#the bar for men is so low it’s a tavern in hades
nibwhipdragon · 2 years
Thinkin abt the fact Joseph most likely had a really fucked up childhood again
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redheadbigshoes · 9 months
There's a fb group title that is funny and it's an interesting group
The bar for men is so low it’s a tavern in hades
Too bad they created an anti woman counterpart
When you're tired of women, but you're women
The first is a good way to shit on men being men (ew) but the second is a way of being to self critical.
And these debates a full of str8 women too, so you know
The most misogynistic women are the straight ones. This is one of the reasons why it’s so hard being around them as a queer woman, especially as a lesbian.
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alphashley14 · 1 year
‘One of Us’ Deleted Scene!
So I just write what comes into mind as I go, then go back and delete later. In fact I often save redacted stuff for later, knowing that event/piece of dialogue will fit better in a later place.
But I found this particular deleted snippet from Chapter 18 funny, and I’m not likely to use it anywhere else. So I’m sharing it with you all.
“Dads Are Hot.”
“Shiomori was an accident, as I told you earlier,” Mystery said with a nod. “I’d been a nine-tailed fox for at least sixty years when she was born. As to why I kept her, I wish I could say it was ‘love at first sight’, but that would be a lie. I kept her because when it comes to life, longevity breeds boredom and she was something new that I could study. At the very least, I thought she could be useful in the future. And given that I had reached sexual maturity with the growth of my ninth tail and would probably be soon searching for a mate, I thought perhaps it was wise to practice parenting on this little… whatever it was in preparation for rearing my own kits someday. And perhaps females I met in the future would find it attractive to have a mate who’d already proven himself to be a capable father. Actually as stupid as I was back then, that right there was wisdom.”
Shaggy, Scooby, and Fred all sniggered.
“Don’t laugh, boys. I’m quite serious. Consider this a tip in attracting and courting your own mates: dads are hot.”
“Ha! Dads? Hot? Yeah right,” Fred laughed. “Come on, Mystery. Girls don’t like that mushy emotional stuff.”
“Says the guy who probably learned most of his ‘moves’ from his adoptive father, who has never been married nor committed to a serious relationship,” Ricky said, wholeheartedly siding with Mystery on this one.
Fred opened and closed his mouth. He… couldn’t argue with that.
“Yeah sorry Freddy. He’s right: dads are hot.” Daphne corrected.
“Are we talking about hot dads?” Vivi asked as she walked back into the room and leaned on the back of the couch behind them.
“Wait. Like, seriously?” Shaggy exclaimed.
“Seriously,” Daphne said. “It takes a real man to walk down the street with a stroller.”
“Playing in the park with their kids? Gently correcting bad behavior? Playing and tolerating tea parties and dress-up with their daughters? Deescalating temper tantrums? Changing diapers?” Vivi listed off.
“Ooooh yeah. Changing diapers is a big one!” Daphne agreed.
“Sorry boys, but the bar for men is so low it’s a tavern in Hades,” Vivi said. “You see a man who’s capable of gentle parenting, good with kids, and willing to take care of the messy parts? That’s a man who’d be a good father to your children and a good husband to you even with kids in the picture. That’s how I fell in love with Lewis. Not just because he’s tall, has broad shoulders and huge hands, looks fine as hell in an apron, and his ass looks amazing in his work uniform…” Vivi trailed off dreamily, chin in her hands, but she quickly shook herself out of it. “-Those things might be what attracted me to Lewis, but what made me fall for him was how kind he was. He’s the oldest Pepper child, and given such he’s the de-facto babysitter for his three little sisters at Pepper Paradiso when his parents are working. And he was so… gentle and good with them, no matter how naughty they were. We’ve been friends all our lives, but as we got older seeing him like that made me picture what kind of father he’d be one day…” Vivi’s eyes clouded over with sadness at the mention of Lewis being a father. Because, the six of them realized suddenly, Lewis would never be a father. He may have found his way back to Vivi from the great beyond, but dead was dead. And the children that Vivi had envisioned back then would never come to be.
“-So,” she quirked cheerfully, “in conclusion yeah… Dads are hot.”
“Dads are hot,” Daphne, Mystery, and Ricky echoed with agreement.
“Huh,” Shaggy said, “Like ya learn something new every day.”
I think my own preferences bled into this part a bit too much. Dads are hot. 😂 It’s funny, and I like the part with Vivi thinking about the future she lost. But it’s long, would have distracted from the point of the chapter, and didn’t fit the mood of the rest of the dialogue at all. 🤷‍♀️
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loverontheleft · 2 years
okay so request, i had a dream where you were ovulating and b knew, because he generally has a good timeline of things and knows your body, so he was using the extra sensitivity and hormones to both of y’all’s advantage and you had the best week ever. also something about men being knowledgeable about womens bodies does something to me IDK WHY I CANT HELP IT it’s the bare minimum but i love it SO MUCH.
Okay so I don’t know that I can make a full oneshot out of this (maybe I can, I need to spin on it for longer) but I think I can probably incorporate the idea somehow elsewhere.
PS I’m glad you know it’s the bare minimum 😂 I didn’t want to have to be the one to tell you 😂😂😂
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granddaughterogg · 4 years
I don’t know about others, but as for me - so much of my writing stems from this utopian outlandish fantasy about a powerful, accomplished, sexually mesmerizing man who is not an absolute turd.
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magioffire · 3 years
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    “The bar for men is so low its a tavern in Hades.”
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Okay I’m doing it... I’m starting the Yoongi fic although its a terrible life choice. 
“Do you think I’m a fool?” I asked Hwasa casually, as we stood in line at the cafeteria waiting to scoop rice and grab some of the egg rolls before the younger trainees finished their practice and descended on the food like a swarm of ravenous locusts. I was usually far from hungry at twelve in the afternoon but it was either eat now or starve for the rest of the day.
“What is this about?”
“Yoongi.” I said curtly and my best friend sighed.
“Oh God.”
“Listen,” I said desperately, “ I know you think I’m being dumb about this but I swear its not like that. I love him and I absolutely know he loves me. I know it.”
“You know it ? For sure?” Hwasa gave me a look that was equal parts pity and exasperation.
“We’ve been sleeping together for five years. He hasn’t gotten bored yet. When we first started everyone told me that he got bored of his fuck buddies in a month.”
“When they got too demanding. You just never got to that point so he’s kept you with him . You’re convenient. Not a necessity.” She said firmly.
“ Well, five years is a long time. And he even spoke to me on the corridor the other day. In front of his CFO. Literally made the man wait in the middle of the bustling corridor just so he could ask if I had lunch.”
“The bar for men is so low it’s a fucking tavern in hades.” Hwasa rolled her eyes .
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
Way Down Hadestown
So brief explanation for this: my latest obsession has been the song “Way Down Hadestown” from the musical Hadestown, and one day I was listening to the song, and the sudden image of KISS singing this popped into my head. So I decided to write it out. I took some inspiration for a couple small things in here from @cosmicrealmofkissteria‘s KISSteriaverse (go read her drabbles, they’re awesome!), but everything else in here is mine. 
I apologize if this is shite, but I had to get it down and I wanted to share it with y’all. If you’ve never listened to “Way Down Hadestown”, I recommend listening to it as you read the story. 
So without further ado, enjoy!
Aucoin’s Tavern bustled with life. Crowds of people filled the spacious tavern, people wishing to drink their problems away or simply wishing for a good time with friends.
Seated at the bar was a man with the latter wish. He was slender man with long black hair, fair skin, and dark eyes, currently lit up with a joyful gleam as he and others at the bar laughed loudly at a joke.
“That deserves another round, I think,” he said aloud. 
“Aw, c’mon, Vin, you’ve been payin’ all day!” Catman protested.
“At least let us pay for one round,” another called the Fox insisted.
The man, whose name was Vinneketh, or Vinnie to his friends, shook his head. “Nonsense. I know none of you could afford it, whereas I can.”  
“Well, one of us could,” a man, Bruce, stated from where he was at a table with two men, Tommy and Eric. “But we all know he would never do it.”              
All the men turned toward a man with curly black hair and white facepaint with a black star sat a table alone by a window, sipping his drink and watching the scene.
Vinnie grinned teasingly at the man. “Well, we all know how fiercely protective Starchild is over his inheritance,”             
Starchild shrugged, smiling. “Guilty. But I’m simply not as ready to spend my wealth as you are, Vinnie,”               
“How wealthy are you, anyway, Starchild?” Fox asked curiously.
From where he was seated beside Catman, a lanky man called Spaceman laughed. “Bad question ta ask, Foxy; Prince Starchild of KISSteria hates talkin’ about his wealth.” 
Starchild rolled his eyes at Spaceman. 
“Why don’t we focus on the next round, hm?” Vinnie skillfully changed the subject. He waved to the bartender. “Bill, another round, if you don’t mind!”
Catman grinned and raised his glass. “Ya spoil us, Vinnie!”            
The jovial atmosphere was suddenly broken by a loud train whistle from outside.
Immediately, the entire tavern went silent. Vinnie froze, the smile slipping off his face. His dark eyes, now wide, turned to meet Starchild’s, quietly begging him to please tell him it wasn’t what he thought it was.
Starchild stood from his chair and opened the window beside his table, then stuck his head out. His star glowed faintly purple as he looked toward the set of train tracks that were outside. There, magnified in the far, far distance, was the small form of an all-black train, rumbling towards the tavern.
Starchild pursed his lips, then opened his mouth and sang, “On the road to Hell, there was a railroad track,”
The desperate look on Vinnie’s face instantly dropped away, and his eyes clouded with anger. “Oh, come on!” he groaned.
“And a train coming up from way down below,”
Vinnie raised a finger toward Starchild. “That was not six months!” he insisted.
Starchild turned to Vinnie, shrugging apologetically. “Better go get your suitcase packed. Guess it’s time to go.” 
Scowling darkly and eyes blazing with anger, Vinnie nonetheless got up and stormed off.
Spaceman shook his head sadly as Vinnie exited the tavern. “Too fuckin’ bad,” he lamented.
Fox approached Starchild, who had returned to gazing out the window. “What did you see?” he questioned.
Glancing at him, Starchild jerked his head to the window. “C’mere and take a look,”
When Fox had stuck his head out, Starchild pulled a dollar bill out of his pocket and threw it out the window. As Fox followed it, he saw it was blowing on the wind in the direction of small curling wisps of smoke on the horizon.
“Follow that dollar for a long way down,” sang Starchild behind him. “Far away from the poorhouse door. You either get to Hell or to Hadestown; ain’t no difference anymore. Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground.” 
Fox curiously pulled his head back inside. “What’s Hadestown?”
“Used ta be run by Hades himself, so they say,” Spaceman piped up, ignoring Catman’s sour expression. “But then it was taken over in a coup and now it’s run by who the boys call Demon.”
He set down his drink. “Hound dog howl and the whistle blow,” he sang. “Train come a-rollin’, clickety-clack. Nobody knows where the old train goes. Those who go, they don’t come back.”
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!” the patrons in the tavern chorused.
Music suddenly started up, and some of the crowd moved onto a cleared space to dance to a jazzy rhythm. Those who weren’t dancing clapped their hands to the beat.
The crowd on the dance floor suddenly parted to make for the return of Vinnie, who trudged back into the tavern. He carried bags in his hands and wore a coat over his clothes. His face had changed as well; what had once been fair skin was now chalky white, with black lips and a golden ankh from his forehead to his nose. There was also a very sour expression on his face.
“Winter’s nigh, and summer’s o’er,” he sang, frustration seeping into his voice. “Hear that high and lonesome sound, of my husband comin’ for, to bring me home to Hadestown.”
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!”
Vinnie trudged over to the bar, where Starchild was waiting for him, and plunked his bags on the surface. “Down there, it’s a bunch of stiffs. Brother, I’ll be bored to death,” he lamented to Starchild. “Gonna have to import some stuff just to entertain myself.”
He snapped his fingers at Bill. “Gimme morphine in a tin. Gimme a crate of the fruit of the vine. Takes a lot of medicine to make it through the wintertime.”
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!”
Bill glanced over at Starchild, looking unsure. Starchild sighed and nodded, and Bill accordingly went off to grab what Vinnie requested.
“So I guess Hadestown is a bad place, then?” Fox asked from where he was now sitting.
All of them grinning, Bruce, Eric, and Tommy went over to Fox. “Everybody dresses in clothes so fine!” Bruce sang.
“Everybody’s pockets are weighted down!” Eric added.
“Everybody’s sippin’ ambrosia wine,” they all harmonized, “in a gold mine, in Hadestown!”
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!”
Catman scoffed. “Now that’s some bullshit and you know it,” he said to the three. He downed his drink and stood up. “Everybody hungry, everybody tired, everybody slaves by the sweat of his brow. The wage is nothin’ and the work is hard, it’s a graveyard in Hadestown!”
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!”
Bruce, Eric, and Tommy shrugged, still wearing shit-eating grins, and went over to surround Vinnie, who had uncorked a bottle of wine and was drinking straight from it. “Every little penny in the wishing well,” they sang. “Every little nickel on the drum,”
Vinnie raised his bottle, giving an unenthused smile. “On the drum!”
“All them shiny little heads and tails—where do ya think they come from?”
“They come from way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!”
The jazzy music swelled again, and the patrons in the tavern left, running outside to dance once more. It was rather ironic to see them dancing, as it was a rather somber occasion. Vinnie just continued to drink from his wine bottle, until he had finished and threw it off to the side.
“How can he drink all that?” Fox whispered in awe.
“He’s got a high alcohol tolerance,” Starchild quietly explained. “Which helps for where he’s going.” 
The train whistle suddenly blew again, much louder this time, and everyone felt the ground rumble under their feet. When they looked, this time the train could be seen, without the help of Starchild’s eye, as it moved along the tracks, getting gradually bigger with every passing minute.
Catman glared at the coming train and spat on the ground. “Mr. Demon is a mean old boss,” he spat.
“With a silver whistle and a golden scale,” Vinnie agreed, still looking very annoyed with the whole thing.
“An eye for an eye!” Bruce, Eric, and Tommy shouted.
“And he weighs the cost,” Starchild cut in.
“A lie for a lie!”
“And your soul for sale!”
“Sold!” all four shouted.
“To the king on the chromium throne,” Vinnie sang morosely.
“To the bottom of a sing-sing cell!” Catman belted.
“Where the little wheel squeals and the big wheel groans,” Starchild sang out.
“And you’d better forget about your wishing well,” finished Vinnie.
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!”
The rumbling reached its loudest as the train began to slow down. Slowly, the train rolled to a stop, with a first class train car stopping right in front of the group gathered on the side of the tracks.             
“On the road to Hell there was a railroad car,” said Starchild quietly. “And the car door opened and a man stepped out.”
As he said it, the car door opened, and a pair of black boots appeared on the step.                
“Everybody looked and everybody saw, it was the same man they’d been singing about,”               
Then the Demon himself appeared to them all.
He had huge, frightening appearance, with the black marks on his snow white face and his yellow cat-like eyes making him ever more so. His eyes scanned the crowd of people, everyone avoiding his gaze. 
All but Vinnie, who stepped forward holding his bags. He looked at Demon with a look of irritation and anger. “You’re early,” he said simply.
Demon’s black mouth curled into a smile, the kind of smile only a serial killer could pull off. “I missed you,” he replied. His low voice sent cold shivers up everyone’s spines.
“Mr. Demon is a mighty king,” Tommy sang quietly. 
Eric and Bruce joined in. “Must be makin’ some mighty big deals. Seems like he owns everything.”
Fox mused aloud. “Kinda makes you wonder how it feels...”
He trailed off. For one tense moment, there was silence. Then, desperate as everyone else to get Demon on his way, Starchild shouted out. 
“All aboard! A-one, two, a-one two three four!”
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!” the crowd sang, as Vinnie sighed and resignedly walked toward the train. Demon’s smile widened, though now it looked more like a smirk, and disappeared back into the train car.
“Way down Hadestown, way down under the ground!”
Vinnie climbed the step, then paused. He looked over his shoulder at his friends, who simply watched sadly. Spaceman gave him a somber salute of farewell, and Fox apologetically waved goodbye.
“Way down under the ground!” 
Vinnie turned back and stepped onto the train. The car door closed behind him.
The train began to move again, gaining speed until it was chugging away, nothing more than a wisp of smoke on the horizon.
“Way down under the… ground!”
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violetxpetals · 2 years
Anyone still using Facebook should 100% join this group:
The Bar for Men is So Low it’s a Tavern in Hades
Closest radfem group I’ve found so far
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socialjusticefail · 2 years
Saw a cute/wholesome little comic about a father and daughter on Facebook, unfortunately, the comments were a raised barrage of anti-men shit and talking about how all men are scumbags and should die. (Including one woman sharing a completely anti- man FB group that’s so extreme it censors the word “man” and talks about how men should be murdered and claims they can’t have mental health issues called “ The bar for men is so low its a tavern in hades”) *1
*2 How does a cute and sweet comic like this rally up so many obnoxious misandrist, anyways? Imagine hating men so fucking much you can’t stand to see a comic depicting a healthy and wholesome father and daughter relationship. People like this are why I’d never call myself a feminist. Misandrist have ruined the movement for me.
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queenequilibrium · 4 years
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At first glance, many would think this is wholesome. That these are some great guys the woman is thanking in this message.
But honestly, how low is the bar for men?
This message literally thanks men for *not* hitting women, for *not* raping her when she is drunk, for *not* being an asshole because the woman wasn’t interested.
If anything, this post is the bare minimum of human decency.
All parts of this list are things I, and most other people would do (or not do) without hesitation. 
Heck, it would never even be in my mind to take advantage of someone who is intoxicated, or any other time for that’s sake.
And men, isn’t this the type of behavior you would naturally show towards other men? You wouldn’t rape another man because he was drunk, you wouldn’t hit them (hopefully), and you would definitely show them basic respect, and help them out in a time of need, without expecting sex in return.
Why the hell do women feel the need to thank men for behaving like a decent human being?
The bar for men is so low it’s a tavern in Hades.
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