#the average person's mistrust of men i wouldn't say crosses into misandry territory
justtogetthrough · 3 months
I'm sorry if this is a bad take but years of being witness to TERF rhetoric on tumblr.com about how ~bad~ men are just because they are men, has really fucked up how I respond to music where a man sings about a woman. Especially any song that at all come off as angry or jealous. I need to consciously remind myself that men are humans who have these feelings and these are normal to feel in the context of relationships - they are not inherently toxic people for feeling this way about a woman in their life they've lost or can't be with. We all feel these ways.
I'm bad with subtext so it's entirely possible I'm missing cues and they are singing about creepy behaviour, but I seriously doubt it? I honestly think I've absorbed enough men-are-bad commentary against my will through this hellsite that it's made my default approach to men being anything but fawning over a woman to be one of feeling highly suspect.
And I hate that for myself and everyone else on tumblr.
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