#the amount of wg post
bbubbleo · 5 days
reminder if you follow me and still support cc wilbur i literally would push you into traffic
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vampirecatprince · 1 year
When I have to unfollow yet another artist I've been following for years after they start posting things for a kink thats a major trigger for me
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drowning-moonlight · 2 months
Something about the ASL Brothers that I found so intriguing is that in a "normal" shonan manga/anime, Ace and Sabo would actually be the ones that fit into the regular protagonist archetype.
What I mean is, if Luffy is taken out of the story but the world of One Piece is still the same, who could the story feasibly follow? There are lots of characters that could potentially carry the series as the main character but I feel like Ace and Sabo both fill roles that are very protagonisty even though they aren't main characters.
Ace is the son of the previous Pirate King. Roger is the character that sets up the McGuffin that the whole series is named after i.e. the One Piece itself. It would make sense for the son of this character to be the driving force of the story if Luffy didn't exist. Ace, though he is never called this, is essentially the "Prince of Pirates" trying to distance himself from his father's legacy that has caused him nothing but pain. He does not want to live in the shadow of his father or be judged for being Roger's son. "The Sins of the Father" is a trope that very much haunts Ace in the narrative and that trope is also often part of a typical protagonist's journey. Of course not every single protagonist from every media ever follows that trope, but many do. (One can even argue that Luffy follows the "Sins of the Father" trope to a degree with Akainu wanting to kill him for being Dragon's son at Marineford but I digress.)
My point is that one of Ace's roles in canon is to represent the theme of Legacy (even if it's breaking that legacy), which is a strong Main Character theme.
He's on a journey to find himself, to find freedom from the ghost of his father, a journey to find a father that he can actually love and look up to. Ace represents a journey of self love, self worth, and fulfillment. He tries to find worth in himself outside of who his father was in an effort to be his own person. The sheer fact that Ace is the biological son of the character that basically sets up the whole plot of the series and yet wants nothing to do with the man very much has Main Character Energy to me.
Then there's Sabo.
The world of One Piece is deceptively cruel. At first glance, it's just a silly world with lots of pirates searching for treasure. But as the series progresses, we learn that the world is controlled by a corrupt government and military system full of people taking advantage of the system to further their own gains at the expense of the safety and well being of the common citizen.
In a more "typical" series, a world like One Piece's world would have a Main Character that's sole purpose was to bring down this corrupt government. Now Luffy does fight the power structure at times and has no love for the World Government or Navy, but his main purpose as the protagonist is not to tear down the government - his main purpose is to be the Pirate King. Take Luffy out of the story and who is set up to fulfill the task of tearing down the government? The Revolutionary Army as whole and Sabo specifically (also Dragon but this post isn't about him). Sabo is the one that directly declared war on the WG when he destroyed the Hoof/Claw of the Celestial Dragon in Mary Geoise.
Sabo represents the common person fighting against a corrupt power system in order to make the world a better place for the most amount of people. Again, this very much has Main Character Energy in my opinion.
I just love the ASL Brothers so much and the fact that each one of them could be protagonists in their own way make them all the more interesting.
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moongothic · 9 months
Tbh I wanna see crocodile fight someone so we can see how strong he is because the last time he’s gotten in a real fight was in marineford. Does crocodile have haki? Does he need it at all to survive the new world? Like with most of the relevant pirates knowing haki, retroactively or otherwise, it’s kinda hard to gauge what he’s capable of
Anon I am so sorry I'm gonna go slightly off-topic/become deranged because I've been thinking about writing a whole ass post about this very subject and now you just gave me an excuse to word vomit incoherently instead. So I'm just gonna do that. I'm so sorry
(Hey won't you look at that I actually came back and edited this so it's vaguely legible and there's like a proper point to my thesis lmao)
Also I am. So sorry. For how obscenely long this got. Holy shit I have no idea how this happened I am so sorry
I can not put into words just how badly I want to see this man have an actual, proper 1-v-1 fight with someone. Oda, for the love of god let him fuck up someone, please, I c̵͍͛r̶̢͠a̴͕̾v̷̠͆ḛ̶̐ ̸̤͝t̷̟̋h̷̳̓ḙ̵̀ ̷̱͌b̶͓͑l̸̦̚ô̶̠ȯ̸͇d̴̲̕
No for real though, the one, true, proper 1v1 we ever saw Crocodile have WAS with fucking Luffy and like, to be fair they did fight three times, but still, during Summit War? Sure we see him exchange a few blows but it's never a proper 1v1 because we keep on cutting from one thing to another and the opponents keep on changing etc. So there was no time for a proper battle with anyone
So out of principle alone I want to see him have a proper fight with someone (who isn't a Strawhat preferably) at least once before the series ends (though honestly if we could have more than just one fight scene with Crocodile I would not complain at all, but I might be asking too much at that point)
But also yes. I want to know Croc's actual Power Level in the story right now (and I don't mean that in a powerscaling-kinda way, just in a "I want my husband to look cool because it's what he deserves" kinda way)
Like. The Crocodile we've seen in the past absolutely under no circumstances deserves the fucking unit of a bounty he has on his head right now. And I mean, to be fair Buggy doesn't deserve his gigantic bounty either, canonically the numbers don't matter or mean THAT MUCH-- They just reflect what the WG thinks a person is worth, not the true level of threat the person actually poses But also. Croc's bounty has literally gotten like 24 times bigger from his OG pre-Shichibukai era bounty. To be fair, according to trivia his OG bounty would've at least doubled had the WG known about Baroque Works, but his current bounty would still be like 12 times bigger than before. And god fucking knows Crocodile does not fucking deserve a bounty this fucking big if he hasn't gotten any more powerful since Alabasta. No amount of hanging around with Mihawk and running evil organizations should beef up his bounty that much
So surely, he must've gotten more powerful since we last saw him action, right? Surely? Somehow?
But indeed, how?
And that's where we kinda get to the interesting part, don't we? We have no idea what Croc's been up to for the past two years. Like whatever he's been doing, surely it's been better than spending a decade sitting on his ass and barely ever lifting a muscle when overpowering rando pirates attacking Alabasta with his Logia powers, right. Like surely being in the New World alone would be enough to make him break a sweat for a change
But then like, the only two times we have seen Croc post-timeskip (pre-Cross Guild) he has been just sitting around reading the news (to be fair, the scenes were also about him catching the news about Luffy, it's not like he can't do anything else outside of those scenes). So like. I feel kind of conflicted, like on one hand to get stronger then surely he must've been working out or something. But also I do kind of mentally associate Training Arcs with much younger characters, and Crocodile is quite middle aged, like is he even allowed to go through a training arc anymore?? Especially when he's like a such a Proper Gentleman, it's so hard to imagine him to go back to the basics or anything
But also?? How else would he get stronger?? Like?? Maybe there really was?? AN OLD MAN TRAINING ARC??
But also, to be fair
Crocodile did make a big point about how he "keeps on honing and developing his Devil Fruit skills instead of stagnating like some other losers" back when he and Luffy had their first match. So I really would love it if Oda kept that actually true for the character, I'd love to see him actually whip out some new tricks, techniques and attacks instead of us seeing Sables again for the 839423th time
And really he can't really whip out new attacks if he hasn't at least tried to come up with new tricks (and preferably tried them out)
But that was just the basics right, Croc's Devil Fruit capabilities
Then there's the whole mystery of Crocodile's Haki Status. A whooole different can of worms. Considdering how the only actual damage he seemed to take during the entirety of Summit War was because of Jozu's Haki, and the fact that even fucking Blackbeard can use Haki now, it'd feel deranged if he doesn't have any kind of Haki capabilities. Like everybody knows Haki is going to be Croc's persona kryptonite, including Croc himself! And Haki Mastery really is The Thing that decides whether a pirate crew can actually make it or not in the New World (Kaidou made a specific point about that too). So surely, considdering Croc's supposed to be A Smart Boy and all, he knows he'll need to actually figure out how to use Haki if he doesn't want to lose another limb, right. Like surely he's figured that shit out, right???
Now people have been speculating for years if both Crocodile AND Moria used to be Haki users who lost their Haki after getting their asses kicked in the New World. Which, in theory would make sense, since Haki is essentially just willpower, and getting crushed the way they did would give them good in-universe reasons to why they didn't use the ability, as their traumas could translate to them losing their wills. But also it is willpower, that's not really a tangible thing you can really lose, and the idea of "Haki loss" isn't actually canon (yet at least). So although it's great fanon, we can't assume it's true. Like just as an example, we know Hancock can supposedly use Conqueror's Haki but we've never actually seen her demonstrate the ability
And to be fair to Croc (and Moria), the concept of Haki didn't really start to get Truly Solidified in the story until post-War, so expecting Alabasta!Croc to use it a whole decade earlier in real world time would be ridiculous since Oda hadn't figured out the system yet.
And while that is 100% true and fair.
Thing is. Although extremely vague, I do think Oda had been slowly starting to build the IDEA of Haki already in Alabasta. Like we know the concept gets properly introduced during the Skypiea Saga where Blackbeard both namedrops it and we get to see Observation Haki in action, under the name Mantra. But already in Alabasta, when Zoro is trying to figure out how to cut steel (to defeat Daz), that whole "breath of things" and hyper-awareness he gains when near death... I'm not the first one to point out how much that sounds like rudamentary Haki. And like, yes, on paper the idea of the battle was that Zoro became strong enough to cut steel. But also, learning to use Haki would be what would allow anyone to cut through a Devi Fruit ability like that. The same applies to Luffy's final attack on Crocodile too, his punch destroying the sand blade that before would've sliced his entire hand in half before is poetic on its own, but makes even more in-universe sense if you considder the possilibity Luffy might have subconciously been using Haki at the very end, his sheer willpower allowing him to punch Croc.
The reason I'm pointing all that out is that I kinda wonder if we might've gotten hints at Crocodile having not just Haki, but fucking Conqueror's Haki in Alabasta
This is based on two things:
First, Crocodile's pet bananawani. Yes, he could just be Really Good with animals and that would be adorable on its own. But we know Conqueror's can be used to intimidate and tame animals, including really fierce beasts. Keeping in mind that bananawani are meant to be one of the few species of animals that prey on Sea Kings, IDK, if you told me the reason Crocodile was able to tame them and keep them as pets thanks to Conqueror's, I would believe you. It's nothing solid, there's no proof one way or another, but it would make sense in-universe, it is plausible.
Second, this scene.
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Does that blast of Ominous Air/Energy on the third page not remind you of one of those Conqueror's Haki shockwaves?
Of course, considdering Luffy was able to knock out Bon-chan with his untrained, uncontrolled Conqueror's in Impel Down (though to be fair, in the Impel Down scene Bon-chan was in rough condition anyways), if Crocodile was displaying his Haki here, either
A) Shit's real fucking weak or
B) He must've intentionally "kept it down" in this scene just to make sure his agents didn't actually pass out on the spot
But of course, if Croc had fullblown Conqueror's that he was able to control that well, you'd think he might've actually used it to subdue weaker enemies at some point or something (though, again, Hancock also supposedly has it and we haven't seen her use it, and if we had seen him use it on Luffy or something then the story really would've ended in Alabasta). So if that really was Conqueror's, I'd personally maybe rather lean on it being weak as hell (especially if Haki Loss was canon) over him having perfect control over it
Of course, just because that ominous blast of air in hindsight might resemble a weak ass Conqueror's Haki Blast, it doesn't mean that's what it was. Just like with the Bananawani example, there's nothing solid here to go off of, it's just plausible
(Also just for clarity's sake, Crocodile doesn't need Conqueror's Haki. I just think there could be evidence to suggest it if you overthink it just right)
All of this to say
Regardless of what Croc's Haki Status was during Alabasta and Summit War, the fact is that the dude really does kind of need Haki just to survive in the current storyline. So if he can't use ANY KIND OF HAKI, I'm just gonna be speechless. Like Luffy could kill him by just farting on him at that point Not to mention I'd actually love to see the Haki Loss-concept explored in the canon. Like either have it debunked, or somehow confirm it's a thing and show off what a horrifying threat Crocodile can be when he's actually putting his everything into a fight (same for Moria btw, if all he has to protect rn is Perona I'd love to see him go apeship and use Haki to protect her)
So I've seen a lot people speculate about Logia Awakenings and what they could be like. Most people seem to agree on the theory that Punk Hazard being the way it is could be a result of two awakened Logias (namely Akainu and Aokiji) clashing. Similarly that Enies Lobby could be where an Awakened Light Fruit did a thing in the distant past, causing the eternal daytime on the island
I'm not sure I'm entirely convinced that's what Logia Awakenings will be like (some people have also suggested Enel's Final Form was a Logia Awakening, which I kinda doubt but okay), it's a neat idea in any case, we'll just have to wait and see what Oda has cooking for us
Regardless. On a mere narrative level, if they're even possible then I think it'd be cool as hell if Crocodile could act as an introduction to Logia Awakenings and what they're actually like. Because, depending on the role the bastard is going to take going forward, it could prepare us and Luffy for what's to come with Akainu (the real threat)
And again, depending on his role in the story, I think he could be an actual candidate for someone who could deserve to be Awakened-- like the whole Awakening State is sliiightly OP, and Logias are also kind of OP by default. So between OG Croc being kinda weak as hell (by current standards), but also him being an experienced pirate who's known his abilities for god knows how many decades... IDK I think he could deserve The Honors, y'know?
Like compare him to someone like Sabo or Blackbeard who got their Logias only recently and are still learning to use their abilities (more or less). If either of those fuckers somehow Awakened their Logias before Sir Fucking Crocodile I'd be kinda pissed off y'know?
The Admirals are kinda OP to begin with anyways too, I kinda just don't want Smoker to get The Honor of being the first on-screen Awakened Logia either, and really that would leave us with like... Ceasar and Enel as our only remaining options
And Dragon, if he does have a Wind Logia (which remains to be seen)
So. Yeah. If Logia Awakenings can be a thing, I think Crocodile could be the perfect guy to actually introduce them in the story (depending what his role will be).
All of this nonsense to say
Mr Oda, please, I would like to see Sir Crocodile in action pwease
And I want to know what the hell that weird spike thing was
Mr Oda please, I wish to see the Husband and see what kind of tricks he can do now after all these years, please allow him to commit a murder or two or three
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local-fire-dumpster · 5 months
AU where Sanji is stuck in Germa,Luffy is a Warlord and somehow that results in Judge being terrorized by a monkey seraphim.
I have yet to build up the courage to post on my new AO3 account, so here is the draft I've been working on these past days. Maybe you guys can share some thoughts?
One of the main premises of this fic is that Sanji is still in stuck in Germa.Judge invests resources and time into "fixing" Sanji rather than throwing him into the dungeon. A boatload of inhumane experiments later the physical modification on Sanji's body work just aswell as his brothers. Too bad the mental ones don't, but it's not like Judge cares if Sanji fells awful about killing random civilians. He only goes as far as to make sure Sanji is forced to obey orders when it comes to the modification.
So yeah, Sanji's life sucks.Time passes and he forces himself to accept his fate as a tool for Germa.It's not like he'll ever amount to anything else. He can't even as much as enter the kitchen anymore,bc Judge forbade it and he can't refuse orders.
Then something happens
Judge gave him a mission to infiltrate Egghead. 'This is a prank' Sanji thinks but as it turns out Judge is dead set on Sanji infiltrating Vegapunk's lab and stealing something for him.
A Seraphim.Vegapunks newest shiny weapon,equipped with lunarian and warlord dna.Sanji has little choice in the matter so he goes and steals S-Monkey,the seraphim of the youngest warlord,Monkey D. Luffy.
What Sanji wasn't aware of however was that this "weapon" is an absolute menace.Luffy's seraphim terrorizes the entirety of germa, especially the scientists and Judge which pleases Sanji to no end.
He starts sneaking into the labs to give it food and as a result he's referred to by his actual name instead of a mean nickname.
I haven't worked out all details yet but I'd like Sanji and seraphim luffy's first meeting with the straw hats to still be WCI.
Pekoms comes after the SHs for having Ceasar Clown and Bege ends up taking chopper too bc big mom likes collecting weird creatures.
Chopper is the first straw hat to meet Seraphim Luffy and Sanji.
Needless to say he is shocked beyond belief.Not only did the WG and Judge steal his captain's dna,no they also had to create a child soldier clone with it. He is even more sickened when he finds out that Judge did something similar to his own children.
Luffy definitely has to punch this guy once he arrives here.
Either way that's the outline I have in mind so far. Naturally the fic would extend for some chapter beyond WCI and into Wano but how far I'm not certain of yet
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im-goofball · 3 months
☀️Hello again☀️ Do you any HC about what the Five like to do during their free time, past on post Wg if you want ? 🤔💖
It's really hard for them to even find themselves any free time these days, especially with how tiring is their work. (The Lower Classes of Tenryūbito are so lucky they can enjoy "free time" more then the higher ranking ones)
But if they do find some hour/hours to spare then I think it goes like this:
If he's alone:
He likes to transform into his full yokai form and hunt Sea Kings in Down Below, (that's how the Tenryūbito call the world beneath Marie Joa) or occasionally even some giant bird to munch on as he takes the corpses back to the Pangea Castle to have nice and quiet time with his dead prey. No, it's not considered cannibalism if you are an ancient evil bird demon . . . Right?
If he's with Peter:
He flies with Peter high in the sky, usually in the evenings but occasionally during nightime as well if neither of them are too tired (trying hard not to gain attention of some peasants living in the Holy Land or those insects Down Below). It makes them feel a sense of comfort and freedom, the only time when they can truly enjoy themselves without having their Master's constant gaze on their backs. Can be also taken as some sort of Father/Son bonding.
If he's alone:
Sleeping. Lot's of sleeping. The child was not ready for this shit and is tired all the time. Let the worm-man rest for Nika's sake! Oh and he also has his own special garden in the Eastern Tower where he takes care of all types of plants. It's a fun time activity, especially during winter.
If he's with Mars:
Flying with dad just like Hiccup flies with Toothless. He also likes to take care of his dad's wings and tail grooming them with various types of brushes and other tools. Another form of Father/Son bonding I guess.
Likes to spar with the Holy Knights, especially Garling. Although he doesn't consider him as a very formidable opponent, he has to admit that the moon-haired man's techniques are almost impressive. Almost.
Sometimes goes into Wano in secret to drink in local bars. Once he is drunk enough, and believe me that takes a large amount of good sake, the other people in the bar can sometimes hear the bald samurai lament over his black-haired dragon slayer's death (his words, not mine) and how they could have spent eternity fighting one another as two celestial beings.
This man has no free time. He is the biggest workaholic out of all Five. Bold of you to even ASSume he had any.
. . . Experiments . . .
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definitely relatable to hear that there are upper limits to intentional WG for some folks, and I really appreciate you pointing out the science behind weight change and dieting given the amount of misinformation and fatphobic assumptions we're presented with every day. I wish more people were aware of this!
for myself it seems like I'm actually more inclined to gain muscle rather than fat, which is useful in some ways but frankly isn't hot to me at all. no disrespect to people who enjoy that as a kink or otherwise -- I wish it appealed to me as well -- but yeah sometimes you have to accept that your body is not likely to gain weight in a way that fits your preferences or kink interests, and that's okay! of course this may also change over time/with aging, and roleplaying is always an option as well
Yeah! I think it’s important to remember that there are upper limits and you theoretically can break them but after a certain point it gets harder.
That post was by no means an attempt to kill anyone’s fun, either. People are allowed to fantasize and participate but I do feel like it’s important to know these things!
everyone’s body is different at the end of the day. Part of this community for me is getting to look at everyone’s cool and hot bodies and appreciating them as they are, which in turn allows me to apppreciate mine :)
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gunthermunch · 10 months
at one hand im like, “nahh, if there is anyone who could possibly share the same level of loser-ness with wg, it’s definitely jeb” but at the other-- ten years is a long ass time, so i’m kinda accepting the fact that he may be dead already 💀 (rip babygirl, those two and a half posts in which you appeared were such a blast 😔)
well to be exact its been like 6 or 7 yyears and i didnt spoke a word to my best friends for that exact amount of time and now we're Brothers again so anything could happen really... same with morgan!
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burstingwithbellies · 2 years
Going off @violentfeedist's post about rapid wg happening due to an allergic reaction, I got something:
Let’s say a person who suffers from this type of reaction is allergic to something super duper common like… I don’t know… My brain is dumb and coming up blank right now, I can‘t think of a good example, but let’s just say it’s something so common it’s almost unavoidable in day to day life.
So, unfortunately for them, having an allergic reaction is a regular thing. It happens daily, almost back-to-back. They have to always carry an EpiPen around with them because of this. They always make sure that they are stocked up on that shit, cause the medicine they use in a single Epipen would run out in just a week or less.
They have a reaction that often!
The swelling happens very fast too. Sometimes, it’s hard to react to it quick enough. If you spare just a couple seconds, a lot of damage is already done. Sometimes, as they are expanding, the uncontrollable new lard that coats their arms and the rest of their body makes it difficult to reach into their pocket for the Epipen they need.
It’s always a race before they get too stout to reach it or before their clothes rip and the pen falls out and rolls away from them. They never get used to the swelling, not when each time their size reaches new heights or at how random they occur.
But luckily, the EpiPen is effective. As soon as they inject the medicine into themselves, the swelling does stop. But on the downside, it just stops it alone. It doesn’t ever reverse the effects.
The person has to wait for the swelling to shrink down itself. And it diminishes for an excruciatingly long period of time.
If they were to gain 50 lbs per the reaction, that will occur in less than a minute but if they had to lose that same amount by waiting, it could take up to a full day. And they would have to endure that entire day, totting all that blubber until it all goes away tomorrow or later than that.
And they have to hope to God that they don’t have another reaction within the same day. Which will happen.
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lichenstone · 8 months
I was just thinking about this, mostly through the line of thinking of "how did Garp stay so loyal to the marines despite Literally Everything?" and there's definitely some individual character traits and beliefs that keep that man licking the boot but. Like. Marine propaganda in One Piece has to go CRAZY to have their numbers even remotely make sense.
Like. I'm from the states, yeah? and with the amount of times the marines in op show their collective ass they are very comprable to my own country's police force (and frankly, also our military). Like they fuck up A Lot, and PUBLICLY too. And while they're very good at cover-up (e.g. Ohara, Alabasta) I'm left wondering how much effort they put into recruitment.
In the states, not only to we have the commercials for the various branches (and lmty those are wild as hell), but there's also a significant amount of time, effort, and money put in to making sure that mainstream entertainment is favorable of the military as well. Not to mention the recruiters sent to schools/events, the (J)ROTC classes, and the offers for paying through college in exchange for service. But the US has one of the biggest militaries in the world and an already broadly favorable public image (in the US). The world of One Piece has fucking Gol D. Roger.
I'm sure pre-great pirate era the marines had fairly little trouble in terms of recruitment, but post Roger's execution? No way in hell. I can just imagine it. All anybody cares about is the goddamn One Piece and the marines are Desperate for some fresh blood. Queue recruiters in every island in the grand line and beyond doing their damn best to "how do you do, fellow kids" their way into getting some baby-faced high-school juniors to sign their lives away. They try to make joining the marines sound like the coolest thing in the fucking world. "Who cares about the One Piece? Join the marines and you can uhh-"
Like the WG HAD to paint all pirates as uniquely evil and the marines as solely good because literally any other reason to join the marines beside serving the nebulous idea of justice Gol D. Roger already got by being a fucking pirate. Not only that, but promised to whoever could find the One Piece. Idk about y'all but going on a no-rules worldwide scavenger hunt with my besties to get fame and fortune sounds WAY more fun than joining the fucking navy as cannon fodder. The marines had to be working their ASSES OFF trying to get people to join; especially after every time they fucked up massively and publicly.
I know there's some very juicy thematic implications of this but all I'm thinking about is the workplace comedy that would be the marines' PR department trying to make the marines seem like a decent and honorable career path after every time a pirate crew does something cool or news is leaked of the marines publicly shitting the bed.
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baeddelations · 10 months
I think this part of my loathing of seeing this article passed around "i am tw, iam staying in the closet" bc it is a diary entry that was explicitly not supposed to be advice or a rubric. She origanilly aays its just 1 narrative to take in then when it gets past around she says hey this was me venting i didnt intend for anyone to read this.
I think this is the major interest in this piece. A view into the interiority of a tw whos been closeted for 20 yrs and her personal xp growin up then being a closeted tw in a University WGS dept. Some ppl might call this a fetishistic interest in the interiority of this tw, oh how they love poking around in the frankenstein monsters guts, poking his brain to see what horrid mismatched limb will jump.
I think the main reason @autolenaphilia interacted with this is bc this article was passed around by a bunch of transmisogynist who are adpting and pulling together the transmisogyny of jeniffer and her recounting of cismanhating that exists in primarily cisfeminist spaces and by extension radical and queer spaces. Jennifer does not bring up cafab transness or transmasculinity once in this article yet it is cited as inspiration for truther framework.
I do think the way that jennifer talks about not wanting to acquiesce is kinda built on a faulty conjecture which is that if she transitioned she would be able to talk about femininity in these spaces... at one point she says this probably wouldnt be true(mb just for her) but then goes back to the original argumentation on many occasions. This argumentation taken to conlusion posits that it is easier to discourse or even exist in those spaces as a tw than as a cis man that u will be more include and less ridiculed. At the time of this article she had never actually tried out this proposition, so she never got to see how this prop is at least in all the copius amounts of personal and anecdotal xp i have false. But this prop is useful for ppl who want push tw have it easier and that men are reviled for being men. Enter prager xcuse me truthers.
I also hate internalized oppression framework, imo it is an idpol tool used to shift blame from the brainwashed oppressed to som aspirational that oppressive ideology comes naturally to. Is she promoting transmisogynistic ideas? Yah, shes not bad for this but it is why its useful to truthers, and part of why it hurts to read as a tw.
@autogyne-redacted i do think its hard to see point 1, 2, and 5 of y shes not trnsn nd say these arent related to passibility. Repercussion are often contingent with passablity. Movin towards phys transn being dysphoria inducing is connected with what expectations of feminity u hav and how u line up with them(i also xp this). And the gap thing is imo her wishing she could be passable w ease and recognizing she cant so settling and saying its not worth it to try.
I think lena is apply a broader scope of trans xp to jennifers xp i dnt think this is even necessarily harmful and i dnt think shes even saying jen is wrong for it shes saying her words are easy to coopt that they are capering to these tmras which they are however unitentionally. U could also take things ive said in the past and warp them into tmra shit. I fortunately didnt write these things in a medium article. She is handling in other ways and this is wut conv therapy wants... thats what it seems they go for a lot again doesnt mean jen is bad nd lena doest say shes wrong for this. The only thing lena says is she doesnt want this for herself thats not restricting jens autonomy. And that the article and responses made her sick. They made me feel bad too. This isnt necessarily a moral judgement. It could be but idk.
All this is a dissection. I hate it. I wish her vent diary post wasnt being aired, analyzed, and discoursed. Im doing it right now ffs! It makes me want to leave the internet. I hope ppl stop talkn bout it...but they wont bc the corpse of this diary can be a useful weapon against tw so itll keep gettn used.
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crackinglamb · 9 months
AO3 Year End Roundup, 2023
Normally, I'd do this in a couple days, but we're close enough for government work (and I'm on a deliberate break anyhow, so nothing new is being posted). Normally this would also be a tag game, but I haven't seen it floating around yet, so...
Hey, you wanna do your own roundup? Go for it. Yes, I mean you (looking at you, DAFF crew). Consider this an open invite. Tag me back so I can see what y'all have been up to.
Words posted: 241,283 . This total has had subtracted from it the amount that already existed for the fic that carried over from last year (which was WG, of course). So this is actually what I posted this year.
Additional Words Written: ~166K. I have several WIP's going on in the background. One of which is finished and will begin posting after New Year's. Another of which is about halfway done. The rest are...procrastination projects/getting the wiggles out. They may never see the light of day. But they count as writing, so they are included.
Grand total of words: 407, 283 (goodness gracious)
Fandoms: 2
Works: 12, 11 of which were new.
Highest Kudos: Into the Current, at 271 (just like last year, I'm not counting WG since it wasn't new). The Iron Bull/OFC, rated E, 79K words, complete.
Highest Hit Oneshot: The Mighty Fall, at 706. Sookie Stackhouse/Eric Northman. Rated T, 2900 words.
New Things I Tried: I wrote a trio of fics for True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries this year. The WIP that's finished and waiting for the new year is a continuation of this series.
I also posted a ficlet I'd originally posted here on tumblr for archiving purposes. Some Years Into the Future...
Fic I Spent the Most Time On: Driftwood, my Bullmance series. Writing ItC itself wasn't particularly long, about two months, but T3, the next fic, is still being written. At first it was all going to be one long fic, but then I decided I've had enough of epics (meaning any work significantly over 100K words), and split it into parts.
Fic I Spent the Least Time On: The Mighty Fall. I have finally gotten to use the tag 'I wrote this instead of sleeping'. 🤣
Favorite Thing I Wrote: Usually, I have trouble with this category. I'm poly, you know. But this year, I actually DO have a fave. Okay...I have two.
How Deep the Bullet Lies - a gift for @rosella-writes, for the Solas Lovers Exchange. Solas/Cassandra Pentaghast with a whumpy open ending. Rated M, 4200 words.
More Than Mere Stone - a gift for my beloved @ir0n-angel in the same exchange. Solas/F!Trevelyan, pure fluff. Rated G, 1500 words.
Favorite Thing I Read: In Twain, by CatC. It's everything I wanted in a 'background character gets caught up in events' fic. With a sizzlingly hot Bullmance and So Much Cole. I think I've read it three or four times already. At least. If you need something comforting and wonderful, I cannot recommend it enough. It's simply delightful, and so is the author. Rated E, 172K words, WIP.
Something I Finished: I did it, at long last. I finished What a Wicked Game to Play. It was the focus of NaNo (and took literally three days once I put my mind to it, hence much of the other writing I did that hasn't been published). It feels really good to have my beloved Behemoth marked with a green checkmark. The story itself isn't finished, and I'll eventually write more for Imogen and Co., but for now, it is Done.
Writing Goals for 2024 – Keep on keeping on. I want to finish T3, so I can start posting it. I want to finish a couple other things from the WIP list. There will of course be a new Fluffuary prompt list. Biggest goal, however, is simply not to burn myself out. I've started waiting to publish until a fic is finished, which has done wonders for my stress levels. No more posting gaps on an in-progress fic.
Allow me to Gush about some things I wrote this year.
(Otherwise known as: honorable mentions)
Out of the Dark - Lark Cadash was once going to have an epic fic to her name. But I'm Tired, and frankly, I'm bored with rewriting the events of DA:I over and over again. So I've turned her into a series, where I can just put up oneshots and short chaptered things in no particular order that add up to one big story. This is one of them. Post-canon, Lark goes into the Deep Roads to find the answer to a riddle that's bugged her for her entire life. She gets more than she asked for, with a side serving of sad Solas. I've had many of the headcannons included in it for a long time, with no home. Now, they're out there in the world. Rated G, 4800 words.
What Lies Beneath - my actual giftfic for the Solas Lovers Exchange. I had such fun writing this, and had ideas for it as soon as I received the assignment. I got to set something in the Hissing Waste, which is one of my favorite places in the game, as well as write a polyship for my two favorite romances. F!Cadash/Solas/Iron Bull, rated T, 3400 words.
Maker Damned Fools - back in 2020, I wrote a Varric/Hawke short little thing for the first Fluffuary. I always wanted to go back and expand it into a fuller story. Add it to the pile of Things I Finished This Year. From their meeting to post-canon. Rated E, 32K words.
What a Wicked Game to Play - *deep satisfied sigh* It took two years and ten months to complete, with near constant weekly updates. It's 412K words by itself (not counting the rest of the series). It contains about 350 embedded images of either screenshots or fanart. It is both the highest hit (over 90K) and highest kudo'd (1535) work on my archive. Affectionately known as 'the Behemoth', extensively written with my signature yeeting of canon. Imogen McLean, MGIT, Inquisitor, beloved of Fen'Harel. I am stupendously proud of this work, but I am also incredibly happy it's done. I set out to write an epic, and I damn well succeeded. Rated E.
See y'all on the flipside! 💕
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drdemonprince · 1 year
( Fetish ask prompt ) I’m honestly surprised it’s as much of a thing as it is, but I love slime inflation. Like the idea of me &or other people eating slimes (like the jrpg jello monsters) and having it quickly plump us up very fat, where we end up looking and feeling really soft and wobbly like the slime in the end. The idea of having a creature inside you altering you is nice, as is the softcore vore. And as a fat person I really like how the soft parts of me feel, especially my underbelly which is really sensitive.
Side rant, inspired by your posts about marginalization and kink: As a fat person and fat liberationist with a weight gain kink I do have a lot of Thoughts about the way people talk about fat and kink. Like how people treat fat people as the victims of fat-related kink rather than the agents of it. Or how people think just liking fat people is a kink. Or how people don’t realize wg is a sensory kink that doesn’t necessitate overlap with humiliation. Or the unease I experience when a skinny person is a little too vocal about how viscerally gross it all is and you get the vibe that they are talking about fatness rather than the kink. Or the violence of proana types stealing fat sex workers content for fatspo. Or feeling like the kink will mean others don’t take me seriously as an activist, lover, or person. Or the amount of sheer information I have to dump on someone so they can catch up to my level and not freak out. Or just in general the way people let fatphobic bias bleed into the way they talk about sex.
I also wish it was easier to find fat folks in my non-fat-related-kinks. Like ya I literally have a weight gain kink but also I am an actual fat person trying to live my life constantly surrounded by aggressively thin aesthetics. I would have had the kink anyway but there’s something to be said about how wg stuff is a rare corner of the internet where fat people are the norm. Not that I don’t have serious issues with the scene as it is. For one there are a lot of people practicing without a solid background in fat liberation and that’s just going to go very poorly. I feel like a lot of people don’t think about the specifics of this sorta thing and often whether they are “for” or “against” these kinda kinks the fatphobia jumps out regardless. I’m just over here with my slimes and my critical theory books trying to make sense of the world.
Ive heard multiple fat wg kink people complain of many of these things! and fat kinksters in general. sound off in the comments if you and anon wanna connect, or if youve got kink blogs related to any of this stuff and are fat.
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evansbby · 4 months
i’m am good at reviews, but i want to show you how appreciative i am, so i’ll give it a shot!
one thing i appreciate is how perfectly you encapsulate a significant amount of angst with jusssstttt the right amount of fluff. i also love the way the reader is written in a way that is slightly pessimistic, despite deep down knowing she’s trying to hard to say no to them both, it’s just so perfectly executed.
and, oh my god. ari and steve, and how they both have their flaws but the way they’re both just so dreamy and alluring, it makes me want to fuck both of them (and both of them at the same time, sorry not sorry)! and usually i’d hate something like that—like threesomes and shit—but they are so irresistible to pick between that i’m like, “fuck it, i want them both!” because they both just perfectly balance each other out.
although there’s no actual heavy smut in this chapter, i think it was for the best? it kinda helps to develop like a character alignment and a deeper connection with both steve and ari making it more… meaningful? i don’t know. especially because i’d find it hard to believe if anyone is strictly ‘team ari’, or ‘team steve’, because they’re both imperfect and flawed in their own ways.
but regardless, i will be patiently waiting for that post announcing that you’re working on wg5 considering you’ve left us all on that big of a cliffhanger!
anyways, i love this, ily, and i will be patiently (but respectfully impatiently) waiting for wg5, and also manifesting that steve doesn’t… die
also, i’m not sure what anon emojis are taken, so if you don’t mind, choose a cute one for me (please!)
hey! I hope you see this, and I think you can be 🍩 anon bc idk i love sweet treats!
anyways yesss, thank you sm bestie for the lovely words! I did write reader a lot more pessimistic this chapter yet sometimes her innocence still shines through!
I’m happy you think no smut was for the best and i totally agree! There have been other fics I’ve written where I’ve forcibly added smut where I didn’t really feel it was necessary (wg 3, poyt 5) so I didn’t want to do that again! So it’s super validating and assuring for you to say it didn’t need it at all! And you’re right, it does allow for a deeper and more meaningful connection with both the male leads! I wanted to show a more romantic, personal and emotional side this chapter and I’m happy that I think I did it!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: Prompts (June 27-July-04)
Screw it, Akiha ABDL
Pet play: Ciel takes Arcuied round the back and puts her down like Old Yeller
Fate/Stay Night
Shinji gets isekaid after that one time he gets killed in canon but life isn't any better for him in the new world(by his standards at least)
shiki vs taiga swordfight. battle of the ages
taiga learns tiger drop which negates all damage
okay , for real , outta all the f/sn masters, i bet shirou would have the easiest time adjusting to the chaos of life at chaldea . an rin is stuck on the struggle bus with now way out the second she meets BB.
a wave of peace and quiet flows through the clocktower , why ? rin & luvia were tf'd into hex maniacs and no one wants to turn 'em back to normal b/c they aren't total assholes in that state . hell, shirou's even okay with those remaining like that , especially since luvia's taken up gardening. having a friend bring fresh produce when they pop over unannounced has done wonders for his cooking.
Rin Tohsaka being TF'd into Luvia's trophy wife
Smut, unsanitary, Ruby fully re-brainwashes Rin like when she was a kid and makes her piss herself live on stage in front of thousands of people in her old Magical Girl costume. The brainwashed Rin of course finds this very erotic and ends up fingering herself as she pisses buckets.
edit BB.exe, setvar arousal=TRUE, setvar canorgasm=FALSE, setvar pleasure=5*pleasure, exit
Gudako after eating Van Gogh's flesh from her valentine present is in great need to get another bite
kadoc & gudako should bond through shoplifting at sephora
Smut, there’s plenty of content about morgan and her husband. where’s the content of morgan and her wife??? I wanna see gudako dutifully satisfying her witch wife’s needs in the bedroom; bonus if Morgan has a dick (as in in a trans way, because fuck yes). let gudako suck her wife off dammit!!!
somebody at chaldea figures out after xxx or more years of repression they are not straight and/or cis. specifically a servant because post mortem milestones of life are extremely funny to me
Smut, I humbly request for mash/morgan porn where morgan refers to mash as her "trophy."
Ophelia Phamrsolone learns her last name is entirely because of a centuries-old typo. Several typos. Drunken insistence a scribble was legible, really.
all of the support servants of Chaldea (such as Scathach Skadi, Merlin, Waver, etc) decide to go against Gudako because she always overworks them during grinding sessions. It’s up to the writer to decide if they succeed or DIE because of Chen Gong
Raikou and Tiamat fight over who's Guda's mother. End up solving the problem by marrying each other.
The Chaldea mom club learn about the amount of servants in love with Gudako and decide as Gudako's mother(s) that they need figure out who is worthy of taking the masters hand in marriage. Cut to B.B hosting the matchmaking equivalent of America's Got Talent with them prize being to marry Gudako.
let's put beryl in the chen gong cannon
castoria and guda use each other as chew toys and nobody is sure whether or not its a sex thing or not(correct answer is sometimes yeah but not always)
Guda finds out that she has a weight gaining kink/wants to fatten up after spending too much time watching how happy Caesar and Cleopatra are
warhammer 40k tournament at chaldea ,
a few people at chaldea play 2 truths and a lie : here's gudako's list: i run a salamanders army on the Warhammer 40k table top ( true) when i took this job , my main goal was to not die a virgin & by the emperor did i succeed !(true) and i have my coochie pierced ( false)
Chaldea holds a pride parade. Turns out every single servant is queer in some way, at least once modern concepts of gay and bi and trans and whatnot are explained to them, so there's a 100% turnout rate. Somehow nobody saw this coming.
this is a *big* request but with most of his lines being translated now i crave bhima gorging the absolute hell out (wg, stuffing, anything in between)
Smut, Due to the presence of a large number of people who can actually go blow for blow with her in Chaldea, Barghest regularly engages in battle sex. Powerbomb into mating press is a hell of a drug.
Smut, After Morgan tells Gudao to get rid of all his other Berserkers and asserting that she's the only one he'll ever need, he finally puts his foot down and disciplines the former Queen of Fairy Britain. Things don't go quite as planned and naturally, this has unintended (sexy) consequences. Now, Morgan starts causing problems on purpose just so she can be "punished" by Gudao, much to his consternation.
Smut, Gudako gets sent with Mash to Aesc and the threesome is so good that all their traumas vanish, the Lostbelt is fixed, and Queen Morgan has two new Consorts.
gudako convinces castoria to kill gudao so castoria can stay with Gudako. unfortunately castoria and Gudao murder each other, and what will gudako do?
There’s a reason why despite the constant Arts farming, Castoria is still alive: She drinks 10 cups of Monster just to stay awake and alive. Bonus points if her stash of Monster Energy Drinks are stolen or is found.
Arcueid & Kukulkan, ultimate one squad
Smut, Dobryna getting summoned in place of her husband to protect him and then fucking Guda sounds like an ntr plot, so why not write it like one?
Alexander/Iskandar meets Berserker Darius only to realize his ancient rival is nothing like he remembered. Can be played for comedy but I'm imagining more the scene from Sopranos where Tony and Junior meet for the last time
Scheherazade plans for, and goes on a date with, Nitocris. Swaps back and forth between Scheherazade being anxious and hyper-over-planning for every negative contingency and Nitocris comforting her as things go very well actually.
Smut, nitocris says she wants to marry master( which ever one you want) and the other pharaoh/egyptian servants and their partner help her become a good wife in-n-out of bed due to this master pass out the first time they have sex.
Baobhan Sith keeps trying to be a mean girl, but ends up accidentally helping everyone, and gets mad about it. The last straw is when Guda praises her, so she decides, in a fit of impulsiveness, to do the most diabolical thing she can think of doing to Guda; Baobhan Sith steals their first kiss. The only problem is that Guda was actually saving their first kiss for them anyway, so it was all for nothing.
arjuna & junao try out the twin- switch trick , their success in fooling people will depend on the prompt filler
Dinofucker Olgamarie
Join us on our new Chaldea game show, “Justify! That! Atrocity!” Starring featuring guest stars like Gawain, Mordred, Abigail, and many more!
Ereshkigal and Ishtar inherited Rin's dumb Bissexual rizz and end up creating their own harem without even realizing it
chaldea summoning galahad by complete accident. meanwhile, lancelot is FREAKING OUT about this
Berserker Lancelot is always just emitting that freaky growling noise of his due to the chronic pain, and thus is constantly miserable. That is is, until Tomoe Gozen shows him Microsoft Flight Simulator, and the simple happiness overtakes the pain and rage
Smut, Director Olga Marie can't stop masturbating
Smut, Castoria + prostitution. A country girl gotta do what she gotta do all alone in britain yknow.
After Guda is captured by the mages Association so they can transfer their command seals to a more trustful user who will give better use to their army of servants, a servant finds them and begs them to escape, that Chaldea can keep them safe, while Guda begs them to kill them, that way nobody will go after Chaldea and there won't be a risk that these command seals will fall in dangerous hands
the real dobryna already had imposter syndrome due to being just a squishy human while his wife & daughter(s?) are some pretty dang strong monsters. and his wife committing identity theft in order to join chaldea just rubbed salt in the wound. now it's up to the koyan twins to solve their dad's problem , because if they don't , he's gonna run off & elope with gudako.
due to boredom, Castoria tries the Grimace Shake. It is up to the writer to decide if she dies or not from drinking the shake
FGO, again
Rasputin has a skill with a chance to trigger guts, chaldea plays a game and bet how many times they will have to kill Rasputin before he dies
Chaldea ends up summoning Saber Galahad Alter AKA the Cooler Galahad from Fate/Requiem, and Mash ends up experiencing what it's like to have a big brother, while the original Galahad is low-key seething because everyone likes his far more approachable Alter self, including Mash.
Smut, Morgan x Ronald McDonald smut
Gudako and Castoria left too many bite marks on each other just for Oberon to tease them about it.
warhammer 40k tournament at chaldea : you've got gudako with her salamander army, tomoe of all people is running a chaos undivided set up, osakabehime has her Astra Militarum (aka guardsmen) & a back up adeptus mechanicus army, and sei is in possession of some very impressive Ork kitbashes., and then there's morgan spectating ; she currently does not have a good grasp on how to play the game , but she did enjoy painting a few sisters of battle minis with gudako.
locusta finds out that people on the internet call her nasu.
Due to the constant pause in the flow of time due to the world nearly ending and the constant rayshifting that puts their physical body in suspension Guda's mind has aged much faster than their body, so i propose: Mid 40s Guda that still looks like they're is in his early 20s and acts like they're in their 60s
Jing Ke runs out of her monthly supply of booze, and Moriarty has cut her off from the bar due to making a mess last time- leaving her with only one option, Shuten Douji. She starts drinking Shuten’s Oni-wine, and begins developing Oni traits because of it.
Tiamat comforting a character with mommy issues, Raikou, Mordred or Jack would be ideal, but given the amount of tragic backstorys in this franchise, everyone needs some motherly love
Sei Shōnagon called Scheherazade’s summons pokemon once a week ago, and she’s been in an existential crisis ever since, trying to figure out if she needs to collect gym badges or not
Li Shuwen is not allowed to fist his partners anymore :(
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sleepytoby · 2 years
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Okay so, I decided fuck it... let's make a pokemon au. So, here we are. Uploading it on Tumblr.
This entire summary of this will be some parts of gn!reader's (Also AFAB, won't be mentioned or implied to much) pokemon team and also a small analysis of them.
Oh, before I forget... These are the stamps for each post and what it will cover.
Pt. 1 — Summary of life (childhood, teenage, current) | You are here!
Pt. 2 — The pokemon team, progression through-out the timeline & Meeting the team + For Kid Pirates
Some World Building
Some asks and questions, and then the release of the actual story!
Please note that this fic is also set in One Piece world setting. Devil fruits, haki, etc. still exist. But! I will try my best balancing everything.
Without any further interruptions, let's begin.
TW! Character death, hints of PTSD, trauma, mentions of injuries
Summary of Life
[Name] lived in a more slum-like side of a city in South Blue.
They lived in a 'spare-island' where scraps and useless pieces of guns, ships, and various other things were thrown there and turned into a junkyard like Gray Terminal in the East Blue.
Most of the Pokémon inhabited in the area were poison types such as Venonat, Venomoth, Grimer, Weezing & Koffing, and Dustox to name a fair few with a few rare encounters with Steel type Pokémons from the endless amounts of spare parts coming from the marines.
As for their parents, their mother was very sickly due to being poisoned by a Weezing in front of them when they were 4 years old. Their mother is a gentle, soft-spoken, loving mother who wanted what was best for [Name], always telling them to pursue their dream which caused them to get very attached to her.
Due to her sickness, they gained an ambition to become a nurse/doctor for both people and Pokémon.
They are also afraid of touching Pokémon (Similar to Lillie) after this event.
Also has a fear of Poison types after this event. Even up to the present.
After their mother’s passing, the shiny Ralts she once had was immediately attached to [Name] due to their same personality and looks, minus their eyes which they gained from their father.
They named the Ralts ‘Athena’ because it was their mother’s favorite Greek God.
Their father was a very hard-working man and didn't come home often so [Name] didn't get to know him very well. Although, he was attentive to [Name] and his wife's physical needs, but never emotionally. He was a very logical man unlike his wife's more emotional and feeling mindset.
He worked for the World Government and makes whatever the WG needs; be it greater and better pokeballs, reports, mega stones, etc. He was even said to be one of the most active and best workers in his station.
Although the pay was a good and hefty amount, it wasn't enough to save his wife, whose condition slowly began to deteriorate. Getting worse and worse each day.
They were 6 years old when their mother passed away due to the poisoning and made her body grow weaker and weaker.
After their mother’s passing, their father tried being the best father he could and noticeably tried getting home as early as he could for his child.
He often bought the things [Name] needed for their dream such as medical books and even some herbs for them to practice with.
[Name] was alone through-out their entire childhood so far until they met a certain blonde, Killer, who had no pokemon with him and was injured badly from a pack of wild pokemons.
They were quick to save the boy and with their medical training and necessary need to understand Pokémon for their dream.
Killer is their first ever friend.
Fast forward for a few months, both [Name] and Killer met Kid who was being beaten by older kids with their starter pokemon.
At this moment, Killer already had his first Pokémon, Pawniard, who easily decimated the older children's pokemons.
And so, new friend, Eustass Kid!
This will conclude childhood since we still have more to dive into. Also the fact that I would like the rest to be written as a story.
And they may or may not have attracted some Pokémons' attention…
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By the age of 14, the three had already gotten close and Kid had already gotten his starter; a Meltan.
When they were 10 and just about a week after Kid had consumed the Jiki Jiki no Mi, he accidentally attracted the Meltan with him and almost immediately, the Meltan was attached to him so he decided to catch it a week after being friends with it.
He named it Crank.
[Name] grew concerned for the tiny Meltan because it was said Meltans come in groups.
And by this time, Killer's Pawniard has already evolved into a proud and strong Bisharp.
Yes, Kid is jealous.
[Name] has already been warming up to the idea of Pokémon after an encounter with a certain pair of Pokémons. Both Kid and Killer are proud about their development after knowing what had happened and the reason behind why they were afraid.
Kid and Killer are the only people that [Name] trusts.
Their father doesn’t come home very often anymore after finding out about Kid and Killer, thinking that they’ll be satisfied with it until he eventually passes away ([Name] was 13 years old) due to body stress and exhaustion. And gave them a Pokemon egg and few other gifts to help them through-out their way.
[Name] takes good care of the egg along with Athena (Ralts) who hasn’t evolved yet despite many years because they don’t often fight with other Pokémons or spar.
Athena only evolved when they were against a wild pokemon that tried taking the egg from them.
Yes, Kid is jealous.
All three of them decided to set sail next year and train their pokémon harder in order to survive the world out there.
The rest will be shown in the story.
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[Name] is a part of the Kid Pirates as a doctor and tactician. They often hole up in the library or the medical bay to study or to treat both pokémons and their crewmates.
Killer, Kid, and the young apprentices of the ship are the only ones that can get them out of there.
[Name] has grown a lot stronger by now with four pokemons; Shiny Gardevoir (Athena), Lucario (Lucien), Metang (Laiser (originally a Beldum)) that was a gift from Kid a year after the three formed the crew, and a Froslass (Istas (originally a Snorunt)) who was a gift from Killer when they were younger.
[Name] is only uncomfortable around certain Poison type Pokémons and is very fidgety and more jump around a Weezing or any of its evolutions.
They can be tense when they are touched by wild Pokemon and other people’s pokémons outside of the crew.
During the Sabaody arc, a group of kidnappers nearly kidnapped Athena due to being a shiny but was quickly subdued by both Athena.
[Name] causes the most havoc for the Pacifistas.
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This concludes the summary of life of Reader so far. Many more of these peaks will be shown until I have finished the plotting and teams for the characters. Please be patient with me and thank you for reading!
Please do not repost or copy my works. I work hard on these. Thank you. <3
Reminder that I do not own One Piece! This anime belongs to the one and only Eiichiro Oda and Pokémon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri.
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© justtoby
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