#the baby lens can be on full effect for the older bros and adults
toomanybs · 5 months
BatFam Fanfiction Required
Annoys me a whole lot that no matter how little sense it makes Damian is never allowed to grow so he stays cute. Like a purebred purse dog that you can already tell has so many health issues
The Point:
Damian, at his shortest, should outgrow Tim by age 15. At his tallest he should outgrow Tim by age 12 (or earlier)
As a bit-below-average woman with an average little brother it offends me deeply that the frustration of being outgrown by a teenage sibling is not being represented. I require compensation in the form of fanfiction. Yes I am begging
The Evidence:
Tim Drake is 5'5"-5'6 at age 17 and should be 5'6"-5'7" by age 20. Cassandra and Steph are both around his height
Damian's adult height* should be minimum 5'10" and maximum 6'5" . That is to say it varies from Dick's height (~average man) to tall as heck (tallest among the bats)
*depending on his height when 10-11 (varies with artist), and according to his parents' more consistent heights of 5'8" and 6'2"
The Second Point:
Envision Tim being judged for first fighting an 11 year old and saying "that 11 year old is heavier than me and it's all muscle". This is canon accurate
The Third Point:
The bias against tall kids is weird, confusing, and somewhat suspicious to me. TBH most things are, However; it makes me wonder how often tall kids are treated as adults before they should be and explains to me why short people get treated like kids
We can't even get over the idea that maturity isn't based on size. No wonder we can't get over treating women as either mature by puberty (when height growth slows) or never mature at all (average 5 in shorter than men)
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