#the adventures of rhys and blizter
Why Rhys is an honorary Autobot.
Rhys, talking to a Decepticon: I might be short but you won't be laughing when I release the wrath of one thousand suns upon you
Blizter, holding back his small human: I'm sorry he didn't mean it.
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Headcanons for Rhys and Blizter
Feel free to add some of your own!
Blizter talks with a Texan sounding accent due to that being the place he spent most of his time on Earth
Blizter doesn’t like fighting, however, if you hurt one hair on little Rhys’s head he will shoot to kill. 
Rhys knows how to fix somethings when it comes to the Autobots, he learned from having to help his big Autobot friend fix himself back home on the farm.
Rhys knows three other languages, Spanish, French and some Russian, he is in the middle of learning Sign Language and Bumblebee is also learning this one with him. 
Nobody knows why Rhys doesn’t talk, Blizter doesn’t like it when people question Rhys about it to the point it makes him uncomfortable.
Yes, Blizter does see himself as Rhys’s space dad.
Rhys is fine with this. 
There was a small incident where Rhys and Blizter ‘fell out’, this was when Sentinal Prime returned and Rhys did not like this robot at all. Nope there was something not right with this one. He was right. 
Rhys wants to become an author or a chef.
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Blizter and Rhys, the adventures continue (Angst)
AN. So we’re going to continue with this little side series on this blog, I don’t have a title yet so I’m sorry, not many people like it but I like writing it. This one is about Blizter, Rhys and a Decepticon.
Travelling around with an Auotbot is usually quite fun, you can go anywhere, have someone to talk to that was never lacking when having interesting stories about their adventures, they’d talk about these kind of things a lot, usually when Rhys was in a talking mood and they were in the middle of talking about Blizter’s time on Cybertron and what the planet was like before everything started and eventually ended.
They were talking about that when Blizter suddenly swerved with such force that Rhys fell from his seat and let out a little yelp as a large metal hand was suddenly grabbing him and carefully but quickly placing him on the dirt road before instantly being tackled to the ground by a second robot, one with a noticeable Decepticon mark. Rhys gulped and scurried to his feet ready to help before his robot yelled. He still couldn’t get over the fact that Blizter speaks with a Texan accent because that’s where he learned English. 
“Run Rhys!” And without hesitating, Rhys turned on his feet and ran, reaching for the device that was gifted to him by Optimus in case the two needed their help, it would signal to the closest Autobot to them when activated and Rhys managed to pull the button before he heard police sirens behind him and the sound of Blizter’s engine revving behind the cruiser and the cruiser caught up to him fast because weak little human running away from alien shape shifting machines and it stopped in front of Rhys and transformed and the boy recognized it as Barricade, a particularly nasty Decepticon and it reached for him but not before Rhys managed to dodge his first attempt and jump over his second attempt but got caught by the ankle on the third attempt and Blizter’s attempt at saving him was halted when Barricade shot a net over him, trapping him, for a second as Blizter struggled Rhys had thought that it was over for them both because that net was just getting tighter as the Autobot struggled and Rhys couldn’t defeat him and escape because Blizter had any weapon Rhys could carry in that net with him. Then suddenly Rhys fell to the ground, landing with a thud which knocked the wind out of him. A pink Autobot had appeared and tackled Barricade over while he was distracted, it was Arcee. 
While Rhys was on the ground trying to get his breath back without his inhaler he was picked up again but gently by yet another Autobot, a large red and blue one. Optimus, holding out Rhys’s inhaler because while he freed Barricade he noticed Rhys’s asthma was affected by his fall, running and the situation in general. Rhys took it and inhaled. 
“Are you okay young Rhys?” Optimus spoke, eyes scanning over the boy in his hand to check for any injuries before placing him down. Rhys was still catching his breath so he nodded and held his thumbs up before looking over to see Barricade flee from the scene and Blizter’s arm severely damaged and his leg was barely attached, Rhys ran over to him as some strange human pack bonding instinct to see if his friend was okay, Blizter was being held up by Arcee who also asked if Rhys was okay and he nodded again then pointed to Blizter, his way of asking about his friend. 
“He’ll be okay, we’re going to bring you both back to base for safety and to have Ratchet fix the big guy here, if Barricade came after you then it’s not safe for you now.” Rhys nodded in reply and turned his attention to his friend. 
“I’m okay little fella, I’ve had worse.” Rhys crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow like an ‘oh really?’ look. “I crash landed in your backyard, much worse than this.” Rhys just shook his head. 
“Are you able to transform?” Optimus asked. 
“Not without my rear wheels dragging a mile behind me, have you seen my leg?” Blizter replied and Optimus nodded. 
“Arcee, Rhys will go with you and I will carry Blizter back to base, we’ll run a full medical check on both of you.” The leader continued and everyone agreed, Optimus transformed and Arcee helped Blizter onto the back of Optimus then transformed herself into a pink motorcycle then Rhys climbed on. 
That day, Rhys decided he didn’t like riding on motorbikes when it was the middle of summer and flies were crashing into his face at high speed and his sunglasses nearly flew off many times.
When they got back to base, Ratchet ran a quick medical check on Rhys and confirmed that he was fine, just that next time Arcee should take the helmet with her and had some human agents refill his inhaler as he went to fix Blizter.
Optimus let the other agents know what had happened and Bumblebee was sent to keep Rhys company while he waited for Blizter, the two were friends and Bee could usually easily find a way to cheer the young human up. 
A few days later, it was decided that it would be best if they would both stay in the compound for a while, both were displeased as they enjoyed travelling and experiencing everything but they agreed because they both knew they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves for long if another Decepticon decided they were both easy pickings, and Rhys was happy to have an actual room and bed again, plus the agents allowed him to venture outside with Blizter sometimes if they needed some time away. 
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alright it’s my day off so what do y’all want me to write?
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This warms my soul
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This is my initial reaction:
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@ijustdontknowsometimes (follow them, they’re so sweet) 
Thank you for the spam
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I am getting notifications and I keep looking at whatever the fuck I drew so. . .
Alexa, remind me to commission an artist when I get money. . .
Oh wait I don’t have an Alexa. 
Okay Google- 
Oh I don’t have that either. 
*checks what weird AI thing my laptop has* 
Cortana-! Nevermind you don’t work.
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The Adventures of Blizter and Rhys pt. . . uhhh?
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AN. I’m back from my holiday and my dear friend, anon, asked me to write something Transformers themed and well, I have a series that caters to this request. Plus I had a nice wholesome idea while I was away.
After celebrating his Christmas and New Year in the Autobot compound, Rhys had one more major event coming up that would, through tradition, require him to celebrate, he planned on keeping it quiet, the agents wouldn’t care and Autobots. . .did they even celebrate birthdays? Rhys was unsure. Rhys knew that Blizter would try do something for the occasion, he always did. 
So imagine Rhys’s surprise when he walked into the compound from a little trip outside to get some McNuggets and a vanilla milkshake to find Bumblebee trying to hide a birthday banner by holding his arms out. It didn’t work.
“Well done Big Guy, we told you that you’d mess up the surprise by tampering with it.” Wheelie said, throwing is arms in the air as he whizzed by Bumblebee’s feet and stopped by Rhys. “Happy Thanksgiving- No wait- New Year?” 
“It is the 21st anniversary of his time on this planet.” 
“It’s called a birthday, Ratchet.” Blizter emerged from the pillar he was not so subtly hiding behind, he had a small box in his hand and he held it out to his human friend and gently patted the boy’s head. “Happy Birthday little guy, you’re officially an adult in human standards.” He smiled and Rhys smiled back, then Bumblebee started playing Happy Birthday on his radio and a female agent came out with a cake and placed it down on the table. 
“We were gonna try buy you somethin’ nice but uh the agents seemed to have your place decked out with what you wanted and in the end we could only think of one more thing you’d like and a little somethin’ extra from me and the guys.” Wheelie said, the two surprisingly got along quite well, Wheelie done most of the talking.
The horn of a semi truck sounded from the other side of the door, Optimus had returned, he had left early this morning but nobody claimed to know why. The door opened, Optimus Prime rolled in, the cabin doors opened and Rhys’s family poured out, his brother, sister in law, niece and nephews were awestruck at the amount of robots there were, his older nephew David hide behind his mother’s leg and his youngest nephew, followed by his niece ran over to Rhys and hugged him, shortly followed by the rest of his family. 
“We knew how much your family mean to you, so we decided to bring them to your for sometime as a gift and a thank you for your help.” Optimus spoke, Blizter knelt down and decided to join in this hug as well, Bumblebee tried and was swatted away by the other bot. When the hug was over, Rhys picked up the box again after placing it down to hug his family.
“*Insert Brad Pitt shouting ‘What’s in the {bleeped out} box.” Emitted from Bumblebee’s radio and he quickly covered his mouth. Rhys chuckled quietly and Bumblebee earned a scowl from Emily, his brother’s wife and his quiet laugh from his brother. 
Rhys opened the box and frowned for a moment. It was a pin, of the Autobot logo, then he smiled. 
“Now the bad guys will know you’re an Autobot, so they won’t mess with ya, or they will- but we’ll have your back.” Wheelie explained as Rhys put it on his shirt and spoke for the first time in three days. 
“Thank you.” 
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