#the bare bones shit is there and now i gotta change shit for her scion verse
higans · 3 years
final fantasy fourteen  ( wol ver. ) ... 
      a lost son is called prodigal.   a lost daughter is just called lost.
name  i’kyora rhuri                 korin ( keeper name )                 kore ( amaurotine name ) nickname  kyora titles(s)  warrior of light / darkness, azem race  seeker / keeper miqo’te age  mid - late twenties classes  cnj / whm  ( pre arr - mid heavensward )                     blm  ( post vault - stormblood )                     rdm  ( mid stormblood - post shb )                     whm  ( current )
appearance  at first glance i’kyora looks like any other miqo’te that one might see around eorzea. upon a closer look one can begin to notice that she bears traits typical to both clans. heterochromic eyes considered auspecious by seekers along with their lighter hair color and longer, fuller tails. meanwhile, the clan markings she has are similar to that of her mother’s, pale in color and shorter in length. like many other keepers, she also wears ear clasps with her’s being silver in color. x  
other notable features include: a mole on her chin, a scar on her forehead covered by her bangs, and elongated canines. the clash with “zenos” after returning the front in ghimlyt leaves her with a large scar from her right collar bone down and across to the bottom of her ribcage. however, due to her penchant for wearing high-necked tops, it’s not see often. 
throughout her time on the first a marking on her upper back can be occasionally seen slowly emerging from her skin akin to the legacy tattoo.
history   the daughter of a keeper of the moon mother and a seeker of the sun father, i’kyora grew up in and around the lands of doma as she traveled with her mother and older brother after her father left them. it’s during these times that i’kyora came to be blessed by the mother crystal with her echo. it went relatively unnoticed as she never spoke of the voice within her head* and was already known to be predispotioned for oddity as she was often noted to be strangly hyper attuned to other’s around her.
while idylic for some years, tragedy soon befell upon the family when imperial soldiers occupying doma caught wind of her brother’s involvement within a budding resistance group. not wanting to be taken in, he put up a fight and the resulting conflict ended with the lose of both her brother and mother’s life while forcing i’kyora to flee.
by her teenage years, she found herself within eorzea and in the strange company of the path of the twelve as they began to seek out those with the echo. with little else in the way to do and the want to help, she began assisting in tasks needed. at the battle of carteneau she served as a battle medic before being pushed five years into the future by louisoix’s magic.
trivia / notes   — i’kyora habitually switches between which name she introduces herself as, however, she has no real preference in which she is referred to. like other seeker miqo’te, calling her name without her tribe letter is saved for those considered close.   — *until minfilia’s ascension as the word of the mother, hydaelyn’s voice was spoken to kyora in one that mirrored her mother’s. this was an active choice by the crystal in order to put the child at ease.   — after the tragedy of the vault, i’kyora foresakes conjury for sometime. going so far as to breaking her own cane and shattering her foci once she’s alone to mourn. this leaves her in rather poor favor with the elementals and forces her to instead focus on black magic.
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