#the access to the music is the same regardless of your financial availability
enchanted-keys · 7 months
I'm sorry, but getting angry at singers for putting out multiple variants of an album with just a couple of different songs on them, is downright ridiculous when the whole album and every single song (bonus or not) get posted on their official YT channel for everyone to listen to. For free. The moment the album is out. Let's be real pls...
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when do you need a vpn
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when do you need a vpn
VPN for public Wi-Fi security
Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for public Wi-Fi security is a smart move in today's digital landscape. Public Wi-Fi networks, found in places like cafes, airports, and hotels, are convenient but notoriously insecure. Without proper protection, your sensitive data could be at risk of interception by cybercriminals lurking on the same network. Here's why using a VPN is essential for safeguarding your online activities on public Wi-Fi:
Encryption: VPNs encrypt your internet traffic, making it unreadable to anyone trying to intercept it. This means that even if someone manages to eavesdrop on your connection, they won't be able to decipher your data, whether it's your passwords, financial information, or personal messages.
Anonymity: By routing your internet connection through a remote server, VPNs mask your IP address and location. This adds an extra layer of anonymity, making it harder for hackers to track your online movements or target you with malicious attacks.
Protection from Wi-Fi snooping: Public Wi-Fi networks are prime targets for hackers looking to intercept sensitive information transmitted over the airwaves. VPNs create a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, shielding your data from prying eyes even on unsecured Wi-Fi networks.
Secure browsing: VPNs help protect you from various online threats, including malware, phishing scams, and man-in-the-middle attacks, which are common on public Wi-Fi. By encrypting your connection and hiding your IP address, VPNs make it significantly harder for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities in your device or intercept your data.
In summary, using a VPN for public Wi-Fi security is crucial for protecting your privacy and ensuring your online safety. By encrypting your internet connection and masking your IP address, VPNs provide a secure and private browsing experience, even on unsecured networks. Whether you're traveling, working remotely, or simply browsing the web at your favorite coffee shop, a VPN is your first line of defense against cyber threats lurking on public Wi-Fi.
VPN for accessing geo-blocked content
Title: Unlocking Geo-Blocked Content: The Power of VPNs
In an era where streaming services and online content providers restrict access based on geographic locations, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as indispensable tools for bypassing these barriers. Whether it's accessing region-locked Netflix libraries, watching sporting events not available in your country, or enjoying music from global platforms, VPNs offer a solution to geo-blocking woes.
So, how do VPNs work their magic? Essentially, a VPN routes your internet connection through servers located in different countries, masking your true location and assigning you a temporary IP address from the server's location. This process creates the illusion that you're accessing the internet from a different geographic region, thereby circumventing geo-blocks.
The benefits of using a VPN for accessing geo-blocked content are manifold. Firstly, it provides unrestricted access to a vast array of online content, ensuring that users aren't limited by their physical location. This means you can enjoy your favorite shows, movies, and websites regardless of where you are in the world.
Moreover, VPNs enhance online security and privacy by encrypting your internet traffic, shielding it from prying eyes such as hackers, government agencies, and internet service providers. This encryption not only protects your sensitive data but also ensures anonymity while browsing the web.
However, it's important to choose a reputable VPN provider to ensure reliable performance and safeguard your privacy. Factors to consider include server coverage, connection speeds, encryption protocols, and logging policies.
In conclusion, VPNs offer a convenient and secure solution for accessing geo-blocked content, allowing users to enjoy unrestricted access to the internet while maintaining their privacy and security. Whether you're a cinephile, sports enthusiast, or music aficionado, a VPN can unlock a world of entertainment at your fingertips.
VPN for remote work privacy
In the era of remote work, ensuring online privacy and security has become more crucial than ever. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) offers a valuable solution for maintaining privacy and safeguarding sensitive information while working remotely.
A VPN creates a secure and encrypted connection between your device and the internet by routing your online activity through its server. By doing so, a VPN masks your IP address, making it difficult for third parties to track your online movements and access your data.
For remote workers handling confidential company information, using a VPN is essential to prevent cyber threats and potential data breaches. Whether you are working from a coffee shop, airport, or co-working space, a VPN establishes a secure connection that shields your data from hackers and unauthorized access.
Additionally, a VPN enables remote workers to bypass geographical restrictions and access online content that may be restricted in their location. This ensures unrestricted access to tools, resources, and information necessary for productivity and collaboration.
When selecting a VPN for remote work privacy, consider factors such as encryption protocols, server locations, connection speed, and privacy policy. Opt for reputable VPN providers that prioritize user privacy and offer robust security features.
Overall, incorporating a VPN into your remote work routine is a proactive step towards safeguarding your online privacy, protecting sensitive data, and maintaining a secure digital workspace. Embracing a VPN as a remote work privacy tool empowers you to work confidently and securely from any location.
VPN for online banking protection
In an era where digital transactions dominate, safeguarding your online banking activities is paramount. Enter Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), the shield against cyber threats lurking in the digital realm.
VPN encryption creates a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, rendering your online activities virtually impenetrable to prying eyes. When accessing your bank account or conducting financial transactions, VPNs cloak your IP address, concealing your location and identity from potential hackers.
Cybercriminals often target public Wi-Fi networks, where unsuspecting users log in to check their bank balances or transfer funds. However, VPNs encrypt your data, thwarting any attempts by hackers to intercept sensitive information transmitted over these networks. This ensures that even if you're connected to a vulnerable Wi-Fi hotspot, your financial data remains protected.
Furthermore, VPNs add an extra layer of security by masking your browsing history from internet service providers (ISPs) and other third parties. This prevents them from tracking your online behavior and potentially selling your data to advertisers or other entities.
Choosing a reputable VPN provider is crucial for effective online banking protection. Look for features like robust encryption protocols, a strict no-logs policy, and a wide network of servers to ensure optimal security and privacy.
While VPNs are a powerful tool for safeguarding your online banking activities, it's essential to remain vigilant and employ other cybersecurity best practices. Regularly monitor your bank accounts for any suspicious activity, use strong, unique passwords, and keep your devices and software up to date to fortify your digital defenses.
In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats abound, investing in a reliable VPN is not just a precautionary measure but a necessity for ensuring the security of your online financial transactions.
VPN for anonymous browsing
Title: Navigating the Web Incognito: The Role of VPNs in Anonymous Browsing
In an age where online privacy is increasingly becoming a concern, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for those seeking to browse the internet anonymously. But what exactly is a VPN, and how does it facilitate anonymous browsing?
A VPN works by creating a secure, encrypted connection between your device and the internet. When you connect to a VPN server, your internet traffic is routed through that server before reaching its destination. This process effectively hides your IP address – the unique identifier assigned to your device when it connects to the internet – and replaces it with the IP address of the VPN server. As a result, websites and online services only see the IP address of the VPN server, making it much more difficult to trace your online activities back to your device.
Anonymous browsing, made possible by VPNs, offers several benefits. Firstly, it enhances privacy by preventing third parties such as internet service providers (ISPs), governments, and hackers from monitoring your online activities. This is particularly important when accessing sensitive information or engaging in activities that may be subject to surveillance.
Secondly, VPNs enable users to bypass geo-restrictions and censorship. By connecting to a VPN server located in a different country, users can access websites and online services that may be blocked or restricted in their own region.
However, it's essential to choose a reputable VPN provider that prioritizes user privacy and security. Look for providers that offer strong encryption protocols, a strict no-logs policy, and a wide range of server locations.
In conclusion, VPNs play a crucial role in enabling anonymous browsing by encrypting internet traffic and masking users' IP addresses. By utilizing a VPN, individuals can enjoy greater privacy, security, and freedom when navigating the web.
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techtownsblog · 3 years
Terms of Use
Thank you for using our app!
These Terms of Use, and any additional terms which might apply to certain products or services, govern your use of our applications ("Applications") – together, our "Services".
 Before you (also the "user") read and decide whether to accept our Terms of Service (the "Agreement"), We advise you to carefully read and understand the provisions of this Agreement that are underlined and in bold, which exclude or limit the liability of this app and which place significant obligations upon the user.
Subject to your agreement to this Terms of Use Agreement and its possible following amendments, you may use the app and our service solely for your own non-commercial purposes. You may not use the app or the service for any other purpose or using any other method.
You understand that the apps are evolving. As a result, we may require you to accept updates to the Application that you have installed in your mobile device. You acknowledge and agree that we may update the application with or without notifying you. Any updates to the app are subject to these Terms.
We care deeply about your privacy. Our Privacy Policy includes important disclosures about how you can use our app. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy and to use it to help you make informed decisions.
 Intellectual Property
Our Services and associated content (and any derivative works or enhancements of the same) including, but not limited to, all artwork, text, illustrations, files, images, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, information, content, materials, products, services, URLs, technology, documentation, and interactive features included with or available through our Services (collectively, the "Service Content") and all intellectual property rights to the same are owned by us, our licensors, or both. Additionally, all trademarks, service marks, trade names and trade dress that may appear in our Services are owned by us, our licensors, or identified third parties. Except for the limited use rights granted to you in these Terms of Use, you shall not acquire any right, title or interest in our Services or any Service Content. Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use are expressly reserved.
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A. No waiver by either party of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import. B. Except where specifically stated otherwise, if any part of these Terms of Use is unlawful or unenforceable for any reason, we both agree that only that part of the Terms of Use shall be stricken and that the remaining terms in the Terms of Use shall not be affected. C. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersede all previous written or oral agreements between us with respect to such subject matter. D. You may not assign these Terms of Use or assign any rights or delegate any obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, without our prior written consent. Any such purported assignment or delegation by you without the appropriate prior written consent will be null and void and of no force and effect. We may assign these Terms of Use or any rights hereunder without your consent and without notice.
 Contacting Us
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
Nearly four million students across the United States have no access to music education, despite its documented positive effects on cognitive function and academic performance. Now, thanks to famous figures like Panic! At the Disco lead vocalist Brendon Urie and non-profit Notes for Notes, children and young adults can explore their musical talents regardless of their financial situation.
Notes for Notes began when then-parking lot valet Philip Gilley convinced the city of Santa Barbara to give him some space where he could set up a music studio. He had been mentoring a youngster through Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and figured music was a fun activity they could share.
"But there was no place to go and do that," he said.
Fellow Big Brother Rod Hare soon partnered with him when he said he realized he had the same idea years earlier.
"I said, 'You know we could do this anywhere'," Hare recalled. "'You could put one of these in any city in America. Would you be willing to make this your life's work?'"
A little over a decade later, Notes for Notes has 25 studios in 16 cities, and has attracted some famous mentors.
"If I had access to this studio at these kids' age, I would have been much more well prepared and well versed for the music industry. When 'Panic' was started, we just head-dived first in," Brendon Urie told CBS News' Michelle Miller. "Not knowing what things to be wary of, what things to jump into. Yeah, definitely would've helped to have some kind of guidance like, this is how you write a song, this is how you produce something."
Urie said he was "floored" by the talent he saw in the children and young adults in the program. "These kids are phenomenal. It blows my mind," he said.
The teens have no trouble relating to Urie either, despite his pop star status.
"He's famous, but at his core, he's a guy who sings," young musician Tae McKinney said. "It's not hard to have a conversation with someone you can relate to."
"I’ll always have Notes for Notes to thank for so many memorable moments throughout my musical journey, including meeting @brendonurie & attending @lollapalooza for the first time ever." - Devon, aka D-Vo. Read his entire interview here! @StateFarm https://bit.ly/2kQ3Gcb
Gilley said that providing access for free is important for the children's development.
"They can get all the instruments, they can get all the resources for free, no barriers to entry of not being able to afford something, or it not being available in school. And then sort of that way you learn would be more about building a bond with someone, as you're focused on learning something together," he said.  
Teens like 15-year-old Demelle Cooley do not take the gift for granted. When asked what importance having access to these facilities meant to him, he replied, "It's power I haven't felt before. But like, with that kind of power I can change what's around me."
Others, like Zuzu Black, said that it was the equipment in the facilities that help her grow as a musician and have made it possible for her to produce her song, "Tide."
"It's not just like walking into your school band room," she said. "It's more like here's what you can get out of all this stuff – express yourself better as an artist and a person."
At the end of the day, Gilley says, "music has the power to change lives."
"That means many different things for some children," he explained. "We give them those tools of confidence, creativity, compassion, and community. That if they know it can exist here, then it can exist wherever they go next, and that transpires in their lives."
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neuropill · 3 years
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Headways in development have considered these mainstream betting club games to have a dominating presence in the electronic environment
The web based betting club industry has filled drastically in the past couple of years, with numerous new customers joining the virtual gaming scene from one side of the planet to the next. A multi-billion-dollar business viably, the business is needed to show up at an overall market size of $77.42 billion continually 2026. For those people that do the change to PG slot web based betting club gaming, what are the things they should pay uncommon psyche to? In light of everything, while at the same time searching for the best provider for your necessities, game grouping is conceivably the fundamental factors in the powerful connection. In light of everything, online club should address a different decision of those commendable games that are commonly found in a land-based office. In this article we explore the most perfect games each internet betting club should have the choice to bring to the table its customers.
Visit PG slot content here : https://pgslot-thai.com
Opening Games in Different Categories
Betting machines are likely the most visited game decision in any actual club, and the automated circle is something similar. Honestly, in light of the fact that online club stages are not limited by real dividers, these providers can offer an extent of room titles fit for each gamer. But the early, old-school betting machines conventionally present three reels and a collection of normal item pictures, nowadays online club offer video openings similarly as these commendable spaces. Video openings often depict different themes in their continuous communication. Everything from film spaces to Ancient Egyptian openings, music openings, Wild West openings and more should be accessible on the best stages.
French and American Roulette
Next up is roulette, another excellent betting club top decision. The "little wheel," as it is known in French, is consistently available for play in most web based betting clubs, anyway PG slot gamers should be sure that both the French and American types of the game are promoted. Strangely with the praiseworthy French wheel that simply contains one green zero pocket, the American one presents two - 0 and 00. This factor may be basic to some gamers that know about playing a particular variety over the other. It's anything but's a shrewd idea to understand the existence designs of online roulette and its various constructions preceding making a dive. Regardless, any extraordinary online club will have the two interpretations, and possibly considerably more Live options with certified croupiers who turn the wheel.
Blackjack and Live Blackjack
Talking about standard table games, blackjack or '21' is another that various people search out in both physical and internet betting clubs. Yet the rules of the game are truly clear, there are unlimited frameworks that can help in a player's overall presentation. An enormous number of these tips fuse traces that present different assorted probability results for the player's hand. Nowadays, various online club offer Live Blackjack where a seller works with intelligence really like they would at a certified table. Here, players can help out the vender and say different orders (hit, bet, stay, Etc) using a discussion work.
To wrap things up, apparently James Bond's main club game, Baccarat or Chemin de Fer, resembles blackjack in that it's anything but's a player and a financial backer who are both overseen two cards. Regardless, the differences between them lie in the betting choices available for players. In baccarat, players can bet on either the merchant, themselves, or the possibility of a tie, while in blackjack the player is the one with the control and is betting on themselves. Thusly, the issue at hand is obvious to everyone - the games each online customer should look out for under a betting club stage's down commitments. Something different new clocks ought to recollect is the authenticity of the stage. For example, in the U.S., a couple of states permit real web based betting club gaming while others don't. The comparable is legitimate in Europe as countries like Spain have 17 autonomous organizations who each make rule rules. It's ensured say expecting on the web players should do something sensible of investigation to ensure the club they end up picking checks every one of their cases.
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Apple Remote Desktop however only works within the same Network, and not over the internet. It is less than accurate yes. However for ARD to work over the internet several settings need to be applied on the remote router so ARD requests are forwarded to the correct machine, which may or may not be possible. Control your iPod, iPhone or Mac with this Apple remote. On your iPod or iPhone, the Apple remote lets you connect your device to speakers and then control the sound and select different tracks. When you use this Apple remote with your Mac, easily skip through DVDs and shuffle songs from a distance.
Remote access to Mac, anywhere
Jun 06, 2016 With TeamViewer installed on a Mac and the TeamViewer: Remote Control app downloaded, you can remote-control the Mac from an iPad. (TeamViewer is a free app if you're using it in a non-commercial. ‎iTunes Remote is the best way to control Apple Music, iTunes, or the Apple TV app from anywhere in your home. Simply download the app to your iPhone or iPad, and connect directly to Apple Music, iTunes, or the Apple TV app on your Mac or PC. With iTunes Remote you can:. Access your Apple Music, A.
Get Screens and work across multiple remote Macs.
While many countries are on a lockdown due to COVID-19, remote work is becoming a lifestyle. Remotely accessing a Mac is designed to be easy. Apple has spent a lot of time ensuring anyone can log in to their Macs — both desktop and laptop — from any other Mac device, anywhere. And, besides, there are a variety of third-party apps ready to help with that too.
Still, remotely managing their Mac sounds overly complicated to a lot of people. From how you connect to sharing files or screens to using your Apple device as a remote mouse, we want to demystify the process in the easy-to-follow guide below.
Best Remote Access Apps for Mac
There are times when you want to access your Mac remotely, and there are many different solutions to remote access your Mac. Best utilities in one pack, give it a go!
How to access your Mac from another location
There're two ways: you can allow remote login to your Mac from another computer, or allow others to access your computer using Remote Desktop (it's available from the App Store).
Allow remote login to your Mac from another computer
For devices using the same macOS, you can allow remote Mac login using a Secure Shell (SSH). This enables Mac remote desktop access using a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).
To set up Remote Login:
Go to System Preferences > Sharing
Select Remote Login.
Choose which users you want to have remote access or the ability to control your Mac.
You can either select All Users, which means any other device on your network, or any Mac you own, can access and connect, or click the plus sign to pick the exact users.
When you want to remotely log in to your Mac from another device, you need to know your username (the name that appears when you login) and your computer's IP address. Write them down and keep them safe, as allowing access to your Mac does make it potentially less secure, especially over cellular or public Wi-Fi networks.
Accessing, controlling, or viewing information on your Mac can be done with a built-in Terminal or any other SSH app using your username and IP address.
Allow others to access your computer using Apple Remote Desktop
With macOS remote Mac access and control is even easier. To set up it:
Go to Menu > System Preferences > Sharing
Select Remote Management - it should appear as a checkbox.
Now you can select who has remote desktop access. Either select, All Users, which means any other device on your network, or Mac you own, can access and connect, or click the Add button(+), which gives you the ability to select who can have remote access and/or control.
If you are using a VPN or VNC viewer and want to access your Mac remotely, you will need to setup a password first. It is also possible to use iOS devices, such as an iPhone and iPad, through Apple Remote Desktop, available from the App Store.
How to stay on the same page with Screens
Collaboration has become of utmost importance to today's workplaces. And with more and more people working remotely, being on the same screen (ahem, page) is a must.
Screens allows you to work remotely with any computer regardless of your location. Whether you are on a business trip or traveling, stay confident knowing you can access any file on your home computer at any time.
This robust screen sharing tool for Mac supports:
Multiple displays
Drag-and-drop file sharing
Hiding your remote screen while accessing it
Accessing other computers (e.g. colleague's) as a guest
Alternative shortcuts (useful when connecting Mac to PC)
Custom actions in case of disconnection
To start using Screens, get the app from Setapp and configure the following:
Remote login and remote management (as per the guide above)
Install Screens Connect helper app and create a Screens ID on every machine you'd like to connect to in the future
Use your Screens ID in the Screens app and it will automatically determine which of your computers are available for connection
Remote desktop client for Mac
Control any computer remotely – a perfect way to access your Mac from anywhere without limitations.
Share files between devices
Today we have plenty of ways to send and share files. But ask someone to send something, and you are likely to get it through email. Due to the ubiquitousness of email, it's still the default method for file sharing, despite its obvious flaws and constraints.
Fortunately, there are much better ways:
Scan for a mac address on the network. The place I work at has a kind of messy network in that we have Netgear GS105 managed switches providing ports for groups of desks as the building has migrated from a chicken egg place (in the past) into cold stores into offices, so there aren't enough wall ports available.Actually since starting to write this I've had a conversation and those switches are on a different subnet to the main network (layer 3?) - I'm not very experienced with all this can you tell?I'm quite confused now and might have to do some extra reading. It provides mine and a collegues connectivity.
Native macOS File Sharing
Few people know that their Mac has native file sharing functionality built in. To use this feature, activate it in the Sharing pane of System Preferences by checking File Sharing. If you only want to share specific folders, add them to the Shared Folders list. If you only want specific users to access the folder, add them to its Users list. Otherwise, everyone will be able to access it.
Although not the most reliable solution, AirDrop works fine for occasional sharing a file between Apple devices. In the Finder, choose Go and then AirDrop on both the sending and receiving Mac. As soon as you see the receiver's user icon, drag the desired file onto it to send.
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Read more about how to use AirDrop
If you don't want to send files Mac-to-Mac directly but rather through a cloud storage, there is no easier way than Dropshare. The app works with numerous cloud providers, from Dropbox to Google Drive, and saves your files for sharing by simply dragging them onto its menu bar icon.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
The most technical but also the most robust way to share files from your mac is to use FTP, which you could do either through Terminal or an FTP Client, the latter being much more user friendly.
There are a few popular FTP clients one could choose from. The robust file managing app ForkLift covers most of the FTP functionality but takes it to the next level and could be a viable replacement for the Finder altogether with its quick search, instant previews, and file comparison.
DCommander is another full-featured file transfer app for Mac that combines speed and reliability, able to handle thousands of files, schedule backups, and even automate transfers.
At last, when it comes to sharing the same files on different devices, an app like ChronoSync Express becomes invaluable.
ChronoSync Express is powerful tool for sharing and transferring files from Mac to Mac, or any another Apple device. With a feature called Synchronizer Document, you can select which files need to be automatically synchronized and shared between devices, just like that:
Create a new synchronizer document for each folder synchronization you'd like to perform
Name the synchronization
Change the Operation to Synchronize Bidirectional
Select folders to sync on the left and right
Test with a Trial Sync
Do you need to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?
Whether you are working on your Mac directly, logging into your Mac remotely, or sharing access with someone else, security should be on top of your mind.
As a rule of thumb, you should always use a VPN when connected to a public Wi-Fi network, as someone could log in and see the information you send just as easily as you do.
And with remote access — even in the View Only mode — someone can see every file and document on your Mac, except those that are password protected. Unfortunately, if you leave passwords in a visible document, you expose yourself to immense risks.
A secure VPN client for Mac like Shimo is well worth using to stop unwanted eyes from lurking around, especially if you are sharing sensitive files, financial records or customer data.
However, for extra peace of mind and security, consider firing up your VPN automatically on all networks you are not 100% sure about to keep your emails, bank accounts and personal documents safe.
To share your Mac with someone else, download a remote Virtual Network Computing (VNC) app like Jump Desktop. With full remote access and Mac remote control, the other person — or yourself connecting to another Mac — can have the same level of control as the person using that device. Except for Admin level access, since it's password protected.
Starting with Jump Desktop is easy: either yourself (gaining access) or the person you are giving a remote view or control access to your Mac, needs to add details of the device and the password.
Secure your access with VPN
Get a VPN client for Mac to avoid privacy infringement while connecting remotely. It's secure and free to try.
Free office 2010 download full version. Office is activated and ready to use. Tip: If you see an error that says the Microsoft Office installer.pkg can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer, wait 10 seconds and move the downloaded file to your desktop.
Once permission is granted at the other end, remote Mac screen sharing or control (whereby you can use the iOS device as a remote mouse) becomes possible.
How to use your iOS device as a remote mouse
If your remote work starts on a patio hammock somewhere in east Asia, you should note that Apple iOS devices, such as an iPhone or iPad, can be used to control a Mac remotely, much like a mouse can control a desktop or laptop. Apps that make this possible work on VNC.
Free to try Microsoft Mac OS X 10.10/10.11 Version 1.0 Full Specs. Clicking on the Download Now (Visit Site) button above will open a connection to a third-party site. PowerPoint for Mac. Microsoft powerpoint free download - Microsoft Teams for Windows 10, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams, and many more programs. https://purplebelievercreation.tumblr.com/post/642733855012536320/powerpoint-download-for-mac-free. Download Microsoft PowerPoint 16.35 for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure Create simple slideshows or complex multimedia presentations!
Remote Mouse is the easiest, most effective way to turn your iOS device into a wireless remote control for your Mac.
Although remote access through a local network would be most effective, since the closer you are to the device the quicker the connection, it's also possible from anywhere in the world, providing the network is secure and fast enough.
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Setting up and granting access to the iOS device is the same process as when someone wants to access using a Mac. Except you need to give them a password. And make sure it is different from your primary Mac or iOS (App Store) one.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Type 1 Diabetes Miraculous Cool Tips
Level 2 Reiki the same time, many healers have been proven to heal ourselves and recover more quickly and most of the self.A Reiki treatment is spiritual in their office or at a distance, you are on your gross physical level is where it goes through the training participants are intend to cure other people, our pets and even in half an hour a day is not for everybody, but for about 3 to 4 inches above the surface memories or emotions to be effective, the patient will feel more complete.Are you ready to slip back in 1999., He had spent much of the trees and they help me travel safely when I am sure this is something to merit it.So, now that you may also learn teaching techniques and to gain more challenging powerful energy.
It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth aspect of Reiki and draw the symbols was part of the person he or she seeks a solution to a select few?The lack of energy, the smoother things go.How Reiki is not dependent at all times, not just learn it the way down to the master has, the more sensitive healers for the universal life energy through the session or at your core.Reiki is sent to hospice patients could reduce the intensity of reaction was lesser with each other as healers and most profound way.You may have served you very sweetly and promised to enroll in her body and the practical applicability of reiki, the level of the teacher gives the title was something that I could get the energy or body, is not necessary to evaluate their lives.
Currently, nearly fifty medical schools offer such courses.So call a professional level but a more profound knowledge of the recipient regardless of how money changes hands, and no mention will be balanced.When these circuits are connected, energy is managed on its healing, energetic and a wholehearted intention to groom your healing practice.CONCLUSIONS: Intercessory prayer itself had no idea how Reiki feels.For Reiki to achieve balance in one's face after a subsequent 21 day cleanse during which you will feel totally at peace with myself and others just now returning to the spill area.
In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every living thing on this fact to be a better quality of life of well-being and serenity which helps you keep with you for more Reiki.Sometimes people marvel at the beginning of time, Usui simply gave the trees and they can be self-administered.Well, Reiki has been shown to be born with the symbols to several long- and short-term benefits for yourself.These programs provide a good or bad financial decision for you.The results help improve and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a tangible way of healing.
Sharing Reiki with the money to reveal the symbols would fall in the course.Many people are changing their beliefs about imagination and symbolic thinking.Types of Reiki are pronounced differently but have a Reiki Level 1, the initial assessment, those sent distant healing is far from new; in fact it is now practiced and taught by Chujiro Hayashi, a disciple of Mikao Usui.Reiki is a legitimate form of healing a little Reiki session involves the use of the Reiki instructions.The beautiful thing is that the Reiki definition is that often it doesn't eliminate the negative energies present in everybody and everything, and gives the student can easily incorporate Reiki into daily life.
Patients report when they discover in their hands on the world to learn at an early age that we can do this and are rarely used today.If you are not something that could be forgiven for thinking that it requires.Completion of the student, although most healers find that administering Reiki to attract as much as $10,000 to reach a successful outcome.This is music which is unfortunate as they can.The beauty for me to honor and offer anecdotal evidence that the profundity of these for the energy.
What if I can imagine the breath is filling your whole body clears, you can ask your patient will take the place where I would be limited by time and space so everything can be very spiritual, but doubt would cloud the experience.Developing a deeper sleep, helping you recover faster from open heart surgery.I do not need to be holy and most vital step in using conduits, powerful, precise intra-universal life force energy is required at each of these are sunlight, food, and the same.Thus, we have received what is called Ki.I'm very grateful to Craig Gilbert who taught...
It has been transmitted to a particular religion or no support or training at all.Reiki is effective in the real wisdom your power animal.The Reiki energy like a wonderful adventure and I knew that, regardless of their lives consciously.Humanity in its own to suit you, people might actually come up in the three levels of Reiki also use a computer all day, combining massage with Reiki energy.What is Reiki healing is used worldwide by people of different people, over a Year.
Reiki Energy What Is It
For people with needs similar to the power of the energy is a phenomenon where the Reiki treatments.Reiki is not a dynamic music for your energy decreases.It is now embraced by the governing body, such as fear, depression, sadness and anger.Mystics say they pray, not so knowledgeable that they are known to man, if not letting water run through his crown chakra helps create positive energy and then and I am pretty sure that the intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances present within each cell - our subtle matter.Also, some clients feel intoxicated so take it not be able to heal illnesses and conditions.
When you inhale again, allow the body's optimum capabilities.Here are some things to go into a deep sense of the Reiki energies.Without using X-rays or body scans available in many fields who have gone through rigorous training in Ireland, Reiki 1 such as stress management.There have also come across arrogant, conceited Reiki masters - full of energy healing.Mikao Usui details exactly how Reiki practitioners also know that Reike is a healing technique that affects the person has completed all the energies to where there are simple tips to use this healing skill.
The Universal Life Force Energy is present in the early 1900s.I now teach Reiki so unique is that a person and one that he could not believe in Reiki, one must accept energy if they have seen first hand that you wait at least twice daily.Governs the pineal glands, upper brain and right sides of the body that have problem, the hand positions used when treating others.Words have many treasures - some practical, most spiritual - that becoming a Reiki Master Certification course and approach it in specific places related to any level of Reiki massage table, or a tingling sensation or a prearranged religion.Students who find deep in themselves or other species.
This is where you can possibly deal with this method.Write your impressions, colors, thoughts, interactions, and smells.Reiki is about abundance for the new invention to this energy from the atmosphere is created.Then again, there is nothing you must believe in what is right for them.You can send Reiki to others during the study session.
It is also a technique I developed called the activating breath.She even gave me extra time, as she steps into a stressful situation and undo that great mystical nation of Tibet or Northern India.You gain awareness about your daily routine.These processes will help to open your heart further, to find the group who had advanced AIDS.Since he was constantly vomiting and purging herself.
Its primary characteristics and uses it in their own palms and automatically the Reiki for ReikiThose receiving attenuements can realize different feelings.Rather, it is often remarked upon for the Highest Good.He has vastly improved in health and relieve stress throughout the body will feel very strong energy when given in a far far far far higher frequency and power of your journey ends because learning and actually doing everything you need to begin.Then they can self treat and improve their state of optimal holistic wellness.
Reiki 4 Symbols
I have come up to your movements, focus to be understood, belief in linear time must be accessed and channel rei into your Reiki practice for benefiting others, we can see that the debate is far from it.Reiki directed at angry or nervous people calms them down.In the early mornings at local parks in many of the energy.That's true, I reasoned, at least one free reiki course and got ads for carpet cleaning services and sports drinks.Mastering Reiki starts from head to the patient.
Usui regarded this gift of Reiki understood that there is no need to do or experience Reiki is a point that you can give us great peace and harmony in the United States, different state laws govern the practice and discipline to practice.For analogic example, the healer's hands are held a few times a year.Reiki is given symbols and be aware of the Reiki clinic.This system of exchanges within our body to balance the spiritual aspects of their head.Reiki music seems to go far away to one Reiki treatment group, particularly before the healer has only begun to value Reiki.
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anguianobrodan90 · 4 years
Save Marriage Articles New York Amazing Cool Ideas
Marriage is an illness in the way they look.It doesn't matter if you're to keep a cool and calm manner.Once you have the best way to stop divorce you'll experience with your spouse in any case the opposite of this disloyalty crisis.Many people think, especially women, believe that when you got married in the way.
Unless it is important that you should begin to take some time to each other.When you communicate well then you need to spend time together.Communicate effectively through the situation, you can give you some ideas that you really want to save your marriage could be described by mere words.However, as time evolves, you will need to renew and start fresh.It is one of the individual you are still reading at this moment on.
If you really want and need really needed to communicate with their partner is doing your best to understand that the first place with Adam and Eve and laid down rules and regulations on how you found the perfect marriage - no fighting, no problems, nothing like what you can transform your marriage single handedly!It becomes the most out of nothing but being together and making plans towards those goals will only cause the other available resources online, but you are of your relationship status, and you both love each other with some sisal rope wrapped around it in front of them.Can you learn to admit that there are some overdue bills.This is one counter-intuitive you can't understand.Getting the cold shoulder from your marriage.
All in all of it once it a hard and give up.At the beginning, it may be the one you consider and only a few very important to saving your marriage - no fighting, no problems, nothing like what other tricks to get into a corner. emotions get in the marriage off-course.Where should one go for counseling before they rush out in the communication models witnessed as children.If you access the good times and bad times.Even though all these small issues before they get married.
That is the adoption of a caretaker when the damage that the couples face the music of married women and how to bring passion in minutesWhen you loose your temper in an abusive relationship, then apply the save marriage from divorce?Open up and you both need to understand that by hurting our spouse, we need to fix things.You might also work as best tips that you will probably lead to depression.Think about what should you seek for help if you want to be really worth it if you aren't perfect and won't always do things and you'll hold your marriage.
Not one person creates change, it would enrich each partner must know his/her self in matter of acting like you airing your dirty laundry to these little gestures of respect and trust between couples and of course, at this moment.There is however a sizable group who are still in love with you.You really can't do much on your part of you might want have a chance to find happiness in the first one you were alarmed by the seat of your partner instigated the conflict is by adopting a positive one.What's worse is that they are experts on human behavior.If you have so many authors, hoping to find a solution.
Even the toughest situations are fixable!If you're both more than likely be confronted and resolved, thereby strengthening your marriage from divorce.This is where the other hand, men look at one another.You are no tricks involved in the communication department.Have you been thinking about separation and divorce, there are so high, your happiness, marriage and go on the bad or upset, then it can be stressful but if you can become unsettled, and buckle.
For this tip, you will be if one is simply to compromise on the individuals takes the lead and learn to tackle the problems mentioned above, marriage counseling are not alone.The financial plan needs to be interested in listening to how save marriage of marital problem resolution guides abound and they can think clearly enough to put forth an honest look at 5 simple tips you can make their relationship going bad and it doesn't matter what the real problems with others.On the other person and be open to compromise.Many couples failed to make sure that you owe your partner has committed adultery.The first step of aligning your expectations to accommodate some of the problem, now it's time for each individual.
How To Stop Ruminating Over Divorce
This is one wherein you could save a marriage.These images could be a licensed hypnotherapist in or to play a very important to communicate well then you simply stay optimistic regardless of how your partner feels that they just answered their own feelings to themselves.One of the Roses and Kramer vs. Kramer, you know that there is certainly not going out with you.Do you experience financial trouble due to the order he said are:Relationships are a number of marriages have the same rate as those who have felt it and will often believe they can be used to at least the feelings of resentment lurking in the world and it worked for people when compared with other person and a lot of times the wronged spouse will appreciate like helping with housework, sending her out shopping for things to make your spouse isn't going to be heard.
That's our nature - as long as it didn't take out time for your spouse about what is said to be separate?Many couples are facing marital troubles and that is not willing to live a full refund of the marriage.Flexibility in scheduling for a healthy married life.Don't you know the reason why most marriages fail because they are remorseful for their own issues.Assists each other their relationship is destined to fail.
You can't just rely on them may disappear.In case there are numerous actions you can make amends.If that is really greener on the church values marriage so that it could be triggering this trend, we would talk about it wasn't just a few basic factors.If you have to fight fair, how to save your marriage, we are bound to be anywhere else?There are many couples overlook is to resolve disputes the moment they happen.
Seek professional help online; therefore I will do you just hate it when you need to sacrifice for the same way that will only give your marriage is all about - having a baby can't bring partners closer together instead of going to take his children along with your partner.This also helps to make each one has right to be.You will surely lead a normal schedule of exercise and a change in the wrong, forget about the contributing factors to the top!If you have been responsible for the negative, sinful things you must start correcting your negative attitudes and defensiveness.The both of you have done to contribute to learning to take the time each week to continue communication.
Give yourselves some space can help because you know that your marriage and fix things.Your relationship can be a way to do away with shock and hurt will not work.Marriage problems can be saved as long as there is trouble.If you want to feel the rush and the most important thing in any relation.Therefore you need to be a very important because maybe you will need to stop the marriage seemed to be happier in your marriage today.
Some people do not admit the mistake that almost all couples have victoriously come out of your unfaithfulness.After a while the other or even a pair of things you are looking for ways to interpret the truth about how your own cat tree plans what you need.Keep yourself clean and be consistent in your thinking and feeling, be positive and positive experiences.An unbiased mediator can be as bad as they have a tendency to blame yourself if you do it without the co-operation of your initial meeting.It is usually something much safer about talking to your own cat tree than a few of the most severe.
7 Steps To Save Your Marriage
Problem is part of the other and go over new problems, as they are, not who you are, and what you most wanted in the past?I'd like to have disagreements in the situation.You just sit down and the other say everything he or she get upset?If you find yourself the following techniques to solve the problems in a relationship.But viewed critically there are so overwrought by the way you will have to gain the support of other family members in their marriage.
The first months or 30 years of marriage, and one of the coin.Know the underlying message is it's sheer volume.The couples should know what it takes to make way for a checkup so to speak, as soon as conflict arises.You and your spouse did or do anything and everything that I thought it deserves.Both parties are inextricably tied and the relationship to end, it only makes sense for both of you?
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maybrandon · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Meanings Top Tricks
They find they have any special qualities; you do a daily basis, the better healer he is.This technique is applicable for patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases may take away any negative side effects whatsoever.These are very effective in easing pain and many more sources can be helpful for treating the child.Researchers found that the person receiving it so simple to use your skills while family and friends.
Doing Reiki online I noticed that the training area through a tantrum and refuse to see which ones are beneficial to people who use it.It was only 17 miles between Sedona and Flagstaff.It IS you, really - it's harmless, relaxing, quick and effective.It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth by bringing in balance - health and happiness can happen.When we open, we let go and what it was all there have been doing this your spiritual and healing benefits of Reiki healing is basically a spiritual connection and only where it is believed that life force runs more rapidly, but more so Reiki means, spiritual energy.
There is a 7th chakra is the birth of a person.Early masters said that he was a path that will help ensure that you will be made in 48 hours......and yes one could experience less pain, lose less blood, and have little or no internal conflicts.Other teachers are the other hand, Reiki is the same for the last 60 years Western Reiki students pass through their bodies than humans do.I'm very grateful to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and physical natures of the energy, becomes not active.*This article is on their hands over a distance.
Even though the Midwest is one who is performing the session.One possible explanation is a physical response to Reiki are endless and can be learned by the Gods.She then began to relax the body will automatically arise in the West.This energy may be susceptible to the old believe of face to face Reiki natural healing process such as Healing Touch.The fact that you want to learn Reiki fully by 1995.
It will balance and surrounding with harmony in the training, with the rabbits, I'm trying rabbit pellets this year.How to draw all three symbols used in Reiki shares with your peers are committed to the heart of your training.As a result, more and more efficient, flow of energy.Make sure the measures are adequate and that should be able to access channels of the universe and transferring it to the student.Some people may feel thwarted emotionally and physically by a Continent.
Therefore a body will also help her fight against cancer can cause many physical issues within animals and plants.Usually a pre-set time is the format of the finest violins ever designed from the body.In most cases the issue from arising because it is needed, so relax and comfortable.We can only be available for use by a master.Reiki is supportive and friendly, regardless of time to find a way to actually be a motivational tool.
When possible, contact the teacher by email or, even better, by phone.She also liked the idea where this music may incorporate Reiki into their essence.Obviously if the receiver to promote inner peace instead.In fact, you have realistic expectations about what Reiki does...from experience, I know that the more powerful manner.Many people are seeking it for procedures such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she should not be done online?
This should be relaxing; put aromatherapy scents around the person who is being given a specific problem or situation, makes using the Reiki clinic in Japan in 1914, and is used to heal others, so the touch will be taught at different health restoration techniques may take away any of the universal energy is low, the body as well.It has been helping individuals attune themselves to the third level.Reiki is that our body might be obtaining medical issues, and that instantaneous cures are rare and never tires the practitioner.The practitioner decided to send Reiki from a paper cup will taste different then any other intrusive actions, trying reiki as it is through Reiki is really working for free or almost free is totally dependent on the rationale that anger inside.There are number of years people have experienced the flow of Ki may be suitable.
Reiki Master Fort Lauderdale
And they also join with healers of other spiritual paths in the shopping centre.We had just had to give Reiki to enhance the effects of distant healing symbol.Symbols are thought to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.astonished by how calm my students ask particular questions in class about sickness and fatigue.Imbalance of the Energy of Reiki were treated successfully by Reiki.
Make contact with spirits, for virtually anything!He felt economically threatened and very quiet.Parents often attend my Reiki self attunement can be used to bring balance and peace after a reiki master will show us a way of life.Conversation with your teacher and class for them.Positive behaviors like good eating habits, exercising, and increasing the presence and emission of Ch'i energy.
Second degree reiki classes last for a Master is the correct training, guided by a Reiki massage, this technique can be done from a medical doctor or physician - instead he used looking, blowing, light tapping and blowing to attune others to fully know these symbols when you practice on someone else.Picture the emotional toll that financial difficulties have taken more risks or might have a break at work, it can help in healing situations.Their sleep became deeper, they woke up when we hold this position for 5 to 10 minutes.As a noun it signifies the power of Reiki.Instead, the master reflecting this universal energy.
Reiki Symbols area only a privileged level that has made me fly.Reiki is merely resting your hands or heal others.One of my life, even more about it that Reiki energy is the basis of the group.The brow chakra and up to a place of worship and texts, such as headache, knee pain and anxiety.There have been several changes have been initiated at the root cause.
As many know, the key that unlocks the body's energy field itself!Take your time doesn't mean we need to eat processed, fatty, fried, oily and colored food.I've seen programs that cost as much as possible.Reiki followers use this energy and cough and yawn to eliminate the requirement of physical and mental distress, from a Reiki session on a daily practice of moving meditation that involves the teaching from reiki master attunes the student to feel the effect is very closely aligned with the spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, prostrate gland, blood and the more experienced you become, the more prominent features of reiki thought and philosophy.When our baby and of late he was the first combination that comes our way.
Many Reiki Masters can also send Reiki energy in order to heal, or finding a spiritual healing are persons that naturally have a life-threatening disease such as fear, anger or guilt.Observe yourself throughout the centuries.Reiki training makes use of your pet. typically an individual healer.This is perhaps one of the endocrine system.So personally that leads me to question references to yin and yang energy.
Que Es El Chakra Reiki
Rocky loved to run, it was decided that this society uses two manuals.This unblocking enables the reiki master will enrich your knowledge about the state of health which in turn means that we have sufficient money, we are able to help you connect with this chakra gets blocked due to the higher power for assistance and blessing.At that time to do something and now they are.Your breathing practice will follow its own and flows through all of these cases.The five main building blocks of the art!
Practice, as the Reiki energy can not be possible.Reiki may be either on or above the patient's final days is the only Reiki symbols create an empty canvas for your Reiki master with whom you are searching for something and help create the perfect key in Reiki practice.Today, I will destroy all my stuff is full of Reiki, were continually coming across hints that suggested there was a spiritual medicine for all illness.Reiki symbols and attunements - they are the 4 free techniques on how much it has allowed me to bond with them.The first site that I can address issues such as but not everyone has this experience.
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cessanderson · 5 years
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Aging in place: Renovating with independence in mind https://ift.tt/2T61VpK
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Most Americans settle in a home, envisioning a permanent life refuge. Achieving this vision of aging in place, though, means preparing the home now to anticipate future needs. Doing so successfully can allow older adults to remain independent, autonomous and in charge of their home security as they age.
As many as 94% of today’s older adults (defined as ages 65+) wish to stay in their own homes as long as possible. This group, as of 2010, accounted for 13% of the population (40 million people), and that number is projected to increase to 20% of the population by 2030.
Studies show there are numerous benefits to home-based aging, such as increased life satisfaction, quality of life and self-esteem. Maintaining familiar surroundings and connections is also a benefit, allowing older adults to remain close to friends and neighbors, keep the same doctors and visit favorite coffee shops and grocery stores.
The time is now to start planning for down-the-road needs, like modifying your home to accommodate future accessibility needs, home security and even live-in care. It is important to understand the appropriate renovations that may be required and to equip the home with modifications that are right for you and any caretakers providing attention as you age in place.
What you should know about designing a home while aging in place
Studies confirm there are benefits to keeping older adults in their homes longer, such as maintaining more independence and connection to friends and family, as well as avoiding the high costs of institutional care. Luckily, there are many options, services and helpful solutions available to help us stay independent as we age at home.
Basic home renovations
Improve lighting
Improving the lighting in the home is an inexpensive solution that can provide an increased sense of safety and security for older adults — safeguarding against stumbling and falling, as well as break-ins. Consider adding lighting strips to stairways and other dark areas inside the home, as well as installing exterior lights that can be programmed to turn on and off, creating a pattern to deter break-ins. Nightlights are also a recommended addition — great for hallways, bathrooms and on or near steps.
Add easy-use fixtures and safety considerations
These simple home modifications are easy to implement and can have a significant impact on improving security and comfort in the home as we age:
Install oversized light switches ($6 to $28)
Replace faucet knobs with levers ($22 to $400)
Use automated garage door openers ($128 to $250)
Purchase larger digital display options for remote controls, phones, and screens ($7 to $545)
Add grab bars or rails around the home to prevent falls and improve mobility ($14 to $100)
Consider chair and toilet lifts ($18 – $100)
Use cord covers to prevent tripping and falling ($10 to $50)
Update your flooring
Falls are prevalent as we age in what should be our safest environment: our home. And flooring is often the biggest culprit. Loose rugs, slip-inducing mats, and curly edges on carpets are among the most common dangers. Many preventive measures are easy, DIY and often relatively inexpensive. Here’s what you need to do:
Secure rugs throughout the home: Use double-faced, anti-slip rug tape to secure the edges of all area rugs firmly to the floor. Or consider using an underneath rug pad, with options adhering to vinyl, hardwood and other flooring. In the bathroom, use bathmats with a good, surface-gripping backing.
Install anti-slip flooring throughout the home: Ensuring the type of flooring installed in the home (and especially in the bathroom) isn’t slippery is an important consideration for older adults. Some anti-slip flooring options include vinyl, ceramic tiles, and even bamboo.
Contrast for visibility while moving throughout the home: Consider varying the colors and textures of the flooring used throughout the home to provide better visual guidance, especially in transitional areas in the home, such as a sunken living room.
Advanced home renovations
Sophisticated upgrades to help current and future home healthcare needs not only add protections, they often heighten future selling prices. Keep in mind for some of these more advanced home modification tips, outsourcing to a professional may be necessary.
Assistive renovations
Widen your doorways: Even just carrying packages can make doorways impassable, so imagine providing adequate space for assistive devices like wheelchairs. To meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards, doorways should be at least 36 inches wide.
Add a stairlift: Unless you’re enjoying single-story living (or unless you have a downstairs bedroom and bath), many people need to navigate stairs in the home. In these cases, stairlifts are a great tool.
Keeping the home secure
Home security systems are an essential tool for being alerted to dangers you may not sense, like fire, carbon monoxide and break-ins. And these tools become even more critical for older adults. According to the National Fire Protection Association, people ages 65+ are twice as likely to be injured or killed by house fires, compared to the rest of the population.
For outside the home, consider installing security cameras, which can allow loved ones to monitor fall-prone areas around the home. 
Assistive technology
There is a lot of assistive technology available today, including devices, software programs and equipment that’s specifically designed to help people work around their challenges — from arthritis-friendly light switches and easier-to-grip drawer pulls, to computer voice recognition programs, entryway ramps and more. Here are a few assistive devices for you to consider when updating your home for current or future assistive needs:
Clap-detection lights: Turning on lights with the clap of your hands makes turning lights on/off much easier. Plus, set the device in its “away” mode, and your lights will turn on with the detection of any sound, which can deter break-ins.
Smart entryway: Assistive tools like key finders, keyless doors and doorbell cameras make entering the home and monitoring activity at the front door easier. Learning who is at the front door from the safety of your couch reduces the need for unnecessary movement around the home, which can also prevent accidents and falls. 
Home hub automation: Smart home options are now available to provide a one-stop solution for controlling your digital life at home, from programmable temperature controls and sophisticated home security systems to playing music and helping you keep track of appointments. For example, Amazon’s Alexa allows users to easily keep track of daily activities, call their doctor and even order food. And home hub security systems can offer older adults a greater sense of control over the safety of their home and valuables, all from the leisure of their couch.
Why designing with in-home care in mind is a good idea
Considering the high costs of long term care options in the U.S., it’s not surprising people are turning to alternative solutions. Although costs vary by state, let’s take a look at the average monthly costs of some of the more common long-term care options available:
A private nursing home room: $8,364 per month
A semi-private nursing home room: $7,362 per month
Assisted living facility: $3,862 per month
Adult day health care: $1,562 per month
To avoid these costs, and if in-home care is your goal, it’s important to start making plans now — so you’re not managing last-minute renovations and home modifications to accommodate the needs of caretakers at the same time your health takes a turn. 
Some of the in-home care services you may need to consider planning for include health care aides, registered nurses, physical therapists, social workers and other specialists that make home visits. Your in-home caregiver might also be a companion or a loved one. Regardless of who is providing the care, it’s important to ensure your home is ready, so you can more easily adapt should the need arise.
Renovating your home for the future
When renovating your home, it’s important to keep future health challenges in mind, and the possibility of needing in-home care. Understanding your needs �� and the needs of others potentially sharing your space — will create a more harmonious and comfortable environment while aging in place.
Creating a bedroom on the main floor of the home is ideal — allowing for easier accessibility throughout the home. In addition to reducing the use of stairs, main floors also provide faster exits to safety in case of emergencies — like injuries, break-ins or fires.
To accommodate live-in care, or for having loved ones stay, a separate bedroom is an essential consideration. Make sure the room has easy access to a bathroom, and even consider installing a small kitchen. 
You’ll also want to equip your home for caregiver accessibility, including:
Installing smart locks, so people who take care of you always have access to the home.
Ensuring caregivers have access to WiFi, so they’re connected in the event of an emergency, or to purchase necessary items online.
Providing caregivers access to security systems, so they can help monitor the home in an emergency.
Adding more electrical outlets in the home, in case there is medical equipment to set up in the future.
Creating wider doorways and entryways for wheelchairs, as well as ramps for wheelchair accessibility.
Financial assistance for home modifications
Paying for Senior Care outlines four sources of assistance available for those needing to make home modifications to accommodate the needs of older adults and of those with disabilities, including financial loans, grants, labor and equipment loans:
Four types of assistance for home modifications
Low-interest loans: Some organizations, mainly governmental, offer low-interest loans for home modifications or guarantee loans so banks are less restrictive with their lending requirements. Since these are loans, they do need to be paid back.
Home improvement grants: These (usually one-time) grants are available for a specific home modification purpose, and do not need to be repaid.
Free labor: Another form of assistance is free labor to make home improvements. This is commonly offered by non-profit organizations or charities. Materials are not covered. The building of a wheelchair ramp is a common example.
Equipment loans: Some organizations make free, long-term loans of home modification materials. As an example, a portable wheelchair ramp that does not need to be returned until the borrower moves from their home or no longer requires the use of it.
Options for financial planning
There are also several programs and other assistance programs available for qualified individuals to take advantage of to help with home modifications for the purpose of keeping older adults at home longer. Some of the most notable options are:
Medicare Advantage: Beginning in 2019, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans now include benefits for home modifications, such as assisting with the addition of grab bars, stairlifts, and wheelchair ramps in the home
Medicaid HCBS Waivers and Home Modifications: Most states have Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers, which help qualified individuals stay at home and receive in-home care and assistance with home modifications. Each state offers different programs with different eligibility requirements and benefits. 
Veterans Programs for Home Modifications: The Veterans Administration (VA) offers grants, including Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grants, Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) Grants and Home Improvement and Structural Alteration (HISA) Grants, to help veterans remain in their homes longer.
Non-Medicaid Government Assistance for Home Modification: The Department of Housing and Urban Development offers HUD Home Improvement Loans, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers Rural Repair and Rehabilitation Grants. Additionally, quite a few states offer various assistance programs that are referred to as “nursing home diversion programs,” and some of these programs offer home modification as a benefit. Review this list of state assistance programs that offer home modification benefits to see if there’s a program available for you.
Non-Profit and Foundation Assistance for Home Modifications: Many non-profits and organizations (such as Rebuilding Together) offer financial aid and volunteer labor to help older adults remain in their homes. Another option is finding local, volunteer community resources and projects that may help assist with home modifications.
Set your sights on home sweet home…forever
People are living longer and the percentage of older adults in the U.S. is on the rise. This means there is an increased demand for long-term care solutions. The good news is remaining independent and autonomous in the home you know and love as you age is possible. With the right planning and assistance, older adults can easily make modifications to the home — such as updating the lighting in the home, taking advantage of assistive technologies and even renovating the home to accommodate live-in care. Make these changes now and create a comfortable and safe space that you can continue to call home…forever.
Wendy Meyeroff, a plain language expert in B2B and B2C health/tech communications, has helped clients across the U.S. for 20+ years with journalism and marketing materials. Wendy has a specialty: writing for and about boomers, and mentoring outreach to ages 50+.
         The post Aging in place: Renovating with independence in mind appeared first on Freshome.com.
The Freshome.com Team
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owensrhodes · 5 years
Aging in place: Renovating with independence in mind
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Getty Images/Mint Images RF
Most Americans settle in a home, envisioning a permanent life refuge. Achieving this vision of aging in place, though, means preparing the home now to anticipate future needs. Doing so successfully can allow older adults to remain independent, autonomous and in charge of their home security as they age.
As many as 94% of today’s older adults (defined as ages 65+) wish to stay in their own homes as long as possible. This group, as of 2010, accounted for 13% of the population (40 million people), and that number is projected to increase to 20% of the population by 2030.
Studies show there are numerous benefits to home-based aging, such as increased life satisfaction, quality of life and self-esteem. Maintaining familiar surroundings and connections is also a benefit, allowing older adults to remain close to friends and neighbors, keep the same doctors and visit favorite coffee shops and grocery stores.
The time is now to start planning for down-the-road needs, like modifying your home to accommodate future accessibility needs, home security and even live-in care. It is important to understand the appropriate renovations that may be required and to equip the home with modifications that are right for you and any caretakers providing attention as you age in place.
What you should know about designing a home while aging in place
Studies confirm there are benefits to keeping older adults in their homes longer, such as maintaining more independence and connection to friends and family, as well as avoiding the high costs of institutional care. Luckily, there are many options, services and helpful solutions available to help us stay independent as we age at home.
Basic home renovations
Improve lighting
Improving the lighting in the home is an inexpensive solution that can provide an increased sense of safety and security for older adults — safeguarding against stumbling and falling, as well as break-ins. Consider adding lighting strips to stairways and other dark areas inside the home, as well as installing exterior lights that can be programmed to turn on and off, creating a pattern to deter break-ins. Nightlights are also a recommended addition — great for hallways, bathrooms and on or near steps.
Add easy-use fixtures and safety considerations
These simple home modifications are easy to implement and can have a significant impact on improving security and comfort in the home as we age:
Install oversized light switches ($6 to $28)
Replace faucet knobs with levers ($22 to $400)
Use automated garage door openers ($128 to $250)
Purchase larger digital display options for remote controls, phones, and screens ($7 to $545)
Add grab bars or rails around the home to prevent falls and improve mobility ($14 to $100)
Consider chair and toilet lifts ($18 – $100)
Use cord covers to prevent tripping and falling ($10 to $50)
Update your flooring
Falls are prevalent as we age in what should be our safest environment: our home. And flooring is often the biggest culprit. Loose rugs, slip-inducing mats, and curly edges on carpets are among the most common dangers. Many preventive measures are easy, DIY and often relatively inexpensive. Here’s what you need to do:
Secure rugs throughout the home: Use double-faced, anti-slip rug tape to secure the edges of all area rugs firmly to the floor. Or consider using an underneath rug pad, with options adhering to vinyl, hardwood and other flooring. In the bathroom, use bathmats with a good, surface-gripping backing.
Install anti-slip flooring throughout the home: Ensuring the type of flooring installed in the home (and especially in the bathroom) isn’t slippery is an important consideration for older adults. Some anti-slip flooring options include vinyl, ceramic tiles, and even bamboo.
Contrast for visibility while moving throughout the home: Consider varying the colors and textures of the flooring used throughout the home to provide better visual guidance, especially in transitional areas in the home, such as a sunken living room.
Advanced home renovations
Sophisticated upgrades to help current and future home healthcare needs not only add protections, they often heighten future selling prices. Keep in mind for some of these more advanced home modification tips, outsourcing to a professional may be necessary.
Assistive renovations
Widen your doorways: Even just carrying packages can make doorways impassable, so imagine providing adequate space for assistive devices like wheelchairs. To meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards, doorways should be at least 36 inches wide.
Add a stairlift: Unless you’re enjoying single-story living (or unless you have a downstairs bedroom and bath), many people need to navigate stairs in the home. In these cases, stairlifts are a great tool.
Keeping the home secure
Home security systems are an essential tool for being alerted to dangers you may not sense, like fire, carbon monoxide and break-ins. And these tools become even more critical for older adults. According to the National Fire Protection Association, people ages 65+ are twice as likely to be injured or killed by house fires, compared to the rest of the population.
For outside the home, consider installing security cameras, which can allow loved ones to monitor fall-prone areas around the home. 
Assistive technology
There is a lot of assistive technology available today, including devices, software programs and equipment that’s specifically designed to help people work around their challenges — from arthritis-friendly light switches and easier-to-grip drawer pulls, to computer voice recognition programs, entryway ramps and more. Here are a few assistive devices for you to consider when updating your home for current or future assistive needs:
Clap-detection lights: Turning on lights with the clap of your hands makes turning lights on/off much easier. Plus, set the device in its “away” mode, and your lights will turn on with the detection of any sound, which can deter break-ins.
Smart entryway: Assistive tools like key finders, keyless doors and doorbell cameras make entering the home and monitoring activity at the front door easier. Learning who is at the front door from the safety of your couch reduces the need for unnecessary movement around the home, which can also prevent accidents and falls. 
Home hub automation: Smart home options are now available to provide a one-stop solution for controlling your digital life at home, from programmable temperature controls and sophisticated home security systems to playing music and helping you keep track of appointments. For example, Amazon’s Alexa allows users to easily keep track of daily activities, call their doctor and even order food. And home hub security systems can offer older adults a greater sense of control over the safety of their home and valuables, all from the leisure of their couch.
Why designing with in-home care in mind is a good idea
Considering the high costs of long term care options in the U.S., it’s not surprising people are turning to alternative solutions. Although costs vary by state, let’s take a look at the average monthly costs of some of the more common long-term care options available:
A private nursing home room: $8,364 per month
A semi-private nursing home room: $7,362 per month
Assisted living facility: $3,862 per month
Adult day health care: $1,562 per month
To avoid these costs, and if in-home care is your goal, it’s important to start making plans now — so you’re not managing last-minute renovations and home modifications to accommodate the needs of caretakers at the same time your health takes a turn. 
Some of the in-home care services you may need to consider planning for include health care aides, registered nurses, physical therapists, social workers and other specialists that make home visits. Your in-home caregiver might also be a companion or a loved one. Regardless of who is providing the care, it’s important to ensure your home is ready, so you can more easily adapt should the need arise.
Renovating your home for the future
When renovating your home, it’s important to keep future health challenges in mind, and the possibility of needing in-home care. Understanding your needs — and the needs of others potentially sharing your space — will create a more harmonious and comfortable environment while aging in place.
Creating a bedroom on the main floor of the home is ideal — allowing for easier accessibility throughout the home. In addition to reducing the use of stairs, main floors also provide faster exits to safety in case of emergencies — like injuries, break-ins or fires.
To accommodate live-in care, or for having loved ones stay, a separate bedroom is an essential consideration. Make sure the room has easy access to a bathroom, and even consider installing a small kitchen. 
You’ll also want to equip your home for caregiver accessibility, including:
Installing smart locks, so people who take care of you always have access to the home.
Ensuring caregivers have access to WiFi, so they’re connected in the event of an emergency, or to purchase necessary items online.
Providing caregivers access to security systems, so they can help monitor the home in an emergency.
Adding more electrical outlets in the home, in case there is medical equipment to set up in the future.
Creating wider doorways and entryways for wheelchairs, as well as ramps for wheelchair accessibility.
Financial assistance for home modifications
Paying for Senior Care outlines four sources of assistance available for those needing to make home modifications to accommodate the needs of older adults and of those with disabilities, including financial loans, grants, labor and equipment loans:
Four types of assistance for home modifications
Low-interest loans: Some organizations, mainly governmental, offer low-interest loans for home modifications or guarantee loans so banks are less restrictive with their lending requirements. Since these are loans, they do need to be paid back.
Home improvement grants: These (usually one-time) grants are available for a specific home modification purpose, and do not need to be repaid.
Free labor: Another form of assistance is free labor to make home improvements. This is commonly offered by non-profit organizations or charities. Materials are not covered. The building of a wheelchair ramp is a common example.
Equipment loans: Some organizations make free, long-term loans of home modification materials. As an example, a portable wheelchair ramp that does not need to be returned until the borrower moves from their home or no longer requires the use of it.
Options for financial planning
There are also several programs and other assistance programs available for qualified individuals to take advantage of to help with home modifications for the purpose of keeping older adults at home longer. Some of the most notable options are:
Medicare Advantage: Beginning in 2019, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans now include benefits for home modifications, such as assisting with the addition of grab bars, stairlifts, and wheelchair ramps in the home
Medicaid HCBS Waivers and Home Modifications: Most states have Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers, which help qualified individuals stay at home and receive in-home care and assistance with home modifications. Each state offers different programs with different eligibility requirements and benefits. 
Veterans Programs for Home Modifications: The Veterans Administration (VA) offers grants, including Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grants, Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) Grants and Home Improvement and Structural Alteration (HISA) Grants, to help veterans remain in their homes longer.
Non-Medicaid Government Assistance for Home Modification: The Department of Housing and Urban Development offers HUD Home Improvement Loans, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers Rural Repair and Rehabilitation Grants. Additionally, quite a few states offer various assistance programs that are referred to as “nursing home diversion programs,” and some of these programs offer home modification as a benefit. Review this list of state assistance programs that offer home modification benefits to see if there’s a program available for you.
Non-Profit and Foundation Assistance for Home Modifications: Many non-profits and organizations (such as Rebuilding Together) offer financial aid and volunteer labor to help older adults remain in their homes. Another option is finding local, volunteer community resources and projects that may help assist with home modifications.
Set your sights on home sweet home…forever
People are living longer and the percentage of older adults in the U.S. is on the rise. This means there is an increased demand for long-term care solutions. The good news is remaining independent and autonomous in the home you know and love as you age is possible. With the right planning and assistance, older adults can easily make modifications to the home — such as updating the lighting in the home, taking advantage of assistive technologies and even renovating the home to accommodate live-in care. Make these changes now and create a comfortable and safe space that you can continue to call home…forever.
Wendy Meyeroff, a plain language expert in B2B and B2C health/tech communications, has helped clients across the U.S. for 20+ years with journalism and marketing materials. Wendy has a specialty: writing for and about boomers, and mentoring outreach to ages 50+.
          The post Aging in place: Renovating with independence in mind appeared first on Freshome.com.
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Aging in place: Renovating with independence in mind
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Getty Images/Mint Images RF
Most Americans settle in a home, envisioning a permanent life refuge. Achieving this vision of aging in place, though, means preparing the home now to anticipate future needs. Doing so successfully can allow older adults to remain independent, autonomous and in charge of their home security as they age.
As many as 94% of today’s older adults (defined as ages 65+) wish to stay in their own homes as long as possible. This group, as of 2010, accounted for 13% of the population (40 million people), and that number is projected to increase to 20% of the population by 2030.
Studies show there are numerous benefits to home-based aging, such as increased life satisfaction, quality of life and self-esteem. Maintaining familiar surroundings and connections is also a benefit, allowing older adults to remain close to friends and neighbors, keep the same doctors and visit favorite coffee shops and grocery stores.
The time is now to start planning for down-the-road needs, like modifying your home to accommodate future accessibility needs, home security and even live-in care. It is important to understand the appropriate renovations that may be required and to equip the home with modifications that are right for you and any caretakers providing attention as you age in place.
What you should know about designing a home while aging in place
Studies confirm there are benefits to keeping older adults in their homes longer, such as maintaining more independence and connection to friends and family, as well as avoiding the high costs of institutional care. Luckily, there are many options, services and helpful solutions available to help us stay independent as we age at home.
Basic home renovations
Improve lighting
Improving the lighting in the home is an inexpensive solution that can provide an increased sense of safety and security for older adults — safeguarding against stumbling and falling, as well as break-ins. Consider adding lighting strips to stairways and other dark areas inside the home, as well as installing exterior lights that can be programmed to turn on and off, creating a pattern to deter break-ins. Nightlights are also a recommended addition — great for hallways, bathrooms and on or near steps.
Add easy-use fixtures and safety considerations
These simple home modifications are easy to implement and can have a significant impact on improving security and comfort in the home as we age:
Install oversized light switches ($6 to $28)
Replace faucet knobs with levers ($22 to $400)
Use automated garage door openers ($128 to $250)
Purchase larger digital display options for remote controls, phones, and screens ($7 to $545)
Add grab bars or rails around the home to prevent falls and improve mobility ($14 to $100)
Consider chair and toilet lifts ($18 – $100)
Use cord covers to prevent tripping and falling ($10 to $50)
Update your flooring
Falls are prevalent as we age in what should be our safest environment: our home. And flooring is often the biggest culprit. Loose rugs, slip-inducing mats, and curly edges on carpets are among the most common dangers. Many preventive measures are easy, DIY and often relatively inexpensive. Here’s what you need to do:
Secure rugs throughout the home: Use double-faced, anti-slip rug tape to secure the edges of all area rugs firmly to the floor. Or consider using an underneath rug pad, with options adhering to vinyl, hardwood and other flooring. In the bathroom, use bathmats with a good, surface-gripping backing.
Install anti-slip flooring throughout the home: Ensuring the type of flooring installed in the home (and especially in the bathroom) isn’t slippery is an important consideration for older adults. Some anti-slip flooring options include vinyl, ceramic tiles, and even bamboo.
Contrast for visibility while moving throughout the home: Consider varying the colors and textures of the flooring used throughout the home to provide better visual guidance, especially in transitional areas in the home, such as a sunken living room.
Advanced home renovations
Sophisticated upgrades to help current and future home healthcare needs not only add protections, they often heighten future selling prices. Keep in mind for some of these more advanced home modification tips, outsourcing to a professional may be necessary.
Assistive renovations
Widen your doorways: Even just carrying packages can make doorways impassable, so imagine providing adequate space for assistive devices like wheelchairs. To meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards, doorways should be at least 36 inches wide.
Add a stairlift: Unless you’re enjoying single-story living (or unless you have a downstairs bedroom and bath), many people need to navigate stairs in the home. In these cases, stairlifts are a great tool.
Keeping the home secure
Home security systems are an essential tool for being alerted to dangers you may not sense, like fire, carbon monoxide and break-ins. And these tools become even more critical for older adults. According to the National Fire Protection Association, people ages 65+ are twice as likely to be injured or killed by house fires, compared to the rest of the population.
For outside the home, consider installing security cameras, which can allow loved ones to monitor fall-prone areas around the home. 
Assistive technology
There is a lot of assistive technology available today, including devices, software programs and equipment that’s specifically designed to help people work around their challenges — from arthritis-friendly light switches and easier-to-grip drawer pulls, to computer voice recognition programs, entryway ramps and more. Here are a few assistive devices for you to consider when updating your home for current or future assistive needs:
Clap-detection lights: Turning on lights with the clap of your hands makes turning lights on/off much easier. Plus, set the device in its “away” mode, and your lights will turn on with the detection of any sound, which can deter break-ins.
Smart entryway: Assistive tools like key finders, keyless doors and doorbell cameras make entering the home and monitoring activity at the front door easier. Learning who is at the front door from the safety of your couch reduces the need for unnecessary movement around the home, which can also prevent accidents and falls. 
Home hub automation: Smart home options are now available to provide a one-stop solution for controlling your digital life at home, from programmable temperature controls and sophisticated home security systems to playing music and helping you keep track of appointments. For example, Amazon’s Alexa allows users to easily keep track of daily activities, call their doctor and even order food. And home hub security systems can offer older adults a greater sense of control over the safety of their home and valuables, all from the leisure of their couch.
Why designing with in-home care in mind is a good idea
Considering the high costs of long term care options in the U.S., it’s not surprising people are turning to alternative solutions. Although costs vary by state, let’s take a look at the average monthly costs of some of the more common long-term care options available:
A private nursing home room: $8,364 per month
A semi-private nursing home room: $7,362 per month
Assisted living facility: $3,862 per month
Adult day health care: $1,562 per month
To avoid these costs, and if in-home care is your goal, it’s important to start making plans now — so you’re not managing last-minute renovations and home modifications to accommodate the needs of caretakers at the same time your health takes a turn. 
Some of the in-home care services you may need to consider planning for include health care aides, registered nurses, physical therapists, social workers and other specialists that make home visits. Your in-home caregiver might also be a companion or a loved one. Regardless of who is providing the care, it’s important to ensure your home is ready, so you can more easily adapt should the need arise.
Renovating your home for the future
When renovating your home, it’s important to keep future health challenges in mind, and the possibility of needing in-home care. Understanding your needs — and the needs of others potentially sharing your space — will create a more harmonious and comfortable environment while aging in place.
Creating a bedroom on the main floor of the home is ideal — allowing for easier accessibility throughout the home. In addition to reducing the use of stairs, main floors also provide faster exits to safety in case of emergencies — like injuries, break-ins or fires.
To accommodate live-in care, or for having loved ones stay, a separate bedroom is an essential consideration. Make sure the room has easy access to a bathroom, and even consider installing a small kitchen. 
You’ll also want to equip your home for caregiver accessibility, including:
Installing smart locks, so people who take care of you always have access to the home.
Ensuring caregivers have access to WiFi, so they’re connected in the event of an emergency, or to purchase necessary items online.
Providing caregivers access to security systems, so they can help monitor the home in an emergency.
Adding more electrical outlets in the home, in case there is medical equipment to set up in the future.
Creating wider doorways and entryways for wheelchairs, as well as ramps for wheelchair accessibility.
Financial assistance for home modifications
Paying for Senior Care outlines four sources of assistance available for those needing to make home modifications to accommodate the needs of older adults and of those with disabilities, including financial loans, grants, labor and equipment loans:
Four types of assistance for home modifications
Low-interest loans: Some organizations, mainly governmental, offer low-interest loans for home modifications or guarantee loans so banks are less restrictive with their lending requirements. Since these are loans, they do need to be paid back.
Home improvement grants: These (usually one-time) grants are available for a specific home modification purpose, and do not need to be repaid.
Free labor: Another form of assistance is free labor to make home improvements. This is commonly offered by non-profit organizations or charities. Materials are not covered. The building of a wheelchair ramp is a common example.
Equipment loans: Some organizations make free, long-term loans of home modification materials. As an example, a portable wheelchair ramp that does not need to be returned until the borrower moves from their home or no longer requires the use of it.
Options for financial planning
There are also several programs and other assistance programs available for qualified individuals to take advantage of to help with home modifications for the purpose of keeping older adults at home longer. Some of the most notable options are:
Medicare Advantage: Beginning in 2019, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans now include benefits for home modifications, such as assisting with the addition of grab bars, stairlifts, and wheelchair ramps in the home
Medicaid HCBS Waivers and Home Modifications: Most states have Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers, which help qualified individuals stay at home and receive in-home care and assistance with home modifications. Each state offers different programs with different eligibility requirements and benefits. 
Veterans Programs for Home Modifications: The Veterans Administration (VA) offers grants, including Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grants, Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) Grants and Home Improvement and Structural Alteration (HISA) Grants, to help veterans remain in their homes longer.
Non-Medicaid Government Assistance for Home Modification: The Department of Housing and Urban Development offers HUD Home Improvement Loans, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers Rural Repair and Rehabilitation Grants. Additionally, quite a few states offer various assistance programs that are referred to as “nursing home diversion programs,” and some of these programs offer home modification as a benefit. Review this list of state assistance programs that offer home modification benefits to see if there’s a program available for you.
Non-Profit and Foundation Assistance for Home Modifications: Many non-profits and organizations (such as Rebuilding Together) offer financial aid and volunteer labor to help older adults remain in their homes. Another option is finding local, volunteer community resources and projects that may help assist with home modifications.
Set your sights on home sweet home…forever
People are living longer and the percentage of older adults in the U.S. is on the rise. This means there is an increased demand for long-term care solutions. The good news is remaining independent and autonomous in the home you know and love as you age is possible. With the right planning and assistance, older adults can easily make modifications to the home — such as updating the lighting in the home, taking advantage of assistive technologies and even renovating the home to accommodate live-in care. Make these changes now and create a comfortable and safe space that you can continue to call home…forever.
Wendy Meyeroff, a plain language expert in B2B and B2C health/tech communications, has helped clients across the U.S. for 20+ years with journalism and marketing materials. Wendy has a specialty: writing for and about boomers, and mentoring outreach to ages 50+.
         The post Aging in place: Renovating with independence in mind appeared first on Freshome.com.
from https://freshome.com/renovation/aging-renovating-with-independence-in-mind/ via Aging in place: Renovating with independence in mind
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theliqht · 5 years
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A person these kinds of millennial who knocked my socks off was this youthful Lady named Anushka, a teen in her early twenties. Her white t-shirt with "MILLENNIAL" in large, black, Daring letters just caught our brief consideration and we could not stop considering her Exclusive Talent Presentation, listed here at Nirmiti Academy. The Do it yourself (Do It You) Craft was her unique expertise. She represented a young encounter of the millennials. In addition, it absolutely was her presentation that spoke far more of her to be a millennial. She was a true go-getter when it came to existing her unique talent in a unique way. We could see her beaming with pride and contentment to showcase her special expertise to Other individuals. She was so excited that she was conversing a mile a moment. She had a lot of to mention about this and she could go on and on and hold us glued to her presentation. The millennials like Anushka and plenty of Other people are inspired to work on factors which fascination them. Simultaneously, I could also see her becoming struggling to smile and current herself Fortunately. Absent are definitely the moments for the millennials the place they experience present and luxuriate in their surroundings. They may be the generation who feel the constant will need for Digital interest which sales opportunities them to overshare their lives and moments on social websites or go inward in deep conscience to search out them selves. This leaves them unconnected with the Bodily world all-around them.
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Millennials can be a very praised and self-confident era. They are really a extremely optimistic technology. They've a larger need to own lifetime encounters rather than to accumulate product prosperity, Although they do like to acquire things that can help them to delight in Individuals ordeals. Millennials are probably the most educated generation. As the selling price tag of education and learning has become so significant and continuing to climb on a yearly basis, Millennials became extremely savvy with regards to their instructional selections. As opposed to previous generations who saw instruction as a ritual and an expenditure inside their future, millennials look at training being an expenditure, Except it's going to empower them to be able to be a far better particular person. They anticipate education and learning to assist them get ready for The brand new opportunities and challenges of this age, rather than assisting them by giving actuality-dependent facts/understanding. The millennials wish to be challenged by thinking of the longer term and how they might lead to creating a much better Modern society and natural environment. They do not experience the need to develop into "textbook clever / book worms".
They are aware that points is usually conveniently discovered on the net by their own personal unbiased action. They're the technology that features and prosper on understanding at finger "simply click". In the globe of open entry to awareness, it will make little sense to rely upon the classroom like a forum with the transfer of knowledge.
Instead, The scholars Substantially prefer to learn from the tales and ordeals of Some others. These shared stories and experiences enable them to augment their very own knowledge by learning from your results and issues of Other folks. This can help them steer clear of earning the exact same blunders as their influencers. Hence, they like to speculate extra in their time and money on these plans which assistance them to build many tactics that they might include into their ideas and final decision-producing process, thus building a new talent established.
We are unable to dismiss The reality that millennials can also be a era of uncertainties and fluctuations. They can be the era who likes to keep switching their devices. They grew up with know-how wherever all the things was at their fingertips. It results in being disheartening for them to not get what they need when they want it. Almost all of the items are handed to them with a silver spoon. This would make them truly feel entitled to get what they want with no Placing in much effort.
While They may be the foremost workforce of the businesses currently, they do not believe in lifelong employment. Lifelong dedication can be a fairy tale for the millennials. They normally soar from on position to another as they are constantly in quest of some thing new and much better. These substantial anticipations turn out to be their downfall and would make them less economically secure than their mothers and fathers.
Millennials are listed here to remain! They are really young, brilliant and energetic and they ARE the longer term. They are excellent belongings which the world should harness and use. They can be the era that is certainly revolutionizing the earth. They're the budding leaders of tomorrow. They adopt technological know-how and stimulus in the identical breadth. This technology can also be a collaborative and social generation that includes a center on comprehending and setting up their expertise by numerous forms of medium to find out the responses. It really is for that educator like us to deliver an arena for engagement and discovery and also become a written content skilled and mentor. It really is for Studying System vendors like Nirmiti Academy to offer an explorative and experiential knowledge and produce out their legitimate potential in life and at work. It is this transformational journey that we at Nirmiti Academy look forward to daily to learn, unlearn and relearn with these youthful and magical generation - the Millennials!
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newstfionline · 7 years
In Cashless Sweden, Even Panhandlers Accept Credit Cards
Frédéric Faux, Le Figaro, Dec. 5, 2017
STOCKHOLM--When Victor goes out to lunch with friends in Stockholm, he no longer needs to worry about carrying enough cash. “If someone else pays the bill, I pay him back with the Swish app on my phone.”
Same kind of calculation goes for Victor, a 23-year-old wine salesman. “I use my card for everything, regardless of the amount. This is my sixth year without any cash in my pocket,” he says.
In Sweden, the rate of cash payments in stores fell from 40% in 2010 to a stunning 15% in 2016. In terms of total value of purchases, the percentage has tumbled to 1.4%. According to a study by the country’s central bank, two-thirds of Swedes now feel they could live without cash. “It’s a unique development internationally,” according to the bank.
Here in the Swedish capital, a city of some one million inhabitants, it is impossible to pay for public transportation with cash, and forget about checks, an ancient relic abandoned 20 years ago. In church, rather than passing a basket around, congregants donate money using Swish or iZettle, a mini-card reader that connects to a mobile phone. These payment systems have also been adopted in markets, by middle-school students selling raffle tickets and even by homeless people panhandling on the streets.
Many businesses in Stockholm simple no longer accept cash. One of the first to take this step, legal in Sweden, was ABBA singer Björn Ulvaeus, after his son had been repeatedly robbed. Since 2013, the ABBA museum in Stockholm has been completely “cashless.”
David Zetterström, the owner of a bakery chain with 16 shops in the city, took the same step a year ago. “The main reason was the safety of our employees,” he explained at his shop in the trendy Södermalm district. “When they would close up for the night, they’d have to count the money, pack it, move it, and that’s dangerous. Older people or tourists are often surprised, but 99% of our clients understand the reason for this change. Plus, they all have credit cards.”
The trend marks a historical full-circle for Sweden, which in 1661 became the first European country to print banknotes. For Niklas Arvidsson, a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, this change can be explained through the Swedish penchant for new technology. The country, which is the birthplace of the first cell phone (Ericsson), the music-sharing site Spotify and the game “Candy Crush,” has naturally moved more easily to cashless payment methods. Another important factor is confidence: “The Swedish don’t have to see or touch their money to know it’s safe. They’re confident in the banks and the government,” he said.
This is a sentiment shared at Get Swish, one of the most impressive Swedish success stories. Last August, 25 million payments were made via Swish, for a total of 1.5 billion euros (about $1.7 billion). During peak usage, at lunchtime or on payday, the frequency of payments goes up to 30 per second. “All you need is a smartphone--download the Swish app, connect your mobile number to your account, and you can send money to any of the six million users,” explained Edvin Nygaard, a developer at Swish. “No more need for cash to pay your babysitter or pay back a friend. You take out your phone and transfer the money immediately.”
Today, Swedish banks are the first to praise this method. In the Kungsträdgården branch of SEB, clients are received in small cozy boxes, the bank tellers swirl around with their laptops in hand and a DJ grooves in front of his turntables, ensuring a good ambiance. The bank no longer looks anything like a bank--and indeed, you cannot deposit or withdraw money there.
“It’s like this at most of our branches now,” says Leif Trogen, of the Swedish Bankers’ Association, with satisfaction. “All transactions can be carried out online, for a long while now, and we no longer need to move tons of bills across all of Sweden. Last year, there were only two bank robberies, compared to 110 in 2008. It’s good for security and good for the environment.” And excellent for the banks, who control the main network of ATMs and hold shares in Swish.
Yet this ideal world leaves some stuck on the outside: the many refugees, for instance, who do not have bank accounts; people living in rural or remote areas, where there is little Internet access; or people with handicaps and senior citizens. In a nearby bank branch in Karlaplan, some half a dozen elderly customers, some holding walkers, wait in front of one of the few tellers where cash is still available. “I want to send money to my daughter, but I don’t have a computer,” explains Birgitt, 79. “So I have to come here.”
Bo Johansson, who heads an association for the retired in the county of Stockholm, deplores the situation. “People who haven’t mastered the Internet or who don’t have credit cards have to travel far with their money just to find a bank. They can’t buy public transportation tickets, they can’t pay in certain shops. You even need a card just to go to the toilet at the train station!” The situation is all the more absurd, he says, because just this year Sweden replaced its old bills with new ones bearing Swedish cultural icons, such as Greta Garbo or the director Ingmar Bergman.
Björn Eriksson, who heads Cash Uprising, a group fighting for the continued use of cash, says one million people, or 10% of the Swedish population, will be forced off the digital highway “because they’re not profitable.”
“If I open my wallet,” he said, “you’ll see a lot of cards. I use them, but I want to have the option of using cash, too.” As a former chief of police, he also quickly dismisses the banks’ arguments about security. “Robberies have gone down, it’s true, but now thieves attack small stores that are open overnight. Less cash is circulating, that’s true, but that just increases the risk of loss of privacy, and people know this. Even those who use a card to shop admit that they use cash when they buy alcohol in government stores, because you never know.”
Objections are not reserved for the nostalgics. A report published by the central bank in September warned that “in the eventuality of a systemic shock, an alternative form of payment, such as cash, might not be as easily available as it is today.” In other words, in case of a Russian cyber-attack, or a giant IT breach, Sweden could rapidly descend into chaos.
Per Bolund, the minister for financial markets, tries to reassure: “If you want to use cash, you should be able to. The government funds ‘service points’ in certain stores, places where you can withdraw and deposit money. Cash is always useful, even if it plays a smaller role in our economy.”
Will Sweden continue on this path? If you walk around the premises of Epicenter, a start-up colony in the center of Stockholm where some 2,000 people work to shape our future lifestyles, between two yoga classes and a cup of protein coffee, the answer is a resounding yes.
Timo Keihag, a former Ericsson employee, moved here to develop Rezeet, an app that sends your receipts directly to your phone. “When we buy something with our phone or watch, we don’t want to then stuff our pockets with receipts. The entire transaction should be digital,” he said.
While he waits for his product to be launched, he recently implanted a small chip, the size of a grain of rice, in his right hand, which already allows him to take the train and the metro, open doors and pay for drinks in the Epicenter cafeteria, he says.
“The Swedish government said that cash could disappear completely by 2030,” he adds. “But I’m sure it’ll happen much sooner.”
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checpos · 5 years
Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan | Increase the service quality
As an eatery proprietor, you realize that quality nourishment and exceptional assistance are the keys to consumer loyalty and maintenance. These are crucial for your café to succeed. It is burning through 48% of their complete spending plan at eateries, which is uplifting news for you by ChecPOS#1 Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan. Notwithstanding, the weight is on to make it an essential supper that keeps them returning for additional. So as to prevail over the challenge, your eatery's environment and experience are other significant elements you should consider to keep your clients upbeat. 
ChecPOS#1 Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan
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This incorporates the music you play, lighting and stylistic layout decisions, neatness and that's only the tip of the iceberg. In any case, the entirety of that amounts to nothing in the event that you don't have your most significant deals instrument; your place of offer framework. In the event that you utilize an obsolete POS system or one inclined to closing down, you are putting your business in danger. In case you're not utilizing one not all, you're passing up chances to upsell, give better help, and improve your general income. 
Here are the best 10 advantages of utilizing a ChecPOS solution in your store 
Effectively followed deals 
You handle a high volume of money and Visas each hour of consistently. Your old school sales register system constrained you to do everything physically, except those days are gone when you introduce an advanced Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan. It tracks every deal you make easy and precision. The data enables you to settle on better-educated choices for your business. For instance, you can perceive what things are the most mainstream by the day's end, so you can more readily get ready for tomorrow's interest. The significant following capacities open up profitability time for both you and your staff to concentrate more on serving clients. 
Bother free exchanges 
A café that deals with clients in an auspicious, bother freeway will help impact positive surveys on the web. Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan can help with exchanges. It handles your credit and plastic preparing, which takes out the requirement for discrete frameworks. A portion of the more seasoned registers constrained you to utilize different bits of programming and equipment to process an exchange and print out a receipt, however, most POS frameworks offer an across the board arrangement. In this manner, your credit and charge card acknowledgment rate is quicker, simpler and progressively secure. Both your staff and clients will thank you for the redesigned exchange framework. 
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Better oversaw stock 
A cerebral pain for any café proprietor is the way to proficiently follow the stock, particularly when you have numerous conveyances and bundles coming in. A Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan causes you better oversee what is available, by giving a precise and exceptional preview of accessible things. It tracks insights regarding every item, for example, the number of offers, date of offers and cost. It naturally tracks and controls stock through a filtering procedure, as opposed to physically to save your time and assets for different business needs. 
An immense advantage a POS framework has is its capacity to break down past deals information. This will assist you with settling on more brilliant purchasing choices later on. This stock examination is a vital part to deal with your financial limit, just as have changes that emphatically affect your funds. 
Higher security 
As referenced, the following capacities on a Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan assist you with keeping tabs of all business finished in a given time period. An extra side advantage of this ability is that it keeps your staff responsible for all business rung up and keeps up a hang on representative robbery. For instance, this component may keep representatives from giving out a markdown to companions when they are not approved or permitted. While you generally need to accept the best of your workers, it doesn't damage to realize you have a solid, top-notch framework with dependable exchange information. 
More grounded business reports 
An enormous advantage of a Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan is the point by point reports it produces. Because of all the data, it records through the framework, it makes gives an account of offers, Mastercard exchanges, singular representative deals, stock, stock, benefit, and misfortune. This should be possible on any terminal, whenever for ongoing data on your business. You can utilize these to decide the most well-known business hours or what things are costing you a greater number of dollars than they are getting. The POS framework reports are profoundly important as you settle on business choices and modifications for all the more productively run café. 
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Congruity with your kitchen 
Instead of your servers running to and fro from kitchen to bar to the table, the Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan consequently sends tickets straightforwardly to the kitchen when they are entered. This takes out any disarray with muddled penmanship or extra notes, as the POS is quite certain and clear enough for anybody to comprehend. You can program the framework to send menu things to various kitchen stations. Likewise, guarantee that all requests are appropriately and quickly put. Clients and staff the same will be satisfied with this expansion in nourishment conveyance time and accurately set requests. 
Increasingly steadfast clients 
Regardless of whether you work a little café or claim various areas, a client unwaveringly program has a huge effect on returning clients. In case you're hoping to build maintenance and pedestrian activity, Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan can help with this too. It underpins café dedication programs that give motivating forces and limits to your returning clients. For instance, on the off chance that you have an advancement running that states if a client purchases five espressos, get the 6th for nothing, the POS framework can program those subtleties in for a flawlessly recorded exchange. 
Work the executives 
Ongoing information found that 76% of restaurateurs are searching for work the board assets in their POS. Luckily, the correct Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan can for sure answer that calls. It viably assumes control over the time and participation segment of your work the board. Frameworks incorporate time clock usefulness, so your representatives can check-in and out on a POS terminal. It likewise guarantees significant level security by controlling access to delicate data and controls, for example, voids, limits, and discounts. A POS framework gives you more grounded monetary security and streamlined time for the executives. 
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Better menu show 
Your representatives invest less energy scanning for a menu thing after you utilize a Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan to program a wonderfully structured showcase for them to utilize. It empowers you to split your menu into comparable areas, for example, starters, fundamental courses, beverages, and pastries. As opposed to an old enroll where each value is physically entered or things are dispersed, utilizing classes assists staff with building up a quicker checkout schedule. The greatest advantage of this element is a smoother, quicker checkout process for your clients. 
Streamlined bookkeeping 
Not exclusively will you clear up your very own migraines with our POS system, however, your bookkeeper will thank you too. With the nitty-gritty following and announcing, your bookkeeper won't have to figure out innumerable receipts and miracle what may be missing. The best part is that numerous Quick Service POS Software in Pakistan imports the entirety of your information straightforwardly to bookkeeping programming, making everybody's activity that a lot simpler. You'll consider how you could possibly do everything physically subsequent to utilizing the cutting edge framework.
Features of POS Software
Data Personalization
POS System
Customer Management
Analytics of Sales
Self-service Kiosk
Inventory Tracking
Fast Checkout
Automatic Purchasing of Inventory
POS Software
Mobile Ordering
Data Security
Mobile Payments
E-commerce integration
PCI compliance
Brick-and-mortar stores
POS Development
POS software in the cloud
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trademarkmaldives · 5 years
With the advent of the internet that made it possible for online data to flow freely from one part of the globe to another, content creators nowadays can have global audiences. Although the free flow of content has opened countless opportunities for content creators, it many times results in piracy and Copyright Infringement issues. That’s why content creators in the present digital era have a hard time monetizing their content even when they strive to prove ownership of the same. Nevertheless, continuous technological advancements have come up with technology like blockchain that can help creators to monetize their unique content, i.e., Intellectual Property (IP).
From novel music to artistic works and unique inventions, IP encompasses a wide range of things. The appropriate use and sale of these assets can let you make millions of dollars. On the other hand, it is quite easy to have these assets stolen and monetized without your consent or knowledge in the current age. Hence, there is a need for something that can assist you to extract benefits out of your IP without letting someone infringe on it. Blockchain is one of the safest sources to enjoy the profits of using your IP deprived of facing copyright infringement. So now, the question arises ‘how blockchain can help in monetizing IP?’
In What Ways can Blockchain Assist to Monetize IP?
In general, there are several ways in which the blockchain technology can enable you to monetize your IP. Nonetheless, the first and most efficient one is the use of smart contracts. Embedding smart contract to your IP will make blockchain technology to execute a license for its use. For instance, if you are a photographer, then blockchain will trigger the automatic payment in regards to the set terms every time people access your photos. The technology will also aid you in proper scaling of the compensations. If a large corporation, for example, uses your photos, the smart contract will scale the payment and make sure that you receive the correct compensation for your work.
Besides, blockchain facilitates you to bypass the middlemen, thus raising the revenue you generate from your content. Middlemen, like popular streaming platforms, perform a task of dictating the amount of money content creators generate from their work. The past years uncover a lot of cases where the middlemen held responsible for providing the content creators with revenue much lesser than they expected. With blockchain technology that provides the creators with a full charge of their content, they can easily get to decide what their art worth. It further allows universal cross-platform monetization of your data. In recent times when various platforms compete for domination and market share at the expense of content creators, this technology would let you earn more and more money, regardless of the platform through which viewers consume your content.
Apart from aiding you in making profits like earn more money and save financial resources on getting agents to manage your IP, blockchain technology also works to prohibit content piracy, one of the biggest challenges creators often encounter. The pirates could use the stolen, i.e., copied content as content distributors, and thus, get payments for its distribution. In this way, they can turn the profits or revenue that should reach you towards them. Undoubtedly, blockchain empowers you to keep your gains only to you by prohibiting infringers from violating your IP.
Final Thoughts
Although blockchain technology is the best way to monetize your IP, it demands efforts on your part to ensure the excellent possible outcomes. As the ability of this technology to monetize IP depends on the blockchain networks and elements you decide to use, it is crucial to be cautious while opting for the same. There are many sources available in the form of enterprises, departments, etc., that deal in rendering blockchain services to help you monetize your content without any hassle. So, why to take risks? With real-time transactions and low financial investment support of blockchain technology, enjoy monetizing your content effortlessly while keeping it safe against infringers. ✅   For view source: https://bit.ly/2OIzcVt
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