#the band primoridal
kidzbopdeathmetal · 7 years
Alan “Nemtheanga” Averill of Primordial at Trondheim Metal Fest by Robert Magnussen
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supposed2bfunny · 5 years
what are some of your personal gorillaz headcanons?
Oh god this blog is like 4+ years of them haha! You can probably find some by searching my “gorillaz headcanons” tag.
Off the top of my head, a few recent ones would be:
-Ace stays with the band after Murdoc comes back from prison. He works as a studio musician for them and spends a lot of time in America helping the GG Gang with their endeavors, but the Gorillaz consider him family at this point, especially Noodle and Murdoc.
-I touched upon this in a recent fic I wrote for Murdoc’s birthday (on mobile and waaay too lazy to hyperlink the fic right now) but they move back to England after The Now Now. 2D leads the initiative to purchase the plot of land where Kong once stood before Murdoc burned it down, and they rebuild a huge studio there. They’ll be coming out with music for years to come from the primoridal, sacred ground of Essex!
-Noodle and Murdoc take walks in the evenings sometimes. Incentive for Murdoc to stay in shape, and a chance for Noodle to reconnect with the man she once saw as a sort of father. She’s finally moving beyond the events of El Mañana. Slowly, and at her own pace.
-Russel is still the mother hen of the band, and makes sure everyone remembers to eat, and knows what meds 2D can’t take on an empty stomach. Conversely, the band takes turns checking on Russel when he falls into depressive episodes. They’ll check in, bring him snacks, offer to watch TV with him.
-JAM SESSIONS 24-FUCKING-7! It can be 4am and you’ll find them all in the living room, the studio, the fucking hallway, having a “Best of David Bowie” jam session, trading vocals and backups, Murdoc making a lot of the funny electronic noises. They communicate through music.
-Stealing. Ace complaining that he KNOWS 2D is using his expensive shower gels, he can smell them on him! And would Murdoc please stop stealing Noodle’s miniskirts?? Everyone just steals Russel’s records all the time. He’s given up trying to get them back. They’ll show up again eventually. But would it kill anyone to just ask first??
Woo gotta get to work so that’s all for now. Hope these suffice! :3
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