#the Post Not Specific to The Thing is ALSO not specific to revstar. i have to say that. BUT!!!!!
dragonowlie · 1 year
Dumbass went into the Devil's Cave again and saw a post not specific to The Thing but halfway tagged with The Thing (which is why my filters didn't pick it up) and I am both "fuck man, the spoilerinies" and also Delighted because that's my jam. If indeed it will play out like I think it will, Because- *restrains myself to the fullest from bringing up revstar right now*
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clacing · 1 year
Hi, I'm dumb so forgive me if this question has an easy answer; is there a viewing order for Revstar? I'm trying to get into it, but I have been putting it off because I couldn't tell where to start
I assume you just mean the anime, but since there are also a bunch of stage plays and spin-offs and a gacha game, here's an overview and my personal opinion on a good viewing order:
You should definitely watch the anime first. It's only 12 episodes but it spends so much time developing each and every character and making you truly feel for them, plus it's the most experimental piece of media in the franchise and where the Utena influences are the most visible, so it's a treat to watch. I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion or what, but the stage plays didn't do nearly as much to develop the characters or their relationships with each other due to the obvious time constraints, so if that's your first run-in with the franchise you'll probably be disappointed
3 OVAs which take place during the finale and which I didn't know existed for the longest time. They're short and sweet and have some good character interaction, though you don't really have to watch them
I know there's a manga prequel with nine chapters introducing each of the nine girls + a bonus chapter that takes place after the finale. I haven't read it though
Rondo Rondo Rondo: it's a movie recapping the series from a slightly different perspective and including new scenes. You don't have to watch it but I'd still check out the new scenes on Youtube at least, especially the one after the end credits which is a direct lead-in to Gekijouban
Gekijouban Revue Starlight: the sequel movie. Absolute masterpiece, required viewing, budget was off the charts, elevates the series to new levels etc. etc.
As for the stage plays, again, I recommend watching them after the anime if you're interested. Doesn't really matter if you watch them right after the anime or after Gekijouban because the stage plays have their own plot that is only tangentially related to the anime, but they do have to be watched in a specific order:
The LIVE #1
The LIVE #2 - Transition
The LIVE Online (prequel to #3, not really required but a fun time)
The LIVE #3 - Growth
The LIVE Seiran - Blue Glitter (spin-off about characters introduced in #2 and #3, though I believe because of COVID it ended up coming out before #3 - personally I haven't watched it 'cause I don't really care, but I've heard good things)
The LIVE Edel Delight (I'll be real I know this ties in to the gacha game somehow which I don't play, so I haven't seen this either and don't really know how this fits into the timeline)
The STAGE Junior High Regalia (prequel about characters introduced in Edel Delight)
The LIVE #4 - Climax (this only came out in Japan this year so I don't think there are subtitles yet, but I'll be watching when they come out)
As for the gacha game, I don't play it but there's a lot of content which cross-references either the anime or the stage plays so I'll just direct you to this post (meant to just share the original one but Tumblr won't let me click on the original post to get the link) which also includes a guide about the viewing/playing order. Overall I think you could start playing after watching like, the anime + Gekijouban + possibly the first two stage plays?
PLEASE don't feel threatened by all of this btw. You can just watch the 12-episode anime and Gekijouban and be perfectly fine 'cause everything else is just extra. I've only watched the anime stuff and the first four stage plays I mentioned 'cause the gacha game and later stage plays add too many characters for me to keep up with
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naturallyexcessive · 1 year
1 (specifically least!) + 8 + 10? for the revstar ask game!!
thanks for the ask!!
what character do you relate to most / least?
This one's actually harder to answer because I am not strong or resilient or cool like these butai shojo 😭
After thinking about this really hard I probably have to answer this with Akira - kinda funny seeing as she's my favorite Edel - ultimately because I am very much the type of person who prefers to beat around the bush rather than be upfront and blunt (and therefore sometimes seemingly inconsiderate) about my feelings; if Akira was a real person I saw in my day to day life, I think I would probably be terrified of her? She would 100% probably look at me and (correctly) deduce my lack of drive to succeed and mediocre skills and then walk away forever lmfao. It's what makes her such a good character, though!
what is a story you would like to see covered in a card set, and which characters would you cast for it? (the story can be from anywhere, does not necessarily have to be theater.)
oh man there's so many options for this.
I've always sort of thought of a concept for Peter Pan inspired sort of event story, with Nana and Aruru as the main characters of focus (and also the ones to get cards)? Both Nana and Aruru are these smiler-type characters who love their friends so much and are terrified to lose them or see them hurt as a result, and would rather escape to some wonderland forever than see them (and themselves) grow up and move on to new things or people.
The two of them could probably bond over this relatability to the character of Pan, and then to each other, though naturally from different perspectives (seeing as post-AA, Aruru does grow past this mindset, while Nana doesn't really until Gekijouban haha). I was kinda hoping we'd see this sort of dynamic during the Siegfried/Brunnhilde event story that went on, but we didn't, so I think something like this would be a neat way of going about doing that.
explain a gender headcanon for any character in only 7 words
gender? ok but this deadline's at 5 (amemiya)
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orbiyoo · 2 years
3 4 and 14! :D
3. what ideas come from when you were little!
cant tell if this means like ideas about art in general or ideas about what/how u draw? ill do both i guess. but to be really honest i have like no memory LOL i know i was big into anime as a preteen so that's definitely where the nightmare began in general. like with my art style... i don't even want to get into art styles cause i don't think that's real but also i do so bad because i dont have one and it kills me. i guess this is sort of an inverse of from when i was little but i did have a hater of pink phase and now i understand that i was so wrong. now i tend to use a lot of warm colors and pink when i draw i love you peach i love you orange i love you pink!!!! for art in general idk where it comes from but i have it in my head that i have to render every single thing when i do NOT and im working on not being so bananas about it.. but on the nice side i've always been a firm believer that anybody can draw and maybe should draw once in a while. im not a fan of "practice so you can get good" Nao!!! learning is fun but why is it about being "good" what does that even mean draw with whatever you have even if you think it sucks and then love your creation. it's about catharsis. have some whimsy
4. fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
everything (coughs up blood) actually i Love frills and hair. i DONT LOVE RENDERING FRILLS AND HAIR AAAAHG!!!! also eyes because i never ever draw them consistently i forget how im drawing them every 10 minutes. and for characters this is shameful to admit but i have such a hard time getting emu right she's literally my favorite and my weirdgirl daughter but i just cannot get her regular hair to look right ever. OH ALSO I LOVE SHOES SO SO MUCH AND I JUST CAN'T DRAW THEM... i love chunky sneakers.. loafers... dress shoes... i always get stumped drawing the soles
14. any favorite motifs
oooh my god well since yuo asked i fucking LOVE anything that involves like a stage or acknowledging that the media is a story/a work of art. its definitely revstar and orvs fault but like stage curtains and audience seats and page margins and books and the character(s) staring at the viewer. etc. i hate the monarchy but i freaking love knights. chivalry in general its a gender on its own. also to be generic i Love devil motifs and horns in general and blood but not in a gorey way more like a metaphorical blood on your hands way. i love the light that corrupts im like a moth... umm and like to get really specific the impaling of someone with a sword especially while in a tragic/intimate setting/tender embrace will get me every time. to get really vague anything to do with love even when its sad though personally i believe love prevails. i also love a tragic jester. what else umm stars n space and astronauts but specifically with whatever the future eve MV has going on... oh i love when something symbolizes a characters determination or ambition. best reference for this off the top of my head is the tomato thing in revstar.. im editing the post to add this but ballet even though i hate doing it the visual themes are so good. and i LOVE texture in both digital and physical mediums especially when noise/scratchy textures or chunky paint or visible strokes etc are used to show anger and rage like YESSS rise rise rise it is so Visceral and it is so good. thank u for the ask!!! ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪
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mono-blogs-art · 2 years
2 & 13 for the ask game!
Hello!!! Thank you for the ask, always a pleasure seeing you in my notes!! :D
This got a bit long so I'm putting the Mono-Starlight-lore under a readmore ;)
2. what is your favorite quote from any part of revue starlight (anime, game, stageplays, movie, 4koma, credit card, etc.)?
(credit card lmao) It may be boring to some people by now but this quote from ep 12 gets me every time. Every time I say "hehe this time I won't cry!! :)" and then I do
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
13. how did you get into revue starlight? how long did it take you to get into the game after watching revue starlight (if you did)?
Okay so I think I talked about this on stream some time ago or somewhere else but I'm always happy to tell the story again!! Long story short: pure coincidence of seeing a video on tumblr ca. april/may (??) 2020. It was a post rbed by someone I followed, sadly I do not remember anymore who it was. I didn't follow a lot of anime blogs at the time but some artists I followed back then had probably seen the show. It was one of those classic "xy has these cool things, why aren't you watching this show" type of advertisment posts for Revstar. Something like: It's gay, they have homoerotic sword battles and also the music is dope. And the video they posted was the very specific scene of ep 3, in the Revue of Pride, where Karen and Maya are fighting on the moving stairs and Maya nearly decapitates Karen. Of course, the Revue of Pride is one of the best anime revues so I was mesmerized. I went to look up the show in the tag and was immediately bombared with amazing Mayakuro fanart, because that's most of the content you'll find when you look up the show lmao (convincing argument, ngl). So I went into the show expecting Maya and Claudine to be the main characters (which they are not and shouldn't be, of course) but instead I was overwhelmed by a beautiful story about theater and love that I 100% did not understand the first time I watched. I will absolutely admit this. I think I even made some super early tumblr posts back then along the lines of "so at what point am I supposed to know what the fuck is going on lol". It was early quarantine, so I binged the show in 1 or 2 days I think. I thought it was nice but nothing more. A few weeks later I must have gone through the tag again, or just become interested in it again, and I rewatched the show. The second time, everything finally clicked into place. The timeloop, the way the revues functioned, why Hikari & Karen managed to win after all. I also looked a bit into Takarazuka then and found all these little connections delightful. I joined revuecord and watched the stageplays - and after that, I was 100% enchanted. So that's the story of how I became Starlit, lol.
As for Starira, I think I started playing it on my birthday actually, so that must have been the 17th of June 2020. Not sure about the exact day but it was somewhere around there.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
So I’m curious on whether there’s any official information on the characters’ ages in RevStar, because I looked in a few places and couldn’t find anything conclusive. I have made what I think is a pretty solid estimate with a little bit of research, though, on the off chance anyone is interested.
To start with obviously Seisho is a vocational college focussing specifically on music and the performing arts, so though its students could be high school age it’s more probable that it’s post-secondary school a.k.a. an equivalent of sorts to university which would mean that the students’ ages range from 18-22 depending on which year they’re in and when their birthday is.
But the thing that made me wonder about it in the first place was the fact that in both the sub and dub versions of the show Karen asks for an adult ticket when she goes to the aquarium to try and find Hikari in Episode 4. And based on what I could find, you have to be 20 to be considered an adult in Japan. Now, according to the wiki Karen’s birthday is September 27th so pretty early in the academic year, which seems to tie up since that would mean she could well have been 20 by the time of that episode if her birthday had already happened.
Of course, it is also possible that the age for an adult ticket in that aquarium was lower than 20 as it can vary so it’s not conclusive on its own, but combined with the fact that Seisho is most likely a post-high school/university-level academy it seems to make the most sense to place all of the second year characters so basically all of the main cast at 19-20 years old during the show.
If anyone has any more concrete information that proves any of this wrong then please feel free to correct me but this seems like the most logical conclusion based on what we’re given.
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