#the average sports drink is 300mg sodium
Dear POTS friends (or anyone else with blood pressure/fainting issues/told to increase their salt intake):
The salt test is a myth. It is not real. Pls do not do this.
You could very easily consume way too much salt, as salt will probably always taste pretty good to you until you’ve eaten a lot all in one go. Too much salt is just as bad, if not worse, than too little.
Instead, talk to your doctor about how much salt you should be consuming. If you don’t have one/none of them respect your symptoms, try to find resources online (there are plenty—cleveland clinic has some good stuff).
Another key component of increase salt intake is increased fluid intake, so personally I get my excess salt from sports drinks. I try to do at least 2-3 cups of water per sports rehydration drink, and only do extra rehydration fluids if symptoms don’t subside or come back.
You should base your salt intake off of SYMPTOMS, not how good salt tastes.
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