#the Hadrianus Carter thread!
dhampiravidi · 2 years
Jade Sawyer was more excited than she’d ever been in her entire life. Just a few years out of college, one of her old professors who’d taken a liking to her had sent her an email about an amazing opportunity. Someone needed a translator for their archeological adventure, which would take place in the Mediterranean region. She happened to meet all the requirements that the mysterious “Mr. Carter” asked for, including being fluent in Ancient Greek and Latin, able to devote up to a month’s worth of time to the project, and (strangely) having no job related to historical studies in any way. She’d studied the languages in school to proficiency, she had tons of time off saved, and she worked at a company that published mostly YA novels. 
She was an average African-American girl, working a job that bored her just to pay the bills. After growing up reading hardly anything but fantasy books for fun, she had resigned herself to a life of boredom. Jade hadn’t been contacted by any magical people asking for help, nor had she dated anyone who she could tolerate more than a few months. So at 26, she thought that was all life had to offer. Until she got the email. Now she was on a plane, about to land in Greece--one of the many countries she’d wanted to visit practically her whole life!
Jade got off the plane and nearly sprinted to the baggage claim, where she picked up her luggage. She considered herself to be a practical packer, bringing only clothes that seemed appropriate for an archeological dig (plus a cute sundress in case she got some time to explore). For the moment, she wore some joggers with a slightly cropped sweatshirt, going for comfort over anything else. And then she saw the man holding a sign with her name on it. 
He was absolutely gorgeous, about six feet all if she had to guess, and somewhere between thirty and forty (not that she cared). His dark, curly hair was windswept, and his brown eyes were in a weird place between puppy-dog and pure sex. Not to mention the part where his muscles were perfectly outlined underneath his t-shirt. In other words, Jade was trying very hard not to drool.
“Hi,” she managed, letting go of the handle of one of her bags so she could be polite and shake the man’s hand, “I’m Jade.”
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