#the best thing I’ve gotten out of Honkai is that I went back and rewrote the plot of my own work to make it less complicated
tea-cat-arts · 2 years
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If I had a nickel for every time Mihoyo set up something excellently entirely through implications and visual story telling, only to insert some bullshit narration/monologue that completely contradicts everything we’ve seen so far and ruin the entire premise- I actually don’t know how many I’d have. Hopefully I’d be able to buy enough vodka to forget those plot lines ever happened though
Seriously though, up until HoD, every Herrscher that had gone violent had done so as the direct result of human cruelty. Siren was a victim of torture, Anna had been isolated to the point she didn’t have the will to resist the Honkai… heck, didn’t PE HoC directly say that it would have just lay dormant if they hadn’t tortured and killed Rin??? Didn’t they make a point to say that Senti was only born because three of the strongest forces against the Honkai decided to turn on each other (heck, wasn’t she also ultimately stopped with love and compassion)? I thought that was supposed to be the significance of the previous era and why they failed- that they were cruel and that they hurt each other, only making their overall situation worse. But no, people just weren’t evolved enough I guess
You know another benefit to making the Honkai just a product of humanity, Mihoyo? Using love and friendship to save the world instead of project stigma would have actually made in-universe sense. As things stand now, our protagonists just seem like a couple of idiots trying to stop what seems like a perfectly reasonable plan just because they personally don’t like it. Why on earth would Kevin, a man who’s watched all his friends and his world die, have any reason to ignore the plans of his world’s leading scientists (who’s work has actually yielded results) for some hair-brained idea that no longer makes sense with the lore and risk the destruction of yet another world??? If they had just stuck with the original premise though, what the protagonists are trying to do would have actually had a precedent within the lore
I don’t know how to conclude this. Idk man, I’m just sick of Mihoyo fucking things up by making them more complicated than they have to be. Anyways, pardon all my ranting today. Here’s a picture of my cat as compensation
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