#the bealtes one shots
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Reunited and it feels so goood but this time it’s George
It was a sunny and bright day today and I’m on my way to see one of my favorite people ever, George Harrison, which made the day seem even brighter. The boy was on vacation from being one of the most famous person on earth and even though I knew him way before his fame, it was a joy getting to rediscover everything I adore about him. When he got back from touring we decided to meet at my house because he didn’t want fans to invade. Frankly, I was a lot scared because I was terrified of talking to a new, egotistical, bastard George. But after just five seconds of finally being with him again, it wasn’t the case and we clicked again almost immediately. He made my heart flutter and if I wasn’t such a scaredy cat, I would ask him out right then and there. Instead, I called him that night asking if he wanted to go downtown with a few of my friends. Of course he said yes but god I wanted it to be a date so badly but I had to word it like that because I wasn’t thinking and I am sTuPiD. But, I promised myself I wouldn’t get my hopes up because most likely he doesn’t feel the same way. He is after all a Beatle.
I finally arived downtown, looked for a place to park, and started looking for my friends. I headed down every single street I could,looking in every store/restaurant/anything along the way but I had no luck. I spent about an hour doing this too. I concluded that, not only am I a bad planner but I had no chance in making this day a fun and enjoyable one so I just headed back to my car in angsty way. It was far away, and I had no one to accompany me. Plus downtown can be scary.
I was looking down at the sidewalk when I felt a droplet of water on my nose. I though it was hopefully nothing but then it started to smell strongly of, you guessed it, rain. Now rain makes downtown look amazingly beautiful but it sure as hell doesn’t when you still have to walk about twenty more minutes to get into your car. The rain was pouring now and it was making me real cold. I heard a loud crash. “Shit” I swore to myself. I had to get inside. I searched for the closest place I could and at last saw a restaurant. I opened the door to see a ton of people waiting in line. When I looked around I realized the long line was understandable because this was a beautiful place. It reminded me of a very fancy place but it had good prices. I got in line deciding that this would be a good place to cool down after this hectic situati- “Y/n!!”
I heard someone call my name from the door. I didn’t think it was for me and assumed it was for someone with the same name but I looked back and saw... George!! I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug happy that I finally found someone to end my loneliness. He kissed the top of my head as I had my arms wrapped around him and asked“Where were you silly?” “I really don’t know and I am a horrible planner” I replied kind of embarrassed. “Ah it’s ok, at least we found eachotherooohhhhshite” “What’s wrong?” “Lots. Of. People.” “Oh right. Wanna get out?” “Eh I’ll take my chances cause I’m starved but is it alright if we go somewhere private afterwards?”
He sounded kind of nervous asking that. As if I would get frightened by the thought of being alone with him. It made my heart do a flip flop at the possibilities but I wasn’t scared so I said, “yeah of course we can” with a smile. He smiled back, grabbed my hand and kisses it making me turn into a giggly school girl. We ordered and got our food thankfully not being noticed by anyone. Once we had gotten out of the restaurant we made sure to stay out of the rain. When we had to get in the rain though, George would hold me tight and try to cover both of us like an umbrella. It was funny and quite cute honestly. I was subconsciously following him but finally decided to ask where we were going. “Oh right. We’re going to my car and I was hoping we could drive somewhere so that we’re not just looking at a wall” “That’s understandable”.
A short walk and an even shorter ride later and we were parked on top of a mountain where you could see all the beautiful lights of the city. Me and George were in the back of his car having just finished our food when the situation hit me
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It seemed all too perfect. Besides all the chaotic searching for your friends earlier, all that seemed to be a thing of the past even though it happened not too long ago. Here you were, having finished some great food, in a car looking out into a blanket of diamonds with a person you’ve been longing to be close to for a seriously long time. Was this even real.
Suddenly I felt a soft peck on your cheek snapping me back from my lingering thoughts. Wait what just happened?!?! I turned to George who now had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. “Wa- was that you?” He quickly brought his arm back to where it was. “Oh Christ I’m sorry y/n I thought maybe this was a date and it seemed all too romantic for it not to be and you just look so beautiful and I’m sorry I just gotta” before I could tell him that it was ok (more than ok) I felt his soft lips on mine. He kissed me slowly. Slow enough that I had enough time to kiss him back. When I did kiss him back, I felt both of us relax. While the kiss got more and more passionate I felt him leaning me back into the car seats and I felt that both of us wanted to be close to eachother as possible. Not out of lust (yet wink wonk) but out of love. In between one of the kisses he whispered
“I missed you so so soooo much”
And he began kissing me again without giving me a chance to respond so I parted our lips myself after a while
“I missed you mo-“
“Shut up no you didn’t”
And we were back to kissing. I chuckled into the kiss and let myself enjoy this moment for as long as I could. It was like a dream. A VERY good dream. After a while the kiss got too much and we needed to break apart or I think both of us would combust. Even when our lips were separated it wasn’t enough and George placed small pecks all over my face before bringing me in for the loveliest hug I’d ever experienced. Then he looked me in the eyes, took my hands and confessed to me. “Y/n. I don’t know how you felt about that but that was the best I’ve ever felt in my life and I would love to have more moments like this all the time. With you.”
“I ohmy I’m yes! I mean like I would love too aswell!”
George smiled and laughed
“I love you y/n”
Turns out you can make a sunny turned rainy turned awful day around
“I love you too George”
To the person that requested this, thank you so so soooo much for reading my other fics and I really really hope you enjoyed this one!!! If not just ask me to do a rewrite or something and I’ll do my best :)))
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Paul taking care of a drunk john perhaps? Just a bunch of fluff hhshbnnjjj
Calling Only You
/n: i tried writing this earlier but it ended up really sad so here’s my second go at it.
pairing: Paul McCartney x John Lennon
summary: It’s late in the night and Paul McCartney gets a call. He’s not surprised to find it’s John Lennon in need of a ride.
warnings: alcohol-induced sickness
word count: 2,000+
It was very late in the night when Paul woke to the sound of the phone ringing. With a groan, he stirred in the swaddle of comfortable blankets encasing him. Rolling over, he blinked up at a ceiling that he could barely make out through the moon's faint glow. It hit him that he should probably answer before it woke his dad. After another ring, he shuffled to the edge of his bed, blindly groping in the darkness until the phone was in hand.
“‘Ello,” he said, stifling a yawn.
Muffled music and loud chattering filled the other end of the phone. “Macca-Love, you-you’re up!” John’s slurred voice stood above the background noise. “What a lovely night to be awake with me!”
Paul scooted up in bed, leaning against the headboard. “It’s late, John.” Clicking on the lamp at his bedside table, he saw it was half-past three. “Very late.”
“Yesss, Macca-Love. And! And I need you here with me.”
“Johnny, get yourself home on a bus. You’re drunk.” Paul let out a long yawn. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He went to hang up the phone but John began to frantically call out for him. He reluctantly put the phone back to his ear. “Yes?”
“That’s why I’ve called, darling-love.” He sighed dramatically and Paul could vividly imagine John putting the back of his hand to his forehead like a fainting girl in the pictures. “I’ve lost all my money in a cruel game of pool. Used the last of my change to ring you up.”
Paul’s eyes closed and open very slowly. He would have to dress and drive into town. The realization was slightly infuriating but he’d do just about anything for this man and they both knew that. “Tell me the pub you’re at and I’ll be there soon.”
Paul shuffled around his room, pulling on his trousers and tucking in the t-shirt he’d been sleeping in. The whole affair took only minutes. After pulling together what one could loosely call an outfit, he crept through his house and out the door, keys in hand.
John wasn’t usually one to be out at bars alone. He preferred a group, even when he was drinking for sorrow's sake. Who would he impress with his drunken wit with no one around? It brought questions bubbling at the back of Paul's groggy mind.
None stuck around long enough to get him worried about it. He just drove through the quiet night, wind blowing through the cabin of the car to slap him awake as sleep threatened to close his eyes. As he neared the bar, he kept an eye out on the sidewalk for John, in case he decided to walk.
Sleepy eyes drifted from either side of the street until something- someone- was thrown out into the street from between two parked cars. Paul’s eyes went wide as saucers as his foot slammed down on the breaks, a gasp catching harshly in his throat. The car screeched to a halt. He panted out breaths, his heart rate suddenly riding at a million miles an hour. He couldn’t see the figure for his car hood but he hadn’t felt any kind of impact.
A hand slammed the hood of his car, hoisting up a disheveled and bloody lipped John, looking like he’d gone completely spare. He didn’t even stop to look into the car that almost hit him. Instead, he flung himself at a man that stood between the parked cars, fists flying.
“Could have killed me!” John bellowed as his fists flew into the man's face and torso.
Paul threw the car in park and yanked open the door, a flurry of curses leaving his lips as he marched over to the fighting pair. There was a bird trying to yank back the unknown man as he took a beating from John. She didn’t seem strong enough to get the job done, though.
“Hold yours and I’ll get mine,” he called to the young girl. She nodded, tugging harder at her man's arm.
In one motion, he grabbed John’s upper arms on either side and yanked him back tightly into his arms. The bird wrapped her man into her arms, fussing over his bloodied face. John was struggling against Paul's chest, trying to break free and get back at the now half-conscious bloke. The irritated bassist turned the lad around and pushed his back into the side of the car.
“It’s me, sodding idiot!” He pressed himself against John’s chest to calm him, holding his arms down.
His body relaxed immediately but his eyes were still searching for the fight. “Ello, darling. Interrupted something, y’know?” He smiled, the blood from his split lip staining his teeth red. It turned the drunken smile sinister and ghoulish.
“In the car. Go.” Paul stepped back, carefully eyeing John as he slipped into the car and closed the door. He kept his attention almost fully on the lad until he was in the car himself. He knew it was in John’s nature to finish the fight he started.
By the look of the other lad, he already had.
Paul started the car and began down the road in silence. He couldn’t help but look over all the injuries his mate had gotten in the span of fifteen or twenty minutes. John’s smile was disappearing as the seconds went by, his head drooping forward. The color had left his face and every time Paul glanced over it seemed the dark red of the blood at his lip and over his eye stood out on the paling skin more and more.
“Paulie…” He looked to his mate and knew almost immediately. He looked about to gag, his mouth hung open and hand to his stomach.
“Fuck, fuck.” Paul whipped the car to the side of the road and slammed it to a stop.
“Paul, I don’t-“ John clamped a hand over his mouth, gagging into it. Paul leaned over him and threw the door open just in time.
John dropped out of the car like jello, hacking up his stomach contents on the sidewalk. Paul craned his neck to make sure his mate wasn’t going to choke. His hands stayed at the wheel, his foot on the break.
“Puke in me dads car and you’ll never be able to see me again,” Paul said it jokingly as John pulled himself back into the car but they both knew it wasn’t a joke at all. Jim McCartney never cared much for John, only growing some sense of sympathy for him after his mother had passed so suddenly.
With all that being said, it might not have been Paul’s best idea to turn the car around in a haphazard U and head the opposite way from John’s house.
“See me drink on the cobble and fancy one for yourself,” he asked, voice muffled and shaken as he dragged his leather sleeve across his mouth. Blood was now smeared across his lips and left cheek like a birds streaked lipstick. Paul knew that he couldn’t drop his mate off in good conscience. He needed looking after, that much was obvious.
“We’re going to my place.” Paul glanced over for a read on the lad but he just curled his legs up in the seat, folding in on himself. His hands hung off his knees, trembling. “That alright?”
John grunted, burying his head deeper into his legs, and that was taken as a yes. Paul reached over, holding one of the shaking hands in his own and drawing soothing circles with his thumb. John didn’t unfurl from his ball the entire way to Paul’s house. He only gripped Paul’s hand with wavering intensity.
Paul slipped his hand away to park properly and John’s hand curled into a tight fist in its absence. As soon as the car parked, John frantically went for the door. He yanked it open, falling out on hands and knees to puke again.
Paul hurriedly pocketed the keys and went to his friend's aid. He patted his back as the upheaval continued. “Get it all out, son.”
Once he seemed done with his spell, Paul hauled him to his feet and threw his mates arm over his own shoulder. As they moved towards the door, John’s feet struggled to walk properly. This put most of the responsibility on Paul to keep him upright and walking straight. It was more than a little difficult to quietly drag a man larger than himself up the steps and into his room without waking his father or brother. But it was managed.
He gently sat John on to the edge of his bed and ducked over to his desk to sit the small rubbish bin in his mate's lap. Paul gripped John’s shoulders, looking him dead in the eyes. John's eyes were glazed and shining as if looking into a void of great intrigue. Paul, figuring that was the best he could hope for at the moment, patted his shoulder and made for the door.
“Back in a mo. Aim for the bucket, love.” John’s glassed over eyes found Paul’s before his head fell into the bin, upheaving thrice over now. “Doing great,” he mumbled as he shut the door behind him and went to work on gathering the necessities.
After clearing the driveway of any sick, Paul places the keys back in their place and went to the bathroom. He gathered a warm basin of water and two rags. Slowly, careful not to spill the water, he maneuvered to his room and sat down his supplies.
John was curled up on his side in the bed, hugging his sick bin. He was the poster child of pitiful in that moment. Paul shook his head at the sight and left again to grab a glass of water.
He sat the glass on his nightstand and went to work on the pitiful boy. “Okay, come on. Sit up, love.” He coaxed the lad into being upright, leaning against the headboard. “You can’t be getting blood all over me bed, now.”
Paul dunked the rag into the basin, the water warming his fingertips, and dabbed at the cut running through John’s brow. John winced back, his face twisting up with the sudden pain. Paul mumbled an apology and moved down to John’s cheek, lightly scrubbing at the smear before moving to his lips. He patted over them gently, John leaning into the touch. The cut seemed to already be scabbed over well, just needed the blood cleared away.
John fell forward when Paul pulled the rag away, trying to set it down so he could continue with his caretaking. John seemed to not be having that. He wrapped his arms around the bass players back and pulled him close, nestling his head into the crook of Paul’s neck.
“I love you, darling.” It was the first thing he’d said since the car ride and Paul couldn't stop a smile from spreading across his face. “You’re my world.”
“You’re not winning me over with that, now.” Though he already had. “Let me get you ready for bed.” Instead, John began to kiss at Paul’s neck, pulling his shirt up. Paul laughed and moved his hands away. “You’re too drink for any of that.”
“But you’re not.” He sang the words in between sloppy kisses, going for Paul’s zipper.
Paul rolled his eyes and moved John’s hands again, forcing him to take hold of the glass of water instead. “Drink, slag.” John did as he was told, gulping back the whole glass. “What had you out by yourself, anyroad?”
He took the glass away and began to strip the boy of his leather jacket. John seemed over his short-lived lust, letting Paul slip off his shirt without going for Paul’s.
“Boredom.” His eyes followed Paul as he moved around him, fussing at every bit of him. “Tired of sitting ‘round without a thing to do.” He seemed a bit soberer than moments before.
Paul slipped off his trousers and tossed the ensemble to the corner. ��Could have rang me up,” Paul offered, moving off the bed to grab a set of pajamas for the lad. “Instead of getting into a bar fight and losing all your money.”
John’s waved a dismissive hand, pulling on the sleepwear without moving off the bed. “You were out all day.”
Paul’s brow furrowed as he slipped off his own trousers. “No, mate.” He got the other rag from the basin, wringing it out before placing it over John’s forehead. “Been home all day. Did you try to ring over?”
“Yeah. Rang three times. You’re dad said you’d been out with George for the day.”
Paul nudged his friend over and slipped into bed with him, realization taking hold. Paul scoffed indignantly. “Me dad. Of course. He’d said it was salesmen.”
“He’s back to that again? Me mum passing only gave me so much of a grace period with him?” John’s voice was rising. “Well, I know I could-“
Paul hurriedly hushed him. “You’ll wake the house like that,” he hissed.
John raised up, the rag falling from his forehead. “He’s got no right in-“ Paul clamped a hand over his mouth to silence him.
“I know, Johnny-love. I know.” He let his hand drop from John’s mouth and tossed the rag back into the basin. “Lay down now.”
John looked at him as if he was stupid but Paul gave a persistent stare and he complied. He laid on his side and so did Paul. As they settled, he pulled his mate closer, pressing the length of John’s back to his chest. They fit together like perfect puzzle pieces.
“Just ’cause he lies over the phone don’t mean we’ll stop being ‘round one another,” Paul said into John’s messy hair.
John grabbed at Paul’s arm, pulling it over his own waist. “You’re bleedin’ right I won’t stop comin’ ‘round.” His lingering buzz made him sounded like a defiant child.
“You’re my world, too, y’know,” Paul said, smiling into his hair.
John nestled back into Paul, holding his hand tight. “I’d better be.”
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dolloly · 6 years
I had this dream and Connie and Steven had their first child and they are married well Blue is 8 3/4 months pregnant with her human sized child blue yellow and white were visiting earth blue was in a knee length summer dress yellow wore leggings and a tank top and white wore her normal outfit minus her cape then this huge black monster appere from the sky so they fought it then it sucked up their powers and they couldn’t use their weapons blue and yellow fused and fought it they punched the orb thing around it’s neckthen the diamonds and the crystal gems got their powers/weapons back blue and yellow unfused and they all finished the monster and it let out a huge blast and rocks fell from the temple everyone was ok hurt but ok except blue she was somewhere under the rocks yellow freaked out and tried finding her from under the rocks she was carrying her daughter after all she heard a quiet moan sound from one of the piles and found blue curled up in a ball clutching her stomach and crying yellow called out her name and she looked up at her yellow helped her up but blue immediatly fell to her knees “are you ok?” She looked up at her then kissed her they made out for about 2 minutes then separated “yeah im fine we’ll sorta” “what do you mean by that” she told her her water broke she picked her up bridal style and Steven asked if she was ok she told him her water broke Connie told them she would drive them to the hospital the closest one is her parents town and where she works about 30 minutes away they took the truck  steven went in shot gun (almost said shit gun there) Nora was in the back seat in her car seat yellow sat in the middle and blue on the side she hissed and held her stomach yellow held onto her because her seat bealt was off they got to the hospital and about an hour later blue gave birth to her baby girl she had blonde hair and skin like a white skinned human (or as I call it peach color) she had a blue iris and a yellow iris because of this they desided to name her Iris then Connie Steven and Nora came in and then I woke up hooray 
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stylessemantics · 7 years
Do u know who wrote a one shot( if im not mistaken) about y/n being a princess and harry was a guard that made her wear a chastity bealt
I have NO idea but I’m like 👀 If anyone knows please let this anon knowwww!!!
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Reunited and it feels sooo gooooddddd
Aahhhh!!!! This is my first request from anyone ever ahhhhh!!!! Here you go I hope I delivered!!!
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It was so weird.  Just a week ago I felt like I didn’t know John anymore even if we did call eachother and send letters all the time.  It’s strange that even though we haven’t seen each other in what felt like years we would still be able to click the way that we used to.  It makes me so happy that I have a person like this in my life even if we hardly see each other.  The fact that he was one of the most talented musicians ever was just the cherry on top.
We decided to meet at the most awful and badly run restaurant we could possibly think of because even here there was a high possibility John would be noticed.  It actually wasn’t that bad though because while the restaurant looked kind of disgusting the food wasn’t as terrible as the cleanliness.  “So how was the tooouuurrr?” I asked curiously.  “Pfff tiring. Don’t get me wrong I love music but doing it constantly even though you can’t hear yourself is really draining.  What have you been up to recently?” He asked. “Pffff very VERY boring stuff.  Uni is ballistic and all I want to do is get out.”  “You know, I could find you a job.  Knowing me is basically like knowing the pope which basically means you’re hired anywhere you go” He said.  “Yeah but I don’t want to use you like that.” He smiled at that and came over to sit next to me.  He looked at my eyes and smiled. “Honestly Y/N I really appreciate that.  It seems like everyone I talk to just wants to know me because they want something so it’s nice to hear a different story for once. You’re a strong girl. And I love that.”
I blushed like you couldn’t imagine at this comment. I reallly missed him and I really hoped he wouldn’t go away. He was always my best friend in school and even though he was a trouble maker, it didn’t seem to phase me and I absolutely loved being his friend. He was so funny and sweet and caring and- “Hey let’s go outside and just walk for a bit yeah? My legs are killiiiing me” he said snapping me out of my thoughts. “I’m doooowwwnnn” I answered him chuckling. He took my hand and lead me out the door... only thing is he didn’t let go. Which I was fine with but I’ve known him for years and he hasn’t done this before. “You realized how much I missed you right?” He asked. “I mean maybe I don’t know I wasn’t there” you said jokingly. “Well I really did. When things got hard your letters and calls would always cheer me up. It’s crazy but even with crazy girls screaming my name you’re the only one who can really keep me grounded” he said. “Awe John I really appreciate tha”I began to say but was cut off by a girl screaming “OH MY GOD JOHN” John rolled his eyes. “Here take me hand. We gotta run” and with that he took your hand and dashed down the concrete looking for somewhere to hide. “Ooo empty alley way!” I said with the little breath I had. We stoped over there and catched our breaths while laughing. “You see what I gotta go through” “I can only imagi” “AHHHHH” I was interrupted again.
“Shit Y/n I’m deeply sorry if you hate this but I must do this” “Wha” “Shhhh no questions” he said putting his hands over my mouth. He looked hesitant when he took them off but he gently replaced his hands for his lips against mine. It shocked me at first but after like two seconds I gave in. And it was magical. With every second the kiss got better and better and I never thought it would never end. I didn’t want it to either. With every lip lock I could feel him pulling me closer and closer. Holy moly it was a more than a lovely moment. After what seemed like a beautiful enternity we parted our lips and widened our eyes. “Well I think we lost them” he said. “Yeah haha definitely”
“Hey y/n?”
“Yes John?”
“Did you enjoy that”
“Mmmm very much so”
“Well you should know that I’ve been wanting to do that for forever. I understand if you feel rushed and need time to you know be comfortable with me again since we’ve been apart for so long but”
“Shhhh John it’s ok. I love you so much this doesn’t even seem rushed.”
“Be mine?”
“I thought you’d never ask”
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This is going against my morals...
But I really wanna write about these dorks so please if you have a request make one!!! Just not smut I can’t write that sin (maybe I can tryyyyy but I won’t do anything that makes me feel eeekkkyyy so yeah)
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What about some good ol mclennon smut with sub!Paul
Barmaids and Jealous Boyfriends (McLennon)
a/n: Thanks for the request, anon. Honestly was just waiting for someone to ask me for smut before I went through with actually writing one. With that being said, this is the first time I’ve ever written smut……… Hope it's okay….
pairing: John Lennon x Paul McCartney
summary: The boys are playing in a club in Hamburg, Germany. Paul flirts with a girl at the bar just to upset John.
warnings: smut, light drug talk, Sub!Paul vibes
word count: 1,200+
The next band was on stage by the time Paul had made it to the bar. The music was a bright haze of sound and shockwaves as it ripped through the dingy pub, brought to life only by the masses of people drinking and dancing. The sound was muffled to Paul’s ears. He was too wired from a concoction of pure adrenaline and uppers to fully appreciate the chaos of a busy club.
There was a beer slid in front of him before he could even be seated at the bar. The pretty barmaid gave him a wink over her shoulder as she swayed her hips with intent to the next customer. The club was packed with people, a growing number being young birds since his band had come into town. They had given the place a younger appeal. 
He gave a little wave and smile back, his head buzzed with energy.
“What was that, then?” John had appeared like an apparition in the seat beside him. A ciggie was hanging from between his lips and the familiar scent of his aftershave hanging between them both. He ashed the cigarette in the nearest tray and took a swig from Paul’s beer. His face screwed up as the glass came crashing down in front of Paul once again. “She’s a no-good tease if she’s giving you this for a drink.”
Beer had speckled over Paul’s sleeve. He paid no mind and took a reasonable drink from the glass. It tasted fine to him, which made John’s reaction that much more pleasing. He was so easily lead to jealousy.
Paul gave a cheeky smile. “Think it taste just fine, myself.” He leaned over the bar, catching a look at the barmaids bum as she leaned over to serve a drink. “Could I get another down here!”
The barmaid twirled around, hurrying to fill her pitcher when she saw it was Paul asking. John’s eyes burned holes in the back of Paul’s head the entire time. Paul’s smile widened as he caught a glance of the lad. But he turned his attention back to the barmaid. He rested his chin on the back of both hands, giving his best smile.
“Here you are,” She bit her lip as the beer poured from the pitcher, staring intently at Paul until some beer overflowed from the glass and onto her hand. “Oh, I-“
Paul gently grabbed her wrist as she made to clean it. “Don’t worry-“ His free hand went up to catch the corner of her name tag, “Scarlet. ‘S not a problem.”
She smiled, her blue eyes alight. “Maybe I could make up for it after my shift?”
Paul felt a hand on his thigh, slowly inching up his leg. He cleared his throat. “Sorry, love. I’ve got, um, other plans tonight.” Paul did his best not to look over to John.
“Oh, sorry. I thought maybe-” She blushed furiously and quickly moved down the bar, her eyes not leaving Paul for the longest time.
“Don’t play, love,” John’s voice was a low growl.
Paul looked up through his lashes. The lighting perfectly highlighted just how thick his lashes were, casting a soft glow over his features, making for the look of the most innocent of angels. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to upset you so much.” 
John pulled on a smile, his teeth glistening in the light. The lighting did nothing to soften his sharply set jaw. “Don’t lie.” His hand found Paul’s groin, groping and pawing at him under the bar. “You like to make me jealous, don’t you?”
Paul’s breath hitched, heat tingling through his body. His hand slapped down hard on the bar’s surface from the sudden sensation. A couple heads turned and John moved his hand up to Paul’s shoulder to save from any confrontation.
John tutted, shaking his head as he leaned on Paul. “Come on. Before someone catches on.”
As Paul was lead through the bar, he felt the pressure behind his zipper. He regretted the choice of leather pants, as they didn’t allow for any stretch. John kept glancing back as they went, licking his lips and squeezing at Paul’s wrist. This did nothing to help Paul’s growing problem.
Once they had closed themselves into the small living quarters provided by the club there was no more holding back. John pushed Paul into the nearest wall, stripping him of his jacket and shirt in mere moments. Paul did the same to John before going to undo his own trousers.
John grabbed his wrists, pressing them against the wall over his head. Paul lurched forward, hungry for even a kiss, but John turned his head.“No, no. You finish undressing me first, alright?” His voice was playful but demanding, nonetheless.
Paul bit down on his lip and nodded. After a moment of staring, John released his hands and he went to his knees. He carefully unbuckled the belt and slid down the leather trousers. He looked up at John for permission before his hands wandered over his groin. John groaned and placed his hands against the wall. Taking that as a sign to continue, Paul pulled down the lad's boxers just as slowly as he had done the trousers. His fingers looped the elastic and tugged little by little as John squirmed.
John groaned again as Paul's fingers grazed his groin. “Fucking fu- Hurry up, Macca. Or you’ll get nothin’ tonight.” His hand knotted into Paul’s hair.
Paul obliged, finally pulling the boxers until they fell to the floor of their own accord. His eyes danced hungrily over his lover's bare body. It was so familiar yet so exciting each time. He stroked over John’s hard-on, slowly working his hands over it before he placed his lips around the tip. His head bobbed back and forth until John twitched at the stroke of his tongue. He moved Paul’s head back and pulled him upright, pressing him into the wall once again. John’s lips crashed into his. 
“You’re too good,” John whispered as his lips moved to Paul’s neck, leaving love bites along the pale skin. He slowly trailed down the lad's torso until he was at his trousers, a noticeable bulge pressing out. John stripped him of the trousers in seconds but danced around his boxers longer than Paul could stand. He squirmed against the wall and huffed out in subdued frustration.
John stood back up, pulling the boxers back to their original place around Paul’s hips. “You can’t be complaining, can you?” His head tilted over to the side, a deadly grin across his lips. “I would’ve given you head, too.” He tutted and pulled Paul over to their bed. “Boxers off yourself.” Holding back his complaints, Paul pulled down his underwear as John readied the condom and lube from the nightstand. “You‘ll just get fucked for not behaving.”
Paul gave a pouting look through his long lashes, which only made John’s grin grow. He flipped Paul over the bed and took no time in thrusting himself into him. Paul let out a loud moan, his nails digging into the bed. Even more heat rushed down to his groin- if that was possible. Both had rushes of tingling pleasure dance through their bodies, itching to give way with each movement.
Along with each thrust of John’s hips, Paul felt himself getting closer and closer, everything building up inside. As John’s hips moved faster, he reached around, stroking Paul’s cock to a slower rhythm.
He couldn’t keep the moans from escaping as the stimulation overloaded his senses. Paul came, screaming out John’s name as he did. John road out his partner's orgasm until he finally released as well and slowly pulled out.
Paul fell onto his back, a mess of sweat and hot breaths. Any and all adrenaline or uppers had been pushed from his system. He was left simply love drunk and exhausted.
“I fucking love you, Johnny.”
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Could I request part 2 of "I Can't Go Now"? I really love it (and the rest of your fics)
I Can’t Go Now: Part 2
here’s part 1
summary: after John overdosed and was rushed to the hospital, Paul stays with him all night.
It took quite some time but something nearing calm had finally settled in the small hospital room. The drugs seemed to have worn almost completely away and the doctor and nurses had stopped coming in as frequently. All that was left for Paul to do was sit and watch over his dozing friend with a guitar in his lap. George had left it after his and Ringo's visit and Paul was glad for it. He needed something to do with his anxious hands as he waited for John to wake once again.
Low light from the nightstand lit the fretboard as his fingers traveled across the shining strings, doodling with a tune he’d been working on. It was going nowhere, though. The smell of antiseptic and just hospital laid too thick in the air, not allowing him to really get lost in the music. Then there was also the worry keeping his head fogged too. John had passed out in the ambulance and not woken since. Though every nurse had told Paul that this was normal, he couldn’t help but worry. His eyes never failed to linger up to John every minute or so only to find him still sleeping soundly.
As the night wore on and exhaustion took hold, Paul was finally lost in his lazy strumming. Heavy lidded eyes watched slow fingers move from chord to chord, skipping anything that required too much acrobatics from his fingers. It sounded like shit but it was at least something to do.
“Your granny music putting you to sleep, son?”
Paul pulled on a smirk and lifted his head to find the groggy Lennon raised up in bed, legs crossed under the heavy blankets. “Aye. Guess so.”
“Why ‘aven’t you gone home, then,” his question came through a dry throat.
Paul scoffed as he sat George’s guitar to the side. “Because,” he paused to pull his chair right up next to John’s bedside. “You scared the fuck out of me, ya’ git.” John didn’t answer, only humming with crossed arms. “Cyn just left, y’know. Had to practically force her out to take little Jules to bed.”
The corner of his mouth quirked up for a split second before falling once again.
“You gonna speak beyond slagging off my music?”
John stayed quiet for a moment then looked to the pitcher of water and back to Paul. Wordlessly, the bassist got up and poured a glass. He stole a sip for himself before handing it off to John who made an indigent huff before necking back the glass. A trickle of water escaped and traveled down his jaw. After the drink had vanished, he wiped his face clear of the water and cast his head down.
“So,” John tapped on the glass that now rested between his crossed legs. “Was the guitar out of tune or have I gone and fucked my hearing.”
Paul’s expression morphed into one of amused disbelief as he slowly blinked. “Well, guess that’s my question answered.”
“Paul, really,” John suddenly looked up, his eyes pleading and his grip on the glass turning his fingertips white. “It’s out of tune- the guitar-, yeah?”
The sudden shift in tone had Paul concerned. Was this an after effect of the drugs? Was he still a bit high from them? “Maybe I should call in a nurse.”
“Just fucking-!” John quickly corrected his tone as Paul froze on the spot. “...Just tell me, please.”
With his amusement long gone, Paul tentatively grabbed the guitar. He honestly had no clue if the thing was in tune. His mind had blissed-out hours ago. “Alright.” Clearing his throat, he shifted in his seat. “We’ll go through each string, eh?” With a minuscule nod from John, Paul plucked an open E and looked to John.
“That’s in tune, right?”
Paul hummed a yes and moved down to A. It was horribly out of tune, leaving Paul to wonder how he hadn’t noticed. But he kept a poker face and waited for John.
“Oh, that’s bloody awful, ain’t it?”
“Right again.” He started to tune the string correctly out of pure instinct, putting the instrument up to his ear. “Why does it matter so much,” He questioned once the string rang true.
“What about the next one- D-? It’s out, right?”
Paul huffed, shoving the guitar back into his lap. “What is this? What are you playing at?”
“Ain’t playing at anything, Macca. You said we’d go through the strings.”
“Aye. I’ll play the next when I’ve got a straight answer.”
John looked about to pull his hair out but only let his face fall into his hands, trying to ignore the pain in his banged hand. “When I was on- was tripping- I lost my hearing. I thought...- look!” He pulled his face from his hands to reveal teary eyes. “Just play the damn thing.”
Getting all the answers he needed from that, Paul kept on down the line. With each correct answer, John became more relaxed. By the last string, he was laid back in bed, pleased with his perfect hearing. Three of the six strings had been out of tune and put back to place so that Paul could now strum a perfectly sound guitar. He went back to his earlier doodling with some more effort put to it.
“That ones good, that. Play it over,” John mused and Paul happily complied. “Go like,” John whistled a tune for his mate to copy.
With a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, Paul played back the whistled tune. As he added his own part, John’s eyes drifted closed. He whistled another line and Paul played it too. They went back and forth until Paul liked what he heard. He played the song all the way through and looked to John for a sign of approval but the lad's face was placid. Thinking he might have drifted back to sleep, Paul put the guitar to the side and curled up on the little chair awkwardly. Finding it too uncomfortable, he simply draped his upper body onto John’s bed and placed his hand over John’s uninjured one.
“Paul?” John’s voice was already full of sleep.
“Yeah, love?”
“Thanks for staying with me.”
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