#the amazing singing robot is still a fucking banger i do not take criticism. does anyone even know what i’m talking about ToT
frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
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just look and see, this forest i made for you
[Image ID: A digital illustration of Fresh Cut Grass from Critical Role. It has a colorful and messy pixellated style. FCG is standing in a field of flowers with his hands clasped in front of him, looking down over the grass with a sense of warmth. Tree branches frame him from high up on either side. Behind him, in sharp contrast to the bright colors of the rest of the piece, there is a black panel shaped like an explosion right behind his head. It shows a loose, scratchy looking sketch of a one eyed creature standing over his old party members, with hints of red indicating blood splatters. FCG is turned away from the panel, ignoring it. End ID.]
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n0t-actually-satan · 4 years
rating cwmay songs
okay nO one except me cares about this and lovelytheband is criminally underrated but yeah I wanted to do this so why not :)
flowers - on my grave - oh my god. this song. this fucking song. I need it like oxygen. I listen to it everyday. the desperateness of it gives me so many emotions. and the synth thing going on in the chorus is awesome. I think the lyrics are really interesting and incredible. it’s so catchy and while it’s sad it totally makes you wanna get up and dance. plus I think it really shows off Sam’s drumming and I’m here for that. one of those songs that just leaves you with a feeling...
i hate myself - w o a h. I love this song so much. I honestly love songs that sound like this, with funky chords and lots of fun, interesting noises. again, I love the contrast between the verse and the chorus. it starts out just with the quite, sad, and kind of bitter vocals and piano, and then there’s just an explosion of sound and it turns into a whole bop. I really love the loud drums there. you can even tell the difference in Mitchy’s voice between the points, he sounds kind of quiet and reflective on the verses, then bold and bitter on the chorus and it really makes the difference. I also like how they strayed from the typical synth after the chorus to whistling, it’s really interesting and fun.
silly - the way this song set up the end of the album... I remember listening to the album for the first time and I was just like “THIS IS SO GOOD” and then like every song after that I was just vibing to so hard. I’m alWays a whore for a good sax solo, too, which you now know from how high I rated waste. and the lyrics so exactly hit how it feels as you’re getting over someone... wondering if they really care I guess. and the way all the instruments come together to sound so uncertain, especially at the bridge, is pretty amazing. fucking amazing, honestly.
emo - oh shit. this might get long. what an incredible song. the way it just comes in with that sweeeeet guitar sound. and the first verse just already sets up the vibe of the song immediately. and the synth part that starts after the first verse and goes through the song is so catchy and fun. I love the melody on the chorus and I think Mitchy sings it amazingly. and the way it hones in on his voice near the end but then you hear those drums and you’re just like oh hEck yeah it’s not over and you get another chorus and you’re just rocking out and singing along. this song is one of the simplest on the album I would say, but it’s a nice contrast. so simple, but so good and so catchy. it’s constantly stuck in my head. love. it. so. much. makes me feel better about being called emo in middle school haha.
buzz cut - ah yes, the last single. this song got me so hyped for the album. it’s so unlike any of the other lovelytheband songs, like, it’s happy??? what is that??? in all seriousness though, they should do happy more because they do it so well, surprisingly. from the very beginning you know it’s gonna be awesome. the line “it’s only a feeling, until you make it more than that” I really like. but it’s the chorus that really makes it. I don’t know what the effect on Mitchy’s voice is but I love it so much. and to be perfectly honest I did think the post-chorus was kinda dumb until I realized that I, too define periods of my life by my hair decisions. I’m only a little disappointed they didn’t shave Mitchy’s head in the video... but I really like his hair it’s so iconic so I guess it’s a good thing. but enough of that rambling. I don’t usually like really cheesy love songs but I can’t help but love this one. it’s just being so shamelessly in love and I love that, but it also sounds more real that a lot of pop songs. it’s the kind of song that always cheers you up and makes you believe in love again.
loneliness for love - someone will probably come at me for this. sorry. it’s a bop for SURE that’s why it’s ranked six. I seriously love it, love the guitar part, love the lyrics, it’s so upbeat yet sad which I love and who can’t say it’s relatable? but I gotta say this album is so packed full of bangers it’s still sixth. it’s probably also a little because this was the first single to come out and songs are more exciting when you’ve listened to them less I would say.
waste - I really like how this one starts, sounding so distant, before it all comes in. one of my favs of the singles. the chorus though, it’s so dramatic and emotional. it really just so well describes the feeling of falling apart I guess. I can really relate to feeling stuck and wanting to give up. and I just LOVE the line of “mixing glitter with my tears” like seriously, what beautiful imagery. and the sax solo is EVERYTHING. brings the entire song together with the mournfulness, I guess. then there comes that moment where it’s suddenly all quiet and still and then BOOM it all comes out again so dramatically. definitely one of my favs. I listened to this so much when it first came out, though I have to admit, I’m vibing a little more with the newer songs now.
love somebody else - ahaha this one’s too relatable. but omg, the instrumental part after the chorus? it hits so hard. such a wordy song, unusual for lovelytheband, but I really like it. I don’t really know what’s going on in the lyrics but I do think they’re really interesting and I like to try and figure about what they mean lol. and the contrast from the verse to the chorus is awesome, the way it’s kind of cluttered and quiet to dramatic and loud simple. love it.
idwgtyp - I think this is only fourth because I’ve heard it so many times now it doesn’t have the same thrill it did at the beginning. still amazing tough. the instrumental part with all the bass in amazing. and I love how it stops and then it comes back, just building the excitement. the ending is sO satisfying as it goes down. the HUHs are a little weird though, I have to say.
i should be happy - I usually prefer lovelytheband’s more upbeat songs. but this one is really something. the quiet voice and the piano just tells so much with so little. the little sounds in the background I don’t know how to describe make it more interesting. the only thing I don’t like about this song is the weird effects on Mitchy’s voice. idk. I just don’t really like them idk why.
drive - I like this song. but I do find it a bit boring after awhile. I think it would be good at putting me to sleep and I mean that in the best possible way. very chill and pretty. but a little dull.
your favorite one - beautiful. simply. beautiful. this song gives me so many f e e l i n g s. I really like the weird robotic voices thing? it’s cool and unlike any other song, gives it an interesting vibe. and the arrangement is really, really nice. it is a bit long though, I have to say
when you’re lonely - interlude - it’s just kinda lacking substance. which makes sense for an interlude. I have no criticism, there’s just a ton of great songs on here and they can’t all be at the top. it really does hit you hard when it’s like dark, and quiet, and you’re sad and your just like w o w. it definitely hits different.
conversations with myself about you - meh. honestly I’m not a huge fan. don’t come at me. it’s not really a song it’s just some voices and then one line. I always skip it.
wow. that was honestly way harder than I expected. like I expected it to be hard, but like, the top five took forever to decide on. anyway this took me almost two hours but it was worth it. if you haven’t listened to the album yet, do it. do it now. or face the consequences. :)
anyway. this album is such a masterpiece. I loved finding it hard to smile but I gotta say I think cwmay takes the cake. I can’t wait to see what lovelytheband makes next and see if my favorites keep changing...
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