#the ACTUAL glue of exo
gavincreel · 1 year
Since you talked about the others in depth but not Minseok I wanted to ask for your opinion on his various dynamics pre and post enlistment
i personally just don't think minseok's relationships with the others changed that much post-enlistment. as the oldest who is not the leader, he has always been treated with some kind of respect but also teased (not as mercilessly as junmyeon, but still). sehun has grown insanely fond of him, though, maybe that is a noticeable difference, and i think that is very cute and charming. he really adores minseok, and he does respect him way more than junmyeon, lmao.
i love xiubaek, i've always loved them, and i loved that stage post minseok's enlistment and pre baekhyun's enlistment, when it was pretty much only the two of them doing everything together. xiubaek is so fun, because minseok is rarely stern but if he is, he is really prone to be strict, and he only ever really dishes out around baekhyun. who loves to tease him mercilessly (a glutton for punishment, if i've ever seen one).
jongdae and minseok are still jongdae and minseok. one of the old married couples in exo, and they always will be. i loved that little tidbit when jongdae said during the let me in mv shoot, that he cannot remember the last time they shot together, because they actually see each other all the time. (the fact that he also said they all see each other all the time for dinner and stuff??? helloooo)
other than that, i wish we would see more of minseok and jongin. that is very interesting to me. they both are such good performers, and more on the quiet side. minseok and kyungsoo, there hasn't been that much change because they evolved in a very parallel line and i think you can tell.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 6 months
tag game~
tagged by the amazing @coquelicoq to list 5 topics i can talk on for an hour without preparing any material! thanksss <3 <3
this is honestly a really difficult one for me cos as much as i love to ramble, the prospect of having to do a talk for an hour about anything would a) make me INCREDIBLY anxious and 2) i would promptly forget everything i know about said subject literally the second i have to do the talk pfft.... wait... the prompt doesnt say i have to do the talk in front of people so hmm... maybe i'd be ok lol
anyway topics time lol (these aren't really in any order btw just writing them as i think of them)!
art history ofc... i could equally talk as much about art i love as much as art i HATE lol (duchamp's goddamn toilet fountain you're going fucking DOWN bitch)... can't promise my hour speech won't just be a list of fun art-y facts lol (like uh in medieval paintings that used gold leaf, artists would put down this red gesso/glue like mixture (called something like boll?) because the red gave the gold a warmer glow than just sticking it onto the plain wooden panel lol) or that it won't be me massively misremembering parts of my degree pfft...
history of the british monarchy lol! ok so i may not currently like the monarchy, but i am a MASSIVE fan of the history of the royals lol... especially the tudor era! a lot of my talk would be me trying to remember the order of the monarchs from william the conqueror until now (which would mean me singing the horrible histories monarchy song lol sorry not sorry)... i would also spend the time being like 'yeh so this one had allegations of being gay, as did this one, and THIS one had several male favourites who he was definitely in relationships with' lol
kpop lol... not really sure what i would talk about? maybe specific groups (exo would be in contention for sure, they have a very interesting history tbh), or just the wider cultural phenomenon and history of kpop? or just like talk about niche kpop groups that basically no one remembers pfft (like that group that jackie chan made lol! already mentioned it on my kpop haveyouheard blog but people in the notes were like 'wait jackie chan did WHAT???' lol...) like i definitely don't know a lot of stuff, but i know more than the average joe so like... it might be fun idk??
queer films lol... i'd also say films in general, but i definitely feel like i have more niche and interesting knowledge specifically of queer films so.... i DEFINITELY could talk for well over an hour about that lol! this would also definitely include me complaining about films like call me by your name and blue is the warmest colour lol... (i actually was speaking to myself the other day about both films and how perceptions of both have changed SO much over the years since they came out lol...) but i'd mainly want to talk about the amazing queer films i've watched over the years!!... i'd also throw in some talk of asian queer media here since i've been watching it for literally 6 or so years at this point lol...
back to history, this time ancient egypt! returning to my childhood roots with this one lol i know a lot of random things about ancient egypt that i could potentially string into an hour long talk? actually recently went to an exhibition at the place where they film downton abbey (it's not called that btw lol) where it had a whole thing about the discovery of tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 which had a lot of interesting info tbh! dont come to this talk if u dont want to hear me talk about all the incest that went on in ancient egyptian royalty pfft... (like...historians believe that tut's mother was also his aunt, and his sister was also his wife, which kinda explain why none of their children survived... royals of all eras really were like 'we have to intermarry to keep the bloodline pure' and it's like (breaking bad bald guy meme) jesse NO that's what's KILLING you!!!!!!!!!!)
for most of these i'd basically say something and then immediately be like 'don't fact check me on that though' because chances are i remembered the thing wrong pfft...
tagging (no pressure to do it ofc!): @abnerkrill @asoftspotforangels @sylvasa @dollopheadsandclotpoles @zelvuska @micamicster & whoever else wants to do it!!
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
We're gonna go ahead with this idea but he says we should take a step she's got parts that are available and even frames no but you can make the frame and Tommy Allen can make tons of frames but the trick is you're gonna make them with a stitch frame method then you got a stamp panels but those panels will be stitch frame attached and it's like a cheesy way to do it that might be illegal for some reason and it might not be that great even though we know it works as long as the blue is good. So you have to test it each batch before you run it. We'll try and mess with it. Reason why it doesn't take off but down there it's warm and if you freeze it it gets ruined. He's interested and the reason is it looks like it will fail looks cheesy it's actually about 25% stronger than wealth or 30% and some say 50%. And BG has designs on those so you've got a whole bunch of parts you can use engines axles transmissions brakes rotors suspension all of that will go on to a frame that is stitched together all the welded connections are just stitched and BG says it is 1/8 of the time because all of the stuff is pressed in welded all the panels are welded on it is just a huge nightmare it takes forever and we don't have time to make these plants and nobody is doing it and we're not even getting the damn equipment that's already made. And a friend says you can glue together robots it's melding and it's stronger than welding because you don't have just the edge welded you have the whole piece welded together and overlapped. Stamp robots and you stamp Jaeger and you stamp all the parts in a matter of fact you can stamp titanium alloy bg says for your exo suits so we want to get going on this
It's kind of funny this is him talking and he gets a little lost but he's thinking of stuff and this is great this stitch idea is perfect because it looks like it's illegal and Australia they make what they want and these guys love glue they love to be on it.
Some of the guys were talking about this morning I heard and we could stitch together a frame and we could stitch the car together and they could make a stitch cars all sorts of stuff came out of them and the glue is this key so you bring a batch in storage test it hold it in storage and it's done I mean your work is almost done. This stuff is going to be so damn fast and the stamping is faster but we need that for manufacturing robots and exo suits it says the stitch method in exo suits is probably better than anything he's ever imagined that's me 'cause you put you can put slightly different materials and still meld them it's different melding material but when you do that you're making a layered armor and it's one of the most powerful systems you can have. And you can attach to it on the outside by putting like an attachment layer if you want to put the clay stuff the ablative and you can do that for specific applications all sorts of things you can do because you can melt to it different so he says all that and it makes a lot of sense and stamping too you're going to stamp out an exo suit and he said you can do it in almost two pieces and you cut the laser precise laser out the joints and you install the mechanics and it's vastly faster and I suddenly see what he's saying and he gave an example and it worked in my head we need to really have an engineer or two and the guys say they won't do it but we can have them in an office near their office and pay them. We need the stitch frame car in a design and he's suggesting the old look for the Australian car because it will look like it's kind of clunky but that's when the stitching started and it's simple and we have all these parts that can fit in it and we just have to make the car the right size to accommodate the engine and the drivetrain and the wheels and tires mostly that's the important part and we get that too we're going to go ahead and try and do a stitch frame because we have the original frame and panels. The panel's kinda screw on and you don't have to glue them they're very simple and that's not hard the frame has some bolts all over the damn thing and BG says they eliminates most of the Bulls and we might do that so we're gonna start making some frames and test it.
And this is how it works it make it possible and Megan Merkel is a hero again and DJA for their people.
Thor Freya
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lindajenni · 1 year
sep 18
grace in the morning
come up in the morning … and present thyself unto me in the top of the mount." exo 34:2
the morning is the time fixed for my meeting the Lord. the very word morning is as a cluster of rich grapes. let us crush them, and drink the sacred wine. in the morning! then God means me to be at my best in strength and hope. i have not to climb in my weakness. in the night i have buried yesterday’s fatigue, and in the morning take a new lease of energy. blessed is the day whose morning is sanctified! successful is the day whose first victory was won in prayer! holy is the day whose dawn finds thee on the top of the mount!
my Father, i am coming. nothing on the mean plain shall keep me away from the holy heights. at Thy bidding i come, so Thou wilt meet me. morning on the mount! it will make me strong and glad all the rest of the day so well begun. — joseph parker.
still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh, when the bird waketh, and the shadows flee; fairer than morning, lovelier than daylight, dawns the sweet consciousness, i am with Thee.
alone with Thee, amid the mystic shadows, the solemn hush of nature newly born; alone with Thee in breathless adoration, in the calm dew and freshness of the morn.
as in the dawning o’er the waveless ocean, the image of the morning-star doth rest, so in this stillness, Thou beholdest only Thine image in the waters of my breast.
when sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber, its closing eyes look up to Thee in prayer; sweet the repose, beneath Thy wings o’er shadowing, but sweeter still to wake and find Thee there.
— harriet beecher stowe
"my mother’s habit was every day, immediately after breakfast, to withdraw for an hour to her own room, and to spend that hour in reading the bible, in meditation and prayer. from that hour, as from a pure fountain, she drew the strength and sweetness which enabled her to fulfill all her duties, and to remain unruffled by the worries and pettinesses which are so often the trial of narrow neighborhoods. as i think of her life, and all it had to bear, i see the absolute triumph of christian grace in the lovely ideal of a christian lady. i never saw her temper disturbed; i never heard her speak one word of anger, of calumny, or of idle gossip; i never observed in her any sign of a single sentiment unbecoming to a soul which had drunk of the river of the water of life, and which had fed upon manna in the barren wilderness." — farrar
give God the blossom of the day. do not put Him off with faded leaves.
public domain content taken from streams in the desert by mrs. charles cowman.
it has been said "God is never late." i might add, He is never early either and we don't want to be. "see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth." james 5:7 friends, that mean souls. could one ever know how precious they are to God? i would go so far as to say most of the agony our Lord suffered in gethsemane was not for His self but for those souls that might be teetering on their commitment to His work. His very sweat became tears of blood, perhaps because His actual tear ducts had dried up. never has such a love been known or shown before.
i have often heard the love of Christ referred to as "sticky love." like removing one's hand from a sticky substance or like a rubber band being stretched to it's limits must snap back. His love only lets go when it has to. perhaps only when we let go of Him. "for i am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." rom 8:38-39 the glue remover lies in our hands alone. only we can cut the rubber band. "remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken." eccl 12:6
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jhoons · 1 year
Oh other companies are def the same. I think sm bg’s have a long history of ssng’s getting way too close far too often. Like I think one was literally in a video they uploaded for one of the nct units cause she was following them around. Other fans noticed cause they didn’t bother to blur out her face in the video and she was well known among the fandom for stalking the group. The company could’ve done something a long time ago about them but they just haven’t. And I’m pretty sure back in the day the stories were really wild
o i think i saw that one actually. yea the one i rmb the most from the ones back then is the one where taeyeon was dragged off stage, someone put glue in a drink etc. to think that this activity has been normalised on a global scale is crazy with fans being so possessive 4th gens cant even look at each other. i've known kpop since 2nd gen and would've thought things would get a little better. it has in terms of kpop artists SOMETIMES getting paid now (rip exo cbx & loona) but in terms of fandom it's still bad in a diff way.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Expecting the unexpected | Baekhyun
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badboy!Baekhyun x Reader, university au!
Word count: 3377 Genre: slight angst, kinda fluff Author: maari Warnings: Mentions of sex, vomit. Baekhyun’s a few years older than the reader, nothing illegal. Note: I wanted to make something way angst than that but well I couldn’t lol sorry for the delay, I swear I'm trying to be as fast as possible don't give up on me ✊😪 Request: Could you write fuckboy! or badboy! Baekhyun and unwanted pregnancy? (Sorry for if i request this before i forgot)  ⫷ Exo Masterlist  
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"And for the main course, we have pasta." Y/N would have laughed at her best friend's exaggerated expression but stopped when she practically felt her entire stomach stop in her throat at the sight of the food, on impulse she covered her mouth and clenched her jaw. "Oh, get it out of here." She asked, the muffled voice seemed weak suddenly and her friend looked at her angrily as saw her moving away from the plate. "Oh it's not that bad, you love my pasta even though it looks like glue." Y/N grimaced, her mouth watered and when she realized she wasn't going to contain everything that was in her stomach to come back, she ran to the bathroom and left everything she had eaten during the day in the toilet, washed her face and brushed the teeth, she didn't want to get the bitter taste in her mouth and stared at her own reflection in the mirror. Y/N felt differently in the last few days, she couldn't explain it but something had changed inside her. She took a deep breath and lowered her head as a single face chased her head. She had already decided that she wouldn't think about him anymore, it was the best thing to do. She had already cried too much for someone that didn't deserve it. Before she could go back to creating scenarios in her head, left the bathroom but stopped when saw her friend with her arms crossed in front of her, staring at her with a raised eyebrow. She knew that look of distrust all too well.
"I'm going to ask you once and I want an honest answer." Y/N just had time to nod. “How long has your period been late?” She felt all her blood run cold as her jaw dropped. She wasn't expecting that question, but that got her thinking. “Two months, maybe?” she replied, unsure actually. "But you know it's normal for me, my cycle was never perfect." And that was true, even when she was still a virgin she had a silly fear when her period was late. She's always lived her life that way. “If I were you, I would go to the drugstore around the corner.” the friend replied with conviction, leaving Y/N confused. “And buy a pregnancy test.” Y/N laughed, humorless and a little desperate. "Don't you think-" “Excessive sleep, routine motion sickness, inconstant mood.” the friend started enumerating and Y/N bit her lower lip. “If you want to lie to yourself, fine, but not to a med student.” Y/N swallowed and was silent. She thought it was impossible but she was afraid, she had to admit, because deep down she knew it might be true.
Y/N was restless. She had bought the pregnancy test a week ago and it was only on Saturday that she had decided that would take it out of the box to do it. But the headache had already set in as soon as she woke up with fear hammering in her head. Ever since her friend had spoken, she couldn't stop thinking about it. The possibility that it was true. Okay, a kid wasn't completely out of her plans and it wasn't the end of the world, but she expected it to happen after she finished college and got a good steady job, and the fact that she was emotionally involved with someone she shouldn't have didn't make the situation any better. The test box was on top of the desk that now she couldn't spend even fifteen minutes studying, with dark clouds over her head. She hadn't even been able to attend the classes for the last week. A lot was also due to the malaise that seemed to get worse, the hunger of an animal out of control with strange food combinations that she wouldn't make if she was lucid enough, pickles with dulce de leche that always led to the toilet bowl minutes later to vomit what hadn't even entered her stomach. She knew that deep down she was torturing herself, it would be much better if she got that doubt out of the way, but she was afraid. Afraid of the result. Y/N stared at the box as bit her toenail and on impulse, she got up from the bed and grabbed the box, heading to the bathroom. The dorm room she shared with her friend was empty as she was taking a test but was far from silent as Y/N's thoughts flooded every inch of that place, she closed the bathroom door tightly and took a deep breath as if had left her mind outside. She left the box on the sink and without looking at her reflection in the mirror, she read the instructions with shaking hands and did what she was supposed to, feeling the anxiety take over her body. And then she counted all the minutes until the result came out, she didn't have the concentration to think about anything else besides this task, counting the minutes. When she was sure the right period had passed, she took the test and took a deep breath before turning to face the verdict. Y/N felt a shiver down her spine at the sight of the two blue dashes and her heart started to beat faster as tears started to blur her vision. Positive. True. So it was true. She was pregnant and completely screwed.
Two weeks. Two weeks Y/N didn't go to class, didn't have a head and even stomach to study, couldn't focus on anything but thinking about how her life had turned upside down in one week. She told her friend, of course, after all she only cried the day she got the result, the friend sure felt sorry for Y/N's deplorable state. When trying to calm her down, she said that she should tell the baby's father and that's when the headache got even worse for Y/N. No, she couldn't. They had never talked about it but she knew that being a father was the last thing Baekhyun wanted to be at that moment, he was enjoying life and a son would limit that. And not even Y/N was planning to. In fact, she would avoid him as much as possible and that's what she did for the last two weeks. She didn't respond to his texts, part of her felt great to retaliate for what he did to her. Didn't even get on your social media. She had disappeared from the map altogether, hoping that if she became invisible the problems would pass. “I’m coming!” Y/N yelled after hearing the bell ring shrill as she searched for a passage in the notebook on top of the kitchen island countertop. She couldn't run away, she needed to go home to tell her parents. She huffed as walked to the door, imagined it was one of her classmates or even her dorm partner but she felt all the walls she'd built in the last few days melt away as stared at the thin, angelic face that carried a devilish smile that made her legs tremble so much. "Hi, princess." He greeted her and Y/N gripped the doorknob even tighter. Before she could say anything, Baekhyun gave her a quick kiss on the lips and walked in while she just stared at him absorbed. “What… what are you doing here?” she asked completely confused and closed the door, then turned to Baekhyun who was standing in the middle of the room. “Is this how you welcome me?” crossed his arms, feigning a hurt expression. "You didn't ask if I'm okay, if I want some water." Y/N took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a few seconds. Of course, it was all too perfect in her plan to ignore his existence, she should have known by now that Baekhyun wasn't the kind of guy to give up easily, not after she was completely melted in his arms. “Hi, Baekhyun, how are you?” she asked wryly and saw him nod in agreement as she smiled. “Want some water?” “No ice, please.” he replied and she remained staring at him, as if wanted to make sure he meant it. Seeing he wasn't joking, she rolled her eyes and headed towards the sink, trying to look completely normal even though she was shaking inside. With her back to him, as she filled the glass of water, she wanted to hit herself. Why did she let him in? She must have slammed the door in his face, as she had several times when he showed up after missing for days. "You'll travel?" he asked interested and Y/N stopped, looking at the glass as if her hope would come out of it. She turned around slowly, holding the glass tightly, and saw him staring at the notebook with a raised eyebrow. On wobbly legs, she walked over to the counter, slammed the laptop's screen shut, and held out the cup to him. "Family problems." was all she replied and he looked at her suspiciously, taking the glass but making his fingers meet hers. Y/N felt her whole body tingle at the contact and the way he was staring at her. Dammit, she go a few weeks without seeing him and when she actually saw him reacts like a silly, infatuated teenager? "Is that why you're avoiding me?" he asked, looking uninterested and drank all the water in one gulp. Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "I thought it made no difference to you." She had convinced herself of that. Y/N and Baekhyun met at a party at one of the frats at the college she attended, he was a few years older than she, had already finished college but showed up at parties because he was a legend on campus. He had created one of the college's most famous fraternities so the invitation to the campus was already guaranteed. Baekhyun didn't go unnoticed that day, of course she had noticed the light haired boy with the angelic face, but after hearing about who he was, she figured she would never get close to him. Well, until one of the completely drunk students pushed Y/N hard against Baekhyun and she literally fell into his lap. She was obviously amused, stuttered so much and her face turned so red that she didn't understand why he didn't just laugh in her face right away, however, he just kept her on his lap, stroking her back and assuring her that he was fine. When their eyes met so close, his soft voice mesmerized her in the same second and instead of focusing on the class as she had promised her parents, it shifted the focus entirely to a single person, him. Y/N wasn't one to sleep with guys the first time she saw them but that changed when she met Baekhyun, she sat on his lap all night but instead of being in front of everyone, the two of them were alone in one of the rooms . It wasn't hard to get addicted to the kisses, the caresses, and the way he molded her body. Though her instincts warned that this was dangerous, she allowed herself to give in, and even the next day, when she heard rumors that he was the womanizing type, who came back to campus on Friday just to hunt women until Sunday, she didn’t accept. She ignored it. And she started going to every party, hoping he was there and he was. It was all casual, no strings attached. He'd made that clear several times and even though Y/N ​​felt her heart sink, she agreed. Sometimes he disappeared, didn't respond to her messages and all that corroded inside her because she liked his playful and cheerful way, it made her day better. But she didn't play the boring and clingy girl, she also managed to be mature enough to understand that it was just sex. Sex with breakfast the next day but it was still just sex. However, the part that warned her was right and she quickly found herself dependent on Baekhyun. No other guy kissed her the same, no other guy touched her the same way. The comparisons came and the desire to be with other guys went away, it was then that she realized the worst had happened. She had developed feelings for him. And that made her surrender even more, even though she knew she shouldn't, held on to the hope that maybe he felt the same things as she did, because even though Baekhyun appeared to be the bad boy, that's how everyone labeled him on campus, he was kind and sweet. No bad boy would hug her every night they were together, no bad boy would tell her to rest after a long day of studying, he always did and there must be a reason for that. “Y/N?” "Huh?" spoke as she realized he was staring at her as if waiting for an answer. “Did you hear what I said?” she opened her mouth to answer but looking away, Baekhyun placed his hands on his hips. "What happened to you?" Y/N was taken by surprise. "What do you mean?" Baekhyun knitted his brows and took a step towards her, scrutinizing her closely. "You’re different. You disappeared, you didn't respond to my texts, you didn't show up to your classes for two weeks and-” That made Y/N smile slightly. “Did you look for me?” she asked in surprise and he stopped where he was. Every friday Baekhyun parked his car in front of Y/N's building and drove her away from campus, one of the reasons she believed that maybe he wasn't as heartless as they said. He wouldn't mind picking her up if it was just for sex. And the fact that he knew she hadn't been gone in the last two weeks implied that maybe he had gone on other days. Baekhyun took a deep breath and walked over, stroking her arm so softly it made her body shiver. "No girl compares to you, I already told you." her smile widened and he took the opportunity to bring their faces closer, their noses almost touching. “I missed our nights.” Y/N felt her face wither and before he could kiss her, she pulled away tucking her hair behind the ears and hugged her body. It wasn't what she wanted to hear. "What's it? What I said?" he asked, confused and she turned to look at him, upset. “You still ask me!” she threw up her hands in frustration. "You have no shameless." "Oh come on, doll." Y/N shook her head and went to the door, opening it angrily. "Get out." she asked and Baekhyun looked at her offended. "Speak seriously." he laughed in disbelief and she got even angrier. “I’m. Leave." she spoke slowly and held her gaze but he didn't move an inch. “I came to see you!” he accused and she rolled her eyes. "Just so you can take me to bed later because that's all I’m to you, your bed partner." she replied, her eyes watering. Damn hormones, she had to stand her ground. "I thought it was fine that way, you never complained." It was true, which was why she felt stupid. How he would understand what she was feeling if she'd never talked about it, he couldn't guess. “Like you said, it was fine.” she lowered her head, looking away again but felt that Baekhyun stayed the same, analyzing her. “What really happened to you?” Part of her heart wanted to tell the truth, but she just gripped the doorknob tighter. "Nothing." she replied dryly but out of the corner of her eye she saw him approaching steadily. "You think I don't know when you're lying?" one more step. "That I don't know when you don't want to tell me something?" another step and she lay still, her tongue itching to speak. "That I don't know when your whole body indicates what you want to do?" Y/N felt the tears even stronger and all her strength was focused on holding back her words, she couldn't speak. Even if should. "Look at me." he asked so gently that she wanted to give in. “Y/N, look at me!” As if her whole body was on the boil, she slammed the door just as screamed. "I'm pregnant!" Silence remained, not even the sound of breathing could be heard. Both in the same position, she scared and Baekhyun completely shocked. The open mouth, the static body. He looked like a statue. Y/N didn't count the time but it seemed like an eternity before she managed to look up at Baekhyun, feeling guilty, and saw the poor guy with his head cocked to the side. “Is this serious?” he asked, still confused. "If you think I'm doing this to keep you in a relationship, you can walk away." she replied, offended and was willing to go back to her room if he hadn't taken hold of her arm as she passed him. “Take advantage and close the door.” Baekhyun stared at her so deeply that the leftover will that she had ended up evaporating in the same instant that his piercing eyes met hers, the firm way he held her even though it didn't hurt, after so long away from physical contact was the enough for her legs to shake again. By the way his eyes sparkled, Y/N was sure he was going to mock her with his usual playful way, she was already expecting the grip in her heart but contrary to what she thought she knew he kissed her. She put her fist on his chest so she could pull away but he took advantage of the movement to grab the back of her neck and keep her there while he devoured her lips with such passion that seeing she couldn't resist, Y/N sighed and stopped fighting, her lips lost on his in the same heated dance as a shiver ran through her body. Y/N felt her lungs complaining for shortness of breath and bit his bottom lip without hurting, bringing the flesh between her teeth as she pulled away. She let go of his lip but Baekhyun still kept her there, close enough that she wouldn't walk away, not that that was an option since the way his heavy breath beat so deliciously against her face. "Do you think you'll settle everything with a kiss?" she questioned weakly and saw him chuckle slightly. “No, actually I just missed your mouth.” "Baekhyun-" she tried to pull away again but his hand that was on the back of her neck went to her cheek and caressed it. “You're not giving me time to digest. It's not every day I find out I'm going to be a father.” Y/N studied his face, looking for any sign of giving up or something like that but… couldn't find it. Wait a moment. “Aren't you angry?” He smiled once more looking at the skin of Y/N's cheek, making her melt completely. "Well, I didn't expect to be a father so soon, but it better be with you." he said, looking back into her eyes. Now it was Y/N who was completely confused. That wasn't quite the answer she'd expected, it wasn't by far the best scenario she'd imagined. "Why?" She wanted to understand, refused to fall back into her own false expectations. "It wasn't obvious, was it?" he chuckled and leaned in to kiss the tip of Y/N's nose, who closed her eyes at the contact. "I fell in love with you." Y/N opened her eyes at the same second and felt her whole stomach churn, it didn't help that Baekhyun stared so intently and she found nothing but sincerity. He was in love with her. This was real. Not just one of her crazy dreams. She smiled as her eyes filled with tears. Who knew, in the end, Baekhyun wasn't even as badboy as they said.
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Catching Rain
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your life. You attended a nice college, had nice friends, a nice boyfriend. That’s what your life was: nice. You weren’t looking for anything more, so what were you to do when this seemingly harmless boy walked into your life and turned your nice little world into one much more dangerous?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I Epilogue
On closer inspection, the house in the middle of the field was quite pretty. Simple, white, well kept. A secondary building with metal walls sat adjacent to the house – a garage, perhaps. Waiting on the porch was the man from earlier. Baekhyun. Now you remembered his name. He was joined by a few others – Chanyeol, Sehun, and one you didn’t know – who stared at you in curious wonder. Their eyes were wide and investigative, as if you were the supernatural creature and not Minseok.
“Looks like the cat’s out of the bag,” Baekhyun said with a snicker.
“Or pup, in this case,” said the one you didn’t know. Black hair that fell over his forehead and an upturn sat in both corners of his lips, though he wasn’t smiling.
Minseok merely shook his head as he pushed past them into the house. The screen door shut with a loud slam. You flinched at the noise. Chanyeol sighed as he glanced at you. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Yes, please,” you nodded. He motioned for you to follow him inside.
Through a short front parlor and a cozy living room, he led you into the kitchen where you stood awkwardly. The only noise came from the water flowing from the refrigerator spicket. The ice clinked as it moved around the glass. Your eyes wandered across the large, open space. Sunlight poured in from the windows in the two outer walls. It gave the whole room a yellow hue despite the white and light gray coloring of the cabinets and backsplash. Whoever had last designed this room had done so in a way to make it feel bigger and open, welcoming even. You wondered if there must have been a woman living here to give the finer touches. Minseok hadn’t mentioned anyone beyond his male roommates. The thought of a woman living amongst them made you slightly jealous, but you shoved it aside when Chanyeol held out the glass for you.
“Thank you,” you murmured before taking a sip.
He nodded shyly. His foot tapped lightly against the hard wood floor with his hands shoved into his pockets. He looked everywhere except for at you. Feeling eyes on you anyway, you glanced over your shoulder just in time to see several crops of hair disappear from the hallway entrance.
You scoffed. “You guys act like you’ve never seen a female before.”
“Not one like you.”
Minseok stepped into the room wearing a t-shirt with frayed edges where the sleeves had been cut off and a pair of basketball shorts. As angry as you were with him, the distrust still very much apparent, you were fighting the urge to run to him. What was this stupid, conflicting feeling? Making eye contact with Minseok, Chanyeol ducked his head and hurriedly left the kitchen.
“So,” you crossed your arms after putting down the glass and leaned against the counter, “is this the part where you explain to me what the hell is going on?”
“I will, but not here.”
“No, you don’t get to do that!” you snapped. “You didn’t want to tell me in the forest, so we came back here and now you don’t want to tell me here?”
Minseok shrunk back. “I just meant down here. Can we go upstairs? Away from where the others can hear?”
That suggestion could be accepted. Actually, you felt a little bad for exploding, but could you really be blamed? Given the information dump you were steadily receiving today? “Oh. Okay. Lead the way.”
Minseok’s hand twitched at his side, but he kept it in check as he turned and headed back up the stairs. The top spilled out into a hallway lined with doors. This space wasn’t as bright as the kitchen. Different shades of dark brown covered the wooden floor and plaster walls. No windows gave view to the outside making you feel trapped. “This one’s mine,” Minseok said. He held on to a handle of one of the middle doors and waited for you to come closer before pushing it open. When you saw what lied beyond the door, you nearly smiled.
On the walls were posters of famous soccer players and indie movies you’d never heard of. The bed was made with military precision, not a creased comforter or half-strewn pillow in sight. Against the far wall under a singular window was a desk. The notebooks were stacked in the top right corner, the edges so straight a ruler wouldn’t be able to find fault. Pens and pencils occupied a small cup to keep the rest of the desk clear.
“Not what you expected?” Minseok asked as he closed the door.
“Yes and no.” You stole a glance at him over your shoulder. “It’s very… neat.”
Minseok smiled shyly. He shuffled over to the bed and sat down. If he expected you to take the spot next to him, he was wrong. Instead, you chose the chair. A precaution for yourself.
Neither of you knew where to start. Who was supposed to talk first? What part should even be considered the beginning? Unable to continue in this awkward silence, you jumped in feet first.
“You can really… turn into a wolf?” The words felt like glue in your throat. Creatures like that belonged in fairytales and fantasy films, not a college campus.
“Yeah,” Minseok said. “We all can. All nine of us.”
“All nine.” Oh, great. A whole pack of them. “Even the one’s I met?” Stupid question. He’d already answered that, technically. But Minseok simply nodded instead of calling out the redundancy. “So, were you all bitten or-” You felt ridiculous basing the current situation on myth and legend, but what else did you have to go on?
“We’re all born this way. You can’t be like us from a bite or a scratch. It has to be in your DNA.” He snuck a peek before beating you to the next question. “The moon doesn’t really influence us either. I mean, its easier to see by at night in the forest, but it doesn’t force us to change. We can do that whenever we want. Witches have more of a connection with the giant rock in the sky.”
“Witches! They’re real, too? What else is real? Vampires? Dragons? Goblins?” What kind of world had you stumbled into?
Minseok flinched. “Maybe we should stick to one subject at a time.”
“Right.” That was probably best for your sanity. “So, if you have to be born like,” you gestured to him, “… this, does that mean both of your parents were, too?”
“Just my dad,” Minseok said. “Females wolves are extremely rare.”
“Well, that’s sexist.”
“Hey, we didn’t make up the rules. It’s genetics.” He scratched the back of his neck, twitching his lips from side to side. “I guess I should say that silver doesn’t bother us either.”
Why did you feel relieved at that random fact? It didn’t matter, as that wasn’t the most pressing issue to you. “Earlier you mentioned that it wasn’t you killing the campers-”
“It wasn’t any of us!”
“I believe you.” The words tumbled off your lips. And you realized that it was true. You couldn’t twist the nervous, sweet guy in front of you into a mindless killer. The way he was explaining everything slowly, cautiously, giving you time to understand. He wasn’t hiding anything from you. Not anymore. “I’m just confused when you said it was an omega?”
“Its just a ranking system within a pack,” he explained. “Alpha, beta, MR, omega. Junmyeon’s the alpha of our pack, he’s in charge. Yixing and I are betas, second in command. We help enforce Junmyeon’s word and keep an eye on the younger wolves who like to cause mischief.” He chuckled, as if remembering times when said mischief occurred. “The rest are all MR – Mid-ranking. They all have their own duties should they be needed. Well, except for Jongin and Sehun. They’re the youngest wolves so they get special treatment most of the time. Its okay, though. They kind of make you want to take care of them, the way they are.”
You nodded filing all the information away for later recall. “And the omega?”
“A wolf without a pack. Nine times out of ten they were kicked out for defying the alpha, for putting their own interests ahead of the pack. Without that structure, a lot of them turn feral.”
“Nine times out of ten?”
“It’s extremely rare, but sometimes a wolf will choose to never join a pack in the first place. It’s nearly unheard of though. We’re too social of creatures. Nine-point-five out of ten would probably be a better number.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that came out. Of course he would bring up math in a time like this. Minseok laughed along with you. Eventually, though, it died out, along with the smile that had been growing on his lips. “There’s something else I need to tell you.”
Picking up on his mood, you tilted your head to the side. “I don’t think anything else could take me by surprise at this point.” Minseok stared at you pointedly. Your stomach began to sink. What other little secret could he possibly be harboring at this point? You didn’t think anything could be as shocking as his shapeshifting abilities.
“Have you ever heard the expression ‘wolves mate for life’?” he asked cryptically.
“Well-” he shifted, crinkling the perfect comforter in the process. “We don’t know why it happens. Junmyeon thinks its nature’s way of compensating our ‘otherness’ while Jongdae just thinks it’s another level of torture.” An uncomfortable laugh. “But, um, every wolf has their own mate. Just one, that they stick with for the rest of their lives.”
Unable to keep looking at him, you leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees. “So, are you saying that you all get to pick whoever you want as your mate and that’s it? You claim them because of what you are?”
“No!” Minseok jumped to his feet. Swallowing visibly, he cleared his throat, but remained standing. “No, we don’t get to pick. It happens out of nowhere. Our mates are chosen for us before either is born. And we can meet them under any circumstances. Some favorable, some… not so much.”
You looked up at him “What are you trying to say, Minseok?”
He walked up to you, each step hesitant, each step full of fear. Crouching down, he sighed as he looked into your eyes. “What I’m trying to say, (y/n), is that… you’re my mate.”
At first, you only blinked. The words had to be soaked in one at a time before you could piece them together and understand the sentence as a whole. “I- what? How do you even know?”
Reaching out, Minseok took ahold of your hand. You didn’t fight it. The electricity was practically singing between your skins. “Really, all it takes is one look. A few seconds of eye contact and the pull takes hold. But this feeling we both get when we touch, its confirmation. And then there’s this.”
He pulled your hand closer, pressing your palm against his chest. The heat transferring through the thin fabric was enough to make you sweat, but that wasn’t the point of this exercise. It was the rate of which his heart was beating. As he stared at you with awe, his heart sprinted as if it were in second place of a race and needed to pass just one more runner to win.
“Every time I see you, this happens,” Minseok whispered. “It doesn’t matter how good my day has been, its always better when I’m with you.”
“We haven’t even known each other that long.”
“It doesn’t take long, apparently.”
You frowned, confused. “Apparently?”
A small smile pulled up one corner of his mouth. “I’m the first one in the pack to find my mate. The first one to experience this.”
The first…. You wanted to laugh at the romantic angle your brain was seeing this.
A knock came from the door. Minseok stood up, reluctantly dropping your hand before answering the intrusion. “Yeah?”
Several roommates were standing in the hall, all peering around Minseok to get a better look at you.
“Kyungsoo said it was time for dinner,” one of them said. “And that he could hear your mate’s empty stomach from downstairs.”
“And it took all of you to come tell us?” Minseok questioned as he folded his arms. He shifted to block more of the doorway, shielding you from their stares.
“It was an important job,” another one said.
Minseok looked back at you before sighing. “Tell Kyungsoo that I’ll be down in a second.”
The door was shut before the argument could be finished. The rush of footsteps faded in the background until it was only the two of you once again.
“Are you hungry?” Minseok asked. You nodded sheepishly. “You don’t have to go downstairs. You can stay here and I’ll bring it up to. Kyungsoo’s a good cook so whatever he made will be delicious.”
“Actually, I’ll go down with you,” you said, to the surprise of both of you. Everything Minseok had told you was still sinking in. There was too much to process and completely comprehend, but the pieces were fitting together. And you were curious about life here. If you really were meant to be his mate, maybe you should know where that road led. It was the right at the fork. You’d uncovered a sign that gave you a clue to where it was headed. You wanted to follow it.
Minseok waited patiently as you stood up and walked towards him. He let you out the door first. There was a moment where your fingers brushed as you passed. You could feel the muscles in his hand tighten. He wanted to take your hand again – and you almost let him. But you held back. There was still something stopping you. Or, rather, a who.
The noise hit you halfway down the stairs. Being told that nine people lived together and truly witnessing it were two very different concepts. There was no order that you could see. Most of the boys sat around the table, conducting multiple conversations at once that overlapped that you had to wonder how they could understand each other. A few sat in a small booth off to the side in a world of their own. It was the kind of breakfast nook you’d only seen before in home magazines. Two boys stood at the counters, their backs to the chaos behind them.
One of them – sporting a very well put together look and black rimmed glasses – turned and smiled at you and Minseok. “There you are. Glad to see you came down.” He held his hand out to you. “I’m Junmyeon.”
“The alpha,” you said as you shook his hand.
“I see Minseok told you most of it,” Junmeyon said.
“Pretty much everything,” Minseok corrected.
You felt your face contort as you tried to pinpoint where you’d seen this man before. “Wait. Aren’t you a professor?”
Junmyeon laughed. “Yeah, I am. In the literature department. Folklore, to be exactly. But I’d prefer if we kept this between us.” He sent you a wink to show he was teasing. Behind you, Misneok growled, making you jump. “I’m just playing, Minseok.”
“And I’m sure he’ll be playing when he rips your head off,” the other stove-top occupant stated. He held out a plate for you piled high with food. There was no way you would be able to eat all of that. “I’m Kyungsoo, by the way.”
“(y/n),” you greeted back. “It’s nice to meet you.” Taking the plate, you tried to hand it off to Minseok.
“No, that’s yours.”
Not wanting to be rude, you said between gritted teeth, “I can’t eat all of this.”
Minseok pinched his face as if debating on something. “Fine. We’ll share.”
“Are you sure about that?” Junmyeon asked. “There won’t be any left over for seconds. You know that.”
“It’ll be fine.”
Shaking his head, Kyungsoo held on to one side of the plate and added another scoop of rice and meat each. “Just in case.”
After thanking him, Minseok guided you over to the table with a hand hovering over your lower back. Even without the contact, you could feel the heat coming from his palm. Or maybe it was just your imagination filling in. Minseok pulled out a chair for you on the empty end before sitting next you. It was obvious he’d purposefully placed you away from the others.
“Possessive much?” Baekhyun snorted as he dug into a plate of his own.
“I’m sure it’s just instinct.” The comment came from one of the more slender boys – Boys? Wolves? You weren’t sure how to address them properly. Maybe later. Your brain needed a break. The one who had spoken had a very pointed face, but in a way that was still handsome. You weren’t sure if you’d seen him before or not.
“That’s Yixing,” Minseok said. “And the last one to meet, I guess, is Jongdae.”
Jongdae turned out to be the curled-lip one who still wasn’t smiling. In fact, he was the only one not in some level of a cheerful mood as he sat in the breakfast booth. He barely looked at you while everyone else was. Some were even blatantly staring at you as they shoveled in food to their mouths.
“You should eat.” Minseok picked up a fork and stabbed a slice of marinade-covered meat, holding it out for you to eat like a child.
“I can do that myself, thanks.” You took the fork and chewed slowly on the meat. It was good. More than good, really, so you took another bite and another. Soon, you were full, though there was more than half a plate left. You scooted the plate over to Minseok. “Okay, your turn.”
“You’re done? Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m stuffed.”
Minseok didn’t reach for the other fork he’d grabbed, as if giving you a chance to change your mind. When you made no such move, he dug in. You smiled at the way he ate, enjoying every bite with satisfaction. At the sight of every plate being empty, Baekhyun stood up. “I’m going to watch a movie,” he announced.
“Oh, that sounds like a good idea!” Jongin said.
Yixing asked, “Which one?”
Baekhyun shrugged. “I don’t know. Whatever’s new. (Y/n), want to join us?”
Minseok cut in. “I don’t know if that-”
“I’d love to!” You turned to Minseok and gave him a cheeky smile. It felt a bit defiant. Perhaps he wanted to explain more to you or spend time with you alone in general, but you wanted to know how this group operated together. You wanted insight to their normalcy. Getting to your feet, you picked up the plate, but Junmyeon reached over and took it from you.
“Don’t worry about this. We’ll clean up.”
The alpha wouldn’t have it. “You’re the guest. Shoo.”
More than happy with that argument (dishes weren’t your thing by a long shot), you followed the cluster of excited men to the living room. They crashed on nearly every surface – the couch, the chairs, the floor, anywhere they could fit. Minseok approached Jongin and Sehun who had taken a corner of the long couch.
“Move,” he ordered.
“But we were here first!” Sehun whined. Jongin look over to you and then got up without a word, sitting down on the floor with his back against the coffee table.
“You’re really going to kick the youngest off the comfortable seat?”
You tried to break up the awkward exchange. Well, it was awkward for you since you were the reason for the discussion. “It’s fine, really. I can sit on the floor.”
“You’re not sitting on the floor,” Minseok told you. To Sehun, he said, “I’m the eldest and she’s a guest. Please move.”
For a second nothing happened. Then Sehun huffed. “Fine.” He got up and joined Jongin on the floor. He lied down on his stomach and pulled out his phone, over it already. You felt bad but saw no point in arguing. Minseok let you sit first and then, once again, sat between you and Chanyeol, who happily occupied the other side of the couch.
Baekhyun flipped through a streaming service until he landed on a superhero movie. Everyone cheered at the choice, then quieted down as he pressed play. Someone turned out the lights so only the glow of the television remained.
Sitting shoulder to shoulder and leg to leg, you were hyper aware of Minseok. Arms crossed over your stomach and fists clenched, you told yourself repeatedly not to reach for his hand or lean on his shoulder no matter how heavy your eyelids were getting. Erik may have hit pause on your relationship, but there wasn’t much of a discussion of lines. You didn’t know the rules of that scenario and what was and wasn’t allowed. But as your tiredness grew, your willpower weakened. After a few bobs, your head landed softly on Minseok’s shoulder. It was too comfortable to move. It felt too nice, too right. Like his shoulder was the one you were always supposed to lean on. And that was when Minseok made a move of his own.
Holding your head up, he adjusted his arm so it was now draped over your shoulders. Your head rested against his chest when he laid you back down. Something vibrated against your cheek. Was that… purring? No, it had to be the booming from the movie. Right?
It didn’t take long for you drift into sleep. The movie was one you’d seen before so you couldn’t use that as an excuse to stay awake. You weren’t sure how long it had been. A slight bopping motion roused you. In the shallowness of your conscious you made out that you were being carried. Carried up stairs… and into a bedroom. While still holding you, that person managed to pull back the covers and tuck you into bed. As the arm slipped away you grabbed hold of the wrist. Through the slightest slits in your eyes you could make out Minseok’s silhouette.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he whispered. “Go back to sleep. I’ll take the couch downstairs.”
“No. Stay.”
He froze at your request. “Are you sure?”
Even in the darkness, you could see him smiling. “Okay.” Shutting the door, he peeled back the covers once more and slid in beside you. Happy wasn’t even close to how you felt when he pulled you in close to his chest. You drifted back to sleep with a smile on your face.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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Summer & Snuffles from Rick & Morty // Cosplayers: eileen.chase & aachase1401
So, how did you come up with Snuffles exo-suit?
SNUFFLES IS MY SLAVE NAME!  YOU MAY CALL ME SNOWBALL BECAUSE MY FUR IS PRETTY AND WHITE!.......It's a pretty awesome character and one of my favorite TV shows.  I always loved Snowball, probably because I love dogs so much. 
Coming up with the logistics of a costume that isn't really proportional to a human person was a challenge. I figured the best way was with a black puppeteer suit and to create the illusion of a non humanoid.  The LION KING Broadway show did this really well with the animal puppets.  So that really helped inspire me to go that route.  
Luckily, cosplayers before me have come up with great builds that served as source material to chose from.  I had lots of cosplays to reference when it came to the over sized hand puppets.  Keegan Sommer and his dad did a Liberty Prime cosplay last year and were kind enough to send me some build photos of the arms.  For the legs I used various Velociraptor costumes as inspiration.  The head was tricky, I got lucky that my idea worked.......barely worked.  I finally got it to work the morning of Con!
That exo suit looks like it took time to put together! Could you talk about it?
I started with a base.  A cardboard box for the torso with arm and leg holes, and jumped off from there.  I did a small mock up of the legs to try out joint movements, and get the positions correct before I put together the PVC skeleton. 
The joints were made of PVC....fun fact, when making a pin for joints...USE A BOLT!  the wire i used initially snapped under the weight 20 min before contest judging.  THANK THE STARS FOR MEGACON COSPITAL! 
They were a godsend and helped me fix the foot joint with a much thicker Pin. The structure around was expandable foam from the hardware store.  I covered the PVC in it and carved the foam down into the foot and calf shapes.The Hands were balsa wood and Insulation foam.  I made a base/grip for the glove that worked the outer fingers. 
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The puppet fingers were made in three parts, with balsa wood, fishing line on the inside, and elastic on the outer side.  I put thimbles in the fingertips of the gloves to lessen the "give" of the string as it pulled. 
This part took a lot of tweaking to get the desired result.LEDs:  I had never worked with a soldering iron before, so I was worried about getting the lights to properly work.  So i took shortcuts where possible. lol.  The light in Snowballs Helmet is a twisty Tea light that people use for decor.  
The LEDs in the hands were strip LEDs that are used to decorate bedrooms and even came with a remote so i could change the color and pulse if I wanted too.  But I did end up doing some custom soldering that I'm very proud of.  The lights in both shoulders and collar are ones I put together.SNOWBALL: This was the most fun.  The centerpiece of the costume is what needed to be right.  Everything else could suck, but this had to be good. 
I've never needlefelted before, but I knew it was the best way to create a custom animal.  I really have to say, it's my new favorite hobby!  Seriously, it was an absolute blast creating this piece.   If you're looking to add a cute animal or felted piece to your cosplay, take up needlefelting!
 I've become a huge fan of the medium and was surprised at how easy it was to get used to, especially if you're already a sculptor.   Normally you can't really felt onto a piece of Styrofoam because the wool will just fall out.  But i needed the base to be solid for the puppetry to work, so what i did was glue felt pieces onto the styrafoam base and then felted a base layer of wool onto that felt.  It worked pretty well. 
The fur will never be as solid as if the entire piece was felted, but it worked well for this cosplay.   I build the face up the most, added glass eyes and a nose sculpted from thermoplastics.  The arms and legs were wire with wool wrapped around them. 
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The helmet was an upside down bowl I found at Party City.  It was the size and color I needed, so i cut away until it looked like a visor attached to a shorter helmet, painted the non visor parts, added foam and then glued on some Dixie cups.  The light is just a party cup I thought looked cool.It's easier to describe the build process when i have the accompanying photos.  So i'll be creating a step by step guide on Instructables.com like I did with my Power Loader.  Hopefully it will make more sense, and other people who love the character can see my successes and mistakes and improve on the design.
Any interesting or funny response from congoers while walking around Megacon in the exo-suit?
Well, i made a child cry.......so there was that.   It was actually kind of cute.  He was fine until the head moved.  That spooked him.  Another funny thing was when my sister and I were filming a recreation of the "where are my testicals" scene and I accidentally hit her in the face because my vision is limited in the suit.
How has cosplay impacted your life since you’ve started cosplaying?
There's a great line in the book "The subtle art of not giving a f***"  That says we are happiest when we are setting goals for ourself and overcoming obstacles to achieve them.  It's a great feeling and I think if you have the chance to challenge yourself, go for it.  It's a great feeling that lasts well past Con even when all the attention has worn off.
 It's also great to learn new skills.  I learned how to work with electronics this time around, LEDs and many more that I'll continue to use outside cosplay.  The other ways it's affected me is by severely limiting the amount of closet space I have available..  Big cosplays take up big space. I'll probably need to get a storage unit at some point.
Rick & Morty on Amazon https://amzn.to/3s1tsa8
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO D.O.: You & Me. (P9)
Genre/Desc: Loosely adapted from A Love So Beautiful
Char: u x soo
Series Page
‘Honestly that game was planned for girls to have an advantage so you don’t end up doing this, but i guess you’re just bad at games’ the class rep, joohyuk laughed at you
You continued whining and sulking while tugging the logistics bag. All these misfortune…
As if the fact that minji sunbae was your group leader wasn’t enough. And also the fact that kyungsoo literally gave the lunch you made for him to Minji sunbae. And how they just stuck to each other like glue the whole day. All the scenes played over and over again in your head.
‘Y/N ah, ive been really curious for quite some time now, can i ask? It might sound abit intrusive since we aren’t that close’ 
‘Oh, you have a question for me? Sure! That’s surprising.’ 
‘Is there something between you and woohyun? Or is it between Kyungsoo and you?’
‘What do you mean?? We are all just friends!’ Perplexed by his question
‘I clearly saw you and woohyun holding hands just now! Like near the lake!’
‘Oh please!! That’s just because there were a lot of potholes, he was just helping me so I dont fall in’
‘Oh, really…Then what about you and kyungsoo? He always has his eyes on you you know. At first I thought you were into him too, but nowadays you and woohyun seem pretty tight’
Always has… his eyes on me?
You felt your heart skip a beat. But for once you told yourself not to get your hopes up. Not knowing how to take that information, you kept silent for a while.
Breaking the silence joohyuk suddenly added
‘You know how earlier when we were supposed pair up, I saw him looking at you even before Minji Sunbae asked him to partner. But you agreed to woohyun so fast haha.
And also it wasn’t by chance you got coke alright, kyungsoo actually went to another group that had coke to swap out the Fanta grape for you. I was with him to collect the drinks, they made him dance for it, and he still did it.
It’s hard to believe he doesn’t have a thing for you’
You stopped in your tracks as you heard those unbelievable words ring through your ears.
‘I... I really doubt it.’
After some hesitation, you told joohyuk
‘I keep telling him i like him and keep doing so many things for him but he is just so neutral about everything. i cant even tell what he’s actually feeling on the inside.’ 
Chuckling, joohyuk patted you on your shoulders, 
“Anyway, play along with me later, ill propose we play a game before the confidence walk tonight.’
‘Huh, what, why?’ He winked at you and doubled up his pace, and you chased after him to spill the beans. -------------------
‘Okay, everyone pair up for the confidence walk and tell me your pairs so i can keep track’ Minji sunbae instructed the group and the chatters started again as everyone sat around the bon fire. 
‘Sunbae, why dont we play a game to decide our partners instead? For the whole day most of us have just stuck to our own friends.’ Sungjong asked with a tinge of aegyo and that was enough for everyone to agree, including Minji Sunbae.
‘Let’s do this! We’ll see who can hit the lowest note among us with Do-Re-Mi you’re out if you go out of tune or can’t hit the note. The winners take turns choosing partners!’
when you bugged Joohyuk to tell you what he’s about to do tonight, he said he would make sure you and kyungsoo partner tonight!
There wasn’t even time for you to ask him what’s going on, and the game already started. And as fast as it started, as fast you went out of the game.
Joohyuk that liar, I’m not gna get to pair w kyungsoo…
Giving up hopes on pairing w him now, you watched as the game went on and kyungsoo was actually doing pretty well !
And it wasn’t long before just joohyuk and kyungsoo were left. And, kyungsoo actually won!!
‘Kyungsoo you’re truly a singer’ joohyuk clasp at his throat, fake coughing while giving his praise. And of course Minji Sunbae had to give her smile of approval which you scrunched your face at.
‘Anyway, since Kyungsoo won, you get to choose your partner first’ Minji noona started joyfully and you saw her nudging Kyungsoo a couple times, hinting to be chosen
You saw them exchanging eye contact with each other. Simply can’t bear to watch this, you just decided to look away and play w the fallen twigs instead. Then out of the blue, 
‘I.. I choose Y/N’
————— Is there anyone interested in a D.O. perspective? If there are any reblogs ill write a part from his! Otherwise ill save the effort :D
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gavincreel · 1 year
i agree with everything you’ve said about exo’s vocals and why they work so well together as a group EXCEPT for minseok. if you listen carefully to a lot of exo’s songs minseok’s voice is actually the glue, he may not have a lot of main lines and striking parts but his singing and harmonies in the background further help all of the exos voices to gel together so perfectly
oh, i do agree with this for the most part. the comment was more born out of the amount of vocal skill each has; while minseok’s voice works really well within the group (and also, side note, is desperately needed in and the reason why cbx works so well), he’s not as good of a vocalist as junmyeon or yixing, for example! that’s pretty much all there is to it. another side note, he also is the glue whenever they perform live, he’s the single member that actually covers the most ground during a lot of choreographies. he’s very talented and well-rounded. not a lot of groups have performers like that. he really carries them.
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sexydreamgirl · 3 years
Yup. Some do molka (taking inappropriate pics of people, more commonly women), some climb onto stage to try and grab the idols, etc.
The most famous I think is Kim Yeoshin is a sasaeng fan who supposedly tried to kill other idols in an attempt to get rid of “EXO's rivals.
There’s also this German guy who is OBSESSED with Nayeon from Twice and claims to be her boyfriend, I think he snuck onto a plane or something at the airport for her (he also has a YouTube channel).
Someone poisoned an idol’s coffee too. And someone put superglue on an idol’s drink as well.
Yeah, in October of 2006, someone gave TVXQ’s Yunho an orange juice drink with super glue mixed in it. After drinking it, he began to vomit and was immediately rushed to the ER; the idol was hospitalized for a few days of treatment.
what the actual hell? these people are legitimately sick
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titanharem · 3 years
Guess who's back that's right it's your boy skinny pe-
Have some HC's for rainy day
~ Betta-1 is very scared of cats. More specifically white cats. They're way too pretty to not be evil (she was proven right after she decided to pet the prettiest white cat she's ever seen, and it nearly killed her Ghost)
~ Betta's Ghost is named 6 because he's her 6th ghost. Asterine's ghost is Icarus, because when he revived her, he was covered in feathers and glue. (He had just left an elementary school that had a very rowdy arts-n-crafts class). Angelo's ghost is named Madre, since she acts and sounds like his mother who passed giving birth to Angelo
~ Angelo's mom is a retired Guardian who generally just vibes with the team, acting like the Grandma who needs adult supervision then an actual adult. The others don't know their parents, but Asterine constantly contacts her sister. She and Betta-0 knew everything about their past, making Betta reset and turn to Betta-1 while Asterine immediately and constantly talks to her family!
~ Cuddle piles. It's exactly what it sounds like. Everyone USED to be allowed, the Vanguard was invited once and in the end it was closed off to close friends and family.
~ Angelo bakes and sells produce created in the farm to the Citizens of the Last City and The Tower. It makes him happy to see people eatting his cakes and cookies!
I know you said "for a rainy day," but I wanted the HC's of your characters now, and I love them all. I’m also just gonna lump this in with the rest of Lore Trade because I can. I want nothing more than to be in a cuddle pile with them, and I'd love some baked goods from Angelo. I don't mean to be a homewrecker or anything, but I'm just saying, I'm pretty single-
Orion-9 may be an Exo, but he also gives the best hugs, and if you’re in range, you’ll be hugged (unless otherwise stated that you don’t want touch or anything). His fireteam is frequently just snatched up into a big ol’ hug because Orion is just like that, and he cares about them a lot. His partner Dusk-4 gets the most hugs though, simply because of romantic intent (also when she becomes Vanguard they don’t see each other as much as they used to when they were on a fireteam together)
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h2omyeon · 4 years
You Were Beautiful (KJM x reader)
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Summary: You had been in love with your classmate Kim Junmyeon for the last year and a half. You finally find the guts to tell him the truth about how you feel, but at the wrong time. (PS: Chanyeol makes a cameo in this story and Junmyeon is an Art History major!)
Pairing: Junmyeon x Female Reader
Tags: College Student Junmyeon, Art Hoe Junmyeon, bittersweet stuff
Warnings: Mentions of suicide towards the end of the story (not in this chapter)
Word Count (in total): 8.5k
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first ever story I wrote and published on here. Feel free to leave comments and I will try to publish each chapter weekly! This story is based off of a combination of dreams that I had which included people who weren’t Junmyeon and Junmyeon himself during the beginning of this whole COVID pandemic (AKA: when things began to fall apart). Like the world that I was living in at that time, this story/dream is just as (I hope to believe) chaotic. I also apologize if there are a ton of plot holes in the story because it was based on a dream and I could not think of any filler parts. Enjoy!- PS
PPS: This is the second to last part of the story and yes, I have written the entire thing already! Because of some personal stuff that I have related to work, I will not be publishing the last chapter until August 16th. I hope you all have enjoyed the work up to this point!
Read the previous parts here: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 
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Chapter 3: Natural Delivery
Your alarm rang; it was D-day. You couldn’t believe you kissed him, the man of your dreams. You smiled even thinking about, but then a rush of sadness hit you because he was going to leave you all from today. It was 6:30 in the morning when you woke up and you could hear Junmyeon and his family starting to pack the stuff in the car and talk to one another in Korean. 
Before leaving for the airport at 7 that morning, your sisters had groggily said goodbye to Junmyeon and he had given them $40 each to spend. He thanked your mother for being so kind and helpful; you and your father were in the car watching him say goodbye. You had a letter in your hand you wrote to Junmyeon before last night, explaining everything you had felt for him and gave him some pictures you two had taken at various photo booths throughout the city. 
The ride was occasionally silent, except for when your father and the older Kim’s would engage in conversations about politics and asked Junmyeon about his flight details. Mr Kim played some music; “Me Gustas Tu” by GFriend blasted through the car speakers and you all (except your father, who didn’t know the song to begin with) began to sing along while you and Junmyeon did the chorus dance hand movements. It was ironic that on the day the person you liked was leaving, this was the song playing. 
“Did you know our nephew was an SM trainee?” Mrs Kim asked you and your father. You both shook your heads. That explained why he was so good at dancing. 
“Aunty, it was for a month,” he replied in Korean, then said: “Yeah, all I did was not get sleep and train all day for something I didn’t know if I actually wanted to do.” 
You all chuckled then went silent, while watching the traffic. You sang along to the rest of the song alone, while Junmyeon looked out the window and then looked at you while you were singing. 
“Y/N, you sing so good!” Mr Kim stated. 
“No, I just like this song a lot, Mr Kim,” you gushed. Junmyeon smiled at you; you smiled back. Junmyeon was definitely a better singer and knowing that he was an SM trainee confirmed the reason why he was so good. 
“Your pronunciation isn’t that bad, Y/N. You kinda sounded like Yuju when you sang at that moment,” Junmyeon said. You didn’t know the members' names, but you were honored. 
After a few more songs and more stories from the Kims and your father, you had finally reached JFK airport. You helped Mrs Kim and your father take out the bigger luggages onto the trolley cart; Mr Kim hugged his nephew for one last time and told him he loved him and how much he was going to miss him. You watched Mr Kim sadly walk into his car and think briefly, knowing his nephew will have to go through the difficult training he went through himself, before entering the airport. While at the airport, you all decided to grab some breakfast. 
Your father and Junmyeon fought on who would pay for breakfast; Junmyeon gave in and your father had paid for the quick breakfasts you all ate from the Dunkin stand. 
“I’ll miss Dunkin Donuts,” he admitted as you all walked to the baggage check in stand. 
“There aren’t any in Korea?” Your father asked. 
“No,” Mrs. Kim and Junmyeon replied at the same time. 
“There are Starbucks,” he disclosed. “They’re way better in Korea though.” You rolled your eyes, remembering the debate you two once had over this topic. 
Once you reached the baggage check in, you all were no longer allowed to go with him past that. Junmyeon checked in his big bags and was given his boarding pass; the flight was at 10:30 and it was 8:00. Before walking into security, Junmyeon said his goodbyes to Mrs. Kim in Korean, thanking her for all she had done these three years. Then, he went to you. 
“I will miss you a lot, probably the most out of everyone here. I said all my thank yous and I love yous last night, but I really love you and always have, I really do. Thank you for everything and I really hope to see you again. Think of me,” he said with a smile. You hugged him tightly; he was so comforting and from today, you would no longer feel that warmth. You were going to miss him deeply. Tears formed in his eyes and you all were about to cry. 
“Stay safe, serve well and don’t forget to call and text us when you get there, Junmyeon.” Mrs Kim said. He walked to your father while you sipped your iced coffee and silently cried. 
They both looked at one another in silence. You knew your father loved Junmyeon like his own son; they had an immediate bond. “Hey, buddy, I know we didn’t talk a lot, but I saw you make my daughter the happiest she had been in a long time. I haven't seen her smile and laugh with anyone for a while and I’m happy it was with you,” your father said. “Good luck with your service and if you ever need any help, you know where to call,” he addressed with a smile. He gave Junmyeon a big hug and they embraced briefly. 
“Thank you for accepting me into your home whenever I needed help. I felt protected and welcomed by you all. And I will definitely call whenever I need your help,” Junmyeon replied to your father.
“That’s what fathers do, right?” he replied with a fatherly chuckle. You all laughed. They hugged again and he walked up to you. 
“Stay safe, okay?” you said, holding his hand while thinking about last night. He assured you that he would stay safe and that he would call you as soon as he got to Korea. Both of your smiles disappeared from your faces when you let his hand go. You all looked at one another in silence. 
“Hey, let’s take a picture,” you suggested. The rest of the clan agreed; you asked a young French woman to take the pictures on your dad’s cell phone. After a few pictures, Junmyeon hugged you all for one last time and walked towards security. You put his letter in your pocket and walked out of the airport alongside your father and Mrs Kim once he turned into a tiny figure in the entrance towards security. 
The ride home was overcast with sadness and silence; you cried most of the way home. You felt like you were Elio Perlman in Call Me By Your Name after Oliver had left; your father held your hand the whole way home while he looked out the window in silence. Mrs Kim tried to console you from her passenger seat as best as she could. 
“That boy was like glue,” Mrs Kim said. “He brought two families together without realizing it. Thank you to the both of you and your other family members for making our nephew Junmyeon feel welcome, I really mean it. He talked about you all as passionately as he did about those art pieces he studied in school,” she continued. 
“He was a special kid who made my daughter the happiest-” your father admitted. You had fallen asleep by then, while the elders continued to have a conversation about Junmyeon and based on Mr. Kim’s experiences, how his life will change after the military. 
You were asleep for 30 minutes when you were awakened by a buzz coming from your pocket. It was a text message that had come from Junmyeon, but just as you were about to read it, your phone battery had run out. 
“Junmyeon said he is on the plane and that he will miss us all.” Mrs Kim said; she was talking about the text she had received. You accepted that he would be gone for a long time and that you needed to live your life the same way you would if Junmyeon were there. 
To pass time before you went home to live your life post-Junmyeon, you began to sing some songs in your head and one of the songs that popped up was “For Life” by EXO. You thought about the lines: “Never gonna let you go, giving you my heart and soul.” You initially heard the song in 2016, during a New Year’s Eve party your cousin Tiffany had invited you to and imagined some random celebrity as the love of your life you would pour your heart and soul for. Little did you think at that time you would ever find yourself giving up your heart and soul for someone in real life until you met him.
Another hour of traffic ensued and you fell asleep again, this time your father fell asleep as well. You could faintly hear Mrs Kim was talking to her sister in law (Junmyeon’s mother), wishing her a happy birthday, with Mr. Kim saying happy birthday as well before falling back asleep again. 
By the time you woke up, Mr. Kim reached the neighborhood parking lot and after scurrying around the lot to find a spot, he parked his car next to your father’s. Just as you were all about to leave, your father’s cellphone began to ring; it was Angela. She never called your father unless it was an extreme emergency. Angela worked at the airport as a cashier at a duty free perfume shop on the weekends. 
“Hello? Angela, what’s wrong?” Your father asked. 
“Mr. Y/L/N, I tried calling Y/N’s phone, but she isn’t picking up and neither is Junmyeon.” you heard Angela explain through the phone. 
Did he miss the flight? You thought. Your brain spiraled into a frenzy and thought of every possible situation. He spoke English very well, so he was able to understand the announcements and by now he should have flown out of New York; it was 11:00 AM and his flight left at 10:30, a half hour before. You all had left the airport at 8:30. You couldn’t hear the rest, but based on your father’s face, it was not good news. 
“What happened?” Mr Kim asked your father. “Is everything okay? That Angela girl is crazy, but she would never call unless something bad really happens.”
“There’s been an accident.” 
“An accident?” you asked. 
Your father took a deep breath. “Angela called me to say that a plane crashed outside of JFK fifteen minutes after it went off the runway. The flight left earlier than it should have and everything was deemed as fine, but somewhere along the way, the plane’s engine started to act up and despite doing an emergency landing, the plane crashed and caught fire.” he explained  
“It landed in some construction site and based on the severity of the damage and what she heard through word of mouth, it seems like no one survived the crash. She doesn’t know what flight it was yet, but she will call me and let me know.” 
“Oh my god!” Mrs Kim exclaimed. “Let me call Junmyeon. Oh, I hope he is okay!” She tried calling him multiple times; it went to voicemail each time. 
There was no report of bad weather today, you thought. But it did rain last night, so it might have been partially because of the weather. You felt like you were living a fever dream; you were on cloud nine twelve hours ago and now you felt the end of the world nearby. 
“Honey, he already left. You can’t call him.” Mr Kim explained to his wife in Korean. Mrs Kim’s face turned pale in worry that her beloved nephew was dead the moment he was supposed to leave; Mr Kim was consoling her on the quick walk home. They both began to call everyone they knew, including your mother. You and your father were both too stunned to say anything.  
Your mother and sisters had reached the Kim residence after hearing the news from Mrs Kim, and your father went to go use the bathroom. Your mother, and the Kims talked to one another frantically. 
“What happened?” your youngest sister Molly had asked, sitting on the same bench where you and Junmyeon had confessed your love for one another less than 24 hours before. 
“A plane crashed and we don’t know if it might have been Junmyeon’s flight,” you explained. 
“Bro,” Natasha exclaimed. “You really believe Angela?” 
“Angela may be strange at times, but she is not a liar,” you snapped. “This is serious, Natasha!” 
They were just as stunned and by then your father had come back from the bathroom. You all prayed in silence that Junmyeon was okay and it wasn’t his flight that had gone through that tragedy. 
A few moments later, the phone rang as soon as your father reached the house and you all sat on the porch in worry. It was Angela. You picked up the phone immediately, while everyone watched you in worry. 
“Hello?” you uttered. She indicated that based on the information provided to her fellow employees and supervisors, the plane that had exploded was going to an Asian country, although which country and airline it was, she did not know yet. She also said that there were survivors, but did not know how many there were. After a minute’s silence, she got back on the phone and told you the flight number of the plane that had crashed. 
“There is good news and bad news: There are about twenty survivors out of the 178 people on the airplane. They have, unfortunately, not found any more survivors and yes they are still looking. They are being taken to nearby hospitals  as we speak and for now, all other flights have been delayed.”
Angela took a deep breath before she shared the news of the flight. She was a journalism major, so it was natural for her to deliver news, good or bad; despite her natural strangeness, she was able to successfully deliver bad news without crying and good news with a panned face. However, her voice changed, which meant it was definitely serious. 
“It was Junmyeon’s flight to Seoul that crashed onto the construction site.”
Part 5 (and final part)
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bisexualhobi · 4 years
ana can you list all your biases and why they're your bias/their position in their group i'm tryna see something
omfg what are you trying to see 👀👀👀 but yeah sure!!! let’s go
hoseok: main dancer, dance captain, lead rapper, sub vocalist. he’s my ult of ults because of his passion, personality, positivity and versatility. he is an all-rounder, he can sing, rap, dance, write, compose, produce, and has the stage presence of a god. fruity scale: 9/10
key (shinee): lead rapper, lead dancer. he’s my ult because of his big personality tbh. i love his creativity and passion, his fashion style, he’s so so funny and caring and strong. he’s my lgbt icon. fruity scale: 11/10
ten (wayv): main dancer, center, lead vocalist. i am in awe of this man’s talent and i know he is the next taemin. i know it. he was my second bias after hobi and now he’s my ult. i love his bold personality and his passion. he’s also SO pretty it makes me wanna cry. fruity scale: 10/10
baekhyun (exo): main vocalist, lead dancer. i hate this man. this is the only bias in my list where i actually refused to stan he’s so annoying i hate his ass he’s so loud and obnoxious (so i truly see myself reflected in him). but he has my favorite voice in kpop and one of the best in the industry. his personality is BIG and loud. fruity scale: 6/10
taeyong (nct): main rapper, main dancer, center, visual, face of the group, leader. this man is the definition of all rounder but his personality off stage is actually quiet, shy and very soft. he used to be my bias wrecker but i upgraded him to bias because i am deeply obsessed. i don’t actually like his rapping skills that much but i love his singing voice and his dancing. fruity scale: 10/10
hoshi (seventeen): main dancer, dance captain, lead vocalist, sub rapper. i love this man so much because of his talents and the way he glues his group together but i get annoyed at him so often kshfkdjgj you can tell this man has six gemini placements in his chart. still he is my favorite dancer in svt which is hard when you have that many good dancers together. fruity scale: 7/10
seungkwan (seventeen): main vocalist, center. i’m sorry but with a group as big as svt i can’t have only one bias!!! i love seungkwan for his big, loud personality. he’s sooo funny he makes me laugh sm ahhh and he has the voice of an angel. fruity scale: 9/10
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i-m-snek · 5 years
Hi, I was thinking about getting an exo terra for the beardie I just took in but was trying to figure out the mounting for the UVB. I saw you had a exo terra for Kitana and I wondering how you mounted the UVB fixture in her tank. Thanks for your time!
Hey there! :D So the fixture I have has two little holes in the back, so I genuinely use the suction cups with hooks to hold it up there :) I actually glue the suction cups to the glass though LOL
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yeolkisses · 5 years
History, Moonlight, Beautiful, What U Do, Universe, Electric Kiss~ Some of my favorite EXO songs
Thank you for sending some in!!! 🤗 I hope you’re doing well!!
history: what gives you more energy, the sun or the moon?
I’d definitely say the moon! I like the warm sunlight but more often than not I complain that it’s too bright outside 😅 plus I’m typically more productive and active at night
moonlight: do you prefer the stars or the moon? why?
I prefer the stars! I’m not really sure why, I’ve just always kind of liked the stars lol. The moon is pretty too, but there’s more to look at when it comes to the stars, I guess? I don’t know lol
beautiful: what’s your favourite flower?
I really love all flowers! But I’d say my favorite flower is probably a peony
what u do: what’s your favourite summer memory?
Answered here!
universe: what does love look like to you?
Hm, this is kind of hard, maybe based on the way I’m interpreting it. Visible love is kind of a weird thing since things that look like love might not actually be love, and because love comes in all different forms and depends on the people...I’ll just say that love is best represented with a smile, a genuine one that you just can’t stop. Love is hard times, yes, but love is also the happiness and warmth another person brings you, no matter who it is.
electric kiss: do you prefer big parties or small hangouts?
Definitely small hangouts!! I don’t do well with big parties lol I tend to glue myself to one person I know
EXO Song Asks!
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