#the best part tho is when the friend group actually sees jensen
mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
all of the friend group knows bryce is completely whipped. btw. it is a running joke bc as confident and flirty as this bitch is if jensen is in a room he Will find him in less than 20 seconds. they catch him staring All the time. like he is well and truly losing the unbothered king competition
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keeper-of-words · 6 years
The Problem With the Spn “Family”
I tried to find links for proof but I couldn’t find any cause I’m bad at this. So work with me if I get some of this wrong or some of my info is outdated I’m writing this from memory. Warning, this will be pretty long.
Remember a little while ago? Like yesterday maybe... I don’t know- who knows? Certainly not I! But I saw some people who were really Proud of themselves, oh so very Proud, for being so much better than a different group of people. Now, what on earth was that about? Oh! Yes! I remember now! It was about the Cockles(?) panel! And the J2M panel! Some people were hella shook about Misha Collins being excluded from the questions, which in all fairness is pretty rude. But like, Jensen and Jared are adults, now, I have no idea what kinda questions were being asked but they could’ve asked Misha for his input, they shouldn’t have to but they could’ve worked to include him. NOW ONTO THE COCKLES(?) PANEL. Now I know it was a big thing “Boo hoo, jared’s incroaching on our ship” and yeah, that kinda sucks. But like... get over it. The problem is how Proud the Cockles fans were for being so much more inclusive of Jared than the other group was. Sorry, I don’t know the fanon name. But they were so aggressively Proud about being so much better and i just ????? Are you really petting yourself on the back for something so mundane? Are you really that petty? Yeah it’s not want you wanted but going on the internet and saying how much better you are instead of confronting the problem- and oh, i don’t know, suggesting some ways to fix it?- you’re bragging about being a better person, which in my opinion isn’t that much better.
Now just in general the hate in this fandom- I’m sorry- Family. Is disturbing. Ya’ll remember a general amount of time ago (I don’t remember when this was, sorry, like genuinely non sarcastically sorry about loose grip on time) the muffins? Cause I remember the muffins. The muffins with the razor blades (or something sharp) that were given to this spn fangirl by another spn fangirl. Now! In all honesty, i don’t remember why this happened, but I’m like 83% sure that it had something to do with destiel. The poster had photos and everything (of which i did not click the links because i was a scared young child (I still wouldn’t click the links tbh)) That poor girl had to go to the hospital. She had major damage done to her mouth (which is kinda important) and it was all over a simple fictional ship. Then there are shippers in general. Now I don’t know if my last paragraph made it clear, but I don’t really care for Cockles. I think it’s kinda creepy. But destiel, oh hell yeah, I love me some destiel. Sastiel tho? Not too fond of that nuh uh, or sabriel really. My main is Destiel. And you know what? That’s fine! It’s also fine if you ship Sastiel! Or Sabriel! Or Literally anything in the show! Cause it’s your ship. But destielhellers ( I don’t know how to spelll) are the destiel shippers who literally harass the actors about destiel. Harassment baad. Now Cockles in general I just don’t like cause fore the most part none of us are particularly close to the actors so we only see a fraction of their lives ship if you will, I’m just not fond. But I’m getting off track The problem is that people get hate, death threats, and injuries because. and there are the people on the other side who are sending that. Now lets just say this: For every person who recieves a hate message there is a person who sent it. There boom now the fandom is split 50 50 (People sending hate could also be recieveing and also the people who never rcieved hate but we ain’t gonna acknowledge that cause I’m failing math). That means that at least 50% of the fandom are assholes. sooo yeah.
Let’s be real if my family was at all like this family I would disown myself (My actual irl uncle called me a bitch once (1) and i still avoid him) it’s horrible and toxic and you know what? I’ve never once sent hate. I do my best to support those who do receive hate in a way that I think is helpful, and if they say it’s not helpful I change it to a way that they say helps.  So when I see these call out posts for the supernatural fandom I feel safe in knowing that it isn’t aimed at me. Could I speak out more? Probably. Could I donate to their Ko-Fi and commission them? I wish but I have like 86 cents so... Someday tho! And if you’ve done what you can, what they say helps and you haven’t sent them hate then you can feel safe (In my opinion at least) knowing that it doesn’t include you.
Alright, so I wrote this in the same way I speak. This is how I would talk if I was ranting to one of my friends. So here’s the TLDR: The supernatural fandom is trash. It has always been trash the entire time that I’ve been on tumblr. It’s full of entitled brats and abusers. And when someone complains about the entire fandom, and you know 100% for sure that it wasn’t you then shut up. It’s not about you, don’t make it about you. Get over yourself. 
Personal note: I’m 16. I’ve lived perhaps a tenth of my life. And I am sitting here crying. I’m crying from anger and sadness. Every single day I see my favorite artist get ripped to shreds, and try to put herself back together again with little to no help, only just to get attacked again and again and again. I just want it to stop. I’m tired of people acting like she’s in the wrong, but she is not. And here recently, it seemed like people were finally listening, the hate didn’t stop, but people were listening. And now? Now that people are calling the Spn fandom out on it’s shit? Everybody who these callouts don’t apply to is getting offended and now they’re attacking her. She said something a few days ago on a post about “good people” in the spn family and how those “Good people” were haters. And she got attacked over it.
@eliciadonze I am so sorry. I’m so sorry for what people do to you. But it’s not your fault it’s never been your fault. I hope someday it gets better. You deserve so much better. I am so sorry. I hope someday people listen to you. I hope someday you get treated like the amazing person you are. 
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