#the biggest plot hole in this universe is why haven't people figured out why Isolde can do such powerful blood magic when it's so blatently
meet-cute universe snippet
"Most folks put their love in other people so it can't be used. You just get little scraps of magic from mementos, small stuff you own, things like that. It's some of the most powerful magics out there so even the small stuff does a lot but if you want it big-" Wyle stopped, looking uncomfortable. Isolde caught the end of the sentence without looking up from her work, as monotone as always.
"You want it big, you kill someone you love. Why it's hated so much."
"And that's also why Isolde's so good at what she does. She's a blood sorcerer, you see."
"I'm an engineer."
"Sure, but when you use magic you use blood."
"It gets the best results."
"So you kill people?" asked Anna, agast. She took a few steps back, fumbling for anything she could use as a weapon. Isolde looked up at her full in the face for the first time and Anna almost choked at the burning rage in the other girl's eyes. But when Isolde spoke her voice was, if anything, quieter, more level.
"Of course I don't. How dare you." She stood, slipped her work into her bag, and stalked out of the room. Wyle watched her go with his face all scrunched up into a tangle.
"Ooh, that's impressive, I haven't seen her that mad in a while!" He looked back at Anna. "Not to tell you what to do but you should probably apologize at some point."
"I mean was it really that unreasonable an assumption?" she demanded. Wyle crinkled up his face even more, if possible.
"I'd say it was but I guess you don't know her yet. Nope, she doesn't kill people, she just has a real knack for getting good power out of little things. We're not sure why but it's helpful, when we can convince her to do any, that is. She's got a weird adversion to it for some reason."
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