#the big special revolutionary poster boy
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acearadiamegido · 1 year ago
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@homestuckss pinch hit for @topfsecret !!
Reluctant face of the Alternian revolution Karkat is NOT quite used to having an entire security detail yet, and isn't sure why they're all dressed like sci fi adventure movie characters??
to which I would say, if you're gonna be planning an underground revolution against a spacefaring despot why WOULDN'T you dress for the occasion. c'mon.
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dual1pa · 2 years ago
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warnings: using she/her pronouns, lanugage, all around fluff, heavy makeouts in car
not really proofread
enjoy :)
All she thought about was prom. She’s been looking forward to the very special night since she was a freshman at Hawkins High.
She was more than halfway through her senior year and she was ready to graduate and get the hell out of that place. However, the only thing keeping her going: PROM
She already cut out several potential prom dresses in the paper and taped them to her bedroom wall to create a large collage and has it narrowed down to two. They were both equally as perfect, but she just couldn’t decide. 
Of course, she had the perfect boy in mind to be her prom date: Eddie Munson. However, he cringed at every prom poster he walked past in the hallways. 
He wasn’t the type of guy to “dress up.” A simple jean jacket and black pants would suffice his forever wardrobe.
She, of course, fell for him in the 10th grade. He sat next to her in English class. It wasn’t right, of course, but she let him look at her tests to help him pass the class — which he did. The two were complete opposites but clicked instantly. 
One night, she invited him over for a study session since her parents were away on business. One thing lead to another and they ended up making out all night on the couch. 
They’ve been happy ever since. 
Returning back to the now, she tapped her pencil on her neatly written history notes, waiting for that slow clock to finally hit 11:33 so she could see her boyfriend. 
Sure, they weren’t the most popular guys in school, but she really loved hanging out with his group of friends and learning all about Dungeons & Dragons.
She drowned Mr. Smith’s voice discussing the Revolutionary War ages ago. The thought of cramming more information into her brain gave her a migraine.
As soon as the bell rang, she quickly put her notebook and folder into her backpack and went to her locker to switch her books around for the second half of the school day. 
She put her three-number combination into the lock and opened it, admiring the photos she had in her locker — most of her and Eddie, but others of her friends and family. 
It wasn’t long before she felt arms wrap around her waist only to quickly be turned around and lightly pressed up against the locker beside her. 
Her beautiful brown-eyed boy was wearing his famous Hellfire Club t-shirt and his favorite jean jacket and pants. 
“Hi, angel,” he said, giving you a sweet kiss. 
“Hi, how was math?” 
“Fucking boring, as usual,” he sighed, “But I’m with you now and that’s all that matters.” 
She chuckled, “You really need to pass that final, Eds, If you’re not walking down that aisle with me, it’ll be the end for you.” 
“Speaking of... could you come over tonight and help me prepare for this test? I know I would fucking fail without your genius mind.” 
“Of course,” she smiled.
At the end of the day, she grabbed the books that she needed for the weekend and met Eddie at his van where she was greeted with a passionate kiss. 
“Well, isn’t someone happy to see me,” she kissed him once more before throwing her bag in the back. 
“Before we leave, I have a question to ask you.” 
Her eyebrows raised, “Is it bad?” 
“What? No! Of course, not,” he reassured her. 
He gave her a large envelope, which she opened quickly. 
“I was wondering... uh.. would you like to go to prom with me?”
She squealed when she saw the physical tickets for “Hawkins High School Prom 1986.” 
She instantly wrapped her arms around Eddie’s neck and jumped into his arms. 
“Yes, yes. Of course I’ll go to prom with you. Oh my God!!” 
She pressed kisses along his lips, then over his cheeks, and then all around his face. 
“I’m sorry it’s not a big ask like I’ve seen others do but,” 
She interrupted him, “Stop that. I love it and I love you. Thank you for doing this for me.” 
“I want to because I love seeing you so happy.” 
Prom night came so fast. 
Thank God Hawkins High canceled classes for the day. 
She was up and awake early in the morning to start getting ready. Eddie begged her to sleep over the night before but she didn’t want him to see her or her dress before the big night.  
Throughout the day, she was so busy: she had a hair and nail appointment as well as getting her makeup done by her best friend, Rachel. 
She saved the best for last, putting on her dress. 
After weeks of deciding between those two dresses - she finally found the perfect one. 
Her mother helped her into the baby blue dress and zipped up the back.
“The love of your life is downstairs,” her sister, Elizabeth, said, “And he looks incredible.” 
She put on her white heels and took her time to walk down the stairs - holding on to the railing for dear life so she didn’t fall. 
Eddie was facing away from her until he heard her movements.  
He took one look at her and fell in love with her all over again.
She felt the same, he looked so handsome wearing a suit. 
He raced to the bottom of the stairs to help her with the final few steps. 
“You look... wow. You look so beautiful,” he leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. 
Deep down, she knew that all he wanted to do was pick her up, twirl her around and kiss her all over. However, since they were in the company of her family, he kept it PG. 
After several pictures, Eddie finally got her out of the house and into his van.
While driving back to school, his hand intertwined with hers on her lap. He constantly told her how beautiful she was in her dress.
Sure, they’ve been going out for a while, but he’s never seen her so dressed up before — and vice versa. 
She couldn’t take her eyes off her man and how hot he looked while wearing something other than his normal attire.
As he abruptly parked the car as far away from the school as he could — can’t have those popular kids hitting his car. 
He ran over quickly to help her out of the car. 
As he was about to lead the way, she pulled his hand back to bring him up against her chest. She leaned up to quickly kiss his lips a few times. 
“I’m excited for tonight, and you really do look so handsome,” she kissed him once more before joining the other students making their way into the gym.
“I kinda only really wanna for a few songs tonight, then get outta here,” she said. 
“My God, you are the woman of my dreams,” he kissed her cheek and twirled her. 
Since none of Eddie’s friends “believed” in Prom, she saw her friends waving to her to go sit with him. 
“Wow, Eddie, nice to see you not in your typical uniform,” her friend, Rachel said — sort of joking. 
He turned around to give the table a full 360, “You all like?”
Hoots and hollers came from the table as she held her boyfriend close. 
“We’re gonna go dance.” 
“Behave, you two,” her other friend, Veronica stated. 
“Don’t we always?” she asked. 
“Never!” Veronica joked.
What felt like forever, the band finally played a slow song. She was still out of breath from dancing. 
Eddie pulled her in by her waist and swayed back and forth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. 
Deep down, Eddie didn’t find prom as bad as he thought it was going to be. He had the girl of his dreams in his grasp and never wanted the moment to end.
Every now and then, she felt him place gentle kisses on her temple as he held her close — like he was afraid someone was going to take her away from him. 
This was the moment she was looking forward to since her freshman year – before she even knew Eddie. She wanted to slow dance with her first love while feeling safe in his arms. 
She lifted her head to look into his eyes.
“What do you say we get out of here?” she asked. 
“Honey, I’d never thought you’d ask,” he grabbed your hand and swerved through the crowd of people. 
The cool Indiana air hit them as they walked back to Eddie’s van hand in hand.
Luckily, prom wasn’t close to being over so they had a chance to leave before everyone else. 
He opened the door for her and quickly ran over to his side. 
“What do you wanna do now?” he asked. 
As he was speaking, she pulled her dress up so she could leap over into the drivers seat. 
“Woah, what,” he said, hands instantly grabbed her waist to balance her. 
His hand reached down to pull the seat all the way back and down for more space. 
She spent the next few moments attacking his mouth with kisses. 
“What’s all this about?” he asked. 
“You did something very nice for me tonight. You knew how much prom meant to me so you sucked it up and went along with it. Thank you, Eds.” 
“I love seeing my girl happy,” he smiled, reaching to pull her dress up so he could feel her ass. 
“My uncle isn’t home tonight, wanna get outta here?” 
“I don’t have a change of clothes,” she pouted. 
“Oh babe, you won’t need any clothes,” he smirked.
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goingmorry · 4 years ago
[One Piece Headcanons] OP Boys -> when some guy asks them if you're single
Part One | Part Two
Characters: Luffy, Sabo, Killer, Shanks, Mihawk
Tags: reader-insert, gender-neutral reader, overprotective, possessive, jealousy, violence
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the likes and reblogs. I appreciate all the love! 💖
Easily gets distracted. The guy asks about you, and all Luffy can think about at that moment is spending time with you.
The question doesn't process in his head until the man asks it several times.
And even then, Luffy misunderstands.
He doesn't mean to make the other guy jealous, but he so does.
"You're their Captain, right?" the man addresses the straw hat pirate.
"Yup! I'm Luffy, the man who will become the Pirate King!"
"Right... I was wondering, y'know, as their captain... Are you aware if they have a special someone?"
"They? Oh - they're amazing, aren't they!" Luffy compliments you, ignoring the man's question, "I'm actually supposed to be helping them with their training! Maybe I should do that right now, huh?"
"No - That's not what I asked. I mean, do you know if they have a special someone?" The man attempts to steer the conversation back to his intended topic.
"Special... someone?" Luffy's eyebrows furrow in confusion before comprehension sets in, "Ah, I get it! Their crew! Their crew is special to them!"
The man looks at Luffy in disbelief, "No! That's not what I meant-"
Before the guy can get his point across, Luffy extends his rubber arms to fling himself across the island, directly crashing into your unsuspecting body.
"Luffy - what!?" you shout in surprise.
Luffy responds by wrapping his arms around you in a full-body hug, his signature 'shishishi' laughter ringing in your ears.
From across the island, the man observes your exchange with the straw hat pirate, disappointment and jealousy etched into his face.
He’s an absolute troll.
Messes with the guy by pretending to be clueless.
Ends up acting like a seemingly psychotic, overly possessive boyfriend. He's not. Trust him.
"Are they what now?" Sabo fights off the smile threatening to spill from his lips.
"Are they single?" the man repeats for the third time.
"Sorry, I can't hear you," Sabo motions to his ear, giving it a gentle tap, "I have trouble hearing. Can you please repeat that?"
The man's eyes soften in pity as he repeats the same question for the fourth time.
"Is who single?" Sabo asks again, appearing to make every effort to understand the guy's question.
The man clarifies another time. But before he can tell the blond Revolutionary to forget about it, Sabo perks up in feign recognition.
"Oh! Are they single?"
"Yes! You got it," the man exclaims, satisfied that his question finally got through.
Sabo taps his chin in thought, "Not that I know. Though I heard rumors that the guy they're with is a really fearsome man. Not someone you want to mess with."
The guy deflates at Sabo's response, "Are they now? They a pirate or a Marine... or something?"
"Mmm... Something like that," Sabo's fingers tap against the table in front of him, gloved hands obscuring the flames beneath his fingertips, "Ever heard of the Revolutionaries?"
The man nods in acknowledgment. "Rumors and the like. Never seen them myself, though."
"Same here," Sabo says absentmindedly. He motions for the other guy to lend him an ear, leaning over for a whisper.
"I would watch myself if I were you. Don't want to anger a group of strangers you don't know much about."
The man flinches away at Sabo's warning - or threat; the man wasn't sure. Sabo gives him a friendly smile in return, convincing the other guy that it may have just been a well-meaning warning between two close friends.
"G-gotcha. Thanks," the guy abruptly stands up, motioning toward the exit, "I better get going."
"It was nice to meet you, friend," Sabo calls out, his friendly smile morphing into a sinister one at the man's retreating figure.
The definition of cool, calm, and collected.
Immediately becomes suspicious of the other man for asking about you.
What does this strange man want with you? Why did he ask Killer in particular? What would this man do if you were already taken? Would he still try to pursue you?
Spends some time pondering but concludes that action needs to be taken.
Investigates your unwanted suitor and discover their malicious intentions.
In the end, Killer's cautiousness pays off.
Any chance they're single?
The Supernova's silence disturbs the other man, his eyes settling on the crowded room in makeshift comfort.
The sound of a gruff voice startles the guy into focus, body twitching in anxiety when he looks into the Massacre Soldier's expressionless mask.
"I don't know them," Killer says with finality.
It was impossible to read the Supernova's true disposition. His body appeared relaxed enough; arms splayed out in front of him in a civil manner. If it weren't for Killer's daunting presence and notoriety, the man would think that this blond-haired guy was your average pirate. For now, he had no choice but to conclude that Killer was telling the truth.
"Okay... Never mind then," the man awkwardly responds, leaving the tavern in displeasure.
- - - - - - - - - -
A masked figure looms over the inn you were resting at, sharp blades glinting under the moonlight. The Massacre Soldier himself was on guard tonight, eyes trained on the familiar body of the man who disturbed his peace earlier in the night.
Before your unwanted suitor can enter the lodge, Killer pulls him by the lapels, swiftly dragging the man into the back of the building - out of sight from prying eyes.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Killer says, muscled arms encircling the man's throat in warning.
The man clutches at the knife tucked underneath his coat and wildly swings his weapon at his assailant.
With little effort, Killer disarms and knocks out his opponent, searching the man's unconscious body for clues to his motive. Killer pulls out a slip of paper from the man's pocket and unfolds it. There's no mistaking it - a copy of your bounty poster - the price of your head neatly printed underneath your name.
"Tsk, should've known you were up to no good."
Another body to add to the Massacre Soldier's list.
Proud boyfriend™ alert.
He loves to gush about you. The fact that someone recognizes how beautiful and amazing you are - he's thrilled.
Shank's constant praise of you begins to wear down on the guy; he gets the message that the red-haired pirate is implying - to leave you alone.
Shanks flashes a lazy grin at the man beside him; attention renewed at the mention of your name. "Gorgeous brain and body, what's not to love, aye?"
Your potential suitor nods in agreement.
Shanks looks past the man and makes eye contact with you. You were happily conversing with his crew, enjoying their company at the local tavern while in town to replenish some supplies for the upcoming journey.
The red-haired pirate winks in your direction, and you fluster under his flirty gaze. Shank's eyes twinkle in amusement at your shy demeanor.
The man across from Shanks looks back and forth between you and the red-haired pirate; his mouth opens and closes at the implication of your relationship.
"That one's mine," Shanks answers the man's unspoken question, waving over the barkeeper for another round of drinks, "But I'd love to tell you more about them."
The only classy one.
Doesn't take offense to the question, doesn't beat around the bush, and doesn't threaten the other guy for asking about your relationship status.
If the other man has bad intentions, Mihawk will know. And he will take action.
His entire being is enough to intimidate most people, after all.
A-are they single?
Mihawk casts an uninterested glance at the man standing a few feet away from him.
Nowadays, there were only a handful of people who dared approach the World's Greatest Swordsman - the Marines and Shanks.
Rumors were circulating that the former Warlord had been traveling the seas with you - that the normally lone-wolf pirate had acquired a companion to accompany him in his seafaring journey.
Oh, how clueless they were.
"Yes, we're in a relationship. Them and I," Mihawk states, taking a refined sip from his wineglass.
"I-I see. Thank you," the man bows before briskly running in the opposite direction, away from the black-haired pirate's piercing golden eyes.
The next day, Big News Morgan publishes your relationship with the infamous pirate for all the world to read.
Mihawk's eyes widen imperceptibly at the newspaper clutched in his hands.
Maybe this is for the best, he thinks. If there's anyone who can keep you safe, it's him.
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historytaker · 4 years ago
Once upon a time in a prairie school
We were the children of toilers, broken homes, established names, and passing vessels. The only commercial successes our tiny communities could point to were the handful of  convenience stores or the adult video store that dotted highway . What passed for middle class standards might as well have been the steady assurance of heating in the winter, bathing gel, and new jeans at the beginning of the year for my classmates. The local economy was hardly existent. Boys were raised to stay home and work hard, drift off to a more urban area and explore their options in college or go to the military. Girls were never expressly told not to do any of those things, but if they did find themselves compelled to marry their high school sweetheart and aspire only within the sphere of domesticity, then that was fine too.
           Despite the prospects being bleak for all of us, the teachers at my school in 2008 were some of the most caring, compassionate, knowledgeable and wise that I could have hoped for. Chief among this symposium of educators was my English literature teacher, or in the parlance of my junior-aged self, (lets call him) “Mr. Smith.
           Mr. Smith was my English literature teacher. He introduced me to a passion that has never left me – love for British history. For it was in the telling of English literature as one part English language development and one part a snapshot into the historical context of the developing English tongue, that I was able to grasp the deeper meaning behind some of the tales that had been known but never dissected; such as the tales of King Arthur. Indeed, that semester our class was immersed in the terse and potent burst of verse from Beowulf and how we had to parse out the split personality of a deeply Euro-pagan story handed to posterity by a Christian pen. Or equally compelling was the sunburst of enlightenment energy handed down to us in the works of the English romantics or the introduction into the darker gothic musings that brought us Frankenstein. Yes, from Beowulf, the Wife of Bathe, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner to an introduction to Dickens proper, we took a tour of Britain in time and developed an understanding that these works were fictions, heroics, and sometimes even political statements of a revolutionary quality.
           It would have been incredibly easy for Mr. Smith to simply meander through this content with the grace of a perfunctory middle-aged nihilist. But he did not. He knew that half of us would stay among the hay-fields and gas-stations, the other half would scatter the compass and survive or fail but regard our time there with little care. Yet he told all of us from day one that we were special and that we mattered. He knew that there was nothing we were about to read we could not understand or draw our own profound conclusions therein. He knew that this literature was an opening to thinking more deeply about ourselves and the times we inhabited. He remarked on the relatively young but dazzling speed of thought of Lord Byron and William Wordsworth. He knew that we too would be the inheritors of the world and would be voting very soon. He challenged us to see ourselves in active, concrete ways and as influential as those romantic poets.
           Between the rich source material and the occasional class discussion, Mr. Smith also made a special point of speaking to all of us as people on the verge of adulthood. In many cases, he met us where we were at as individuals. He did not encourage arrested development. Instead he had a high standard for us and challenged us to match it because that was what adults did. So invested in our ability to excel, particularly in college writing, our big project was supposed to be a research topic—entirely of our own choosing—that was 12 pages long and had a bibliography. At the time, and even to this day, such a page count seemed incredibly daunting. Because Mr. Smith believed we could do it, offered clear directions, and ample edits and suggestions to add to the depth of the work, most of us succeeded in this task.
           As a matter of style, he dedicated himself to learning our names and in conversation would slip our names in meaningfully. It felt less like discussing topics in class in a question and answer format and more like having a conversation over a subject we equally enjoyed talking about. In this way, he made us feel like partners in our learning.
           Other teachers had their favorites or taught to the strengths that they best knew. In these cases, it became pretty clear early on how engaged the class might become. On the other hand, Mr. Smith  had a way of enveloping the entire class. Popular kids and ne’er-do-wells both found their voice in his class. It was unique.
           As an aspiring teacher, I can only hope to be as influential in learners’ lives. I hope to be a modicum of compassionate and caring over the fact that the students I will be teaching are near-future adults with great decisions to make in the society they inherit. I am sure the talents of Mr. Smith did not come easily or all at once. But I am also certain the attention to detail and the overwhelming faith in our ability to achieve regardless of our backgrounds or proclivities that may have suggested otherwise. And by having that faith, so many of us fought to confirm and affirm such dedication.
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years ago
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!)
 Howdy minna-san! I hope everyone had a good weekend. Now on with the news. Gotta make this short cuz we’re a bit behind. First off, chapter resumes this week so don’t miss it. Next, last weekend’s episode seemed all hope was lost. Big Mom landed as everyone waits for the moment to see if the cake would satisfy or kill her. Every bite she took made her fly into heaven. Totland was saved from her rampage, but the Straw Hats are in a pickle with all the forces enclosing her even with the help of the Sun pirates. Germa is also holding up as well. At the end, all the fleets enclose the gang and fired away. Is the end of our heroes? Next time, the gang is saved by Wadatsumi, but Jinbei makes a hard decision for him that could save the gang. What will it be? Don’t miss it this weekend. Now on with the ends. First off, Tongari-san is on a hold up due to the awesome event going next week so we’re gonna tell the news in his place. First off, check out Sabo and Franky’s b-day goods. The store will be selling the buttons and acrylic key chains. If you purchase goods over 3000 yen, you’ll get a free b-day poster of the handsome revolutionary himself. At Franky’s cola bar, they’ll be selling his b-day dish of his super meat wrapped rice balls with some tasty veggies and a cheese star topping. Next, next week is the anniversary week. Next Saturday, the tower will have a live concert show with guest stars Kitadani Hiroshi-san, and Ohstuki Maki-san. Details of seeing the show is on the website. They’ll also be having live talk shows with the actors of the Straw Hats. Lottery tickets will be given out so it’s first come, first serve. They’ll also have a photo greet with the Straw Hats as well and mini show of Bon-chan & his newkama pals. Tickets for this will also be given out so if you want a ticket, be the early bird to get the worm. It will be given out on the 5th floor. Next, stores will be selling this new Japanese style of TTOP t-shirt that has Sunny in Hokusai’s art style both in adult and kids size. Next, figurines! This new World Figure Colosseum of Ussop will be at arcades this Thursday. Claim your prize! Next, Straw Hat stores will now accept reservations for this new POP Maximum figurine of Luffy in snakeman mode which will be released on Aug. If you make reservations for figurines, stores will give a random bromide figurine card of either Kid w/ Killer, Cavendish, Nami, Robin, Reiju, the marines, Whitebeard, or Hancock in nice background. It has also being announced that voice actor of Ace, Furukawa-san, is the official ambassador of the POP figurine that makes good observations on the figurines. Moving on, we mentioned last time that these wanted square buttons will be available online, but Straw Hat stores will have it as well. You can buy a box or individual package. All random. Next, Jump Stores and Straw Hats stores will accept reservations for the glass clock of Luffy. It will be released early June. They’ll also sell this neat watch of the Straw Hat jolly roger. Next, new YAKARA fragrances! This time, they’ll have different fragrances of the boys again such as Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Ace, Marco, Law, Crocodile, Doflamingo, & Katakuri. It will be released this Saturday. Next, if you have child, you can order this Straw Hat holiday message card as birthday or graduation message. Next, Jump Stores will be selling these neat neck ties of Luffy in his gum gum pistol attack. It’s a great attire to liven up your work look. Next, the OP Luxury Ship event will have talking robo Choppers for entertainment and such. More news will be revealed. Taiwain will also have an anniversary event so tickets will be sold online. Jump Stores and Straw Hat stores are selling these luggage tags of the Straw Hats, Ace, Law, and Sabo great to decorate your luggage. Stores are also selling these cute thermometers as well. Next, here are more loads of Sanij’s birthday goods such as special Jump b-day button, art board, tote bag, postcard set, and new heroes collection buttons from East Blue to WCI. Stores are also selling this cute OP mascot folder that has Carue, Bepo, Sunny, Merry, and Laboon. Moving on, stores are selling this new folder of vol.92 cover of the Wano arc, colorful acrylic straps, box of chocolates (FYI: can be purchased individually), label stickers great for calendars or your Vivre Card folder, Wano Kingdom candy that comes with a free random sticker of either Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, or Chopper, and these new phone cases for iphone 7 or 8. Next, all book and anime stores are selling the new Vivre Card folder that has Sabo and other familiar faces, the new Vivre Card set vol.2 with Sabo on the cover, and the One Piece Party vol.5. Next, OP app game, Treasure Cruise, is having a short campaign where you can now get images of the Germa family including Sora. Last, but not least, MOVIE NEWS! Yes, it’s been announced that if you reserve tickets for adults or children, you’ll receive a free 4 set YAKARA buttons. Images will be released later. Reservations can be made online or at your local Seven Eleven stores. You can reserve until Aug.2nd. Well, that’s all we got for now. Tune in next week for more news and goods. Let’s call it a night boys.
 Movie tickets reservations: https://7net.omni7.jp/top
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Was Saint-Just really handsome?
Much has been made about Saint-Just’s supposed angelic beauty, to the point where it’s been taken for granted - of course he was handsome! Otherwise he would have never been named the Archangel of Death! 
But was he really? 
We only have a few suspected portraits of the young revolutionary, and only one of which we know with absolute certainty that it represents him (the Lebas pastel). 
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And while the person depicted in that portrait is not unattractive, I don’t think he’s the stunningly handsome youth posterity has made him out to be.
David used Saint-Just’s portrait lent to him by Le Bas’ widow to create this medal:
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Élisabeth Le Bas, who had personally known Saint-Just, approved of the medal and said it looked like him. So we have a direct portrait and a post-mortem profile to guide us. In his excellent biography of Saint-Just, Bernard Vinot writes:
Rarely has the physical appearance counted so much for a statesman. History has seized his archangel image and since then, all sensibilities are kneading this hermaphroditic beauty, at the discretion of fantasies or interests.  
This beauty is convenient for his admirers. Why should they be embarassed by the feminine appearance of a hero of which Lamartine wrote that he charged into battle at the head of the republican squads and threw himself into the melee with the recklessness of a young hussar? Is it forbidden to be beautiful when one is brave? 
This beauty is also convenient for his detractors. If he had been ugly, they would have compared him to the devil, but if he was beautiful, they could present him as the incarnation of the devil’s tricks and never ceased to underline the impressive efficiency of vice when associated with grace.
So, was Saint-Just really beautiful?
His contemporaries’ testimonies do not always coincide. His sister Louise evoked his “great beauty” to her young children, while Lejeune, the friend from his youth, spoke only of his “honest physiognomy”. His colleague Levasseur de la Sarthe called him “weak of body” while Camille Desmoulins insists on his rigidity: “You can see in his gait and his bearing that he regards his head as the cornerstone of the Republic and wears it on his shoulders with the respect reserved to a holy sacrament.”
Finally, Paganel, a member of the convention, offers us a more detailed portrait: “Of average size, a healthy body, proportions which expressed force, a big head, thick hair, a bilious complexion, small and lively eyes, a contemptuous gaze, regular features and austere physiognomy, a strong but veiled voice with a general hint of anxiety, the somber accent of preoccupation and defiance, an extreme coldness in tone and manners, this is how Saint-Just appeared to us, not yet thirty.”     
Outside the familial tradition, all these memories are not very convincing. Others were gathered much later from the survivors of the revolution. Thus Mignet said: “He had regular face with big features with a strong and melancholic expression; a penetrating and fixed gaze; his hair was long, flat and black.” Lamartine also insists on his “hair falling on both sides on his collar, on his shoulders.” If Erkmann-Chatrian sees him as “small and blond, with a very beautiful figure and generally very well dressed, but rigid and prideful” Lamartine shows him “unmoving at the tribune, as cold as an idea, (...) the calmness of absolute conviction spread over his almost feminine features, compared to Saint John the messiah of people by his admirers.”  
Bernard Vinot draws attention to the fact that most people who had known the young revolutionary personally and had described him during his lifetime (including his close friends) were not really in awe of his supposed beauty - in fact they did not describe a stunningly handsome man, but rather someone who looked acceptably handsome and had youth and a good sense of fashion on his side. His sister had loved him and lost him when he was still a young man, and one is always inclined to see loved ones, especially those tragically departed, through a kinder lens. The inevitable conclusion is that the farther away we get from the Revolution, the more angelically handsome Saint-Just becomes. Bernad Vinot continues:
Certainly, the literary testimonies are highly ambiguous! In the years following the revolution, beauty and youth would often be associated with Saint-Just. Without any doubt, paintings and engravings depicting elegant young men, with or without cravats, were qualified as “presumed portraits of Saint-Just”. This is probably the case of the beautiful picture attributed to Christophe Guérin, preserved in the Carnavalet Museum, of which nothing indicates that it has a connection with Saint-Just.
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However, the numerous representations made after the death of the young revolutionary - such as the medal and bust by David d’Angers or the engraving of Bosselmann the Younger, ordered to serve as illustration of Lamartine’s History of the Girondins  - they all attest to the fact that the myth of the archangel had already imposed itself. 
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The Bonneville engraving should also draw attention. This artist was specialized in drawing the revolution’s most famous figures, and his work is precious nowadays. The portrait he made of Saint-Just is the only one, to this day, which designates him by name, title and place of birth (albeit incorrectly) and year of death: it is thus without a doubt almost contemporary.
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Saint-Just is portrayed with his neck bared, his features hardened, his nose strong, resembling that of his father, with an expression dominated by vulgarity. In this image, we recognize the model of David or Greuze but aged (especially since the word is applied to a tired 27 year old man) and without his usual cravat. Furthermore, this engraving which came out in 1796, in the middle of the Thermidorian reaction, has the merit of being without favoritism. [...] Perhaps unintentionally, Bonneville has done Saint-Just a service by showing that his neck was not marked by cold humors, as Michelet called them (infectious manifestations caused by tuberculosis), which his detractors attributed to traces of debauchery. 
So we have several portraits depicting Saint-Just in various stages of fatigue, with his earlier ones showing him at his best. But can we judge for ourselves whether they were accurate? We certainly can. Let’s begin with his family. Portraits of Saint-Just’s father, mother and sister survived to this day, allowing us to get an idea of his genetic material:
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As we can see, both his parents had long faces, with strong noses and chins. Saint-Just’s sister Louise inherited these features:
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We can even go one generation down, in 1856 - behold a portrait of Saint-Just’s nephew, Constant Camille Decaisne, the son of one of his sisters:
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Of course, the Saint-Just genes are here mixed with the ones of Mr. Decaisne’s father, but one can recognize perhaps the long nose and chin so typical of Saint-Just’s family. Bernard Vinot concludes that Louis-Antoine had inherited the “big features” of Saint-Just and Robinot, his parents: long face, long nose, long neck, softened by youth and beautified by a confident clothing style. Without a doubt, age would have deepened these features. If he had lived, he would have resembled his father more and more, and would have gained the masculine, strong and serious - but not beautiful - allure of Louis-Jean. This natural evolution, accentuated by the harassing days and sleepless nights at the Committee of Public Safety and the armies, was probably visible in 1793. Furthermore, the personality was sufficiently mobile and the expression was sufficiently changed by the momentum of passion and burden of responsibility to be perceived and reflected differently. It’s only normal that Saint-Just’s portraits were not perfectly similar. 
In conclusion, it is most likely that Saint-Just was not particularly beautiful or feminine. If anything, Saint-Just would have probably been dismayed that his physical appearance is one of the things people remember him most for - this is not the immortality that he was imagining when he was writing: I despise the dust that forms me and speaks to you. This dust you may persecute and kill, but I defy you to rob me of that independent life I have given myself in the ages and in the heavens.
He wanted to be remembered as a man of character, action and virtue, not as the effeminate pretty boy we have turned him into. Do you want to do Saint-Just a favor? Stop mentioning the angelic good looks he very likely never had. Mention how incredibly brave he must have been to throw himself into battle, he who was essentially a government official, in a time where you could expect a lifetime of physical pain at best from acquiring a battle wound. Talk about his genius for organization, his unwavering loyalty, his temper, his occasional dishonesty - give him credit for what he wanted to be given credit... his life’s work. 
Fame is an empty noise. Let us put our ears to the centuries that have gone: we no longer hear anything; those who, at another time, shall walk among our urns, shall hear no more. The good - that is what we must pursue, whatever the price, preferring the title of a dead hero to that of a living coward.
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gyrlversion · 6 years ago
Revealed: Ministers meeting with eco group
Claire Perry held meetings with the Extinction Rebellion (XR) group at a climate change conference in Poland in November
A Business Minister was last night facing questions about why she met members of a radical environmental group which is plotting to paralyse London this week.
Claire Perry held meetings with the Extinction Rebellion (XR) group at a climate change conference in Poland in November.
Ms Perry told The Mail on Sunday she had a ‘good and productive chat’ with the activists, who have links to Labour’s far-Left Momentum faction and are preparing a new onslaught of civil disobedience and criminality conceived with military precision to bring Britain to its knees.
It comes as an undercover investigation by this newspaper has revealed a hardcore movement determined to turn the clock back to a life without fossil fuel – and usurping Parliamentary democracy in the process.
The first stage of their global ‘Rebellion Week’ begins tomorrow and involves a plot to paralyse central London for at least three days, creating human barricades at five key points: Marble Arch, Oxford Circus, Waterloo Bridge, Parliament Square and Piccadilly Circus.
Some protesters are even planning to super-glue their hands to objects in the road and each other, requiring specially trained police officers to laboriously unstick them using chemicals.
Ms Perry met members of the group at a summit in Katowice. She said: ‘We had a good and productive chat and have been in correspondence since.’
Organisers have talked of up to 30,000 eco-activists attending mass protests – and crucially many of them being arrested.
The protests have been seven months in the planning.
Their goal is to shut down vital roads and transport links, causing misery for millions of commuters and keeping over-stretched police officers busy for hours.
Ms Perry told The Mail on Sunday she had a ‘good and productive chat’ with the activists, who have links to Labour’s far-Left Momentum faction
Behind it all lies a chilling manifesto, with the prime goal for the Government to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025. The result of this would return Britain more or less to the Dark Ages.
XR was founded just a few months ago but has rapidly grown into a vast global organisation, with more than a hundred groups across Britain. Last November, they blocked bridges across London to bring chaos to the capital. In February, they took part in a nationwide school strike in which thousands of children were urged to miss lessons for a day and take to the streets in protest.
And on April 1, during one of the Brexit debates, a group of them stripped off in the Commons to stage a ‘cheeky protest’ about climate change policy.
Founder who became activist after taking psychedelic drugs 
Wiltshire mother and ‘neo-pagan’ Gail Bradbrook
Extinction Rebellion is the latest of several campaigns to be organised and partly financed through a private limited company called Compassionate Revolution.
One of its directors – and a key figure in ‘XR’ – is Wiltshire mother and ‘neo-pagan’ Gail Bradbrook, 47, who said on a recent podcast that she decided to become an activist as a direct result of taking huge doses of two powerful psychedelic drugs.
Despite the damage caused by air travel, she flew to Costa Rica to take a dose of ibogaine, a hallucinogenic shrub growing in West Africa. She also tried ayahuasca, a highly toxic, mind-bending potion made by Amazon jungle shamans. Bradbrook, left, who has a PhD in molecular biophysics, says the drugs ‘rewired’ her brain and gave her ‘the codes of social change’.
Afterwards, she ended her marriage and began her activism in XR. Within XR, she holds mystic ‘moon circles’ with female colleagues inside a tepee, at which they ingest another ‘natural’ drug, mugwort, used by ancient Celts.
She has warned that warming in the Arctic is likely to cause ‘the collapse of the food system’ in just three years – a belief no scientist would endorse.
She has also said she ‘does not condemn’ protesters who ‘choose to damage property in order to protect nature’, although she personally prefers non-violence.
The end goal is revolution through civil disobedience – to bring the Government to the table to discuss climate change objectives.
XR wants to break up the political class and replace representative democracy with a process called sortition – in which randomly selected people, without reference to ability or training, would be appointed as decision makers in a People’s Assembly.
Among the prominent figures in XR is Left-wing academic Roger Hallam, whose stated ambition for the group is to ‘bring down all the regimes in the world and replace them’, starting with Britain.
Hallam, 52, said in a recent YouTube video setting out his strategy: ‘The conventional forms of activism are no good. The emailing, going on marches… doesn’t work.
‘You need about 400 to go to prison and you need two to three thousand people to get arrested.
‘You win through fearlessness. This is not some pretty process where everyone’s going to be fine, but it’s better than violence.’
Another XR member, Tamsin Omond, is a former public schoolgirl and granddaughter of a baronet who is a veteran of Left-wing protest groups, including Occupy London.
Co-founder Stuart Basden says global warming is only ‘a symptom of a toxic system’ and likened prison to ‘boarding school’ as he urged XR followers to break the law.
Their creed has proved irresistible to Extinction Rebellion’s celebrity supporters, with actress Emma Thompson appearing in a video calling on people to take to the streets. Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has also given his support.
A source close to Ms Perry – who is senior enough to attend Cabinet – said she had ‘tried to convince the group that the UK is leading the way in reducing climate emissions and that the Government was listening and acting’.
The source added: ‘She asked them what their solutions were, and they told her that she should “declare a war” on climate change.
‘She replied that she understood the need for urgency, but believed you don’t start wars if you don’t have either weapons or tactics. She will meet anyone who is passionate about cutting emissions and who has ideas we can implement.’
XR grew out of an activist group called ‘Rising Up!’ – which tried unsuccessfully to stop the expansion of Heathrow. Its financial support comes from philanthropic foundations and crowdfunding. Their online crowdfunder, launched in October, has raised £166,000.
Last night a member of Extinction Rebellion denied that the movement planned to ‘usurp Parliamentary democracy’ but rather expected the ‘inevitable breakdown of the current system’.
Who’s ready to get arrested? Reporter goes undercover with the eco-activist group Extinction Rebellion – and finds they are as ruthlessly professional as they are deluded 
Special report by Holly Bancroft for the Mail on Sunday 
Cigarette break: XR training volunteer Clare Farrell
I’m sitting in a cavernous community hall in East London with a group of eco-activists huddled in thick jackets against the cold.
We’re being drilled for our arrest – like soldiers being trained for capture and interrogation by the enemy.
Our tutor is a sixtysomething woman with fuzzy white hair who knows all about civil disobedience and its legal consequences.
She explains passionately that we must not speak to the police, other than to give our name and date of birth.
We must not get drunk before the ‘action’ in just a few days’ time.
And we should consider wearing adult nappies – in case we’re locked up for hours in a police van with no access to a lavatory. Or if we decide to chain ourselves to railings, barriers or whatever else to cause maximum disruption.
Welcome to Extinction Rebellion (XR), the revolutionary protest group hell-bent on eliminating fossil fuels from Britain.
To achieve this, they are planning an onslaught of civil disobedience on a scale rarely seen in this country. And I’m here undercover as a new recruit, or ‘rebel’ as they call it.
My induction took place late last month in an anonymous office block near Euston station. I’m told XR was given the space for free by a well-placed sympathiser.
A lift takes me to the fourth floor – an open-plan space with a smattering of desks and some 40 new recruits, an even mix of male and female, all casually dressed.
A handmade poster by the lifts is daubed ‘Eco not Ego’. A large sign warns us to avoid ‘suppression juice’ – that’s alcohol – so we can ‘rebel with a clear body and mind’. Brightly coloured banners hang from the ceiling – ‘No Brexit in a dead planet’, says one – while a giant papier-mâché skeleton of some big beast lies, under construction, in the corner.
This introductory meeting is led by a bearded XR activist called Greg, who lives in a squat in West London with other members of the group. His first move is to lead us in an awkward ‘ice breaker’. Sitting in rows on school chairs, we’re instructed to stick both arms in the air and waggle from side to side, chanting ‘woo-hoo’.
Preparing for action: A photo of an XR meeting taken by our undercover reporter. There is no suggestion those pictured are all intending to break the law
Then comes a minute’s silence for ‘the dying planet’. Struggling not to laugh, I bowed my head with the others, eyes down.
‘Devote some of your brain to imagining the kind of world you want to create,’ says Greg. ‘To get through this struggle together, we need to hold tight to our dream.’
We’re asked to think of one word to describe the world we want – and shouts of ‘harmony’, ‘sharing’ and ‘green’ come from around the room. ‘Courageous’, mutters a boy in a long beige trench coat sitting next to me.
Questions follow. The volunteers are keen, but concerned.
A charity worker with short blonde hair says she is worried about XR’s policy of deliberately getting arrested.
Not that she’s against breaking the law – just that it might deter volunteers who cannot take the risk of getting into trouble.
Eating her dinner from a Tupperware box, another young woman raises concerns about XR’s links to Labour’s hard-Left Momentum faction. George agrees XR and Momentum have a good relationship.
‘Training session’: XR potential recruits Greg, left, and George
Then we are told to get in a long line, arranged in order of willingness to get arrested. It is time to hone our tactics and strategy for the forthcoming ‘rebellion week’ – which starts tomorrow.
‘Move around the room according to what you feel,’ says Naomi, one of the lead activists.
‘The question is this: how arrestable are you in XR?’
A handful immediately place themselves at one end of the room, the extreme that signifies: ‘Yes, I really wish to be arrested right now.’ A few walk to the opposite side, meaning: ‘Absolutely not.’
Middle-class zealots who’ll make Monday a misery for millions 
The most prominent – and radical – of the XR leaders is failed organic farmer and PhD student Roger Hallam
Failed farmer wants a world revolution 
The most prominent – and radical – of the XR leaders is failed organic farmer and PhD student Roger Hallam.
After years in a succession of Left-wing groups, the 52-year-old says the ‘name of the game’ for XR is to ‘bring down all the regimes in the world and replace them’. Hallam (above) says paralysing traffic will eventually cause food shortages and trigger uprisings.
In a recent interview, he said XR protesters should be ready to cause disruption through personal ‘sacrifice’. If necessary, they ‘should be willing to die’.
XR co-founder Stuart Basden, 36, a middle-class writer from Bristol
Co-founder says jail’s like boarding school 
XR co-founder Stuart Basden, 36, a middle-class writer from Bristol (above), has goals that go way beyond a desire to curb global warming.
Indeed, he has claimed: ‘XR isn’t about the climate. You see, the climate’s breakdown is a symptom of a toxic system that has infected the ways we relate to each other as humans and to all life.’
Basden has urged XR followers to embrace going to prison – where he spent a week after defacing London’s City Hall with spray paint last year – saying it is ‘a bit like boarding school’
Tasmin Osmond, 35, is a veteran of ‘direct actions’
Veteran campaigner from baronet family 
Tasmin Osmond, 35, is a veteran of ‘direct actions’ which had little to do with climate change, such as Occupy London, the poverty protest which set up a camp outside St Paul’s cathedral in 2011.
The granddaughter of Dorset baronet Sir Thomas Lees, Omond (above) went to Westminster School and Trinity College, Cambridge, where she read English.
She was thrown out of anti-aviation group Plane Stupid after saying the green movement ‘brand’ was ‘unwashed, unshaven and up a tree’, and this ‘doesn’t represent me’.
George Barda, 43, believes the ‘Criminal UK Government’ is to blame for climate change
Student who’s on Putin’s TV channel 
George Barda, 43, believes the ‘Criminal UK Government’ is to blame for climate change.
A post-graduate student at prestigious King’s College in London, the son of classical music and stage photographer Clive Barda still finds time to be a dedicated revolutionary and camped outside St Paul’s cathedral in the Occupy London campaign.
Today, Barda (above) is a director of XR parent company Compassionate Revolution and regularly appears on Russia Today, Russia’s controversial British TV channel.
I’m with the majority shuffling around in the middle amid embarrassed laughter. This position says: ‘Maybe, let’s think about it.’
They ask us how far we’ll go. Will we commit a litany of protest crimes – smashing windows, defacing buildings? Will we glue ourselves to doors or block roads using ‘swarming’ – sitting down for a few minutes at a time to stop traffic?
‘I’m comfortable with spray paint that permanently damages but not breaking windows,’ states a woman in her 30s from a refugee charity.
‘I’m somewhere between the permanent spray paint and the chalk spray paint,’ says a man studying for a PhD in environmental activism. ‘They can’t charge you with criminal damage if you use chalk paint.’
After an hour or so, we’re all split up into what they call ‘affinity’ groups based on how radical they judge us to be. They don’t seem to think I’m very revolutionary.
Roles are assigned for the forthcoming ‘action’. Our group has a ‘wellbeing co-ordinator’, a ‘legal observer’ and a ‘media organiser’.
How far would we go for the movement? A Scottish actress in her 20s tells us she’s planning to recruit her mother. ‘I think I’d be OK with being arrested,’ she adds. ‘It’s just that I’m so in and out of the country, I work between here and Paris. I don’t know if I would be able to make my court date, so I don’t know if it would work out.’
Another young woman, a university student, says she’ll bring her harp along to keep us entertained during ‘rebellion week’. Before the meeting breaks up, the organisers call for mature women willing to be trained as ‘de-escalators’.
These are the people asked to calm down frustrated members of the public, particularly drivers, trapped in the traffic jams we’re going to cause.
Then the evening comes to a conclusion with repeated chants of ‘Extinction… Rebellion’ from the hardened activists, who then treat us to an impromptu and utterly excruciating dance.
A beat box starts blaring, one long-haired man sways expansively, arms waving out of time, the others jig about. I leave, armed with XR stickers and posters to plaster on the streets.
The group gives me constant updates through the WhatsApp messaging system, and a few days later I’m back in the office block for another training session. This time, it’s altogether more alarming.
An activist in her 20s called Jess lays out XR’s terrifying vision of the future: ‘We want to build a structure, a community and test prototypes for the coming structural collapse of the regimes of Western democracies. And we see this as inevitable – this has to happen.’
Now, we’re drawn further into the plans for illegal protest, and made to take part in role-play scenarios of activists clashing with the police.
The golden rule is to stay silent when confronted by police – unless we quote from a self-righteous prepared statement outlining our supposed right to break the law as a ‘conscientious protector’ of Planet Earth.
And we must never, ever identify any of the XR organisers in case they are charged with inciting illegal activities.
Activists who plan to ‘lock on’ by super-gluing themselves to public property are warned to expect a long wait, as few police officers are trained to dissolve the glue.
The hope is to cause the maximum amount of chaos. They might even have activists locked on at five separate protest points in London. If we are seized by the police, we must make our bodies go floppy, to tie up more officers as they attempt to carry us away.
I endure a further marathon training session at a climbing centre in North London.
We’re being addressed by the white-haired lady, who I now know is press officer Jayne Forbes. Stating her own readiness for martyrdom and jail, she tells us that: ‘I’m an older person with no responsibilities.
‘I’m prepared to go to prison and I think we are privileged in this country to have prisons that are relatively acceptable.
‘If I was living in Brazil or something, I could get killed as an activist. Our prisons are not bad compared to many in the world.’
She tells us never to agree to a caution because that would be ‘an admission of guilt’.
We must never accept the help of a duty solicitor because they would be ‘pally with the police’. I’m learning a great deal.
We’re advised only to bring an old-fashioned ‘burner’ mobile phone to the protest in case the police want to seize the device as evidence.
I’m told a paperback will help me while away the long hours in a police cell – and that I can ask for up to three blankets from the custody officers.
I now have a list of ‘friendly’ solicitors on a small sheet of paper reminding me of my legal rights. Can we get vegan food in prison? XR thinks the answer is ‘yes’.
By the time I say my goodbyes, I’m truly worried. If this week goes according to plan for Extinction Rebellion, I know that many of its members will be only too delighted to learn first-hand about the inside of our police cells and our prisons – believing they have come one step closer to making their dangerous plan a reality.
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ripstocking · 7 years ago
New York City: Artist Scott Ewalt’s life-long passion for burlesque is unparalleled. It inspires his art, has guided his career, and has lead to many friendships, but it’s perhaps most apparent in the spectacular interior of his East Village apartment. In 2000, when Giuliani’s mission was to clean up Times Square, Scott’s mission was to save as much of it as he could possibly store. His one-of-a-kind collection celebrates the trailblazing performers and venues of New York City’s legendary burlesque scene. In his own work Scott continues this obsession, blurring the lines between collector, historian, and visual artist. His last show at Participant Inc. was a grand installation that mixed theatre signage, wallpaper, and memorabilia. The star pieces were his depictions of gangs of seductive devils roaming through intricately detailed cityscapes of Time Square at the height of it’s sleazy chaotic glory; a decadent zone where all pleasure is encouraged. Talking with Scott is a brilliant web. His back-stories have back-stories. He’s obsessed with the origin of ideas. As he speaks he connects lines through history in order to explain where concepts in fashion, art, music, and culture began. His militancy about this has made him a leading expert in downtown subculture, some of which he’s lived first hand, playing a leading role in what are some of the city’s best moments. Scott’s fairy tale introduction to New York began with being discovered by Thierry Mugler while still an architecture student at Princeton. He became Mugler’s muse for his iconic Vampire collection, starting a collaborative friendship, and long wild ride through the height of the acclaimed designer’s dominance in fashion. Let’s start with Betty Boop. Was she your first introduction to burlesque? Probably. I was a big fan of Max Fleischer cartoons. He created her, Felix the Cat, and Popeye. I had a special interest in him because my great aunt was his nurse. Why were you so fascinated? I read that when Betty Boop danced, every tenth frame she would be nude. You can only see it if you stop and actually look at the individual frames. That made Max my hero. So, that I love strippers so much now makes perfect sense. Also, in the early cartoons, the backdrop for Popeye was always the Bowery, and I thought, ‘That looks great. I wanna live there’. How did you end up getting this apartment? The worst possible way. I was close friends with Luciana Martinez de la Rosa. I helped her move in here. She was only in the apartment for eight hours and she caught spontaneous meningitis and basically exploded. She had the boy in the bubble disease, but before they had even discovered it. Had they diagnosed it she would have had to live her whole life in germ free seclusion but instead she had this insane career as a Carnaby St. DJ, glam rock muse (Roxy Music), punk rock muse (Vivienne Westwood), and then she was the queen of the Blitz. As much as I miss her, out of everyone I’ve ever known she crammed the most into the fewest years. Yikes, how strange. Luciana was a painter. I know she would have been happy that a friend and fellow artist took the space. Yeah, so that’s the story. What was it like when you moved in? It really was the encyclopaedia of CBGB’s. You’d go to the deli and you’d see Suicide or two of the Ramones, and on the other corner, Gerard Malanga Lenny Kaye lived next door so Patti Smith was always around. And all the old beatniks like John Giorno, Robert Frank, who I’d see hanging out with that Broadway legend Uta Hagen. Almost anyone that wasn’t a bum was someone quite celebrated. I was in hog heaven and then all of a sudden it felt almost like someone unplugged a drain and all my heroes slipped through it. Everyone that made it special for me got pushed out. But you stayed? Well, in 2000 the building went up for sale for a ridiculously low price. Today I would get something the size of this bed for that amount of money I paid. So the other tenants and I pulled together to buy the place. We knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, plus I’d already collected all this burlesque signage and there was no way I’d be able to put this puzzle back together anywhere else. So, I decided to bite the bullet. I did everything I could, sold things, ran credit cards to the limit and borrowed. Even Thierry Mugler lent me money to close. I just barely made it. Once it was yours did you renovate? We had to. That’s when we found all the goodies. When we opened the walls they were stuffed with human hair because the top floor used to be a wig factory and when they would sweep the left over hair from the wigs would get trapped in the walls. Eventually it filled up the entire negative space of the whole building. It insulated great but at the same time it was kind of horrifying. And isn’t this place also rumoured to be the notorious Suicide bar? There was some debate about whether it was across the street or here. But when we excavated we found bottles of benzene which they used to make the cocktail so… Can you explain the bar? In the 1870s they served the Suicide cocktail, which was benzene, cocaine and rum, and it was served to prostitutes. One would make you high, and two would kill you. A lot of women would drink two and then jump out the windows… Dark… Let’s talk burlesque. At what point did you start collecting stuff? The first time I visited New York I stayed in Times Square and I was completely blown away. It was at its Koch-era peak of sleazy broken-down-ness. Everything was a hostess house, there was still taxi-dancing, and porno theatres that people lived in. I even saw a topless shoeshine booth. It was the Wild Wild West but in the middle of the city. And it was all based around Burlesque? Yeah, the girls didn’t have pimps. The majority of them weren’t even sex workers. I became fascinated with them. They didn’t sing or have a band but they were like: I’m starring in a show and that show is just ME! That takes such confidence. I have a lot of admiration for those performers because I wouldn’t be able to do it if my life depended on it. Do you remember buying your first piece of memorabilia? Around 1987 I became friends with Paula Klaw. She’s know for beating Betty Page with a hairbrush in all those famous pictures. She and her brother ran the notorious Movie Star News. They made those iconic Klaw movies with Paige, Tempest Storm and Blaze Starr. I started buying photographs from them. Paula saw I was hooked and said, ‘You know I have an actual Tease-o-Rama poster from 1955, do you want that?’ I told her I would kill to have it. She sold it to me for six dollars. Today it’s worth something stupid like $6000. That was my first piece of burlesque memorabilia and I still have it in the other room. How did you jump from that to signage? Giuliani started ‘cleaning up’ Time Square and with the space I have in this apartment I finally had the room to store stuff, so I made friends with all the Greek women that ran all these theatres. I told them, ‘I’m on your side, Giuliani sucks and I think your business is fantastic, so if you are ever in a position where you want all of this excellent stuff to go to a great home where it will always be preserved and eventually end up in a museum, then call me and I’ll pay you good money for it’. One by one they all called and that’s how I got everything. I also would go down to the south side of 42nd street and go to all the construction and… Pull stuff out of the trash? No. I would ask for whoever was supervising the demolition. And it was, you know, a construction guy that would always ask, ‘Why do you want this crap?’ And I’d say, ‘You’re just throwing it out, but I’ll offer you 50 bucks for it’. The next thing you know I had a team of construction scouts that would call me whenever they thought I might like something. I heard your collection has the oldest male strip club sign in New York. I think it’s the oldest in America period. (He points to the sign to right of his bed) That is the first outdoor sign that advertised showing all male films. They used to show Vapors by Andy Milligan at the Eros Theatre. That movie kept people coming to the theatre for fifteen years because a guy takes his towel off and goes off screen and you could see his blurry cock for like three tenths of a second. So, obviously when you put this house together it was about showcasing your collection. It was my therapeutic way of dealing with Giuliani. I thought if he is going to remove this amazing world from our city then I’m gonna make my own Time Square and sleep in the middle of it. Plus, I think it’s sexy. As I get older it may get creepy, but right now I still find it very sexy. I love that you collect both the male and female history of burlesque. It’s post-gay. My gender politics have always been that I like everyone. Gender equality for strippers? Exactly. I have definitely seen just as many of both. I like the exaggeration no matter what sex it is. They never look the same in real life as they do under a pink and blue light with music and costume. It’s a living illusion. Were you recently inducted into the Las Vegas Burlesque Hall of Fame? No, I was honoured with what they call a ‘Sassy Lassy’ award for outstanding contribution to the world of burlesque, and for my work helping the ladies figure out what the original soundtracks to their acts were. Some of them only had a memory of what they used to dance to. A lot of them hadn’t performed in over 30 years. It was a perfect symbiotic relationship, I got an inside track on the true history and they would get their act back together and a new friend. How did they feel about the Museum? Some of them, especially the ones that got married and found God, had guilt about their life in burlesque. The nicest thing about the Burlesque Hall of Fame is that it alleviated their shame and made them realise they were important sexual revolutionaries. Out of all the ladies you worked with who was your favourite? My favourite strippers of all time: Are Zorita, Kitten Natividad, Lilly Christine, Marinka, Liz Renay and Tempest Storm. Thanks to John Waters, Liz Renay and I struck up a friendship long before I started working with the museum. We were close for about fifteen years until she past away in 2007. She was like Debbie Harry and Mae West all at once, and super sexual. Up until she died she scheduled three dates everyday. She told me once that she was truly blessed because she never walked into a room where she wasn’t the most beautiful woman. I’m sure it was true. I met Tempest Storm through the Hall of Fame. That was a big moment for me. She did not disappoint. How old was she when you met? 80. She still looked absolutely unbelievable. She’s a real spitfire too. The ones with the names like Tempest and Satana have intensely strong personalities, and the ones with the softer names like Kitten really are the sweeter ones. They’re like comic book characters. They completely live up to their character’s names. Do they also honour male performers? Not yet. Male burlesque has been going on just as long as female burlesque but being a male stripper is even less socially understood. Not only are you a sex worker but you’re a sex worker based on a female profession. There’s double guilt so the history has been pushed underground. Many of the famous male performers still won’t talk about it. Is that something you try to correct in your own artwork? I have been working on the same series of images forever. I started off wanting to document what Time Square looked like. I didn’t want them to look like Edward Hoppers or nostalgic ‘70s photo-realistic paintings, because the whole thing about Times Square that made it magical for me was the confusion and chaos and the constant overlapping of pop culture. I needed something to inhabit these cityscapes and I decided the only logical occupant would be devil versions of the male strippers that I hire to work my night at The Cock. Obviously. So you combined all your loves? Yeah, that’s what I think art is about. It’s like a potion. You put in all the ingredients that you love in order to get what you want. I shopped the show around for years and got practically laughed out of town. Then, thanks to encouragement from Charles Atlas and Kembra Phafler, Lia Gangitano from Participant offered me the show last spring. It was super fun. I got to do everything I wanted to do. The press release mentioned ‘psychotronia’.What’s that? It’s the more exaggerated version of pop culture. If Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were the norm, then Jayne Mansfield and Liz Renay were psychotronia. It’s this whole attitude of life where everything is completely turned to eleven. The violence is ridiculously violent and the sex is ridiculously ridiculous and all the people that made the movies were incredible hustlers. The most successful psychotronic filmmakers were Russ Meyer and Roger Corman. For me psychotronic movies were actually closer to reality than what Hollywood was doing, trying to imitate reality. I’ve always loved this definition of camp: the lie that tells the truth. That is what psychotronia is. I never heard that definition. I love it… OK, one last topic. Is it true that you were one of Thierry Mugler’s muses? Hmm... Well. He heard about me form a mutual friend. When he approached me he said, ‘You’re the person I’ve been looking for this vampire collection I’m about to do. I heard you study architecture and you’re clearly a vampire’. (Laughs). He liked the way I cut my hair at the time because it was cut to a point and completely flat, when everybody else had their hair moussed as high as they cold get it. My group of friends were all going against that. We had flat hair-dos and were working outfits with unadorned silhouettes, basically black body stockings. He became fascinated with all of us. I was still in school at Princeton and he started sending me sketches of ideas for the vampire collection and invited me to come to Paris and model in the show with Jerry Hall. Wow. A New York City fairy tale! At the time I was a wallflower. I never considered myself good looking at all. He was the first person to say, ‘I love the way you look and that you go to this prestigious school and you’re a swimmer’. All the things I thought were social spurs he thought were super great. When we finally hung out I knew all of his references and he knew everything about everything. I fell completely under his spell. If he wanted to see a certain colour of red, he would take a Concorde to China and go see a parade. In that period he was really, really strong and his fragrance made him incredibly wealthy. From ’88 to ’98, he had his finger on the pulse more than anyone else in fashion. Why was he coming to New York so much? He was bored with the aesthetic repetition of Paris. At that point his entire social life was seated dinners with half men and half women and everyone dressed in Mugler, telling him, ‘Yes, you’re the greatest’. He needed to shake things up and find new inspiration, and he found us. We were all wild kids that lived ‘pedal to the metal’. It was really exciting because he took all of our suggestions seriously and could really make anything happen. He would ask, ‘Who’s really making a wave in pop-culture right now?’ And I’d tell him, ‘Everyone is in love with Traci Lords and Crybaby and the next thing you know, Traci Lords was on the runway. I was about 22 and he was 40. It was funny, we used to take a limousine that was a block long to Boy Bar. For a while, his New York family actually equalled his Paris court. Did he dress in his own clothes? He actually was the caricature of the Mugler man. I always felt that I could be brutally honest with him because I had nothing to lose. He once showed me a couple of the tapes from his shows so I told him, ‘The only thing that’s not incredibly excellent is the music’. At that time, fashion show soundtracks were either disco or classical. Those were our two options. Maybe, jazz if you were really feeling wild… (Laughs). So he said, ‘OK, you want to take the challenge. Here are the different themes for my next show’. So in ‘91 he invited me to Paris and we did a burlesque themed show starring Diana Ross, and everyone thought that it was the most revolting thing that they had ever seen in their entire life. Were you fired? No, it became the beginning of a new era for him. His Vampire and Atlantis collections had both done amazingly well. And by the third time we collaborated he was comfortable with my perspective and let me include all these odd bits of music. Some of my choices then, I would never dare do today. Like when in 1991 when I played Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n’ Roses as the woman that was about to become the First Lady of France walked the run way. At another show I used all this super racist, Chinese music from the ‘50s because the theme was ‘Hong Kong Honky Tonk’. Are you still friends? You said he loaned you money. He’s always been super, super generous with me and he’s just always been the most amazing guy, but unfortunately, when he became Manfred Mugler he started to pull away from most of us. That’s too bad. So now you know nothing about the apartment and everything about me. Perfect. As a nightlife veteran do you have any parting wisdom for the new kids? My advice for living in New York is to keep your overhead low. Also, this city is an endurance test. If you don’t pace yourself you’ll burn out. That elasticity that you have when you’re in your 20s really ends. After that you have to have six drinks instead of 20, and if you’re gonna do drugs, do them once a month. You have to realise your health and your time are extremely important.
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officialotakudome · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/mobile-suit-gundam-wing-and-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-endless-waltz-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-collectors-ultra-edition-blu-rays-dated/
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector's Ultra Edition Blu-rays Dated
Rightstuf has dated the  Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray:
GRIMES, IA, September 6, 2017 — Anime distributor Right Stuf, Inc. and anime producer Sunrise Inc. are excited to announce the upcoming release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray will be available December 5, 2017 and will include the entire TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. This edition will also feature an entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews, complete with other limited edition items to be announced. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on December 5, 2017. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collection 1 and Collection 2will also be available on Blu-ray and DVD on November 7, 2017.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $269.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1766 ISBN: 978-1-57032-585-4 UPC: 7-42617-1766-2-3 Runtime: 1682 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: TV: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo, English LPCM Surround Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 13 Case Qty: TBA
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA and Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-49 of the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. 
Special Features: An entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews, 5 large art cards, 5 small art cards, 3 posters, a 5-piece metal pin set, and a 188-page hardbound full-color art book featuring detailed key art, promotional artwork, mecha and character design galleries, staff and cast interviews, storyboards, and more! The entire set will be housed in a high-quality chipboard art box. This is a limited edition set and will NOT be remade.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $59.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1762 ISBN: 978-1-57032-582-3 UPC: 7-42617-1762-2-7 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features: Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $44.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1764 ISBN: 978-1-57032-583-0 UPC: 7-42617-1764-2-5 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Waltz Movie: English Dolby 5.1, English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Operation Meteor: Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features: Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1754 ISBN: 978-1-57032-578-6 UPC: 7-42617-1754-2-8 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1756 ISBN: 978-1-57032-579-3 UPC: 7-42617-1756-2-6 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1758 ISBN: 978-1-57032-580-9 UPC: 7-42617-1758-2-4 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1760 ISBN: 978-1-57032-581-6 UPC: 7-42617-1760-2-9 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
0 notes
yoshi4sushi · 7 years ago
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 HOWDY-HO, NAKAMAS! Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Before we start off, there’s terrifying news about the 5.2 quake magnitude in Osaka so due to that, all places are closed until further notice so if you’re heading there for visit, please keep yourself updated of travel safety news. W/o further notice, let’s get down to business. We have loads and loads of news to share with you so know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter calmed down a bit. Princess Mansherry was kind enough to heal Shirahoshi’s injuries so all is good. King Neptune thanked Myosgard for saving her life so he’s willing to make peace with this meet. Myosgard assured him that he will support him in any way he can and even allowed Leo and his crew that they’re given permission to beat up anyway celestial dragon with his permission. Well said chum! The paramedics arrived and took Saint Charlos to get his injury treated. His scum dad showed to see him hurt. He got a new slave, and sadly, it was Kuma. He get stabbed and beat up by the scumbag w/o begging for help. There’s an unexpected guest that snuck in Mariejois. It was Bonney in disguised as a royal member. What could she planning to do? Meanwhile in a secret underground tunnel, Sabo and the rest of the revolutionary commanders are lying in wait. Sabo is impatient and wants to rescue Kuma from the scumbag, but Karasu and Betty told him that it’s better to wait until the right time comes. It was revealed that Kuma was once a king of his own country before he gave into the control of the world gov’t. What a shocker! A king? At the end, the five elders were talking about the kingdoms and that Vivi’s family are the only ones that w/drew from being celestial dragons so fears that they could be a threat. They arrived at the empty throne only to see someone is sitting on it. The mysterious figure that had Luffy’s bounty poster. The elders kneel before this figure and called him or her, Im-san. Who is this high royal figure? Is this highest authority person above the elders? Guess we’ll know more next week. No chapter this week so be patient and wait. Next, this past weekend’s episode was SCARY! One after another keeps going after Ceasar and Bege, but Germa are doing their best to keep them away from so they can escape over the wall. Suddenly, Luffy and Sanji appeared and saved Reiju from Big Mom’s attack. As they try to escape, Big Mom provokes Luffy for being a coward of running from the fight so he couldn’t handle her taunting and attacked her in full power with gear 4th, but ran out of steam. At the end, the boys are down and in a tight situation. Next time, Luffy, Sanji, and Germa are down for the county until the castle starts tumbling down from an unknown explosion. What caused it? Guess we’ll see this week. Don’t miss it! Now on with the goods! Look who dropped by for a quick visit! Yup, it’s our fellow tower mascot, Tongari-san! What’s the buzz, my friend? Tongari-san says that lots of awesome stuff is gonna happen next month for the summer pirates festival! First off, they’ll have 3 fun games. Each play is 800 yen. If you succeed to win the games, you’ll be given an official Straw Hat water smartphone pouch that keeps your phone safe. For snack, they’ll be selling a bucket of cotton candy with many flavors such as blue raspberry, yellow lemon, pink peach, green apple, purple grape, white candy, and red strawberry. Loads of yummy flavors. It costs 600 yen. The tower will also be inviting the Straw Hats, Sabo, Law & Bepo, Ann, the clown duo, Buggy and Puggy for a photo greet. At night, they’ll pair Luffy with Sabo or Law as well. You have to be given a ticket if you want get your photo. It’s first come first serve so you have to be at the tower early if you wanna get your ticket before they run out. For July, they’ll have the Straw Hats, Sabo, and Law. Their schedule has been posted on the website. In August, they’ll have Ann, Buggy, and Puggy. Their schedule will be posted later on. Next, shopping goods! They’ll be selling official summer goods such as buttons, acrylic charms/figurines, a candy bag, a ticket holder, and a folder. So much awesome goods! The 3rd floor have also re-stocked more of the character goody bags that comes with a long towel, glow in the dark bracelet, and button set. You have to be inside the tower to purchase them. They have it at the Tongari Island Store. You can’t miss it. Next, prizes! Loads of prizes! The new Ichiban Kuji will be released on OP day which is on July 22nd. Prize A through E are figurines of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law, and Ace. Prize are mugs, prize G are picture boards of any characters, the special board prize are Luffy & the boys. Prize H are mini plates. They’ll have it available at Straw Hat Stores, Tokyo Tower, and hobby stores. Next, Gashapon machines will be stocking these figurines of Pudding, Nami, and Hancock in their bikinis. It will be released early August. Next, arcades will stock this new Flag & Diamond Ship of Reiju in her alluring black leather outfit. YOWZA! Get those coins ready to win this diva! Moving on, NEW, MUGI MUGI PLUSHIES! This time, they’ll have Sanji and Pudding in their wedding outfits, and the Germa siblings! They’ll be released in early Aug. I believe. Next, Straw Hat stores will be selling these authentic summer kimonos outfits and wooden sandals that are worn by Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, & Chopper in the colorspread for boys and girls. Each are sold separately. Next, guess whose b-day is approaching next month? I’ll give you a hint: she’s expensive, gorgeous, and feisty. You got it, it’s none other than cute cat burglar, Nami-swan! Her b-day is on July 3rd. To celebrate her b-day, Straw Hat Stores will be selling her birthday button and bromide frame pic. If you purchase over 1000 yen, you’ll get a free bromide card of her enjoying pampering from the cats. Next, awesome JUMP goods have been released such as this t-shirt of chibi Straw Hats in the front and back, and this colorful shirt of the Straw Hats & other characters in kid versions. Stores are also selling this small pin of Luffy that Bartolomeo was trying to sell to some local from the chapter stories. It’s so small as the size of a one yen coin. Very cute! Next, Straw Hat stores will be selling these fun summer straps of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Nami playing with their water guns. They’re also selling this fan of the gang in their army outfits. Last week, the stores released this stylish hard notebook of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Law. Good for writing notes. Next, stores are also selling this neat tote purse of Lucci as an addition of his birthday merch. Tokyo Tower will also have it as well. Moving on, Hong Kong will be having an OP Summer Park as well. Details will be revealed later but it will start next month until last day of Aug. Next, Shimamura Music Store will be selling Brook’s pricey shark guitar. Everything is exactly the same from the anime. You must live w/in the country to have it shipped. You can also purchase it and have it mailed to a friend or relative that lives in Japan. ROCK ON! Next, FC Tokyo Team will be having an OP event from the upcoming special episode of Skypiea. The team will face off against the Yokohama F Marines. They’ll release a special video message from Luffy at the soccer game. They’ll also have a quiz game for kids and student to enjoy. The game will be held at Ajinomoto stadium at Chofu, Tokyo area. You can check out their official page. It’s also in English and has info on access. Also, Chopper will joining the event & will have a meet and greet event. GAME ON! Ticket reservations will start this Friday. Look into their Japanese page for the info. Next, this Wednesday, Tondoco brand will be having an OP collaboration so they’ll release merch they’ll be selling at the store. You can follow their Twitter page. Next, last week, new LINE stickers have released of the Straw Hats and in-motion with cute phrases. It’s available in English as well so you can purchase it. Last, but not least, here’s the new cover of vol.11 of Whole Cake Island arc that has Brook rocking his soul!!! You can order the DVD on the Japanese site of Amazon. PHEW! I think that’s about everything. Tune in next week for more news and goods. Special thanks to Tongari-san. Come again, nakama. Kikko! Momon! Outstanding job! Let’s call it in.
 Guitar: http://store.shimamura.co.jp/shop/g/gmt0048322/
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officialotakudome · 8 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/rightstuf-announces-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-revolutionary-girl-utena-sets/
Rightstuf Announces Mobile Suit Gundam Wing & Revolutionary Girl Utena Sets
Rightstuf has announced new home media sets for Mobile Suit Gundam Wing & Revolutionary Girl Utena:
GRIMES, IA, August 17, 2017 — Anime distributor Right Stuf, Inc. and anime producer Sunrise Inc.are excited to announce the upcoming release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collection 1 and Collection 2 and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on November 7, 2017 and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on December 5, 2017. Also, a Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray will be available December 5, 2017 and will include the entire TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. This edition will also feature an entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $269.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1766 ISBN: 978-1-57032-585-4 UPC: 7-42617-1766-2-3 Runtime: 1682 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: TV: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo, English LPCM Surround Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 13 Case Qty: TBA
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA and Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-49 of the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. 
Special Features: An entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews, 5 large art cards, 5 small art cards, 3 posters, a 5-piece metal pin set, and a 180-page hardbound full-color art book featuring detailed key art, promotional artwork, mecha and character design galleries, staff and cast interviews, storyboards, and more! The entire set will be housed in a high-quality chipboard art box. This is a limited edition set and will NOT be remade.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1754 ISBN: 978-1-57032-578-6 UPC: 7-42617-1754-2-8 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1756 ISBN: 978-1-57032-579-3 UPC: 7-42617-1756-2-6 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1758 ISBN: 978-1-57032-580-9 UPC: 7-42617-1758-2-4 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1760 ISBN: 978-1-57032-581-6 UPC: 7-42617-1760-2-9 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $59.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1762 ISBN: 978-1-57032-582-3 UPC: 7-42617-1762-2-7 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features:��Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $44.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1764 ISBN: 978-1-57032-583-0 UPC: 7-42617-1764-2-5 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Waltz Movie: English Dolby 5.1, English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Operation Meteor: Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features: Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
    GRIMES, IA, August 17, 2017 — Anime producer Nozomi Entertainment is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Black Rose Saga Blu-ray Collection, the second of three sagas in the series, and Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Apocalypse Saga Blu-ray Collection, the third and final saga in the series. Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Black Rose Saga will be available November 7, 2017, and Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Apocalypse Saga will be availableDecember 5, 2017 Also, a Revolutionary Girl Utena 20th Anniversary Ultra Edition Complete Series Blu-ray Collection will be available December 5, 2017 and will include all three sagas (39 episodes) plus the theatrical feature, complete with other limited edition items such as a replica Rose Seal Ring, a replica Black Rose Seal ring, and a 264-page art book. The first of the three sagas in the series, Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Student Council Saga Blu-ray Collection, will be available October 3, 2017.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   10/10/2017 Street Date:   11/7/2017 SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1720 ISBN: 978-1-57032-576-2 UPC: 7-42617-1720-2-1 Runtime: 300 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3 Disc Count: 3 Case Qty: 30
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Yurikuma Arashi)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
The hit anime that inspired the best-selling shojo manga by Chiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes to Blu-ray!   Utena and Anthy have become close during their time as roommates. So when Anthy casually mentions she has a brother, Utena can’t help but feel shocked. She thought she knew Anthy, but the longer she and Anthy are friends, the more she discovers she doesn’t know. What other secrets could Anthy be keeping? However, Utena won’t have time to dwell upon such matters. A new group of duelists has emerged from the shadows. These new challengers wear black rose signets and also seek revolution, but their methods are different than those of Ohtori’s Student Council. They don’t wish to possess Rose Bride. They want to kill her.
Watch the Trailer   The second of 3 sagas in the series, The Black Rose Saga contains episodes 13-24 ofRevolutionary Girl Utena.
Special Features: Animated art gallery, 1997 Utena promo, and  interviews with Utena Director Ikuhara
Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Product specifications and content subject to change.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   11/7/2017 Street Date:   12/5/2017 SRP: $79.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1724 ISBN: 978-1-57032-577-9 UPC: 7-42617-1724-2-7 Runtime: 460 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3 Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Yurikuma Arashi)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
The hit anime that inspired the best-selling shojo manga by Chiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes to Blu-ray!   As the final duel rapidly approaches, the Student Council’s will to continue is beginning to waver. After all, End of the World’s identity and motives remain a mystery. And Utena, fueled by her desire to protect Anthy, continues to prevail over the feeble ambitions that drive the Student Council to fight. But the Council’s ambitions are reignited when they hear a sound. At first, it’s faint, but soon it becomes clear: The promised revolution is within reach – and the duels must go on. And what of Utena’s own ambition? To become a prince, the duels may be only one of the trials she has yet to face.
Watch the Trailer   The third of 3 sagas in the series, The Apocalypse Saga contains episodes 25-39 of Revolutionary Girl Utena andRevolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie.
Special Features: TV Series extras: Animated art gallery, interviews with Director Kunihiko Ikuhara, interview with actresses Tomoko Kawakami (“Utena”) and Yuriko Fuchizaki (“Anthy”), interviews with the English-language cast, Japanese staff commentary for episodes 37-39, dueling themes karaoke, TV spots, and trailers.  Movie extras: Full-length movie commentary by Director Ikuhara, behind the scenes with the English cast, TV spots, and trailers.
Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Product specifications and content subject to change.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   11/7/2017 Street Date:   12/5/2017 SRP: $224.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1728 ISBN: 978-1-57032-584-7 UPC: 7-42617-1728-2-3 Runtime: 1060 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: TV: 1080p, 4:3 Movie: 1080p, 16:9 Disc Count: 10 Case Qty: TBA
Extremely limited set that will NOT be remade
Includes a special deluxe 20thAnniversary Edition box; a replica Rose Seal ring; a replica Black Rose Seal ring; and a 264-page art book
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Yurikuma Arashi)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
The hit anime that inspired the best-selling shojo manga by Chiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes To Blu-ray In A Stunning Complete Collection Featuring All 39 Episodes And The Theatrical Feature!   “Never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up.”  When Utena was just a child and in the depths of sorrow, she found salvation in those words. They were the words of a prince, who wrapped her in his rose-scented embrace and bestowed upon her both a ring and the promise that it would lead her to him again. She never forgot the encounter. In fact, she was so impressed that she aspired to be like the prince and also help those in need. Now a spirited teenager, Utena attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. However, her strong sense of chivalry soon places her at odds with the school’s student council and thrusts her into a series of mysterious and dangerous duels against its members.
Watch the Trailer   Contains episodes 1-39 plus the theatrical feature of Revolutionary Girl Utena.   Special Features: Video extras include: clean opening; clean closings; live action video for opening single; TV spot for opening single; promos; trailers; animated art galleries; Japanese staff commentary for episodes 37-39; full-length movie commentary by Director Kunihiko Ikuhara; dueling themes karaoke; behind the scenes of the movie with the English cast; and interviews with Director Kunihiko Ikuhara, Tomoko Kawakami (“Utena”), Yuriko Fuchizaki (“Anthy”), and the English cast.
Physical extras include: a special deluxe 20th Anniversary Edition box; a replica Rose Seal Ring; a replica Black Rose Seal ring; and a 264-page art book featuring: art galleries; episode commentaries by Director Kunihiko Ikuhara; behind-the-scenes stories; liner notes; and interviews with staff including Director Kunihiko Ikuhara, Director Tohru Takahashi, Assistant Director Shingo Kaneko, Art Director Shichiro Kobayashi, Character Designer Shinya Hasegawa, and Conceptual Designer Hiroshi Nagahama.
Note: Extras and Artwork subject to change.
Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica Product specifications and content subject to change.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   9/5/2017 Street Date:   10/3/2017 SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1716 ISBN: 978-1-57032-575-5 UPC: 7-42617-1716-2-8 Runtime: 300 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3 Disc Count: 3 Case Qty: 30
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Sweet Blue Flowers)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
Based on the best-selling shojo manga byChiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes to Blu-ray!   “Never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up.” When Utena was just a child and in the depths of sorrow, she found salvation in those words. They were the words of a prince, who wrapped her in his rose-scented embrace and bestowed upon her both a ring and the promise that it would lead her to him again. She never forgot the encounter. In fact, she was so impressed that she aspired to be like the prince and also help those in need. Now a spirited teenager, Utena attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. However, her strong sense of chivalry soon places her at odds with the school’s student council and thrusts her into a series of mysterious and dangerous duels against its members.
Watch the Trailer   The first of 3 sagas in the series, The Student Council Saga contains episodes 1-12 of Revolutionary Girl Utena.   Special Features: Clean opening, clean closing 1, live-action video for opening single, TV spot for opening single, and TV spots.   Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica Product specifications and content subject to change.
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