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prprgame · 5 years ago
鬼灭之刃 高清壁纸 191001, 33张图片 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 《鬼灭之刃》当属四月番剧中强有力的霸权代表,而鉴于第一季度筹备了26集的原因,整一个放映过程便覆盖了整个七月新番季,直至9月29日的凌晨,本���度的最后一集(26集)也才最终上映告终。
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba HD Wallpaper at 191001, 33 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: Let’s just start off with a collective WHOA!!!
Now let me say that this article will be full of spoilers for the latest episode of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.  So if you haven’t watched this episode and do not want spoiled, then be sure to come back here afterwards. In the meantime below is a video of the opening to the anime. After that the spoilers and discussion begin.
So again, just wow. This episode looked so good. This episode is called “Hinokami”
Hinokami is one of many names for the Shinto god of Fire. Other names are Ho-musubi, Kagu-tsuchi, or in this case Hi-no-kami. Why am I talking about this? We will get to that.
Hinokami was the son of the creator diety Izanami. When he was born he fatally burned Izanami and his father Izanagi cut him into pieces creating many new gods. He is revered as a purificatory agent, but also feared for his destructiveness.
So why is this relevant? Well when we see Tanjiro pushed into a corner he has an important flashback. One that involves a character that has not been talked about yet. His father Tanjuro Kamado. He remembers his childhood when he was curious how his father was able to dance in the cold for so long, especially commenting on how his lungs would freeze. Near the end of the flashback Tanjuro tells his son Tanjiro that it is a special way of breathing that will let him dance forever without exhausting  himself.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
鬼灭之刃 高清壁纸 190930, 23张图片 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 鬼灭之刃如今已经即将进入大决战,除了大BOSS鬼舞辻以外仅剩上弦月1号鬼还存活,鬼舞辻手中其他高战斗力的鬼已经全部被消灭。 并且按照炭治郎这吓人的成长速度估计这部番离大结局应该也不远了,要是打完鬼舞辻后面再来个什么隐藏势力违和感就很强了,那鬼灭之刃的最终结局会是什么样呢?今天我们来分析一波! 首先就是炭治郎,在鬼灭之刃里鬼杀队的队员是划分等级的。分别是甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸这10个等级,炭治郎刚进入鬼杀队的时候是最下级的癸级,直到遇到下弦月蜘蛛男的时候一样还是癸级。 但是你会发现打完蜘蛛男之后没多久炭治郎等级直接就一跃而起蹦到了庚级,可以说连升了4级。不过这仅仅是刚开始,炭治郎也是从打下弦5都费劲突飞猛进到可以单挑上弦3,这种升级速度如果给了海贼王的话估计早就得完结了。
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba HD Wallpaper at 190930, 23 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: Although Tanjiro Kamado seemingly killed Rui at the end of the previous episode, the demon ended up using some of his tricks to decapitate himself and then reattach his own head just prior to the blow. This keeps him from dying, as he wasn't beheaded with a Nichirin Blade. Completely exhausted from using his breathing techniques, Tanjiro seems vulnerable and about to finally fall to Rui. However, Giyu Tomioka jumps in to save the younger demon slayer. He then turns his skills on Rui, using his Water Breathing Eleventh Form: Dead Calm. This is the first time that form has appeared, and Tanjiro previously indicated Tenth Form was the final form, meaning this new technique is beyond what he was expecting and thought possible.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Atelier Ryza HD Wallpaper, 29 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: An ordinary girl whose unique characteristic is the fact that she is just that - ordinary. Ryza has a wild and tomboyish personality with a strong sense of justice. While she can be stubborn in her convictions, her heart is in the right place. Her whole world is turned upside down during an extraordinary encounter
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prprgame · 5 years ago
鬼灭之刃 高清壁纸 190929, 27张图片 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 日前正在热播的半年番鬼灭之刃即将迎来蜘蛛山篇的故事,这是原作漫画故事中的第一个高潮,也很可能会成为动画人气彻底引爆的契机,在蜘蛛山篇中在任十二鬼月中的下弦之五正式登场成为敌人,并带给了鬼杀队极大的伤亡。从目前的故事来看,在鬼这一族群中是有着明显的进化高低之分的,进化程度越高的鬼就越强,弱点也会越来越少,那么接下来鳗鱼饭就来通过原作内容分析一下鬼的几个进化阶段
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba HD Wallpaper at 190929, 27 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: The anime opens to a boy, Tanjiro, carrying his severely wounded sister, Nezuko, through a snowy forest. It did not take long to realize they endured a terrible trauma. However, the episode flashes back to a heart-warming introduction to the rest of their family. As we are introduced to Tanjiro’s mother and siblings, we become attached to them due to their glaringly deep connection and love. This scene, while it encompasses the peaceful ambiance of a happily-ever-after, induces a terrifying premonition of doom. After leaving his home to earn money for his family, Tanjiro returns to discover a grim scene that changes his life forever. In order to save his sister Nezuko, he embarks on a journey he never could have imagined.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
fate HD Wallpaper at 190928, 34 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: If you have no idea what the words “Fate Stay Night” mean to you, turn back, pick your favorite streaming site, cancel all your plans for the next day, grab some popcorn and coffee, start watching, and do not come back until you’ve finished every related legally purchasable media outlet of the franchise, or at least the major animated works and the original visual novel (because I’ll be focusing on those). You are missing out on a legendary work.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba HD Wallpaper at 190928, 24 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: It’s hard to think of a title more straightforward than Demon Slayer. You learn, instantly, two things about the series. There are demons. There are also demon hunters, presumably because the demons are evil. “Person slays monsters” is one of the oldest stories in fiction. Seeing it represented in anime so often is, then, not a huge surprise. Still, between this show, the still-airing Dororo, and FromSoft video game Sekiro, it’s a great time to be a fan of the “fighting demons in Japanese historical periods” genre.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
鬼灭之刃 高清壁纸 190927, 31张图片 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 说起鬼杀队柱的实力排名,最没有争议的就是冠亚军了。岩柱悲鸣屿行冥是官方定论的九柱最强,而他的表现也确实对得起九柱最强的定位。在与上弦之一黑死牟的战斗中,岩柱的表现完全碾压了风柱和霞柱两位同伴,能在黑死牟的猛攻保证自己不受重伤,甚至还有救援风柱的余地,不愧为被黑死牟评价为拥有完美战斗躯体的男人
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba HD Wallpaper at 190927, 31 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: Amongst all of these newcomers, though, is the rather quiet and somewhat under the radar series, Kimetsu no Yaiba, or more commonly known as Demon Slayer. Now adapted by the mighty Ufotable (the studio behind the renowned Fate franchise, including Fate/Zero, Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, and the Heavens Feel movie trilogy), the series has kicked off its training wheels and entered some of the more exciting arcs. With about half its promised run left, Demon Slayer has proven itself to be a fantastic ride that lives up to the hype of its sibling Shonen Jump titles with its high production values and equally compelling story about revenge, redemption, and family.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
鬼灭之刃 甘露寺蜜璃 高清壁纸, 50张图片 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 恋柱甘露寺蜜璃是一位有着绿色眼眸的粉发女子,双眼眼下有泪痣,本来是黑色头���,后来因为连续八个月吃170个樱饼所以头发变成了粉红色,身披雪白的羽织,而敞胸队服与短裙为裁缝特别设计,绿色条纹长袜为蛇柱·伊黑小芭内喜欢蛇柱,蛇柱也喜欢她爆炸吧现充!!的赠品,留有三条长麻花辫。
阅读更多:甘露寺蜜璃( 本文引自萌娘百科(,文字内容默认使用《知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0》协议。
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba Kanroji Mitsuri HD Wallpaper, 50 Images Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: Mitsuri is a very emotional and passionate person. She is soft and kind; constantly complimenting people in her mind which most likely relates to her being called 'The Pillar of Love.' She is easily flustered and can’t take insults very well.
She is also desperate for marriage. However she wants to find a man who’s stronger than her which is difficult because she’s ridiculously strong. But in the face of demons that are unnaturally evil, she shows no mercy, but expresses such sentiments with a gentle yet passionate tone. Though she is kind to every person, she seems to have a close bond with Obanai Iguro; as they are often seen together.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
鬼灭之刃 灶门炭治郎 高清壁纸, 24张图片 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 善良温柔的少年,重视家人、个性认真顽固有担当的长男。 以拯救变成鬼的妹妹祢豆子、为家族报仇为目标,在富冈义勇的引荐下成为鳞泷左近次的弟子,经过2年的艰苦训练,通过最终选拔成为鬼杀队剑士。 背负着妹妹藏身的箱子行动,重视妹妹甚于自己的生命。 有着独特的敏锐嗅觉,能从气味分辨人的情感,亦能分辨人与鬼,因这能力追踪到了仇人鬼舞辻无惨。训练后能在战斗时辨别出对手弱点的气味“隙之线”。 全力砍杀害人的鬼,但对曾是人类的鬼的空虚与悲哀有着理解与怜悯。 因从已故的父亲处继承的耳饰引起了无惨的注意,被其派出鬼追杀。 [7] 无限城决战开始后和义勇一同打败了猗窝座,之后继续追寻无惨的踪迹…
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba Kamado Tanjirou HD Wallpaper Down Urls: HD wallpaper image source download: HD wallpaper image source download(backup): Intro: Tanjiro is a young man who is short for his age, with rather tanned skin and an athletic physique. He possesses ruffled burgundy hair that casts notably dark shadows on itself, combed back to expose his forehead, and wide, dark eyes with white pupils that appear dark pink around the lower section of their irises. Tanjiro also has a birthmark on the top left of his forehead, which originally looked somewhat like a graze until his fight with the Hand Demon during the Final Selection Arc, after which it appears more like a large, dark red scar. It is noted that his hands are visibly tougher than someone his age's should be as a result of his rigorous training under Sakonji Urokodaki.
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prprgame · 5 years ago
鬼灭之刃 蝴蝶忍 高清壁纸 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 胡蝶忍身为虫柱,是鬼杀队九柱之一。常年戴着标志性的深紫色蝴蝶发夹,头发放下来大概到锁骨的位置。羽织伸展开的时候,看起来像蝴蝶翅膀。是除了时透无一郎之外,九柱里年龄最小的然而读者们好多喊忍姐。常年面带微笑,只在打上二的时候崩过脸,性格温柔,但其实姐姐还在的时候,非常心直口快,并且(事到如今)也非常喜欢生气(伊之助很怕生气的忍)[1]。在从前田正夫那里收到耻度很高的队服款式参照恋柱甘露寺蜜璃的时候,当面把队服烧了,于是获得了正常款的鬼杀队队服[2]。九柱中,跟恋柱甘露寺蜜璃相对关系比较好。
阅读更多:胡蝶忍( 本文引自萌娘百科(,文字内容默认使用《知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0》协议。
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prprgame · 5 years ago
Fate Saber高清壁纸 下载地址: 高清壁纸原图下载: 高清壁纸原图下载(备份): 简介: 大多数人喜欢saber主要是因为在fate staynight里作为重要的女主之一(tv版女主),她为我们展示了一个坚强倔强的“骑士王”少女形象,带有一定的跟风性质。        而对最早的“吾王党”们而言,在游戏里不同的路线中saber的温柔、坚定、善良甚至是固执都给大家留下了很深的印象。相对而言,当时的同期作品中,这样性格鲜明的美少女角色往往处在象牙塔中或者甚至根本是站在神坛上,总给人以遥远的距离感。而阿尔托利亚虽然有着传奇般的身份,却有着邻家少女版纯白的心思。就连所谓“王”的观点在我们看来或许愚蠢固执,却无法否认的纯洁高尚。         纵观诸多动漫。坚强、勇敢的少女角色;固执、单纯的少女角色以及性格强势,英气的少女角色都有着自己的粉丝。但是能够同时具备这样的特色的角色却是少之又少。saber没有被称为女神,而是一直以“吾王”、“saber”、“阿尔托利亚”这三个名字称呼着。前者是因为她的傻傻的却令人感动的“骑士王”的道路,后者是因为她纯白的少女灵魂。
作者:知乎用户 链接: 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处
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