#the answer is nah you're good
queerprayers · 3 months
hi beloved mutual. do (protestant) baptisms expire. i havent been to church regularly in about a decade but i was baptized as a child and continuously went my entire childhood & pre-teens. im presbyterian or was baptized one if that means anything
Beloved! Hello! 
I can very easily say no, it does not! You will always be someone who participated in the sacrament of baptism—whether or not it was your decision, and whatever your opinion of that event. There are people who choose to renounce their baptisms or consider them unimportant, of course, and you're free to do that, but Christianity would say that you can never be un-baptized. Your church attendance, your beliefs, your actions—none of them affect that original act of baptism, where you were, as Lutherans say, marked with the cross of Christ forever. (Or, as I just learned the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship says, "grafted into Christ forever.") 
Your baptism is valid in both Catholic and Protestant churches—for instance, if you were to convert to Catholicism, you would not have to be baptized again. Probably Mormons wouldn't accept it, and I think evangelical-type churches will rebaptize if you've had some born-again moment, but generally you're set. 
This Presbyterian website has a great paragraph:
We believe baptism is a "seal" to make clear what God has already done . . . No ritual with human hands will change the mind of God, but this ritual signifies that this person – whether infant or adult – belongs to God, who has already claimed him or her. Baptism is a very important ritual for Presbyterians, bestowing a life-long identity on the believer (BUT – an identity that they can choose or not choose) . . . We baptize infants to show that God reaches toward us in love, before we have any ability to choose, to behave well, or to become loveable.
Your baptism was an act of public worship, uniting you with the Church. Your family promised to educate you in religion and support your continued faith. (Whether they kept those vows is another story.) As adults, those of us who were baptized young have the job of deciding what to do with this ritual we were given. Confirmation and Reaffirmation are both liturgies of further participating in the ritual, whereas leaving religion or converting would be a rejection of it. 
Baptisms don't expire because your whole life is a continuation of that relationship—whether with it or against it. If you're asking because you're thinking about going to church again, I hope this brings you comfort. If you're asking because you're hoping you've gotten away from it… sorry? Running away from the Church is doable, and you're welcome to it, but running away from God isn't something I can help you with. Each step you take is inside Love. In baptism God claims us—or rather, we, our families, and/or our communities usher in God's claim. 
Baptism doesn't expire because to some extent it never began—it was your submersion into the current of God. God's living water does not falter; Their well never runs dry. Whether or not you attend church can make a big difference in your life and the lives of others, but it has no say in God's already-made promise. If your faith has evaporated, know that the next step is to form a cloud to return to the earth. If you are waiting at the riverbank, wondering if you still know how to swim, know that you were swimming in Love before you had the "ability to . . . become lovable." Baptism doesn't expire because unlike Achilles, none of you has been left untouched. You were baptized into death with Christ, and therefore into life with him. You were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—in the name of the ever-moving relations of God, the sourceless and endless river. 
So: remember your baptism. Perhaps not literally, but remember the gift that it is, and who it was that claimed you. Whatever your relationship with it, your acceptance/rejection/desire/anger, it is there, flowing, unexpiring. 
<3 Johanna
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wigglebox · 4 months
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passthroughtime · 3 months
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yagami, WHY do you have to be such a bitch around kuwana. i'm going to strangle you.
(P.S.: he didn't tell kuwana that tesso said not to feel bad about it. obviously.)
#kuwagami#judge eyes#nah the best thing here is that yagami fucking KNOWS already that kuwana is not a piece of shit#he can admit to other people that yeah kuwana really cares about people. he knows that kuwana probably feels bad AND he is correct about it#and when he. when he fucking. SEES him. he starts being a bitch. amazing.#yagami stop being a little hater challenge FAILED!!!#damn you know we all see that kuwana annoys yagami out of spite and while it CAN be true under some circumstances>#(like. trying to weasle his way into yagami's investigation. you know. and the flirting. obviously.)#but as i see it yagami is no better. his default state is being a bitch so of course he is bitchy to kuwana as well#but he can't switch it off and just. acts so immature that kuwana has no other option than to do the same#guess who's having more common sense out of these two actually. the answer may shock you#anyway if you're interested why my fics are being written so slow it's because i'm picking apart canon events to see if i missed something#uhm I GUESS!#this one i've thought about for a while but it's now relevant for the update so i came back here and just. just had to post it you know.#also yeah i kinda dug my own grave with picking yagami's disguise here because i haven't stopped laughing until he took it off#“no kuwana of course i made sure rk wouldn't know it's me i had THE BEST disguise even my friends wouldn't know it's me”#though who's kuwana to judge. he just changed his jacket and went eehhh good enough#these two idiots deserve each other. fucking hate them#putting letters together one word at a time
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Do you have headcanons about how Deity Luigi from your AU would show his love towards Daisy? How would he use his powers for her?
Deity AU
For context: Luigi is a celestial god, and Daisy is a forest nymph
Oooohhhh that's an interesting question 🤭 To explain this, I'll break down how their first meeting went.
- Luigi is very cautious about approaching Daisy. It's love at first sight, and he watches from afar for a while before even getting the courage to talk to her.
- He makes himself appear more human, and carefully approaches her while she's walking through the forest. Being only a nymph, Daisy is by natural instinct terrified of him at first. Even though he is in a human form, she can sense something is not mortal about him, and demands that he show her who he really is.
- One thing about Daisy that Luigi has come to learn, is that she is not as submissive or delicate as other nymphs of her kind. She is loud, ferocious, and able to fend for herself. And he is drawn to her.
- Luigi is hesitant, but agrees in order to put her at ease. "Please don't freak out", he says, as he lifts off his mortal disguise and shows himself in his true form
- Even though he is keeping his power in check (so as not to harm her) he is blinding with sheer power alone. Daisy steps back, unsure whether to run away. But then she take a good look at him. And instead of seeing a ruthless god, she sees a gentle soul staring back at her, begging her to stay, to give him a chance. She approaches him and takes his hand in hers. She smiles at him, and instantly his heart soars. She trusts him.
- Luigi visits her regularly in his mortal form, so as to keep her and the forest safe (for a god's power is destructible if not in check), but there is a comforting presence around her at all times in his absence that she identifies as Luigi. For example, while exploring her forest home, Daisy accidently stumbles into hunter's territory, and she is pursued. However, the hunters don't get far before lightning bolts unexpectantly rain down from the sky and strike them down.
- Another time, Daisy is upset that a part of the forest is dying from the lack of rain, so Luigi sends a rainstorm that instantly rejuvenates the flora.
- Another one I want to add because I think it's cute ^^ While Daisy has a power that can make flora grow, she cannot ultimately make the life permanent. Her powers only allow her to assist the forest. When they both agree for Luigi to spend a night with her, she creates a beautiful bedding of flowers of many species and colours ^^ But she is sad, for she explains that by the time they will wake up, the flowers will be dead. Luigi then says they won't, and uses his power to have the flowers be gently dusted in a watery mist (but does not feel wet to the touch). He explains that the flowers are now permanently frozen in a time of life, love, and beauty, and they will never die out 💚💛
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mad-hunts · 4 months
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lbr, johann would be fascinated with barton’s mask and compliment him on how well preserved it is.
❝ holy shit. i almost gave up hope with this stupid card, but it seems like someone is just my type, ❞ barton let out a loud incredulous laugh upon seeing that ALL of the boxes for this card were ticked. he was almost tempted to ask if johann was lying about some of them, but what would he really have to gain from that besides... his favor, i guess you could say? and the other didn't really seem like the type to try to manipulate him. at least, in this way. barton honestly was kind of speechless — he hadn't really planned for someone to be perfectly compatible with him, so what the hell was he supposed to do now?
marriage. that was the only solution.
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schnaf · 6 months
#learning hangul never ends#and i am like 🔪#so you're thinking of yourself as superior to chinese?? at least chinese MAKES SENSE#and doesn't have to make up new rules at every single corner#it's so weird that hangul was invented bcs this guy was like nah chinese characters are too hard i'm gonna make an easy system#and then it's like... oh but this is an exception#this letter is pronounced that way! but if it comes at this position it's pronounced another way#and sometimes it's just silent#and sometimes there are 4 letters but two of them are silent and 1 of them isn't pronounced regularly#i am DONE#sure learning chinese characters is a LOT#but at some point you can see patterns and it all fits together#korean letters are way easier but THE PATTERNS ARE A MESS#(but also i just looked at another way to count in korean)#(like.... i know un deux sept)#(but there's a second way to count and it sounds so similar to chinese and 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳)#(i know there won't be many crossovers so i'm happy about every single one)#((talking about crossovers: i started learning czech recently because i have no self control))#((((also because i told myself i'd only start learning a new language after being good in chinese and that day will never come))))#((((so i dropped that plan and now i've got nothing holding me back from starting new languages))))#((and a few days ago i listened to a russian interview and i was like wait i know these words))#((it was very nice but also a reminder that i should have stuck to languages that are part of an actual family))#((i want to know more 'if you know one you know them all' languages))#anyway that's my language rant for today and if it wasn't for my number crossover i'd be a bit more 'why did i decide to learn korean UGH'#(the answer is immersion btw. i thought if i keep watching korean stuff i might as well learn the language bcs at least i've got immersion)
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psn-stalling · 9 months
You shouldn't have forcefully captured it.
It could have harmed you in response.
You could have been seriously hurt.
You are an idiot.
//I hope this isn't too much-
Well. What's done is done. I came out unscathed didn't I? I'm PERFECTLY FINE. I just have a cute little bird now, that's all~
I wouldn't have been hurt even if it did retaliate. Planning in advance, it's a great thing~
I'm the farthest thing from an idiot.
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vonlipvig · 2 years
Do you think that at the start of jeremy's career he was actually pretty energetic and silly compared to how he is now or do you think he was cold even at the start of his career
that's a great question! now that i think about it, i do think he would have been a lot less jaded than he is now--he does love the news after all, so i'm sure that would have been like the start of a dream come true for him--, but i think he's always been kind of this reserved, more introverted kind of person. like, it is a fact that he's never been to Boseman's house for dinner, and if he did go to any of the CH1 award shows during the early years of his career he probably was super reluctant to go and just had a terrible time lmao.
i think he just ended up making up for his own lack of a social nature off-camera with like, sheer audacity and outstanding journalistic work, which probably had boseman going "ok this guy is a bit weird but damn if he can work those cameras" lmao.
and i also think that he'd have struck up a friendship with jenny pretty quick and been bantering with her since then, cause that's how he shows love, by telling you you have absolute shit taste in dates <3.
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enderspawn · 2 years
I hate your guts (this is a reminder that you are in fact a very cool person thank you i hope you're having a nice day and i hope you don't mind me pretending to hate you i actually think ur really funny)
fuck off and die (thank you i hope you have a great night as well (its almost 2 am for you as im writing go to bed!!!) and also i really enjoy your posts and art a lot keep up the good work heart emoji)
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maligknightsthorns · 1 year
a kiss stolen away in a corner,  ignoring crowds. "Camilla....please. Stay with me for the day before you must return to the castle. Here, we can be free and enjoy ourselves. I am not a possessive person but...." Eirika hesitates, flushing a bit, "I do admit I want to myself. I hope that is not bad?"
The kiss made Camilla pause. Eirika was a student. Despite what ever age and wisdom they brought, a student was a student.
Camilla knew far too well what it was like to find herself the center of affection for someone who was supposed to guide her. A student was a student.
"My dear," she said gently. "It isn't just men you have to be weary of. While you are a student at the academy you will remain that in my eyes. You flatter me so, but you are still young and still learning. I believe that finding someone with whom you are on equal footing would help you best to bloom." Camilla pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "Now, let us rejoin the crowd. If it's a tryst you want you'll have to find another student who is interested. There are plenty of pretty ladies enrolled at Garreg Mach."
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
Paid $150 last night to spend six and a half hours in the ER and then have the doctor tell me "you're very healthy you can go home"
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nochepsicodelica · 1 month
"All those drinks are gonna do you dirty, ma. You're gonna throw up if you don't get some food in your system, so eat," Toji says, pushing the box closer to you.
You giggle at his serious face, before standing up from your chair for the fourth time, trying to go around him. Toji's used to this by now and stands up, bringing you back down to your chair.
"Stop getting up and eat your food. You literally begged for this. Why aren't you eating it?"
"Why aren't you eating it?" You return, raising your brows at him, seductively. It doesn't come off too sexy when raising your eyebrows makes you immediately squint because of the light going into your sensitive eyes, but it does lure a chuckle out of Toji.
"I'm ignoring that. Just eat. I don't wanna hear you upchucking in a couple hours."
"You won't hold my hair back?" You pout. Your feigned little flash of sadness produces real tears in this state, so it's a little confusing for Toji when you start giggling while wiping at your reddened cheeks.
"Your food's getting cold. I know how you are about reheating fast food, so eat it before it goes to waste."
You smile at him, your eyelids almost completely shut in your drunken daze. Toji can't even lie, it's cute. It's the only reason he's not up the wall about this little situation. Then you decide to drop a bomb on him.
"I'm not hungry anymore. Too tired to eat." You rest your chin on your palm, shutting your eyes. It feels nice. It would take less than thirty seconds for you to fall asleep.
Fuck. Think, think, think...
"Hey." Toji pokes your forehead, lightly, earning a hum and a furrow of your brows. "What if I feed you?"
You laugh, giddily. "Ooo, you trying to romance me?"
"Sure, if you eat."
You laugh again. "Toji, you dog, you. I'm not putting out." You shake your head, eyes closed with a dumb grin on your face. "No, sir. It's food and then goodnight for me."
"You already put out for me, earlier, doll." He smirks at the way you blush, clearly having an 'oh, yeah...' moment. "Eat some more so we can go to sleep."
"Hm?" You hum, rolling your eyes open after your blink of sleep. You crack a grin as soon as you look at Toji. "You wanna kiss me sooo bad. Look at you."
"I'm not gonna kiss you. You're not listening. You think you deserve kisses for that?"
"Uh... yes? I mean no. Pshhh, nooo. Of course, not."
"That's right. So eat, or you'll go to sleep without kisses, tonight."
"Noooo," you whine, dramatically. "Wait! Fine, fine. Look." You take a huge bite of your sandwich, your cheeks puffing up as you chew. "Oh, this is really good," you say, muffled by your mouthful of food.
"Don't choke, doll. Small bites are fine," he says, picking up a napkin and wiping the excess condiments off your face.
You push through it and gulp down the bite. "That was a lot. Got bread stuck on the roof of my mouth." You take a sip of your drink to wash it all down. "Did I look so pretty for the party, today?" You ask, your lips curling as you put the cup back down.
"You did, mama. Stunning. Swept everyone there, off their feet."
You smile, the gesture transitioning into a giggle. "Even Shiu?"
"Yup. Even Shiu said he wanted a piece of you."
You gasp. "No... Did you fight him?"
"Nah, I wanted to, but I kept my cool. If he had put his hands on you, then I might have, but I had my eye on you all night, to make sure nobody did more than look at you."
"I wouldn't have followed him anywhere, anyway." You roll your eyes, suddenly so hostile against the host of the party. "Probably would've kicked him in the nuts and gone to find you."
"Yeah, that's a smart idea, doll."
Toji's elaborate answers to your questions kept you awake long enough for you to mindlessly eat while he talked. You were at the end of the sandwich when you realized how much you had eaten and how full you were.
"Can't... do it..." You groan, lying on the arm you have extended on the table. "Too full." You sigh, heavily, setting the rest of the sandwich down on the scattered fries in its box.
"That's good, ma. You don't have to eat it, anymore. We can go to bed, now."
You let out another heavy sigh, sluggishness washing over you before you force yourself to stand up from your chair, this time with Toji's 'okay'. He looks at your little belly as it protrudes from your dress, proof of how full you actually are, and pokes at it. Your usually soft tummy is temporarily stiff and it's adorable.
You grab Toji's hand so that you don't stumble as you walk. Before leaving the table, he finished the remainder of your sandwich in one bite and threw out the container with the remaining cold fries.
"Damn, you were right, baby. That was good."
"Mhm," you mumble, waiting for him to lead you to the room.
Toji helped you brush your teeth and wash your face, and when you finally made it to the room, he helped you dress down into comfier clothes. Now, you're in bed together and you're in his arms trying to doze off, but you can't with the way he's smothering your face with kisses. It's just kiss after kiss with him and you can't focus, but It is what you wanted. After all, you stuffed your face for this.
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chuluoyi · 5 months
✎ unconcealable
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- gojo satoru x reader
your boyfriend may not show it, but the six eyes are his burden to bear. you know it firsthand when he falls into your arms for the first time
genre: teen!gojo, fluff, hurt/comfort, flashback and fast-forward to dad!gojo later
note: hello hello i’m alive~ i have this little thing of fluff/comfort pampering in my head throughout my vacation and it’s been a long time since i last wrote about teen!gojo so here it is :D will proofread later when i get the chance!
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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Back in 2006—
“Satoru, move away—”
“Nuh, uh! I’m staying! You’re too soft~”
“Satoru, If Yaga-sensei walks in… he’ll think we’re doing something indecent!”
“Mmm, don't care~”
This is the gym. Anyone could walk in. And yet your boyfriend of three weeks, Gojo Satoru, claimed his place by resting his head on your lap and squeezing his eyes shut so comfortably… like a cat.
You sighed, vexed and almost giving up— and then you noticed just how good-looking he was. Not that you just realized it now, but his long eyelashes, his smooth skin, white hair...
You have snagged a heartthrob. Or at least he could be if it wasn't for his questionable tendencies.
“Satoru, I’m being serious,” you griped, blinking back your pounding heart and starting to get anxious if anyone would see the two of you on the floor, with him over you. “Get up. Now.”
He knitted his brows together. “So stingy... Can’t your dashing boyfriend get five more minutes?”
“No. Up. Now.” You learnt by experience that the more you indulged Satoru, the more you would be inclined to comply as well. So before he dragged you into that hole...
“Hmph! No!”
“I’ll really flip you if you don’t move—!”
And that’s finally when he cracked his eyes open, totally pouting. “So mean! My head is hurting, you know! I just want to rest a bit!”
You were somewhat taken aback by his little outburst but he really got up this time, and then he stalked away, mumbling complaints.
"Some girlfriend you are... so not considerate..." he pursed his lips together, seemingly hurt as he made his way out.
That almost annoyed you greatly, and you were about to retort back when to your shock, he suddenly clutched his head and staggered. "Ahh—"
You sprinted to him and caught him as he wobbled, supporting his weight.
"Are you okay? What happened?!" you were so spooked that you went down with him to the floor again. And you immediately pulled him to you when he heaved a shuddering breath.
"I'm okay—" he said in a pant, pressing his eyes together so tightly. "I'm okay, I'm okay! Don't—"
"You're not, you idiot!"
Something with his eyes. It just dawned to you that he didn't wear his sunglasses today, and by instinct, you wrapped your arms around him, pressing him close to your chest.
"Is it hurting badly now?" you worriedly asked, keeping him tight in your embrace. "Do you want me to get you something?"
Contrary to your worries, what Satoru was more focused on was the exponential warmth that enveloped him. He had a migraine for a while there, but you so easily anchored him, making it somehow hurt less.
"You said Yaga-sensei will catch us and think we're having sex," he sullenly accused to hide the sudden blush spreading quickly on his face. "You didn't care about me just a minute ago."
"That's... a minute ago!" you hissed. "Now I'm worried!"
Your response made him smile despite himself. Satoru found comfort in the darkness of being squished against your boobs... perhaps way more than he thought he would.
"Then let me stay like this for a while. I'll be okay in a jiffy, 'kay?"
"Hmm," you hummed, absent-mindedly stroking his soft hair. You started to feel bad for chasing him away earlier, and squeezed him. "Does your head hurt often?"
"Whoa, it's only when I'm like this that you'll touch me so openly," he responded with a mock sigh, and you fought the urge not to roll your eyes. "Poor me."
"Poor you indeed. So answer me, does it, or does it not?"
"Nah, it's just how it is sometimes. Just some side effects of my eyes, you see."
"Why don't you wear your glasses today?"
"...Nanami broke them after I ate his last doughnut."
"You..." you almost giggled, and yet so exasperated at the same time. But the way Satoru squeezed your waist to hug you in return made you spare him.
You two stayed like that for a while, and when the bell rang to indicate the start of the next period, you asked him again. "Are you okay now?"
"Mm-hm, yeah, much better."
"Then let's go back to your class. I'll help you go there."
"Ehh..." But Satoru, ever the stubborn one, just buried his face into you, holding on tight and not letting go at all. "No."
You frowned. "Why—"
"Don't wanna move~ your boobs are just too good..."
"—? What—"
"They're soooo soft. Seems jiggly too? Ah, my pain is healed! Oh! When we get married, will I get to bite them too—"
"Satoru, you!"
Long story short, you two missed the next period just because Satoru nagged you to stay with him... and at the end of it all, the ones who opened the doors to the gym were Nanami and Haibara, who immediately went to report to Yaga and red-faced respectively.
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Back to present—
"Time for your teardrops!"
Satoru squeezed the bottle of eyedrops, lining it up with the striking blue eyes of his six-year-old son, an cute little pumpkin who was a carbon copy of him in every way, as he laid his head on his lap.
"Mmngh," his son squirmed as the water made contact with his sensitive eyes, and squeezed both eyes shut as soon as his papa was done.
Having inherited his eyes, the boy had started to feel pain whenever he accidentally overused them. Satoru knew the feeling well, and as much as he tried to humor him, something inside him prickled whenever he saw him getting teary-eyed due to the pain.
"Still stings?" he asked with a frown. "Want to use blindfold cover your eyes, hmm?"
Your son mumbled, "...no."
"What do you want then?"
"...I want mama."
Satoru snorted, pinching his boy's plump cheek fondly. "Same, kiddo. I want mama too."
The little boy cracked his eyes open out of spite. "You always bother her everyday."
"It's not as if you do not but whatever." Satoru pursed his lips as he stared at his boy. "If only I can put those rotting grandpas in elderly home, your mama can be freed from missions."
The kid snuggled close to his lap, seeking comfort, and suddenly, he felt flash of warmth burst inside him, realizing that his little munchkin wanted him to make him feel better.
"Look, I'm not mama, but I can do this too—" he hoisted his son, and hugged him close, hiding his little face into his sturdy chest. "Here you go. Better?"
The little baby that forever connects him to you. Satoru loved his son as much as he loved you.
He had no one to really comfort him in the early days of misusing his eyes— they only told him that it was the price for the greatness he would possess. Until you did. You didn’t speak of power or strength. Each time he suffered from those migraines back then, you would hold him close.
And so, he'd be damned if the same thing happened to his precious son. He wouldn't let him be told that—he would do his best to soothe him, to make him feel safe.
"Tomorrow we're getting kikufuku, yeah?" he said with a smile, patting his son’s back gently. "And ice cream too."
"Mmm... 'kay..." the boy replied. "Papa... sleepy..."
"Then sleep, kid. I'll wake you when mama comes back, yeah?"
You. The baby. The two of you were always the center of his world. As he too drifted off to sleep beside his son, he thought that chasing after you was most definitely the greatest decision he made from that blue spring that would never return in his life.
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"I'm home!"
Your mission ended with a bang as you completely obliterated the cursed spirit. You went home with a spring in your steps, thinking that your silly husband and cute son would be waiting for you in this afternoon.
But no one greeted you back, and you found yourself walking to your master bedroom, only to be floored by the sight.
Satoru had dozed off so unguardedly, but he had one protective arm over your son, who was also sleeping. They looked like a pair of twins, and the way your son curled up to your husband melted your heart so much that it brought a wide smile on your face.
Click! Click! You took several photos so you would be able to look at their sleepy state whenever you wanted. But as you marveled at the photographs, suddenly a sneaky hand yanked you—
"Shh, you'll wake him up, mama," Satoru sleepily grinned as he smooched your face. "You took so long, I missed you."
"I finished one day early," you huffed, but then your expression softened as you gazed at your sleeping son. "Seems like both of you are getting along well while I was gone~"
"I fed him mochi and cookies, of course he'll be obedient."
"—! I told you he'll get cavities soon if you don't limit the sweets intake!"
"Oh? Then we just have to have another baby who won't get cavities just as you wish then~"
"That's not how it works! Satoru, you—!"
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stellawish · 28 days
summary: just cuteness thats it
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he’s not up yet?
nah steel sleeping😴
okay omw
Satoru looked away from the phone and glanced at his son. He rubbed his still-closed eyes with tiny fists. Gojo expected crying, but his boy just gurgled.
Your baby almost always woke up without fuss, greeting you or Satoru with his sweet smile. But lately, he’s been crying more often during that fine line between the sweet remnants of sleep and waking up. Teething is to blame.
Satoru turned to his side, placed his large palm on Haru’s plump belly, and slowly stroked it. "Papa’s here."
Although Gojo always sulks when the little boy sleeps (since his baby is so cute and he always wants to play with him), there have been times when he accidentally woke Haru during naps because he kissed and poked his chubby son too hard. You always scold him for that.
But now he understands that his little one sleeps restlessly, so he tries to protect his light sleep.
Lost in thought, Gojo didn’t notice any movement beside him until he felt tiny fingers wrapping around his much larger one.
Haru turned his head and smiled sweetly, revealing dimples on his flushed cheeks.
"Hi, baby! Did you have a good nap?"
Your son stretched his short arms, then rolled onto his stomach, smiling shyly. Gojo pulled him closer, supporting his back. Sitting next to him, Haru rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned.
Gojo kissed his son’s soft tummy.
The little boy moved even closer to his father, rubbing his chubby cheek against Gojo's like a kitten.
"Aww, my baby!"
Your husband definitely passed on the gene for the love of physical contact to his boy.
Satoru cooed, "I missed you too! Now tell Papa, what dreams did you have? Was Mama there?" Haru babbled as if answering the question.
When you said you gave birth to an exact copy of Gojo, you weren't even kidding. Besides the identical appearance, your son was just as talkative as his papa.
Gojo lay on his back and put his son on top. Haru reached out his hands to Papa's face and patted his cheeks while giggling. Satoru wiped the drool from his rosy lips and stroked his soft cheek.
"You're the most precious baby in the whole world," Gojo cooed.
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more dad!gojo and Haru HERE
guys if you want me to add you to my taglist lmk
luv you!💫
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bunnys-kisses · 3 months
i have this little thought bouncing around in my head! single father simon. (a drabble)
simon ends up with his daughter winnie after her mother abandons her at his doorstep. he was the father, it was his turn to take care of her. simon could handle warfare, he could handle guns and sweat and metal. he could handle blood and bruises.
but a fussy newborn was a little too much for him.
enter you, it was your summer off from university and you were making extra money by babysitting for parents who couldn't afford weeks of posh summer camps. it was decent work and you were pretty good with them! so being concerned for your neighbour, simon's well being, you offered to watch winnie.
simon very well fell in love with you the moment you took the baby girl into you arms. winnie instantly got settled into your grasp, almost like you were her mother.
"what a lovely baby girl." you cooed, you looked at her with such affection already. you looked at simon and smiled, "she looks too cute to be yours." a playful jab.
you watched winnie while simon was at work. you didn't know what he did for work, but you tried not to ask too many questions. all you knew was that the checks didn't bounce when you cashed them.
but being with winnie for so many days had gossip go through the apartment building. you had a baby with simon? why were you in two separate apartments? where did the lovely newborn sleep? she SHOULD be sleeping with her mother (you).
when you tried to correct them, simon always said, "ah don't worry. we'll be havin' our own place soon enough!" his large hand snaked around your waist.
you just looked down at winnie who was sound asleep in her stroller. she couldn't care less who her mommy and daddy were. it wouldn't be hard to be the mother she'd otherwise be without, right?
that was the angle that simon too.
you'd make the most perfect mrs. riley. you were already taking care of winnie, but also him when he came home. you shouldn't be the nanny, you should be winnie's mama.
"she really loves you." simon remarked when you went with him to the pool.
you were in a one piece swim suit and you were making sure that the baby was out of the sun and had sunscreen on. you didn't want her to get sick or burned.
currently she was resting on your chest while you were in the shade. in your free hand you had a book in it and the other was on winnie's back. you said, "i don't know what you're talking about." as if you hadn't heard the comments from the little old ladies about how sweet you two looked.
"look like a real mama."
you looked to him and raised your eyebrows, "i thought i was the babysitter, mister riley."
simon placed a hand on your thigh then rubbed up and down, "nah."
it didn't take long for you and simon to get intimate. he asked you to stay because winnie had been having trouble sleeping. you two shared a glass of wine and then you found yourself face first into simon's bed. the scent of him filled your head as he fucked you into the comfortable mattress.
he loved the sound of your pussy as he fucked you without much abandon. the thickness on your hips would only grow once he made sure his next child was inside of you. you'd be such a good mama, unlike that previous bitch who left him.
maybe there was a good reason why she left him.
cum clung to the fuzz on your pussy lips and was a bitch to clean in the shower come morning.
he woke you up and said, "she needs her mama. she gettin' fussy, doll." then watched you stumble around to find clothes to wear while you checked on winnie as if the little girl was your own. his hand was wrapped around his cock. he wondered how many more times he could finish in you before you stumbled back to your apartment.
the answer was four.
it wouldn't be easy carrying for a sprouting little baby plus the baby boy you were currently pregnant with. you've put school off for a little while and moved in with simon, your due date was in the middle of the semester. now you were trying to figure out what food was good for a teething winnie while also trying to manage the riley son that was occupying your womb.
you were making dinner for your growing family with a cute little maternity dress of. simon was at the table with winnie. he knew that one day he'd have to tell her that you weren't her actual mama. but you were raising her and her little brother too.
"see there's mama." simon said in that grumbled voice of his, pointing in your direction.
you didn't imagine that you would've ended up as a stay-at-home mother to two children who were than a year apart. but as you felt the shift of your 'second' baby inside of you, you smiled.
you heard winnie make a little noise to get your attention. you checked on the pot of sauce on the stove before you turned away to check on your little girl.
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cutieln4 · 4 months
London Boy | LN4 smau
lando norris x verstappen!reader
summary: in which max unknowingly introduces his sister to her future boyfriend
fc: olivia rodrigo
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Liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and others
y/nverstappen i stole max’s cat, don’t tell him
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username1 aww so cute
username2 when are you coming to another race!
maxverstappen1 😑
y/nverstappen i thought i blocked you??
maxverstappen1 Give me Sassy back.
username3 lando in the likes⁉️⁉️
username4 bro chill, he’s literally friends with max
danielricciardo so the heist plan is in motion. perfect.
y/nverstappen he doesn’t suspect a thing😈
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Liked by landonorris and others
y/nverstappen i had the best time exploring england with the best guide! congrats bro on the win🥳
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landonorris it was lovely showing you around😊
maxverstappen1 no
username1 wait wdym lando showed her around england???
username2 the better verstappen fr
username3 the outfits slay
danielricciardo Nice seeing you again y/n/n!
y/nverstappen my favorite brother🫶
maxverstappen1 I’m right here?? And you’re not even related?
username4 her hair literally always looks good
lilymhe gorgeous girl
y/nverstappen ilysm babe lemme visit you
alex_albon that’s literally my gf???
y/nverstappen lily never let your boyfriend get in the way of finding your future wife
lilymhe you’re so right babe
landonorris posted a story
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username1 babe what about us??? what about the kids??
danielricciardo 🤨
username2 is this a soft launch
username4 who is that????
y/nverstappen i had a fun time hanging out today!🥰
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, and others
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danielricciardo hmm, interesting
username1 what do you know??
username2 uh girl you got something to tell us?
username3 she doesn’t owe you anything, get out of her business
username4 oh i just KNOW max is fuming💀
maxverstappen1 Y/n who is that
maxverstappen1 Is that a boy
maxverstappen1 Y/n answer my texts
username5 oooh someone’s not happy
username6 that food looks good asf
username7 outfit always serves
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y/nverstappen posted a story
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Liked by y/nverstappen, danielricciardo, and others
landonorris home is wherever i’m with you
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username1 sobbing, hyperventilating, throwing up
username2 nah the caption, that is so fricking adorable
danielricciardo aww i knew you were a big softie
georgerussell63 did you pay someone to take that picture with you😂
landonorris haha very funny mate
username3 god, i’ve seen what you’ve done for others🙏
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Liked by username1 and others
f1gossip 🚨🚨Lando Norris spotted with mystery girl over summer break, sources say it could be Max Verstappen’s sister, Y/n
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username1 i literally knew it and you all doubted me😑
username2 chill out, it’s still not confirmed
username3 we can’t even see her face
username4 OMG???????
username5 oh max is DEFINITELY pushing lando off the track in zandvoort
username6 sources: my delusions
username7 y’all we lost a good one😣 (y/n not lando)
username8 you’re so real cause she’s gorgeous
username9 nah cause why is this actually so freaking cute, like omg the way he is smiling at her🤭🫠
username10 HAND PLACEMENT???
username11 max is gonna chop off lando’s hands
username12 i’d pay good money to see the text messages
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Liked my landonorris, maxverstappen1, and others
y/nverstappen in a world of boys, he's a gentlemen
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username2 this is so adorable! (i'm sleeping on the highway tonight)
landonorris you’re my everything💞💞
username3 y'all owe me an apology, i KNEW it
maxverstappen1 If you're happy, I'm happy
username4 you're definitely being forced to say this
username5 boyfriend lando is everything🥺
username6 they look so happy
username7 i’m balling my eyes out
kellypiquet you guys are adorable🩷
y/nverstappen thanks for talking max down😁
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, and others
landonorris got love-struck, went straight to my head
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username1 the matching captions omg
y/nverstappen i love you baby❤️
maxverstappen1 🤮🤮
danielricciardo I KNEW IT @.carlossainz55 you owe me 50 bucks
carlossainz55 damn it
landonorris YOU HAD A BET???
oscarpiastri yes
charles_leclerc yes
georgerussell63 yes
alex_albon yes
maxfewtrell she's good for you, mate🤍
maxverstappen1 remember what i told you🙂
username2 oh! this definitely isn’t threatening at all
landonorris i will😰
y/nverstappen max emilian verstappen what did you tell him?
username3 this😭is😭so😭adorable😭
username4 bro is getting pushed into the barrier next race fs
username5 the IT couple
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