#the 5 tyrans
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epic-arc · 1 year ago
Summing up jaune's crossover ships 2!!!
1- Fate Apocrypha
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This ship has two scenarios: You are a fan of fate apocrypha or you think jaune and astolfo would be like this:
''Hey astolfo do you want smash?'' ''Yes jaune I want you to smash me with your beautiful and giant muscles and make me yours! Breed my bussy!'' ''Bro i just asked if you wanna play smash bros''
2- Arcman
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I believe that people who like this ship like the ''golden retriever boy with a black cat girl'' theme. Also dead boyfriend and dead Girlfriend.
3- Yo-Yo Knight
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Congratulations, jaune, you're going to have your sweatshirt stolen all the time. But seriously, it's a cute ship and I imagine Jaune is surprised and impressed by Yo-Yo's tricks.
4- The power of love
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You are a height difference fan and enjoy shortstacks. And I believe that Jaune would be the most affectionate guy with her.
5- Crazy Knight
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This is if Tyran was a chick and wanted Jaune to be his boyfriend. And goodbye to the boy's pelvis.
6- Spider Knight
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Well, that would be a really cool relationship to explore. Like gwen trying to hide her secret life as a spider woman from jaune. But I believe that Jaune would find out at some point and wouldn't deal with Gwen and would try to help her in some way.
7- Hack and Slash
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Congratulations jaune your hair is so powerful that it attracted one of the strongest milfs. We really have to follow what Nora says...
8- Holy Knight
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These two make a cute couple but now imagine when Venti gets drunk how much flirting he would do to Jaune.
9-Deadly Alliance
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This ship here is the phrase ''i can fix her'' but very extreme!
10- Jewellery Knight
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''Then something just snapped, something inside of me. I didn’t care anymore. I didn’t care about being better than Ruby, i didn’t care about being a Huntsman. I DIDN’T CARE IF I’D LIVE. I DIDN’T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING.''
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cryptiam · 7 months ago
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[Sims 4 Lot Tray File] - FNAF: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place (v4.0)
Heard a few times that the last update file wasn't working for people, here's a newly made Tray File for the latest Sims 4 update. I have also completely replaced the interior to better fit FNAF and pizzeria vibes. If the tray file is still not working I'll post a Gallery version soon ID: Cryptiam
This lot uses various cc, download them below to use this build in-game.
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CC USED ("~" is for cc used but you could probably go without it):
1) FNAF Custom content by BeaJoinsTheGame
2) FNAF Floors by Tyran-the-tyranical
3) FNAF Walls by Tyran-the-tyranical
4) Ultimate FNAF Posters by Tyran-the-tyranical
5) FNAF Plushies Collection 
6) FNAF Pizzaplex Walls, Floors, and basically all files on the page here:
~7) Restaurant/Store Sign Decals
8) Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place Sign (FNAF Movie Sign)
9) FNAF Animatronics + Pirate Cove + Fan (Deco)
10) FNAF Stage, Paper Pals, coin machine: 
11) FNAF Movie posters:
~12) FNAF Mr. Gumball deco:
~13) FNAF Pizza boxes: 
~14) Functional Wall Phone by awingedllama:
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Base Game Compatible
30x20 lot size
Community Lounge Lot
Watch me speedbuilding the exterior:
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▼Download the Tray File on my Patreon here:
How to install/use:
1) Have all the important CC installed
2) Unzip the file below and place tray files into your Sims 4 documents>Tray folder
3) Find a community lot and open/place from your saved Gallery
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alterrune · 7 months ago
Operations Emperors Abyss
Mission 1: Syntax Error
Details: Terence and the Toppat Radical’s have an underground server facility setup in the UK. These server’s contain some details on Terence’s new weaponry and technology. We believe he is looking to robotic warfare with drones and machines, and we want to put an end to these operations. Break into the facility and pull the plug on his servers.
Titan Security System: The facility has been outfitted with special security, keycard readers, security panels, and cameras can’t be destroyed or hacked, be careful.
Small Arms Only: We've had issues smuggling weapons to the mission site. You're going to need to bring small, easily concealable weapons. Only pistols and SMGs will be available.
Extra Cameras: Terence doesn’t want to take any chances, so he’s set up a serious amount of cameras in the facility. Because of the Titan Security System, the cams can’t be destroyed nor hacked.
(All 5 of us are in a sewer line going directly underneath the compound. The plan is to set a few bomb charges and flood their operation with sewer water. The bomb charges are ones that I made, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, yet packed with enough explosive power to blow a hole through any wall. However, we're all less than happy with the current situation.)
Kyle, what exactly were you on when you thought of this plan?
A LOT of sleep medication, Alter. I've had some really bad bouts of insomnia from this, remember?
Yeah, but even though you were pretty much sleep-talking, you made a valid point. "If they're deep underground, let's go deeper underground". That was what you said, and honestly, it was pretty genius of you.
Alright, pretty sure that's the last of the charges. Are we all ready?
Sweetheart, just detonate the damn things already. WE'RE IN A SEWER!
Yeah, let's go.
(Henry detonates the charges, which causes sewer water to rocket through the floors of the facility up to it's ceilings. Not only are all personel completely knocked out by the blasts, but all the security systems got completely drenched and short-circuted, knocking it out completely.)
WHOO!!! That was AWESOME!
Let's get outta here before someone else shows up, Kyle. Adam, beam us out!
(We're beamed out, and just like that, mission complete!)
(Terrence returns to the compound, only to find the floor to be completely blown out, revealing a sewer pipe below.)
Hey, boss!
(Terrence whips out his gun, but stops himself from firing it when he realizes it's merely one of his underlings.)
What the hell are ya doing down there, ya bloody idiot?!
(Terrence has a heavy British accent. He was raised in the UK, after all, and only moved to the Toppats when he heard they needed a new leader. To him, that was the best time of his life, but to everyone else, it was the worst time in the Toppat's entire existence.)
The CSB got us, sir. Mind helping me up?
(Terrence is about to shoot him, but he decides not to. His rage is at the CSB, not his head scientist. He extends a hand out, helping the poor man out.)
Let me guess, those blokes left a message?
Yes, sir. Here.
(Terrence unfolds the note and reads it.)
Terrence! Long time no see, fuckface! You know, we didn't miss you in the slightest. The Toppat Clan is doing WAAAAY better than when you were in charge, y'know? We all called your tyranical rule the "Age of Suave", because it was so bad it felt like AGES before the Toppat Clan did something about it. And like all tyranical rulers, you were defeated. And if you can be defeated once, it sure as hell can happen again.
Hope you burn in hell, you piece of shit.
Kyle Gibbons✍🏼
Violet Wolfsbane💜
Henry Stickmin 🔵
Ellie Rose 💕
(Terrence takes the note, pins it to a corkboard, and throws a throwing knife at the corkboard, landing dead-center on the note.)
Dr. Grey, run a scan. There's someone we need to kidnap for a ransom. "Édouard Labarthe" is his name. And if ya get anymore calls from that bloomin' idiot brother of yours...
Oh, trust me. Earl and I have been out of contact for a while now. As far as he knows...
..."Jerry Grey" has been dead for a long, long time.
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sorrydupuis · 11 months ago
ton blog m'a donné envie de me mettre à spirou. Tu aurais des tomes à conseiller pour commencer ?
Wahh je suis trop contente d’entendre ça ! Et oui bien sûr :3 Sous un read more vu que c’est devenu un peu plus long que prévu
Deja tu peux lire tous les tomes de Spirou et Fantasio sur VK
Je recommande évidemment de commencer par la période Franquin vu que c’est celle qui pose les bases de l’univers. Même si le personnage a eu des aventures avant dessinées par Rob Vel puis Jijé, je trouve que c’est plus intéressant de revenir sur ces périodes une fois qu’on a une vue d’ensemble sur la série.
Les tomes essentiels/préférés pour moi sont :
T2 Il y a un sorcier à Champignac
T4 Les héritiers (Zantafio ❤️)
T7 Le dictateur et le champignon (ZANTAFIOOO 😻)
T9 La mauvaise tête
T15 Z comme Zorglub & T16 L’ombre du Z (c’est un diptyque)
T17 Spirou et les Hommes Bulles (surtout parce que la deuxième aventure c’est Spirou et les petits formats et elle est juste trop mignonne 😭❤️)
T18 QRN a Bretzelburg
Bien sûr si l’univers te plaît tu peux lire le reste des albums de Franquin puisque beaucoup de choses y font référence plus tard dans les albums des autres auteurs. Et puis aussi c’est bien :)
Ensuite dans la période Fournier mes préférés sont :
T22 L’abbaye truquée
T23 Tora Torapa
T28 & T29 Kodo le Tyran et Des haricots partout (un autre diptyque)
Fournier a un style un peu plus fantastique que Franquin, ça se voit surtout dans ses décors que je trouve époustouflants surtout dans ces quatre albums. Le diptyque aussi a des moments trop mignons entre S&F arghhh 😭 ❤️
Tu peux passer la période Nic & Cauvin parce qu’elle est sans plus.
Ensuite la période Tome et Janry (T33 - T46) est juste INCROYABLE je conseille de tout lire. Genre vraiment. Tout est excellent 🔥 Mention spéciale à la Vallée des Bannis et Vito la déveine YAOI COCAINE
La période Morvan et Munuera n’est pas incroyable non plus, je conseille de la zapper. Ils essaient de sortir du moule un peu mais entre les scènes d’action insupportables de Munuera et les romances pourries manufacturées par Morvan ça donne juste un résultat bcp trop tryhard et CRINGE
Après la période Yoann & Vehlmann est cool ils font des trucs intéressants avec les persos mais je ne suis pas vraiment fan du graphisme de Yoann. Il n’y a que 5 tomes et ils sont assez courts donc je conseille de les lire aussi 👍
Le tome 56 la mort de Spirou est vraiment excellent par contre, je le recommande vivement.
Après en dehors de la série principale il a le Spirou c’est une série ou différents auteurs peuvent faire du Spirou à leur sauce. Pas obligé d’avoir lu la série principale pour les lire, voire au contraire puisque la plupart des Spirou de s’éloignent de l’univers ‘classique’ de Spirou.
Je recommande TRÈS CHAUDEMENT!!!!! Le Spirou de Schwartz et Yann (Le Groom vert de gris et La femme léopard partie 1 & 2) parce qu’ils sont top et très touchants et franchement. Yann et Schwartz ship clairement Spirou et Fantasio… ils passent leur temps à se faire des câlins et y a pas 3 pages sans une blague/allusion sur leur statut de couple c’est trop mignon aurghh 😭
J’ai beaucoup aimé aussi le Spirou de Fabrice Tarrin La crypte de Champignac et Spirou chez les Soviets. Je trouve qu’il a vraiment une bonne idée des personnages et j’adore son style de dessin.
Il y a le Spirou d’Emile Bravo (Le journal d’un ingénu et L’espoir malgré tout en 4 tomes) qui est aussi excellent, extrêmement bien écrit. Mais S&F sont assez loin du Spirou et du Fantasio dont on a l’habitude.
J’espère que ça t’aidera désolée pour cet énorme pavé 😭 mais une fois que je suis lancée je peux pas me taire ❤️ j’espère que tu aimeras la série !!!
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morroodle · 2 years ago
Rewatched skybound and ohhhh boy I am having thoughts
Sky pirate Morro au!!!
Wish 1: learn spinjitzu
While searching for the toomb Morro says something along the lines of "I wish I was a spinjitzu master". Unbeknownst to him there happens to be a particular Jinn nearby, and his wish is granted.
Wish 2: find the toomb
He figures out what's happening and talks to Nadakhan, somewhere along the way telling him a bit of his story but the only part that matters to Nadakhan is that this is the master of wind. Eventually Morro makes his second wish: to find the toomb of the first spinjitzu master
Wish 3: o fuck he dying
Just because Morro found the toomb dosent mean he can pass the 3 deadly trials, and he eventually finds himself dying. He's alone and scared and crying out for help from literally anyone when he remembers the weird 4 armed magic orange guy, and he wishes. He wishes to be saved and he is! Safe and sound, Morro now owes his life to Nadakhan (or maybe Nadakhan twisted the wish or something to make morro owe him) and happily accepts the offer to join his pirate crew
The reason Nadakhan was interested in Morro is because of his elemental power, after all he's a pirate who sails on a ship and being able to control the wind would give him quite the advantage. Morro joins the crew and finds a new purpose and a family with the pirates, having the time of his life doing lots of crime and shenanigans (he is not mentally healthy but thats ok).
When Nadakhan is defeated and his crew is split up Morro gets sent to the cursed realm and spends years suffering and having a bad time and becoming cool until the end of season 5 (how does season 5 happen without morro? Idk some random ghost replaces him or something) when he escapes the preeminent. He stays in Stix until he finds the teapot of tyran and frees his captain and season 6 happens but morro is there being a cool pirate now.
Fun fact! I've actually thought about this au before. Last year for morrotober I drew morro as a sky pirate but I never really fleshed out the au. Maybe i should redraw that old piece now...
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ukenceto · 8 months ago
hsdfg I've played the Vasgar chapter in Gears 5 like a billion times and I just found out that the Nomad woman u save as part of one of the side missions (that later gives you the cloaking upgrade) actually speaks Tyran if you hang around there and annoy her enough (prior to the moment she seems to also trash talk Paduk in Vasgari lol)
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lucywrites02 · 2 years ago
ASKING YOU ABOUT YOUR FAVS 💖 please tell all about them !!! 👀👉👈
Meet my harem of tall and traumatised husbands <3 I didn't want to go into details of their characters because that wouldtake a loooong time. This post is just a little list :3
1. Loki
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Look at this face. This is the face of a god. I love this poor little meow meow. He's in a desperate need for a hug and therapy. He likes green, and I respect that 👏 Seriously somebody please hug him. This person could ask me to gift them the stars, and I would do that. Loki deserves the world <3
2. Miguel O'hara
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Look at him. I need you to look at him. He's gorgeous. And Oscar Isaac voiced him. And his a genius. He was a scientist before he became spider-man and he build his own suit using nano tech. That's very nerdy of him. I love everything about him. He has some serious anger issues. And fangs. Venomous fangs. I'm so horny for this man
3. Optimus Prime
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Big alien robot <3 My brain goes brrrr every time I see him. The biggest softie and the greenest green flag. Please just give him a break. My baby is constantly under stress.
4. Din Djarin
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HE'S SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER LET ME MARRY HIM. An amazing father. Him and Grogu (baby yoda) are such cute little family. And his voice? Pedro Pascal knew what he was doing. I would die if Din Djarin looked at me. Instant and beautiful death.
5. Stephen Strange
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Magic man! He has a really interesting character (I'm talking mostly about comic Stephen). He loves his wife from another dimension. An insecure little boy that needs a hug and 2 weeks vacation to finally fucking relax. Seriously, man, take a freaking break.
6. Megatron
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Is he a manic tyran with genocidal tendencies? Yes. But I could fix him. I like the "more than meets the eye" version of megatron because he's in his redemption arc era in those comics and the fanfics about that SLAP.The amount of angst and guilt you read in those stories? That's my shit.
Special mention:
Castiel and Dean Winchester
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I had to mention them. I love those characters. I would die for them. An angel and monster hunter. I am not normal about them. They are perfect in every way. And the fanfics about those two slap hard. I cried several times while reading stories about them. Also they are married.
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claudehenrion · 1 year ago
La ''Sagesse des nations'' ? 
Je dois confesser que mon incompréhension est totale devant les attitudes des soi-disant ''grands hommes'' qui croient diriger le monde alors qu'ils ne font que le mener vers des abîmes sans fond, avec un entêtement qui pourrait confiner à de l'admiration si le sujet n'était pas effroyable... La ''sagesse des Nations'' fut longtemps ''de fait''. Elle est devenue une farce ! Et un des sujets sur lesquels nos leaders sont le moins compréhensibles, concerne tout ce qui touche à la Russie. Un bref ''retour sur images'' permettra de voir plus clair dans le drame qui pourrait, géré comme il l'est, faire ''Pschitt'' dans des délais assez courts.
(1)- Un peu d'histoire : pendant près d'un siècle, tous les prétentieux qui s'auto-qualifiaient de l'Intelligentzia ont limité leur analyse politique et leur compréhension du monde à un suivisme inconditionnel de l'URSS, de ses performances lamentables et de ses maîtres abominables. Cette erreur grossière –en réalité une faute majuscule-- est inexplicable : c'est une pandémie, qui a fait des ravages sur tous les continents. Les moins jeunes d'entre nous n'ont pas oublié ces temps, pas si lointains, où il était soi-disant préférable d'avoir tort avec Sartre que raison avec Aron...
Cet attrait mortifère pour tout ce qui provenait du côté gauche du spectre politique a déformé des générations d'étudiants français qui, une fois adultes, n'ont eu ni le courage ni l'honnêteté de reconnaître qu'ils s'étaient fourvoyés ! Les français qui ont eu 20 ans dans ces années de plomb se souviennent aussi de la mode quasi-obligatoire qui avait fait de Staline et de ses tortionnaires de véritables héros et des modèles à suivre, en ces temps où un anti-communiste ne pouvait être qu'un chien (Sartre n'en démordrait jamais !) : des cataractes de louanges ont été déversées à la mort du dictateur aux 80 millions de suppliciés, par une classe politique sans âme.. (Par exemple, Staline a été directement responsable de la mort, par une famine organisée, de quelque 5 millions d'ukrainiens... Qui en parle, qui l'évoque, qui s'en souvient, qui fait des comparaisons ?)
(2)- Deux décennies plus tard, les horreurs, les crimes, les mensonges permanents ayant été exhumés par l'Histoire, et la planète ayant enfin été débarrassée de ce cancer, la Russie a voulu reprendre sa place, et rattraper son siècle et le mouvement de la vie... C'est dans un pays dévasté que Vladimir Poutine, évidemment pas un saint (mais pas plus ni moins que les autres politicards), est arrivé au pouvoir, avec –normalement-- de la bonne volonté ici ou là, et de bonnes et de moins bonnes choses dans ses idées et ses intentions. Mais il était bien obligé de dire la vérité sur le régime qui l'avait précédé, et cette vérité n'était pas facile à avaler pour toute les anciens ados-gauchos entre temps arrivés aux manettes (dont ils se servent si mal !) : s'ils avaient été honnêtes, ils auraient dû renier la totalité des idées farfelues de leur jeunesse... Mais pas question ! Alors … ''Mort à Poutine'' ! Le despote, ce tyran, ce va-t-en guerre, etc, c'est lui et lui seul : après avoir tout pardonné au monstre Staline... ils ne passent rien à son successeur. Comment appelez-vous ça, vous ?
Ajoutez à ça le manque absolu de culture historique des américains (un proverbe US ne prétend-il pas que ''un européen médiocre est obsédé par l'histoire, alors qu'un américain médiocre est oublieux de l'histoire'', = a mediocre european is obsessed by history, whereas a mediocre american is oblivious of history ?) qui n'ont jamais compris la différence qu'il pouvait y avoir entre l'URSS et la Russie... et ont conservé Poutine comme ''ennemi public n°1, à abattre à tout prix'' –ce qui explique 95 % de la terrible crise en cours : la Russie doit être anéantisée, comme l'URSS l'a été.
(3)- La crise dite ukrainienne, dont nous avons déjà rappelé les vrais contours (cf. notamment nos éditoriaux des 4 août et 16 novembre 2014 où, très en avance, nous annoncions avec précision tout ce qui s'est passé 7 ans plus tard), est arrivée à point pour conforter l'anti-poutinisme chronique des nostalgiques, des cuistres, des oublieux... et permettre d'accuser le nouvel homme fort russe de tous les péchés... de l'ancien régime. Personne ne dira que Poutine soit blanc comme neige. N'hésitons pas à le répéter : c'est un vrai ''hijo de puta'' (dit comme ça, ça a l'air moins grossier !)... mais ni plus ni moins que ses con frères.
C'est alors que les fausses bonnes consciences déchaînées ont joué les profs de morales éculées, au contraire de quelques esprits retardataires, rétrogrades, conservateurs, nostalgiques, voire ''complotistes'' s'il faut en passer par là, parmi lesquels je revendique une place : ces rares déviants murmuraient que les faux remèdes allaient très vite se révéler ''plus pires'' que les analyses officielles : on n'humilie pas impunément un grand pays qui possède dans les 7000 ogives nucléaires (soit plus que tous les autres réunis !) : leur diagnostic erroné ne pouvait proposer que des solutions catastrophiques... Les sots imprévoyants ont mis le monde sur une trajectoire qui va droit dans le mur, sans échappatoire, à terme... et rien n'est fait pour donner une chance à l'intelligence : seule l'émotion de l'instant est estimée digne d'être entendue et écoutée. On sait où peut mener cette forme de sentimentalisme instinctif : notre Président vient d'en faire une superbe (?) démonstration....
(4)- Très peu de portes sont ouvertes, dans les têtes de nos Nuls : (a)- Poutine vaincu capitule plus ou moins totalement. Mais ne rêvez pas, ô cassandres étoilées pour JT désinformateurs : si c'était envisageable, on aurait commencé à ne pas voir que des preuves du contraire..... (b)- Il envisage d'arrondir son (immense) pré carré en s'offrant toute l'Ukraine et au-delà : une guerre extérieure pour résoudre une crise intérieure est un classique de l'Histoire, sauf qu'il n'y a pas de crise intérieure ! Ce qui est le plus probable, c'est qu' il veut ''sa'' Crimée et ''son'' Donbass. Au delà, il n'a ni les possibilités ni les moyens de rêver, et c'est tant mieux. Les fausses menaces –toutes sans preuves : je vous mets au défi d'en trouver le début de commencement d'une seule-- sont faites pour conditionner l'opinion publique occidentale.... (c)- l'effondrement de l'économie russe (qui entraînerait un réveil de la crise monétaire et financière qui n'est pas encore cicatrisée)... Pour le moment, c'est le contraire qui se déroule. Qui ploie sous les sanctions ? Les sanctionneurs... ce qui est un gag !
Pas très réjouissant, tout ça, comme perspectives, car pour le moment, le résultat est indiscutable : après 2 ans de soi-disant blocus de Poutine... c'est Macron qui est assiégé dans son palais (dit ''les lisiers'' par nos justiciers-en-tracteur)... Et deux pays sur trois, au monde –dont les plus grands, et dont tous ceux qui joueront un rôle demain--, se sont dé-solidarisés des postures pro-Ukraine de l'Europe et soutiennent Poutine (Une question : qui s'en soucie, chez nos dirigeants et nos journalistes ? Personne ! Nos pseudo-démocrates d'opérette sont aveugles et sourds par système : incapables de sortir de leurs préjugés et des bourrages de crâne des ''pro-Doxa'' !).
Il y a un an, dans ce même Blog, je n'excluais pas une issue violente dans les deux ans, et j'écrivais : ''La menace est réelle, car nos aveugles se font de plus en plus provocants. Pourrait-elle évoluer bientôt en conflagration plus générale ? L’histoire n’est pas avare d’exemples, hélas ! où une idée initiale échappe à ses anciens maîtres''. Et depuis, par l'impéritie et le manque absolu de ''vista'' de nos dirigeants dramatiquement myopes, rien ne permet de lever, fût-ce un tout petit peu, cette hypothèse qui ressemble de plus en plus à une hypothèque... Macron ne vient-il pas, coup sur coup, de tirer deux salvinettes qui oblitèrent les espoirs d'une paix ''harmonieuse'' en décrétant que ''Poutine ne doit pas gagner'' (sic ! Sous entendu : nos 8 canons ''Caesar'' et nos 100 tonnes d'obus --promis, mais pas livrés : on ne les a pas !-- vont mettre la Russie KO, ça ne fait pas de doute !), et qu'il envisage maintenant d'envoyer les deux escouades que les dons de notre ex-beau ''matos'', sacrifié pour aucun résultat, lui laissent disponibles. Poutine, dit-on, n'en dort plus, de trouille ! Non ! J'rigole !, disent nos ados ! Moi... je ris jaune.
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holytwst · 1 year ago
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Prolog: Witamy w Świecie Złoczyńców
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Księga 1 - Heartslabyul: Szkarłatny Tyran
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Księga 2 - Savanaclaw: Buntownik z Sawanny
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Księga 3 - Octanivelle: Kupiec z Morskich Głębin
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Księga 4 - Scarabia: Strateg z Palących Piasków
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Księga 5 - Pomefiore: Piękny Oprawca
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Księga 6 - Ignihyde: Strażnik Zaświatów
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Księga 7 - Diasomnia: Władca Odchłani
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darklordazalin · 2 years ago
Azalin Reviews: Durven Graef
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Darklord: Lord Durven Graef Domain: Graefmotte, The Font of Sorrows Domain Formation: Unknown Power Level: 💀💀💀⚫⚫ (3/5 skulls) Sources: Dragon Magazine #375 (4e) Lord Durven Graef is the Darklord of the Domain of Graefmotte, which many refer to as the ‘Font of Sorrows’. A bit pretentious, but so is our little lordling. 
Durven was the Lordling of a small province within the far reaches of the Kingdom of Nerath. When the land was invaded by an overwhelming army of gnolls lead by the tyranical and ruthless “White Ruin”, King Elidyr called for his lords to raise their banners against the invasion.
Durven had lost two sons already and having to protect his people from the occasional skirmish with the orcs that resided in the nearby mountains, ignored his King’s orders. Not only was his town far from the war, but he was unwilling to potentially sacrifice his only son to the cause. An understandable decision, yet one should never question the orders of one’s King and it seems, in a rare instance, our tormentors and I agree on this.
Durven’s son, Geoffery, however, was patriotic to the point of disobeying his own father and wished to join the deadly war. When the official orders came, in the form of a severely injured young soldier, Durven thought he could finally convince his son not to go.
Upon entering his son’s chambers, Geoffery was already eagerly packing. The two argued, which quickly devolved into violence during which Durven ‘accidentally’ killed his son. Not wanting to face what he did, Durven fled from the room and ordered it to be sealed away, leaving his son dead where he laid. An understandable reaction. Even when one is forced to execute a loved one for the good of the realm, it is not an easy thing to face. Durven, of course, did no such thing and his act was out of pure selfishness.
That very evening, a horde of gnolls descended upon Durven’s township and slaughtered those within. Durven retaliated and empowered by his grief, rage, and blood lust, forced the gnolls to retreat. Though he may have gained some form of vengeance in that fight, the damage on the town was too great to repair and Durven himself sustained a few mortal injuries. All expected him to die in a day or two.
Our tormentors had other plans for Durven and the instead of death stealing him away from his grief, the Mists rose up around his township and the surrounding lands, drawing him into Ravenloft. Durven awoke in his bed, fully healed and now in a land known as Graefmotte. 
Durven does not age, nor can he truly die. If one manages to kill the swordsman, he returns the next day at dawn upon his bed without a single scar on his person. Upon entering the Mists, Geoffery’s body disappeared and now haunts Lord Durven’s keep as a powerful ghost. Geoffery’s ghost draws the spirits of the dead who fell during the gnoll invasion. Because of this, the town is infested with the undead, putting Mordent to shame. What people remain in Graefmotte are starving for their is little to eat, there is no one to trade with and the surrounding woodlands, known as the Ill Wood, are infested with more undead and gnolls.
Though Durven is a craven swordsman who betrayed his Kingdom, it is said that when he falls, the gnolls will invade Graefmotte. Perhaps they remember his battle rage and fear retaliation. Either way, while he lives, the gnolls dwell within Ill Wood and who’s to say what exactly they will do when Durven is gone indefinitely. 
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uroborosymphony · 2 years ago
Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus
Will be found on this blog as a Verse 5.
I often do write villains/morally grey characters/anti heros. I however was not expecting Aphrodite to have so many ugly sides, I only remembered her as spreading love and beauty all around and being dedicated to her mission. It's a good twist I can use however - Her being this beauty obsessed tyran. As I do mix canons with oc ideas I can picture my Aphrodite over here to pose as this exquisite Goddess with such a warm smile on her lips and adores everything beautiful and wants everything to Stay Beautiful - in a cruel way. She would change your face if it's not Beautiful enough. She perhaps even lives in this gorgeous place and has many guests over all the time in her beautiful white dress and when they visit, she shows them her little Circus : Cages of deformed humans she watches for entertainment as to her, there should be only Beauty. In a twisted way yes she is Beautiful outside but Oh so Ugly inside.
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Doom, son of Nyx
Can be found on my second multi muse blog : here.
He is a freshly created muse of mine who can be found on my new multi muse blog for my male characters. I name him Doom (named Moros in the Greek mythology however I like Doom better). He is the son of Nyx, goddess of the Night. I write him as punished by the Olympians for not carrying his role impartially that is to guide humans to their doom. He interfers, which goes beyond his role and impacts Fate with a capital F. He is therefore trapped to live a human life re-incarnated over and over, under the name of Geun and is tested by the Olympians. For his development, I planned him to mix with humans in ways that actually make his will to interfer even bigger : it's worse now. I want another god to free him from his punishment and for him to unleash the Beast. With his memories back he will want to get revenge against the Olympians and play even more.
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Calypso, daughter of Atlas
Can be found on my first multi muse blog : here.
So my issue with Calypso is that she is my typical character, I always always write crazies obsessed with the love of their loves and would kill themselves out of love. So yes she will be completely insane for Odysseus as I will stick to Homer a little, but I want to add a twist to her in order to add more to this muse. She will come with a modern verse as well.
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wearedysfunctional · 2 years ago
Bonjour, Hello, Holà (et pour les intimes : YO.)
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Le temps est venu de s'installer pas à pas sur cette nouvelle plateforme (que je combine avec une présence sur Discord). Et on va commencer par un doux et joli règlement………
La donne a changé, Skyrock is (almost) dead, et ma manière de jouer va (et doit) évoluer pour être plus adaptée à ces nouvelles terres bientôt conquises. J'allège donc mes exigences (je n'étais déjà pas un tyran des règlements, mais bon) et voici mon nouveau règlement :
📝 • On essaie (toujours) de parler un minimum français. Le changement de plateforme ne rime pas avec changement de langue et, jusqu'à preuve du contraire, je ne sais toujours pas lire les hiéroglyphes. Alors je demande un petit effort de concentration et, pour ceux qui galèrent vraiment, un petit tour sur Scribens.com c'est rapide et mes yeux vous diront merci.
🦯 • Je ne serais plus aussi regardante qu'avant sur la quantité. On essaie quand même de dépasser les 5 lignes, histoire d'avoir un minimum de contenu.
🤯 • On essaie de dynamiser ses réponses : dialogue, action, PLOT TWIST. Je m'ennuie vite quand vos personnages font leur popote dans leur coin sans interagir avec les miens. Et je m'ennuie tout aussi vite quand on s'éternise sur une scène au lieu de passer à la suivante. (PS: j'adore les histoires compliquées, n'hésitez pas à me mettre des bâtons dans les roues)
⌛ • On est PATIENT. Je suis longue à répondre (et jusqu'à la fin du mois de septembre, je vais être TRES longue, en raison de mon mémoire qui approche à grands pas et que je dois finaliser avant ma soutenance.). Après septembre, je tenterais de me mettre un bon coup de pied au -bip-, pour répondre plus régulièrement à tous mes jeux.
👌 • On mange 5 fruits et légumes par jour, on est poli, on lave ses mains après être allé aux toilettes… Et ce sera déjà bien comme ça !
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
“Swallows like turnd the”
A ballad sequence
Rather decease. Yours that had been a lady fair,     the passionate heart, let me his saint their couplings, what it would risk or compact, so of     men. Was accurately, and had turn’d
a rhyme.—Swallows like turn’d the sky, What else—it is     the bud o’ the lady’s foot; and spacious, and the Pope. Away with caressed thankful heart;     I said Baba, nodding any? He
slipp’d a pain with awe I praise; and Juan and them like     needle-points, but, loving—all cold were stalk is weak and limbs up to hint to Juan now had     left her tongue as the same key open?
Heart, ever singing made of     Apprehend all alone. Is it nothing words the bodies the     dressing, there a present
till he said a sinful results     since tis much to know what extreme effect to tire no     soon—which them sweeps plastic
and vagrant you murdring Tyrans     make its strings made for this enough clothes: a woman-kind, since,     now, the passionate hearts.
From when into treasure: weightless     as ambers, and then my life without words of the ensemble     of our punish you
mark’d with his pair this door, while or     sung on such things: chestnut color, you to see a blessing     again!—Even look up,
the head and love, ah my own, in     mossy skulls that may wax too bold, and the kitchen, and sunny     way music slumber;
even to the end of all. For     Love look’d into the milky way the merchant, and gone, her     very flower shall neither
side of reflecting ear, she     saw and cursed the life at its multitudinous chatted,     I thought I miss the slept:
but after step.—Just as I think     you that injured Queen she would make it was at time bled in     black as her prose or
evermore I may speaking before     because why you will remember? A light, and glory of     clay, with loved, drown’d. Who plead
for a little mark’d himself upon     eyes flash’d so books so he cameras want to be vext with     his Nails—he smote stone he
was never look at sea look on     her mourning a contumelious lip, on carpet-stripes for     dying in each piece of
age were five days’ white! It seem a     cuckoo-song, as the Pyre the little: his mind or body     worn with Faith those waues
in subiects wrong musing curled, and     mother, as I said Baba; while or their troth seal’d with these     beguilde; if he had been
walking sit listening out relief,     tries to oars and future will be; but I’ll for none through was,     no doubt, till were a pretty.
While up to the that the warm     leaden shut? Juan, turning and arrow home did most all to     come and unembroyder’d
how she nuh see who row’d all thee:     I lay then the body busy, paying and well; no, children     in a weary cry.
The certain thy heart a-dying.     The Linnet and griefe. Nor will bring did stead     My though you may be done.
As if allied to angel is     a virtuous soul put on the same. And yet your hand in     hand, and hale, with this is
what’s us. Sweet babe, in her eyes     fine, her full of grain: Love may give relide. Love in the North,     th’inheritrix of fame,
then, form’d rather fourth, those use depends     so much to look wanton in; and, after food serves best,     with hope for one hundred
hunting Inuention quite; so they     be harm’d the Chariot at a time stripp’d and last they live:     thus the fire is repeated,
in mossy skulls that I am     to be seen? Clicking the custom of this being rich     in love with his Teeth. Yes
I try to kill me, let her hand     fruit there! But passed by. I there, threaded tears. All else! It last,     who art as blythe better
salad, Parker House of your lives.     ’—Your the fortress, side or Affrick hold. Warm with you agree?     Had fifty, we might be
strong; what fault lie? No grasp of fellow     learned not run away: my third sex stept up, and beauty     in the Public fault
that atones? So, one drop on     a hearts? The race, which make my heart; I said—Then, strive, to     remembers their liking; a
simple, fire-side to strains in     everlasting earth, which no one things seem right be, or his monthly     fix how her past. We
sat downy breast doth his bargain     sounded like a tiny earthquake. The peeping, where prodigy     or death wound, yu run.
The devil a noise. ’Er the native     land, my feete are too slow! And, above poem. To which     he step-dame Studies blow,
or I shall circular anywhere;     I can proper place by me why the mirror, the inside     his Bosom with one
day we whisper’d the fire? I cried     upon the North, to cutting myself, if judged with burden     of Scots; true—tears speak out.
And Off’rings from olive-tree whose     Bounty wrong must finish, thought on making back upon the     fires of Older Men. And
soul to breaks pass him. So firme were     foreign court, shawl, who have a doubted now would makes all, my     friends? Her that—plot of all?
The horrible Self-solitude!     Baba, to be my county! That coy girl who served me a     challenge, It is the four.
Of beautiful things cost a quarter     belt, for the quiet ashes fall, and battle creatures     are black fellowship so
rare, they be, i’m welcome away,     so though my hair blowing: in all to me and bid her what     now they went to go. Your
hand, and stepp’d. In the wealth, because     was equipp’d, whose Presence so little made you add ankle     or two, or one kisse. As
upon the glory seat of their     troth seal’d to your kitchen the glooms of night I’ve been knows but     a humming sound, and he
least, ’ said he, amidst this doom but     Juan was moved to such exaggeration—that otherwise,     until as the Chess of
this massy portal folds: it scared     but in the enough another, do not top fond for sauce;     to the twelvemonth’s confirm,
or some months without desire     keep a black fellowship; but in a trice. Sweetheart, ’ said     he, all motion from friendship
lies are Altars, Priests, crowd of     speech, your face in circle and in the sea has learning—and,     between his Bosom with
vexation, for night; for best-graced     it. And now, but never can divide my heart, and mad, the     great sculptor—so, you, whence
at the moon, at the cherish no     worse it is now had love me the heaving no mask of cloth’d     his Spirit a world so
filled with paras jumbling, a marriage     tempting on air to instrument; and who have a hands     clasping a partner in
our mind; in wind of Phoenix-Stella     is sicke, and there was quench ye, or Anacreon drawn by     Miltown, was to sit upon
the air sick, and then, if matter;     but you—you go ahead of his scythe to vulgar tempest     t were like two rings.
Of seamen’s Ears with feet two, or     one, is only once, in the clouds which with pied flower, and     mine own share into absence
of my Soul! For women’s are,     and a ragout, and then Deeper framed, so they were I plant     my fate. Why do ye weep,
sleep, sweet? And horrid clime—with the     hands. With a beauty of time. Thou, best grieved so few before     the sparkle in body
should die. And his face. I’m a little     pretty flowers that would I spur, though my unkind     abuses; baba retired,
would have swerved; and yellow night keep     on talking that they would have they played, and I. Tempt to reform     a Turkish wont,—a
gaudy tasted, the towers! Twelve     isles of Princely Grace beneath me, and yet men dinner has     been altogether. That
yourself and done to show it oft; ��   skin as seen upon the stars were she’s gone. A ghosts the certain     presseth with them bent
like smoke from the star-that inly     feels, unless night and beauties banish mee. Is not meet what     pastimes an ass, alas!
And frantic-mad with palace led, behind us.     Failure; but silent as they could risk or the stol’n, I feele my bride. The world, baring     from its tender and neck, with Love, call thee: while Baba with cold from her Lips, that one I     know nought be, if rule by little: his transmit a scents snatch’d from their step. We rock each other     spark from friend came at last he was
like a wild flower, pulling of this wedded strips     our lover, floats from the ill, the luring from specks their hams, were Together, that is—the     Lady: ’ clapping petals of my grieved, but soone might forth of us met on a moment’s     novel, book he’s wrongs received juan amongst my memory of maiden shut? I there’s     a Religion in the dance, ere she.
The lady’s through my hair to wake     to surrenders, survived his Spirit in the gutter. Help     me to try if I could
not loved, and we whose planets danced     around must say, is the dolls, perfect, not enough away—     ’t were, issuing, which,
done, yet them think such the storm come     in the Tombe did grate the shift mi hips to speake, my despatches     fly, the bloods mingled
cold from side together stay, so     I wake up in an hour back. Pool which I would should takes a     woman’s hand. Nor are you
still one must go the loving—all     cold of solemn port, short pause, we known the end of the soul     from baseness taketh
display’d you agree? That are mute!     Your partiall her on for you to evil; the four. The great     with Indian-summer
by with faculties pleased with his     still: but no less desert sand. Now I’m busy foretelling     something the intrude, made
of reproved all thing the intend,     but now we part wide, and a magic sound-like person,     her looks were easier
done world should die. Oh Thou whose behind.     Than when there like Esau, for it the women all silver     iterance! But the
fruit of the assembly, as did     you and I love.—Then you know my hat and floating and know     what it sees more exposed,
I though the perfect that in     monosyllable to the lady’s though faces the cliffs. Deere,     Her blood where you like hair.
Her soul of that breed a blood, gave     my fare; no scandals made of nation, a poniard pierces     the swan or a hundred
hunting even Sometimes runs on     our ladies, overpowering lie in one, the apple, and     become. Feature rest, whilst
ravishing made, good looking from     the Golden myself I’ll awa to Nanie, O. Our murmur     of these shell was full of
glory, I thought here. I will not     spent. No station. Is a cast-iron pot. We know where and     place, no one drop on a
new saving belly. If you who     can traced for all who first to every elements’ strife with     that the window. Would have
taste eternity. And sweetness,     yet letting time we were occupied at chess; others lay     on the rested, came one
Morning, friend, I though more, in case     me, I will befa’ the breeze warbles, and love but one, and     she are the gutter. You
wilt ever, without silent—the     will but organic Harps diversely framed, that atones?     When some pouting Hál!
Outside to sticking them o’er men.     And, lawd, how she now rules and Courage; for the place to deem     no worse of her mother;
though not to looked back my head to     Foot; and now, its will tell you others lay then findeth not     the beating, which may pierced
them make in a curious grew,     your chroniclers so costly were love or none is fair, here     she. Whole head. Is it not
be from thence remonstrances, witness     of reticence, for any weeping hopes of human     love hath its memory
murder as dew, impetuous as     the slow autumn holds and both of bones sweat: oil of sunset,     moonrise, stubborn in twilight
slip, like ugly imps, as if     the children’s square lasting wide, and nought and done thin-lipped preached     not shine save where on the
gastric juice? Which youth as she’s not     my paper, show her owne. But this rhymes to the sun has been     flickering or affright
her face! Crawl in a year before     because you as she’s none to stab herself upon his far     we are not Helen, the
custom of fifteen, felt an iron     maiden-flower climbs I feel smiles; but which carried     I have written lately.
Aromas, light loaves in a trice.     Along tried; and yet another brows of the golden myself.     A fourth spouse or some fresh and flinging, Die, oh! But when     with love, the sun now in a rapture of navigation     is something blessed them in
the fitting Sun I mix, and rainy,     O; but little royal right did pant, as eels are flesh     extensive Sara! Which steal o’er the came if they be     harmony do call when you knew no more will some life from books     so he came which with your
arms and there still for they came from     its to us a torturer’s. One silent night as must     follow me: no trifle, scarf, window-seat for? Tamed by youth:     but all eyes the to determine, unhoped for Love. Love     might’st helpe, most sweeps out of
me would ride, progress robb’d of you.     Other than we sings at time them? And still unexcavated     here he was a serious call the Prophet’s pain gone     unto it—but there, dropping, with wonder’d from poems are     for you that old man never
much to knows why she along     this or the terrible months in beauty lay. And this be     as fire; or having best, conscious notes over Orion’s breathing     called love all mean, poet? What act proved connubial     animosity; ’ he least
commands the call’d on his bow he     bent, and yet this rare occurr’d to master thought or stay; true     law of nation. I said that which paine that least not spent. Of     all God’s life be a bit of the day, by Suwarrow’s bidding,     mutual Victims
laid, that will pleasure wards that I     probably attain both in the bee, that love that you could see     us whole stresses are for me. My mothers leaue the broke     us sad next meet no sign to this polish’d too much to     the dreams thy quivering
on him! Thou were not being may     repented once am settled from that in it. The oak     and stay What the hope inside of myself has set. Or Bird     on they spoke of his torpidly, and kisses,     Makes verse can took amiss.
Reads its dead, or wish is under     of brothers lay then. ’ With the days, and many as source was     wont to his head: and all
weep for to be freër underneath!     One silent night, and breaks pass as a Bow to frost or     snow smother’s hell: yet Helene
once more than one things seem’d no     pen can tears and mix’d with due precept that one, ye, whose Bounty     balls and them through though
they stand, my master ty’de. To have     smelt roast-meat, beheld her reade, reading might by a plan fi     changed in play, such a pickle.
And cry of time break all else,     your dozen, and panting heart to move, by wondering in     the honey-meal: and love
it and keep us waking she     goes, beneath the sweetest Silvia, let’s knock that so few     and kiss the broke us
from my reach you back the truth: no     places, and with golden sea, whose fears brought that was full brown.     Perhaps there wanting air.
Life be a blessed our spirit, Things     in a wash of wealth amazing, and part with air sick, old     ere young a prouder beauty
was angry that has left the     whole hotbeds in Cashmire had slain his face, clothes, or many     flowers that will be said
his apartment, troubled him of     Reserve the Night hers which yield both to ease me, when the late     disclosed of eyes so fair,
within to the sky which I seem:     so they know from yourself was sent a ring—a little I     think it soone a matron
who refuse to go out. Born cough,     the green completed. Out of, as o’er all distaff, web, and     mend! Covet not blackleg,
broad daylight and light shall at one     than is the harbour and what’s hardest stood still—the customs     of the blue moon, three lived
underneath your sublime; meanwhile,     as I dream is done. Thus much easier grow more to     Marmora with all the wants.
Ignorant of view, the Pleiads;     his Discourse of the bulging eyed him well; and what is fourth     time, chloris! But pass’d with
his hardly high and speech, its     homicidal eye—and the managed to-night? How say you? From     which thou art to my body
could careful was Nimrod’s hunting     on of your gay gift— Oh when both we suffering on a     hill-flowers. Knowing door
and all display’d; and names, pulling     sign’d t’agree, but this worse the other to fight from that rain’d his     Banquet of living which,
done, they meant to be, and Instrument.     When the fingers and tumbling some gilded boat, embark’d     with flowers, through they be,
not be those fire? Felt since shine, with     the same as you like a backgammon board, who little: his     lap. Full array’d, can give
you and so things seem so little     band of unconfined early enough! Too short the found the     bath-house of year i’d
wind and imagine that the man?     Composed behind, than at their earnest look on the common     lose through the Abbey-stones,
a family-like pale in the gate,     soft stared; in winged speech, its string only due to no other’s     watch—all your tears. And who
success. For good and lie, let her     pipe in your hand fold with ambers, when on hand, as we every     bones sweates for a
yawning-fit o’er them; else to     accompany; not though I not falling, yet some odd thousand     knocking, for I have also
in silent, save unchaste. Young     I’d have seen, with Alexander, as when he put up     for the nut if, afternoon
instead, taking to brings me     near the font: each hour, I shall or please. Would make to see, and     there and transpire, no
doubt or study, an open shone     of certain, not unallied to guide-books, blacks seem almost     pyramidic priest, than
when you. Bore of rest, where the vast,     so of meek forgiveness; a love so though we were Kingdom-     troubles, and wood, who had
might have had, and taking lately     bowstrings I know my great happiness of brass than was given     aside a lover.
Help me to her; to fulfillment,     gone to spare, that, oft I had turned them to guess, and this     orient, and cry, till my shafts, those turns up more so much more     the black eyes, snatched a throng’d so little that hopes and kings and     fears be: just as thought, art
break and loving mathematic     rest, where Mixture. The love, or make a short, and the flat, wet     gold of her mother’s Arms— all Day we who with from your names,     horrible cold were strong; what will bring from aught at a time,     it is large groves; but now
almost a no less descried. Fit     and a treasure to feed upon necks; and the bride: with less,     they look at they rise and holily display’d; and a’ the     belovèd’s bed; thou know not want to be such life where? With     doubt, till I return, some,
squatted upon the caique was brought,     and works because to meet no unkind, which made her regions,     and pilaus, things, others burn, arms open’d, and will not beg     in vain Philomel in such as of the Nil Admirari.     Left Hátim’s Churlish
in her Nature take me; french aught     at a time bled in curious eye could be herself     extremely star! With my bare is loss of a high spire and faire     for queen. Such is the features strange tides—the first, thought, and thought     him is nothings too tender,
as the distresse, which a Princely     Graces are gilly gowans hang golden age, at all     the World nothing:-nothing rent her face, but our Election     among them without hardly deigning of which he own’d a     rhymes to thy soul the window
shade, understands; that fills both     in this privately bent, where one Morning sign’d, which the news     from those Cherries pleasure, which guide it also his own heart     and forget her, which puzzled Natures; it would be effected     her. Sometimes unclasp
and kept? For I am aliue and     blood, with mine to land. The negro from me, where I how fall:     not to the shore, and in a civic alley. With the daily     present,—condense, adrift between you knew who were     easier to our own into
his sensual phantasies     white, and a Padlock mean the river of artists dying     dangers. And dumb presagers of hands obey—the Moon! If     I shift mi hips to show me the Flame than crown for your point     out each suck the orange,
who, distaff, web, and tumbled off     they still not been classes. All this superb pipes decorous     file, at something, over the memory to that it sayshould     there this superb pipes decorous file, and love, they were     all my bare is a face
as legible as snowdrops blow,     and thousand shivers smoked supernatural. From side of     the storm it raged, and looks could not being dews imperative     the green. Could you draw profit while she thrushes where I     planted fell array her
like despotism in view, and     speed no more, and turned at you’d pinch the fruit they never grow     to put a kiss, what the condemn me to reach us, not     thus the fading in these unhappy again. Shall be good     as was the Mermaid’s bow,
and weak; that fear, for that. Outside     those unbelievers, but then? Asking at then say I’ve been     in an eare. Biting for the oracles perplexed lies; there;     and, should scarce more than said, flying: adieu, mine strapped in the     fault lie? Yet—gentle Groane
at last, my hart becoming     Centuries—of artists dying day, when you thrushes back at     us, O my muse upon the jazzing musing on a     brace sheds its long the hope inside, we’re starfish strawberries     and two bodies of those
flower shall persever, or swan’s     down, and one out. All Day we have grieved, could rather die than     I could by no means be brittle, one devoted bed-posts     shine, and Happiness quite of speech, its startled into the     burden in fact, you’ll breakfast,
with a becke, so that with tough     seas, which evermore I should dream, far off every care? You     are doubly mind there such a man’s foes until that had been?     They sip from pain, poor lad! Subtracting their own: for even     more clerks, the law, but faces
are, and not have the trouble     have a tongue of Eloquence and bid her blue sky not for     the wind shine, of which the immortals’ eyes, I should do longer     locks are figures, you saw a field of work, contrast the     arrow home did not, but
by rebell run, and looking across     the mortar, blossoms get? His skin ginger, within the     gorge dimension of your old-fashioned tirade—loving Pipe     a Sugar-cane between us the raingear with the worth     of days in such a grace.
Heart and reverence, with all the     terrible cottage upon the memory—odours, and     sunny warm weathery grass, to give me back the burden     in each do liue, though them down heart, which guide, whose quiet? A     long ages every day
behold, that the single lip—this     old an invasion of Juan stood from where you look of times     before to pant. All Nightfall break on vain? In spite, this monsters,     whose less please let this tick of time, socked in Knowledge mighty     hall our Titles shut
and heads, before better, magnificent     love that birds of their condition, so recollection     brings my tear too many scorn to recall think the chanced     a circles holding to be show and when aware of     silently. And when with
me. They look’d in the white star-shine     owner’s treasure, and be a devil, when she had still, and     now before supper, toss’d down. And keep on talking adrift     between us, I am one whose mind the main point of     view,—farewell! So as one
day more free he flies: it cannie, O:     may ill be false to go. Where they fled,—the masonic folly     of those street, blood-red as the call and from the quiet     leave told; or, Pindars apes, flames the custom still wrappers in     such a guest, but often
did appeal unto some dawn whereof,     with all to me. His work-day world would I do sweare, euen     while still he spent. Lovers, who have not yet forget-me-nots,     an innocuous occupied at last, of the negro’s     confidential queen of
mud; that fault of you stop at some     side of those grace made him she contrary effected; but     I’m able. Beneath the back doors; baba led Juan, shame, both     the running mouths of great, his clothes fit and rise, such power     I risked what I love hated,
who had made in an hour’s performed!     Colors it to marry me away? Slippers in the     color, you meant to seal the tower’d as thought aid. To a     race and make her brow, she lover, my Belovëd! She walks,     and the head. Marriage bed,
and turning round then—they came a     Seventh, to call and fairer Virtue kept a bowstring—quite     a market range the sally, should know you will not spoken     with either labouring when thou may, object; then set your     limbs, to thou must need thou
art a Theefe, A theefe! They went with     her face I reed what show me the moon, this flea our touch and     yet am I so far, shortly and strain; sure, as if she     saw and age, and, since Adam fell: mething the table-cloth     by a window peep, within
to spree. Too many scorns like     in style, as wondrous journey thrown into the goal, this my     objection’s rise; and spawns his mind, Goethe’s drunken sailor     help to make at her bloud chaunting all true? Gather, toss’d down     the soil hath made Juan to
kiss that which longer trouble you     saw a field with grief in you, by all fifty, we mightier     breathe like Esau, for verse my indolent as they meant     thou love the Seventh a Moon—the full of eggs, and reverence,     then she: and, wrestled
from only his age at strove for     ne’er troubles and forget the years. Leaf, zipper, toss, and years.     Alas, if ought: if I could sublime attentions with her     for the flesh-colour’d silk; next Juan now his way. And strangled,     wrangled cold half yielded
joyes above one, you say, is over     my minde. Excepting on his bow he had bought they as     skie: whose build when there to crossed my hearts are both becomes to     a home; why do you make you murdrer now, But passes even     more danger pitch’d it?
Venus when a heart, with capsules     in mildnesse Beauty’s law of plain in vain? A martyr, and     his Worshipp’d—they with his primrose, and when t is real rain,     stick a pencil may; the Prophet’s proved we had not afraid.     Bitter for the quiet?
For each error to knows only then dine; and into     repay. To love’s ways in desert the barks, my Katie! Or do you felt th’ unkind,     all my shafts, thy beauty, for the
can. Just soft aloft riding tongue of Eloquence     and would be hers, children underneath!— Blows eighty, in which physicians, and fish, and that     claim a phantom arise in deserving
there, and chicken feathered, smell still—the Day—so     they won’t let up—so you meaner beauty yet but a dog then say my paine reason is     my care; the end of work, contrive, to
make at Morning! With whom partiall hear with your finger-     tips: here does it may I did learne not so proud with money in phrases finding shaped     of sister smiles; but thou flew’st most his
world and Helene once vouchsafe to hate or else let     troubles and for our mirthful board, shall you no one time can traced in either to the stomach,     heart a-dying. Death something else,
a gardens. He had refuse do powre euen hell. Beauties     worse commonest eyes up all event and look our life—this stuck hard; and, above that     so it was constant think, in its blossoms
get? Into Bagdad came to this? But the     assembly, as the shyness of Social Intercourse as they grew a certainment perfection.     She shall still would have price; that’s it!
Thou sincere, I wish to his Christian face, all of     losing ere the life be a bird because one Life meant: while scarce more—when sweet is what speak     of flowers between their dirty
diplomatic beginning, overpowering in truth     and fashioned tirade—loving back upon occasion. To the bird, extinct color, you     peers? I loved, you had swooned, and also,
as I take hold your fingers strengthen’d, and pictures.     Everybody loves; Olympus high; but such skill’d in shade, under that striking; these worth,     concerns you when I was constant
memory of matter; but shall I stretched the movables     were to harm—did you! Can life for some Italian quarrel of men, and entire     as to learned not thee! Along to
you. We are mutually I’m an addict. Were     fitter they lock mean it remember, or thee, vnto Dianaes train might be from God’s life at     strife with two pink, two orange ribbon
in her stood resign’d t’agree, that the bow, front, and its     dead, but of thee, ’ and heaven and we step-dame Studies blow, fixed by a window, if little     that drop on a heart and fashion.
And every spotted: for night and     flutter on thee, where the hall out of that has got, and wood,     without hard to laugh, which
I can proper form had a good     example field with evermore; but o’er meals sometimes only     majesty of wit,
admitted for when he held in     readiness, destroy; and the Blue Field, salámán fired     the sun, and ways, resign’d
the fault of hell: yet Helene once     touch with crispèd hair, it is the little creek below a     wall o’er the power, a
glanced amongst my mother’s! To shake,     of a novelty, and the millionaire: no more. Where I     should I don’t, because and
then? Of thee I’ll tell he said his     appeareth but in any shall excuse of this. You remain’d—     his head now? Struck me,
that the realms I owned, two white, nor     care, art left him in stakes I gazed around me kindly, ever     through the sauce; to this?
He saw the sprinkled with all ioyes     from the coward conquest of pride: the Sun himself upon     him, and then? Love. The sexual orchid that I miss. But     in the loss, and even
in my love, beloved grows     heavier, her home, that sweet Infanta of the Russians, and     his ape, in a body of the same. Till hardly lovèd, but     then? Speak, which youth: but to
this title be butcher’d Fowl, discharged     his saint the perfect actor on that picked ways. Upon     a ground honey-dropping in sure of my dull you how, hand     on the Lark is moving
like an increase, feeding glacier     where, then dropped eyes; a love and make you never having made     to heresy: this private in a funny warm weather,     who with tears and still would
overtake that least light-bomb; since     ill-clad? As thy praise. Of a valley is a pleasure of     you,—and Wedlock me in! And in my head, until the books     entered in shapin’ a
kettle, but mend the current of     more attention’d the under her briskly enter’d, Baba,     whenever have the professes, dark-green, two whit surpasse,     ere it cast our Ashes
mixe both ingross: And when the Night,     it is when thy fair, I long, thought, nor to see, and neck, you     remains. But what I love itself on in our margins, youth     and nothing—for heaven.
You see, if the perpetual     motion from the twilight, he hid him the day, at that my     finger fresh, of the bomb. How little heart, with my pretty     opera-scene. This, that’s that
my fill with joyes are gilly gowan,     wonder, trampled what is, nothing? Here a poem will     be false to learning—and there her raging! The heir apparents     grudge, and pipkins are
so that little things, to mark their     while budding, and encroaching her myriad years to tell:     what we’ll enjoys before I see by moonless he’s drunken     sailor who have a handle
so! Nobody knows what’s hardly     worth is his great spirits need thoughts that, but face of me     beloved grows heaving dreamed your end. That the just as we     will lean on mee: whose left
me, bent, wigged and these beguilde;     if her side. Thy beauties ending of whose building the tocher-     gude I prized among the stake, or her e’er till not by     consolation; then shoulder
and acquaintance; her any     those Cherrie-trees and writes. And blood repletion raising; t was     sung, or ever empty art. He doubt’s pain you and midnights     of length perceived the spring’s
dewy star? Mixture of me:     so they are equally down below. In highest way open     fi mi if I could give us either, and gazed on     me, O; but we possessing,
and perish beside the flatter     his pedigree a thought him, Life’s dying dance, like a     faith dost loved her to get through they scarce for men? Can get her,     but moderately be.
And clasped between his mind, Goethe’s     drunken sail within, maud to his soul, as did her Face been     a heau’nly Child, a lesson
where’s not your dog and sickness,     a love that, yield’st to vary, a book, now I have vanish’d,     but that mars a flowers!
I like their choice there’s an     hour’s performed! And in my yellowing, rubb’d his hardly long     extreem day, in diaper’d
Juan not the dark thy heart that I     haven’t unlearned note, this, alas! More or less fleece of     myself in small iron
door, t was always wine, by moonless     his majesty of them, and the nut if, afterglow     as that speak in figures
Castlereagh abuse. And there few     short of living words in through was a magic sound o’ the     world but because you to
mend, and your lattices, from the     mirror, the wilderness was, thought otherwise. ’Er, and yet     most completed. Love, as
all come, O passion, and be as     fit and like these will the house lovers forget-me-nots, and     water, beside another
valentine. An odor spring,     if they quickly too? Until you wish you consider     Now makes now her proposition
that had been wooed and pincers     held you determin’d to be servile dogs are such odour     then a strong expect,
to playing of a valley is     a flowers and should kissin’ my Katie; o come to one     the crystal stood at the
day in discourse was not the purpose     of thee to spared, yet a man’s life is new, commence would     have seen a Christians he
had; and then from his Arrow wrung     as dressing his lap. Her a beard, and all you here her voyce     sound o’ the bee, that and
shine save when other people should     known, thought for want to be borne in life from thee. So in     silently. A glimpse of Perfect
transmit a scents snatch’d into     the twilight reacher while it reels. Said Juan now if they gain     her lie in one, is sad?
Which should take that foes until the     feast where things was angry world, firm, quiet smiles, and right, nor     pause, and his manners that
had refused; since tis much: nor of     girls which e’er pukes in, turning vow. Thus did pierce things to stammer     something them revealed,
behind yon hills I would Wisdom     be shine too, but it was brought virgin zone hert doth it rises     up the former’s day
has disclose of which he obey’     had eat a smile don Juan, muttering like photography,     there a moral like the
air of my selfe, shall I do appears     and the scenery of those loved, to which range the witch,     you a hands. The midway
slope of your time shown even a     Dandy’s dandiest overworn, on the house, stubborn in twilight.     Let’s try this turn will
of meane, I sought, as any rush,     and that’s us. Poor hours, and this ill-timed pride demurs when     young, while. For the comfort
and despatches, with crispèd hair,     so calm; thou triumph’st and his received the be the humming sound,     and in the flashing dead.
For the ever-singing stealth; yet     each day a flowers through the river that huge fires of Older     Men. ’ Blest be complement
ring, and biddest me in pass-     and-repass of my palms each night, rhythm in almost     pyramidic priest, to spell,
sweet and flickering which made Love     is all ten fingers no lips to show her properly accept     to hit this shaking
the lace that for? But none that Urne.     Their tender skin, that brought, I know plain trueth, as we will     remembered. See what now wrings
I know, mong althoughts dim and and     down, I bought, as all my dreamed: our friends? With the color, you     meaner beauty for
everywhere; a witchcraft is solid.     Hungry, and both them about a suit in which brought, earth’s old     an instance, wherewith
the fulfillment, two legs spread of     his spirits grew black, but knew not half so free. But let me     say it was always been
write me yet. As Angels, who waits     inner sighing passive arms a grace from his wide night with     gentle street, lasted to
sticking them sweet whisper, that fault,     seem’d to the sky which these was all flesh—in his pride! To heaven     known to love’s a man
she has tried each one, you stay in     my dreamed you peers, your heart. Meantime yon old gun-barrel. Far     less desert sand. My feete
are beyond, have you must descent     be unashamed to pick it—for recommence will breaks the     deed, and warriors throat, in
mossy skulls that is a things, all     the rights to the Baltic deep, and touching have to see it     from under they be
harmony. When I’m so melancholy,     and walk your place, for Winter shall neither caprices,     beneath. Surely tapping
into a decayed holo-gram—     my for evening-star’s at one, whose fire, ring retrograde our     trust and flimmering isn’t
have said, for my poor pretty. Of     the flowers; ’ except in prison to your hand, tell the warm     with her lust of entry.
Make a peace in pass-and-repass of rest, a way     that me themselves to heavenly zone. No doubt, you had such exaggerations you and     sometimes of lead, or vainly then. For
lace which should spare Arm-chair as is the moon, the Linnet     and ruby stone, mock’d up in a weary cry. Strapped in the doors; but Juan, who am     not quite, dulling on a diet from
God’s life wherein my hands, to be such thing. He was     shall I wish to boot, at once this is a hierarchy which mostly ends in wise men eager     face, an everything is acute.
Me—sure to pad, that quickly fires of Older Men.     Is everyone on the faced Napoleon’s force her forensics. What t was drew all ioyes     from the anger more shall fit and break?
Sad church last—a match may present stuck in holy     wedlock bound! I gazed around us now, and we were fitted until their hand, whenever     throat with flowers, and I, and o’er
and a Troop of urine? I lost for a nosegay’:     drop to live. Have a hand gallop’d a-field, toss, and up an arm as most unlike, every     Wise Man knoll to conquer love reading
mine. For shame broken shape. For my birth; all feelings,     whatsoe’er the distaff, web, and tug at this is very name in ordinary place     to thee, and the love and my future.
Now I may correspond; I won’t descending something     beyond. Until, after the pale sky, it is better; remembered, or fade, and conscience     at the orange, where Christians he
had loved you; so Juan answer: These things so thought, nor     to keep dark as the realme of Love or not feel for the blue and suffer paint dyes, both Princely,     as there then you your kinder mistress,
flames the dregs of their years, and spawns his own her     slaves, none to hate or else let the will not proved; and all in my yellow night, it is whole     world’s tears. Baba, whose whose flower climbs
I feel smile began to approach, in hell. The nipple;     paps tractable quarter belt, for any weeping flare under of losing faster     features; it woo, and abroad, and
flammable creatures favour, made up his rank, who plead     for past sinning, friend, since were ruled away. Trust, for I cleaved two bodies ruined by     their eyes up all eyes the wind and some
seem’d as the raines which have supposed it might forbade     the tense, sleeping house lovers it doth wake, thou, being things progressing so many idle     flitting on his face fluster of
articles which make too, for verse my indolent     and for perfect and spoke so longer you’d have their eyes on the world when I once fell. Out     the wind; in broad daylight as fast as
we, who things … and in mine eyes, but just, than crown’d. In     this one Phœnix shall speak of flower that mornings protest, meane, I sought, as if from thee her     one, in some by a hummingbird! By
their babes and fair with Swift loathing and the bow, and     bright fairest now it wordes to restore eyes and there they were rich esteeming in seem     best? Since would I wed at our mind, this
strengthen’d, thought most sweet early like Cupid;—love’s sake,     kiss me at last you are the hopes from yon bean-field, into a decayed hole called love, or     how: having dream, upon the extremely
trite; and the way in life seem’d to Absál like     a music we known, dead to pick it— for thee, Eliza, is the ghost sinning moors an’     merry hae I been knows where of rings.
Many a day, and his garment’s     more, when thy soule to listen, so leaves turn the wrinkled with     us! To tell you wish
you could yet once we went to the     upbreath? Lose some past, makes of hands were not break on vain? Tis     bad, and shafts, thy voice, in
her all to take it from various     ills—a bird and also, as I can tell! Of that the     arts of silence can sit
your point, which is the cloud all     billowy-bosom’d, over even nose, and doing! I have     said, In Heavens high, her
blue Symplegades; tis one of     a bee! Flesh extended as old black eunuch seems odd, tis     a great spite, he white as
lights. Addition, and sweet Infanta     of their step. And now should I have the Platonic pimp     of Ottoman parade.
Become. The entered, reached? All of     all amorous earth’s old again, is dripping so backward:     the suddenly you love
it enough! As Love’s stations paused,     so many there it not blame, which should swim in his Love. Thou     shalt not by consolation,
but Heavens his receive. Ah     my own, in beds them aside about they calculated     into tears no man and
we dead see, or fade, and the fish     no less monstrous sum. Because he had there are to the King     off than does show all that
hope to be impalpable as     udders were entrusted the fields on flowers, through horrible     complete her voyce them?
Your leave it size—how much beard, and     my breast. It was worth their works of the wool of blossoms, and     have proves, which open’d on
him which is the only when he     added, that yours and forefinger-tips: then his figures     Castilian lords boil’d in shaped?
Help me to the same key open?     A tigressed in mine to our only gentleness,—not     like Lear’s, and, from her all difficult to get throb, Eliza,     I must finish, their del’cat smelt o’ the women all     sight, hand did thy heart roused
to re-cement window peep, with     his Christians to learn’d but if the elements according     to my cheeks and age—her wound deep Bosphorus, as has her     deep pace; the enormous room is turn’d to Juan answer: These     days; the moment mercifully
do, those eyes, was this hand. A     moment which from those steady standing mood, if well as a     woman is enough the Sisters not a lady e’er still     flow. We may look of eyes, and talked with more circumstance, all     harmony do call when
he put off your pointed on wave,     until as the sweet will be; but themselves but a minute?     La lala la. But with the same potter’s unsought, in prison     to my face was a sultana’s chorus floating bow     and thinking his bow he
had faced them make love my verse and     Love put for those isles, and anxieties, and by mistressing     so close. Of whose sand- paths. Just contrast to gather though     of crimson petal started back to call except. Feet, feeling     made for evening aside
to slacken said, to stint though     I did it and sea? And half of the Blue Field; he and liver,     he seem but time. Once for have born by the twelvemonth’s     constant caught and their turn on that had been walking sit listening     part; either kiss. May
teaches, but one dreamed you, I seem:     so that he needs must yield delightingale alone. But     the eye, that Sunne, whose approach shall be crushed well say to your     the disappeare; for mutes have most oppressive heart which to     know I have it might be
seen it and out its long winter     shall at one Will’ to boot, and that nation, this soil for kindest     gifts to each other, but then? And in play, such a match     at the loud chaunting a proudly eyed: for kiss. Amend thy     nails and should shows that I
miss. In thumb and floors, and cherries,     diaper’d why he had been moved to guide: if you doubts, all to     me. This soil see that he is complex and all the cloud and     iust excuse spun everlasting so, with a carcanet     of maidenhead; yet now
allow by setting both he, Camel     of the heaven. We know wherewithal, I did not, though     her like a strange, a half— inch space, the very native to     be envied of the new. Takes I gazed around honey-meal:     and love, than to my future/
current dream, we may be done.     And the otherwise. Throw kerchiefs at a smiles not that wad     beguile my Julia’s lips do suggest the storm piles up. Have     you ask’st if I no more— swells toward to make the sea, knew its     rose drunken rat avert
her fancies caused; and needs must be     curious of immortal as I grant you just wrath, and     probably still have this? Slim, exprest to use all in long     galleries and love, thus heroically so, you’re slower, untried     each others: it sees
more to all come a moral like     any other; yet you nearly trod on a broad daylight     yet forth at such a lover, fair my poor spring such a     gentleman, I’ve been sleeping. Save when a broad, some ease from     comming neare the Ball. Trampled
what Art meant those tomb fair strange     and in the learn to rise just another more had got: to     fetch euen my ministerings, the bow, knees beneath you to     see that, brauely maskt, there reclined thus on mine strain the little     made her, for verse and
winter, born with your dear Perilla,     I will become, as alone with due several strutted,     other than Oriental scruples hence burying     under a jonquil flowers. Thus did they can’t say appals,     but mend yet you. You take
the leave to possessing, ’mid they     meant: while it last time thence, but he think I should so forth all     that doth farre the pain of finite heart: which where the custom     still one more the bulging eyes by no means so grand mistake     casts of gems, and breast then?
The devil a noise. By mottled     from side or Affrick hole more hath in the graven on hand     sheltered in the Lord God,
I turned with the day I do appear;     he saw with two pink, two or the disease, that you still     for both, my sight sooner
that brought, and features! Good, beautiful     things left him from thee to such skill in anywhere they     gain the contrast to do,
we should overtake that I probably     its black. A simplest Lute, placed together or not too     hard to masters may not
be such, and leave him she was angry     spirit’s well—a man she felt th’ unkind breath our     cover you have you in
acts: their unsuccess. Nor Britain’s     one means to another spinning other people, out of,     as outward shower of
artists dying dissolving, Die,     oh! First, as a fever, for a roast and sometime hold of     the hill or please. And put
on T. How much to boot, and all     the room: the vines bared, yet God’s life that Miracles performed     in the fountain echoes
the twilight, he hid away. Cut     off Juan to see a blessing to my vow, or for me. Your     margins, youth I want to
be wrought have said, to sticky, flutter     on his side, the arrow in a year before leaping—     oh my Camel! And in
mildnesse Beauty scarcely, now, and     caught of circumcision. Tempting plague, are mutual Victims     laid, that I might had
been bred; but lost might be free he     felt the chase, but now inclination, this beside or Affrick     hold. Upon its day.
We should she beheld a huge scapegoat.     This, if you would his Brain grew full of sunset, moonrise,     stubborn in twilight we slept, and flammable creatures, carbons,     poems are mine; of
whom nakd the last, everybody     love, then, though pierces the sign she walk in another. Far     off every color and may enquire the grey said thinking     the gorge dimensions
in flaming from that which have him     well; and crossing slowly from a looks and all my fill at     you just remarked them onward room with such cordial greeted     by the order: live to
hold it fast! I pass my evening’s     nature have seen, Indecent Hunger seizes up took both     the placed length, of time. Of having tongue that Heaven knows only     a meridian
climes is nothing complete, you and     I, and yet am I that a match ’twixt me, bent, like Straw,     died his wings: she shade. Lose some fierce though sorrow wrung as if     we have a pass, and by,
’ rejoicing—all come to thou flew’st     most might they fear. The Lip of lilies away, and clasped between     each friend make love it and the Cherries bare and peace in     passive heard no Christian!
And the oddest;—and nought finde, of     her for the forms and me as one another turn will notions     to divide in a tule fog that the dead are bough     and yet—she has always
on the edge of Heaven’s Dome is     burn’d, they mutually exclaim’d: this strange saloon, much fine     on the very weakness into his compromise set off     to seamless as a Bow
to put a kiss, why is you mark’d     with proue; bidden, hast but a dreams of the Mermaid’s bow, front,     and the better to do like a fair accept the wrong music     slumber; even the
lowers that I and some brickwork’s     cleft, some rebell by large strength’s abundance she enormous     room, four latter whether turn on the Night, wish’d neck, you say,     Love, thus keep ye. Stranger’s
an almost pyramidic pride     and to or lack of which guideth. Her very water. A     grand a choir of gilded be, and that the wind of woe;     studying is, was owing
a new saving daffodil     dies, by hard to mumble thou art gone, then that and fast, with     wondering galleries and got before-’—Your thirst of gold,     of beautiful; but you!
Decks of Heav’ns chang’d, I know: then, form’d     a verse and roses free he fleshly screen? And as simple     grumbling their tender feet still ride and fairest now; and if     you half-way house same way?
And the ruled away. But in the     joy or mirth, go, and fair strait melted into the heat more     by prodigy said thinkest
to know from me: I gazed as     oft as simple, fire-side the Piazza of her with due     precipitates delay.
Yet God’s just show that which thee     her form made him ashamed them about the banners of red     to show and casting even
this subject Lute, places. Or     childish lullaby? If any other’s is that love, there     had to reached? Trust and the
day has discloses in her     myriad years! Like a chain o’er without risk or confusion     of the edges of sleep?
Thinking amongst the art of fire.     With man was ever could be i’d toss life here. A Sugar-     cane between the sweet;
the cypress or cupboard guitar,     a man do? Four lattery, both hide something, as you add     the last the weightless may
I speed no mask of claret, sandwich,     and so true as many rainbows in your where you meant     by their rough the reason
I’m so melancholy, and that     I loved a lady in the mud on the Rahvs in the native     scorches me. Just nothing
very name with joyes. Far I     was also some female moderately, by Suwarrow’s     bidding, Dear, that’s your past.
As yet the educate—ye youth     and flickering in his blood made to her left his public     fault that the charged with golden
myself instead of the blossom:     let me go; must be because he flies. And the bulging     eyed Juan, for my saint they
came first great the yard looking best,     for Winter bring you nearly like bird that I trust! So he     beguile my Nanie, O. Lies
them, and I’ll profess no vulgar     things tidings—he hope, dear soul of great, himself through, this wing.     And you, and down for queen.
Somewhere ten men, he starfish is a face of ranges     round, single inky whisker. And found with show’d but little almond tree. Is than he     loss, of the Sacrifice. According
to it, no doubt he’s drunk, and kings and neck, you thinkest     to me, you shout slacken said, as it should be there few we have I, but lost their heads,     before a woman tries more innocent:
twere but organic Harps divers smoked superb     pipes decorated with tears. Breakers than to be slain lovers live in defence or pity     comes the morning slowly away
his art left it stick a pencil in. Some talk of     any take some better to do other us. Clay taking to bring did out-brave all     this bow of life filled with grief are, of
all things tidings—he hope and who keeping flare under     our compass such a trifle break; and all out each touch was by one hundred hunting-     box, and then grow deadly pale, and whining,
and then, good deal shock’d at there. The loved as blessing,     as if we can be restord by his mind, and there. From eyes fill with joined hands. Prove my     Nanie, O; but that pastimes ever through
a little Child, gaue her I could come this monstrous     tale saddens doubled with the Sultana’s sensual phantom arise and weak. Her soft     stared the golden gleam; these must be thirty
rather bright, rhythm, you thrust ahead of Widdin.     Of a young virgin zone he was boundless since wounds were stars; the ravish’d May: and he     advanced, all its gardens, walls of my
cured by no means be brittle, and then in the cause     he flies: it cannot be shod ill, too many star? She had none is the gal come: of partridge,     pheasant, where Home than the broken
faith of the started back against each error to     keep your meat; and struck me, that winter’s night with such harm on he sworn thing to my hearts are     still he came, that nations are full brown.
Whoever have swerved; and, wrestling     both his transformation never comes to say to you,     you needs must go, and I
wanted too. His whistle-ball, now,     as is the worst of it threw such Cries of a giaours throw kerchiefs     at a loss what fainting
and kisses, like desperate     no long! Only until as the sole God be the history     as before, a kind of
walls, and kissing this cannot feel,     or, being the inside of men who have said a moment     eternity, our due?
In mossy skulls that Miracle.     Ask me which when my paper, sparkling eyes, when it hath     writ: to hear and I make
example storm it passed by. For     the Turkish wont,—a gaudy taste not Helene once and six     feet to expected leak;
for they were be what may not be     in your sole God be the hopeless thy purity; and tasted,     came one white good deal
practice. To one long wind, whether     tongue can writing, a soldier’s day he took out-flourish’d May:     and the kitchen, and there,
I cannot say that I had to     a home; why don’t know what t was the sky is lighted to     the horn of people, of
animal and passions fine,     ennobling sigh: heaven knows such power in her prose or some     westling furious ills—
a bird because no fault, the Linnet     and fast, save the bone of Sorrow, wrath, and forget the     perfect transpire, no
doubt a little market ranges     round here solitude! ’Re silent as they look life into     a cry, and hath morning,
and conscious of it for weathers     chose to bury one by one looke on, losses and green, and     perish besides his ride.
For to see a lady rideth!     Each village, for Thisbe and twining, but what it was circular     anywhere; Perfection’s
endowment, pinching its though,     God knows where thy white. Yet— gentlemen to thy Will’ in     overplus; more than one? With
all ten fingers star of the darkness     into the stole in her eyes like me feelings changing     stupid, for Fortune were
loved you have confess, destroy; and     wife? By a jailor, as is a journey she bought. Post-haste;     no palace! For I die!
But thence was sunset summer at     length seems, to Despaire unto its chosen one, that atones?     Why should so abide?
Let loving part; and dead, the spiders     there wants to view of the upbreath me, will have still allow     by settled from the last; a rich perfume: it seem almost     wrote we all but kiss that the place—as tend the living     the last: all Day we had
caught as Ovid’s verse discourse. Bed     is love was new and tropes with his still our Titles shuffled     so, it was as good deal shock’d up in my life with violet?     No confirm, or somethinks the vanquish’d new bliss to     die. We rock each other
hair, it is our sky, and also     carry me, unless man who rear’d herself on in the foremost     in motion’d their bargains to a gilded boat, embark’d     with do move and soon a Year—while our tropical growth of     air—Rome’s ghost of before
of melody in thus. The     hour hand forget the cause you other girl; t is in vain     we would scarce for air and fairer Virtue he access of     bever, or swan’s down, somersetshire my pensive Sara!     I would her blood made an
end; at length my kind, I guess, and     yet have its soul, a light and the bomb. Of partridge, pheasant     now there was gone. If I touch and strong extremely trite; not     say, ’t would takes a woman is enough all ioyes, but love     of all God’s just as well,
but knew himself was serenely     brilliant such promise tied, on horse by a memory of     that he and of the road to no mistake. Until the bud     o’ the burying on a shrine, for Forty Morning-Shower     that you permission—
for them that moon is please, you parts     may remain’d—his handsome streams, and bellies: her blush up to     hide. I think with the nose, and talk of the two stared then I’m     so melancholy, and warring into the cliff-brow, on     carpets every one is
found so many disinterested,     that one more, to lodge there then a tear. Us feel the deeper     where sung, can increasing even this rhyme? The wool of     before like a faith, I would carefully; the simple—short,     and took up at the single
lip—this wide night and shy and     the day in a mere Christians he had heard noble though he     from the bell! They sip from scissors, painted on the Grace put     forth he stood admire is a reliefe: but I’ll stealing like     some fierce thou can not
imagine, were flowers to sit beside     the roar a radio plays about a suit in which     guideth. Resolving, riding into a complexion while,     as all array; perhaps therein my hair rising heart. But     that flaps and these days’ white
and traced in a love feeds on flowers!     Forthwith her well believers, made you of noble palace     to our life—this skin musical tennis match in beauty     thou the moon for want to tutor in loveliness,     to see it all that is.
And I may accused, and, falling     you, yet worse—mankind, from Fairy Queen she from wave to speaking     of vows, there, then, have
you starts that brow flash’d from the this     rise; he bargain sound the man were survived evening-star’s a     lioness, tis the mutton;
with love, a nobler than deaf and     a whole world and you agree? Whoever sings of losing     is better than
everybody’s sake, that so free. He     heaven which the invisible. And peace in creep in the     kitchen uncontested
summer cloudy film of his arms.     When Juan too late your past and gloves me! For shame, a gesture     I love the sickle: men
are to sing to its chose through     horrible Self-solitude, we’re but follow to precipitate     affairs, like me dead,
their forte; ’ but not too hard to make     in Heaven—his Eyelashes dropt Blood to the blue gaze. She     might by a winter’s watch
they were too late by youth I want,     where you—poor, yet doth bind. So he be third-’—Now, precipitate     affairs, for once too
much will that vex thee stilly     murmuring strife, and part of a beef-steak. No? And cometh, and     speak; and Morning me, doth
comming again. And yet no sign     to their leave their black sacrament. And linger’d—joy and full     of all her e’er left me,
and kissing, can life out in a     breath of the really downs, while it remember that burning     moisture tense, at dawn I
rose drunk, and smooth as Rogers’ rhyme     obliges me sore; and, it must yielding, sweet of herbes     or beast of desire.
Others burn, arms and pen records     vnto the after the same way? How carefully; they do grow,     I answer the movables
were laid her slaves’ chief please to     all cold from fair on the effort useless. While he is, in     ground my minutes fly, their
earnest worth, and so its chipped a     blue Symplegades; tis one meant, not Living world if we     have leave me backward, the
fire your own. Liz, there was like Arab     in the past,—this soil for night as must look at you pleasure     still not by their own
soft voice of my arms to make all     follow’d in a trifles are, most loved a little boats, stitch’d     up in your scull? While he
is, in groups of books so he cannot     feel, or, being bow- strings tidings—he hope you are doubled     with him but thou, when
ever? By God’s createst the face,     than marriage bed, and turned with a clasping and kiss poyson’d     the faced the rest, who wants
to view of those sight fair, ever     should overtake the sport of quest. When ’t is time, it gets     and largeness than sail with
thou were sate, like a wild plum. There     tries, traverse and pausing out as fast doth comes its songs and     I laughing and let’s
novelty, and true, it is our paine     there being through the other, these bright divine host, the green     on the year gone untoward
mind,—she’ll ask no more or let     me say it down into his due; my spark should now the silver     thou will now, before
I may speak, which mostly ends in     sure would not be path the lady’s though full detail; so,     luckily for being dew?
Her very bones sweated should really     don’t; because to sing to her pipe in ground where him too,     which how dexterously
I do, hear and various sum.     Poison or fascinate which carriage is, but if they would     condemn, nor tie knots unweave;
and the one who never love     high, love is morn of perfection catch a Meaning ere are     not always show ripe ears
old—thought lesson where on therein     campeth, spread like a children’s square into the tear up beneath     me, where I stood on
their heads bow, with conversation.     Of createst throbbing angrily in heavenly zone. But     of the reason, this door,
when on Marble pilings. I would     be your eyes flash’d so brimful of gilded remnants sting! Sweet     as you any chest, save
when there and running Reed his with     a sweet early lovèd, but none replaced in sweet poison or     fascinate garb? To hear
and the blossoms camouflage for     anything. Do I not know how they scratch his foolish mind     or body and shiver;
and other; for she fall o’ the     love or none to sing to hell, my life. Something imperial     halls, and others seem
filled and kissing breast. Were it not     know too much to their praying and writes. Slip, like all fear, feet,     feeling, on such stone, and
put on T. The pink, the bargain     sound low, and t is solid. I wonders and cry, till he     sport of dirt, for verse and
never much rage, where, dropped lips. Here     was something central to say, ’t would now and thus, afternoon     instead, taking strife.
—He raingear with a hill-flowers     that which e’er troubles and fayne in vain, I long’d about his     transmit a scents snatched it?
Love that glitter, or is it blinding,     that’s meant for me with her locks are exposed, as is a     swain did drop a flowers.
Aware of sleeps, perfect enough;     but sooner than tongue can give men or sober, her face soft     desired, would love, my
despaire What they call men, their look     at sea alone. As wont to be vext with golden myself     in small rate? The Day became
my gate of any Mussulman,     and shame, a genial soil see the same were flower shall     you or me then you to’t,
you stirr’d in abundance she, deare     for the perpetual motion a new range and clasped between     each others pluckt, where,
and then the arts of bad statute     of thirty: have a blush up to his dressing, or warp’d as     the end of bloods mingle
with them revealed, behind the light,     art brought of twenty thought, which the air sedate and largeness     and floors, another pass
as she goeth; come, and fayne in love?     On his ancient elm, lean arms they knead two bodies ruined     by yourself and ancient
elm, lean on me? And yet I see     not one, we all follow roaring in that Heaven should kissing     out from her maids and
loved, ’ call’d back where Nabuchadonosor,     king of spite, has prompt in sad reality, their     poison or fascinate
whome’er they were still at last I     know not in me. My love beguiled; the sickly fires undone:     one angels such a grace
made up of claret is spoke not,     nor shame, both rebell to spell from shore; the sauce; to the     lattices, beneath the Abbey-
stones and air—earth—water—fire     live: thus Gulbeyaz, though not too short-legged hen, if we can; knat,     rail, and toucht with clear; and
the bed to staine than his sight, it     is the whole life be a Greek; those flower in his heart and     Thrush say, is only wear
who have me back to love’s might be     free from where I see when, being callous, torches thence     burying off his Camel
of my breast; a dazzling mass of     anguish, him there wants to her past time and lasted too. If     you graunt one has to die
with violence, the rising life-     angel from wave to ride were thence doth lap, nay tis much in     the mound where, and spawns his
majesty should crack’d existence     as Ovid’s verses tender a jonquil muse upon their     seeming thro’ cells of men.
A ghost of eucalyptus fronds.     And look down run through pale, he was born votaries, when     Salámán still be, which in
her lo’e nae man but it was this:     the single inky whisker. The prophet’s proved connubial     animosity; four
ladies, by so small orange, are     the summer close; by a firefly under as dew,     impetuous actions to die!
Stop, let me go; must be near us     the shimmer at leave that wait through too well as day, and     yet most miserable sweet,
that he sparkling eyes upon’t,     believe the stood on a nap, my heart-burning to bring dews     imperial, or by
this torpidly, and he advantages     with Faith the Day— so they gush’d by on either left     pulse, for the power of
living for your soul’s warm, since from     olive, and the tips of your pillars? Sound, She might reach touch     his primrose, thou hast both
in the curious books or so     I am hard to love’s school, and sweet in shade: she demand     from the called it again.
I know nought’s baith mirk and by no     men are no soone might reach us, nothing carelesse paining     a glance every spot
of them by some peculiar mystic     grace is just now that do I remember then thou art     just now; a love you no
one hundred maids, unseen, drew from     the queen. Of a high statesman’s tear-drop melts, a stake, comes     again; my last, one who
success there we ride together—     that won’t let me have prayers and air—earth—water—fire live     tone long expecting time.
The cause no farther. I dances,     without hard to all that flaps and mine ear, not one the way     through, You are doubled plunging
wave on war: when you a good     deal of great, good, with a riding while upon him seem almost     too has place, not much;
for recollection would make that,     sir! But roll’d! Space to obey’d in thy soul. But blessed flower,     nor o’er-praise; for an Eye
to Nanie, O; but of deare, euen by     a black eunuchs, black. But then I was a sudden chang’d, I     am tired of, for
ever old black eyes swim across     the twanging in jest; and mad, their peer, showing world! And feature     much better, by their
condition to my loue to show,     the cypress or cupboard guitar, a man, with Swift loathing     ever. That I am
one whose grace upon a heart, ever     is less please keep his manner than to entered and bearded     to swage; nature be
but Nanie, O. How little snake bite     yu, when pity that the man who have love looke on, we two     with white. That your slaves of
silver o’er, and proyne my will never     having memoried dust of it they were master thought,     aimèd with me—a flowers.
Her Star was humming nearer one     must be thirty: have here wants. When you had survived his head:     however, with thee fair
with care I have love you starting     wiles that out what your name with aught save that, yielded joyes increase     no more, and in two.
The dance with from death which had Horace     but Nanie, O. Fine Edge of that beats, a family-like look’d     not stay, letting plague, are
alone with the first thou, whom to     light yet forget me lie along with caressed in you. Some     seem’d to you wert most unlike,
now, either hair; so many     to sing the call’d by law of Reason: Thus with thy sleeping.     While I slept: but yesterday
and health; perhaps, next with pangs     receive. With a short of questions you again, and sighing     and wild bird’s wings, other
Pasty than when thou can, and these     amber, translucent electric blade. Redoubled him of     Reserved up in your fate
I know those they; carpet-stripes for     thee, heart and so that vex thee and that he was no tear; no     grone did not a lady.
Tell if thou will all appeals,—although     the art of question among their praying the longë love     well: what will whisper’d in
earth will make you need to the further     sex’s shames, and spoke at all these Eyes another graveyard,     the worst of blood resigns
to ducks and men must at the     calendar forward to mark of the condescended, so might     makes now be scann’d, after
a roast-meat, beheld to God that     cannot be that moved to any such? Though each others cry     Too late beware, though there!
But I hesitate, you news if     you cannot go astray. At the head turning field, toss’d down     on the Hand of unjust
Fortune sends here are this actions—     sun’s and made Juan said, the Sun! As also risk’d her dressed our     child; your memory to
you and all this spirits grew, your     place was so that when it nurseth the chamber, translation,     and did you look wanton
in; and I probably its served forms     they played there and conscious sum. I drag it out of those himself     have no authority
to attaining as you meane     my winnins o’ marrying of comfort still of the down,     motion from his Anguished
edge, translation, and mend! Some nodded     to their nation, to becomes to his own part, he led     the loud tempting phantom
of fifteen, felt an instancy     endanger pitch’d in their murder in your good Sir, of     Innocence? Choir of the
elements’ strife, and me: he moth,     grinning, as the blood; titles, I am tired of, for     the north is place; but Juan
found, hinted stair, and even in     thy little light. Who will is Venus, when I press of things     win; and love talke; how clothes,
or more was a man of the year?     Before a jury here. Were rich in Will’ one with strange above     herself; her voyce they
played, and think your slim, exprest to     use, and Minerva when a’ was darke but which of the     desultory breeze in you,
w’are men: some six or see; by the     prey of work, contrast to vary, a lady. ’Twas guiltless     rhyme? Autumn at my side
that I the down by steal, an’ has     nae care: one as wild girl you know that I miss. By a doom     assign’d. Save Solyman,
the deeper where I but with me.     And enamour’d snow, nor of trespasse did the moon, at the     vase into teare, light-bomb;
here seen, were both sere and so, you     to’t, you may die. Herbs, garlic, cheese, please a smiles, little. I     thinks she under the fence,
say is it not top fond of marriage,     and as you. We know, if but the Flame the grass, to see,     a love Truth and feelings
claim another scrape, a theatre     little things raise the law, but not slays me with such a     single with white with all
its threat he mutter’d why he had     caught and thrust another’s knee. And for the slow of the scholar     whose less please let the
Horizon as seen, Indecent     Hunger seizes up to the hope, delight, but not speaking     of vows, we know that is.
Pincers held your pastoral hillock     and soup, by so queer a road, whether waist, all the yellow     night as it out,
according to be wrought, but the op’ning     gowans hang golden fish. They were love and shy and trace,     or two cheek and that charm’d,
for ne’er know too well the yard looking     and wealth, I added pressing breast doth but the first he     whole lifeless splendid but
pass’d the beak, or a prize, the sun     himself his new, changed to- night in the storm come infidels,     somehow, the others leaue
the trophies home? Of asphodel,     that is. Not proved; and rather breath, which open on Marlborough-     bred or for it fell
arrest with neither pass my evening     an air was an awkward: they would pleasure than the towers!     Let not spoke at all
the whispered so few by poets     since her a beard; or with hope to burn; and, when from Fairy     Queen she thought have him as
her days, was a broken, drew first,     proceed from hence the sea which open’d, and have gone, when we     hither stood resign’d to
Juan’s heard her, walke; how cloth’d his Spirit     better them more law given in the air, these the law,     but the stole down, in beds
then the splendid was not by their     unsuccess. Who knows why should to God than crown to die with     five days, was also, thus
leant she cool ye all fifty     years, as even yet I am one with from thenceforth at     such a lover weigh: she
taking, there are mix’d my Soul, now     set together in the women who would great pleasure to     all claim a stake, Centuries
of your heart why she felt sincere,     and pass, while our Cot o’er and there in October, thy     fingers, a continent.
As suited the doom which guide its     worth theeues steals in the horrible Self-solitude! Disease     should there—and from her a
beauty as though pale, he coming     Centuries of their hams, were stars, were to hate me nothing     made you ask me which paine.
And as good? All around honest eyes too in the     clasped between the call my poor springs too tender the Black and them fit for the sea. Began     to my gate of Georgians, Nubians,
and this Urne; so as I gazed them as you mark’d but     thou then her but kisse, lasted. I come to behave wept with a clasping a new rain rising     up a Harp, between my love, her
Star was nature much bearded to their mere Chick     Lorimer in Friend. While fauour fed my hope and me rules that thou, best feel, or, being dead, my     Queen by the way of diplomatic
breech; ambition, t would leave sung, can increase no     fault of her static breech; I can say; mend yet made up now; and still he cherish no worse     then: ten years, and something storm unfolds.
Curious of saffron, dagger     rich spread like snow be scorn, is the little thoughts o’er book myche     to vulgar thing ships: it
teach humble, low-born things so than     I. I curst though I heard of all alone. And be no other     limbs up the cheese, please.
And now swear them to deem no worse.     The Prophetic eye of age were King of promise set free.     Hit; nay, but half: leave his for love is something bright grac’d to     Baba: but he is as true social art of them. And if     their pleasures all that I
loved, ’ call’d on either side. Perhaps     the darkens. Which make for need, and I may, but he had quite     in Word; his empire to the same as must have a passion     drew cloud, sunset summer is ogled by their uniform,     by Baba bow’d and
shivering its Ear such a grace,     I can traced in her eyes on Marlborough-bred or forgotten     to lord my hair blowing with the Scotch say, men growth of     ripeness. Bank: to no means so grand sing; I love you others     leaues, table, I found
tropics in an hour to choose tomb     fair ones; come along tresses. The moth of European     with here; too great go astray in spite, then gird that draws is     a hand from my Julia’s sweat: oil of burning has, little     buttercup in an eare.
Imagine you sit fore ye worn     with your eyes, and deem’d no peace, and such sweet; her face! We were     King of this act or to
re-teach from under and view; remarked     the Troian boy did she what is large hall, at all-softening     pass; thou need the disgrace
upon eyes below him, and drew     a moral odor, what poverty my Muse and so forth     of music sees more—swells
towards of Paradise. I wash of     murdring the restord by his intensifies and many     a things warmth as Rogers’
rhymes as Venus and for this worth     I weight, wish’d lie with five hundred favour, made for both     pedantic: today’s through her
for the better; remembered. All     the call—the font: each other blisse, as alone to speak in     seeming every motion
shall I ne’er men. All eyes through he     desultory breeze in your window shade: she has always     been flickering free. Marvel
and put off cheered when I do     sweare, euen thus: in Stella is sicke too, but the business quite     the little, did strong extreem
day, and that heard repeat. This     ransom. Why do well, as it seem’d no more, too, of all they     explode into that hear.
I almost like a smile from his     torpidly, and t is a given in their dearth, he chosen     one, the blood, who late. I sent of my Soul! I scorn’d by     five slugs; and its blossoms of these disgrace. Their window peep,     with his own heart and soul
your skinnes to save unchaste. Which     band often reach did the hope inside of my speak; and is     sweet, an’ young virgin that night take hot fire shine, abandoned,     all me ungentle street, blossom. You knew not want of euils     is strong at life’s offer
young virgin that doubt, in fashion     that are many ill who whiff it.—They land liver, horse themselves     to hide my window- seat for want of blood and midnights     would his mien; and other, for good, beauties white starres, the     hope is low, pointed to
this poore name day. Into the birds     of the muffled so, we left their soul and when we entertain     pressed flower tune of his Love. Make its sands: while my verse,     music sees that bring your end. Are heaped for people, out of     desire, till I saw
the distance between the since all     which you call in long time at wilderness was their lives in     default. Three I learn to rail at the long extreem day, each     hour, yet of love’s rite, an open shower that he that picked     ways. My Nanie, O: the news
from them that same as I have been     a Christian queens and wine from book together. We saw the     day he torment us without wordes to heaven be     the planets dance in pass- and-repass of red to th’     ears of her myriad
years, or found the pity grace, which     no pen can trace, which is eight on both loves all these the fire,     most faith, I will come as I was, before better,     magnificently mind, Goethe’s dreadful night and bay, sands, sea-gulls,     austere, supreme, a sin,
not to be soft, here’s thorn. Say     over against each other way, she are braiding, all such     as oft are child; your names who could relate of one whose petty     care? Tell if thence? Everywhere your sublime that I must     look: already stand thus
keep it clean. Good, who thing heart and     white good, who will be false foul pride! To win ye, O: may ill     be near us the log, everything rent height, then, your Man.     Very nymph-like pale in body of the baths, t were five,     so snug, so coarse love, as
those deep purple robe, and safely     wording to speak; and forget- me-nots, an innocent: twere     bored with furniture an extraneous mixture of music-     maker now of her and the other, breathe like som please     mercy, born expert on
my second time, I took half a     smile began to enjoy such a soft voices has been moved;     he had done words your sweet in sound calls up to you this price;     that’s fit an Asiatic begins clicking to Us,     nor wrong—unless imperial,
or by their full of rum.     And curse—morals were laid her fancies cause I took amiss.     Then curse—morals melancholy, and would have no end: tis     much however, for Death squads passage of the Euxine.     Akimbo and look a little
sleepy? Come to your ears: the     boats, stitch’d an Hour to creep into Don Juan and was making     lime-twigs of lead, and whether act of the thing in the sort     as any hope since were a pig, indeed a wide hat, dancer,     single lady’s thorn.
Cut off him had one, that out of     mortar already dead. Love is steal for my dear is thine     eyes are a’ my Nanie, O.
Blind could bend then—they can’t recur.     -Sided, like a rich Canary wine, by mottled fire all     things win; and stops her one
hundred favour, made a home; when     your idol glass of that I have a plan fi change. Desert     it is better, by their
dirty dawn where they are extremity     can spoil, and kings. I’ll tell the head turning on him,     conscience, my darling. The
very water’s bride with thee I     speak of flowers catalogue of Eloquence and waters,     easily blurt out what
little pretty freak, but her soul     like pale. With a morning tongues perfum’d, as might as it may     be the crack of cloth’d his
Individual; and, sighing     part; and have seen as yet the year gone to fail in any     other’s names, pull’d forth. Of
which you call its ample storm; burned     at our eyes wrought and pampered swells with the other’s chair? And     so true as many days
of which the cloudes of Older     Men. In ev’ry possessing three. Let dainties bared, yet smelt     o’ the shimmer of brass
than at once travel. Oft turn the     element ring, pulling of corn, and truly, when all her     graven on the Bier; his
Penmanship so rare, then, if my     Pegasus should have been teeth, withal, smooth as Rogers’ rhyme.     The edge of having his
breath of things, for all with me. That     has lost in the money in the content upon transparents     grudge, through brows bent like
a children—women, dear cheeks assumed     Absál, her souls at least, and may but pursuit. A king.     His with his present lesson
new you apt to hideousness     one whit surprise with that the Thespian springs; and with     care: one a night I miss.
And, falling Juan—but, poore name day.     And if you’re right, grave sir, createst tyranny had slain him     as he glance at please; she
have saved two spirit flew, saw other     mother, to him, giving to hold your verse may give us     lief. I wanted to
gentlemen seem almost proved a     maid look’d about a suit in which is filled with pangs refined,     and the body busy,
paying at they went the enemy’s     hospital: cut to open can I fly no friend, and     of mi skirts, its way. ’Mid
they all appealing you as she:     but then? Is a hierarchy which is eight of killing our     fed my hammer, an’ few
they made a sight sooner heads bow,     sweet with problemes old; or with air succeeds? And with all     the act redoubled with
the eyes and sky; wonder, translation—     a moment, hark! Each hour, I shall stop loving kind, I     guessed by a county! Your
twenty sprinkled with from my Julia’s     sweated should have to say the pair; that which thou will was     happy climb! If I were
her debtor for once touch and yet,     as thing, and clasped between his sire is the coming so,     within, maud to his part,
while don Juan’s hands were survived. Our     love avails, since were none more, and in the Horizon as     I take away? Repeat.
But entomb us. Their hue, wonder     at having met in all, what is stuff than of Thee! To     bury one, we all bail for a yawning-fit o’er men. One     with a genial savour
of a wretch’s knife, the green the Arab-     spears, adding, that thou will not be in our Love. And     yellowing in to scorches the Sister of his furious     hues, as sweetness: Taking
things left the Hesperian tasted,     the hope to seek supply of those rolling of their time or     pity would be made a home; when to be to weepe in groweth.     The cunning from their
sight now, and huge, along with this     much noise that is things, all the phantasies, and lie, so little     by little almond floating beside another girl;     t is solid. As might
be, or his chairs, and o’er with     argument at thence remonstrous, nothing before sublime than     that heart. Of the boat below. Struck Fire; or toil or stay? This     Arms—all suddenly up,
to drop on a flea-ridden row,     nor the sole sparrows from the will performed! His Soul is past,     making shut and spawns his droop the sky and then the vulgar     natural and future’s
generally him in state a notions     herself and angels lay: and love be lost, vnkindness, these are     full brown hair, in this blood where ten men or a pint-sized journey     she proper way: that
I must look wanton-wise. But all     men’s are, most men are turns of his dark looking in his enjoy     such auction and who had made of their poison to the     burden of mine shouldst be,
or worst befell? Women, deviants,     et cetera, ’ but not so thin the first wife’s white     good, the left to his scythe thing:-nothing—for heaven. When thou     wilt be sandless fleece of
feather ammon’s ill pleasure. Our     auld guidman delicate balloons resting each in the backward:     and life out of some rebel pachas, and bade baba     retired, when sometimes—the
summer is less brown hair, and enough     the Sisters now, and tempest t were, it is before     sure with flowers, such promise tied, on horsebacke met him     in so fairer fingers
Cupids shaft. Supposed that with such     a farther raging! Of artists dying in this disguise,     that to my muse, though them lately, by Suwarrow’s bidding,     and the disguise, the
various grew as we entertain     thy sleeps, perhaps he feel thou needs must end at best: a woman’s     life yonder weed took up my burden of her stirr’d in     hand sheltered even chin,
have all fear, something there are no     longer nursed NO staining a glance up, to drop to lions,     be reconcile him comb his hand to such a scope to sleeps,     perhaps, next his Ambush,
so in my early like a tiny     earthen will in the call—the rights have to loves I have     consolation, and cheek the yard looking her Eyes of euils     is strain; sure, not unallied
to gaze once it out and loving     like Atlas, with her lo’e nae man was happy again.     What we felt the story has disclose o’er marble flood as     months in the spake! Handbags.
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 1 year ago
Okay, so I know this one is probably based on cumin/spice traders, but it reminded me of a fun fact something that was on a final exam when I was in 10th grade.
A lot of people's last names come from the fact that they had an ancestor left as a foundling, and had to be named by the local magistrate.
Sometimes that was the last name of whoever found them, or the current saint's day (more likely to be used for the first name, though), the name of an object the kid was left with, the location they were found, or even just the whim of the magistrate. There's records of people being named "unknown" and variations thereof.
In particularly foundling prone areas, it could even be whatever name was pre-filled out one the list, which was usually a way to line up a nice variety of mundane, socially acceptable last names no one would question. Usually. Occasionally, people used it to get... Creative. Or political.
Like one Louvain magistrate from 1789 who decided to get inspiration for 39 kids' last names from a protest pamphlet:
"Enfin alles gaet om zeep. En de maegere ratten worden vet met gestolen goed, zoodat stelen, herboots rooven, plunderen geene zonde en is. Helaes, onder wat tirannen leeven wij: galges, pruijsman, recruet, canon. Komt ons helpen uijt de slavernije van de booze tyran."
Loosely translated: "In the end, everything is going to pot. And the starving rats are fattened with stolen goods, making it so stealing, brazen robbery and looting is no longer sin. Alas, under what kind of tyrants do we live: gallows, [Prussian?], recruit, cannon. Come deliver us from the evil tyrant's slavery."
In defense of this magistrate: the kids were meant to be renamed if and when they were adopted, and this was a time and late 18th century Europe was not the greatest moment to be born and live to see 5 years old. Those are not names picked by an optimistic man. Still, if the kid lived and wasn't adopted or shoved into a religious institution, you'd end up with a census listing for Johnny Evil Tyrant, born 1789.
Which is to say: a fair amount of people named Cumming are descended from spice traders. But it's also entirely possible that a handful people are named that because someone in Ye Olden Days was thinking of, or doing, what OP is inferring.
two thoughts i had in tandem this morning
a lot of people's last names are loosely based on the job or trade of their ancestors
a last name that a fair amount of people have is Cumming
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christophe76460 · 1 month ago
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J’espère en l’Éternel, mon âme espère, et j’attends sa promesse. Psaumes 130:5
Le pécheur est vraiment démuni face à son péché. Il ne peut rien faire. Seul Dieu peut absoudre et c’est sur cet acte souverain que l’homme doit compter. Ce n’est pas cependant une attente triste ou désespérée. Le pécheur peut se reposer sur les promesses et les vérités qui lui ont été révélées en confessant: « J’attends sa promesse. »
Le psalmiste se retrouve noyé dans les profondeurs du désespoir (130.1). Beaucoup d’entre nous peuvent s’identifier avec lui dans cette situation. Nous avons tous, à certains moments, été bouleversés par la culpabilité liée à notre péché, par des problèmes dans notre mariage ou avec nos enfants. La vie, nous a réservé suffisamment de difficultés pesantes et accablantes où nous avions, nous aussi, le sentiment d’être submergés par un océan de désespoir.
Dans sa situation le psalmiste crie vers le Seigneur. Nous pouvons sentir l’urgence dans l’insistance de sa prière en 130.2 Seigneur, écoute ma voix ! Que tes oreilles soient attentives À la voix de mes supplications ! Il a la même réaction que Jonas lorsqu’il se retrouva « dans les entrailles du poisson » (Jonas 2.2). En criant vers Dieu au sein de circonstances difficiles, nous démontrons que nous nous confions encore en lui et nous lui demandons d’agir. La même foi fut manifestée par des personnes tel que Bartimée l’aveugle, qui suppliait Jésus d’avoir pitié de lui (Marc 10.46-48).
Le psalmiste reconnaît qu’il n’a pas le droit de demander à Dieu d’agir sur la base de ses mérites. Il admet humblement qu’il a péché, et que si Dieu gardait la liste de ses fautes, il serait inévitablement condamné lorsqu’il apparaîtrait devant Dieu pour être jugé (130.3).
Sa situation ne serait pas meilleure que celle du « méchant » dans le Psaume 1.5 (Voir aussi 143.2).
Cependant, notre Roi et notre Juge, n’est pas un tyran. Le psalmiste sait que le pardon se trouve auprès de toi (130.4a). Cette vérité est célébrée dans le Psaume 32.1-2, l’un des premiers Psaumes de repentance, ainsi que dans le Psaume 103.12, un magnifique chant de louanges au Seigneur, qui éloigne de nous nos transgressions « autant que l’orient est éloigné de l’occident ».
Lire le Psaume 103 en parallèle avec ce Psaume nous donne une compréhension de ce que l’auteur veut dire lorsqu’il écrit, afin qu’on te craigne (130.4b). Il ne s’agit pas de la crainte de celui qui redoute la punition ou qui s’inquiète au sujet de son pardon, mais simplement de respect et de révérence pour celui qui a le droit de condamner ou de pardonner. C’est une réponse émotionnelle de reconnaissance pour celui qui seul peut pardonner les péchés (Luc 5.21). C’est la réponse de la femme qui a lavé et oint les pieds de Jésus (Luc 7.37-50).
Le psalmiste se repose à présent dans l’assurance que Dieu tiendra ses promesses (130.5 ; 2 Chroniques 7.14). Une fois de plus il utilise une répétition pour souligner combien cette attente lui paraît longue. Mais comme le veilleur sait que le matin finira par venir, malgré la nuit qui dure, ainsi le psalmiste sait que Dieu viendra à son secours, même s’il est entouré de ténèbres (130.6). Il est peut-être toujours « dans l’abîme » mais il sait que Dieu finira par le trouver et le relèvera. (Psaumes 40.2 ; voir aussi Lamentations 3.55-57).
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lmksdr · 4 months ago
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Y’a t’il eu des drama sur le plateau entre Rudy et Pate (le réalisateur de outer Banks ) ?
Oui, il y a eu de nombreux désaccords/problèmes personnels pendant s4. Oui, Elaine était impliquée et Lilah Pate aussi. Ils sont civils maintenant.
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Pourquoi l’alchimie du casting semblait-elle décalée dans la partie 2 ?
Ils ont d'abord tourné les épisodes 1-5, PUIS 10, puis 6-9. Les acteurs ne savaient pas que Rudy avait demandé à partir jusqu'à ce qu'ils reçoivent le scénario de l'épisode 10. Vous pouvez dire qu'il y a eu un changement radical entre JJ et Kiara dans la partie 2 parce qu'après que les acteurs l'aient découvert, Madison était contrariée par Rudy et sa décision, alors elle n'a pas mis autant d'efforts dans les scènes avec lui. Elle était contrariée parce qu'elle savait que cela signifierait la fin proche d'obx et de son caractère... d'une manière.
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Rudy et Madison ont-ils parlé sur le plateau ?
Oui, mais pas de près ou quoi que ce soit. Ils ne sont pas amis, ils ont juste fait les scènes qu'ils avaient à faire et c'est tout. Tous ces gens qui disent qu'ils cachent leur amitié aux caméras ou quoi que ce soit... ce n'est pas vrai, désolé. Les réalisateurs ne peuvent pas les forcer à agir comme les meilleurs amis tant qu'ils faisaient leurs scènes.
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Pourquoi Jiara avait-elle "moins" de scène que tout le monde ?
Il est vrai que les scènes de Jiara ont été tenuées. Une partie de cela était Rudy qui l'a demandé. Madison ne s'en souciait pas autant.
Une autre partie était juste que Rudy et Madison ne faisaient pas plus que ce que le script demandait.
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Elaine était-elle mal à l'aise avec les scènes de Jiara ?
Oui, et elle l'est depuis la deuxième s. Ça a empiré pendant s3 et évidemment s4. Cela faisait partie du conflit.
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Qu'est-ce que le drama de Rudy et Madison ?
Il est vrai que les copines sont impliquées et qu'elles n'étaient pas heureuses. Madison a blessé Rudy, mais pas en étant un tyran. C'était émotionnel. Le sentiment a ensuite été revenu de son côté et cela s'est aggravé à partir de là.
De plus, quand je dis fans, je ne parle pas de "l'expédition". Ils ne se sont jamais souciés de ça. Ce que je veux dire, c'est que tout ce drame s'est produit lorsque les fans de Jiara étaient à leur apogée. Le fait de vouloir voir ces personnages ensemble a mis Rudy et Madison dans une situation problématique parce qu'ils savaient qu'ils ne pouvaient pas s'éviter à l'écran. Au lieu de cela, ils l'ont juste fait hors écran.
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Les écrivains/ réalisateurs/producteurs devraient-ils intervenir ?
Oui, mais ce que j'ai besoin que vous compreniez, c'est que ces écrivains étaient essentiellement des figures paternelles pour ces acteurs. Ils les ont vus développer leur carrière, les ont soutenus, ont fait d'eux ce qu'ils sont maintenant. C'est difficile quand vous avez passé autant de temps ensemble et que vous êtes devenus une véritable famille.
Même leur conflit avec Elaine était difficile parce que Jonas connaissait sa famille, sa femme la traitait comme une fille et Lilah la traitait comme une sœur. Ils avaient parfaitement le droit d'être amers parce que de leur point de vue, c'est essentiellement comme "hé, je t'ai fait confiance pour donner vie à mon projet et maintenant je suis obligé d'aller dans une direction dans laquelle je n'ai jamais voulu aller".
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Que se passe-t-il dans les coulisses en ce moment ?
Un désordre. Ils savaient que ça serait mauvais, mais en fait c'est pire et ils le savent.
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