew!' Shanks said in a carefree manner.
That was four months ago, you didn't quite believe Shanks would go through with his promise, so you said yes.
After that first meeting, you went back to the tavern with Shanks to meet the rest of his crew, after stopping at your house to get some dry clothes. Shanks had so many questions about mermaids just like Luffy did and you tried to answer all of them. Maybe Luffy was right about him being a good guy, he gave off the vibe of someone you could trust but wouldn't want to cross.
You were nervous meeting the rest of his crew since pirates were primarily male, but they quickly put you at ease and were amazed at just how much booze you could put away, turns out that was a pro of being a mermaid. One of the newer crew tried to hit on you and it was then you revealed apparently what Shanks suspected when he heard you laugh, and that was your ability to compel. Let's just say the rest of the crew would never let the guy live down the humiliation you put him through.
Before he went to bed Shanks told Luffy of the promise he'd made to you. At first, the boy was upset that you wouldn't be joining his crew but was happy you'd both be pirates one day.
It did feel nice to let loose, laugh and have fun around others. And Shanks kept his eye on you the whole night. Maybe returning to the sea one day might just happen for you. You sketched a rough drawing of the jolly roger you'd seen during your escape, and it turned out Shanks and his crew didn't like that crew already so were all on board to help you.
During those four months, you kept yourself busy, fishing, helping around the village and keeping an eye on Luffy. You also had started putting things aside in case Shanks kept his promise and you had to join his crew which didn't seem that bad.
Today you'd just finished swimming and were returning to your house when you saw a familiar red-haired pirate sitting on your porch.
'SHANKS!' you call out.
I should have known y/n wouldn't be at home. They weren't in town when we arrived so I assumed they were swimming in the cove. Other than Luffy and myself no one else had been to the cove to see her mermaid form, it was her private space.
'SHANKS!' y/n calls out.
I look up to see the red-haired girl walking up the path towards me smiling and dripping wet. It was very unusual to see someone with the same hair colour as myself but y/n explained mermaids either got the colour from their mother or father or could get a mixture of both but y/n got her mother's red hair and tail.
I stand up and embrace y/n, who hugs me back. She was a lot smaller than me, but that didn't mean you should underestimate her, 'I told you I'd come back. You get younger each time I see you.'
y/n blushes at the compliment and playfully shoves me back, 'How old do you think I am Shanks?'
My face drops, this was a trap women liked to set to trip men up, 'err I don't know maybe early twenties.'
y/n grins, 'Such a charmer, we're the same age Shanks, mermaids just age slower and appear more youthful.'
I was shocked by her answer but also relieved. I said the early twenties to not sound awful when y/n could easily pass for eighteen or nineteen. At least we wouldn't have a kid on the crew with us.
'I didn't come to ask your age y/n, I came because I have something for you.'
y/n tilts their head and their eyes widen, 'what do you have for me? How's the arm by the way? Still getting used to only having one?'
Before leaving last time I'd lost my arm rescuing Luffy. I had no regrets and would do it again. It was tough but I was slowly adapting.
'Some days are harder than others but it will take time,' I reply honestly.
I reach behind me and under my cloak pull a wrapped-up piece of black fabric before handing it to y/n. y/n slowly unwraps the fabric and gasps loudly.
'You did it Shanks...this is the jolly roger I saw...thank you...' y/n stumbles over their words, tears pricking their eyes, 'what happened?'
It warmed my heart to see her get happy and emotional staring at the flag belonging to the ship that killed her family, 'they had a lot of enemies, and my crew simply pinned them against each other until they were no more. You're free to return to the sea y/n.'
y/n puts the flag down and throws themselves at me, causing me to grunt at the sudden impact but y/n wasn't that heavy so I was able to catch her as she hugged and clung onto me, 'you kept your end up so I'll keep mine, looks like I'm joining your crew Shanks.'
I laugh and put y/n down, 'Welcome to The Red Hair Pirates. I think you'll fit in nicely.'
It turned out that y/n was already packed, ready for the day to arrive. The rest of the crew and Luffy were waiting at the tavern, so we headed down there with y/n's belongings.
'I'M GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH Y/N!' Luffy shouts in y/n's face as soon as we enter the tavern, but y/n simply smiles and ruffles his hair not fazed by the loudness.
'I'm going to miss you more,' y/n replies and squeezes his cheek.
I clear my throat behind them and they both look up at me, 'What about me Luffy, won't you miss me?'
Luffy grins like an idiot, 'Of course, I'll miss you Shanks, you made me want to become a pirate but how many mermaids am I going to meet in my life?'
y/n sniggers, 'and since I'm now a pirate mermaid I guess you're number two in his eyes Shanks or should I say, captain.'
I roll my eyes but embrace the situation. Things were going to be a lot more interesting with y/n on the crew.
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bellysoupset · 6 months
ok max request
i know you said he has a pretty sensitive stomach that gets irritated by a lot of things, so what about him overindulging on something that usually sits well, only for him to start feeling sick after (i also really enjoy burps 😳😳)
Here you go anon! Burpy Max with an upset stomach!
"Okay, I want all of you gremlins sitting down right now!" Max exclaimed, jokingly glaring at the one kid still standing, "that includes you, Elliot. Sit your ass down."
The eight year old boy blushed and hurried to sit down and Max rolled his eyes, just as he saw Vince walking to the bus, with a kid draped all over him.
"Bus rules," Max raised a hand to start listing, "everyone wears a seat belt, no standing when the bus is moving. This includes when it just stopped in a red light. No sticking your heads out of the windows-" honestly, he hated the fact the windows weren't sealed shut, that always gave him anxiety after watching Hereditary - "no eating smelly things in the bus. If anyone feels sick, please call me up before you barf everywhere and I'll go get you so we can work this out. Ah, and use your inside voices, will you?"
He was pretty sure only 5% of what he had just said filtered through the kids. In truth, Max's favorite age to teach was teenagers, who actually listened, just opted for not doing what he asked sometimes. All he had to do was convince the older kids he was someone worth of listening, while the younger ones... They simply, plainly, didn't hear a word he said.
"Alright," Max sighed, turning around as Vince entered the bus, "nice of you to join us, Monacelli."
"We had an emergency pee break," Vince ignored him, not bothered in the least as he buckled in the six year old that was clinging to him, "you finished with the rules?"
"Yeah, we can go."
They were going on a field trip for the next town's science museum. It wasn't a long trip, only about 1 hour to get there, then they'd have a tour and a lunch break and come back before sunset. Still, these type of trips always made Max uneasy because so many things could go wrong surrounded by tiny, curious kids.
He settled down on his seat in the front, next to Monacelli. The other teacher was wearing a short sleeved polo, straining against his chest, and a baseball cap on top of his mop of black curls.
"You want anything?" Vince asked, not raising his eyes from his phone. Max sneaked a glance at the screen. The man was checking football scores, that made sense. He looked the type.
"No, just bored out of my mind," Max shrugged, glancing past his shoulder as the bus started to move and there was a general squeal, the volume increasing considerably. Field trips were never quiet.
Vince shrugged, ignored him and Max sat correctly in his seat, grabbing a bag of chips in his backpack. He stuffed a handful in his mouth, before tipping the bag in Monacelli's direction to wordlessly ask if he wanted any.
"Pass, thanks," Vince said, "still not feeling a 100% after the stomach bug from hell that you gave me."
Max snorted, rolling his eyes, "it's been ten days, get over it."
"Like you got over it?" The other man needled him and Max wrinkled his nose. In truth the flu had taken him out of commission for 4 whole days and when he finally managed to come back to the school, he had to take on some extra hours since Vince was down for the count.
And that was not even touching the fact he had to win his seniors all over again. Thankfully the bug had been harsh enough and he had a cemented enough position that he didn't become an immediate meme among the students, but that didn't mean they were cool with him again.
Max sulked, sliding down his seat a little more and continuing to eat. The chips were bland, because he wouldn't risk trying salt&vinegar during a field trip, since those always upset his stomach, and soon enough he finished up the whole bag, muffling a burp against his fist and crumpling the plastic.
Next to him, he watched as Vince took a sandwich from his bag and bit on it. Of course it was in homemade bread and huge. Max glared at the sandwich for such a long time, that Vince frowned and held it up for him.
"You want a bite? Or are you gonna hold me upside down by the ankles for my lunch money?"
Fuck this guy entirely, Max thought, scoffing, "I never did that."
"No, you just shoved me so hard from the monkey bars that I broke my arm," Vince rolled his eyes, "and for no reason too."
"I'm sure I had some reason," Max mumbled under his breath, even though he knew he really didn't. Twelve year old him had been a demon, smack right in the middle of his parents divorce and trying to get everyone's attention through whatever means he could.
Vince rolled his eyes, taking another bite and getting up from his seat to check on the kids.
The other teacher sighed, sliding further down his seat and crossing his arms to his chest, pissed off. He really didn't like remembering how much of a prick he once was, it burned a hole in his stomach.
Talking about his stomach... He could feel it pressing against his jeans, bloating up. He was the king of bloating, easily looking pregnant over any meal, but really? Over bland chips?
Another airy burp forced up and he blew it out under his breath, massaging his chest and cursing softly. It was like his body was adamant on humiliating him in front of Monacelli.
"We're probably almost there already," Vince said, startling Max, and causing him to sit up correctly. The other man slid in the small space between the front of the bus and Max' legs, so he could sit on the empty seat near the window, "no kid is carsick, we should count our stars."
"Uhm," Max nodded, scratching at his beard nervously and muffling yet another burp. He fidgeted on his seat, trying to find a comfortable position, "so why did you come back to Doveport? People don't come back here."
Vince shrugged, making a silly face to a kid who was watching them from another seat, then keeping the lighthearted smile on as he answered, "my family is here. I wanted to be closer to them. Besides, I like the town."
"You like the town?" Max scoffed, then another burp snuck up, this one louder and bringing with it a hiccup that shook his whole body. Vince raised his eyebrows.
"You good?" he asked, not waiting for an answer to continue, "yeah, I like the people, I like the fact its peaceful."
"I'm-HIC!" The blonde let out a loud groan when another hicc-urp interrupted him, loud enough the kids sitting across the hallway from them started to giggle, "shit."
"Language," Vince said, seemingly out of habit, the corner of his mouth quirking up, "did you eat too much for your tummy, Daniels?"
Maybe he had a reason to break this guy's arm, Max thought darkly, glaring at him, "I'm fine," he stressed, wrapping an arm around his stomach and huffing as yet another hiccup shook him, "fu-duuuck."
He heard Vince chuckle at the switch of the insult, then a huge hand came to rest on his back, "maybe get up? It might help."
It wouldn't, Max already knew. Once he got the hiccup-burps, he was done for and it was really only a matter of time before his belly started churning and maybe nausea joined the mix later on. Still, just to get away from Vince, he got up and walked the hallway using the seats on each side of him as support to keep from wooblying.
Vaguely he thought they were setting up a terrible example, telling the kids to stay put and then walking all over.
He counted the children, just to have something to do, and then paused as the bus shook and his stomach flipped, going from unsettled to upset and sour. Max squinted, removing a hand from the seat in order to plant it on his belly and groaning as he could feel the bloat pushing against his t-shirt.
"Mr. Daniels?" a kid asked, confused as of why he had stopped right next to their seat. It was a little girl, with long box braids and dark skin, big brown eyes, "is your tummy sick?"
"I'm fine, Jess," he forced a smile at the kid, winking at her, "what are you drawing there?"
"The dinosaurs!" Jess perked up, holding her coloring page. It was a bit messy, but overall he thought it was pretty nice. A T-rex in the middle of the woods. They wouldn't be seeing any t-rexes today, but oh well.
"That's so cool," he grinned, crouching down and immediately regretting it when the movement caused another burp to rush up, this one followed by three hiccups in quick succession that he could do nothing about. Jess started to giggle at him and Max' cheeks turned red. He swallowed some air, forcing up a thick, low burp against his fist and she wrinkled her nose.
"Eeewww..." The little girl whined and he blushed even more, his whole face ablaze.
"Sorry, sorry-" he grabbed one of her crayons, "I think your t-rex is missing a hat. It's sunny outside, is it not?"
Happily diverted, the kid turned to her drawing and studied it, "maybe sunblock," she decided, "or a cap like Mr. Mo's?"
Who the fuck was Mr. Mo?
It took Max a second to realize the girl couldn't pronounce Monacelli and had settled for the second best thing. He snorted, "yeah, give him a baseball cap-"
"Her," Jess glared at him, "It's a girl t-rex, like in the movies."
"Ah... Yeah, then give her a cap," he squeezed the little girl's shoulder, then got up once more, the movement causing the bag of chips in his belly to churn a little harder and the push up a wet burp that he muffled with a hand. This one he could just taste the potatoes.
"Fuck," Max sighed, falling back on his seat up in the front and folding in half, pressing his forehead to the front wall that separated the common area of the bus from the driver's.
"What's up?" Vince looked up from his phone once more. Now he was texting someone.
"I think I'm gonna barf," Max groaned, keeping his voice low, "how much until we stop?"
"About twenty minutes," Vince dug through the cooler that was at his feet, with water bottles, juice boxes, bags, snack bars - "here," he handed him a water bottle, "are you carsick or did you really eat too much with just a measly bag of chips?"
"My gut is a bit of a bitch," Max sighed, closing his eyes, "temperamental as fuck. I thought I was in the clear with the bland chips, but..." he trailed off, making his point by muffling a sickly little burp against his hand and shuddering when vomit splashed the back of his throat. He swallowed in, "fuck my entire fucking life."
"Stop fucking swearing," Vince whispered to him, "you're gonna startle the kids. Twenty minutes, alright? Just take deep breaths and stop leaning forward like that, you're not helping yourself."
"You're such a snotty know-it-all," Max glared at him, as Vince planted a hand on his chest and pushed him against the seats, "what's up? You're a med school reject?"
Vince frowned, "you're such a prick. Are you hellbent on puking in front of every class you teach?"
Max' ears burned and he looked away from the man, taking a large gulp of water, "you're never gonna let that go?"
"Not for another month at least," Vince huffed and then pushed the window next to him wide open.
The rush of chill air helped a lot, but Max was not about to congratulate Vince for doing the barest minimum. He breathed out slowly through his mouth, sneaking a hand under his t-shirt and pressing on his belly. It was warm to the touch and gurgling non stop.
"How much more?"
"Nineteen minutes," Vince said and he could hear the man's amusement at his plight. Max groaned, staring at the ceiling as yet another hiccup hit him and made his ribs ache, his whole chest squeeze.
The water had been a mistake, as it rocketed up his throat, forcing him to gulp down.
"I really don't wanna be sick in front of them," Max whispered, allowing a glimpse of vulnerability to the other teacher. He knew at least with that Vince could sympathize, "just- Do something? Please."
There was a pause, then Vince squeezed his knee in an amiable way and pushed Max's legs out of the way as he got up once more. He clapped his hands loudly.
"Alright kids, each one of you know the bus song?" he exclaimed, his voice all cheery and Max groaned, scooting so he could occupy Vince's now empty seat next to the window and shoving his head out, so he could breathe.
Now with the noisy bus, he could burp openly, and a string of belches pushed up, intercalated with hiccups, rattling in his chest. He let out a groan and spat the saliva pooling in his mouth, but the burps helped, a little, the ache in his gut.
He lowered his head to the windowsill, listening as Vince continued to sing. They had ruined the peace and quiet and the bus was chaos, but at least Max knew not a soul was paying attention to him, as he let out a moan and squeezed his tummy, urging it to settle down.
Eventually the bus came to stop and Max removed his head from the window, wiping the cold sweat that was clinging to his upper lip and catching Vince's eye as the man shepherded the kids into a queue in front of the museum.
"Thanks," he whispered, passing him by once they were all outside, "uhm- You can handle them for another fifteen? I'm gonna go hurl, but then I can take 'em."
Vince's eyebrows jumped up, a sudden, startled chuckle slipping past his lips. He nodded, "Uh yeah- yeah, sure, go ahead-" then his attention slipped away as one of the boys tried to run ahead, "Elliot give me your hand!"
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bordysbae · 1 year
7. "don't feel special that i’m here, my mom made me come." "mhm, sure." and 18. "I miss you" with Quinn? Something like the reader and Quinn used to be friends in love but there was miscommunication???
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“the things left in ontario”
quinn hughes x reader
— ୨୧ —
quinns nhl debut is tonight, and you’re being dragged along by your mother. you’re not gonna deny a trip to vancouver, so might as well go. her and ellen have been best friends for forever, so you grew up alongside the hughes family. although you’ve lived in canada for all of your life, the hughes family was still a major part of your life even while they were living in the united states. but when they moved to canada, you were estatic.
you and quinn are the same age, so you two bonded more than anyone. unfortunately, when quinn left for michigan, your heart went with him. not only is he your best friend, he’s also more than that. he’s your first love, but he just doesn’t know it. you two have always been a little more than friends, and everyone just assumed you two are bound to get married.
that was until college rolled around.
when quinn was in michigan, he basically just stopped speaking to you. sure, when he came to visit in canada for the holidays you two spoke and acted as if nothing had changed, but you both knew things were weird now. part of your heart shattered seeing quinn so far away with little contact. unfortunately when you stopped texting first, that lead to no texting at all. you’ve collectively decided to avoid quinn the best you can, and it’s been working. that’s until your mom and ellen decided to drag you to his debut.
you’re sat in the stands with a blue jersey loosely hanging off your body, and the crowd is screaming loudly as the boy appears on the ice. his lap begins, and ellen is cheering louder than anyone in the building. a small smile forms on your lips as quinn skates around the ice, but you quickly purse them.
“you’ve gotta admit y/n, you’re proud of him,” your mom nudges you.
“i mean yeah, we’ve talked about this day for years, but i just wish things weren’t the way they are,” you shrug while watching the boy shoot loose pucks into the net, as his debut lap comes to an end.
eventually the game finishes, and you’re all excited to see quinn. he comes out with a big grin on his face, but it drops when he see’s you. after hugging everyone else, he pulls you into a very very loose hug.
“y/n, hey,” he awkwardly smiles
“hi quinn, congrats,” you half smile before immediately walking away.
at dinner, you and quinn are accidentally placed across from each other at the table. at this point everyone knows about your falling out with quinn, but no one knows just exactly what happened. not even you two. you avoid eye contact with quinn all night, but on the way out of the resturant he stops you. “y/n, thank you so much for coming. it means a lot,”
“yeah don’t feel special my mom made me come,” you half jokingly say. you’re both uncomfortable and upset, so the last thing you want is to talk to the boy who unknowingly broke your heart. but you don’t want to be overly forward with your feelings, so sarcasm is what’s best in this situation.
“mhm sure. i saw you smiling and clapping during my lap,” he chuckles nervously.
“yeah yeah whatever quinn. nice finally talking to you for once,” you forcefully smile and turn around. suddenly his hand on your shoulder stops you.
“what? what’s that supposed to mean?”
“are you serious quinn? you don’t even realize that you just straight up stopped talking to me? we haven’t talked in months quinn! you give me a few of your hoodies before you leave for michigan then just ditch me? we almost kissed that summer, quinn!” you quietly yell at the boy, trying not to draw the attention of everyone else in the parking lot.
“i just, i don’t- fuck y/n. there’s no excuse for what i did, but i really just thought you didn’t feel the same. you were so flirty with that guy the summer before i left, so i thought it was best to leave things in ontario,” he sighs while rubbing a hand through his hair.
“i’ve been waiting and waiting for things to go back to how they were, but nothing ever did. you’re in vancouver doing god knows what with god knows who, while i’m here mourning a friendship that you clearly don’t care about! hell quinn, we’ve always been more than friends and you know that!”
“oh will you just shut up,” he groans before kissing your lips. you’re taken back by his forwardness but kiss him back as soon as you realize what’s going on.
“i’m sorry i left us behind when i moved, but i promise it meant so much more than you know. i miss you, y/n/n.”
“i miss you too quinny.”
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
Baby Daddy chapter 2
Note: requested by the anon who called me pookie! ;) follow up to chapter 1!
Warnings: 18+!! fluff/smut/angst. toxic relationship.
pairing: modern!Sihtric x you (f) (slight hint of you x modern!Sigtryggr)
summary: You and Sihtric had to be good parents and celebrate your son's birthday.
wordcount: 4,7k
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The Juice.
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'Okay, I'll see you at five,' Sihtric said on the phone.
'Five,' you confirmed, 'not six, not seven. At five.'
'Yeah, yeah-'
'And don't you dare bring one of your sluts!' you snarled and hung up.
You groaned and threw yourself on your couch. You had to meet up with Sihtric, your somewhat ex-husband, who was very much your baby daddy. Odin, your little boy of three years, looked just like him by now, with his piercing gaze, cheeky smile, and his dark curls. Except Sihtric had recently shaved off half of his dark curls, which you found out when you had misunderstood each other and both ended up at the school's playground to pick up your son. And Sihtric's new look was unfortunately rather sexy. But then you thought he was always sexy, to be honest, even after you two broke up about six months ago.
You had married Sihtric and more or less officially split up less than two years after your wedding day, but neither of you ever finalised the divorce. In truth, you both knew you still loved each other and wouldn't want to be with anyone else. The problem was just that Sihtric was hot, as well as hot headed and stubborn, and he often did not clearly communicate his needs, or anything else for that matter. And you were exactly the same. But you were also quite chaotic and messy, something Sihtric couldn't stand he found out. When you were together you had great times, but the way you two argued and bickered most of the time was not good for anyone involved. When you split up, Sihtric had told you to keep the house for you and Odin, while he moved out to a rather fancy apartment only a few blocks away. 
The first few months you still did a lot of things together as a family, like going on weekend trips, to the movies and to theme parks. But you and Sihtric would always drive each other nuts and end up highly irritated by the end of the day. Which then led to fucking each other's brain's out somewhere fast before your son would notice his parents had snuck off. It just wasn't good and it took all your strength to create some distance between you and Sihtric overtime.
The family quality time became less when Sihtric started dating again three months after the split. Well, not really dating, he was just in his whore era. And you pushed him away more and more as it was upsetting to see some different girl by his side every time you saw him. You were hurt because the only lady by his side should be you. And over your dead body that one of his hook ups would meet your son. 
So during your phone call just yet, you reminded Sihtric once again that he was not to bring a girl to your house, where you'd discuss your boy's fast approaching birthday party.
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Sihtric still had the key to your house so he let himself in while you were in the kitchen. You only realised he was there when you heard your boy scream 'Daddy!' as loud as he could. And when you walked into the living room, you found Sihtric playing pretend wrestling with Odin. You sighed and chuckled at the sight. Moments like that made you wish that you and Sihtric could just get along like a normal couple. Because after everything, Sihtric was genuinely the best father any kid could possibly ask for, and you hated how it always went wrong between you both eventually. 
Because there he was, dressed in black sweatpants and a black shirt, so effortlessly handsome and still giving you butterflies after not really having seen him the past two months. And Sihtric didn't know that in the meantime, you had gone for a drink with the other Dane, Sigtryggr. But nothing had happened between you and him, so you had no reason to tell your not-so-ex-husband about it.
'Hey,' you said, making your presence known.
The wrestling stopped as they both snapped their heads towards you. And Sihtric quickly picked up the distracted kid and held him upside down for a moment while the boy screamed out with laughter.
'Hey, pookie,' Sihtric said with a sly smile, then put Odin back on his feet again, who was quick to run off upstairs.
Sihtric walked around the couch towards you and pressed a kiss to your cheek, his hand lingering on your waist a little longer than was necessary. But that was just Sihtric, always subtly flirting with you on a good day. And you lied if you said you hated it.
'How are you?' he asked, eyes darting all over you, 'you look good.'
'I'm fine,' you smiled faintly, 'you?'
'Not bad,' Sihtric shrugged, then followed you into the kitchen while checking out your ass, and he sat down on one of the barstools at the kitchen island.
'Good,' you said and sat down across from him, 'so… Odin said he wants a monster truck themed party.'
'Monster trucks?' Sihtric furrowed his brow, 'those things are still cool?'
'Apparently so,' you grimaced, 'I looked up some decoration stuff already, and there's quite a lot to get with monster trucks on them.'
'Well that's settled then,' Sihtric said, then yawned and stretched, 'guess he wants monster trucks as presents too?'
'Yes, or anything Spider-Man related.'
'Yes, Spider-Man is also still cool,' you chuckled.
'Should I dress up as Spider-Man?' Sihtric asked half serious.
You snorted and shook your head, 'I don't think anyone is waiting to see that.'
You half lied. You could already imagine what your "ex-husband" would look like, and the thought was enough to make your cheeks heat up.
'Hey,' Sihtric pretended to be offended, 'you know I'd look good in one of those outfits, don't lie.'
'I won't deny that,' you snickered, 'you always had a good body.'
'Oh, really?' Sihtric asked with a smug face, 'you still think about my body, hm?'
'Sihtric, don't start,' you chuckled and looked down at your feet.
When you looked back up again, you found Sihtric was still looking at you, and you stared into each other's eyes for a long moment. The air suddenly became thick with tension, and you both wanted nothing more than to rip each other's clothes off, right there and then. You didn't have to say it, you could read each other like no one else could. You flashed Sihtric a cheeky smile, and he shifted slowly in his chair, trying to suppress his arousal while he bit down on his lip.
'You still think about me?' he asked after a moment, his smooth, honeyed voice barely louder than a whisper. 
He reached for your hand over the black marble counter, 'Because I still think about you,' he husked.
His tattooed fingers laced with yours while your eyes never left his mismatched pair. You didn't answer. You couldn't possible tell your ex, your seriously hot and sexy ex, that you could only get off at the thought of him fucking you. And none of your few one night stands after him had ever fucked you as good as he does. But Sihtric knew that too. 
The way you never spoke about another guy, or never even introduced a new guy to your son. Sihtric knew he had nothing to worry about. He was a hypocrite in that regard, he fucked around as much as he could, even if it was only to try and forget you and to make you jealous, but the gods forbid if you ever met someone else.
'Are you seeing someone?' he suddenly asked as he gently rubbed his rough thumb over your hand.
You sighed and shook your head, 'I don't have to tell you anything about that,' you said calmly, to which Sihtric squinted his eyes slightly, 'but no, nothing serious.'
'Nothing serious?' Sihtric frowned and leaned in, 'what does that mean, hm?'
He kept his curious eyes locked on you, his bottom lip drawn between his teeth while he still held your hand. And before you could speak, Odin came running downstairs. You quickly pulled away and turned, making haste to pour yourself some juice while Sihtric was being distracted by your son, who proudly showed him his drawing of a monster truck he had just made for his father.
'Are you?' you asked Sihtric the same question, and leaned back against the kitchen counter.
He looked up at you and wetted his lips with the tip of his tongue as Odin climbed to sit on his knee.
'Nothing serious,' Sihtric said curtly, which told you he already got rid of his latest hook up and found someone new for the night.
'Daddy stay dinner?' Odin innocently grinned.
'No, honey,' you smiled at your boy, 'daddy has other things to do tonight,' you sneered and glanced at your ex, who clenched his jaw.
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It was early in the morning when Sihtric let himself in your house again, carrying a bag with monster truck decorations he had picked up from the store at your request. Today was your son's birthday party, and you needed help decorating the house.
'Hey, pookie,' Sihtric rasped and kissed your cheek.
'Jesus Christ, Sihtric,' you grimaced and shoved him with your shoulder.
'What?' he asked, clearly confused and agitated.
'Can you at least fully sober up, take a shower and make an attempt to wash off some woman's cheap perfume before you show up here?' you scowled and snatched the decorations out of his hands.
Sihtric sighed, raked his hand through his messy curls, and he finally allowed the regret of the night before to settle in. He always felt horrible the day after another random hook up. He didn't want anyone else, he only wanted you. But he couldn't have you, not anymore, not the way he wanted. So he'd get drunk, have sex, and hoped he would have forgotten all about you in the morning. But it never happened, it never worked. And he always ditched whoever he had slept with as fast as he could.
While Sihtric was deep in his regret, rubbing his eyes while he sniffed, you had been taking in his appearance. You knew this look all too well, as you had seen it countless times before. You knew exactly what he looks like after a night of rough sex, because he'd look exactly the same after your nights together; sleepy and his hair messy, while wearing comfortable grey sweatpants and a loose fitting white shirt. The only difference was that his eyes were empty now, whereas they used to be full of life after being intimate with you. And you hated how he still looked so good, even when you knew he had been with someone else. While it should have been you.
'Are you still drunk?' you asked.
'What? No,' Sihtric clicked his tongue, 'I'm not drunk anymore.'
He huffed and sat down on your couch. He took out his phone after he felt it buzz in the pocket of his sweatpants, and he quickly blocked the number of last night's lady who was texting him now, asking where he was.
'Classy,' you rolled your eyes, knowing exactly what he was doing when you watched him tap his screen a few times with slightly shaking hands, 'when will you grow up?'
Sihtric looked up at you, but didn't answer. You sighed and realised you shouldn't take your own pain out on him, you were separated after all. He was allowed to do whatever he wanted, as long as it would not interfere with the relationship he has with his son, and so far it had never done that.
'Just… come help me,' you said and pointed to some flags that needed to be hung from the ceiling.
Sihtric neared you and, once close enough, he cleared his throat.
'Pookie, I miss y-'
'Can you grab me a chair?' you cut him off, not wanting to hear his words because they hurt.
Sihtric exhaled sharply and did as you asked. Then, after about an hour you were finally done decorating. You told Sihtric to go home and take a shower, while you left the house too to quickly pick up the cake you had ordered at the store.
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The party was already busy when Sihtric showed up again, holding two bags full of presents, which he placed on the table in the dinner area, along with the rest of Odin's still unwrapped gifts. He looked even better than earlier that day; his half shaved curls were fixed up, he looked completely sober again, and he was wearing tight fitting black skinny jeans, with a comfortable looking black hoodie on top. You spotted your ex from outside as you stood in your backyard, and you quickly made your way over.
'Finally,' you muttered as you neared him, 'we have to sing happy birthday and cut the cake, but I can't let Odin blow out the candles without his dad there.'
'Thank you for waiting,' Sihtric said, then grabbed your hand as you passed him, 'pookie?'
You turned and looked at him with questioning eyes.
'I'm sorry about earlier,' he said and pulled you closer.
'It's fine,' you sighed, allowing his hands to settle on your waist while you adjusted the hammer pendant he wore around his neck, 'it's your life, it's none of my business what you do. I just don't want to know about it. And I definitely don't want Odin to know about it.'
'I know,' Sihtric whispered and cupped your cheek, 'I'm sorry I was a little reckless this morning. You know I never mean to upset you, or our son,' he leaned in and brushed his lips faintly over yours.
'I know,' you breathed, your hands lightly tugging his hoodie, 'sorry if I was a little mean this morning. I have no right.'
'You know that no one compares to you, pookie,' Sihtric whispered, his thumb caressing your cheek as he circled his arm around you, 'no one fucking compares to my wife.'
'Sihtric, we're not really marrie-'
'Shh-shh,' he hushed you, 'I need to taste you, pookie.'
And just when Sihtric leaned in further to kiss you, you were both startled when someone cleared their throat suddenly.
'You two are back at it again, I see?' a thick irish accent sounded, making you both jump in your skin.
'Fuck,' you mumbled under your breath and pulled away from your husband, quickly turning towards the fridge to get the cake out for your son.
'Finan,' Sihtric greeted Odin's godfather with a curt nod, and leaned back against the kitchen counter.
'So you're together again?' Finan frowned.
'No,' you snarled.
'Yes,' Sihtric said at the same time.
'Sihtric, we're not!' you hissed.
'We're still married, sweetheart,' he said bitterly.
'And still separated, handsome,' you snapped back, just as bitter.
Finan rolled his eyes, as he already knew where this was going when he felt the clear sexual tension that lingered between the two of you.
'Just don't fuck in the kitchen,' Finan grimaced, 'that's nasty.'
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While your son was playing in the backyard with his friends, and your friends and family were all busy stuffing their mouths with cake, you had enough of the chaos and went upstairs to fold some laundry you had left on the bed.
And just as you went upstairs, Sihtric walked towards the kitchen and caught a glimpse of you leaving the party. He didn't think much of it and walked up to the refrigerator, to get a juice pack for Odin. And when he wanted to return to his son who was still outside, Sihtric saw your phone screen light up, which you had left in the kitchen. And he couldn't help but read the message as it was right there.
Sigtryggr: can't wait to see you this weekend
Sihtric frowned and read the message again.
'Who the fuck is Sigtryggr?' he mumbled to himself, and another message came in.
Sigtryggr: last time was fun ;) x
Sihtric became furious. What guy had the balls to text his wife during his son's birthday party, sending winking emojis and a kiss? Oh no, Sihtric wasn't having this. And in his fury he forgot he was holding Odin's juice pack, and it exploded in his tight, angry grip, splashing all over his hoodie and jeans, and his face.
'Fuck!' Sihtric hissed.
He threw the exploded juice pack in the sink, washed his hands and dried his face with a towel, and went upstairs.
You were in Odin's room, putting away the recently folded laundry. And as you were so caught up in organising the clothes, you didn't hear someone coming up the stairs. Sihtric walked into the spare room, where he had installed the laundry machine and dryer himself a few years ago, and he took off his clothes. He threw his juice soaked clothes in the laundry machine and put it on a short cycle. And as he was so caught up in his own anger, he forgot you were upstairs too when he walked into your bedroom, wearing nothing but his tight fitting boxer shorts, and he sat down on your bed, waiting for the laundry to be done.
'Jesus Chri- what the fuck, Sihtric?!' you yelled when you were spooked to find someone in your bedroom.
Your folded laundry flew up in the air because of the scare you got, and landed in front of your feet in a messy pile.
'Fuck! Shit!' Sihtric hissed, also startled, 'I- I'm sorry!'
'What are you doing?! Why are you in my bedroom?! And why are you naked?!' 
'I'm not naked!' Sihtric said, annoyed, and he pointed at his boxers, 'I spilled juice over my clothes, okay? I'm washing them now on a short cycle, then I will put them in the dryer.'
'For fuck sakes,' you groaned, your heart still beating out of your chest.
'Gods,' Sihtric said, 'calm down.'
You huffed and picked your clothes up from the floor while Sihtric sat back on your bed. You threw your clothes next to where he sat, and glared at him when you grabbed the first shirt, only to refold it again, all while he eyed you up and down.
'You left your phone in the kitchen,' Sihtric suddenly said.
'I know.'
Sihtric hummed at your answer and brushed his hand through his hair. And you tried to not look at his stupidly delicious body, while he just sat there, leaning back and showing off his good looks. But then he got up, slowly closing on you until he had you cornered.
'What are you-'
'Where are you going this weekend?' Sihtric asked, his voice low, almost threatening.
'What? That's none of your business.'
'Are you seeing someone?'
'Sihtric,' you sighed and rolled your eyes, 'again, none of your business.'
You tried to move away from him, but he kept you cornered.
'Who the fuck is Sigtryggr?' Sihtric asked and took your chin, 'hm? Why is he texting you?'
'Oh, you're reading my texts now?' you scoffed, staring up into his eyes.
'Answer me.'
'I don't have to answer you.'
You tried to shove Sihtric away, but he pinned your arms down against the wall and pushed his body up against yours, towering over you.
'Does he get near my son?'
'No,' you said, irritated, while feeling a heat rise in your core.
'Good,' Sihtric said, refusing to back away, 'does he get near my woman?'
'I'm not your woman.'
'You're my son's mother,' he breathed, his gaze trailing down to your lips and back to your eyes, 'you're mine, pookie, still my wife.'
'Maybe,' you pushed him away, 'if you weren't so stubborn and stupid sometimes, I would still be yours.'
'So you still want me then?'
'For fuck sakes, Sihtric… you know I do. Or do you not remember that I told you I'll only ever want you when we broke up?'
He stepped closer again and chuckled.
'Yeah, I know,' he husked and trailed his fingers over your arms, to your neck, and cupped your cheeks, 'I remember. And I also remember exactly how you used to beg for my cock.'
'Yeah?' you purred, cupping his arousal.
'Yeah,' Sihtric breathed, 'and I remember exactly what it felt like to be inside that tight pussy after you begged me for it. Fuck,' he laughed softly, grinding his erection against the palm of your hand, 'yours is the best I ever had. No one compares.'
'Not even your slutty hookups?' you taunted.
'Oh, pookie,' he chuckled, 'it's still your name I moan when I cum inside someone else.'
You felt your breath hitch when Sihtric pulled you against his chest, wrapping his arms around you while pushing his hard cock against your stomach.
'I never loved any of them,' he confessed, 'they're merely a temporary fix.'
'I know,' you whispered when your lips almost touched.
'What do you know, hm?'
'I know the way you look at them,' you said, moving your hands up his chest while Sihtric backed you up against the wall, 'and I know it's not the same way you used to look at me.'
'Hm,' Sihtric teased, grazing your ear with his lips, 'is that so?'
'Mhm,' you hummed, feeling his warm lips drag over your neck, 'there is no fire in your eyes when you look at them. No hunger, no passion,' you paused, moving your hands up his neck, into his hair, grabbing his curls firmly, 'no possessiveness,' you chuckled at his moan when you tugged his hair, 'you don't care for them.'
'You're right,' Sihtric smiled, 'I don't. I don't care about any other woman,' he pulled back and grabbed your chin again, locking eyes with you, 'and how could I, when I still jerk off to your pictures?'
'And I still finger myself to our videos,' you admitted.
'Yeah?' a sly smile appeared on his face, 'which one do you get off to?'
'The one we made in that hotel, in Spain,' you grinned, feeling his hands back on your waist.
'Yeah?' Sihtric chuckled at your cheeky reveal, 'you kept that video?'
'Of course I did. It was good,' you giggled, running your hands up his chest again as both your breathing became heavier, 'you looked so hot that holiday.'
'Hm, that was a good fuck indeed,' he sighed, and shoved his leg between yours, pushing up your skirt, 'and you looked so fucking sexy in that bikini thong. I had to ravage you before we had dinner that night.'
'And you ravaged me good,' you bit down on your lip and grinded against his thigh.
'How about we reenact that video?' Sihtric husked, his hands grabbed your ass firmly while he felt your soaked panties on his bare skin, as he enjoyed you grinding up against him.
'Will you stop seeing other women?' you asked, playfully tugging the elastic waistband of his boxers before you pulled them down.
'Will you block whoever the fuck that other guy is?'
You chuckled and pushed him slowly towards your bed, 'Are you jealous?' you asked and pushed him to sit down.
'Of course I'm jealous,' Sihtric scoffed and took off your panties, then pulled you in his lap, his twitching cock pressing hard against your core, 'no one gets to touch you but me.'
'Oh, really?' you teased, grinding your wet folds over his leaking tip.
'Yeah,' Sihtric growled softly and spanked your ass, 'I'm going to fucking mark you all over,' his fingers dug in your thighs, squeezing your warm flesh, 'I'm going to ruin you for everyone else. You're mine only.'
'Am I?' you provoked, tracing his lips with your thumb.
'You're still my wife,' he growled and flipped you over.
Sihtric got off you, turned you to lay on your stomach and spanked you again, causing you to let out a moan, which was followed by a soft giggle.
'Yeah, you like that, huh?' your husband laughed as he massaged your reddened skin, 'I'll make you remember who you belong to.'
You pushed yourself up and turned to face him. You grabbed his hair and pushed him down on the bed, then climbed on top of him.
'You want to have me but you can't handle me,' you purred.
'I can handle you, lady,' Sihtric hissed, 'it's you who can't handle me.'
You silenced him with a slap to his cheek, to which Sihtric laughed.
'Do that again,' he dared you, with a grin.
When you raised your hand to slap him again, he grabbed your wrist mid-air, and he pulled you down to him. He grabbed onto the back of your neck and crashed his lips onto yours, easily finding access inside your mouth with his tongue while you moved to sink down on his cock. A moan escaped both your lips at the feeling of each other, and it didn't take long before you were both moaning and cursing under your breath, while fucking each other like wild beasts, all while your whole family and group of friends were downstairs to celebrate your son's birthday.
Sihtric flipped you over again, taking you from behind, relentlessly, while pulling your hair and grazing your ear with his teeth.
'No one feels as good as you,' he hissed.
'F-fuck me h-harder,' you murmured, eyes nearly rolling back at the sensation of your husband fucking you after months of being deprived of each other.
And Sihtric fucked you, hard, with both love and anger, and he covered your mouth to silence you as you screamed out his name when you finished. And only seconds later he moaned your name when he finished inside you.
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Sihtric joined you back on the bed, dressed in just his boxers again, after he had thrown his clothes in the dryer. During your animalistic sex session, the laundry machine had finished too, moments before you both did.
You had gotten dressed rather decently again too when Sihtric pulled you in his arms.
'Whatever happens to us,' he whispered and kissed your hair, 'know that only you have my heart. Forever, pookie.'
'And mine belongs to you,' you said softly, tracing the visible veins on his arms.
'I wish we could make things work.'
'As do I. But this… this is exactly what's wrong,' you sighed, 'we argue, we fuck, we cuddle, we love, and repeat. I just don't understand where it goes wrong. We clearly love each other but… I just don't know.'
'I…' Sihtric began hesitantly, 'I- I've done a lot of thinking the past half year. And I think I'm just terrified of getting stuck in a rut. I love our son, and I love you, I really do… but I just feel… when we're together, as a family, I just feel suffocated after a while. Like I can't escape that life, you know? There was never a moment for me to just… take a step back, have some alone time. And that scared me, and then I became agitated and confused. And… I felt guilt and hatred towards myself, cursing myself because I needed time away from my family, thinking I'm just a bad… father.'
'But why did you never tell me this?' you asked, 'taking some time for yourself is normal, Sihtric. It doesn't make you a bad father, we all need our space. You should've just told me instead of… picking fights with me.'
'I know,' he sighed, 'I was just afraid you'd think I didn't want to be together, or that I wasn't really ready to be a dad…'
'If anything, you are a good father. I always knew you were ready for that.'
'Yeah, a good father maybe,' he shrugged, 'but what about a good husband? I want to be a good husband too.'
'Then stay,' you whispered and cupped his cheeks, suddenly feeling desperate for him, 'stay with us.'
'I want to,' Sihtric whispered against your lips, 'there's nothing I want more than for us all to be together.'
Sihtric captured your lips in a soft kiss, and you were startled again by someone clearing their throat. You both looked up and found Finan leaning against the doorpost.
'While you two were busy,' Finan said, angrily, 'your son was crying because he was promised a juice pack by his dad!'
'I spilled it,' Sihtric said, '... by accident.'
'You spilled juice from a kid's juice pack, that's designed to not… spill?' 
'Yes,' Sihtric said, irritated, 'my clothes are in the dryer now.'
'Aye, okay. Seems like daddy spilled his own juice too,' Finan sneered and walked away.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27
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How they would react to dating a ADHD reader
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Edward Cullen:
• When he first met you, you were hard for him to read until he learned of you having ADHD
• Before the two of you started getting close, he would often find his gazing topaz eyes landing on you weather it may be in the school hallways or somewhere else
• It took a little courage for Edward to approach you to introduce himself properly, and when he does, he briefly apologizes for that as you have a few of the same classes together
• Edward is impressed to see that even though your mind works differently, knowing it can go a little faster than you can process sometimes, you have a strong determination of letting nothing stand in your way
• You enjoy learning new things everyday, one of the toughest challenges that come with having ADHD is how you can get distracted so easily
• Despite a racing mind, you do very well in school and your studies. When it came time for an important test, that’s where you get a little anxious because the whole class knows of your ADHD and found it amusing to mess with you during something like this
• You always managed to swing it and get a high grade, a higher one than most of, if not all the students that filled your classes
• You were one of the last few remaining to have yet complete a test. The boy sitting behind you swiped the stapler off the teacher’s desk and opened it like he was refilling it with a new package of staples
• You didn’t give it a second thought of it until you started getting hit with flying staples
• It was very upsetting to you, but lucky for you, this was also one of the few classes you shared with Edward and once he saw what was going on, he went to put a stop to it
• Right I’m the middle of that, the teacher had return from a short staff meeting and interfered before things got out of control
• The boy sitting behind you got in trouble and was sent to the principals office, he later comes out with a week’s worth of detention
• Because of that distraction, you didn’t get the chance to finish your test and it was the end of the school day. Thankfully, your teacher was kind enough to allow you to finish the test on the following day
• Edward took you home and because you were house sitting for your parents while they were out celebrating their anniversary with a big trip, you had the house to yourself and Edward spends the night
• He didn’t like leaving you alone
• For that time period, you put a movie on you wanted him to see. Though it was more than a movie, it was more like a documentary from Netflix based on a true story
• “What’s this called?” Edward asks, clearly missing the title of it
• “It’s that Last Breath documentary I keep telling you about.” You say excitedly
• “Can you tell me about it one more time?”
• “It’s about that commercial diver getting trapped on the bottom of the ocean without oxygen for over thirty minutes and survives.” You explain
• Edward doesn’t ask any more questions, instead, pulls you to his side as you both cuddle throughout the show. You were growing a little sleepy and kept dozing off, when you come to again, you briefly remember you fell back asleep at the part when the diver gets trapped and nearly left for dead
• You don’t remember falling asleep as you don’t wake up again until the following morning, still snuggled up to Edward’s side as he holds you close to him
• As strange as this may sound, Edward was the first to recognize this moment that you are his mate and he wouldn’t trade you for the world
• You don’t recognize it until he protects you from James
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• It took you a while, but after entering the second month of the new relationship with Benjamin, you inform him of having ADHD and he was quite surprised to say the least
• “Surprised” as in a good way, he could never think anything negative towards you, you are his mate after all and he wouldn’t trade you for the world
• There are times when you have moments of feeling insecure about what you have, but as soon as a bad thought crosses your mind, Benjamin always has something to say about it, he didn’t like you having those thoughts
• “Here’s what I want you to do, every time a bad thought of yourself comes to your head, tell it to go to back to hell where it came from.” With your mate saying exactly that, never failed to make you smile
• Benjamin becomes a little overly protective when it comes to certain things through ADHD such as knowing how you can get distracted so easily
• For example, you were best friends with Bella, and her birthday was coming so you wanted to do something special, you wanted to make her a homemade birthday cake and because you haven’t taken your medicine quite yet, you were a little over the edge
• Unfortunately for you, something had happened that made you forgetful about watching the time to check on the cake and of course you may have overreacted, but at the same time, you couldn’t help the way you feel
• What got you distracted was overhearing Rosalie and Bella in the living room nearby, Rosalie was getting rude towards Bella and you couldn’t take it
• You’ve tried to not think about it, trying to distract yourself with this homemade present but what Rosalie says next, set you off like a bomb
• “Happy birthday… human.” Rosalie says with slight venom in her voice
• You dropped the fork in hand and stomped to where the two were, coming out unglued to Rosalie, you may have sounded harsh, but there was a good reason for it
• “If you’re not going to drop whatever crap you have in mind, than I want you to leave my house!” You seethed
• Rosalie threw you a dirty look as Bella places her hand on your shoulder, right than Benjamin makes his appearance after hearing you yell at Rosalie and wanted to see what was going on
• “(Y/n)? Are you alright?” He asks
• “Just fine.”
•No one says anything until the smell of something burning from the kitchen fills the air as Benjamin asks what that was
• “Do you have something on in the kitchen?” He asks, than you remembered
• “Shit!” You growl, heading for the kitchen as everyone else follows behind
• You pull the cake out and set it down, seeing that it was as black as it could get, you got really upset and started blaming Rosalie for this to happen
• Your mind was racing, and it suddenly made you feel upset at everyone, not just Rosalie, you could fathom that this was really happening, out of all days why today?
• “What’s going on?” Benjamin asks fondly
• It took you a minute to compose yourself before giving an answer
• “I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I don’t have a choice at this point. I was trying to make a birthday cake for Bella.”
• Bella couldn’t help but feel flattered that her best friend would go through all this trouble to do something special and nice for her. While at the same time, it hurt her to see you so upset and instantly had an idea in mind
• “I know doing this meant something to you, and I truly appreciate your effort you put into this, but I hate seeing you so upset.” Bella goes on
• You bring your hands to cover your face in case of tears decide to well up
• “Listen, how about all of us go out to celebrate?”
• “You mean that?”
• “Of course, I mean when is the next time we’ll all be together like this?”
• You smile as Benjamin wraps his arm around you, pulling you close to his side, leaning to whisper in your ear
• “It would be better than staying behind to mope around about this incident, (Y/n). Don’t you think?”
• “That sounds like a good idea.”
• “It’ll be my treat.” Rosalie says
• Benjamin’s purpose in all of this was to keep you from looking back on the incident as few hours earlier and he was more than successful of accomplishing that goal
• Now he represents it, all of you had gone out as suggested to Cheesecake Factory for Bella’s cake
• Throughout the evening, Benjamin held your hand hardly letting it go
• Being with Benjamin made you forget all the worries
• As his mate, Benjamin knew how to make you fall in love with him all over again. With your ADHD, he never considered judging you for it, and if anyone messes with your ability to focus on purpose, they had better watch it
• Messing with you meant messing with him as slight trouble begins to brew
• Benjamin couldn’t wait to love you for all eternity, you know, once he changes you into a vampire like you wanted
• You couldn’t wait to love him for all eternity, you look forward to what the future has in store for you both
• Nothing but happiness
Please request!
• Edward Cullen
• Emmett Cullen
• Jasper Cullen
• Carlisle Cullen
• Benjamin
• Riley Biers
• Jacob Black
•Aro Volturi
• Felix Volturi
• Caius Volturi
• Jane Volturi
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Hale
• Bella Swan
• Victoria
• Vladimir
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Touya x childhood! reader Part 2!
If you wish, please come check part 1 here!
And Part 3 here!
Tsuki's note 1 : reminder that I do not read the manga. Also not proof read.
Tsuki's note 2 : idk how long this will be. Let's see. I also feel like part 2 came out better lol sorry.
TW: to graves I guess? Mention of death and abuse.
Not so long after the fire, after trying to somehow reach out to Touya, you came to know - he was gone.
You cried and screamed. It couldn't be. He couldn't be gone!!
You felt awfully guilty instantly, your kind raced to what you could have done to help him. You didn't took long to return to your routine - or try to - everything reminded you of your dear friend.
The school held a little event out of respect for Touya and you made sure to be there.
On the way out, you saw endeavor. The man was fuming. He came towards you, yelling and pointing fingers at you, accusing for not helping Touya enough. As if, he was your responsibility.
The only thing you could do was flinch, cry and feel guilty. The feeling of guilt swallowed you whole. The hero only stopped yelling at you when one of his employees teared him away from your sights.
After this you never went back to the todoroki's house. To your surprise Fuyumi reached out to you. She sent you message asking if you were OK.
You both cried through the phone. You told her how sorry you were and how much you wanted to say a proper goodbye to him.
You fell asleep with the phone in your hands. You woke up, face swollen and head throbbing. Your parents demanded you to go school.
You dragged yourself there, again, everything, every place made you swear you could hear Touya calling you, that you could hear his foot tapping out of anxiety.
A few days went by and you were chatting with Fuyumi almost daily. You cling to each other over the grief and eventually you developed a friendship.
It took you months to be able to go out to have fun outside and who dragged you out was Fuyumi. She asked you to go shopping with her.
That day she asked why you haven't been back to visit the todoroki's, you didn't felt like telling her what truly happened. So you just said it's because it reminds you too much of him and you felt awkward going there.
She was visibly upset, which made you crack a joke. It was awkward and completely out of place, but that wa enough to make her laugh.
But you sighed:
" I have to admit. I wish I could pay him my respects."
It was then she told you about Touya's grave - where it was and that could go there, after all, her dad have never been there.
You smiled at her offer, a genuine smile and you thanked her. But now it was time to find some ice cream before she had to go home.
Surprisingly, endeavor was never mad at you for hanging out with Fuyumi. You soon came to learn he didn't care. So your little routine of hanging out with her increased little by little.
With the information of Touya's grave you also decided to finally see him and give a proper goodbye. But upon arriving there, you couldn't say anything. All of the words you had so carefully picked were stuck on your throat. So you just cried there for a long time - you couldn't even tell for how long.
Years passed by, you mad knew friends, got into a good high school and grew into a habit of going to Touya's grave to talk to him. You would sit there and tell him a brief summary of what happened.
You went there whenever something made you utterly happy or extremily sad - you could never share these things with your family. They didn't listen to you, so here you were at the cemetery talking to a tombstone.
One of these trips to your friend's place, during your final high school years, while you happily chatted about getting into a good college, you were being watched. Watched from afar, with full-on curiosity.
The one that was so captivated by seeing you, was no other than Dabi.
The boy was shocked seeing you there. He slowly approached you so he could hear what you blabbing about. You didn't really noticed him, he wasn't that close and you were facing his grave.
So it was a nice spot to just watch. He huffed and puffed at the thing you gushed about. But he couldn't help but smile, when you looked so happy to have gotten a good scholarship.
After you left, he approached his own grave, to see you had left flowers and a sweet. Touya remembered sharing those with you.
He let his gaze follow your distant form. He couldn't help but to think:
" Even Y/N, has moved on from me, huh? Living like I didn't made a difference."
It's a bit contradictory from what he just saw. But you were so happy. Glowing. And all he could remember you by was a worried face.
But still, that small interaction made him glad to come check his grave for what he thought to be the last time.
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emerald-chamomile · 3 months
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Full Name: Valeria Halcrow
Nickname: Leri, Leri-chan
Stand: Queen of Pentacles
Age: 17 (SDC), 28-29 (DIU), 40 (SO)
Birthday: June 11th 1970
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Gender: Female
Height: 152cm (barefoot) 155cm (with shoes)
Weight: 45-49kg
Blood Type: O+
Ethnicity: American-Japanese
Birth town: Boston, USA, Tokyo, Japan (age of 9)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green mixed with grey
Occupation: Student (part 3), Housewife (part 4+)
Food: spicy food; cherries, onion, peaches etc. (regular); Roast turkey dinner (Bostonese); Sushi, Tantanmen ramen (Japanese)
Dessert: Boston Cream Pie (Bostonese); Mochi (Japanese)
Love interest: Noriaki Kakyoin
Japanese Voice Actor: Ryoka Yuzuki
Personality: Leri is a smart but more talented, caring, empathic, peace-loving girl, with a good sense of humor. Sociable, sensitive, curious, loves freedom. She also likes to make good friends. She shows affection to them and her family, but most of all to her boyfriend (later, husband), especially when they are alone, although in the first phases of their relationship they were rather awkward, but then they're getting closer to the middle and starting to love each other a lot. More affection is shown when they got married a year after they with others traveled to Egypt and defeated DIO and after their dating.
Leri tends to take things to heart and sometimes acts on impulse, especially when Jotaro says something that upsets her or snaps at her. She often responds in a similar manner.
Leri occasionally feels down, but she keeps her emotions to herself and avoids sharing them with anyone, especially Noriaki, as she doesn't want to upset or worry him. However, Leri eventually changes her mind and decides to open up to him, giving him the opportunity to comfort her.
Leri tends to be a bit clumsy, especially when her mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Noriaki or other things. This distraction can sometimes lead her into trouble. Her clumsiness is also evident in large crowds, where she may lose confidence and stumble a bit.
Relationship with Noriaki Kakyoin:
Noriaki and Leri shortly met when he was in the fleshbud during his first appearance, though he covered it until the battle with Jotaro, which wasn't long, but their genuine meeting was after he rid him of that fleshbud in Kujo house and they started talking to each other.
The first few moments of their trip to Egypt were kind of awkward especially when both of them were alone in their relationship and they were trying to find common ground. But after that, their relationship deepened through time. Noriaki was head over heels in love with Leri because of her kindness and beauty etc., but he was quite hesitant and kept it a secret. Leri was the first to fall in love with him though, because she saw him trying to protect her in some moments, and noticed so much intelligence, which is what she was starting to like about him. Noriaki and Leri eventually confessed their love to each other. There were so many things these two went through, but in a happy ending after the trip they ended up getting married a year later and are living together.
Their childhood:
Noriaki sat on a bench and watched his peers playing and having fun. He seemed withdrawn, he had a hard time making friends, he could never fully open up to them and the people around him, so he wasn't making friends at the moment. Suddenly, he saw his mom walking home with an acquaintance, and next to her was a daughter his same age. This girl's name is Leri. Leri looked at Noriaki and decided to approach him, having previously told her mom that she supposedly forgot something. When she approached, the red-haired boy was embarrassed and looked away slightly. Thankfully, however, things turned out differently. Noriaki finally looked at her and to his surprise, he noticed that there was another stand right in front of her. He couldn't resist asking if Leri had her own stand, to which she nodded and chuckled, noticing his reaction. The two then began to get to know each other better. Their moms were pleased to see that their children were able to find common interests with each other. So Noriaki and Leri found common ground and began to build a friendship.
Then their moms decided to introduce them each other and they were walking home together.
They had so much in common, Noriaki and Leri spent a lot of time together, drawing, playing, watching TV in the evenings, and just talking to each other.
Noriaki felt a little sad when he found out that Leri was leaving after spending a week and a half with him and his family. He really hated to say goodbye, because they had had so much fun together and had become very good friends. They promised that they would meet again soon, but life had a different plan. It was only eight years later that fate brought them together again.
For the first few minutes, Noriaki was hesitant to admit how much he missed her. Fortunately, she felt the same way. They acted like they barely knew each other, but eventually the time came when they revealed their true feelings mid-trip. As they shared their feelings, their hearts opened up again, allowing their love to grow even stronger.
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lettingtimepass · 2 years
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Here is my spoiler-free recounting!
After over a decade of being a Starkid fan, I traveled 3,000 miles to see Nerdy Prudes!! (The date just happened to align with a trip I was planning.) It was so surreal being in the theater! I saw Producer!Dylan and Corey L. running around with their headsets. Then right before the show started I saw Joe Moses and Tessa walk in. Also two rows ahead of me was someone in a Spiderman hat... I was like... Is that Nick Lang? No... why would he be in the middle of the audience? Later I found out I was right 😂
For context, it was raining really hard in LA and the streets were flooding. LA is not used to rain so they're not well equipped to deal with it.
Act 1 went great and then shortly after Act 2 started, BAM, the lights went off. Everyone froze. The person in the light booth said "We've just lost power." Then, Nick Lang stood up and said, "It's going to be okay everyone, we'll figure this out." And he left to help the staff. But for a good minute or so the entire audience thought it was a bit and couldn't tell if this was part of the show or not! But after a few minutes we were like holy shit this is actually happening. It took maybe half an hour or so but we were back up and running and everyone was so hype cheering on the actors when they came back on stage.
Then, during the final song, on what sounded like the final NOTE, the lights went off again. You could hear a reaction from the actors-- I can't imagine how upset they must have been in that moment! But the entire audience erupted in cheers and instantly gave a standing ovation. After the crowd calmed down a bit Nick came back out and was like "Yeah...... That actually wasn't the ending. There are two minutes left." And we freaked out 😂 They had us wait for a few minutes, but then they decided to call it. In the words of Nick, "You're the lucky audience who gets to see this show with a happy ending!" 😳😳 So yeah - I still don't know the ending. I'm going to have to buy the digital ticket so I can see the ending and also get the full experience uninterrupted. I can't wait for the YouTube version!
I think everyone's favorite part was the LORDS IN FREAKING BLACK!!! AHHHHH!!! JON AS HUMAN!WIGGLY was perfect! Also was he giving Onceler/TumblrSexyMan energy? 🤔 Can't wait to see how it looks on the YouTube version!
I loved Jon's anime nerd character. It was so damn good. The collective "Nooooooo" when the audience realized his death was imminent 😭😂
The parallels between Abstinace Camp and NPMD are very fun to me. "IT WAS GIRL JERI THAT DIRTY GIRL!"
Max's pronunciation of "skel-a-in" 😭 I need the story of how he decided on that or if it was written into the script?!
The Barbeque Monologues?! And that song? Jeff Blim pls. Lauren is a master through.
Someone pointed out that all the Hatchetfield shows have in-world productions: Working Boys, Santa Clause is Going to High School, and The Barbeque Monologues. Idk what this means, but it is a nice touch for worldbuilding.
The little musical reference to Nightmare time!!
I keep thinking about how Rob M fumbled the Starkid bag 😬 But Joey did such a great job as Pete! For some reason it feels like a full-circle moment between MAMD and "Joey Richter" with him playing the nerdy character 😊
Anglea was freaking fantastic as Grace. I just love her voice and how she makes it go so high it cracks! And Curt and Kim playing her parents was so good.
There's something so funny about Angela's characters being so different - Lex vs Grace - and the fact that they would hate each other 😂 Can Angela please play both of them interacting?!
Kim freaking Whalen!!!! I love her so much.
I LOVE seeing Corey and Mariah playing father and daughter again (but it's a very different dynamic than TGWDLM).
LOVE LOVE LOVE evil/slimly dirtbag Corey. HE'S SO FINE!!
I missed seeing Jeff and James on stage - I wonder if Jeff's chaotic energy would have been too much with the horny teenagers hahaha. But James would have fit right in! Oh well, we can't have them all in every show, unfortunately.
Gotta say I didn't expect them to say "Nerdy Prudes Must Die" so many times in the show 😂
The last song having pop-punk vibes?!
Anddd...... the last scene...... (yes I finally got to see it!) GRACE KEPT THE BOOK!!! Did she say "every perv must die"? Yeah, that's gonna be a lot of people on her list... Also very similar to the end of Abstinence Camp! This isn't going to go well.......
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Kalim, Azul: Silver Spoon, Golden Boy
Kalim my beloved sun spot... 🥺 Also, gotta love that classic Azul ass-kissing to the wealthy/j ashdaisdbasfiba I DON'T KNOW IF THIS WAS JUST ME, but I wonder if Kalim not knowing where the cash register was is a subtle nod to Princess Jasmine not knowing she had to pay for fruit (during that scene where she snuck out of the palace and into the bazaar)?? Maybe I'm overthinking it!
A Boy in Bloom, and his Blossoming Future.
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"How do you spend your days off?"
"I dunno!" Kalim replied cheerily, not a care in the world. "I do lots of stuff, it depends on the day!
“I'll throw a banquet if there's something to celebrate or if there's someone that's feeling down. Sometimes I'll play with the animals—Scarabia has a whole menagerie—or I'll take magic carpet out for a ride! Sometimes I'll chill with Cater and Lilia, or see what Silver's up to in Diasomnia."
"My, my, you're quite sociable, Kalim-san," Azul crooned, simpering and sweet. "It's good to keep oneself busy, but it’s even more important to build and maintain relationships, wouldn’t you say? You manage to keep abreast of them both so effortlessly.”
“Aw, thanks a bunch!! I love hanging out with my friends! I’ve actually been trying to go out more lately instead of bringing people back to Scarabia. It makes Jamil upset with me when I bring over unannounced guests, so…”
“He said that?” Azul pretended to look taken aback. “How rude! I would certainly never do such a thing.”
“No, he didn’t say it. I can just tell. His face turns into this mask you can’t read, or he sighs and tells me off a little. But even if he’s not happy with me, Jamil always does what I ask. Always. For so many years.” Kalim’s smile dimmed, a slight sadness creeping onto his lips. “I don’t want to cause him more trouble than I already have.”
Azul frowned, his flattery faltering. Something genuine pushed out instead. “… Kalim-san. Your compassion for others truly is remarkable. Jamil-san may not voice his true thoughts, however… there is a part of him that notices your efforts and appreciates them.”
“You think so?” Hope welled in the birthday boy’s voice.
“Fufufu, of course. I’m a businessman—and if nothing, I know of people’s hearts.” Azul pushed his glasses up, the sunlight momentarily catching them in pure white. “Now then, please continue to be hat you were saying before. You’ve been going out more as of late?”
“Yeah!” He perked. “The other day, I went shopping with my dorm.”
“Shopping!!” Kalim affirmed with a nod. “Usually I’d have people do it for me, but getting to do it myself was like a whole new world! I want to try and be more independent, so I thought this would be a good first step.”
“Well… yes, it is. Baby steps, I suppose.” His interviewer quirked a brow. “And how did that trip go?”
Surely he couldn’t have run into any excessive issues. He was still accompanied by dorm members, so they should have kept him in check.
“It was so cool seeing the places that sell things! I thought that stores would be more like the bazaars back home, with everyone mostly selling one thing. The fruit vendor, the fish monger! Like that!
“It turns out that stores sell lots of stuff all in one place. I got excited seeing it all, I had to grab a little of everything!! Um... then I stood around!"
"... What for?"
"I didn't know where the cash register was!!" Kalim easily laughed it off. "But my dorm mates were nice enough to help me out! They showed me the way and helped bring over the stuff I wanted to buy.
"It was a lot of work hauling it all, so I got them thank-you gifts for the trouble! Then I saw something really amazing while we were checking out!!"
"Oh? And what might that be?"
"Carpet cleaner!"
"... I beg your pardon? Carpet cleaner?" It certainly wasn't the first thing Azul would have imagined to capture the eye of such a wealthy boy.
"Magic carpet wasn't able to make the trip into town with us. I thought he'd feel sad if he didn't get a souvenir... so I hope 50 boxes of carpet cleaner make it up to him!
"Magic carpet loves taking baths! I know cuz Jamil's let me take over scrubbing magic carpet down. His fabric gets all covered in bubbles and he gets all relaxed. It's like he's getting a good massage!"
Azul patiently listened—and internally, he boggled at the mental arithmetic. “A little of everything” plus a thank-you gift for every Scarabia student and last-minute carpet cleaner quickly added up to a monstrous sum. He had no doubt that Kalim had fumbled at the cash register, trying to pay for a simple transaction in several thousand thaumark bills.
That’s one part of Kalim-san that won’t be changing anytime soon: his generosity.
If the octopus was lucky, he, too, would be graced with a smidgen of it. But Azul did not think himself a betting man. Every ounce of energy dedicated to the day was to up those odds.
"I see now. I'm glad to hear that the trip went off without any hitches!" Azul gushed. "You've learned so many new things this year--and I know you'll only continue to grow from here on out! I'm most honored to be your peer.
"You're broadening your horizons with each passing day. You're not the same Kalim-san from winter break. No--even back during the cultural festival, I sensed something different in you."
"Gahahah! You remember that." His garnet eyes softened with both fondness and sadness. "VDC was so much fun! It was also the first time I realized... all my life, I've been given everything I've ever wanted. I never really earned it, did I? I got it just for existing."
From the moment he had been born, there had been a silver spoon in his mouth, and he was golden. The future bright, a guarantee for him. Never questioned, never challenged.
His heart quivered.
"I got used to it, and I expected it. I never thought about what would happen if things changed. Then Jamil was picked as a lead vocalist--and I was so happy for him, but also so frustrated with myself. I knew... I couldn't stand at the same level as him. We didn't shine the same.
"Things can never be like they were ever again. Not until I earn that spot for myself! Not until I can stand on my own two feet at shopping and washing carpets and singing! That's my goal: to make my future golden myself."
"Kalim-san..." Azul pursed his lips. A second later, he let his words go. "Are you aware of how diamonds are formed?"
"Hmm? No, why do you ask?"
"Simply put, diamonds are the result of common carbon deposits being exposed to considerable heat and pressure. It takes billions and billions of years to form a single gem... and even then, a diamond is not always perfect. They can be too small, too rough, any number of things which may make it undesirable to consumers--but a diamond is only a diamond because of all the time and energy spent to form it."
Azul smiled, lowering into a bow. "Kalim-san, you are still in the process of becoming a diamond yourself. When that day should finally arrive, you will be a splendid one."
His hat and glasses were almost knocked off from the impact of Kalim colliding with him. Arms wrapped around the merman and squeezed, the embrace like a single drop of sun unfurling into a great spotlight.
“Thanks for believing in me!" Kalim cried through watery eyes. "I promise… I promise I’ll make you guys proud!!”
Azul chuckled. "I'll prepare my standing ovation when the time comes. Any plans to enter VDC as well next year?"
"Maybe when my singing's up to snuff! I've gotta cram in lots of practice until then!"
"Ah, yes. Best of luck then--but do let me know if you are ever in need of any musical accompaniment! I play piano quite well if I do say so myself, and I would be more than happy to lend a helping hand to your efforts."
"Gee, thanks, Azul!! You're so kind! I don't know why Jamil tells me to watch out for you. We should totally jam out sometime."
"Fufufu, why indeed..." Azul glanced up, shading his eyes against the sun, and smirked. "Speaking of Jamil-san, we wouldn't want to keep him waiting. I'm sure he has prepared a grand feast in honor of your special day."
"Oh crap, you're right! I gotta get going!!" Kalim scrambled for his broom, handling it like a hot potato. When he had, at last, clumsily mounted it, he cast a look at his classmate. "See you at the party, Azul?"
"I will be there to support you."
"Cool, see you there!"
With only one hand clutching onto the handle, Kalim took off on his broom. Gold and blue sparkles trailed behind him, white petals spiraling in the vortex of magic.
Even he rose higher and higher, Kalim didn't hesitate to look down. Filled with adrenaline--that oh-so-familiar rush, an indescribable feeling--he excitedly waved farewell to his friend.
He was off to see unbelievable sights, to visit dazzling places he never knew, to learn more of them.
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izurusstuff · 2 years
message from junkosstuff: hello my lovelies, it’s time to write smut for my highest kin with a reader that has my ultimate >:)
cw: smut. straight up smut. sex, even. praising. mentions of bullying. also, this is a fem!reader
summary: you’re a student at hope’s peak academy, and your ultimate gets you bullied due to its nerdy nature. however, one student you crossed paths with a few times comforts you ;)
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Multiplication (Ultimate Mathematician Fem!Reader x Izuru Kamukura Smut)
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Once again, you sat eating your lunch in the library. It’s not like you were complaining about it, to be fair. You just took this as an opportunity to work on your ultimate, which happened to be nothing but math. After all, it was relaxing to rearrange all the numbers in your head. The way you could plug them in to get a different outcome- it was soothing, all of it.
What wasn’t soothing, though, was the cruel remarks of your classmates while you were at lunch. All you were doing was simply standing in line, yet Togami had to purposefully trip you and make you drop your lunch all over yourself… his cruel and apathetic words rang in your head over and over, which was so bad that not even numbers could help.
“Look at you… on the floor covered in your own filth like the pathetic excuse of a human you are. Have you not learned your place here? Your ultimate sounds smart, but you’re utterly useless in the grand scheme of life.”
Ouch. You knew he was mean, but that was just another level of cruelty. So cruel, in fact, that you hadn’t even noticed the tears rolling down your face that landed on your book.
“If you’re going to break down in the library, could you do it quieter?”
The new voice caused you to whip your head around, in which you noticed the familiar boy you’ve started to consider a friend; Izuru Kamukura. Much to his discretion, he didn’t expect you to look so… pitiful when you were upset. If you didn’t know any better, you could almost detect the sense of regret in his eyes.
“S-sorry. I’ll go-”
“No. Stay. I have no other source of entertainment here. Everything is boring.”
Did… Izuru actually find you interesting? Maybe you were just delusional. You were probably daydreaming this to make yourself feel better. Well, you thought it was a dream.
That was, until Izuru sat across from you as he stared straight into your eyes with a hint of concern.
“Tell me… who did this to you?”
“I-it doesn’t matter, Izu-”
“But it does. You’re sitting here across from me with tears rolling down your face. Does that not matter?”
His voice was actually sort of comforting, which was the last thing you expected. Wasn’t he supposed to be some emotionless monster? Because he was an absolute sweetheart to you. Especially during moments like these.
“I’m fine, really… Thank you.”
After your words of reassurance, you could’ve sworn you saw his lips twist into a slight smile. It was refreshing; his presence alone was like the breath of fresh air you take after being underwater for too long. His smile was even better. When you knew it was there, it was as if your jailed heart was freed from its bounds.
Little to both his and your knowledge, he felt the same way.
Izuru turned his head to look around for a moment, which caused you to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Was he searching for something? Was he embarrassed to be with you and wanted to be sure no one saw him? Great, now you felt worse- but Izuru could detect your emerging anxiety and rested his hand on yours. Although he didn’t say anything for a while, his gaze held all of the things he needed to express.
“Try to relax. I could never be ashamed of being with you. The only people who should be ashamed are the ones who can be so evil to a beautiful human.”
Wait, beautiful-? Did he just say-?
It didn’t matter; you didn’t have the chance to think. Before you could even object, you could feel his lips getting closer to yours. Of course, you leaned in almost instantly. For such a cold human, his lips were so warm. You could dare to separate from them, nor could he separate from yours. But sharing a passionate kiss at a table wasn’t the most optimal for privacy, so he slowly stood up without breaking the kiss. Eventually, he backed you up against a wall between the bookshelves, still engaging in the kiss. For some reason, you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, which caused a raspy groan to release from his mouth.
And that was when you felt something pressing against your lower region.
Both you and Izuru were growing more aroused by the second, which unfortunately broke the kiss. With your lips puffed and swollen from the excessive kissing, you gave the boy a look to make sure you were on the same page. Thankfully, he was able to pick up on it and he nodded before going back in to kiss you.
The kisses weren’t enough anymore. Both of you needed more, so you pulled away to nibble on his neck and leave a few marks. That was something he definitely couldn’t have predicted, which only excited him more as his hands made their way under your shirt. Izuru’s touch was so gentle. So precise. You could’ve sworn he was an angel with how graceful he was being with you.
As those delicate hands took off your shirt, you turned your face to the side in embarrassment. Kamukura, of course, wasn’t too fond of it and gently brought your chin back to face him.
“Look at me. You are… so beautiful. The most breathtaking thing this boring world has to offer. I refuse to let you think otherwise. Let me prove it to you.”
His soft praise made you blush, but you obviously nodded. After you tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, you felt something warm prodding at your entrance. Apparently Izuru’s fingers made their way to your cunt while he was sweet talking you.
“So wet for me already. You’re truly adorable, Y/N.”
Before you could even say anything, you felt a finger slip inside of you, causing you to let out a gasp as a reflex. Since he knew you liked it, he added another one and began to move them in and out, making you moan in tune with his thrusting.
“Those sounds… they’re so pretty. You should make them more.”
It’s not like you really had a choice, but you allowed yourself to let out even more moans as your nails dug into his back. When you heard him wince in pain, you immediately felt bad, but he merely added another finger and sped up his pace as if he was rewarding you. Your special “reward” caused a knot to build up in your stomach, which you signaled to Izuru before he added his thumb into the mix. He used it to brush across your clit, ultimately making you cum on his fingers.
“As much as I enjoy those lovely noises, I don’t want to overstimulate you, perhaps we should-”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence. Your lips attached to his yet again, this time rutting against his groin as he moaned.
“W…want you… more…”
Your neediness surprised him, but your boldness is what surprised you. You were so desperate just to feel him inside of you that you would do nearly anything, which Izuru slowly realized. He certainly didn’t mean to make you a sex-crazed slut in that moment, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“Then take off your clothes for me, will you?”
You did as he asked on near instant instinct, but you added your own little twist to give him a show. Neither of you had any idea where this version of you came from, but you couldn’t care less. Izuru couldn’t either, because seeing your bare body mesmerized him. Looks like you were able to put the world’s most powerful human under a spell of lust, because he grabbed your thighs and slammed into you without warning.
“Forgive me for being rough, I just couldn’t… wait for this-”
Izuru grunted out, his words punctuating with his thrusting. Each one made you more and more desperate for him to ruin you; babbles spilled out of your mouth as he smirked at your eagerness. All that was comprehensible were the little moans of his name, which drove him insane. He wanted to ruin you in that moment, but he couldn’t allow himself to do that to someone so innocent and pure.
“I-Izuruuu! I-I’m so close! P-please don’t stop! I love y-you!”
You couldn’t even stop yourself from your confession of love because of how good he was railing you. Instead of responding, he pressed your lips together and gently cupped your face as his forehead rested against yours. You weren’t the only one in love.
“Me too… you’re doing so good for me, darling. Just like that…”
And with those words, you came undone around your friend’s cock. You could feel that he was close too, because though the quivering legs, you felt the throbbing before a warm sensation spilled out inside of you.
“I…I love you too, Y/N…”
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
heyyy i wrote more!
very few answers but kaidan kept steren alive (i havent played with kaidan much. i just think he would know how to Not Die of hypothermia unlike some nords who have natural cold resistance)
they are aware that things are getting Weird though. hoping azura has answers. and hopefully next chapter steren will wake up
It was a scramble to get the mysterious dunmer back to Raven Rock. Why had he gotten soaking wet in this weather? Why was he dressed so poorly for the climate? Would he even make the trip?
“Strip him down first.” Kaidan instructed. “If he stays in wet clothes he’ll die.” Nerevar was the one who did so. While it might be uncomfortable being stripped by a stranger, it was better than dying. Besides, it hadn’t been the first time he had to to save someone’s life--in war it wasn’t as uncommon as others might think when you threw off armor and clothes to get to someone’s injuries. “And don’t focus on his limbs or rub the skin. You’ll send him into shock or injure him.”
After he was out of his wet clothes, Kaidan piled up various furs and cloaks on him, while Vivienne stood awkwardly to the side, though he was impressed with his husband taking charge and saving the day. 
“Someone should hold him close while we carry him back.” Nerevar was going to volunteer when Voryn, who had been oddly quiet the whole mess, stepped forward and took him. 
“Luckily we aren’t too far.” Voryn remarked as he began walking with a serious expression on his face, a clear indication of worry. Nerevar didn’t see him making that exact face very often--usually it was when something was wrong with Nerevar, and very rarely if Vivienne was upset. 
Nerevar had also thought, once they handed him off to a healer, that would be about it. They quickly got to work fussing over him and Nerevar tossed them some coin in case the boy (and Nerevar could tell he was still fairly young, only punctuated by the fact the delirious young man was calling for his father) didn’t wake up for some time. They could talk to the captain, describe him, and figure out who his family was, before being on their way. 
However, as if the situation couldn’t get any stranger, Captain Veleth didn’t seem to know who they were talking about after they tracked him down. 
“I apologize, Hortator,” Veleth looked apologetic, “But I would remember someone with a red star on their forehead quite easily.” He shot a brief, subconscious glance at Voryn’s third eye, before continuing. “Such a mark would be the talk of Raven Rock, after all.”
“Maybe you recognize his clothes then?” Nerevar offered, pulling out an embroidered shirt and jacket that had begun to thaw in his bag. The captain looked that over as well, his brow furrowing more.
“... I haven’t seen anyone in clothes like this for some time.” He remarked. “It’s old House Hlaalu craftsmanship.” He made a sour face as he looked it over. “I’m not exactly an expert, but I saw pieces like these often during their height in the Third Era. Half the people in Balmora were wearing it.” 
Nerevar frowned, taking the shirt back and looking over it. He just recognized it as dunmeri and a bit imperial, but… 
There was bright yellow and pink flowers--or maybe they were fruit--beaded on it. Gold scrollwork was around the collar as well, a tell tale sign of Third Era Empire influence. After the oblivion crisis it had long since fallen out of fashion, and now House Hlaalu had hardly any craftsman to speak of now that their house had been demoted. The few that were left went to other houses, renouncing House Hlaalu, or renounced Morrowind entirely and stayed in the empire’s heartland to produce dunmeri goods for the rest of the continent. The beads were elegant pink glass too, in a style he recalled was vaguely popular in Cyrodiil before he was shipped off to Morrowind as the Nerevarine. 
It was… Unusual. 
“Did you see him come into port then?” Raven Rock was really the only port on Solstheim after all. “He had to have been seen by someone… He was looking for his parents too.”
“I will ask around then. I’m certain someone must have spotted him at some point.” Someone must have. He had to get on the island somehow, after all, and from how he was dressed he doubted he came in on a raft or something. 
“Thank you.” Nerevar tucked the clothes back in, sighing. “I guess we’d better go back and drop these off for him then and wait until he comes to for answers unless you can find his family first.” 
Most of Vivienne’s companions returned back to the manor, but Vivienne and Taliesan accompanied Nerevar and Voryn as they returned to the healer, more confused than ever. Voryn had still been oddly silent--more than he usually was, anyways. Typically he would make a few quips, or even just hold Nerevar’s hand and offer him a few smiles. Instead Voryn seemed distant and deep in thought, which only confused Nerevar more. 
“Something on your mind?” He asked, and Voryn blinked, looking down at him. 
“I was just… Thinking about that dunmer.” 
“He’s certainly been a weird case.” Nerevar replied. “Did he seem familiar to you?”
“Vaguely.” Voryn answered. “But I would know if I’d seen him before…” He huffed slightly, clearly annoyed by how strange it all was. “But when I first saw him I thought…” His voice trailed off. 
“What?” Nerevar asked, taking Voryn’s gloved hand and giving it a squeeze. 
“An… Odd thought came to mind. Almost out of place.” He hummed softly. “‘Little star’ was what I first thought and I feel… Protective towards him.” 
“I thought Neht was the broody hen out of the two of you…” Taliesan muttered under his breath, before getting an elbow to the ribs from Vivienne. 
“Well hopefully we can get him in good health and back with his family.” Nerevar smiled, even though he too couldn’t help but feel something was amiss. 
“Hortator,” A healer rushed to him the moment they entered, and Nerevar at first thought the worst; his anxiety spiked as he was concerned from the look on her face she was going to tell them the boy didn’t make it even though he thought they got him to town in time. “You need to come see this.” 
He gave a look, telling Vivienne and Talisan to stay near the door, before he followed the healer to the back. Voryn came with him silently; both out of concern for the boy, and because he was Nerevar’s guard as well as husband and refused to leave him unattended. 
There, he could see the dunmer under piles of blankets. The room was warm now as they got to work slowly warming his core up. It seemed like the healing spells also managed to save his limbs from frostbite too, which was a relief. But the healer took his hand, motioning towards the ring that made Nerevar freeze. 
He knew that ring. He would know it anywhere. 
It was the Moon-and-Star. Proof of his identity and the ring he used to unite Resdayn so many centuries ago. It looked identical, to the point Nerevar tore off his own glove to check that he still had his. Even if it had been stolen, it would kill anyone that wasn’t Nerevar, so how was he…? 
Voryn stepped forward, taking the ring from his hand, looking it over carefully, and checking the enchantment. 
“... It’s authentic dwemer craftsmanship.” Voryn remarked, more puzzled than before. “Identical to your ring.” If it was real dwemeri jewelry then it had to be ancient--from before the War of the First Council. Had one of Dumac’s craftsmen made a copy?
“The enchantment is almost the same as well.” 
“Almost?” Nerevar quirked a brow. 
“It’s the same enchantment from Azura but modified slightly.” Voryn held the ring tightly. “Instead of it killing anyone but you, it also would allow someone of your blood like a descendant to wear it.” Honestly Nerevar had considered asking for that modification in his first lifetime, but had ultimately decided against it when he soon learned Almalexia had no interest in having a child with him. What was the point if he didn’t have any kids? He wasn’t going to get any random woman pregnant--and if he did through some mistake (even though he preferred men), giving a child he didn’t really know access to such a powerful ring could spell disaster. 
“That’s… Strange.” Stranger still that meant this dunmer must be him then? But that didn’t seem right at all, especially not when there were two rings. “We should consult Azura about this…”
“I agree.” Voryn slipped the ring back on regardless. “It could be her doing, or something stranger going on…”
“Like the cultists?”
“It would be convenient for the Tribunal Cultists, I can’t deny it.” Voryn looked disgusted even talking about them. “They could claim you are a fake, and the real reincarnation of Nerevar backed the Tribunal Temple rather than the Good Three. Raise counter claims to your right to the throne and your leadership entirely.” 
“Well right now he’s still asleep.” Nerevar replied. “Even when he wakes up I doubt he’ll be much of a threat. We can speak with Azura, and failing that we can have Vivienne commune with Mephala.” If Azura didn’t know, Mephala would; it would be well within her scope after all and if anyone had gotten so close to making a false ‘Nerevarine’, it would have piqued her interest. 
“We’ll keep tending to him in the meantime.” The healer spoke up. “Besides hypothermia he has extensive internal injuries, likely due to some kind of magic attack.” She looked at the boy with heavy concern in her eyes. “I don’t know how he was walking with how injured he was… I haven’t seen injuries like that in all my days as a healer.” That was even more concerning; whatever attacked him might still be out there.
“We’ll be back soon.” Nerevar told her, before giving one last glance at the pale dunmer. “Once he’s stable, have him moved to the manor. I want to make sure he’s well guarded.” He didn’t want to risk any cultists being able to find him; the manor would be safe and allow them to keep a close eye on him. 
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readerhead · 2 years
The fella over there
summary: you are at a frat party and you see you ex, what could be a better distraction than meeting Matt? (part 2 here)
pairing: college!Matt x reader (I made this thinking of a female reader but I think it there's just one word that can imply it so any pronuon can feel free to enjoy the fic)
warnings: none really it's just pure fluff
word count: 1.5k
a/n: this is my first post and also the first time publishing something I worte in a social media. Actually, it's the first time that I wrote a "story" in English, probably you're gonna notice that it isn't my first language but I tried my best. Feel free to correct any mistake you found. I just wanted to share this fluffy meeting between the reader and Matt during college because lately I'm so obsessed with him that I couldn't stop thinking about this. I really hope someone enjoys it :)
This was a bad idea. You should've not try to get your ex jealous when you were over him, but come on! Can someone blame you? He was a dick with you when you two were together and this other boy was standing there so gorgeous. You couldn't help it! When your narcissistic exboyfriend shows up with a hot model-level girl in the party where you were celebrating that you got over him and you see the guy with the best hair and that can make you forget that he was there obviously you're gonna make a move.
You started shaking your hips to the best pop song, it was playing and you began to stare at him, not in a creepy way more like in the sexy way most people are only able to have the confidence when they have alcohol in their veins. He seemed not completely oblivious but you couldn't tell because he was wearing black shades. Who the fuck wears shades at an indoor party? Your ex long forgotten and all your thoughts were in why this boy wasn't looking at you. You weren't Jessica Biel but when you're at a frat party and a decent-looking girl is giving you her full attention, the least you could do is glance at her. That didn't stop you, instead you started to go in his direction while dancing. When you were a few feet away, you saw his blond-haired friend whispering him something and then, finally, he turned into your direction. In that moment you saw why he wasn't looking at you, you saw that cane. You scolded yourself for getting upset at him for being blind, even if you didn't know it. Without giving you time to process it, he was bumping into you because his friend pushed him.
"Hi, I'm Matt. Sorry, my friend insisted that the pretty girl who was coming closer wanted to dance with and that I should do it" he smiled apologetically and that was the moment you were doomed. If that dark perfectly combed hair wasn't enough, those white almost shiny teeth and rosy lips sure were.
"Hi, Matt. I think your friend might be right. What do you say?"
"I'm not really a good dancer and I might trip into the people. And you know, this whole not being able to see doesn't help" he laughed through his breath and you couldn't help but laugh a little, too.
"Well, now is my task to show you how to dance and keeping you and the people around you safe" you winked at him but then you felt stupid because he couldn't see it.
"Do I get to know the name of my new teacher?" you could swear in that moment that that one-sided smile was going to bury you alive and you would happily let it happen.
"Only if you survive the night."
At first, he was kind of weird, dancing inside mass of people being blind couldn't be easy. But after half song and your hands always touching his shoulders or his arms, he became more confident and you could tell he was having a great time too. And to be honest, after you started you couldn't stop touching him. You didn't care if it was only one finger on his chest, you didn't know him for more than an entire song and yet you were craving his touch. Just in that moment, your favorite part of the song came: the bridge. It was just a coincidence that this was the song that was playing, wasn't it? It didn't matter, you started to dance like you was possessed by some kind of demon and singing like you would die.
Hey, hey, hey
Just think, while you've been gettin' down and out about the liars
And the dirty, dirty cheats of the world
You could've been gettin' down to this sick beat
My ex-man brought his new girlfriend
She's like, "Oh my God!" but I'm just gonna shake
And to the fella over there with the hella good hair
Won't you come on over, baby? We can shake, shake, shake (yeah)
Yeah, oh, oh
"That sounded a little to personal."
"It may has been. But I can assure you that the fella with the hella good hair made me forget about every other boy in the room."
"Then he must be a lucky guy." and that fucking beautiful grin again.
Then you both danced to another song and the next and the one that followed and without knowing half of the dance floor went home. You decided it was time to call it a night so you stopped dancing and grabbed his hand to get you two out of there. Once you were out of the house you felt a little preoccupied. What if you scared him? He couldn't know where you were and he didn't know you.
"I'm sorry, Matt. I thought it was time to go to sleep but I didn't want to let you there so I drag you out here. Do you want me to search for your friend? I think he has your cane." you started rambling, all the security that the few drinks you had sobered up a while ago.
"Hey, relax." that lowered tone and his hands around your arms was what you needed to calm you down. " I think that my friend Foggy right now will be in his girlfriend's dorm."
"I can walk you to your dorm." you offered, of course you would be a girl in the middle of the night walking but he was a blind man without his cane. A very handsome man.
"Or I could walk you. I'll be good on my own."
"Oh no. There is no way I'm letting you go alone. You could stay at my dorm but my roommate is already sleeping there." the blush rushed into your cheeks when you realized how that sound like an innuendo. You heard him let out a chuckle.
"Or you could come to mine. Foggy's out so if you're uncomfortable I can sleep in his bed."
"That would be nice." the scarlet still lingering in your cheeks with a big stupid smile. "Shall we?" you offered him your arm and somehow he knew and intertwined them.
You two talked all the way to his dorm. And you discovered something you didn't need to know: not only he was nice to see, he also was kind and sly. And a fucking flirt. He made your cheeks hotter than they have been in your whole life. You tried to throw back some cunning comment but it was never at his level. When you arrived to his dorm he search for his keys in his pocket and in all the time it took him to find them and open the door he didn't let go your arm. And when he let it go was to slide his hand to yours. Once he drag you in he stood in front of you with one hand still intertwined with yours and the other in your waist. You could tell how your breathing hitched, but that didn't stopped you from raising your hands to took his shades.
"Damn. I wanted to do that all night." He laughed in a whisper. "Of course your eyes had to be fucking pretty, too" And now he laughed more loudly and your heart started racing.
"I'm sure your eyes are great also, but I can tell you that your voice is the sweetest and more beautiful sound I have ever heard" he surely was smooth.
You started to get flustered when he started to lean in. You closed your eyes expecting when the hand that wasn't at your waist went to your cheek. It was a hungry kiss and he was holding back enough to be gentle too. You got drunk in that kiss and you needed more, your hands went to his nape to intensify it and he pulled you closer by your waist. Your chest pressing into his was a sensation you will treasure all your life, but it still wasn't close enough. Your tongues were fighting in a delightious way and in that moment neither of you were fighting to win, you were fighting to lose in each other. You didn't want to back up but if you wanted to experience another kiss like this you had to do it or you were going to pass out. Not that it wasn't a good way to go anyways. You finally pulled apart and open your eyes.
"I think I survived the night successfully." you where a little confused, was it the lack of oxygen or he wasn't making any sense? "Can I know your name now?"
"You tried so hard to get it." you hum to make it look like you were thinking it. "Okay, I guess you deserve it."
"I'm really grateful, your Honor" any of you could hide your smiles.
"You'll make a good lawyer, Matt" you pecked his lips and then tell him your name. He repeated it and you could swear your name had never sounded so good.
a/n: first of all, thank you so much for taking your time to read it! I have an idea for another part, but I don't know if I will post it, I have to write it and see if like it. Also, in case someone didn't recognize it, the song was 'Shake it off' by Taylor Swift :)
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audreythree · 1 year
on a completely personal note i am losing my MIND rn so there is a rant under the cut
so for background: i do volunteer work with middle and high schoolers. my official title is department secretary which basically just means i am the main organizer/admin/busywork-doer for the group. i’ve been doing this for like ten years so i’m good at my job (and perhaps more importantly, i like my job). we have a retreat coming up this weekend but my boss just got married last weekend and is therefore out of town (bad planning but okay) but the department is large enough and experienced enough that it’s usually not an issue and we’re able to cover it without him because we are good at our jobs
given all of this information tell me WHY my boss’s boss assigned a completely separate person who is totally unrelated to our department to organize the whole thing. somebody please tell me because i am PISSED
she has literally never worked with our department before and she doesn’t know the kids. like she literally dumped all of the 13yo boys in a hotel room together without an adult chaperone/older kid room captain like girl they’re good kids but if you leave them in a room together alone they are going to pull the fire alarm at some point during the trip like that’s just inevitable. so as soon as i saw her room assignments i was like hey….. maybe we should reevaluate this a lil bit
and now she’s just straight up DOING MY JOB and listing herself as the point of contact and i’m like honey i already have all the phone numbers, i have the parent group chat ready to go, and you don’t even know everyone’s names
i’m just so annoyed because it feels like they think i’m not capable and the department isn’t capable even though we’ve done this every year for a decade. i get along great with my boss and i thought he trusted me because i’m basically his #2/girl friday/right hand man but i’m like. idk i’m upset. i get that it could’ve been totally out of his hands if his boss insisted but also why wasn’t he like “i trust my team, they can handle it”?? and now it’s just kinda like. okay well why am i even here
i don’t want to have to bring this up because it just feels so unnecessary but depending on how the trip goes this weekend i have a feeling i’ll have to say something because this is just really not okay. like listen i do this voluntarily because i find it rewarding and i feel like i’m able to do good work but if i don’t have the space to do that work why am i here. and if my boss doesn’t value his team enough to speak up for us, why are any of us here
idk i’m sad
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