#the anime hints that theyre match made in heaven
koko2unite · 1 year
I am reminded again that Legosi's theme and Louis' theme played together become a full song
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midnightcrypt · 5 years
Pls introduce me and rant about ur ocs they all look so cool and I wanna know anything about them
(im gonna try my best to make this as readable as possible)
AHHHH OK SO i have a main storyline with my main characters that ive been working on since like 2015ish (yeah i was in like 6th grade theyve changed a lot) and im not gonna give away to to much just bc i plan to make it into an animated series or comic series.
fun fact: the main 5 characters in this story are all based off of characters that me and my best friends made and basically RPed as in elementary school jdjdjdfdjd
so the world these characters live in is the zombie apocalypse but thats not really the main conflict? more of just a main motivation(trying to cure everyone) the main conflict is emotional trauma woohoo and also some villains and stuff 
another important detail about the world is the gods/goddesses theres the underlands(basically what would be their hell) and the abovegrounds(basically what people imagine heaven to be) and that they arent immortal and must pass down their powers via a child (could be theirs or could just be some random kiddo they yanked off the earth)
so uhh this is my main girl katie(shes mostly called just kat) 
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(this is the ref i use when i commission art of her super professional i know)  shes basically the leader type character. shes pretty closed off with her traumas and tries not to get super attached to anyone due to the last time she got attached to anyone they all died :) big fun. shes pretty quick to get snappy with someone and has fairly low tolerance for messing around and get mad at herself when she finds that shes enjoying something. 
some major points in her backstory:
grew up around her scientist father
when the apocalypse started she found a group of survivors that called themselves the metalheads(both bc they listened to a lot of metal and because they all had different metal attachments to themselves, hints where kat got the ears)
after a zombie ambush every dies and kat is now alone
(since i dont have any recent refs of the others im just gonna refer back to this post ) ---- then we got daisy(first one to the left) shes the bubbly, happy, always tries to see the best in things type. (im big mad that i cant publicly talk about her backstory since its SUPER spoilery and literally one of the main arcs) 
she also has like ice/snow powers(shes like...elsa) 
while her happy personality is one of her biggest strengths its also one of her flaws, she tries so hard to be happy she doesnt like to deal with her problems and pushes them aside for as long as possible
since the age of about 7 she grew up alone, learning how to be by herself and surviving fairly well until she meets kat not long after the zombie breakout 
next imma talk about nate (first to the right)
one of his main struggles is dysphoria(hes trans) and dealing with hiding this fact from his teammates, not knowing how they’ll react 
nate has like planty/naturey powers
hes fairly standard with his personality, caring, gets nervous easily, tries to be as brave as possible. one of his main contributions is his smarts and how he can help everyone out of difficult situations 
the biggest thing about nate is that his mother is literally mother nature, one of the main goddesses of this world, nate doesnt want to fill that responsibility and runs away to earth 
next is inferno(second to the left) 
(this character uses both they/them and she/her so imma switch a lot)
inferno is the strong and caring type, they always want the best for everyone and tries her best to solve everyones problems while ignoring her own. theyre almost like the mother of the group? taking care of everyone and telling them “go to bed or ill beat your ass” when she catches nate working on something at 2am. 
cant say to much about their backstory since it’s part of her main development arc but she is working towards being a goddess 
and last of the main 5 theres aiden(second to the right) 
hes the straight big brother, hes the first to learn that nate is trans and instantly super hella supportive, he hangs out with nate even more and theyre easily the closest 2 characters on the team 
aiden uses like *whats the word for it im drawing a blank* like he can lift things with his mind (kinda like the force from starwars) due to these metal rings attached near his shoulders 
as for where he got these rings(stares at the camera like im on the office) spoilery backstory 
so then theres match(the orange haired one) and scissors, (the two on the top sides) 
theyre robots build and given life by lilac(demon in the center) and these two dont have to much value story wise because theyre kinda comedic relief for a while before they just go off and do their own thing
lilac is one of the characters that i have SO MUCH backstory for but cannot talk about it because of how spoilery it is(which im big mad bc ive spent so much time on her) 
but shes basically the main villain of the first seasonish shes cruel and only cares about getting the main cast out of her way so she can obsorb their powers(she wasnt just born a powerful demon she stole pretty much all her powers) 
theres a few characters and arcs still in development for now, (wanna make about 3 seasons? first 2 are pretty much done with development and story but season 2 arcs are likely gonna stay hidden) but uhh thats the main gist of my main characters! sorry for the long post sjfdsofjaf
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