#the Chronoverse says: from the river to the sea Palestine will be free
askthechronoverse · 3 months
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Oh dear. I've never seen the ask system do something like this. I did read your inquiry and our systems are reporting you as a scam artist...
I'm sorry but... that's the lowest thing you can do.
You've taken advantage of the plight of a group of people in the Land of the Man Upstairs who genuinely need the help and are using the generosity of the people who ask us questions and read our blog to line your pockets or the pockets of your employers. That is absolutely shameful. I would reassess your life decisions very carefully.
As for those watching us in the Land of the Man Upstairs: We do recommend providing assistance to those that the system has reported to be a scam artist is pretending to be. There are people in that area that do need your help. That do need your kindness and generosity. Please make sure that any donations you make are to verified funding efforts or charities that are working to provide humanitarian aid, such as esims for Gaza, Doctors Without Borders, or UNRWA.
Please don't fall for traps like this. Your generosity is a gift and you want to use that gift to benefit those who are in current danger.
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askthechronoverse · 26 days
Hi 👋🌸,
I hope you're doing well. I need your Support for our new campaign . We’ve lost our home and jobs due to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in Gaza and are now living in a tent. We’ve started a GoFundMe campaign to escape the devastation and rebuild our lives.
Please check ✅ our story and support us through this link:
A 5€ will be sufficient and supportive to our goal.
If you can't donate, at least please share the link
Thank you for your kindness🙂
Nothing fancy, because it's serious time in the Unikingdom:
Vetted here by association! Sorry for sitting on this, Faroha. I appreciate your patience.
Please donate if you can.
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