#the bat is commonly believed to be a man. the bat has never confirmed nor denied
sreppub · 1 year
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Gotham galas in the early 2010s -> current/future robins following B around the ballroom like guard puppies
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garavant-temple · 8 years
Occultia 101: The 13 Peoples of Occultia (part 4)
There are thirteen peoples of the Land of Occultia, each with their own individual languages*, traditions, cultures and set of values. Each people has a representative on the Council of Elders and elected officials on the Council of the People. There is a sort of social hierarchy where there certain groups are discrimated over the others. While the situation has been improving since the formation of the Council, there are still definite tensions and divisions between the groups.
Faefolk - The exact number of faefolk in Occultia is unknown, but of those that are recorded, they place 7th in population - however it is though the true number is at least double that which is recorded.
Faefolk, much like many of the other groups in Occultia, refers multiple types of people that fit under a large umbrella turn. Faefolk include faeries, pixies, brownies, imps (semi-demonic), etc. Faefolk culture is highly secretive and as a whole, they are not keen on sharing their culture with others.
Faefolk are generally neutrally aligned people, their actions are neither for the good or detriment of others. Brownies are the most benevolent of the faefolk, seeing one is considered a blessing and paintings that are to be hung in houses will often depict brownies to bring good will on the family. Imps on the other hand are pranksters and often knock things off shelves, move things around or tap peoples shoulders, for their own enjoyment.
Faeries are often seen as being of diminutive stature, however they actually have the ability to alter their height, and are naturally much taller than they choose to appear. Pixies also have this ability. Their choice to live at such a small size is part of the precautions taken to keep fae culture secretive. However, many now choose to leave their forest dens and live within towns and cities at full size (often between 6′ - 7′) They keep their wings as a faeries wings are important to their culture - the more elegant or elaborate a wing pattern the more respected a faery would be. (In pixies, size is of greater importance as their wings tend to be smaller and plainer.)
Brownies and Imps don’t have the ability to change size and stay within their hidden communities.
All faefolk are natural magic users, although some hone their powers later in life. Faefolk take great enjoyment in their powers and hold contests in which they show off their abilities regularly. Faefolk are also impervious to many kinds of magic, except have great weakness to fire and non magic weapons such as swords. They have the best distortion and reality altering abilities of all the people of Occultia, often causing those who wander through their parts to be lost wandering for days.
Faefolk face relatively little discrimination, although there are ‘collectors’ out there that try and hunt faefolk of different types and colours.Steps are being made to outlaw this practice. There’s also the misconception that the faefolk take children after a ruthless faery king took all those who used to wander in his part of the forest. Most of these people have never been seen again. 
A lot of faeries however look down on those who cannot use magic, especially humans, and tease pixies for their inability to fly. There’s also an ancient rivalry between faefolk and elves.
The patron god of the faefolk was Norvanaruna.
Nagas - Nagas are the 8th most populous of the people in Occultia. Nagas here refers to land nagas and water nagas that describe themselves that way. Water nagas that identify as water folk are not included her but in the waterfolk section.
Nagas are half-humanoid/half snake beings with a largely female population. (With the exception of desert naga)The women are typically much larger and more ‘monstrous’ than the men. Naga society is made of large colonies that are ruled by the women with about five women for every man. 
Naga women are around 8-9ft tall (tail shed), have scaled limbs, lizard-like hands and claws, fangs and snake tongues, enlarged eyes, lack external ears, and have a tinge to the skin that matched their scales.The queens have King Cobra like fanning. Naga men are between 5′6′’ and 6′6′’ tall (tail shed), have much fewer scales and more elf-like hands. As the men are fairly elf-passing once they shed their tales, they are sent out to work in towns and cities to provide their colonies. 
There are there major groups of onland nagas; grassland nagas, desert nagas and underground nagas. While the structure of their colonies is pretty much the same, their attitudes greatly differ. 
In underground naga colonies, men are used for breeding and then exiled to work in cities or sometimes even eaten. Underground nagas rarely shed their tails, and can reach up to 11ft tall in the case of their queens. They are vicious and feared creatures; it is not beyond underground naga to hunt dwarves, humans and even other naga.
Grassland nagas are gentle in comparison. Their biggest colony lives on the Umbruskian plains, and some of the women choose to work in the cities as well as the men. Men are allowed to stay a part of the colony after breeding, however they are very much kept to the sidelines. Grassland naga also more freely shed their skins compared to their underground cousins. Grassland naga are the most elf-passing of the naga groups (skin shed) The two groups look down on each other for their respective views on skin-shedding.
Desert naga are slightly different, as they are more sexually ambiguous and skin-shedding is done whenever seemed necessary. They live exclusively in the deserts of Malfern. They travel between the towns of Malfern, the men are sent to work wherever they stop and are often abandoned there by the larger colony.
Nagas are not natural magic users, nor can many of them learn magic. Those that do, are often exiled from the colony too, especially in underground colonies. 
The discrimination that naga face in wider Occultian society depends on how elf passing they are, and there is a charity set up to help exiled (but elf passing) naga. To get help naga must shed their skins whenever in public, or have guests round. They also face the same discrimination faced by all non-magic users. Naga men are not given high end jobs, often ending up as door to door salesmen or desperate lawyers. Exiled naga women are given even less opportunity due to how little they pass.
Non-exiled nagas are protected from being hunted for their skins as fresh naga skins are very valuable (much like with waterfolk). However this doesn’t stop them getting attacked, although these instances are now infrequent as many naga live underground, and those who live overground quickly shed their skins when in danger of assault.
The patron God of the Naga was Boa-essitah.
Angels - Angels are the least populous of the Occultian people, as most of them live on the upper realms of Andusa and Miroten. Angels are all natural magic users and many of them specialise in a section or element of magic. They are extremely skilled and powerful, however are inhibited greatly by humanoid forms. 
Occultian angels are fairly humanoid, with the addition of wings (either of feathers or fire), feathered ears and limbs, some angels choose to have two pairs of arms or have feathery tails as a deliberate effort not to ‘pass’. They have sharp teeth and golden cat eyes, and a flame or orb of light floating above them - the colour is widely believed to be an indication of an angels nature, although no angel has yet confirmed this.
Angels live across Occultia, most commonly in the major cities, with the most living in Garavant to be close to Celestia. They mainly keep to themselves but often mess with others who they see as inferior and because they can. Much of what is known of angel culture has been spread by the Occultian angels however it is clear that most of it is made up.
Angels can be of any gender or sexuality and they play with their appearance freely to match their identities.
While there is pretty much no discrimination against angels, they only recently gained representation on the council as their numbers in Occultia have never been great enough for it to be considered a need. Occultian angels are looked down upon from those who remain in the upper realms and if an angel chooses to live on the Occultian realm then they are banned from reentering the upper realms.
The patron God of the Angels was Sanistaria
Vampires - Vampires are a semi demonic form of angel. The ways in which an angel becomes a vampire are varied, but most involve murdering an innocent person, or if they’re banished from the upper realms. Vampires differ in appearance to regular angels; they are stripped of their feathers and glowing orbs, their ears are bat like and their eyes turn black. Their wings become bat/dragon like. They also cannot be outside in bright sunlight due to the sensitivity of their skin. Many vampires are disgraced in society and forced to live solitary lives or in small groups. Many rumours are spread about vampires, but they do not drink non-animal blood - these rumours were started by angels. Despite the disgrace they do not meet much violence; other angels believe their punishment has been dealt, and non-angels cannot hurt any type of angel unless they want to become a demon too.
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