#the basic explanation is that my video maker changed how it works for the free version
goldentigerfestival · 4 months
I really love this scene because Flynn is so stressed out and aggravated and Yuri can tell, so he doesn't get mad, even if Flynn is saying things that are a bit miffing. He doesn't engage with the comments (even when you can tell he's miffed in the moment he looks away, actively trying not to engage with the comment and make the mood worse), stays calm and just gets to the point of the conversation, ending it off being casual and playful (in regular Yuri Lowell fashion!!). He understands how frustrating this is for Flynn and handles it without letting himself get worked up in return.
I've said it before, but Yuri's emotional intelligence and his responses to other people's emotional states fascinates me. Sometimes he does give in to the moment, but most of the time he can assess the situation and respond to the other person the best way possible depending on the situation without pressing the wrong buttons.
I love him. 🤘
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dustedandsocial · 5 years
One thing and an Other thing
The One Thing:
After many failures in the world of responsible adulthood, I decided in 2010 that I would go full throttle into music distro and record label management. And for a fleeting moment, things were working out in my favor.
But let me back up. I had been having bizarre sleeping patterns going all the way back into my childhood, that no insomnia or depression diagnosis nor medication could ever fix. I never got an answer from a doctor that explained my sleep problems.
Essentially, my body and brain think that a day is 25 hours long. If you pause on that fact for a second, what becomes clear is that my sleep schedule rotates around the clock in a never-ending cycle. This had been the case for me from the age of 10, but clinical research studies were few and far between for most of my life.
Then in the summer of 2011 I learned for the first time that my vague sleeping issue was in fact a disorder, although I didn’t yet know the full extent of the limitations it imposed. Which is why for years I kept thinking there would be some way for me to keep working, despite being fired every time I tried to do so. I mostly lived on an annuity until I was 20 ($1047 per month), which came from a court decision when I was little (my mother committed suicide in a hospital and a court found them responsible, granting settlements to each of my family members). I kept thinking I could dance around extreme sleep fluctuations and pull myself up from the ground by my bootstraps, but I only ever fell back on my annuity.
When I was 12, the cops would show up at my house, wake me up, and drive me to school (my dad was a welder and made an early exit to work at 4:30am). Those near-truancies — as well as all the successful truancies! — along with my insistence on bringing alcohol in my backpack to school, smoking in the bathroom, getting high before school with friends, and stealing car stereos from the high school parking lot, all led me to multiple arrests, finally getting me the boot form junior public high school. There was also the despair of losing my mother at the age of 9, which was certainly an important aspect to all of this maladjustment, if not the most central factor. 
But without a cop showing up at my house, I’d wake up around 5PM.
At 13, I was placed in an “alternative school” (aka a program for trouble makers and drug dealers). Most students would sail though towards a diploma, being graded on video game scores, pick-up basketball games, and honest-to-god fantasy basketball gambling leagues (that I several times created for school credit!). We had smoke breaks twice a day in school, and I even sold one of my teacher’s pot. I only showed up half the school year, yet somehow graduated a half-year early at the age of 17. Basically, our ”alternative learning program” was a way for the school district to fudge numbers and make it look like they had rehabilitated kids. I managed to graduate High School easily without my disability playing a major factor. It all felt like being home schooled but with no parents or curriculum to help. Hence why five years into a dedicated leftist education, I can still barely understand Marxist arguments around value theory.
It would still be 11 years from my graduation until I learned about my sleep disorder, so the following years would be spent tossing and turning, going to work and class after being up 24 hours, often crashing at hour 40, then sleeping 24 hours straight to make up for massive sleep deprivation. I’d get fired left and right, girlfriends and family members had no idea what to express to me other than their lack of faith that I could ever get my shit together (and I believed as much myself, because what other explanation was there?)
I decided to work online in 2010 as I began 80/81 Records, as well as work part-time in physical space, all just to scrounge up enough money for distro items and record pressings. I started off with some relative success. I was the first in the US to distro Australian titles like Deaf Wish, Woolen Kits, Mad Nanna, Teen Archer, etc (all even before Bruce’s Easter Bilby!). I had a plethora of reissue releases from the Memoire Neuve label, as well that beautiful Les Olivensteins reissue LP. I even sold a sketchy Chosen Few bootleg to True Anon’s own Brace Belden (aka PissPigGrandad). 
By the age of 30, my body started to fall apart.Within a few years, despite a few solid releases on 80/81, I had to give up on a slew of planned record releases and call it quits. All were thankfully rescued by a couple of friendly labels, with masters sent off to a few others. These were: Mosquito Ego’s “Plomb” LP (thanks @ever-never-records), Pustostany’s “2012″ LP (shout out to the great Sweet Rot), Shovels S/T (thanks to Homeless Records), and Expert Alterations 12″ (Slumberland), and the Virvon Vavron EP, later taken care of by Girlsville Records. There was also the Human Hair "My Life As A Beast And Lowly Form” LP, which came in lieu of a 7″ I had planned for them (still streamable on the 80/81 Bandcamp). Sorry to all these fantastic bands! There was no label in the last decade better at not releasing records!
Nearly as long as I’ve been using this tumblr, I’ve been disabled. However, I didn’t realize I was *officially* disabled per the US government until last year, nor did I know that my condition was an incurable neurological disorder. In fact, it’s technicality not a sleep disorder. If earth had the rotational position of Mars, my circadian rhythms would be perfectly in sync. I've never brought it up here, I never wanted it to be a factor in how I presented myself, and I never wanted this to be a personal blog about my plight. But I can't in good conscience hide this aspect of myself any longer, while so many other disabled folks are engaged in fights for all of our rights, including those beyond the disabled community. 
Oh, and the other thing: 
I figured out last month that I am NOT a heterosexual guy. Queer? Omnisexual? How about "not straight”? Why did it take me so long to face up to this? Well, growing up in a poor and violent neighborhood meant that I needed to latch onto anything at a young age in order to keep myself safe. I could under no circumstances continue to endure the abuse that happened when I was very young, that I thought would come back my way if I opted out of a "straight"  “tough” identity. And even with that identity, I felt an inexplicable terror at all times, that seemed like it was seeping through the air, like it was the blood gushing from behind the hotel walls in “The Shining”. In order to avoid the terror, I had to act out in an extreme way so no one would question me. I’d always be the first to tell adults off. I’d always be the one to break into a house. I always be the first to steal, or mouth off to a cop. I did get choked by a cop once, which was also tame compared to the beatings my black and Hispanic friends received. But I also hated fighting, so that style of acting out was mostly a dodge and redirection of attention.
But so many toxic ideas overtook me over the years. While I may not have been outwardly homophobic as an adult, I no doubt policed my own behavior for decades, not allowing myself vulnerability, not allowing myself comfort, robbing myself of joy. And it took me three decades to shake that straight identity loose.
I think this straight identity I adopted though trauma is common for men, even though whose childhoods weren’t as traumatic as mine. That isn't to say that those who adopt it are closeted, but the ideology driving performative straight male expression can cut off naturally heterosexual men from understanding themselves and what it is that they most desire, who they want to connect with, what makes them complete. Heterosexuality as ideology is a giant fucking scam. You get nothing out of it, maybe an early death from a heart attack.
But I’m also happier now than I’ve ever been. When I gave up the straight identity, I completely gave up fear, and in ways far beyond matters of sexuality. That straight identity also policed how I though of women, and since I’ve been free of it, my relation to women has changed significantly. 
And now
I’m fighting month after month to get on disability and food stamps (I’ve been denied for disability seven times in eight years, and food stamps were just cut in RI). When all is sorted I’m going to join radical orgs in Providence. From here to there and beyond, it’s class struggle.
Had our welfare state not been decimated, or had we decommodified health care and housing, I would have never had to jump through so many hoops for ultimately no help. When I lacked diagnosis, I could have lived with dignity while I waited for an explanation of my issues, if only the society had a non-bureaucratic solution to personal crisis. I’m a “lumpen” of a sort, but I’m also now a committed small-c communist and queer. Sorry apolitical people, but the fight will be intense for the remainder of all our lives.
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VidToon Review – EASIEST Toon Video Maker Ever
Vidtoon Review
It can't be denied that traffic, approaches, and leads are the foundation of any business.
It's is hard, dull and exorbitant to ace the nature of making viral substance and driving traffic on-demand without degrees of progress!
If you have been endeavoring to get REAL results for your business, I may help you with that.
VidToon is an excessively crucial and front line video instrument even a 10-year-old can use it.
If you get it through my referral interface, I will give you an incredible prize from me. This prize will help you with ensuring about more money when gotten together with VidToon.
Part by section control
VidToon Review – Overview
Thing name: VidToon
Dealer: Cindy Donovan
Front-end cost: $27
Welcome page: https://VidToon.io/
Release Date: 2020-Apr-20
Release Time: 09:00 EDT
Quality: General
Proposed: Very High
Breaking point levels required: No need any aptitudes
Sponsorship: Effective Response
Prizes: On my review
Rebate: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
VidToon Review – What right?
VidToon is a rocket video adjusting instrument in the essentialness style that is flooding with persevering clear extravagance characters, portrayals and fundamentally more so you can make your own traffic-siphoning mark movement records.
Vidtoon Review What is it
About Creator
Vidtoon Review Creator
VidToon is made by a genius pack with the pioneer Cindy Donovan.
Cindy is no possibility an odd name of the market after contributing such an amazing entire more than a gigantic expanded time span.
She in like manner brilliantly makes her own appropriate web business on different focuses: AI bot, traffic and lead age, video creation, WordPress, electronic systems association appearing, E-exchange and regardless, redistributing, etc.
Such an adaptable woman in framing supportive thoughts equivalently as giving them the right ways as absolutely she needs: Soci Jam 2.0, Funnel Base, Hammock Suite, TrafficIvy, Drop Gecko, WP Blazer Suite, and so on.
On the off chance that it's not all that much difficulty take a gander at her third dispatch of this present year considering the way that the specific converse thing you would ever do on this planet is overlooking it.
Continue ahead to the going with bits of my VidToon diagram.
What Are the Features of VidToon?
VidToon will bound to be your new nearest accessory:
VidToon User-Friendly Interface
VidToon downloads onto your Mac or PC, so there's no convincing motivation to interface with the web and no expensive data costs.
Decisively when you gain agree to VidToon today, you'll from the start be invited by the easy to use programming dashboard.
Everything is right where you need it with a principal snap of a catch. Regardless, don't let the straightforwardness fool you.
While VidToon is certainly not difficult to use, the dashboard is staggeringly noteworthy!
Need to intertwine a character quickly? No issue using all techniques.
Need an establishment to make your video all the additionally beguiling? Sure.
Need to change the advancement of any character? Essentially snap the settings and you'll be given all the decisions you need.
To spread it out only, all the settings, decisions, features, and more are completely included speedily open at whatever point you need them.
Vidtoon Review Feature VidToon User-Friendly Interface
25 Characters Included For Any Scenario
VidToon also gives you access to a tremendous extent of characters in every way that really matters any video figured you can prepare. They don't hold down here.
Whatever your assessments are, I'm sure there's a character to help you with reestablishing it!
Fundamentally investigate a bit of the characters included:
Vidtoon Review Feature 25 Characters Included For Any Scenario
30 Eye-Popping Animations That Grabs Attention Immediately
With VidToon, they've taken it to the join level by giving you a boatload of livelinesss.
Best of all, every single imperativeness can be applied to each character with only two or three snaps! No vitality aptitudes central.
Examine SOME of the 30 livelinesss included:
NOTE: Characters have some different enhancements to energize their calling
Other than: Image survey is lower quality for page stacking purposes
Vidtoon Review Feature 30 Eye-Popping Animations That Grabs Attention Immediately
200 Music Tracks Included To Give Your Videos That Special 'Flavor'
Determinedly, vivified accounts are exciting and can be inconceivably charming. Regardless, when you add enveloping tunes to your vivified accounts, they can make them obviously better!
Regardless, instead of having you go out to attempt to find the ideal music for any of your starting late out of the compartment new drew in video signs, they will join 200 music follows VidToon when you get your copy today.
Oust a hear some from the tracks included underneath:
34 HD Backgrounds To Make Your Videos Pop
You'll similarly get 34 heavenly unavoidable quality establishments in a social occasion of conditions to help make your vivified accounts stand disconnected amazingly more.
There's nothing extra for you to do here. These establishments will be joined inside VidToon and can be united with an essential instinctual.
Take a gander at an occurrence of just SOME of the establishments included with VidToon:
Vidtoon Review Feature 34 HD Backgrounds To Make Your Videos Pop
250+ Sales Graphics To Give Your Videos That Extra Sizzle
Making fortified records are starting at now direct inside VidToon. In any case, from time to time you need the ideal thing to make your video complete.
That is the explanation they're in like manner including this dumbfounding VidToon structures pack to empower your records to be broadly effectively dazzling!
There are gets, unquestionable bits of affirmation, highlights, and by and large more sections included like these:
You'll get an unquestionable PNG narrative for each image (readymade, basically improved into your records) PLUS the source PSD record if you have to change, adjust and truly make your own
Vidtoon Review Feature 250+ Sales Graphics To Give Your Videos That Extra Sizzle
Presentation and Outro Animations
Analyze left, right, up, down, zoom in, zoom out, and cloud changes with a tick of a catch.
Vidtoon Review Feature Intro and Outro Animations
Expansion Text and Customize Your Fonts
Drop-in content and adjust how you need it to look changing printed style type, sizes and tones to make your video completely extraordinary.
Vidtoon Review Feature Insert Text and Customize Your Fonts
Drag and Resize Any Element
Just drag the corner (the red x will give you where) and you can get each part in your video the particular size you need.
Vidtoon Review Feature Drag and Resize Any Element
Free Roam Canvas
Other programming makes you be a pixel prisoner, not VidToon. You'll get the chance to move everything absolutely where you need it to be.
Vidtoon Review Feature Free Roam Canvas
Music and Image Import
VidToon's library is gigantic, at any rate a piece of the time you have to just use your own or interface it to the look and feel of your site. In the end you can!
Vidtoon Review Feature Music and Image Import
A solitary Click-Flip
Got a character or picture that faces right and need it to go up against left or the opposite course around? Check the flip decision and cause it to appear just as characters are having a conversation!
Vidtoon Review Feature One-Click-Flip
For additional information about this thing, click the catch underneath:
visit-site button
By what means Might It Work?
Your work is astoundingly clear with VidToon:
Stage 1: Log In To VidToon System
Vidtoon Review Step 1
Stage 2: Download An Appropriate Version For Your PC
Vidtoon Review Step 2
Stage 3: Edit Your Video and Export It Quickly
Vidtoon Review Step 3
VidToon Review – Is it worth buying?
VidToon is a paying little mind to what you resemble at it induced progress to make shocking records and get traffic on demand.
You've no vulnerability watched a LOT of video creators. Regardless, trust me – nothing beats the straightforwardness yet plentifulness of this one.
VidToon is actually a stunning piece of programming from its appearance, base to the amazingly point of convergence of its features, functionalities additionally the results and central focuses that you can achieve.
Imagine getting to the whole stage:
[+] Inbuilt library with 34 HD establishments, 25 HD characters each with 30 explicit activitys
[+] Import your own encounters, pictures and that is just a concise glance at something greater
[+] 200+ impact free music tracks
[+] Free or Realistic Google TTS, Text 2 Speech
[+] Works in any language or recognizing quality
[+] Record or import your own voice over in the application
[+] Transition and effects, flip or move objects from A to B
[+] Easy work a zone foundation – handles both Mac and PC
It doesn't stop here, VidToon enables you to do a roaring trade high-paid archives to your vivacious clients.
Something your enemies can't reflect as long as you make a step ahead before they do.
Secure your copy at any rate a persuading power as of now.
Who Should You Use It?
Generally, VidToon is a MUST-HAVE thing for:
♦ Affiliate Marketers
♦ Marketers
♦ Com + Amazon
♦ Freelancers
♦ Website Owners
♦ Social Media Marketers
♦ Local affiliations
♦ Any various sorts of online business
Upsides and downsid
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lulu2992 · 5 years
Hey there! I saw the post you make a while back where you changed the song in the Jacob cut scene. May I ask how you did it?
Hi! I don’t know if you’re already familiar with video/audio editing and how detailed my answer should be but, sure, I can try to explain how I did it :)
I figured out how video/audio editing worked by myself so there may be better or even easier ways to do all of this. I apologize in advance if my explanations are unclear (which they probably are)…
So, to make a similar edit, you will need:
the video
the music
a sound editing software (I used Audacity)
a video editing software (I just needed to add music to the video so I used Windows Movie Maker)
You can record the cutscene yourself in your game or find it on the Internet and download it. For this particular edit, I needed the scene without music. Music can be turned off in the game options.
To edit a song/music in Audacity, you’ll need to convert it in .wav or .mp3 first. I use RealPlayer Converter but there are tons of other free tools on the Internet that can do that for you.
I also needed a music box note (the Internet is full of free sound effects). One note was enough because I could then change its pitch and have all the keys I needed for my edit (C, F and G#/Ab, in this case).
The song had to be slowed down. In Audacity, use the “Change Tempo” effect. If you use the “Change Speed” effect, it will also affect the pitch. Try different settings until you’re satisfied with the result. I wanted the last note to be very long so, after changing the tempo of the entire audio clip, I selected the last note only and changed its tempo again to make it even slower.
For the reverb effect, I used the GVerb plug-in. Again, try different settings and values until you like what you hear.
On a separate track (in the same Audacity project), I added the music box notes one by one and manually synchronized them with the song.
You may need to change the volume. To do so, use the “Amplify” effect.
Once you’re done with the audio, export it. If you select “Save Project”, you’ll just create an Audacity project and won’t be able to open the file in another software. You can save your project too, of course, but it’s different from an audio file.
Then, in your video editing software, import your video and cut it if you need to so you only keep the part you want. Then, simply add the audio file you’ve just created, synchronize it with the video, and save this. Again, make sure you export the video and that you don’t simply save a project that’s not a video file. For example, if you use Windows Movie Maker, you have to select “Save movie” and not “Save project”.
That’s basically how I made the video.
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leahlikesbread · 3 years
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Approach options trading from a point of knowledge and you will succeed. The Stock Market is not something that you should tackle with little knowledge and experience but you can succeed with options trading. You can watch a how to trade options video and learn the most effective options trading strategies if you are prepared to put in a little time and effort. As with most subjects, mastering the fundamentals of options trading is the best starting point. After that you can study winning strategies and then apply them in the real world. It is important to avoid emotional trading as this makes it far more like gambling with your money.
Thematic Study
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80% of options expire worthless! So who's making most of the money? That's right, option sellers. Option SellingThere are so many ways to make extra money. Trading options is the one that can really change your life. There are so many situations you can put yourself in through trading options that give you a mathematical edge. Most people think trading options is risky. The reason is most people lose money who trade options! 80% of options expire worthless. So, who's making all of the money? The people who are buying those options or those who are selling them. The reason people say that options are risky is because they don't understand them. If they did they would have a much different opinion. Just ask a successful market maker what he or she thinks about options. Market makers that I follow know a lot of ways to make extra money. They are going to tell a completely different story. Options reduce risk and maximize profits if traded correctly. In this page I will show you some of my favorite strategies that put me on the winning side. The side where I have the mathematical advantage. Positive time decay means that every day that passes option premiums decay or erode. In other words if stock xyz is trading at $20 today and the $20 call is trading at $1. 95 then a day later all other things being equal that option will be trading for less than $1. 95 because there is less time for it to be worth something. There are a few important parts to my overall trading plan. 1. Find as many successful traders who have been around awhile and learn exactly how they trade. 2. Learn as much as you can about each of their trading styles because what one person does might not work for you and vice versa. 3. Learn strategies that make sense! If you're going to buy options make sure they're deep in the money. 4. Have a plan to get out and minimize risk. In other words, know what the worst case scenario is before you even enter the trade. 5. Make sure you can make enough on each trade to justify being in the position.
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They are the intrinsic value and extrinsic value. Let's begin defining them both� Stock xyz is trading at $60. 00. � The $50 call with 100 days until expiration is trading for $11. 00The intrinsic value of that option is $10. 00 because the difference between the price of xyz and the strike price is $10. 00. The extrinsic value of that option or time premium is $1. 00 because that is the extra premium paid for the option that has no real value. This is a good option to buy because it is way ITM (in the money). You don't want to buy options with a lot of extrinsic value. Those are the ones you want to sell. If you bought this option you would begin to make money as the stock begins to rise because it has a high delta (rate of change of the option). This option would make money fast because it would move quickly in price with the stock. Let's look at another example to bring home the point of the kind of options you want to buy. � Stock xyz is trading at $60. 00� The $60. 00 call is with 45 days until expiration is trading for $3. 00The intrinsic value is $0. 00. It has no real value because it's OTM (out of the money)The extrinsic value is $3.
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Of course this must be accompanied with a sound trading plan to minimize risk by using stop losses and hedging techniques. If you want to make money fast then this type of strategy should definitely part of your portfolio because it allows you to take a little risk and make large gains. In any trade you need to have defined risk. The best way to accomplish this is by having a specific plan for your trades before you're even in them. People who succeed in trading don't allow their emotions to come into play. If you have money in the markets whether you're managing it or letting someone manage ask yourself this very important question. What is my overall risk and when do I plan to take my profits? If you don't know the answer to that question please learn how rich people invest their money!Credit SpreadsIf you want free money making ideas that work you have come to the right place. I will give you my strategy and exactly how execute it for free. I learned this from many of my trading mentors who have become rich from it and many other things. I love free money making ideas that is why I'm writing this particular page. The strategy isn't the important part.
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pixelrender · 5 years
My 5 genres of video games
I used to spend my time on a variety of games from AAA open world titles to small flash tower defense games. I’m still quite fond of many of these games and Kingdom Rush in particular has a special place in my heart as the smoothest tower defense game I’ve ever played. I got obsessed over niche genres from time to time too. I had a short period, in which I read many articles on hg101. Naturally, I got super interested in shmups back then. I still like to play a simple free shmup from time to time, but I avoid more difficult entries these days and I can’t call myself a hardcore fan of the genre.
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For the longest time I was big on RPGs and Boiware in particular. I loved Dragon Age and I still plan getting my hands on Inquisition one day. I need to replay Mass Effect 2 and finally finish the trilogy. Baldur’s Gate is still on my shortlist of games to finish and Jade Empire is one of my favourite underrated games to recommend. There were other RPGs than those from Bioware too. Gothic 3 probably qualifies for the game I spent most time with as completing it took me half a year. I still like low fiction of Gothic series and admire compact worlds of the first two games and Risen. Oblivion is my favourite roaming game. The best part about it was bumping into a small settlement in the middle of nature and just be there. The last not least I should mention RPG Maker.  I developed few small games in it and I still sometimes work on three more. 2 of them are actual RPGs. I played and enjoyed many RM games, some of them epic fantasies. So, why is this genre only a honorable mention? I don’t find myself as attracted to it and its power fantasies as I used to. I don’t have time for sprawling epic and there are certain strategy games fulfilling my lust for medieval and characters better. The two basic premises of RPGs aren’t as interesting for me as they used to be. I don’t really care about hero’s journey narrative and I’m little bored with basic mechanics. For example leveling up can be such a chore.
Now my choices are way narrower than they used to be. I still play other games and especially hobbyist and micro RPGs, which might enter my top 5 one day. These are the five genres I purposely follow, build up libraries or knowledge of their game design and talk about on Discord the most.
1. Non-linear platformers
I enjoy myself a good metroidvania. There’s only one thing, which makes a foggy, rainy better. It’s not alcohol. Also, I used term non-linear platformers on purpose. I enjoy sideview platforming and not every metroidvania’s that. There are many different movements and some of them are less fun and there are 3d games, which use Metroid inspired progression. Also, I haven’t played a single Metroid or Castlevania proper. I don’t have any excuse for the travesty. Ok, not being a console guy might give you an explanation of my situation. And with so many likes and clones on steam, I have enough to eat through without touching emulators.
I enjoy the genre’s level design in particular. I think that adding multiple layers and making souls inspired timing based combat or adding too many rpg elements rarely helps. Movement’s still the core. Upgrades/progression is at its best, when focused on obtaining new ways of movement and not stronger weapons. Clever boss fights are always important, but I prefer them to be a puzzle rather than an endurance competition. I have a huge, almost endless list of metroidvanias to play and to base my own one on.
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2. Walking simulators
Sometimes I just need to turn off. Games in general are a good resting activity, walking sims and ambient games take it little further. And I usually feel enriched by playing them. I don’t feel like an overgrown child. Walking around studying original aesthetic of their creators. It’s a dialogue, in which I confront and reflect their approach to architecture and aesthetics They are definitely better enjoyed on a big screen with proper audio and smooth performance. They’re quite power hungry as even low poly ones are usually 3d. That’s a problem with my current hardware and software. In general I enjoy low poly and minimalist walking sims the most. They tend to focus more on composition.
Almost walking sims present you with a sense of wonder. You explore unknown and often massive lands. They should let you find your own way, but some of there are more focused and lead. Even if the land’s strange, it’s for the better when it rings a sense of familiar. Going cheap surreal isn’t the way. Landscapes in walking sims can be way weirder than Dali, but they should have their own nature. Walking sims are usually very slow. There’s no activity besides walking, maybe you can pick up an item. Sometimes, you follow a story. It’s hard to define a hard border, where walking sims end and other genres start. Gone Home is about something completely else than pure walking sims, but I still enjoy it for its pacing and ambiance. That brings it very close. Curtain certainly isn’t a walking sim, but the way you move around the apartment and then walk through a corridor to bend time is very much close to timeless scenes of walking sims.
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3. Art games - game art
This is a difficult category to define. Art games are usually aiming for more than entertainment. They’re deeper with references to other media or filled with social critique. Having fun sometimes feels bad in them. Game art is even more difficult to define. To put it simply, it’s usually a piece of art using games as its medium. It can have a form of an interactive executable or weird modification of an existing game but the artistic concept is more important than it being a working game. In terms of mechanics, this is a diverse group and vague one, when it comes to game design. Here I can learn from areas more relevant in the real world. They often take on philosophy, ethics, politics, aesthetics and other fields I’m interested in more than in violence and loot.
Some game are clear art games. An easy example is Kentucky Route Zero, which despite it’s artsy nature is clearly defined by its mechanics and sense of progress. The other example from my favourite games would be Little Party. This one’s lighter on mechanics, but it tells a very subtle and civil story and it uses art and creativity more than being a product of it. Proteus would be my personal borderline example. The game’s about complementing and its island are small art pieces. This is actually very close to an ambient video installation and could be considered game art. 
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4. Turn based strategy games 
Games my brain enjoys the most. I get satisfaction from solving. Solving concrete situations of strategy games is closer to me than abstract puzzles and logic games in general. Into the Breach is close to the latter in terms of mechanics but I love it, because it’s not cold, it makes me feel and every time I fail and an enemy hits one of the cities, I stop breathing for a moment. It makes me feel heroic to put one of my mechs in front of houses and almost sacrifice its pilot to save those lives.
There’s a huge influence of Heroes of Might and Magic. That game has many flaws, but its pace is perfect. Battles are usually either swift of epic. Heroes were my first love and I still fondly return to them from time to time. They’re not as challenging or complex as most tactics/strategy games, but they’re perfect rewarding fun. I only left them as my default turn based strategy to branch out. Series like Civilization and Warlock are building more consistent worlds. Especially in Civ its super fast turns and ties to the real world’s history make it a captivating game, in which you need to strategize on several fronts at once. Tactics are the second path I currently follow. There are closer to RPGs, but for reason your characters becoming stronger makes more sense here. It’s often because you can lose them and losing a level 10 character hurts more. I enjoy the small scale of tactics games too. The smaller the better. Again it’s a game design challenge of going further without sacrificing complexity.
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5. Grand strategy games
I wonder how longer this one sticks. I love engrossing myself in Paradox games, losing track of real for weeks and becoming weirdo obsessed with my own history of the world. But it’s weird and disconnecting and you can’t talk about it with your friends, because explaining it is impossible. You can share some stories with fellow grand strategy players, but it’s not difficult to realize the weird nerdness of the company.
So, what’s so good about them? They simulate politics on a world-wide level with an amount of realism, which just feels right. You can change history, but only within borders set up by Paradox. For example you can conquer France as an Aztec, but it stays France. Shapes are the same, systems too. This shade of reality makes fiction in Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Victoria and other games much more easy to engage with. That’s also why I find Stellaris boring. Leaving reality, there’s nothing to compare your fiction with. It renders my choices irrelevant and different developments have same impact on me. Multiplayer probably changes this.
Civilization is far less complex than grand strategy games. It’s simple and easy to explain and to change. Yet it keeps certain connection to the real world and it has great modding scene. There isn’t an infinite number of expansions for it, which would make it bloated with features. And one run lasts a lot less. Civ isn’t a simulation, it’s still a very long puzzle. One day, I will only stick with one of the two. Now It looks better for Sid Mayer than Paradox.
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Pictures are from following games: Caged Bird Dont Fly Caught in a Wire Sing Like a Good Canary Come When Called, Gunmetal Arcadia, Mura Toka (1 and 2), Morphblade, Victoria 2
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glenmenlow · 4 years
3 Factors Shaping New Consumer Behaviors
When we’re not sitting on Zoom calls, foraging for supplies, or fretting about health or finances, our thoughts turn to what life will be like when the madness subsides. We’ll probably witness significant changes in how we relate to others (no more handshakes?), how we work, how we play, and certainly how we consume.
The pandemic will change our world for years after the virus disappears, causing consumers to rethink their purchase decisions (both large and small). Marketers will need to respond to life in The New Normal.
No one has a crystal ball to tell us what the future will hold. However, we can make some educated guesses. After all, while for many of us this is the biggest disaster we’ve ever experienced, the world has seen many others. And we know that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. 
So, at a minimum we know for example that U.S. cities that enforced social distancing during the 1918 influenza pandemic emerged stronger afterward than those that didn’t. And, when we look back in the near past to the Great Recession, it seems reasonable to predict that many consumers will switch to value-priced brands for a period of years.  You don’t need a crystal ball to expect a lot of very public wrangling about materialistic values and priorities for some time to come.
But we can also look at several fundamental human motivations that are likely to drive preferences and behaviors in The New Normal. We know that deep-seated values change over time in every culture, and these in turn influence the products and services we seek – even though at times this is like turning a battleship.
Here are three very basic dimensions I believe businesses need to consider as they rebuild.
1. Gratification. When the day comes that we’re released from our quarantine cages, we’ll experience what pent-up demand feels like very personally. Cabin fever just fuels the fire as millions of bored people yearn to have fun again.
But what will this look like to many of us who will be hurting financially long after we get the all-clear? It’s hard to engage in an orgy of consumption when you’ve lost a big chunk of income. As I’ve read the recent prognostications of so-called “futurists,” it’s been interesting to see that some predict a huge splurge in discretionary spending, while others speak in dire terms of a huge retrenchment.
Who is correct? I believe both are. During last decade’s recession, we saw sales of guilty pleasures like premium ice cream increase dramatically. The key is to provide affordable indulgences that allow people to treat themselves without breaking the bank. For example, luxury marketers may not sell as many high-end items, but their customers will look for smaller purchases that gratify their desires to keep acquiring designer names. Can’t afford a bottle of Blue de Chanel parfum for $155? Well, try that bar of Chanel bath soap for $26 instead.
Likely success stories in The New Normal:
·     Cannabis/alcohol
·     Meditation/mindfulness/wellness
·     Gaming and e-sports, Board games
·     Gardening supplies
·     Home fitness/Peloton
·     Smaller packages
·     Publishing
·     Online education
·     Streaming video/5G
·     Online cultural events (music, religion, art, travel, etc.)
·     Virtual makeovers
·     Athleisure styles
2. Agency. In uncertain times, we worry about losing control over our lives. Consumers value products and services that reassure them they still have agency – the ability to make our own choices. This is one explanation for the “irrational” hoarding of toilet paper and other necessities we’ve witnessed; “I don’t know what will happen over the next few months, but at least I’m able to build up my stash.”
An obsession with hygiene and building emergency stockpiles is a route to restoring agency. Already, almost 90% of U.S. shoppers are expressing a preference to shop in contactless stores.
We can expect more focus on the need to measure and maintain supplies to help us face the next crisis. Look for “inventory awareness” in the form greater interest in smart refrigerators that track when items are depleted, or perhaps dashboards that help us to keep track of our medical, social and financial health.
Likely success stories in The New Normal:
·   Telemedicine
·   Disinfectants
·   Organizational products (containers, etc.)
·   Contactless shopping
·   Bulk purchasing
·   Drones & self-driving vehicles
·   Contact-tracing apps
·   Pre-packaged snacks (no more communal bowls)
3. Stability. In chaotic times, we yearn for predictability. Unfortunately, this tends to open the door for authoritarian regimes to exert greater control over their citizens as privacy takes a back seat to public safety.
To consumers, the need to restore a semblance of security is likely to translate to a preference for lower-risk brand options. Brand experimentation takes a back seat to tried-and-true solutions. Loyalty to established brands may recover some of the luster it lost (so long as these offerings hold the line on pricing). Comfort foods rule the roost; already makers of stalwarts like mac and cheese, Slim Jims, and Campbell’s Soup are reporting elevated sales. Fast fashion’s focus on cheap items that we discard after a few uses will give way to “investment dressing” choices that encourage us to prioritize quality over quantity.
More importantly, we can expect brands that contribute to our social welfare to prosper. A recent survey reported that a majority of consumers believe brands are more powerful than governments when it comes to addressing social issues. CSR (corporate social responsibility) was already a crucial component to many consumers (especially younger ones). But now in addition to concerns about environmental practices, people will be more mindful about how a company treats its workers – especially those on the frontlines when they deal with the public. But, an important caveat: If you talk the talk, you’d better walk the walk. Consumers have a very sensitive B.S. detector, and baseless grandstanding will come back to bite you!
Likely success stories in The New Normal:
·     Comfort foods
·     Nostalgia appeals in advertising
·     Brand communities/brandfests that emphasize collective identity
·     CSR champions that prioritize workers’ welfare
Nobody has a crystal ball to predict the future. But, at a minimum when we examine the pandemic in light of basic consumer drives, perhaps we can adapt to The New Normal by stepping on the GAS: Gratification, Agency and Stability.
Contributed to Branding Strategy Insider by: Michael Solomon, author of “Marketers, Tear Down These Walls!.”
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richgilbertson-blog · 7 years
CLEO4_setup. exe.
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While our company have possessed very clean cars and truck interiors given that our experts started evaluating electric battery powered handheld cleaners, African-american & Decker still suggests that there is a lot of life left behind in specialized vehicle vacs. This really isn't making songs by definition, but you can easily get out of bed a really good head from heavy steam while visualizing on your own as a futuristic combination of electronic artist, DJ as well as combine brilliant. Failure is actually certainly not an option, so it excels to listen to automobile makers are intending to accommodate back-up units. Which is that the Mazda is the better auto, not just since it's additional fun, but because that obtains better exactly what an automobile of its own type should. Qualcomm is actually a world-leading chipmaker that is actually collaborating with big-name brands like Peugeot, Audi, and Volkswagen to take driverless vehicles to truth. Keeping that in thoughts we've compiled the very best petrol-free cars to emphasize merely what does it cost? improvement our team have actually made. You could likewise take your vehicle to a professional auto maintenance and repair look for correct maintenance. The worth of auto loan in the UK nearly trebled to ₤ 31.6 billion between 2009 as well as 2016 baseding upon the Leasing and Lending Affiliation. Nice pacing and also more powerful narrative with a lot to perform. Visuals operate extremely well for managing many opponents on-screen and also the general discussion is actually decent. A lot of comfortably, when CarPlay or Android Auto is actually connected, your phone takes priority so a singular push from the vocal awareness button activates Siri or even Google Now. Manufacturers are actually teaming up with Thatcham - an investigation organisation cashed by insurance provider - to find an option, along with BMW giving consumers a software upgrade to stop such frauds. Graphically the vehicles look amazing (on the surface), internally they appear good as well nothing impressive however really good. On a good time, and also maybe every other day except his sibling's special day, the travel coming from the airport terminal in Warwick to his bro's lean-to took 10 moments. Regrettably you must assume that a lot of car salesmen carry out not know the 10 commandments from selling. In his documentation, Mr McSpadden pointed out there had actually been no problem up until 2009, when the position from autos in Mr Bradbury's area started to express those wanting to utilize the mid spot, currently had by Dr Hanina. Kia hires top quality easy touch components on the upper half of the control panel while the lower components feature less costly hard plastics, but this is actually reasonably usual for various other mid-size cars as well. 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easyweight101 · 7 years
Juvarelle Eye Serum Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Juvarelle Eye Serum is an eye lift cream that works to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines and dark circles. The makers of this product claim that it helps to stimulate collagen production and improve cell turnover with use.
Juvarelle Eye Serum, according to the manufacturer, is made with skin brightening ingredients, as well as some items present to keep out environmental damage—UV rays, pollution, and more. Unfortunately, we never get to see an official ingredient list for this product, so we can’t be sure what, exactly it does.
Kremovage is the number one product for reducing the appearance of dark circles, crow’s feet, age spots, you name it. This is an eye cream loaded with gentle, skin-friendly nutrients—ocean based retinol brings major repair to damaged cells, while fruits and green tea work to neutralize free radicals on contact. Click the link to read about more ingredients used to make Kremovage.
Do You Know the Best Eye Creams of 2017 ?
Juvarelle Eye Serum Ingredients and Side Effects
The Juvarelle Eye Serum website does not provide visitors with any information in regards to what the product actually contains. They talk at great length about collagen production and environmental damage, but never explain how they plan to conquer these issues through the use of an eye serum.
Most reputable skin care products at least give potential users the opportunity to read more about the contents of a product, as that’s really the only way to find out if it’s the right one.
Juvarelle Eye Serum just throws a bunch of benefits at users, adds a video to the one-page website and evades offering an explanation.
Then another Juvarelle Eye Serum website mentions the use of ingredients like hyaluronic acid—which is great, but there’s no uniformity between the several landing page websites used to promote this product.
This complete lack of transparency is a major red flag—we urge consumers to do ample research before buying a product like Juvarelle Eye Serum that promises a lot, but fails to back up any of the many claims put forth on their website.
Click here for a look at our favorite eye creams — from the moisturizing to the hyper-restorative.
Juvarelle Eye Serum Quality of Ingredients
Juvarelle Eye Serum could contain just about anything. From peptides to an antioxidant blend, the list of benefits suggest that it could be anything that stimulates collagen production.
Should it contain hyaluronic acid, then this product may be a decent tool for helping users maintain plump and hydrated skin cells. Or perhaps, it features a blend of vitamins and retinol.
In the end, anything we say about the contents of Juvarelle Eye Serum is pure speculation. This company has done nothing to give consumers a clear picture of what they’re selling. Users should be leery of any product that doesn’t come with specifications like a basic ingredient list, pricing, or company info.
From what we can tell, there’s nothing available to us suggesting that Juvarelle Eye Serum is a product that’s worth trying.
Click here for our full guide to the best eye creams for your money — we’ll break it down by skin type, price, and more.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven eye cream such as Kremovage for better results.
The Price and Quality of Juvarelle Eye Serum
Juvarelle Eye Serum can be “purchased” by signing up for a free trial offer, available through a few different websites. Several landing pages are circulating the web to promote this product and get people to try it.
But, the free trial isn’t exactly free. The makers of this eye serum have neglected to be upfront about the real costs of this product. The site asks that users pay a small fee to receive the product– and from there, users are told (in fine print) that they are on the hook for a monthly subscription to the product–a nearly $90 item.
We’ve seen these free trial traps all too many times. Users report they have trouble getting out of the agreement if they aren’t satisfied.
If you happen to catch the fine print, you’ll read that you need to cancel within 14 days of submitting the original sample order. Should you forget to cancel, you’ll be charged on a monthly basis. Most users miss this and are then charged each month until they either cancel their credit card or get a customer service rep on the phone.
It’s hard to know if this product is worth the price. At $90, it’s a little strange that we don’t know what’s actually inside this product. Without that information, there’s no way to know if this product has any value as an anti-aging tool.
Gain a better understanding of what your skincare regimen should include — click to learn more.
Business of Juvarelle Eye Serum
Juvarelle Eye Serum does not have a company name attached to any of the websites where this product is offered. Users are kept in the dark, with no easy way to contact customer service.
This company’s main objective is to get more users to sign up to get free samples in the mail. The product is advertised on a number of platforms—most notably, Facebook and YouTube.
Juvarelle Eye Serum has a large number of complaints featured across platforms like RipOff Report and others like it. From feeling deceived to getting ripped off—here is a look at some of the comments previous shoppers had to share:
“Thought I was getting a sample for an eye cream, and received a full size product. At first, I thought this was great, but it gave an allergic reaction. Tried to return this item, but they kept charging me.”
“This fraudulent company caused me to overdraw my account more than once. It’s a total rip-off—a scam designed to take advantage of people.”
“I strongly suggest doing a lot more research before signing up for any free sample. There’s always a catch—as was the case with Juvarelle. Trust me, it isn’t worth the headache.”
“The free trial was nearly over by the time this product arrived. They immediately looped me into the automatic payment service, and I ended up paying over $200 in products that didn’t work. Terrible.”
There are countless complaints like the ones listed above. Consumers have mentioned terrible customer service practices, along with changing contact information and repeated charges.
Based on this information, we strongly advise avoiding this product or any other product offered exclusively through one of these infamous free trial schemes.
Customer Opinions of Juvarelle Eye Serum
Juvarelle Eye Serum has very few reviews that mention the actual product or its safety and efficacy. Despite there being countless anecdotes online recounting bad experiences with surprise charges and bad service.
But, there were some mentions of the products slipped into complaints about the whole business model. Here are a few comments we found during our research:
“This anti-aging cream is available on eBay for $30, yet I still fell for this scam. After being stuck with this product, I decided to try it anyway—it’s terrible. It made my skin itch and burn. Had to stop using.”
“This product gave me an allergic reaction. I strongly suggest avoiding this stuff. Not only is it a scam, but they couldn’t even make a product that was safe and effective.”
Unfortunately, we’re working with a small sample size of past consumers. This product was not well-received, but keep in mind, very few people included their experience with the product in their complaints about the company.
Based on these reviews, as well as the lack of a proper way to buy this product and the fact that we don’t know what’s inside this item—it’s clear this product is best left alone.
Take on droopy lids and tired-looking eyes — click here to try Kremovage today.
Conclusion – Does Juvarelle Eye Serum Work?
Juvarelle Eye Serum is not a good product. Users have reported several instances of abuse from this company. It’s very hard to break out of this free trial scheme, and in some cases, users reported an allergic reaction to the formula.
Speaking of the formula, we don’t know what’s in here. It might feature the ultra-hydrating hyaluronic acid, but that particular ingredient was only mentioned on one of several websites.
Juvarelle Eye Serum exists for the sheer purpose of taking advantage of people. It’s a good idea to keep looking for a product that has reviews posted by real people, preferably one made by a real company with a proven track record.
Kremovage is our favorite choice in a sea of millions of eye creams. Our reviewers have found it works as promised to give users the lift and structure they desire. Ingredients like peptides, retinol, squalane, and plant-sourced extracts and oils all bring their own strengths to the table–providing moisture, renewal, and protection with regular use.
Kremovage is a cruelty-free product made from a safe and soothing blend of active ingredients. Click here for the formula, along with the key benefits of using Kremovage.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2xEj1wZ via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/app-makers-code-stolen-in-malware-attack/
App maker's code stolen in malware attack
The Mac and iOS software program developer Panic has had the source code for several of its apps stolen.
Panic founder Steven Frank admitted in a weblog put up that it came about after he downloaded an infected replica of the video encoding tool Handbrake. He stated there has been no signal that any patron facts was accessed and that Panic’s net server turned into no longer affected. Users were warned to download Panic’s apps simplest from its internet site or the Apple App Store. Panic is the author of internet editing and report transfer apps Coda and Transmit, and co-published the video game Firewatch with builders Campo Santo. ‘Entirely compromised’ On 2 May Handbrake became hacked, with the Mac version of the app on one of the web site’s download servers replaced by using a malicious replica. The inflamed app becomes determined and eliminated on 6 May. In what Mr. Frank called “a case of relatively horrific success”, he downloaded the malicious version of Handbrake and launched it “without preventing to surprise why Handbrake might need admin privileges… whilst it hadn’t earlier than”. “And that turned into that, my Mac changed into absolutely, totally compromised in 3 seconds or much less.” WannaCry and the malware hall of fame Glossary: Malware, patches, and worms Malware attack: How to protect yourself online The attacker then used his password to get admission to other private files and copy the source code for several of Panic’s merchandise store at the inflamed laptop. Ransom call for The robbery become showed while Panic received an electronic mail containing some of the documents and stressful a ransom for the return of the complete code. “We’re working on the belief that there is no factor in paying,” Mr. Frank wrote, announcing that “the attacker has no purpose to preserve their quiet of a good deal”.
The Advantages of In-App Purchases for Developers
Have you ever checked out the “top 10” lists within Apple’s App Store and noticed that over 1/2 of the apps incomes the maximum cash are free to download? How can this be viable?
Several years in the past, the App Store delivered a brand new feature that permits developers to charge clients from directly within their packages – with the client’s join of the route. This characteristic took a while to seize on, but it is now one of the pinnacle earnings techniques for lots builders, and right here’s techniques which have proven particularly powerful for builders:
Free Trials
The App Store does not without delay allow loose trials of games/apps to be downloaded. But with in-app purchases, builders are capable of effectively offer customers a demo and trial of their apps for gratis. During 2011, the App Store saw a huge rise on this strategy. A game developer can provide a loose download of the total model of their recreation with 1/tenth of the ranges unlocked. If the consumer enjoys the sport, they should buy all the other tiers – right from within the app – for the unique rate of the game.
This has several advantages for the developer. Most significantly, it lets in them get their game within the palms of massively extra customers than could in any other case be feasible. Since customers can download apps for free, they are extra inclined to attempt it out, and hopefully, improve later.
The “Freemium” Model
Another popular method for in-app purchases is the “fermium” version wherein the app is loose to each person, but people who use the app frequently can improve for extra features. This is broadly utilized by builders of utilities, together with photo editors, wherein maximum consequences are loose, however additional filters are to be had for $zero.Ninety-nine. Again, this permits many users to enjoy the app, whilst still earning sales from individuals who use it enough to be willing to pay.
The “Currency” Model
Finally, we’re going to take a look at perhaps the handiest in-app purchase strategy of all. This one is used in most cases by means of developers of social and method-based totally games. Much like the above strategies, the sport is loose to download and play by way of any consumer, but the video games provide something inclusive of Smurf Berries (Smurf’s Village) or Magic Beans (Trade Nations) which can be basically “currency” inside the game. Most games offer customers ways to earn loose foreign money, however for the customers who need to development quicker or gain greater, in-app purchases of these items will decorate the sport-playing experience.
Using Class Codes 0042 and 9102
Workers’ repayment coverage in Florida and roughly forty different states, use a category code system designed via the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) to rate coverage rates differently for groups of personnel. There are roughly 600 elegance codes, and the 2 principal codes used for employees inside the landscaping enterprise are 0042 and 9102.
I frequently come across panorama protection groups which have their employees misclassified and are capable of not handiest get hold of a 50% reduction in their modern coverage charges, but are also able to report for reimbursements from overpayments on preceding workers repayment regulations.
These experiences and a couple of different questions about how those classification codes can be used collectively for a coverage have introduced to my attention a want to talk specific information to the landscaping industry about the uses of people compensation codes 0042 and 9102.
First, allow’s start with a brief description of each class code with rates from NCCI’s legitimate descriptions:
Class Code 0042 – Applies to employees broadly speaking engaged in making plans, clearing, grading, laying sod, seeding, and planting necessary for landscape installation operations. Planting of timber, shrubs, and flowers are categorized to this code at the side of well-known gardening sports.
Class Code 9102 – Applies to employees that perform renovation of lawns, grounds, and gardens. “The renovation may additionally involve lawn mowing, raking, the utility of liquid or granular fertilizer, spraying and trimming of shrubs or small bushes from the floor, and thatching or aerating. If any one or all of the above operations are executed with the aid of a lawn maintenance chance categorised to Code 9102, then minor and incidental landscaping operations done with the aid of the same chance, consisting of the substitute of useless shrubs, the planting of a few vegetation, and the placing of rock or brick as edging designs are blanketed under Code 9102. This minor landscaping operation is outstanding from paintings achieved by means of an insured at a job or location in which the number one paintings at the job or area is landscaping. Since garden spraying is a preservation operation, a hazard engaged exclusively in work of this nature is assessed to Code 9102.”
Panic Attack Disorder – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Panic attack disease is a chronic situation that develops in someone who constantly fears the opportunity of experiencing several or consecutive panic attacks. This type of scenario entails individuals who have experienced an anxiety attack once and end up feeling scared that they could enjoy it once more.
A person beneath a panic anxiety assault feels an extensive worry that unexpectedly happens with none warning or apparent purpose. It makes a person suppose that he is demise or having a heart attack this is why it’s far a completely frightening enjoy. Symptoms usually final for about thirty minutes and leave a fatigued feeling to the character who had an attack.
Possible Causes of Panic Disorder
Heredity, phobia, medication effects and substance use can be taken into consideration as some of the feasible causes that cause an anxiety attack symptom. A panic sickness that runs in the family will probably be inherited. One can hint his circle of relatives roots to look if this explains a sudden anxiety attack symptom.
Phobias also can give an explanation for why a person suffers from panic attacks. It can be that a phobic object or state of affairs has advanced this tension which causes one to experience tension attacks. Moreover, panic ailment can also arise either as a facet effect from the use of medicines such as antibiotics or as withdrawal consequences from the use of various substances.
Symptoms of a Panic Attack Disorder
One not unusual tension or panic assault symptom that many people revel in is fast heartbeat much like that of a heart attack and it makes humans experience that they are the loss of life. The boom in coronary heart price is typically followed by means of emotions of nausea, ache within the chest and hot flashes.
The other symptoms that may indicate tension attack are agitated respiration, profuse sweating, excessive trembling, the issue in swallowing, and hyperventilating. It is essential that appropriate treatment is sought with the aid of a character affected by panic sickness because the signs and symptoms can be lifestyles-threatening.
Anxiety Attack Treatment
A panic attack cannot be dealt with by myself so it’s miles vital to seek medical assist for anxiety and melancholy remedy. Further, to keep away from perplexing the panic attack symptom with other illnesses which include heart assault, a fitness representative can examine a person’s proper condition. This has to be done early on to keep away from worsening one’s fitness or get the wrong thoughts.
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Major Quest: Round the World in 80 Days
Who: Bridget Miranda, Ezekiel Frank, Maxine Wilkins
Tagged: @ineverunderstoodanything @cleaveittobridget​
Word Count: 4455
Warnings: None
Maxine: Hatun Stronghold. That was the name the NPC mentioned to the other player, so this was where Maxine wanted to go. Sadly, her absolute lack of both gaming experience and sense of direction caused her to get lost shortly after she started her journey with the obstacle of finding a party of three to actually do the quest ever so present. She looked around herself for a second, looking out for the next best person that looked like someone who actually knew stuff about gaming, spotting a person that might just fit that description. She took a deep breath and then another before building up enough courage to walk up to them. “Excuse me?”, her voice sounded quiet and almost shaky with nervousness, making her feel even younger than she was. “I- I'm on my way to Hatun Stronghold and I'm afraid I got a bit lost. You don't happen to know the fastest way to get there, do you?”
Ezekiel: Hearing the squeak of a voice behind him, Ezekiel turned around to meet the newcomer with a smile. "Headed out to find the translation of the newest Dungeon Clue are you?" he stated in as warm a voice as he could manage amidst eating. He quickly tried to tidy his appearance, swiping the crumbs from his beard and straightening in his chair. The last thing he needed was someone assuming he was a wild-born. "Bridget and I just found it in the message boards, its been puzzling everyone," nudging the woman seated next to him pouring over her menu. He pulled open a the message board, displaying the image of the script, then pulling up the map and pointing to a corner, "I think the place is here, based on all the tags that are flooding that direction. You can join us if you wish, we were just abut to head out."
Bridget: Bridget yelped out an "ow!" when she was nudged, only to look up and realize that they may actually be able to form a whole party. That was good because it seemed like everyone else knew each other and quickly paired up. Bridget had been standing around reading the message board for a long while before the other two came around. Bridget was glad to find a party for this quest because it would likely be long and take forever, plus with the whole you die here you actually die thing, she wasn't exactly looking forward to battling monsters. "Yeah, you're free to join us" Bridget answered "We need three people for a party."
Maxine: Maxine nodded affirmatively at the mans question. Surprised that he seemed to be a lot nicer than what she expected based on looks alone, she even mustered a small smile. The offer to actually join their party came unexpected as she carefully listened to the directions he gave her. Startled, her mouth opened and closed for a few times. "I- uh. That- That would be great actually." Another smile genuine smile settled on her face. "Party of three it is then. I'm Max by the way."
Ezekiel: "Well meet, Max, I am Ezekiel." Ezekiel lifted himself from his chair, scattering his meal into pixels while he did so. He turned towards the door and motioned for Bridget to go first saying, "Take the lead, we'll be right behind you. Let nothing cross our path!" Having found a group not out for someone's blood for once, Ezekiel was determined to keep this fortune rolling.
Bridget: "Bridget" she answered simply before nodding towards Ezekiel and heading out the door. She brought up her map for a moment before she began to head towards the Hatun Stronghold. Looking behind her, Bridget said for the others to hear "We have a lot of traveling to do. So best get to it while we can, before the quest runs out and we've traveled all over the place for nothing." She barely checked to see if they were following her, walking briskly as to keep them on their feet and moving. They would have to move fast if they wanted to complete the quest in time.
Maxine: Keeping in step with Bridget wasn't easy and had Maxine follow her at that uncomfortable pace that was just too fast for walking, yet not quite fast enough for a slow jog. "So we just go to the stronghold, ask the guards about the note and that's it?", she asked, a somewhat confused look on her face. It would definitely take some time for her to get used to this whole quest system.
Ezekiel: "That's how it would go if you read the npc messages. But most just hit the skip button and follow the new quest marker," Ezekiel replied, easily keeping pace with Bridget. This is nothing compared to morning Parade inspection, he thought. "Honestly, my guess is that we'll have to travel to several spots, classic 'ancient prophecy' stuff." Ezekiel kept his eyes to the side of the road, the discussion boards had been on fire with reports of scuffles across the floor, apparently this quest was worth something to a lot of people.
Bridget: "What he said" Bridget answered "We'll likely figure it out as we go along but it won't be much different then any other quest." She shrugged, keeping her eyes on anyone they passed who might look like they were interested in their conversation. You could never be too careful in this game, especially given the circumstances. "We should probably at least skim what the NPCs say, just in case there's some important information. You have no idea how many times I have gone back and forth places in a MMORPG trying to figure out what to do next, when if I just read the NPC log, I would've known what to do next."
Maxine: She just nodded along to their explanations, pretending like most of what they were saying basically sounded like a foreign language to her. "So you two do this a lot, play games like these?", she asked curiously, hoping that she wasn't overstepping any lines by bringing up their real life. "You sure seem to know what you're talking about." The more people they passed, the more Maxime wondered how long "a lot of traveling" as Bridget called it would take.
Ezekiel: "When I was in the States, yeah. Hard to play while I was on active duty, but I made due with the pen & paper stuff." Judging by the question, he assumed she didn't play that much, that and the fact she wasn't watching the other players that heavily. "MMO's are a hard genre to get into, and an even harder one to get out of, no pun intended. My sis put a couple hundred hours into one and still never finished, granted she spent more time buying clothes than fighting bosses."
Bridget: "Oh yeah," Bridget nodded, still walking as fast as she could manage "I practically grew up playing games like this. It's in my DNA." Bridget was a little worried about the other's inexperience but she wouldn't say anything. You had to learn somehow and Bridget wished she had found someone who was willing to help her learn when she was first started out instead of just calling her a newbie and ignoring her. Gamers could be so mean sometimes. "I don't think they're that hard, honestly. Pretty fun if you think about it. But I guess they're not for everyone."
Maxine: Maxine listened to their stories with an interested look on her face she wasn't surprised by their past experience considering the way they moved around as if this was nothing different than what they would do on any other afternoon. "I'm not sure if it'll be something for me. This the first time I've played anything and so far I can't really say I'm a fan." When the gamr maker and his little drath mechanics crossed her mind, she pulled a pained looking face
Ezekiel: Seeing the worried look on her face, Ezekiel slowed his pace a bit and places a hand on Max's shoulder. "Whether in here, or in the real world, there will always be things that are...unfriendly. Humanity never got where it was dwelling on its fears, and you would not have made it this far if you let those fears shackle you. Besides, this is a video game, there's always a way to beat a video game." He flashed a wide smile at Max and gave her a gentle shove to help close the gap between her and Bridget before turning his gaze to the ceiling briefly.
Bridget: Bridget turned while still walking full force to notice that her party had slowed. She could understand why Maxine would be upset about the whole situation; it must suck to try out a game for the first time and then get stuck in some sort of weird death machine. But still, Bridget didn't see any reason to dwell on things that you couldn't change. So instead, she pressed forward and kept walking. She brought her map up again and realized that where they needed to head was an island. This immediately raised a thousand questions in her mind. How would they get there? Was there some sort of transportation? And most importantly, did it work the same as a normal MMORPG? Would they simply click on a NPC and instantly travel there or would they have to endure the process like in real life? This whole business was giving her a headache and it made her walk even faster. Turning to the others as she walked, Bridget said "Well apparently where we're headed is an island. So I hope you brought your lifevests."
Maxine: Startled by the sudden touch, Max jumped slightly, but quickly found it to be more comforting than anything else. There's always a way to beat a video game. This she would try to remember. "Thank you," she said warmly, almost giggling when Ezekiel shoved her forward. She glanced over Bridget's shoulder, trying to catch a look at the map. "An island? So what do we do, rent a boat?"
Ezekiel: "Finally, some good news!" He quickly jogged forward to look at the map, using his hand to measure distance like a compass. "That's not too far of a journey, maybe a day or so if the weather holds. If we could grab a small schooner or a skiff we'll make great time, since the ferries are always skirting around to the side." The grin on Ezekiel's face could not be bigger, he hadn't been able to sail for nearly 5 months before entering D.I. His pace quickened severely.
Bridget: Bridget looked at Ezekiel like he was growing an alien out of his head. "You a sailor?" She asked, curious. She had no idea what a schooner or a skiff was but if this guy knew what he was talking about, she would gladly let him figure it out. Bridget was never too fond of the ocean, even though she lived pretty close to one. She had no idea if they had to rent a boat or how any of it worked. She was severely missing the way a real MMORPG worked, where she would just click on a NPC and it would magically whisk her off to an island. Instead she had to figure out where a boat was and actually ride in it.
Maxine: "Well, someone's getting excited," Max said, a soft laughter in her voice. The look on Bridget's face was calming, letting her know that she wasn't the only one who had no idea what he was talking about. "So what's the new plan then? Find a harbour, find a ship and see how things are working out from there?" She wasn't the type for this kind of stuff. Just with winging it has never seemed to be sufficient. She would rather spend hours and hours planning something out, taking every detail into consideration, but right now this really didn't seem to be an option. It seemed like they actually had to improvise.
Ezekiel: "One step at a time. Once we get to the harbor, we can assess our situation. If there isn't a cheap way to cross aside from the ferry, my idea is to commandeer a smaller vessel so that we can avoid the massive throng of players heading that way." He kept his eyes  fixed on the horizon, taking a long whiff of the air. "You can already smell the salt!" The faster we get to a ship, he pondered, the better chance we can find a secluded spot to plan our route entirely.
Bridget: "Sounds good to me" Bridget answered. She preferred to plan things out as she went along and changed it as she saw fit. It was easier that way, especially in a game where you could die by making the wrong choice. Bridget just laughed at Ezekiel's enthusiasm and shrugged towards Maxine. At least he was enthusiastic about it and seemed to know what he was talking about. When Ezekiel mentioned being able to smell the salt air, Bridget turned to him and said "Can you really smell it? I mean, you have to think that your body is not actually here. It's where you linked up to. So you could be locked inside a one-bedroom apartment, far away from any ocean, and yet you can smell it. Pretty trippy, huh?"
Maxine: "That's the plan, then," Maxine nodded, somewhat defeated. Improvisation seemed to be key here and that would be something what would take quite some time for her to get used to. At least she could remind herself that Ezekiel actually knew what he was doing to comfort herself. She couldn't help but pull a face at Bridget's explanation. She wasn't wrong, obviously, but exactly that was the problem. Despite the obvious reality of their current situation, she still liked to remind herself that she wasn't lifelessly lying around in some arcade in Bristol while being stuck in some kind of video game limbo. "That's a pretty grim thought, don't you think?"
Ezekiel: "Just because it may seem dull, doesn't mean it still isn't wonderful. This place gives people a second chance that might be otherwise impossible," states Ezekiel flatly, absentmindedly rubbing his right as he says so. "And as for the salt, it doesn't matter whether I'm smelling it out the window in Juneau, or smelling it here just over the hill. It let's me know I'm alive, that I am able to do something." He stops shirt just after saying this, seeing the massive crowd around the docks.
Bridget: Bridget took both of their answers in stride. "Well, exactly. It is beautiful. And amazing how fully immersed we are in the game. You can literally smell the ocean. I'll take that over my shitty life anyday. Except for the whole you die here, you die in real life thing, you have to admit that this is a pretty steller concept. It's a gamer's dream come true." She meant every word of it and hand't even considered the idea that there might be people out there unable to do certain things in real life, who were now able to do those things in this game. Shame about the whole killing you thing. Bridget follows Ezekiel's lead and looks to notice the massive crowd standing around the docks. "Looks like we're not the only ones on the quest." She said before turning to Ezekiel "So what was that about the skip or crooner or whatever? You know how to make the boat-thing go into the water and make it go to the island?"
Ezekiel: Ezekiel scanned the edge of the small village, looking for a corner of the dock that wasn't filled with players. He saw one pier of to the left that was fairly deserted, aside from an elderly man who looked to be fishing. "I suggest we head over there, see if we can't persuade that man to lend us a boat, if he has one." He kept glancing toward the flock of people by the ferries. He hoped they could get out of the harbor before some of them tried to chase them down for a free ride. "If I walk up to him, can you two keep an eye on the pack over there? No need for us to turn into another ferry."
Maxine: Maxine decided to stay quiet. This was not her place to prove a point and ruining other people's happiness wasn't something she took an interest in. Instead she decided to let them enjoy their "second chance". For her, it was nothing but a curse. She should be studying for her A levels and filling out college applications right now, but instead everything she worked hard for all her life seemed to be just slipping through her fingers.
The view of the crowded docks didn't exactly add to her already barely there optimism either. Unsure of what to do now, she gave Ezekiel and Bridget a questioning look, hoping that one of them had a plan and Ezekiel delivered. "Sure, no problem. We'll keep watch," she said, giving a small nod before ah started observing the crowd.
Ezekiel: "Alright, try to stay behind cover is possible, and give me a warning only if it is dire, otherwise I'll have to break the conversation with the npc." With that said, Ezekiel started walking towards the fisherman, taking care to walk slowly and keep from drawing attention. Upon reaching the old man, Ezekiel tapped on his shoulder asking, "got a sec to chat old timer?" "Wanting to perfect your cast are ya? Well sit down and I'll teach you a thing or two," triggering a fishing skill tutorial. This was obviously the wrong guy to talk to.
Bridget: Bridget shrugged at Maxine before finding a tree to sit under and watching the crowd. They were all standing in line to presumably hitch a ride to the island. Bridget did her best to listen but most people were talking in hushed whispers or not talking at all. She hoped Ezekiel knew what he was doing because otherwise they would have to find another way to the island and time was running out. Bridget was pretty awkward in life and friendships weren't really her thing, so instead of attempting to talk to Maxine, she just stayed quiet and waited for Ezekiel's return.
Maxine: Maxine gave a weak smile in return for Bridget's shrug, but preferred to stand rather than sitting down next to her, hoping that Ezekiel wouldn't take too long. She tried her best to stay focused on the crowd but found herself distracted by the uneasy silence between her and the other woman quickly. "Do you like sailing?", she asked after clearing her throat, a poor attempt to start some small talk.
Ezekiel: "No no no, I don't a tutori..." Ezekiel spattered as the old man began his very in-depth guide to fishing. Well, at least he could use the cover to inspect the ships. Most of the smaller ships were rowboats, which would not help with speed, not to mention he would probably have to do most of the rowing. Ezekiel did spot one small skiff with a mast about 50 yards away. He decided he could make a break for it and start untying, once the tutorial ended...
Bridget: Bridget's attention was brought to Maxine as she appeared to try to start some small talk. Bridget politely smiled and answered "Can't say that I do, actually. The beach is my enemy." She lifted up her freckled skin and pointed to her ginger hair as if that was explanation enough before adding "I bake like a lobster. It's not a very pretty sight." She laughed, making sure to keep an eye out on the crowd. She squinted to look for Ezekiel, who seemed to be stuck in a NPC dialogue. She hoped it was going well. "What about you, much of a sailor?"
Maxine: Maxine laughed genuinely at Bridget's explanation. "Yeah, I get that," she said, motioning at her own fiery red hair. "No, not really. Sailing is kind of a big thing in my hometown. My father always tried to take me when I was a kid, but I never really go the hang of it." She shrugged slightly. Squinting she followed the other woman's gaze to where Ezekiel was still talking to the old man. "You think he's right?", she wondered out loud.
Ezekiel: After finishing the tutorial, Ezekiel didn't bother putting away the fishing rod, instead using it to help his guise as a player not on the current quest. He approached  the boat, finding another rod, some rope, a set of oars, and what looked like a basic tackle and aid kit. Ezekiel glanced around quickly to make sure no one had followed, then set to untying the yardline and anchor hoist. Just as he finished, he quickly flashed a gesture to the others waiting in the trees, then he started pushing the boat from the pier.
Bridget: Bridget laughed, taking her mind and eyes away from the crowd and Ezekiel for just a moment. "Well I guess we're about to have our own personal sailing lesson. Sucks that we can't have a loading screen. Instead we have to actually deal with this." She then looked down at her pale and freckly skin "Hope sunburn isn't a thing here..." before she looked up to notice Ezekiel gesturing towards them and pushing a boat into the water. Bridget said "Sink or swim time" before getting up to head as discretely as possible towards Ezekiel and the boat.
Maxine: "Well, let's hope we'll get to the other side safe then. Sailing is a lot harder than it looks." She pulled a face before looking up, blinking into the bright sunlight. This sure did feel real. "I'm afraid it might just be." Looking over to where Ezekiel was launching the boat, he gave the other woman a firm nod before heading down to the pier. "What took you so long?", Max asked with a teasing smirk.
Ezekiel: "Sorry, old guy was a fishing skill tutor, nothing I could do." Ezekiel breathed while hurriedly tying and untying knots. " Watch your heads with the Boom, and can someone grab the rudder?" The beam on the bottom of the sail swung wide across the boat as Ezekiel pointed to the level at the back of the small ship. Ezekiel glanced at the receding sun and asked "So who is gonna take first watch with me? I'm gonna need someone on the rudder all night if we plan on being there tomorrow afternoon. The other can use the small cabin to get some rest."
Bridget: Bridget followed Maxine to where Ezekiel was spouting off some more boat lingo. She stood there for a moment--perplexed--before eventualy getting into the boat and shrugging at the other woman. Bridget wasn't really tired so she decided to volunteer. "Sure, I'll do the watch thing. How long do you think it's going to take us to get there? There aren't any sea monsters out here or anything, right?"
Maxine: Maxine furrowed her brow, frantically trying to remember what her father told her about boats when she was little. She gave Bridget a thankful look, obviously relieved when she volunteered. "Sea monsters? You think there are sea monsters in this game?" Saying she was concerned was an understatement at this point, looking straight up frightened as she climed on board.
Ezekiel: "Alright, that should do it," mused Ezekiel as the sail filled with wind and the boat lurched forward. Ezekiel took a step back to admire his handy work before replying, "I wouldn't worry about sea monsters, the only place I've heard they exist is in an Atlantis-like quest, but you need to be able to breathe under water before the quest will allow you to start. What I would worry about is another group of players, but no one on shore seems to know how to swim." With that said, Ezekiel sat down on the side railing and started mulling over the map.
Bridget: "Well that's good." Bridget responded about the sea monsters. She wasn't ready to be drowned and/or eaten today. When the boat moved, Bridget wasn't sitting and she nearly fell out on her way down. "Jesus!" She yelled "I don't think we'll have to worry about anything with that kind of driving...er, sailing." She had hoped that the others knew what they were doing because Bridget was making it up as she went along.
Maxine: Maxine gave the sail a content look. It seemed like for now things were going good, yet she decided to keep quiet about that, trying not to jinx it. "Watch out!", she gasped, instinctively grabbing Bridget's wrist when she threatened to fall overboard. "Are you okay?" She looked over to the shore after giving Bridget a quick concerned look, just now noticing how fast they were going, judging by how far away it was already.
Ezekiel: Ezekiel had a look of contempt on his face. Based on how little wind they could feel, he estimated that they shouldn't even be moving a quarter of their current speed. "Judging by our unnatural speed, you two don't have very long to come up with our next step. We will mostly get there well before dawn breaks." Ezekiel then set to scavenging around the boat, seeing if there was anything else on board worth taking longterm.
Bridget: Bridget could do nothing more but nod in response, glad that someone cared about her wellbeing. Bridget liked to think she had a plan, but really she didn't; she was making it up as she went along. She would likely figure it out as she got there and go from there. The boat was moving a rapid speed and Ezekiel noted that it was much faster than it needed to be. "Well good, at least we won't be stuck on this boat for long..."
Maxine: "That's good, isn't it? The faster we get there, the faster we can finish this quest," Maxine offered with a shrug. To be honest, she didn't have a next step prepared. To her, it was almost a miracle that she made it this far in the first place. "So once we're in Hatun, all we need is to find a guard and ask for a translation, right?"
Ezekiel: "That's what I'm assuming." Ezekiel leveled the small telescope he found below deck at the horizon. He couldn't see anything aside from one of the npc ferries, which wasn't saying much considering how dark it was. "Either of you hungry? I've got to use the fish I caught it that tutorial before it rots."
Bridget: "That's true" Bridget nodded, hoping that they could complete the quest in time although the outcome wasn't looking good. They had started too late. "Yep, I guess just find a guard and get a translation on this thing." Bridget shrugged. When fish was mentioned, she nodded "I'm always hungry. What kind of fish is it?"
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Beaute Lift Eye Cream Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Beaute Lift Eye Cream is a daily eye treatment that reduces puffiness and dark circles, making skin look younger and smoother with use. The makers of this eye cream claim this product works to offset the visible signs of stress, aging and fatigue.
Beaute Lift Eye Cream claims to repair skin at a cellular level, plumping the delicate under eye skin, while improving the skin’s natural defenses against oxidative damage. According to the website, this product also works to improve water retention and hydration.
Kremovage is the ideal product for users who want a product that provides hydration, along with repair and rejuvenation. With soothing green tea and aloe, potent peptides and more, users can expect to see firmer skin and a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines. Click here to read more about using Kremovage for your aging needs.
Do You Know the Best Eye Creams of 2017 ?
Beaute Lift Eye Cream Ingredients and Side Effects
Unfortunately, we have no idea what items are used to make this product. The benefits listed on the website(s) claim that the serum aims to reduce dark circles, tighten up the skin and provide moisture and hydration.
This is all well and good, but we don’t actually know how well Beaute Lift Eye Serum can achieve the advertised results, due to the limited information we were able to locate.
Some companies opt to keep proprietary formulas close to the chest, which is understandable, but not providing any details is both disappointing and ridiculous.
Consumers should be presented with enough details in order to make a fair determination as to whether or not this product is the right choice for them.
Click here for more information about treating the delicate under eye skin with care and potent ingredients.
Beaute Lift Eye Cream Quality of Ingredients
The makers of Beaute Lift Eye Cream fail to offer any information about the ingredients used to make the product. There are numerous websites, presumably set up by the people responsible for this product, claiming this product is made from lifting “hydrospheres,” without any explanation as to what this term actually means.
The product has multiple sites associated with it, as well as an Amazon entry—yet none of these resources list any ingredients. It claims to boost the production of collagen, however, we don’t know how the serum actually yields these results.
Without this vital information, it’s very difficult to evaluate the product in any meaningful way. The site raises a lot of red flags—namely, lack of transparency.
Though it should go without saying, we’d suggest avoiding buying products from a company that can’t go into more detail about the item they are trying to sell—it could simply be made from inactive ingredients, or something that could potentially cause a negative reaction.
Want to know which eye cream is right for you? Click here for a look at the most powerful solutions on today’s market.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven eye cream such as Kremovage for better results.
The Price and Quality of Beaute Lift Eye Cream
Beaute Lift Eye Cream is not available for sale in the traditional sense of the word. There are multiple active websites that promote this product, as well as a collection of YouTube and Facebook videos that invite consumers to try this product risk-free.
The dedicated websites offer a limited number of free trials per day, though consumers are on the hook for shipping charges.
There is no information on Amazon (there’s a listing, but the product is no longer available for sale), nor any of the other sites that present a clear pricing structure.
Most reports from sources like RipOff Report state that Beaute Lift Eye Cream costs around $80-90 a month after the initial trial period ends.
If this is correct, Beaute Lift Eye Cream is not a good value. It’s hard enough to justify spending this much an an eye cream that is advertised along with a label and key ingredients, much less one that comes with deceptive business practices and almost no information.
Read up on the latest wisdom on which ingredients work best for antiaging.
Business of Beaute Lift Eye Cream
The makers of Beaute Lift Eye Cream have not disclosed any contact details, pricing or ingredients. It seems this company has just set up a few landing pages designed to trick people into signing up for a free trial, that isn’t exactly free. After the trial period ends (typically 14 days from order), users are automatically enrolled in a monthly subscription to this eye cream, which past users have reported costs about $90 a month.
As a point of reference, most eye creams do not cost this much, as those that do are created by designer brands or backed by a reputable dermatologist. At the very least, a higher end eye cream includes plenty of information about the ingredients in their product description—it’s just a base level courtesy to potential customers, who likely want to get a sense of what they are putting on their face.
Aside from the lack of an ingredient label, contact details and more, the web copy feels a bit misleading. It offers countless claims as to what Beaute Lift Eye Cream can do for your face—firming, lifting, acting as a stand-in for plastic surgery procedures, etc.
Yet, there’s nothing listed that explains how this product intends to make good on these big promises.
Here are some of the comments past users have left on RipOff Report:
“This company is running a scam. They list numbers that are out of service to avoid interaction with angry customers. I was able to get my bank to cancel these payments, but it cost me $27.”
“After seeing several ads, I decided to give it a try for the $4.99 trial. Two weeks later I noticed a $89.95 charge on my statement—when I tried to cancel, they said the order shipped and they couldn’t do anything.
Customer Opinions of Beaute Lift Eye Cream
Beaute Lift Eye Cream does not have many reviews on record, likely because it’s hard to find this product for sale. Uses may only obtain this product through signing up for a free trial, as mentioned above, and as a result have taken to sites like RipOff Report to air their grievances.
We were able to find a few comments attached to a now-defunct Amazon listing.  Here’s a look at some of the comments:
“Don’t fall for this scam. This company will keep charging your card and won’t stop the shipments. The product sucks, and doesn’t seem to provide the benefits advertised. Can’t believe I fell for this.”
“The free trial was gone within three weeks and did not yield any results within that time frame. I couldn’t see any changes, nor could my friends or family. Also, there’s no “fine print” until after you pay.”
“I guess it seemed okay. No major changes, but it felt like it might be a decent moisturizer.”
“Too small and expensive. Don’t buy this. It’s really hard to cancel—and trust me, you’ll want to, because there’s nothing special about this cream.”
Reviews were not exactly glowing. Many people felt that this product did not provide the results listed on the site.
Unfortunately, none of the reviewers mentioned any active ingredients or posted an image of the label, so we didn’t learn much about the formula.
Learn to look your best! Our expert guide to eye creams and serums.
Conclusion – Does Beaute Lift Eye Cream Work?
Beaute Lift Eye Cream is, unfortunately, yet another free trial scam designed to trick people into making monthly payments. In the case of these scams, it’s never about the actual product—instead, consumers get sucked in by the promise of free samples.
Because we don’t know the actual contents of Beaute Lift Eye Cream, it’s hard to make any judgements on the formula. it’s a bad sign for a company to forgo disclosing any of the ingredients—most at least provide a quick rundown of active components so users can do some research ahead of making a purchase.
Based on our research into this product and the people who make it, many basic things remain a mystery. For this reason, we cannot recommend anyone buy this product.
This type of scheme is a form of fraud—consumers are misled into an ongoing subscription cycle, and when they try to cancel their membership, are unable to get in touch with customer service. Beaute Lift Eye Cream is made by a predatory company, we strongly advise staying away from this product or any other cream or supplement that fails to provide basic information like pricing, ingredients, or customer service information.
According to our experts, Kremovage is the best product for firming skin, while at the same time, hydrating dry and damaged cells and reducing the appearance of age spots, crow’s feet and dark circles.
Kremovage is a gentle antiaging solution made for helping users combat the visible signs of aging gently, using organic ingredients and a cruelty-free formula.  Read about the botanical blend at the heart of Kremovage, by following this link.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2yfGFEO via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Nuavive Eye Cream Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Nuavive Eye Cream is an eye cream designed to keep skin looking young and wrinkle-free. The makers of this product say this eye cream presents a surgery-free alternative to getting a facelift or using injectables.
Nuavive Eye Cream claims to feature a blend of peptides and immune-boosting antioxidant ingredients. There’s not much information about the formula, but it appears to be designed for daily use and may be used under makeup.
Kremovage, an eye cream rich in antioxidants like green tea extract, Matrixyl 3000, squalane and more—is our experts’ number one choice when it comes to bringing key antiaging benefits to the table—erasing wrinkles, dark circles and firming skin with daily use. For more about giving Kremovage a try, click here.
Do You Know the Best Eye Creams of 2017 ?
Nuavive Eye Cream Ingredients and Side Effects
The makers of this product have failed to provide an actual ingredient label for this item. The website features a long list of copy, accompanied by videos touting the benefits of peptides and immune-supportive antioxidants.
Where these components are sourced from, we’re never told. That said, here are some of the benefits as advertised on the website:
Peptides Antioxidants
Peptides: While the makers of Nuavive have failed to specify which peptides are present in their eye cream, peptides in general are known to be effective in skincare products for a number of reasons.
Peptides are protein fragments and help form the foundation of the skin’s structure. As we get older, our natural supply of peptides begins to dwindle, resulting in wrinkles, changing texture and sagging skin lacking the elasticity it once had.
Peptides, when applied topically (and alongside antioxidants and things like glycolic acid or vitamin C) are used to help regain lost elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and help skin look more radiant and hydrated.
Antioxidants: Antioxidants are present in a number of ingredients from tea and coffee and certain vitamins to most fruits and vegetables.
Antioxidants help counteract the effects of oxidative stress—basically damage caused by physical ailments, the sun and environmental pollutants. Oxidative stress causes many of the common effects of aging—wrinkles, sun spots, redness, dry skin and more.
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, preventing many of these effects from harming the skin.
Click here to get an insider’s take on how to properly care for aging skin.
Nuavive Eye Cream Quality of Ingredients
Nuavive Eye Cream is the latest product in a long line of disreputable eye creams, supplements, and other anti-aging products. The website looks identical to several other products sold using vague language and baseless claims.
In theory, things like peptides and antioxidants are good ingredients, but they come from myriad sources. The makers of this product fail to detail the ingredients at all—and this product actually could contain anything.
The site makes multiple mentions of this product being a non-surgical facelift—promising wrinkle-free “Hollywood” skin.
Aside from the fact that these are rather lofty claims, we don’t know anything about how Nuavive Eye Cream aims to make them a reality.
We really can’t discuss the quality of ingredients, as we don’t have any idea what this product is made from. This is the first of many red flags we found during our research.
Click here to learn more about the best creams for crow’s feet, sagging skin and puffy eyes.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven eye cream such as Kremovage for better results.
The Price and Quality of Nuavive Eye Cream
Nuavive Eye Cream is not exactly sold in the most straightforward manner. Unlike most cosmetics sellers, Nuavive doesn’t show consumers how much this product will cost them upfront.
Instead, users are presented with several claims that this product will erase wrinkles and dark circles and provide the kind of youthful appearance that only a facelift can provide.
Nuavive Eye Cream is sold through a common practice where users are invited—typically through a web pop-up or Facebook page—to try a risk-free sample of a skincare product or supplement. The only catch? Users must pay for shipping and handling.
Somewhere, there is fine print informing consumers they’ve agreed to enroll in an auto-payment cycle, receiving a $90 product each month until they manage to cancel.
Of course, if these claims were true, there would be no need to trick users into signing up for a monthly autopay cycle.
The top performing eye creams of this year so far — read our reviews by clicking the link.
Business of Nuavive Eye Cream
Nuavive Eye Cream’s website does not include any company information. No contact information, no name, address, anything.
What we do know, is, there is a company based in Santa Ana, CA that has made a number of these websites that seek to trap people in these free trial scams.
We’ve seen several pages like the one used to sell Nuavive Eye Cream. All of these websites use the same pictures and often attract people to the sites through Facebook videos, as well as pop-ups that appear on other e-commerce sites.
There is no explanation regarding how this eye cream works, or what the ingredients are, but there are some vague mentions of trials and personal success stories. None of these data sets link to a legitimate source.
There are several complaints about this company and their deceptive sales strategy. People have complained mostly about unauthorized charges and a poor quality product.
Additionally, this company does not provide any sort of money back guarantee or return policy—so if you aren’t happy with the results, you may find yourself out of luck.
Here are some comments from unhappy customers, as per RipOff Report:
“Like a lot of people, I was burned by this company. You pay for the free shipping and essentially volunteer your credit card information. Be careful. I had to cancel my card to get rid of these people.”
“This company is out to get your money. They trick you into handing over your credit card info and before you know it, you’re on the hook for $90 a month for an eye cream.”
Because of the complaints and lack of transparency, we believe potential users should steer clear of Nuavive Eye Cream. Any company that cannot reveal pricing, or even their true identity is not worth messing with.
Customer Opinions of Nuavive Eye Cream
Nuavive Eye Cream does not have any documented reviews anywhere online. There are several accounts on places like RipOff Report mentioning that this product was a “fine print con,” among other criticisms.
Aside from the fact that there are literally pages of complaints written by people who felt as if they had been taken advantage of, there are no comments that discuss whether or not this worked.
We don’t know if people experienced irritation, saw their crow’s feet disappear or if this product contains any active ingredients at all.
It’s hard to evaluate a product that doesn’t have any consumer feedback. And it’s not as though no one has heard of this item, either. There are plenty of complaints citing wrongdoings on the part of this company, overshadowing any conversation that may have existed about the product.
Click here to learn more about using retinol and AHA to fight fine lines and wrinkles.
Conclusion – Does Nuavive Eye Cream Work?
Nuavive Eye Cream by all accounts, seems to be a scam, and certainly not a legitimate solution for fighting signs of aging.
This product has no customer reviews to speak of, so we don’t know what we’re getting when we place an order. On top of that, all mentions about this brand lead back to this company’s fraudulent credit card charges and deceptive marketing tactics.
Most eye creams have a backlog of reviews from people who have tried the product—this one has armies of angry customers who can’t reach the company.
The company behind Nuavive Eye Cream are an inferior example of how a business should work.  People should not be duped into signing up for an automatic payment cycle. A high quality product will get repeat customers, because the product works and people are pleased with the results.
Finally, we recommend that shoppers looking for a new eye product do some quick research before making a purchase. If a product promises movie-star good looks, no surgery required, it’s likely a scam.
Users should be wary of any company that doesn’t provide pricing info, as well as any company plagued by so many complaints. There are far better products on the market, available at a much lower price point than $89 a month in perpetuity. Buyer beware.
For users looking for a holistic solution for under eye skin, Kremovage is the best choice. With all-natural ingredients like aloe vera and soothing green tea, along with antiaging powerhouses Matrixyl 3000, retinol and squalene, users can expect to see great results with regular use.
Kremovage was made in a certified lab using organic ingredients—proven to gently tackle the most visible signs of aging with use. Click here to read more about using Kremovage to firm up skin, brighten eyes and erase those pesky crow’s feet.
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