#the 'ooh' he does in the first gif with the growl and the lean in?
cerealbishh · 1 year
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"It's like I can have every part of you except what I really want." "Which is?" "Your heart."
🎥: @starcuffedjeans
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bubble7o7 · 1 year
Mature content
Over 18’s Only
Jungkook x reader
Confused you open the apartment door, slowly peeping round it, you try to work out where all the moans and grunting noises are coming from.
“What are you doing?!! What in the ASMR type of shit is going on here?! You laugh.
You walk in and look around to find your boyfriend is lying flat on the floor on his back and covered in sweat.
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“I could hear you moaning outside!”
He groans as he lifts himself up from the floor walking over to you he teases and moans
“Oh baby… mmmh…. aaah… mmmmmh….”
He continues to moan loudly, while quickly running round the kitchen counter, willing you to chase him.
“Stooop it!” You growl through gritted teeth while trying to catch up to him!
“Oh Daddy!” He yells
“Jeon Jung Kook!” You yell eventually catching up to him. Your hand clasped firmly across his mouth and the other on the back of his neck.
“Stop right now!” You growl.
“Mmmmh mm huh!” he mumbles
“Mmmmh?!” He pleads with his eyes.
“What?!” you say again this time lifting your hand from his mouth.
You should have known he’d do that.
You slap your hand over his mouth again and flop your head on his chest.
“Oh my god! Your neighbours have already complained about your singing! Please just Shut.. the… fuck… uuuup!” You laugh.
You feel his hands on your hips and he’s pulling you into him.
“You’re a dick Kookie” you smile turning away from him but he still has a firm hold of you and presses his chest to your back and his mouth close to your ear “Yeah but I’m your dick!”.
“Wait that didn’t sound as cool as I thought it would.” He giggles
You turn to face him, your arms wrapping round his neck/shoulders.
“Let me make it clear… You and that dick are mine, got it?!” You smile and kiss his lips then move to the other side of the counter to finish unpacking the groceries.
Looking back you realise he’s still standing in the same position with his lips pouting.
“What’s wrong? You ask.
“I’m waiting for my erection to pass, I have a video meeting in 10 minutes and I need to shower first but you’ve… I’m… I think… I like when you claim my dick as yours”
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“Do you need a hand… Baby? You moan as you bend over to put the food in the freezer.
“No… stop!” He protests
“Mmmmmh baby, that freezers packed soooo good!”
“Please stop” he sighs
“Mmmmh Yes, yes, Ooh yes my baby, I’ll stop” you moan louder sliding your hands across the counter top.
He thumps the counter top with his fist.
“Fuck baby I’m seriously going… Please stop” he bites his knuckles.
You slide closer to him, your hand slowly glides up his arm, across his shoulders eventually sliding slowly down his stomach and resting firmly over his crotch.
“Fuuuck” he sucks through his teeth “My meeting…” you softly bite his shoulder, then lightly kiss the spot.
“Ok, go shower!” you cheerfully exclaim and make your way to to the sofa.
He tips his head back in frustration.
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You turn and lean over the back of the sofa and watch as he does his best to try and walk to the bathroom. “This is so unfair!” he whines
“And what have you learnt from this?” You ask.
“Ok I get it, I get it, I won’t tease you and I won’t make the sexy noises again…”
You smile a little smugly
“I’ll just fuck you right so that I make all those sounds come from you instead.” he shouts
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darkcrowprincess · 8 months
When Nico ran away, he met Luke Castellan. They formed a small friendship/alliance of liking Percy.
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*Oh do I have ideas!*
We start this story with how every story with Nico di Angelo starts. With him being completely utterly miserable.
Nico is running. Cold seeping in his bones. Percy Jackson's calls for him to 'come back Nico' echoing behind him. Nico runs. Without thinking or how he shadow travels for the first time. The only thing he does is turn his head behind him for one last glimp. Percy is reaching for him, ocean eyes sad and afraid for him. Begging him to come back. That causes the anger inside to spread more. A cold ice burn freezing anger. Anger of heart break and denial. All centered around Percy Jackson.
When the shadows spits him out again, he ends up in an alley. Nico trips over his feet. He tucks and rolls, hitting two trashcans, and ends up staying there like that. It's lightly raining. 'Good,' Nico thinks, it fits his mood. He's still so cold. Logically, he knows he needs to get up and keep walking. Find better clothes than his jacket so he doesn't freeze to death. But all Nico wants to do is stay here. Wallow in his pain. Maybe fall asleep and hope everything is just a nightmare. Nico moves to lay on the hard ground. Letting the rain soak in more. He's in a fetal position. He knows he shouldn't, but he's so tired. Percy's words about Bianca echoing in his head. His eyes fluttering. The only thing in his sight is the empty alley.
"Hey kid! Kid!"
"You need to wake up!"
"You can't stay here! God your burning up!"
"Percy, you let her die."
"Are you a friend of Jackson's?"
"Just leave me here to die Percy Jackson."
"Ok, kid your definitely coming with me."
"Are you crazy Luke! Kronos is not happy with you already."
"He knows Jackson. Besides another demigod could be useful."
"Percy, Bianca, don't leave me alone, please."
"Hush kid your sick. No one is leaving you alone."
Between the voices fitting through Nicos delirious mind. He has a flash of opening his eyes. A moment where he sees a young blond man leaning over him worried.
Nico wakes up on a couch. Wet cloth on his forhead, blanket tucked over him. His clothes changed(a baggy shirt and sweatpants). Nico looks around. He's in a tiny apartment. Outside he sees New York. It's night. Before full on confusion and fear hit Nico hears a voice singing coming from another room.
🎶He says, "Ooh, baby girl,
you know we're gonna be legends
I'm the king, and you're the queen,
and we will stumble through heaven
If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight"🎶
Nico swallows hard and nervous, looking for a weapon he grabs a table lamp. Slowly he starts walkng towards the kitchen. He pushes the kitchen door open and peaks in. The singing has gotten louder. The male singing isn't a bad singer.
🎶And I've been sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool For a while now, drowning my thoughts out with the sounds
But do you feel like a young god? You know the two of us are just young gods And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath And they're running, running, running🎶
Standing at the stove, he sees the back of a young blonde man. He's making chicken soup. Chopping carrots and potatoes into something that smells (Nico hates to admit)really good to Nico. Nicos realizes how hungry he is. The music is coming from a tiny battery powered cd player radio on the counter.
"You finally woke up kid?" The blonde says without turning around to look. Nico squeaks in fear, lifting the lamp up for protection. The blonde turns off the music, then fully turns around and rases his hands up.
"Hey easy kid I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a friend of Percy Jackson's."
Nico growls at that. "What makes you think I'm Percy Jackson's friend?!"
"Well other than the fact you were calling out his name while you were sick?"
Nico blushes at this. The blonde makes a note of that.
"Percy's been looking for you kid, real worried about you. At least that's what my spies say."
Nico still keeps the lamp in front of him like a bat, he raises an eyebrow in disbelief. "Spies? What are you a mob boss for half-bloods?"
Luke smirks, "You really have no idea who I am do you?"
"I know I have a lamp and I can throw it at your head!"
"Yeah but than you won't get any food. I know your hungry. So sit down, or not. You can leave if you want no one's stopping you kid."
Nicos stomach growls. At this point Nico doesn't care, he's hungry. If anything he can do whatever that shadow thing was again if he needed too. He's sure he can again. Nico goes to sit, the blonde guy smiles. Than turns around back to the stove. A few minutes later he brings back a couple of bowls filled with chicken soup. Laying one in front of Nico and than his seat. Up closer Nico fully sees the scars on the guys face. As if some big Greek monster used him as a clawing post. The guy pointedly eats first. Nico than follows after waiting a minute. During the meal it's silence. Uncomfortable silence from Nicos side. When Nico is almost finished and can't take anymore, he finally asks a question.
"Who are you and how do you know Percy?"
The guy fully smiles, its a rather mean one.
"My names Luke Castellan."
A few hours have passed, Nico and Luke are still talking in the kitchen. It's late but Nico isn't tired. He hasn't been more awake in a long time.
"So you tried to kill Percy."
"Kill is a strong word, I wouldn't exactly say that. I knew he'd survive the scorpion bite. My master had to think I was trying to kill him. I don't want Percy dead. I care very much about Percy Jackson. "
"You have a funny way of showing it."
"From what you've told me so do you. You know it's not his fault your sister died. Yet you still blame him."
Nico glares at him at that(unknown to him his eyes start glowing. The power of the underworld in him), some part of Nico wanting to throw his empty soup bowl at his head. Luke just keeps smiling.
"In fact I think we share the same type of complicated feelings for Percy. We both love him but are also terrified of him." Luke's voice oozes charm like gold. As if he's trying to entice Nico to seeing things his way. Nico can't look at him. The fear comes crawling back inside him. How can this guy see him so easily?
"Is that it," Nico says. "You want me to join you so I can give you info on Percy?"
"I think you want two things. Your sister back and Percy Jackson. Now the first can be real simple, especially with your help. A new world order without Olympian gods also means controlling the doors of death. The second, well I'm willing to share if you are kid. What I want, other than that is quite simple."
Nico looks at him with wide eyes.
Luke's eyes flash gold for one second. A bright other worldly gold. "I want the gods to pay. And a child of the big three can certainly help with that. The power you could be capable of could do wonders for our side."
Nico stands up in anger at that, his chair falling to the ground. "So your dangling my dead sister, and what Percy as a war prize we can share as barging pieces? So that I can join your little army!"
"Yeah, I am. Plain and simple kid. And I know your tempted. Or you would have just left with that shadow travel thing. I can see it in your eyes. You want to accept my deal."
Luke stays sitting but offers a hand towards Nico, " What exactly do you have to lose here? A father you never even met? Gods who are the real reason your sister's dead? A camp that's not even looking for you? Percy's the only one who has been looking for you might I add."
Nico eyes the hand. His heart beating fast loud, it's the only thing he can hear.
"I'm offering you everything you could ever want."
Everything else is silent. As if it's holding its breath. Nico lifts his hand going towards Lukes. It shakes and it's pale, soft and tiny compared to Lukes tanned, callus and big hand. His fingers curl back to hesitate touching Lukes and than-
Somewhere Percy Jackson wakes up in a cold sweat. Terrified. He can't remember what he dreamed but he feels as if something big has changed. His big ocean eyes wide. Only thing he says is, "Nico."
@dark-emperor-ciska 👿👿👿👿
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soft-mafia · 2 years
Taking Care of His Injuries
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Warning: fem y/n, oc insert, dry humping, grinding, breast sucking, mild blood, mild injuries
Idea inspired by @cafeguaba-blog !! I took a smutty turn with this bc I’m just such a simp.
Y/n squinted as she dabbed the cotton ball onto the small cut under Hisoka’s eye, her brows furrowed intently. His large hands were at her hips, his veins were naturally prominent, small hues of blue lines decorating his paper pale skin. She was sitting on his lap, he was a large enough man to where she could use his thighs as a stool while working on his predicaments.
The magician smiled slyly at her, tired eyes narrowed. Their faces were inches apart, she could see the texture in his skin, the creases, imperfections and all. Her doe eyes flickered up to meet his, “Stop staring at me like that..” she mumbled and cleaned up the rest of the cut, digging into the first aid kid again. “Hm? How am I supposed to stare?” Hisoka replied, his smile didn’t fade.
“I- I don’t know just close your eyes.” She huffed and started on the gash in his side, “I.. I have to stitch you up.. it’s gonna hurt.” She let out a shaky sigh, looking at the medical thread and the needle in her hands. “Mm. It’s a mediocre pain.” Hisoka said as his way of reassuring her nerves. Y/n took a deep breath and began to thread the needle through Hisoka’s skin. Her hands were shaky and a creeping anxiety began to linger. “You’re doing fine, my dear.” Hisoka whispered, feeling the nerves pricking at her aura.
A soft, quiet groan escaped Hisoka’s throat, he leaned his head back against the headboard and sat through the process. Although, Y/n had stopped mid stitch, his wound half open.
She laid the tools to the side and lowered her head, “I can’t do it.” She whispered. Hisoka’s brow raised upwards, he looked down at her with a mixture of both concern and confusion, “Hm?”
“You can call her.. that girl that usually does your stitches- I can’t.. nen stitches would be better than this.” Hisoka could tell in her voice, it was raspy, timid and shaky. The fear of not being good enough, it was one of her biggest weaknesses. “Mm. Jealousy.” Hisoka chuckled, “Envy is sexy on you baby, but sometimes I do pity you.” The hands on her hips moved up to her waist. Y/n frowned at Hisoka, lifting her head up to look him in the eye to find that his smile still stayed and his expression was soft.
He leaned in and connected their lips, groaning softly into her mouth the way she liked.
Y/n scooted upwards on his lap, her eyes were parted briefly in thought but they were closed as she deepened her kiss with him. “Mm..” Hisoka hummed, thumbs rubbing up and down her waist. “Grind on me, baby..” Hisoka whispered, “I want you to feel our connection.”
Y/n’s eyes widened at him, their noses were pressed together, “Huh? What about your stitches?”
“They can wait..” Hisoka licked his upper lip, “Let me show you my love.” He held her hips, making her rub back and forth over his clothed crotch. She could feel a hard mass under her, nestling between her legs.
His long cock was hard in his pants as she could feel when he moved her. Y/n started to create her own rhythm, rolling her hips onto that bulge, feeling it throb and subtly jolt in his pants. “Ooh. You got me all excited.” He rasped, “Mm.. do you feel my package?” Hisoka held her hips firmly again, bouncing her on his lap, getting her clothed cunt to squish against his bulge, “Do you feel my love for you?”
Y/n whimpered, holding onto Hisoka’s wrist as he moved her as he pleased on his cock, still moving her hips on him to help with the pleasure, “H-Hiso..” the only thing she was wearing was the black lace panties he had bought for her, along with a black tank top. Hisoka moved his hands away from her hips, and with a grunt he ripped her top in half, exposing her bare chest.
“Such big titties.” He growled through a grin, his hands were on her hips again, making her bounce on him as he leaned in and latched onto a nipple.
Y/n’s eyes went wide, gasping and whimpering, trembling at the tingly sensation of having her tits nursed on by Hisoka.
He groaned and panted, like an animal as he sucked and kissed her nipple, his tongue licked around the plump areolae before he popped it back in his mouth again. “Hahh.. mmm..” Y/n whimpered, back arching instinctively, looking down at him with bedroom eyes.
“Everybody has their strengths..” Hisoka whispered on her nipple, kissing the little bud to punctuate his words, “It’s what makes them desirable and unique.” He moved to her other breast, playing with the nipple with his fingers for a moment, then lowering his hand back to her hip before sucking the breast into his mouth. “Mm.” He sucked and licked, causing Y/n to jolt and gasp. “Hospice may not be your speciality but you’re a strong girl.” Hisoka kissed the middle of her collarbone, then rose up, leaving her nipples hard and puffy. He towered over her, a cunning look in his eyes while presenting predatorily, “And you belong to me.” He stated, “You are mine.”
Y/n whimpered and shuffled her pussy on the fabric of her panties faster, feeling close to release. Hisoka’s grunts and pants became more deeper and louder, his hips bucking up into her, “There’s no need for jealousy, my darling. No need for tears.” He said breathily as he tilted his head back, hissing in ecstasy, “You’re my doll, my toy..” he groaned, “The ache in my sweet tooth.” He laughed drunkenly.
Y/n bounced quicker, panting and laying her body against his chest, “A-Ahh! Hhh.. aahhh!” A tiny orgasm, but she came in her panties, huffing and whimpering as she settled down. “Ohhh baby..” Hisoka growled, laying back against the headboard after release, “Ahhhh..” his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. “I hope that quelled your doubts, dear.” Hisoka added, his hands moved back and rested on her butt, “Mm. Now, continue.”
Y/n looked at Hisoka, her glossy eyes were still full of uncertainty, but when he opened his eyes to look at her again, his gaze was enough reassurance. She nodded and picked up where she left off on the stitching, surprisingly none of it came undone when she was grinding on him. After a few minutes she tied it off, then put some gauze over the stitched wound. “Ok..” she sighed, “Is that it?”
Hisoka looked down at her and nodded, “Mhm.”
“This is your lesson to leave Zoldyck butlers alone.” Y/n griped at him, packing up all of the tools into the first aid kit, setting them to the side. “Well, you know I like a little fun.” Hisoka chuckled, “And they all seem to target me anyway.. and I’ve done nothing at all.”
Y/n raised a brow at him, to which he just laughed.
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alyswritings · 2 years
Request: Can you do one where druig has a sister but they just split up when he left. Until one day she is in danger and somehow manages to connect with him to beg for help.
Druig x sister!reader
Summary: Druig comes to his sister's aid when she calls.
Warnings: sexual assault, knives, stabbing, some angst and fluff
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Y/N stands back watching as Druig snaps at Ajak. He turns to the battle down below, mind controlling the people, all of them turning to him.
Ikaris grabs Druig, shoving him against the wall. Y/N straightens up, watching Ikaris' movements carefully.
"Let them go." Ikaris demands the mind controller.
"You're gonna have to make me." Druig states.
"Stop." Ajak orders, walking over to the two. She gives Ikaris a look, the man backing away.
"If you wanna stop me... you're gonna have to kill me." Druig declares. He starts to walk down the stairs, Y/N quickly catching up to him.
"Wait, Druig." She grabs his arm, standing a few steps behind him. She pulls on his arm making him turn back to her. "Please stay. We-- we can figure something out."
"Sorry, Y/N. Nothing's going to change my mind." Druig tells her.
"You know how to get ahold of me." Druig says. He turns away from her, continuing his trek down the steps, his arm escaping Y/N's hold.
Y/N tearfully watches as Druig walks off, all of the humans blindly following him.
- - -
Y/N is on vacation in Peru with a few of her friends. Y/N was hesitant to come along originally, knowing she'd be in the same country of her brother that she hasn't spoken to in centuries.
After he left the team, Ajak ordered the group to all go off and live their own lives. Y/N tried to communicate with Druig telepathically after he left, but he never responded.
Y/N is currently at the bar, now alone after her friends all went off. One of her friends met a guy and they left for his hotel room. Her two other friends, who are dating, went back to their own hotel room.
Y/N sips on her drink, savoring the last of it before she returns to her own hotel room.
"Hello, pretty lady." Y/N turns to find two men both around their early or mid thirties. One man is leaning against the bar, an attempted flirtatious smirk on his face. However, all it does is make Y/N want to leave and never seem him again. The other man eyes Y/N up and down, practically undressing her with his eyes.
"Hello, lads." Y/N greets, attempting to be polite.
"Ooh. We got a Scot." The first guy chuckles.
"Irish." Y/N corrects.
"Well, what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?" The second guy asks. He moves to her other side, leaning a hand on the bar, the two basically trapping Y/N in her seat.
"Enjoying my drink. Peacefully. I'm, uh, I'm really not interested." Y/N tells them.
"In what?" The first guy asks.
"You two." Y/N deadpans.
"Oh, come on. Not even a little?" The first guy asks.
"Not in a million years." Y/N says, flashing a fake smile.
"We could show you a good time." The second guy grabs her wrist.
"No." Y/N denies, trying to rip her wrist out of his grasp, but he only tightens her grip. Y/N tries to pull her wrist free again, but still fails. "Let go."
"No. Not until you agree." The guy seethes. The other guy puts his hands on Y/N's waist, the woman tensing up under his tight grip.
"Come on, pretty girl. We'll have fun." The first guy whispers in her ear.
Y/N throws her hand up, sending the man in front of her flying a few feet back, crashing into a table. She reels her arm back, elbowing the other guy in the nose making him fall back.
"Don't touch me." She growls.
Y/N quickly pays the bill before storming off, trying to get as far away as she can. After walking for about ten minutes, she hears shuffling a few yards back. She quickly turns, but finds nothing.
Y/N continues to walk, more cautious than before. She looks around, but the streets are empty which she guesses it is the middle of the week and late, so it does make sense. Y/N tries to enter different stores and restaurants, but they're all closed.
"Shit." she whispers to herself, knowing she's being followed. She quickens her pace, trying to get to her hotel quicker, wishing they didn't book one across town. She pulls her phone out, but finds it at one percent. Before she can try to call anybody, it dies. "Crap."
Y/N hears footsteps a few yards behind her and she speed walks, trying to look confident, and hopefully getting to her hotel safely. She's not sure what to do since there's nobody around when an idea strikes her.
Might as well try. She thinks to herself. Druig! Please, please help me. I'm not safe. I'm being followed. They're humans, but I don't know how bad it could go. Please, please, please. Druig!
Where are you?
Y/N freezes at the voice she hasn't heard in centuries. She remembers her predicament and quickly regains her walking speed. She honestly didn't expect him to answer. She quickly tells him where she is and he assures he'll be there as quickly as he can.
Y/N turns a corner, bumping into somebody.
"Oh, sorr--" Y/N stops when she looks up, finding it to be one of the men from the bar.
"Hi, sweetheart." He wickedly grins. He grabs both her wrists and drags her into an alleyway. The other man rushes towards them, Y/N realizing he was the one behind her. The guy shoves Y/N against the wall.
"What do you want?" She seethes.
"You." The man states. He starts to kiss her neck, Y/N squirming in protest.
"Just relax. Enjoy it." The other guy says.
Y/N brings her leg up, kneeing the guy in the stomach making her groan in pain and fall back. She throws her hand out, sending him into the other wall.
The second guy attacks her, Y/N holding him off. She tilts her head sideways, sending him to the ground.
"Oh, you psycho bitch!" The guy groans.
"What is she, a freaking wizard?" The other one asks.
Y/N continues to fight them off. As she knocks one of them down, she turns to fight the other one, finding him standing right there. Before she can react he slices her abdomen with a knife. Y/N lets out a small cry of pain, her hand flying to cover the wound.
The guy stabs her leg causing her to let out a yell of pain. Y/N falls onto the ground, one hand on her side and one on her leg. Her back falls against the wall, breathing heavily.
"Now... you gonna cooperate now?" The one guy asks, a smile on his face. Y/N glares at him until the other guy rushes up, tightly wrapping his hands around her throat. He cuts her air supply off, Y/N gasping for air, her hands abandoning her injuries to pry at his hands.
"Dude, come on. We didn't wanna kill her. Just mess around with her." The other guy says.
"You're the one who stabbed her!" The first one exclaims.
Suddenly, both men's eyes turn gold. Y/N thinks she's hallucinating, and the man holding her lets her go. Y/N coughs for air, breathing heavily as she regains oxygen.
She watches the two men walk off before her eyes fall on her brother.
"God, about time." Y/N pants.
"Well, you did move from your last location." Druig comments, rushing over. "Can you walk?"
"I... I think so." Y/N nods. Druig helps her stand up, keeping an arm around her waist for safety. "Just get me back to the hotel."
"Where is it?" Druig asks.
"About five minutes away." Y/N says.
- - -
Druig helped Y/N hobble back to the hotel as quickly as he could. He mind controlled everybody to make sure they didn't pay any mind to the man and the girl with a leg injury.
Now, in her hotel room, they got her leg patched up and Druig is working on her side now.
Y/N hisses in pain as Druig applies the disinfectant on the wound. Y/N lets a small whine of pain out.
"Stop squirming." Druig mutters, not looking up from what he's doing.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Not like I got cut with a knife or anything." Y/N rolls her eyes. Druig rolls his eyes as he continues to treat her wound.
"What are you doing in Peru anyway?" Druig asks.
"I'm on vacation with my friends." Y/N informs.
"Where are your friends?" Druig asks.
"All off enjoying private adult time." Y/N says and Druig nods understanding.
"Couldn't get a guy, huh?" Druig teases.
"I got two. They're just psychos." Y/N retorts.
"True." Druig mumbles. "There." He puts gauze over her cut. He starts to clean up, Y/N still sitting on the counter. "Are, uh... are you okay?"
Y/N gives him a look.
"Just answer the question." Druig says.
"Hmm. Well, I just got attacked by two twisted humans with a knife who couldn't take "no" for an answer. And shockingly big brother came to the rescue." Y/N says.
"Why so shocking?" Druig asks.
"I haven't talked to you, let alone seen you, in centuries. You left and you never replied to any of the times I reached out to you." Y/N says.
"I'm sorry about that. I did miss you." Druig says.
"Yeah, no, you really seem to give a shit." Y/N says, getting off the counter.
"I'm sorry. Who came all the way here because you were in danger? Cause you were begging for help?" Druig asks.
"It took me being in danger for you to talk to me! What's up with that?" Y/N argues.
"You know, you could've visited." Druig states, following her to the bed.
"You could've visited." Y/N counters, putting a jacket on. "You could've talked to me, at least. Mentally or in person."
"I'm sorry, Y/N. But I still care about you." Druig says making her scoff. "If I didn't care I wouldn't be here right now."
"Whatever. I'm fine. Thank you for the help. You can leave." Y/N says.
Druig doesn't say anything, simply standing by the end of the bed, watching Y/N clean up her clothes that she left scattered around the room.
"I did check on you." Druig says.
"What?" Y/N asks, turning to him.
"I... I would occasionally get into your head. See how you were doing." Druig informs.
"That is so wrong, Druig." Y/N says.
"I know. But you built a wall. Rather you knew it or not, you built a wall from me getting through to you while you were conscious. I was only ever able to do it when you were asleep." Druig says.
"How would you know when I was sleeping?" Y/N asks.
"I just tried until I was able to reach you." Druig says. "I only do it every few years or so. Sometimes once a decade."
"Why didn't you visit?" Y/N asks.
"Couldn't leave my village. Why didn't you visit?" Druig repeats the question.
"Didn't think you'd really be interested in seeing me. Or any of us." Y/N says.
"I would've. You could still come visit." Druig offers.
"Is that your crap apology?" Y/N asks.
"Maybe." Druig says making Y/N roll her eyes. He sits next to her on the bed. "Y/N, I... I'm very sorry. About leaving you. About not answering... or visiting. If you... want to try to rekindle the close bond... I'm not opposed to it."
"So you're still mind controlling an entire village?" Y/N asks. Druig silently nods. "Does it not get tiring? Or... or boring?"
"It's peaceful." Druig says.
"Guess that doesn't sound too terrible." Y/N mumbles.
"The visit offer stands. And if you like it enough, perhaps you could move there." Druig says.
"Do you get cell service?" Y/N asks. Druig simply shrugs, having no clue. "Guess I'll have to find out for myself then." She mutters.
"So..." Druig trails off, looking at her questioningly.
"I'm not opposed either." Y/N says, catching Druig's lips quirk up the tiniest of bit before he regains the 'don't care' composure. "Though I am still kind of mad about the centuries of radio silence."
"Understood." Druig says.
"But thank you for getting to me in time tonight." Y/N says.
"Well, I suppose you were always my favorite." Druig says making Y/N quietly laugh and he smiles a little.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Always With The Scissors
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader / Dean Winchester x Reader / Sam x Dean Rating: 18+ Tags: sloppy seconds, voyeurism, angst, objectification of women, slut shaming, dirty talk, cum play, pining!Dean Word Count: 2.9k  Created for: @spnkinkbingo​ - Objectification | @negans-lucille-tblr​ - Man Crush Monday: Sam and Dean / Two for Tuesdays: Smangst / Sinful Sunday: Sloppy Seconds  A/N: Super big congratulations of 7,000 followers!! You deserve every single one and many many more ❤️
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Dean has a very specific kink. He knows it makes him sound a little creepy... okay, a lot creepy – okay, he is actually a full-on creep – but he never cums harder than he does when he's inside a girl his little brother's just fucked. And it’s not that his brother has awesome taste in girls and Dean is just jealous and wants in on the fun too. It’s not even that he has a big kink for sloppy seconds. It had never appealed to him before they started playing this sick sort of game they’ve been playing since Sam decided he was over Jess enough to start sleeping around again (he knew Sam was nowhere near ready for another relationship).
Dean remembers eyeing up a petite little thing at the bar once and then noticing Sam checking her out not too long after. Ever the gracious big brother, and not creepily concerned with Sam’s sex life, Dean figured he’d bow out and let Sam take the swing at this one — but then Sam caught Dean looking at her too, and tried to back down to let Dean have at it. Dean couldn’t have that. So he suggested the ploy that got them where they are now, they play Rock Paper Scissors for the chance to shoot their shot; Dean always loses Rock Paper Scissors.
The part of the night they hadn’t anticipated was the girl they’d been ogling spotting them playing a game for the chance to fuck her, and suggesting that they don’t need to choose, they can just take turns. That had been the game changer.
Listening to Sam fuck her stupid through the wall of the motel room is seriously hot, and Dean has to fight to keep his hand out of his pants the whole time he sits waiting, hearing Sam grunt out filth that he never imagined he’d hear from his little brother’s mouth. And when Sam lopes back through the adjoining door between their rooms with sex ruffled hair and a smirk, with a quick aside of ‘She’s all yours’ before he ducks into the bathroom for a shower, Dean swears he feels his knees go weak.
Quick as he can, he makes his way into the ‘sex room’ as he decided to call it in his head, and found the girl laying in the centre of the bed, legs draped open, playing with the cum leaking out of her pussy. Dean has to grab himself through his jeans, scared he’ll come on the spot if he doesn’t cut himself off.
“You gonna fuck me or what, big boy?” The girl leers at him, and Dean strips down like he’s being timed and slots himself between her thighs and pushes home in one go. He finishes embarrassingly quickly, with Sam’s cum sloshing around his dick and leaking into his mouth where the girl had painted it on like lip gloss. He devours every drop.
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Dean catches Sam’s eye from across the bar and nods towards the girl he’s picked out as a target. It’s a college bar, so Sam does the approach, seeing as he's the one who looks like he could still fit in here. Dean drops himself in a chair and watches Sam work, proudly — he’s the one who taught the kind everything he knows after all. He watches as Sam charms her easily, gets her a drink, asks if she wants to come sit down and motions to the table Dean’s sitting at.
“Dean, this is Y/N,” Sam introduces her, smoothly pulling out a chair for her and pushing it back to the table — a true gentleman. “Y/N, this is my brother, Dean.”
“Hey there,” Y/N smiles at him easily, and Dean can tell they’ve picked someone up for a good time.
“Hey yourself, sweetheart,” Dean gives her a wink and leans in closer. “So, Sammy tell you how we’re hoping this night’s gonna go?”
“He did,” Y/N nods and shoots a smirk at Sam, who reciprocates, and Dean feels his guts churning. “Said the back seat of your car was real comfy too,” she grins mischievously.
“Sam even puts a blanket down most of the time, real class act,” Dean laughs, gulping down more of his drink.
“Wow,” Y/N is sarcastically amazed, “you fellas know how to treat a lady right,” she sounds bitter but Dean can tell she’s joking. She wouldn’t have followed Sam over here in the first place if she wasn’t.
“We try our best,” Sam grins at her charmingly, and Dean can see Y/N melt a little looking at his baby bro’s eyes — he can’t blame her.
Several drinks later, Y/N starts getting handsy with both of them, and Sam suggests they think about moving their little party of three outside. They show Y/N out to the car, Dean opens the back door with a flourish and she slides gracefully inside, glancing back out with a hungry look in her eyes. “So, who’s joining me?” she flutters her lashes seductively, like we need any convincing, Dean thinks to himself.
“Sammy,” Dean grunts, making a ‘come here’ motion with his hands and then holding one out flat and the other on top in a fist in preparation. Sam sidles over to Dean, gait smug, like he already knows he’s gonna win and get first crack at Y/N — which of course he is, because that’s how Dean likes it. He holds up his hands in a mirror of Dean’s, and eyes not leaving each others’ they both beat their fists against their palms. 1, 2, 3.
“Ooh,” Sam hisses in mock sympathy when they look down and see Sam’s ‘rock’ beats Dean’s ‘scissors’. “Always with the scissors, Dean,” Sam gives him a condescending pat on the shoulder, like he doesn’t know what Dean’s doing, and maybe he doesn’t, Dean thinks. Maybe Sam truly doesn’t realise how fucked up I am.
Dean turns to head back into the bar as Sam slides himself into the backseat next to Y/N, but he stops in his tracks when she calls out the window — “Sure you don’t wanna watch, handsome?” Dean freezes, the possibility of actually getting to see Sam fuck this girl, not just imagine it, is more intoxicating than the drinks he’s downed tonight. To actually see Sam, stripped and vulnerable, losing himself inside some cunt… Dean had never even considered that as a possibility before, but now that the thought is in his mind he needs it, craves it. He spins on his heel, looking back at Sam, inwardly praying that his little brother will be gracious enough to grant him this one thing.
“I don’t mind,” Sam smirks, eyes darting back to Y/N and raking down her body. “If she wants you to watch her get used like a little fucktoy, she can have that.” Dean is back by the car in a heartbeat. Sam pulls the back door shut as Y/N climbs on his lap and starts kissing him, while Dean checks around furtively and slides into the front.
Y/N moans start to fill the small space of the car’s interior as she grinds enthusiastically down onto Sam. Dean watches Sam run his hands down her back and up under the hem of her skirt.  He wishes Sam would take her skirt off so he could see Sam’s hands on her ass, see his  fingers tearing into the lace panties that Dean had gotten a glimpse of when she slid into the backseat earlier on. They pull apart and Y/N pushes Sam’s shirt up and over his head, messing up his hair, before she runs her fingers through it and holds on tight, earning a pleased groan from Sam. Dean catalogues that knowledge for later use – not that he thinks he’ll be in a position to test it out on Sam, but it will be a nice detail to add to his tragic imaginary Sam, the one that knows how sick he is and doesn’t care.
Sam’s hands sneak up the back of Y/N’s top and Dean watches as he removes her bra with practiced ease, and he nods to himself – respect. Sam must be feeling her up now because his arms have disappeared to her front and she’s letting out some pretty little whimpers and arching into his chest. Y/N pulls her top off, then reaches for Sam’s jeans, undoing the belt, button and zip quick as she can. Sam pushes her off him and she sprawls to the side, facing Dean now, and her eyes seek him out.
Her chest is heaving, her breasts shuddering with each rise and fall of her chest, and Dean spends a moment taking in her body, appreciating the curves, before he notices her hands have snuck beneath her skirt and she’s clearly touching herself while she watches him. Dean flushes, reaching down to adjust himself in his jeans. “Enjoying the show?” she winks at him, and Dean nods wordlessly.
“Get back over here, and let’s give him a real show,” Sam grabs Y/N and drags her back onto his lap, still facing Dean. She straddles him and rubs herself over his crotch. Sam snakes his arms around her waist and pulls up the front of her skirt, so Dean can see Sam’s cock thrusting between her thighs, against the glistening satin and lace panties she’s wearing. Dean feels his dick leap in his jeans, and he reaches down to adjust himself again before he decides to just give in and let down his zip, pushing his hand inside his boxers to fist himself out of the material. “Wanna see me fuck her?” Sam grunts, eyes flicking up to catch Dean staring at their grinding hips.
Dean feels his cock leak across his fingers at Sam’s words. “Fuck yes,” he groans, stroking himself harder. “Fucking give it to ‘er Sammy.”
“Want me to give it to you sweetheart?” Sam breathes against Y/N’s neck, tucking her hair tenderly behind her ear and nipping at her earlobe. She squeezes her eyes shut and whimpers, Sam’s way with words clearly affecting her. “Gonna be a good little slut and take my cock? Let me use you up and then hand you over to my brother to finish you off?”
“Fuck, Sam please, please, just use me,” she pulls her panties to the side and tries to get Sam to slip inside her but she can’t quite find the angle, and she whines, desperate and frustrated.
“Wow, for someone who just wants to be a set of holes you sure are needy,” Sam growls and gets his cock in the right place and pulls her down his shaft slowly. “Thought you told me inside you’d let me do whatever I want to you, and you wouldn’t put up a fuss?”
“Just fucking fuck me already, please Sam,” Y/N is begging, grinding down onto Sam’s cock like a whore.  
Sam finally stops teasing her and follows through on his promise to use her. One of his hands comes up to wrap around her throat while he uses his other arm to keep her body pressed close against his, and he punches his hips into her hard, without abandon. Dean nearly chokes every time he catches a glimpse of Sam’s cock, bare and shiny with her slick, before he pushes back into her. It’s better than he could have imagined, watching Sam actually rail into a pussy instead of just hearing it through some flimsy drywall. It’s much easier to picture what Sam would look like fucking into him now that he’s seeing this.
“She feel good Sammy?” Dean is horrified to hear how strained his voice is when he speaks. He sounds like a goddamn girl with how fucking breathy he is.
“Uh huh,” Sam fucks into her quicker, like Dean’s question has spurred him on. “So wet, can feel her soaking into my thighs,” he moans. Dean refuses to let out the whimper that’s trying to escape his throat. “Gonna be even wetter for you,” Sam continues, leering up at Dean through his lashes, chin looped over Y/N’s shoulder. “She’s gonna be all messy when I’m done with her. But you like ‘em like that dontcha? Like ‘em strung out and used up?”
“Fuck,” Dean does almost whimper.
“Oh god,” Y/N whines, dropping her hips down in earnest against every one of Sam’s thrusts, and she snakes a hand down her front to start rubbing over her clit.
“Oh you wanna cum, do you? Think you earned that yet?” Sam bites against Y/N’s neck and bats her hand away from her core. “I think you’re gonna have to do a bit more before you get to cum. Gotta let me cum in you first, huh? Then you’re gonna be a good little cocksleeve for my big brother to get off in, and then, maybe, if you’ve been a good girl, we’ll make you cum.”
“Fucking hell,” she moans heavily, dropping her head back onto Sam’s shoulder. “C’mon then fuck me, want your cum inside me, please,” she whines, voice piercing in the small space.
“Yeah, that’s what Dean wants too,” Sam smirks, but he’s not looking at Dean now, he’s got his eyes closed tight and his head buried against Y/N’s shoulder. Dean thanks fuck for that, because when he heard Sam say that he knows Dean wants him to cum inside Y/N, Dean thought he was going to die of embarrasment. Obviously he wanted that, and in the back of his mind he knew Sam must know that he likes fucking the girls second, but they’d never talked about it. What did Sam think about the fact that Dean got off on fucking his little brother’s cum back into whatever warm body they’d picked out that day? He must be okay with it because they keep doing it.
Dean’s existential crisis is cut short when he hears the tell tale gasp and cut off whine that means Sam is cumming, and he looks up just in time to catch the  pure fucking bliss on his little brother’s face. His eyes flick down to where Sam and Y/N are joined and he watches, mesmerised, as Sam pulls out, his cock laced with the white of his release.
“Open your mouth, bitch,” Sam grunts, and shoves Y/N off his lap and onto her hands and knees so she can suck the cum back off his cock. Dean’s breath catches in his throat, desperately hoping she doesn’t swallow.
When she pulls off of Sam with a wet sound her mouth stays open and Dean can see the cum slipping from her lips. He reaches over the seat impulsively and grabs her hair, yanking her towards him and slamming their mouths together. Dean sucks her tongue into his mouth like he wants to bite it off, and he can’t keep in the moan that bubbles up from his chest when he tastes the bitter edge of Sam’s spunk on his tongue.
“C’mere,” Dean grunts against Y/N’s lips, dragging her over the top of the seat. It’s not graceful, it’s not attractive or sexy, it’s born of the intense desperation Dean has to feel something hot and wet around his dick, and when he pushes into Y/N’s cunt he knows he’s not going to win any records for stamina tonight. She’s tight, but it’s an easy fuck because she’s so so wet. Dean can feel Sam’s cum squeezing out of her every time he fucks in, pushing the creamy liquid out around his dick and grinding it into his jeans. They’re going to be ruined but he doesn’t give a fuck because this feeling is always worth it.
Y/N’s head is buried in the crook of his neck and Dean’s forehead is smashed into her shoulder as they cling to each other. Dean jumps when he feels hands on his shoulders, because the fingers are facing the wrong way for them to be hers – they’re Sam’s. He leans across Dean to kiss Y/N roughly, then yanks her head back by her hair, holding her out in front of Dean so they can watch her tits bounce while Dean fucks into her mercilessly.
“What d’ya think Dean, do we let her cum?” Y/N whines at the words and Dean can hear Sam smirking. “You’re gonna cum anyways aren’t you, you fucking slut. Gonna squeeze his cock real good for me? That’ll make you a real fuckin’ whore won’t it, going home with two guys’ loads in that pussy, huh?”
Sam’s taunts are cruel and mocking and fucking hot and Dean has never had to listen to Sam’s dirty talk while he was actually fucking something and he can’t handle it. He stills inside Y/N, gasping as he pumps his release inside her, mixes it up with Sam’s. Y/N is shaking around him and Dean thinks she must have cum too but honestly he’s so far gone he can’t even tell.
When Y/N climbs back over the seat to find her clothes, Dean stays put, still trying to catch his breath. He hears Sam open the door and walk her out, back to the bar. He shakes himself from his reverie and rushes to tuck himself back into his boxers. His jeans feel sticky, and they probably are ruined but he still doesn’t care. It was absolutely worth it.
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We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library​ @tintentrinkerin​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @fandomfic-galore​ @petitgateau911​ @schaefchenherde​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @little-diable​ @laxe-chester67​ @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67​
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j 
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plussizes-blog · 3 years
Nick Bateman × ChubbyReader
You , pure and innocent. He , cõcky and dominance. When both of your worlds crash together in your brother's and his sister's wedding.....well......for me to know for you to read *wink wink*
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"Ah Yn , meet my big brother Nick and Nick , this is my husband's babysister Yn !" Martha squeels excitedly as she introduces you to the big buff handsome guy infront of you with silky brunette hair.
'Yeah , big indeed' you think to yourself as the guy sends a flirty smirk your way.
You have been plus-size your whole life , not the flat stomach thick thighs kinda girl but a real plus-size girl. You did have a minus 100 in getting guys but they never really bothered you cause you don't need a guy to tell you that you are beautiful , you know that by yourself.
"Nice to meet you Yn" Nick says stepping closer.
'Starting with first name basis I see' you think to yourself as he leans down enveloping you in a hug , his hand resting on your a$$ and giving it a squeeze but no one seems to notice until you squeel jerking up.
Could give this guy an A+++++ in the perverted playboy category , ex-highschool jock and a player again.
"Any problem ?" Poor Martha asks frowning.
"Oh it's nothing babes , just a uhm bug" you say waving her off as you glare at Nick while he gives you a lopsided grin and a shrug.
What does he want ? Maybe a fling ?
Well.....you could afford that. Being in relationships scared you cause your last attempt you made to get into a relationship ended horrendously and you don't want the history to repeat itself like it did for Stephan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries which.....well let us say it didn't end well too......that guy died !
Even though you happily would , life isn't as easy as they show in series or movies , you have to live through it , directly or indirectly all alone.
As you watch Martha and your brother swing to the music you feel a presence behind you making the hairs of your neck stand up in attention.
You feel a tap on your shoulder making you turn around only to come face to face with Nicky poo.
"May I have this dance ?" He asks extending his hand forward. You grasp his hand without a second thought making his grin widen 100× as he drags you to the dancefloor.
Within 10 minutes of you grinding up against each other Nick lets out a thunderous lust filled growl into your ear.
"Let's get out of here yeah ?" He asks in a deep sëxy voice and to nod fervently making him grasp your hand and drag you out.
Just when you are about to exit you make eye contact with a bewildered bunch of people on the dance floor which considered Martha , your brother , mother , father and Martha's parents.
You deliberately turn your head away letting Nick take you to wherever he is taking you. Reaching a stop you find that it is none other than the room right next to yours in the hotel.
Ooh now you can see who masturbated calling out some chubby-princess's name last night. It has been Nick.
You're being pushed up to the door the first thing you enter the room , your mouth and your tongue inside fighting for dominance with his which he ofcourse wins !
Your clothes are being ripped off of your body as you discard his clothes all along. Tossing your clothes somewhere around the room you push him onto the bed and climb ontop of him , straddling his lap as he props on his elbows and looks at you with hooded eyes.
Crawling up the bed backwards he leans on the headboard grabbing your hips as he guides you down his long , thick and hard length.
"F*ck princess you are so wet and tight , all for me" he growls as you throw your head back in ecstasy while he continues to look at you with lust and adoration.
"F*ck my chubby princess , just like that" he groans as you bounce on him up and down , both your hand on his chest while he buries his face inbetween your rather large melons sucking on your straining t*ts.
He rams in and out of you , the sound of skin slapping and moans and groans filling his double suit hotel room as he sucks on your breasts.
"Gonna.....cuuum" you breath out as you milk his d*ck while hot sperm spills into your p*ssy filling you up and overflowing out of your p*ssy as you fall on top of him.
He flips you over , his d"ck still inside you as he cuddles you.
"That was amazing chubby princess ! I thought you were a virgin but you have proved me wrong" he breaths out raggedly.
"Not all plus-size girl is a virgin" you say bitterly as you try to push him away , feeling disappointed (not sad) about what he told.
"F*ck princess I didn't mean it that way ! I meant to tell that .....you are so innocent....too innocent to have deflowered and I just thought maybe.....maybe I am going to be your first but after our hot love making I know you are not as innocent as you seem to be" he says with his voice filled with so much sincerety and sorry as he kisses your earlobe making you relax.
"I lost my virginity to my crush , getting him drunk and having s"x with him thinking he would then be in a relationship with me though it was painfull which ended up in a pretty......well pretty bad situation. I have never been or try to be in a relationship afterwards. Never gonna be in one. That is why I gave myself into the temptation. I know you wouldn't want a relationship nor even look at me the next time we meet so.....I better get going anyways" you say as you try to get out of his grip which loosens.....for a second but then tightens back again.....very tightly.
"Oh oh my innocent chubby princess , you have been haunting my dreams for years now. You have been the princess of every wet , love and wedding dream I have ever had. I have been waiting to meet you , masturbating with the thoughts of your body and even cuuming inbetween my dreams , unexpectedly today I did. And I am never letting you go. Never" he says in a deep husky voice filled with love , lust and possessiveness making you shiver.
"Mine" he adds in a loud growl as his mouth lands on your neck , sucking on it like his last meal.
That is how you met Nick. Your husband. The father of your three kids with one on its way. And your soulmate.
The End
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espieviolet99 · 3 years
Kozik Fic
Treated myself to a Kozik fic - glad I had the focus to write it
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She'd gotten up long before Kozik, as she usually does. And Addie was traipsing around the kitchen, thinking of what she could do this year for Christmas. She began baking in the early hours, to try and bake up an assortment to see what people would think. There were cinnamon batches, orange batches, mint batches and she even tried her hand at making some mince pies. She was so proud that she grabbed on of the regular chocolate chip cookies, that was still warm, and wandered into their shared bedroom, and crawled onto the bed and waved the cookie up his nose.
"Hey, baby." She whispered, as he began to stir. "Hm?" He groggily sounded, before the smell hit him. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and inhaled the cookie. And a mumbled string of noises came from him. "I'm sorry, what?"
Suddenly, more awake, he grabbed ahold of Adela, making her squeal, and he rolled them over. She giggled as he finished chewing and swallowed, before pressing his lips sloppily against hers.
"Whoa, wait." She chuckled, pushing him back. "But I want you." He rasped, making her whimper. "Yes, and I want you - but I don't want to accidentally eat milk chocolate, Herman." She spoke. He groaned, and brought his hand to his mouth to rub it and lick it off. "You're an animal." "Oh, I'll show you animal." He growled, diving back down to continue kissing her. "You liked that then?" She panted, as he removed her shirt. "Best wake up ever." He breathed, lowering himself to kiss her breasts. "There's more. In different flavours." She gasped. "I wanna taste you first." "Oh, god."
Kozik followed her to the kitchen an hour later, and chuckled when he saw the various batches around the kitchen. Then he caught sight of the mince pies and realised what she was doing. He shook his head as he took a pinch of flour and poked her nose.
"Oh, for fuck sake." She sighed, amusedly. "Bit early for christmas isn't it?" "I'm just playing with some cookie ideas - see what you guys all think." She shrugged. "Well, I think these are gonna go down a treat - I'm gonna need my own private batch." Kozik spoke, mouthful of mince pie. "Oh, Addie. You got a gift." "Yeah? Just, don't eat too many." She smiled. "So, there's some cinnamon, orange and mint ones so far. What else is a christmassy flavour?" "Food?" "You are less than helpful, Koz." "Feed me and I'm happy." He grinned, pulling her to his chest, finishing his mince pie. "I noticed." "You do gingerbread?" "Ooh, I will add that to my list." Adela jumped, heading to her notebook, writing it down. "I love gingerbread. I'll make some me friendly gingerbread." "Are you telling me you've made all this and you can't eat it?" "Yeah. Mostly." "You should definitely make some stuff you can eat." "I'm going to make some coconut ice, or try. Maybe I should try and make some turkish delight." She grinned, shaking a little from excitement. "You like turkish delight?" "Yeeee. Rose is one of my favourite flavours. And scents." "I'll have to remember that." He spoke, picking her up in his arms to give her a kiss. "You can try one more cookie before I take the rest to the clubhouse. I've got a cooking hyperfixation today, so I'm cooking dinner tonight." "Aw, baby." He groaned, hoisting her legs around him and pressing her into the wall. "We got any frosting?" "No!" She laughed. "Absolutely, not." "Aw, but baby, it'll still get eaten." "You are too cheeky, Herman." "You say there was cinnamon?" He grinned. "Yes, those ones. I'm gonna box the rest." "Not yet you aren't." He spoke, leaning over with her still in his arms. "What are you doing?" She asked, slowly. Kozik broke the cookie and dropped some on her breast. "Koz!"
He chuckled as he buried his face in her chest and hunted for bits of cookie.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hey!! May I request headcanons for azula and mai (separate) with a female s/o who has a death note that’s basically Ryuk’s death note pwease! Basically I thought that if the death note was a thing in atla it would of been a relic from the spirit world and it would kill anybody except for the avatar (cause they’ll just get reincarnated)
fem!s/o with a death note
[a/n: this is such a rad crossover request, thank you anon! It was incredibly hard to find gifs of mai without zuko in them but anyways, enjoy! -your truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
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✧ she never believed that the death notes actually existed
✧ Uncle Iroh had told her and Zuko stories of the elusive death note and how they were heavily gate kept by spirit gods of death
✧ she shrugged off the silly ghost stories and went on with her life
✧ that was until she met you
✧ “Ryuk, I’ve already given you more than enough apples for today.” You sighed
✧ “oh come on! Just gimme one more, they’re just so juicy.” the deep and gravelly voice had caught her off guard
✧ “Okay, fine.”
✧ when she rounded the corner, there you were stood all alone...looking up at a floating apple? that was slowly disappearing???
✧ “Now that you’ve got your treat, focus. Zuko said that we needed to write General Zhao’s name in the death note before sunset.” Her eyes widened when a...well when a monster had appeared in front of you and finished off the apple
✧ “Why’re we working with that little twerp anyways?”
✧ “Cause if you want to keep eating those delicious apples, I need money. So come on.”
✧ there was a couple of things running through her mind: you were absolutely gorgeous, death notes were real, she just saw a shinigami creature, and her brother was in town
✧ she had seen you once again a couple of days after General Zhao’s sudden and untimely demise, you were at the market picking out some apples
✧ “Those apples seem like a fine choice.” You jumped at he sudden presence beside you
✧ “O-Oh well yes, they’re quite delicious.” you glanced upwards, just above her head
✧ ‘azula, 85 years’
✧ “Isn’t that the twerps’ sister?” Ryuk asked from besides you
✧ “Well I would assume so, seeing as your friend enjoys them so much.” She smirked when she saw you tense up
✧ “What?! There’s no way she can see me!” The shinigami in question crossed his arms skeptically
✧ she leaned in close to you, “I know you have a death note, I saw your friend the other day too. The ugly looking one.”
✧ “Ugly?!” Both you and Ryuk shouted in unison
✧ “Who are you callin’ ugly?!” he growled
✧ at first, Azula just wanted to use her for her own bidding but as she started to actually get to know you...she fell in love with you
✧ she learned about how the relic had been passed down to you and how you only used it on people that truly deserved it which she respected
✧ she’d always ask if you’d write her brother’s name in it, to which you always declined
✧ “You can see how long I’ll live right? How much time do I’ve got left?”
✧ “Baby, you know I can’t tell you that.” she would always pout when you said that
✧ dating you also meant she was basically dating Ryuk
✧ “Hey Azula?”
✧ “What is it Ryuk?” she didn’t bother looking up from her book
✧ “Would ya’ so me a favor and buy some apples...we ran out.”
✧ “Hmm...no.”
✧ “Oh come on~ I’ll tell ya’ how many years you’ve got~”
✧ she had never gotten up quicker in her life, of course Ryuk never told her though, claiming that he had no idea of any such deal
✧ you know what happened to her when she was younger and the psychological trauma it caused her
✧ you would 1000/10 write her dad’s name in the book and make him die a very slow and painful death
✧ a messenger hawk sent by Zuko had arrived to inform the both of you that Ozai died while in prison
✧ “Oh dear...that sounds horrible.” you patted her back, cue Ryuk chuckling somewhere in the background
✧ “You didn’t have anything to do with this (y/n)...did you?” She had a tiny smirk on her lips
✧ “Hmm? Uhm nope, no I uh-I don’t think so.” She held your face in her hands and smashing her lips against yours in a heated kiss, taking you by surprise
✧ “So, does this mean you’re not mad?” You asked as you both breathlessly pulled away
✧ “Quite the opposite really.” She sat back against the couch and pulled you onto her lap, “Why don’t I show you how I feel about it.” She held the back of your head and pulled you into another kiss
✧ “Really? You have to do that now?”
✧ “RYUK!!”
✧ “Yeah, yeah...I’ll go.”
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☸ despite her disinterested attitude, she’s very interested in the notion of the death note
☸ “Where are you taking me Ty Lee?”
☸ “You’ll see.” She rolled her eyes at her bubbly friend but let herself be tugged along to Azula’s meeting room
☸ once inside, her eyes landed on the most beautiful human being she had ever seen
☸ you were lazily leaning back against the seat, feet thrown up on the table and talking to Azula about something
☸ “Oh Mai, there you are! This is (y/n), she’s gonna be apart of our team from here on out.”
☸ when you looked up, you pulled your legs off of the table and sat up straight, eyes widening and a pink tint ever so present on your cheeks
☸ both Ty Lee and Azula noticed instantly
☸ well...so did Ryuk
☸ “OOH~ look at you, somebody has a crush~” This made your cheeks a flaming read color
☸ she loved your aesthetic, even if you were in fire nation clothes, you made it look so goth/alt (lowkey Misa vibe) she also really liked Ryuk
☸ it was a mistake ever introducing the two
☸ Azula would put the two of you (again, technically three cause of baby boy Ryuk) on missions together
☸ “I know what you’re trying to Azula and it’s not gonna work, so knock it off!”
☸ “I have no idea what you’re talking about Mai.” She feigned innocence as she called you over.
☸ “Yeah?”
☸ “Oh nothing really, I was just wondering if you could go with Mai to pick up more supplies?”
☸ “Oh, of course. Sounds like fun.” When  you grinned, Mai turned a deep shade of pink
☸ she hated running errands with you because it felt so domestic
☸ she finally had enough
☸ when you were picking up some fruit, mainly apples, and placing them in your basket, she tapped your shoulder
☸ “(y/n)..”
☸ “Yes Mai?” You looked up at her with those doe eyes and she just couldn’t control herself, she gripped your chin between her index finger and thumb to tilt your head upward
☸ you blushed but didn’t make a move to get out of her grip, your eyes giving her the ‘go ahead’ and she timidly leaned down and softly placed her lips against yours
☸ her heart was beating even faster when she felt your velvety lips move against hers
☸ the two of you would be such witchy/cottagecore lesbians(or bisexuals), don’t @ me
☸ once the two of you left that toxic little group, she’d very much enjoy having her own adventures with you
☸ she’s not a very PDA person so don’t expect too much from her in public but she has no problem giving you all the kisses you want while closed doors
☸I think the both of you would have such a chill/fun relationship
☸ she would definitely bring you to the jasmine dragon for no other purpose than to show you off and make Zuko jealous
☸ boy did that backfire
☸ you end up being good buddies with him and Iroh
☸ “You’re not jealous, are you?” You asked, amusement clear in your voice
☸ “Of course not.” She huffed, crossing her arms. “I’m not stupid. Why would I be jealous?”
☸ You saw through it and chuckled softly at her pouty face, leaning forward and placing a sweet kiss on he puffed out lips
☸ “I’ll always love you and always you, Mai. Don’t over forget that.” She blushed and looked away
☸ “God you guys are so mushy, I’m gonna throw up.”
☸ “Shut up Ryuk, go bother Zuko or something.” Mai scoffed as she leaned forward for another kiss
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breanime · 5 years
Romeo Must Die
Suggested by @ben-c-group-therapy​:  Okay for the Miguel story. It could be so cliché but throwing it out there anyway. What if reader had a ex that was now the leader of another powerful cartel, and he had come back to basically try winning the reader back but had plans to take her or do everything in his power to really win her over again. Miguel would be jealous of course, another cartel leader as an ex and him being in town again wanting to wine and dine the reader. Miguel would find out the man’s plans to take reader and be super protective of her.
*gif not mine*
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The first thing you noticed when you got home was the bouquet of blood red roses on the table. You smiled, going over to them and sniffing them. Miguel was always doing romantic things like this, surprising you with flowers or jewelry.
“Oh, how beautiful,” Dita said, coming in behind you.
You turned to her, smiling. “Aren’t they?” You plucked a flower from the bouquet and held it under your nose. “Miguel is so…”
“So what?” Miguel asked, coming into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow when he saw you. “What’s this?”
“The bouquet,” you answered. You paused, lowering the rose. “Didn’t you send this?”
“No,” he frowned, walking over to the bouquet and taking the card. His frown deepened, and his whole body tensed. When he looked up at you, his dark eyes were gleaming with rage. Dita made a noise and walked off, deciding that whatever was going on was between you and your husband. “Why is Carlos Rivera sending you flowers?”
You froze. Carlos was your last boyfriend before you married Miguel; in fact, you’d actually dumped him because you started having feelings for Miguel while you were with Carlos. He moved away shortly after that, and you hadn’t heard from him…
…until now.
“I don’t know,” you said, going over to him and reading the card in his hands, “I… oh…”
The card said: ‘You mean the world to me. I miss you. Yours, Carlos R.’
Miguel crumped the note in his hand. “When was the last time you spoke to him?” He asked, his voice dangerously calm.
“I don’t know… Years ago,” you answered, “Miguel, I swear,” you threw the rose you’d been holding onto the table as if it were on fire, “I thought they were from you, I didn’t know—”
“I know, mi amor,” he reached out and pulled you to him, pressing a firm kiss to the top of your head, “It’s fine.” He smiled, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I have a meeting to go to, but how about, when I get back, we have a nice dinner? Just the two of us?”
You smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “That sounds wonderful, my love.”
His smile softened, and you watched as he took the bouquet of roses and deposited it in the garbage.
That night, you put on a body-hugging black dress for dinner with Miguel. When he saw you, his eyes drank you in slowly, and you knew exactly what he was planning for the rest of the night. You sat down at the best table in the restaurant, ordered the most expensive wine, and laughed with your husband. You completely forgot about the flowers and just enjoyed Miguel’s company. But later, after you were carried to your bed by Miguel, you knew he hadn’t forgot. His touch was possessive, his hands gripping you tightly, his mouth sucking and biting, leaving bruises for anyone to see—you were his, and he painted your body with his kisses, marking you as the property of Miguel Galindo. You didn’t mind, of course, and you let him ravage you, hoping it would set him at ease.
It did.
You were in his arms, body slick with sweat and wonderfully sore from the force of your lovemaking, with your head on his chest.
“Feel better, my love?” You asked, running your fingers up and down his firm chest.
He chuckled, and you felt the rumbling beneath your head. “I do,” he answered, he reached down and took your hand in his, lifting it to him mouth and kissing your fingers. “But there’s something we need to discuss…”
“Carlos is back in town,” he told you, “He’s trying to build an empire out here…”
“Empire?” You sat up, looking down at Miguel. “Like… a cartel empire?”
“Mm hmm,” Miguel gently pushed you back down onto his chest, his hand resting on your back, “He’s so below my radar, I hadn’t even noticed, but when he sent those flowers this morning…” His grip on you tightened, and you leaned into it. “I want you to stay away from him, bien?”
You nodded. “Of course.”
“Good,” Miguel kissed the top of your head, “I love you.”
“Love you too, Miguel,” you said back, closing your eyes and letting yourself drift off to sleep.
The next day, you went out for lunch with a few of your girlfriends. They teased you about the scarf you were wearing around your neck, knowing you were trying to hide your hickeys, and you sipped on mimosas as you talked.
“Pardon me,” the waiter said, interrupting your laughter, “this is for you, ma’mm.” He placed a bottle of what used to be your favorite champagne on the table in front of you. “Enjoy.”
Your girls all oohed and aahed, opening the champagne and laughing wildly at the pop of the cork. You, however, felt your skin go cold. You looked around you, eyes flitting around the restaurant until they landed on him…
He was sitting alone at the bar wearing a hideous peach suit, and he raised his glass to you. You glanced around you—Miguel insisted on you taking bodyguards wherever you went, and you were glad for it. Especially because today…
…You had Nestor.
Standing up, you jerked your head towards Carlos, and Nestor’s eyes narrowed. “Be right back,” you told your friends, walking towards the bar. You didn’t have to look to know Nestor was behind you.
“Y/N,” Carlos said, grinning, as he stood up, arms out for a hug, “You look beautiful.”
“What’s your deal?” You asked, crossing your arms. “Are you stalking me now? Sending me unwanted flowers wasn’t enough, so you graduated to shitty champagne I haven’t drank since college?”
He dropped his arms, still smiling. “You’ve still got that fire,” he noticed, “I’m glad. Galindo hasn’t stolen that from you yet.”
“Let me save you some time,” you said, keeping your voice level, “I’m not interested, we don’t need you here, my husband is already annoyed by your presence, and I don’t want any gifts from you. In fact, I want you to crawl back into whatever hole you climbed out of and leave me alone. Comprende?”
Carlos’ smile didn’t waver. “You misunderstand,” he said, “the only reason I’m here is for you. The business perks are just…” He shrugged. “Perks. Sweetheart—”
“—don’t call me that,” you interrupted.
“—Y/N,” he amended, “I’m here for you. I never stopped loving you, not even after you ran off with Galindo—”
“I didn’t run off,” you said, “I met someone better—my soulmate—and I married him. And I’m telling you, nicely, to leave me alone before my husband tells you himself.” You stopped, looking over your shoulder as Nestor approached. “Nestor, could you please escort Mr. Rivera out?” You asked calmly. “My friends and I are having a nice lunch, and he’s disturbing us.”
“Absolutely, Mrs. Galindo,” he said, his voice just above a growl. Carlos bristled, but he didn’t struggle. Apparently, he didn’t want to make a scene.
“Just know this,” he said over his shoulder as Nestor not-so-gently led him away, “I will do everything in my power to win you back—Galindo be damned!”
You sighed. You tried to be nice about it.
Later, Nestor drove you home. You leaned forward a bit and noticed his knuckles were bruised.
You smiled.
Miguel was waiting for you when you got home. He gave Nestor a curt nod, and the other man nodded back before walking off, leaving the two of you alone together. “Nestor told me what happened today,” he said, opening his arms for a hug.
You went to him immediately, wrapping your arms around his back. “I didn’t know he’d be there,” you said, “I swear…”
“I know you didn’t,” he said into your hair, “but this is a problem. I can’t have him out here trying to seduce you…” His voice dropped. “I won’t have him out here trying to seduce you. You told him once, nicely…”
“And Nestor told him again,” you grinned, “not-so-nicely…”
“Yes,” Miguel smiled down at you, “But here’s the thing, mi vida, he doesn’t get a third warning. The next time he so much as thinks of you; I will kill him.”
Your smile widened, your husband’s words going straight between your legs. “Miguel…”
“You’re mine,” he said, gripping your chin in his hand, “I should be the only man buying you flowers and ordering you drinks…”
“I didn’t drink the champagne,” you told him, draping your arms around his shoulders, “I don’t want any other man buying me things but you.”
“If you see him again,” Miguel said, his hands on your hips, “call me, no matter where I am or what I’m doing. I want to know.”
You tilted your head. You could see—and hear—the quiet rage in Miguel’s voice, but there was something else too… Something besides the anger and indignation. “What’s wrong?” You asked.
Miguel sighed. “Carlos Rivera said… he’d do anything to win you back,” he shook his head, “I just… I want to kill him so badly, my love…”
“He’s been warned,” you said, kissing his nose, “I don’t think he’ll push things any further…” You kissed his lips, and you felt Miguel relax in your embrace. “…And if he does… then you get to kill him. It’s a win-win.”
He laughed against your lips, and when you went to bed that night, you tried to ease his worries with your touch, gently kissing and caressing him as you rolled around in bed. He was much gentler this time, his lips brushing against your skin in a tender caress, his beard lovingly burning your flesh as he moved against you. You made sure to be vocal, telling Miguel how much you loved him and how he was everything to you, your lips on his as he moved inside of you. You held him close, and when you fell asleep that night, the only name on your lips was his.
Neither you nor Miguel brought up Carlos again for three weeks after that. Things went back to normal; there were no more flowers or bottles of champagne delivered. You didn’t even see Carlos around town. In fact, you heard the businesses Carlos had been trying to start (the legit businesses, the cover-ups) had all gone belly up. Miguel bought them out and added them to the Galindo empire. You didn’t ask, but you had a feeling Carlos didn’t just drop off of the face of the earth on his own…
“Miguel,” you started, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around him. It was early, he was wearing his robe, and you were wearing yours. No one else was up—the only reason you two were awake was because you’d both needed a snack between sessions. “Can I ask you a question?”
“After that,” he grinned, turning in your arms with a smile, “You can ask me whatever you want.” He picked your hand up and kissed it. “I’m a slave to you, mi amor.”
You giggled. “Mm hmm… We’ll see,” you put a hand in his hair, “My love, when was the last time you put on your yellow raincoat?” He stiffened, and you laughed. “You said I could ask whatever I want…”
“You know I don’t like to talk about that when I’m at home…” He started.
“Was it the night after I went out with my friends? No,” you shook your head, smiling, “It couldn’t have been that night. You were… busy.”
Miguel chuckled, cupping your face in his hand. “Sweetheart…”
“It must have been that morning, when you left for work,” you went on, “Is that it?”
Miguel sighed. “Do you really want to know?”
You nodded. “I do.”
He took your hand and lead you to the table, his hand still in yours as you sat down. “What exactly do you want to know?”
“Did you kill him?” You asked, nothing but curiosity in your eyes.
Miguel nodded. “The next morning, when I went to work, I had Nestor pick him up,” he told you casually, “delivered him to my church pew.” His fingers flexed in yours. “We had a good talk.”
“What did you talk about?”
“Simple facts. I reminded him that you were my wife, and that you chose me over him years ago. I told him that wasn’t going to change just because he moved a few bricks and could afford outdated champagne now.” He shrugged. “I told him that you were mine.”
You felt your breath hitch. “And what did he say?”
“He disagreed,” Miguel said easily, “He wanted to argue that he knew you better than I do, and that he could treat you better.”
“And you killed him.”
He nodded. “I cut his balls off,” he said, as if it wasn’t a big deal, “and I cut his throat. He bled all over my shoes.” Miguel raised your hand to his mouth again, his dark eyes never leaving yours. “I sent his body back to Mexico in six boxes…”
“One for every year we’ve been married,” you said, awed.
Miguel smiled. “Yes.” He kissed your hand. “It didn’t matter to me when he tried to zero in on our business,” he said, “It didn’t matter that he didn’t come to me for permission to work in my territory,” he went on, “But when he said he was going to have you…” Miguel’s dark eyes flashed. “I couldn’t let him walk away. You’re mine,” he intoned, “and any man who wants to say otherwise dies bloody.”
You took a breath. “I love you, Miguel.”
He smiled, his features softening as he looked over at you. “I love you, mi amor.” He stood, your hand still in his. “Now come, let me show you just how much I love you.”
You giggling, following him upstairs. You loved him—the man, the cartel boss, the murderer—you adored every part of him.
And he, clearly, loved you too.
To be clear, my requests are NOT open, but I wanted to do a jealous/protective Miguel story, and I asked for possible storylines. And I got this! Thanks for reading!
Everything Taglist: @encounterthepast​ @jigsawlover10​ @gollyderek​  @charlylama @realduckvader​ @teacuplotus @whovianayesha​  @lexxierave​ @loveintheroyalfamily  @fanfictionrecommendations-com​  @maxslime-blog​ @songforhema​ @lucielandss @themadhatter92​  @christinawxxx​ @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​ @luminex3​ @ashkuuuu​ @luckysstrikes​ @carlaangel86​ @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso​ @iaintnofurry​  @ymariejp​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @holamor​ @drinix​ @rhabakoli​ @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens​ @leahnicole1219​ @evanlys19​  @binbons-is-theloml​ @aikeia @bitch-imma-head-out  @witchygagirl @geeksareunique​
Nick Amaro/Miguel Galindo Taglist: @glimmerglittergirl​ @cococruz-mayansmc​  
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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✨Lie down darling, it's time for a dream✨
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Stuffed (incubus!nishinoya x reader x priest!asahi)
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Okay so for the longest time i didn't know what to write for them but after listening to three yagami yato audios back to back I realized Im a sinner..so yeah have this
This story contains: nasty unprotected sex, Double penetration, aheago, feral nishinoya, breeding kink,asahi losing his shit during sex, asahi calls you mommy a few times, light degrading, preluding to semnophilia
As much as I adore male reader cause I'm a boy but, this will be a female reader worry not I'll be spamming out some male reader stuff after this for a bit
"father, I have done a terrible thing.. something horrible"
The sound of your voice from the other side of the confessional made asahi twitch slightly before he calmly leaned back to listen to you. You were innocent, sweet and pure but lately he's noticed changes that worried him greatly, your clothes that usually were modest now revealed a teasing amount of your thighs or chest so of course when he heard your words he was alert yet calm..just what did you do?
"this is a judgement free zone, speak your mind"
"I've let a sinful demon tempt me.."
You what?
Hearing your words made the priest grip the white beaded cross necklace hanging around his neck as his mind started to get foggy at the thought of a demon hurting you in any way, you were too sweet and adorable for this!
"tell me, what has this demon done to you? Has he hurt you?"
Asahi's voice was laced with worry that quickly turned into fear when he heard a small embarrassed whimper from the other side. After a few seconds he heard your quivering voice
"E-Every night the demon comes into my window, he touches me in ways that I've never been touched, every night he-"
"has he fucked you? Does he fill you up? have you kissed him?"
Asahi spoke in a low tone with a shaky breath. He should feel worry for you but instead a feeling of pure jealousy burned through him, the thought of someone seeing your face twist with pleasure or the thought of someone kissing your soft skin while pounding you made him see red.
"yes father, am i too late to be saved?"
Your soft helpless tone made asahi shudder as his mind drifted to unholy thoughts. How would you look sucking him off? What face would you make when he eats you out til you are shaking? How would you taste against his tongue?
"father asahi?"
"ah you're not! Its never too late to be saved! You said it comes every night? How about I spend the night in your home so when the demon comes I'll deal with it"
His plan made you smile brightly before you let out a joyful giggle. You couldn't help but sound so cute as you thanked him before leaving the wooden box.
So day soon turns to night, asahi laid on your couch asleep before a creaking sound stirred him awake. He checked the time only to see that it was two in the morning, the male let's out a low sigh as he stretched before going to your room to check on you only to hear sounds of a creaking bed along with voices.
"oooh [y/n] your nipples are so hard and perked for me, hehehe do you like it when I flick them like this?
Asahi couldn't recognize that voice so he softly opened the door and peeked inside only to see you tied with your hands above your head and your clothes completely ripped off with an incubus straddling your hips. Asahi should burst in there, he should be slamming the door open and throwing that demon off you but he couldnt help but watch as this demon leaned his head down to lick and suck your nipples
"this is the first time you called out to me like that..do it again"
So the demon's name was nishinoya? Why did you know that? How did you know that? Asahi was curious about such details but his mind blanked when he heard a loud whimper escape your lips, when he turned his attention back to you the demon in question has his face shoved in between your legs licking and sucking at your clit as if his life depended on it.
Asahi felt his cock twitch in his pants as your lewd moans ringed through his ears. His entire body started to shake as he bit his bottom lip roughly. He wanted to be the one to make you moan like that, he wanted to be the one making you screaming his name.
Just as asahi was going to burst in he watched as the demon pull back and both his and asahi's eyes locked before nishinoya gave a sly smirk while licking his lips.
"her pussy tastes like whip cream, so sweet and yummy so why don't you come and get a taste instead of watching like a pervert or are all preists this sinful?"
Asahi tensed up at his remark before standing up straight before opening the door and closing it behind him. His eyes travelled to you who couodnt even look him in the eyes.
Nishinoya shoved his demon tail down your throat with a light shudder. He gazed at you with a sadistic gleam before a sly smile was on his face.
"hush babe, the grown up are talking so just be a good girl and suck on my tail like it's a nice juicy cock okay? If you promise not to bite I'll fuck you extra hard tonight"
His words shook both you and asahi but you did as he said and started to suck his tail which filled your mouth nicely while nishinoya tried not to shudder and show just how good that felt.
"d-demon! I've come to exorcise you! P-prepare to go back to hell where you belong!"
"funny how you say that but where's your Bible? Your holy water? Holy items? not even a single talisman..all you brought is a big bulge so let's just be honest here hmm?"
Asahi felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he glanced down only to see that he was fully hard, he took a step forward his mind clouding with lust as he watched you suck and moan against that filthy demon's tail.
"A-as a priest I'm supposed to take you down, I'll warn you once to release her from your captivity and surrender"
Asahi's shaky words were met with nishinoya letting out a loud chuckle before his eyes travelled to you before he reached our and trailed his finger along your drenched slit which made you shudder with bliss before he decided to stick two fingers inside your sopping wet hole.
"listen here, father she let's me do this cause she wants to, hell she would die without my cock stretching her wall each night. Ive cummed inside her so much It would be no surprise if she was pregnant"
His words made your walls clench around his fingers which cause the male to release a low growl, he definitely needed to fuck you soon or else he was gonna lose his mind.
"Ooh she likes to think of being pregnant, how about instead of trying to fight let's share this night hmm? Come onnn look at her she's just begging for a cock to fuck her so two would drive her absolutely insane. Give into your urges"
Asahi didn't know if it was demonic magic or his mind just snapping but before he knew it he was stripping down while walking towards you and nishinoya. His eyes were clouding with lust as he left himself in only his boxers
Nishinoya licked his lips before simply took his tail out your mouth before feeling you of your binds. You sat up now looking at the two men with a look of worry, you could barley take nishinoya and his thick cock but now two of them?
"alright pretty girl! Here's what's gonna happen, me and Mr holy over here are gonna fuck your brains out until the smell of cock and cum become your natural scent okay? Okay!"
Nishinoya and his cheerful tone made you shiver as you watched his tail wag side to side like he was some excited puppy. Asahi looked confused on what to do so he gave nishinoya a panicked gaze which made the demon burst out laughing
"are you a virgin?! Pfffft! Hahahah! Oh my! Okay, I'll tell you what to do only cause you look so cute! Lay down on the bed and princess here will get on top"
Just explaining what will happen made asahi blush before he gulped harshly and did as he was told. What was this going to feel like? He wasn't sure but he knew it would be better than touch himself in the late hours of the night.
"n-nishinoya I don't know about this, I mean-" you were cut off by the demon's loud whistling as he yanked asahi's boxers down only to see his çock spring up.
"talk about a long boy! Sorry I got you beat in girth though, but I guess it's not bad right princess?"
Nishinoya turned to you who was just staring with a look drowning with lust. Nishinoya knew that look on your face and moved to you only to lick the drool dribbling down your chin
"now now you hungry slut, you can choke on his cock next round but for now let's fuck that cute pussy to oblivion"
His words made you whine before he gave your ass a hard slap before pointing to a nervous looking asahi
"now, hands and knees above him don't you dare put him in you without me saying so, or else I'll have to break you even more than I already am about to"
Nishinoya watched as you crawled into of asahi before shakily looking down at him. You've had sex many many times next to nishinoya but also fucking asahi scared you since he was your priest.
"so fragile, you're shaking lets not be scared alright?"
Asahi's soft words made you melt as you felt him reach up to touch your cheek. You leaned down and gave him a soft kiss only to moan harshly against his lips as something thick slammed into you. With a shaky breath you pulled away only to glance back to see nishinoya on his knees behind you with a fake innocent grin.
"oops- sorry did I ruin your moment?"
Asahi looked at your face only to feel something snap in his mind, the way your face became flushed and your eyes tightly closed made him shudder before his body moved on its own. He wrapped his arms around you before pulling you against his chest only to shove himself inside you along with nishinoya.
You let out a loud shocked gasp our reaction was nothing compared to asahi who was gritting his teeth with eyes rolling back slightly, how could someone be so tight?!
"feels good huh? Oh this is nothing..come now father, can you really not move? Well if you're not gonna move I will"
Nishinoya started to thrust roughly in and out of you with a shaky sigh as he felt his and asahi's cock rubbing against each other, not only that but you were clenching so tight that he could swear he could see stars.
"ngh- demon.. you're rubbing against me like that"
Asahi's choked words were followed by his thrusts, he wasn't as rough as nishinoya but he was thrusting quite fast. he just couldn't stop his body from thrusting up against you over and over again. You both were slowing becoming a mess, drooling and whining came from you both as you two locked eyes
"[y/n]! So tight! Your pussy is so tight and wet I just can't take it! Do you hear it? That wet sound? Ahh it's so lewd! This is so lewd! [Y/n]! I cant stop- don't make me stop please please please!"
Asahi was losing his mind while he slammed his hips wildly and to make it worse this chaotic energy was only riling nishinoya up to the point where he was a snarling mess now digging his nails Into your hips while slamming in and out of you
"fuck! You are so good! Such a good girl..the way your pussy is miking me, beg for me princess beg for my demon seed come now beg for it already or I'll fucking stop"
The utter thought of stopping made you whine louder than you already were and you wiggled your hips desperately like a bitch in heat
"please! Noya! Asahi! Fuck me more! Ahh- please please! Breed me so good!"
Just like that your words caused the two men to lose their sanity even more. Asahi was in tears as he rapidly thrusts in and out of you like a rabbit now having breeding on his mind. He forced you to look at him as he gave you a sloppy messy kiss that left saliva on you both
"m-my baby! Have my baby! My baby mine not that demon's but mine! Ahh- please [y/n]! Bear my children!"
His whining sobbing pleas seemed to annoy nishinoya who pulled you back against him while his hand gripped your throat. He thrusted deep inside you while licking your neck along with biting at it.
"his baby? Fuck no. Have mine. My demon spawn would look so cute growing in your tummy, fuck princess it's gonna be me who gets your pregnant okay?"
Your mind was starting to go blank as your climax was coming close and just as you were were gonna turn to kiss nishinoya you felt hands cupping your breasts. You turn to face asahi who now sat up to hold you as well his mouth drooling and slobbering all over your breasts as he felt close. His hair was a mess but the look in his eyes was that of a desperate needy man losing his mind.
"be the mommy to my baby, you right that right? Mommy..please please please! Ah I can't wait to see your breasts swell with milk so please..ah! Please I'm gonna cum!"
His loud whines and use of the word mommy did something to you that you didn't know could happen to you but you felt your climax building up but before you can announce it nishinoya simply grunted lowly in your ear as his grip around your throat tightened.
"I can feel it, cum already cum around our cocks like I know you want to, you want us to fill up your needy pussy, you're so desperate for cum that your drooling and sticking your tongue out like a bitch so cum already"
His harsh words were the last thing you needed before your walls tightened and you climaxed with a loud screaming moan.
"yes, yes yes yes yes! [Y/n]! Yes! It feels..so good!"
"hah- ah, damn priest you moan like a little whore..it's so fucking hot!"
As the two cummed inside you at the same time you felt your mind breaking and it left you twitching and shaking in their arms.
When you three laid down on the bed nishinoya glanced at you and asahi who were both making such a lewd face that his cock twitched. He honestly wasn't even close to being finished but it seems that humans get tired so he was greatly annoyed to see you both start to fall asleep.
Nishinoya sighs as a smile graced his face before he cracked his neck while hovering over you and asahi's cuddling bodies.
"sorry sweeties I'm not done yet, but don't worry you can enjoy your nap"
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brelione · 4 years
Ooh congrats on 200 girl!! Can I request something with Rafe please where he slowly falls in love with the reader every time she comes round to tutor Wheezie but she's not interested because of what she's seen and heard about him (non cannon Rafe pls, him just being a rich stuck up dick) so he puts in the effort to win her over and is determined to show her a different side to him!?
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Sorry,this sucks lol.
Rafe Cameron,the bitchy,rich,straight white male.He was privileged as all hell and could get away with anything because of his daddy’s money.He did get away with anything,including beating the living hell out of multiple pogues.He was probably the person you hated most in the world and yet you were in his house,being payed with his daddy’s money to tutor his younger sister.You tried not to judge people based on their families but part of you wanted to decline the offer to tutor Wheezie and spit in Ward Cameron’s face.
But of course thats not what happened,you needed money to live and Ward had offered a ridiculous amount.It was your third study session,common core math books and Type Two Writing for Students opened on the table,piles of flashcards and worksheets flooding the marble.
Wheezie needed to go to the bathroom,meaning you were all alone when Rafe came along.Your fingers tightened around your pencil as you went through Wheezie’s first draft,wanting nothing more than to pierce the boys eyeball with the charcoal tip.He stared at you from across the kitchen,looking around with a confused expression. “What the fuck?’He asked.You rolled your eyes,ignoring him. “Who are you and why are you in my house?”He asked,his voice dripping with venom.Wheezie came out of the bathroom,glancing between the two of you. “Shes my tutor,chill.”She sighed,sitting across from you again.The boy glared at you,trying to hide his wonder.
He didnt really know who you were but he was sure he had seen you somewhere.His eyes were focused on your face,trying to figure out if he had seen you at a party or something. “What?”You asked,he shrugged,leaning against the counter and still staring at you.Then it clicked.
He had shown up to a boneyard party,just to be a fucking asshole.He had seen a girl hanging upside down from a tree,talking to JJ Maybank.He could see why he was interested in her,she looked pretty cute,arms crossed over her chest as she swung back and forth.He had always wondered who she was and why he had never seen her before.He thought about her every once in a while,trying to think of why he never saw her again.And here she was,sitting in his kitchen. “You’re a pogue?”He asked,squeezing his cup.You ignored him,tapping your pencil on a word and asking Wheezie what it said. 
“Hey,i asked you a question.”He was closer this time,leaning against the table. “And I ignored you.”You answered,sending a glare his way.He chuckled,shaking his head. “Are you a pogue or not?”He asked.You sighed,looking his way. “Does it matter?Im trying to do my job and you’re being a pest,do you want Wheezie to fail all of her classes?”You asked.He rolled his eyes. “Oh,so you are a Pogue.What does a pogue know that I dont?”He asked Wheezie.You laughed,shaking your head. “We all know you only graduated because of your daddy’s money.You had like...what?A 2.0 gpa?”You teased,gripping your pencil tight.He bit on his lip staring down at you. “Oh,so what’s yours then?”He asked,watching as a smirk came across your face. “4.2,now fuck off.”You growled at him.
Something about the way you told him off completely freaked him out.Most people knew better,especially when they were in his house.He had a habit of sitting on the couch and watching you as you corrected Wheezie’s essays,telling her which words would be better for getting her message across.You would shoot him glares that made his heart beat quicken,making him nervous.Other times he’d see you smile at Wheezie’s progress,his heart beat quickening but for a different reason.As Wheezie put it,he was completely in love with you.He couldnt agree more but didnt want to admit it.He hadnt even talked to you since the first time he saw you.It wasnt until you were packing up your bag and dropped papers that he talked to you again.He had rushed to help you pick them up,handing them to you.
You thanked him quietly,rushing past him.He followed you to the door,working up his courage to talk. “So um...do you have a criminal record?”He asked.You turned,rasing your eyebrows. “Oh,so because im a pogue I have a criminal record?”You asked.He shook his head,mumbling. “No,no not what im saying at all im just trying to make conversation and like….i dont know i just thought it would be a cool question.”He played with his hands,following you outside. “I mean,yeah,I do.I wouldve fuckin gotten away with it too if I was a kook.”You sighed.He laughed nervously,hands shaking a little. “So...what did you do?”He asked.You grinned at the memory. “Vandalism,I used to go around and steal confederate flags and then paint rainbows on their houses.”You answered.He chuckled,nodding.
 “So what did you do with them?The flags,I mean.”he tried to continue the conversation,following you down the driveway. “Burned them.”You answered,turning to look at him again. “Are you gonna follow me home,stalker?”You asked.He blushed,shaking his head. “Um...no,unless you want me too.”He offered.You shook your head,continuing your walk as he just stared at you,jumping up and down,joy washing over him now that he had talked to you without you looking disgusted.He had asked Wheezie to talk to you for him,making her confused. “Talk to her yourself.”She scrolled through her phone.He shook his head. “No,no she hates me I just need you to ask her about like...if shes single,what zodiac sign she likes,what she looks for in a guy.You know what i'm saying?”He asked.She smirked. “You like her!”She exclaimed.He shook his head. “No,im asking for a friend.Please just do this for me,okay?”He asked.She grinned. “So what do I get out of it?I could really go for McDonalds.”She grinned.
“So...what do you think about Zodiac signs?”She asked,writing down some dialogue ideas.You raised your eyebrows. “what?”You asked.She laughed,repeating herself. “Why are you asking?”You asked.She glanced over to Rafe in the living room,the boy twirling his fingers and encouraging her to keep asking questions. “I just think its important that I know.”She mentally face palmed herself. “Ok,Scorpios are superior and Virgos suck ass.”You answered.Rafe’s eyes widened.You had to have known that she was asking for him.You wouldnt have said that if you didnt know he was a virgo. “Ok….what about your ideal first date?”She asked.You laughed,shaking your head. “Keep working on your dialogue.”You told her.
Rafe tried.He really tried so hard.He knew that it was the fact that he was a kook that made you hate him so much.He tried to act more humble,less cocky and tried working on his manners.He went through Wheezie’s instagram followers to find you,cursing when he saw that your account was private. “Wheezie,let me see your phone.”He sighed nervously. “Why?”She asked. “I need to see (Y/N)’s instagram.”He explained,scrolling through your page.You posted pictures of sunsets,your dog and a couple of photos of you holding up peace signs and middle fingers.Your bio made him chuckle. “Fuck the patriarchy and fuck you too.”He went through who you followed,seeing a lot of fanpages and the official Harry Potter account.
That lead him to binge watch the Harry Potter movies,take the sorting hat quiz and order a Slytherin shirt.He purposely wore it when he knew you were coming over,walking into the kitchen.Your eyes fell onto his shirt,laughing. “Oh,of course you’re a slytherin.”You sighed.He grinned. “Wow,thanks.What house are you in?”He asked.He held a long conversation with you as you talked about how much you hate J.K Rowling and how Dobby didnt deserve what happened.He agreed with everything you said,loving the way your eyes lit up.The study session somehow turned into you and Rafe speaking about Draco while Wheezie grinned to herself.
He looked through every single post of yours,every single caption until he learned that you loved horror films.He learned your favorite one,putting it on when you came over.Wheezie didnt even need tutoring anymore,she just liked having you over and you still got payed.You had then become her babysitter because Rafe was deemed to irresponsible and Sarah had a social life. “Dude,are you watching (Y/F/H/M)?”You asked,hearing the dialogue.He nodded,letting you sit next to him to watch it. “I didnt know you liked horror movies.”You sighed,leaning back on the couch.He blushed. “Only this one.”He answered.
It took him three months of talking to you about Harry Potter and horror films for you to stop telling him off,cussing him out and giving him glares.He could feel himself falling for you more,seeing who you were when you werent angry or annoyed.He avoided The Cut,learning that maybe if he let go of his Pogue Beater reputation you’d eventually like him.He tried to be more open,to tell you about himself and have deep conversations with you.He answered your questions honestly,laying his trauma and issues bare and letting you ask questions about the worst sides of his life.He had cried in your arms a couple of times,becoming your friend.He had gotten buried deep in the Friend Zone but he was fine with that,knowing you didnt hate him anymore.You two would hang out all the time outside of babysitting Wheezie,he’d come down to the beach with you to have splash fights.
One night while you were at the beach,the area completely empty besides the two of you as you splashed cold water at eachother.He had pushed you into the water,your clothes,hair and skin becoming soaked.You jumped up,hugging him tight and getting him soaked too.He pulled away,grinning down at you.He didnt know why he thought it was a good idea,leaning down and kissing you.All the three months of feelings spilled out just then,his hands holding your waist tight.You didnt knew what to do,what to think,pulling away. “Um….so you just-what?”You huffed,trying to understand.His bottom lip trembled,his hands shaking. “I just….I dont know.”He mumbled,still holding you.You nodded,finger tracing his jaw. “So you dont know why you did that?”You asked.He looked out at the ocean,biting his lip. “Cause I like you...love you and I just thought….”He mumbled,trying to form words.You rolled your eyes,pulling him into another kiss. “Asshole.”You grinned,running a hand through his hair.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel
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jessmalia · 4 years
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bittersweet | 28
pairing: stiles stilinski x oc a/n: we’re nearing the end of season 3 guys! I truly can’t believe I’ve come this far. this chapter always seemed so far into the future for me, but like, now we’re here, what the fuck? I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me what you thought! warnings: lots of angst as usual, but I’m pretty sure that’s all.  worcount: 2353
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”Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital,” said Melissa, looking down at the unconscious body of her son’s best friend lying on her couch. Apparently, Lydia and Aiden had found him bleeding out in a random parking lot. Lydia’s banshee powers were to thank for that.
”Mom, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?”
”Doesn’t look like he’s bleeding,” said Deaton who was examining the cut across his stomach. ”I think he might even be healing.”
”You mean healing like we heal?” asked Aiden.
”It makes sense,” I said. ”I mean, he has the supernatural strength of a kitsune, so that means he’d also have the healing.”
”Yeah, and that’s good, right?” asked Scott.
Deaton leaned back from the boy. ”For him, yes. Us? I’m not so sure.”
”Well, if we aren’t gonna kill him why aren’t we at least tying him down with really big chains?” asked Aiden, pacing through the living room.
I nodded. ”Hate to say it, but he’s got a point.”
”I might have something more effective,” Deaton said, opening a case he was holding and bringing out a bottle with some form of liquid in it. I seemed to be the only one who had no idea what it was, as Scott and Aiden nodded in understanding at and leaned down to prop Stiles’ mouth open.
”What’s that?”
”Kanima venom,” said Deaton as he poured some in Stiles' mouth. As soon as the liquid was in, his eyes opened, blazing with fury, and I staggered back in shock. Stiles’ hand shot out and wrapped around Aiden’s neck, choking him.
”Get him off me,” Aiden gurgled as Scott was trying his best the remove the hand from his neck. Stiles looked like he was enjoying the situation immensely.
Then, for some inexplicable reason, his grip loosened and Aiden fell back. Stiles was staring angrily at his hand, which had started shaking, and then his body leaned back against the couch. ”Okay. Kanima venom. Nice touch.”
”Yeah, but what does it do?” I asked.
”It paralyzes the body,” said Deaton without looking at me, eyes still locked on Stiles.
Aiden growled at him, obviously still upset about the choking thing.
”You know, they say that twins get a feeling when the other one’s in pain,” said Stiles. ”You didn’t lose that talent, too, did you?” Aiden’s expression softened, the anger being replaced with concern for his brother. ”Ooh, I hope not. You’re gonna need it.”
Aiden exchanged a look with Scott.
”Okay, I’ll give a little hint. Ethan’s at the school.”
Aiden looked to Scott again.
”Go!” he commanded, and Aiden didn’t waste a second sprinting through the door. A sinister laugh escaped Stiles’ mouth.
”Oh, I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins. Short tempers. Homicidal compulsions. They’re a lot more fun than you bakemono trying to save the world every day.”
”Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body,” I said tensely, ”you got anything for his mouth?”
Deaton nodded. ”Yes I do.” He brought out a roll of black duct-tape and put a piece over his mouth.
I watched as Melissa walked uneasily out of the hallway and into the living room again, first-aid kit clutched in her hands. She took one look at Stiles, who was still sitting on the couch, still paralyzed but as calm as ever, and she shivered.
”Let me do it,” I said as she placed the kit on the coffee table. Melissa turned to look at me, surprised, and she thought the proposition over.
”I’m the nurse. I’ll do it, it’s fine.” But even as she said it I could tell she didn’t want to. I was newer to this than she was – but she was human, and more fragile. I could see the toll this had taken on her already.
”And I got first-aid training for that time I volunteered at the hospital,” I said, approaching Melissa and removing her hands from the kit. I knelt down on the ground and opened it, bringing out what I needed to clean Stiles’ wound. ”Deaton said he’s healing anyways. It’s fine, just go. Talk to Scott, get some rest.”
Despite everything, Melissa still looked hesitant. Scott was lucky to have such a caring mom. ”Are you sure, Valerie?” she asked.
I nodded, making sure to look determined. ”Yes.”
Melissa glanced at Stiles again, then looked back to me. ”Okay,” she said. ”But be careful.”
”Always am.”
Melissa walked out of the living room, and I turned towards Stiles and began cleaning his wound as carefully as possible, sticking to my promise. He didn’t move at all during the process (which was relieving), nor did he make any attempt to speak through the duct-tape, but I could feel Stiles’ eyes on me as I worked. Wait, no. It was not Stiles’ eyes. All the times that Stiles had looked at me he had never made me feel like this. This was not him. This was the nogitsune.
Just as I was finishing up and putting on the bandage on his stomach, I heard a snivel from above me. I quickly looked up and the sight broke my heart. His bloodshot eyes were filled with tears, and he was looking at me with a pleading expression.
”Sti– Stilinski?” I had to stop myself from saying his first name. It was far too intimate and I was not ready for that.
He nodded slowly and my eyes softened even more. In a desperate attempt to get to speak to him again, I reached up and removed the tape from his mouth. But just as I had removed it, the sad pleading look disappeared from his face, and he went back to the soulless, sinister one.
”Really, Valerie?” he said, looking unimpressed. ”I shed one tear, that’s all it takes? Come on now, you can’t crumble that easily.” His voice was calm and smooth, but it still felt like sandpaper against my ears. ”You really aren’t as tough as you pretend to be, huh? Underneath that snarky attitude you’ve got going on you’re just a scared little girl, aren’t you?”
I couldn’t bear to look at him, so my gaze had shifted to the tape in my hands, tears of anger brimming my eyes.
”No wonder you’ve gotten yourself on this rollercoaster with him. I hate you, I don’t hate you, I hate you again. Your worst fears are true, you know. Everyone sees through it. Everyone here knows that you’re just a pathetic, scared, insecure little girl who can’t make up her mind.”
My fingertips were heating up. Gritting my teeth, I tried my best to hold it back, to calm down and control it. ”Shut up.” I finally looked at him, heat burning behind my eyes as they glowed for half a second.
Damnit Valerie, keep it under control.
“Aw, look.” A look of mocking spread across his face, and I was sure that if he could, he would have tilted his head at me. ”You’re so terrified of yourself that you won’t even use the unlimited power that you have. You could be a vessel for pure chaos, an unstoppable force of nature… but you don’t have the guts.”
”This isn’t you, Stilinski.”
A sick grin spread across his face.
”It is now.”
I put the tape back over his mouth with rough hands and stomped away to where Scott, Lydia, and Deaton were standing in the kitchen.
“If I punch him in the face will it hurt Stilinski?”
Deaton turned to me. “I think it’s best to be on the safe side and not try.”
”Well then,” I said, my hand flying up to rub my temple, ”how the hell do we get that thing out of him so that I can punch it in the face?”
”Well, the scroll said to change his body,” said Lydia.
”That’s if a translated it correctly,” said Deaton, his back facing us as he talked, leaned over the kitchen sink. What a dramatic fucker. ”We’re looking for a cure in something that might actually be nothing more than a proverb or metaphor.” Deaton finally turned to actually face us.
”And what if he doesn’t want it?” asked Scott. ”He’s never asked to be a werewolf.”
”What if it saves his life?” I countered.
”What if it kills him?” said Deaton. Well fuck I can’t argue with that.
Scott sighed. ”I’ve never done this before. I mean, what if I bite him and accidentally hit an artery or something?”
“That venom is not gonna last long,” said Deaton urgently. ”Something needs to be done sooner than later.”
“Well, how much venom do you have?” I asked. ”I mean, can’t we just, like, keep ingesting it until we figure something out?”
“Unfortunately, we do not have that luxury.”
Scott sighed once more, looking even more stressed. ”I can try calling Derek again.”
”Maybe we should call someone else.”
”He doesn’t look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf,” said Peter Hale as he walked around the couch, examining Stiles.
”You don’t think it would work?” asked Scott.
”This is more a war of the mind than the body.” Peter continued to watch Stiles, looking very fascinated. It made sense. Apparently, he was basically satan in a v-neck, so the stark difference of how Stiles looked and behaved now of course fascinated instead of scared him. ”There are better methods to winning this battle.”
The room went quiet, but Peter never explained further.
”Like?” I asked, tapping my foot with impatience.
Peter took a hold of Scott’s hand and flipped it down so that his claws appeared.
”We’re gonna get into his head.”
So, apparently an alpha can look into a person's mind by shoving their claws into the back of the person’s neck? What? They never mentioned that in Twilight.
I honestly only half-understood how this worked, but I wasn’t gonna waste any time making the others explain it to me. Right now I was just gonna continue to pace through the McCall’s living room as Lydia and Peter discussed the plan. Why the hell they had to do it alone, I couldn’t tell ya’. But as I said, not asking any questions.
”So do we have a plan?” asked Deaton as Peter and Lydia walked back into the living room.
Peter nodded, leaning with his hands against the back of the couch. ”Scott is going to dig through pale and sickly Evil Stiles’ mind to unearth pale and sickly Real Stiles. Then guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious. But he’s not gonna do it alone.”
We all exchanged surprised looks across the room.
”What do you mean?” asked Scott.
“Somebody needs to go with you. But not just anyone. It needs to be someone who can pull him back. Someone with a strong connection to him, a kind of emotional tether.”
To my complete and utter surprise, I suddenly found all eyes in the room looking at me.
“Me?” I asked, even more surprised when slow odds came from everyone at my question. ”Stilinski and I are acquaintances at best,” I insisted, pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear.
“You’re lying,” said Peter bluntly. The sentence was simple, but it hit me like a rock in the face. I had never been called out in a lie like that. It drew me completely speechless and I felt extremely vulnerable and exposed, which I hate.
Stupid werewolves with their stupid super-hearing that can tell if you’re lying or not.
“Isn’t it safer that Lydia goes?” I finally managed to mumble out.
Peter shook his head. “No, it’s actually the opposite. This kind of ritual is very dangerous. With your supernatural healing, you stand a much better chance at surviving than Lydia would.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. If I was honest, I still wasn’t over the shock that everyone had immediately thought of me as someone who could draw Stiles back. Maybe the nogitsune was right, maybe everyone could see through me, maybe I wasn’t as good at hiding my emotions as I thought.
The sound of Lydia’s voice immediately shot all those thoughts out the window as I turned to look at her. That was the first time she had addressed me directly in years.
”This is our one chance to save Stiles,” she said, looking me right in the eyes. ”If you don’t go, we might lose him forever.”
I nodded determinedly. ”Yes – of course. I’ll do it.” I sat down on the couch next to Stiles, and Scott moved to stand behind us so that he could shove his claws into the back of our necks.
”Does it hurt?” I asked.
Peter nodded. ”Like a bitch.”
”So what do we do if we find him?” asked Scott, his claws ticking the back of my neck.
”You’re gonna have to guide him out somehow,” said Peter. ”Try to give him back control of his mind, his body.”
”That’s extremely vague,” I said. ”Could you elaborate on the ’somehow’?”
Peter shrugged. ”Improvise.”
I waited for the inevitable pain of Scott shoving his claws into me, but it never came.
”What if this is just another trick?” his voice echoed from behind me.
Peter let out a frustrated sigh. “When are you people gonna start trusting me?”
I furrowed my brows. “Well, I don’t know you, but probably never. It seems like you screwed a lot of people over.”
”I meant him,” said Scott, nodding towards Stiles.
”Scott,” Deaton said carefully, ”we’re running out of time.”
Scott didn’t answer, but I could hear his deep breathing from behind me. He was prepping. This is it. I clenched my eyes shut and held my breath as Scott’s claws tickled the back of my neck once again. Finally, his claws plunged into my skin, sending excruciating pain throughout my body. My head was spinning and suddenly everything went black.
taglist: @idontgiveahufflefuck64​ @woyee​
bittersweet taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @theholydestiny @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe @cherry-sweet-cherry @kingidols-blog @xceafh @purple286 @bilesxbilinskixlahey @chipster-21 @profoundscissorshandsdiplomat @michellebarista @may-rapp @nicole-lynne​ @lostinwonderland314​ @wandascarlett​ @the-famdoms-shall-be-united​
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x-reader-theater · 4 years
Doubt {2}
Relationship: Lucifer Morningstar x Non-Binary!Reader
Summary: And so begins the adjustment to life back on earth. What does it have in store for you, and how will you feel after everything Lucifer does for you?
Warnings: Cursing, Graphic Body Horror, Lucifer being a Bastard
Word Count: 4724 words
A/N: Please like and reblog, and make sure to share it with people if you like it! This isn’t going to be that long, but each individual chapter is at least 3k words so... I’m sorry but I’m also not loll. Also, if you like reading things on AO3 more, you can read it here. 
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Chapter 2:  The Big Bad Wolf Caught an Angel
You walk down the stairs the next morning to see Lucifer talking with the Detective. 
"Ah! Angel! How good to see you again!" Lucifer says. 
"You as well Lucifer," you say, going to join him at the bar. "And you as well Detective Decker. I don't think we've really had a chance to talk." 
The detective nods. "You know, I would love to. But, Lucifer and I have a case. So if you wouldn't mind, we should get going now." 
The detective gets up and grabs her things, looking at Lucifer to follow her. He gets up suddenly and follows her, waving at you before he goes, leaning into you, and saying quickly, "Maze has had her fun, it's my turn tonight." 
You nod and watch as he walks out with the detective. 
The door closes behind you, and you listen as one set of footsteps start to walk away, while another stays still. You walk closer to the door and lean up against the wall as you listen in to what the two are saying. 
"No, Lucifer, I can't be nicer. She's cra-!" The detective yells, before quieting her voice. "Crazy…" 
"They are not crazy. They're scared," Lucifer says. "This is new to them." 
"Huh. Never thought you'd care about someone other than yourself." You can hear the shock in her voice being masked by indignation. 
"Yes, well. This is a special case…" Lucifer says, and you smile. 
They begin talking about whatever case they're working on and you walk away back to the middle of the club. You smile as you pour yourself a drink, and take a sip from it. 
[Now Playing: Devil's Waitin' by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club]
"So, what do you want to eat?" Lucifer says as he bursts through the front doors. You look up from the book you're reading. 
"I'm sorry?" You ask, putting the book down. 
He walks over and sits next to you at the bar. "I want to remind you how… amazing earth is. And so, we… are going to get something to eat. What do you want?" 
"Do we need to eat?" You ask. "Because, humans need to eat to survive. But, we're not humans." You hold up the book you were reading. 
"Where did you get that? And what is that book?" Lucifer asks. 
"Oh this?" You ask, holding up the book. "Maze gave it to me. Said it would help me 'Understand humans' or something."
"Is that… a romance book?" Lucifer asks. "She gave you a cheesy romance book to learn about humans?" Lucifer looks at you like you're insane before grabbing the book out of your hands and putting it down on the bar. "Nope. Come on. I'm going to take you out and teach you all you need to know about humanity." 
"You lost my place!" You say as he drags you away. 
"It's not worth it anyways," he says, stopping before you get to the door. "I was going to say we need to change, but you look lovely in that dress, angel." He's smirking again. That same smirk as before, the one he had when you met Arianna. 
"Let's get to dinner," you say back to him, patting him on his chest. 
"Ooh, alright angel. Whatever you say." 
[Now Playing: Devil's Head Down by Pearl and the Beard]
"So, what is this place?" You ask as Lucifer leads you out of his… automobile? No. He called it a car. 
"This is a restaurant. Humans come here for some sort of, mating ritual for their relationships," Lucifer replies, placing a hand on your back to lead you towards the entrance. He tosses his keys, yeah, you knew that one, to a man standing in front of the restaurant. You don't know that one yet. "Usually we need reservations for this place but… I know the owner. He owes me a favour." 
You stop Lucifer for a moment, turning to him, confused. "Reservation?" 
He sighs and starts moving forward again. "I'll tell you later."
You shrug as you walk inside. 
The place is flashy and elegant, with lots of red upholstery and gilded furniture. The people in the restaurant are equally as opulent, dressed in fine silks and satins, dripping with diamonds and brightly colored gems of all shapes and sizes. You look around in awe at everyone, and then look down at your own short cocktail dress that Maze lent you and start to feel very underdressed. 
Lucifer leads you past the line of waiting people directly to the front. There are a few shouts of protests behind you, but when you get to the front and Lucifer flashes a smile, the stewardess smiles at him and moves closer. 
He puts a hand out to stop her. "I'm sorry, but I'm taken for the night. Can you get Joey for me?" The girl nods, stunned, and walks in the opposite direction. 
"That's very impressive," you say to Lucifer, who looks down at you, eyebrows raised. "Is that the thing you can do here on earth?" 
Lucifer smiles a wide, toothy, half grin, and says, "Well, one of the things. I can also find out people's darkest desires. The things they want most in the world." He grins and looks away toward where the stewardess left, before looking back down at you. "Why do you ask?" 
You shrug. "I was just wondering. Mostly because, like I told you before, I can see people's true selves. Like, I don't see the man you present as. I see the man you are. Underneath all that." Lucifer nods, looking away. You sigh and point over toward a table where a man is talking with a woman. "See that human man there? He has two faces and his eyes are always shifting. It means he's duplicitous, he likes to lie a lot. One of his faces is looking at the girl across from him, but the other is looking at a girl across the room. He's telling the girl he loves her while his eyes are looking at another woman." 
You look back to Lucifer, his red, shining skin and red eyes are contorted into shock and awe. "And you got all that just from looking at some man's face?" You nod. "Now that's impressive." 
You shrug. "God gave me this ability. I looked upon his true form and he blinded me, and when he gave me back my sight, he blessed me with this gift." 
Lucifer looks down upon you with pity. "But, you never get to see the way people look on the outside. People spend time on their appearances, to make themselves look good. I mean, I chose the way I looked specifically because of that. Because I was attractive to people." 
You smile up at Lucifer and run your fingers over his face. "But that means I get to know you for you. I get to look past the appearances and see who you truly are inside."
"A monster?" 
"A man."
"Lucifer!" You hear someone call to you. Looking away from the man in question, you see someone, who you presume to be Joey, with his arms out, grinning wildly. The Stewardess is also walking back. Her face is round, and covered in crumbs, but she's skinny as a twig. All she wants is to eat a cupcake, and you suspect she likes to sneak one every now and again. She also has an unread script attached to her waist, denoting that she goes to auditions but doesn't prepare enough to get any good jobs. 
Joey on the other hand has every single pocket stuffed with dollar bills. He likes to cut costs in the kitchen and with employees, paying them less than he actually should. You also see his cuffs are stained red, but his shirt is a pristine white. Interesting. 
"Joey!" Lucifer says, patting the greedy man on the shoulder. His face looks like a lightly tinted green and yellow. 
"Lucifer! I just want to thank you again. Without your help, I would never have been able to open up this place," Joey exclaims and the Stewardess leans in toward Lucifer, who smiles guiltily and pushes her away. "Susannah! Get back to work!" 
She seems to snap out of her lustful gazing and walks back to her podium. 
"Yes, I need a table for two, Joey," Lucifer says. 
Joey looks you up and down before looking at Lucifer. "Seriously?" He says it as if he doesn't believe Lucifer is going to have dinner with someone like you. "You're going to have dinner, alone, with this guy?" 
"Not a guy," you say quickly, watching as Lucifer's face drops the smile it was holding. 
"Get us that table, Joey," Lucifer says, his voice dropping to barely above a whisper, a low growl underneath it. 
Joey gulps and nods quickly, grabbing two menus from the stewardess' podium before leading you to an outside table and setting the menus down in front of you. He smiles at Lucifer before walking off, not even glancing your way. 
Lucifer grimaces in his direction before turning back to you, looking genuinely sorry. "I'm so sorry about him. I didn't know he'd be such a…" 
"An asshole?" You supply, 
Lucifer laughs. "Yes. I suppose that fits." 
You smile, but cock your head to the side. "You don't seem like the kind of man to apologise for someone else's actions, Lucifer. Why do you keep doing it for me?" 
Lucifer goes to talk, but pauses, biting his lip. He actually thinks about what he's about to say to you. "I-" he goes to say, but he cuts himself off to think a little more about his words. "I can talk to you about things no one understands. Maze never fell, she was created in hell, the Detective doesn't believe me, the doctor doesn't believe me." Lucifer grabs your hand and squeezes it. "I don't have to hide anything from you." 
You smile and squeeze his hand back. "Thank you." 
Lucifer smiles, and you see matching long canines to Maze's. He leans in close and says low, "I wasn't kidding. You look ravishing, angel." 
You smile and look down at your dress again. "You think so? I feel very underdressed," you say, looking around at everyone else sitting outside with you. 
Lucifer leans in again and says, "I would have you right now if I could. I'm sure Joey wouldn't mind…" 
You smile politely and take your hand away from his. "I think I'm alright, Lucifer." 
He leans back in his chair, and you look around, suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed. You look back over to Lucifer and say, "I don't just see people's true forms." Lucifer looks up at you as you say this, waiting for what you're about to say. "I can also hear things most people would not. I can hear heartbeats when I'm close enough, and I can hear voices from other rooms." Lucifer is looking at you confused. "I heard what Detective Decker said this morning. About how I'm crazy."
"You're not crazy," Lucifer says suddenly, getting up from his chair slightly. 
"Why? I would think to a human I would sound insane," you say. "Why aren't I crazy?" 
"Because if you're crazy, then what does that make me?" Lucifer asks. He's not telling, but people are looking at him now. 
You nod. "The detective doesn't understand," you say quietly. "She doesn't understand what it's like to fall." 
Lucifer looks up at you, not really sure what to say. You sit in silence for a little bit, drinking your wine with Lucifer. The silence isn't uncomfortable, but you definitely still have a lot to talk about. It's as if the words are hanging in the air, and none of you are willing to reach out and grab them. 
And then Lucifer gets a call. He takes out the small device you've seen a few other humans holding, and puts it up to his ear. 
"Ah! Detective! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asks. You lean in, taking in his intonation, the way he's talking to her. You hear something on the other end, Detective Decker sounding stressed and rushed. 
"Lucifer. We have another case. At the pier," she says into her phone. "I'm on my way to Lux now, I'm coming to pick you up."
"Oh, no, my dear detective. I'm not at Lux. I'm out, having dinner," Lucifer says. 
"Oh! Oh, okay, uh, I'll text you the address. I'll see you there? Yeah. Yeah." The detective says, and you hear the click of the phone call ending. 
"Well," Lucifer says, putting his phone away in his pocket. "I have to go, you know, a murder happened and all. I'll drop you back off at Lux, and I'll be back, probably." He gets up and walks around the table to you, helping you out of your chair. But before you can take a step away, he pulls you in and whispers low in your ear, "And then we can finish what we started tonight." 
He practically has to carry you back to his car. 
[Now Playing: Moon River by Audrey Hepburn]
You smile at the song coming through the speakers, closing your eyes, and setting down your book for a moment. You lean back into the, probably, really dirty couch. You let the music wash over you, a music that you didn't get in either heaven or hell. You smile as you open your eyes, tilting your head from side to side with the music. 
"What is all this?" You hear someone say. Opening your eyes, you see the bright red face of Lucifer staring back at you. "You having a little fun there?" 
You hold up the book you're reading. "I was just reading, listening to some music. Maze taught me how to use the sound system. Introduced me to this thing called Spotify," you say, putting your finger in the book and closing it. "Have you ever heard of it?" 
"Yeah. Yeah. Of course I've heard of it," Lucifer says, sitting down on the couch as well, putting your feet into his lap. "Now, what are you reading this time?" 
You hold up the book. "It's a children's book. There's a 24 hour bookshop down the street. I… went down there, because I was bored and I kinda… stole it…" 
Lucifer's eyes light up and he looks at you in shock and awe. "You stole that! I'm impressed! Our little angel doing some truly devilish deeds at last!" 
You smile, then look down at the book, guilty. "Yes, well, then I went back and left a twenty on the counter because I felt guilty."
"Ooh, not so good. But! It's a start!" He says, putting his hands on your ankles. You flinch away from the touch, and you look away, feeling guilty. "Is something wrong, Angel?" 
"I'm still not used to… touch," you respond, folding the page you're on and setting it down on the ground. 
"Do you want to get better?" Lucifer asks, hovering his hand over your legs. 
You feel your cheeks heat up and you move your legs back over his. "I- I wouldn't be opposed. I think… it may be good to get used to it. It won't help me if I flinch every time someone bumps into me on the street, or I have a breakdown because someone touched my hand while I was giving them money…" 
"We'll go slow," Lucifer says, placing his hands back on your ankles. You stop yourself from moving away again, and just let him stay there. 
Eventually you fall asleep. When you wake up the next morning, there's a blanket on you, and you're still on the couch. But, there's no sign of Lucifer except that your feet are a little cold. 
[Now Playing: Blue Healer by Bird Talker]
"So. I'm glad you came to our session today," Doctor Linda says. She sounds a bit surprised though, which you don't really expect. "How did you get here?" 
You shrug. "I walked." 
"But- but that's a long way! Why did you walk?" Linds asks, even more surprised. 
You shrug again. "I don't exactly have anything to do." 
"So, what have you been doing?" 
"Reading. Sleeping. Talking with Lucifer and Maze." 
"Do you have any other friends?" You think for a moment. Then two. Wracking your brain for any names, any at all. None come up. And apparently, you take too long for Doctor Linda. "Well. Maybe that's what we should do first. Give you something to do, get you to meet more people…" 
You think for a moment. You might have an idea. 
[Now Playing Howling at the Moon by D Fine Us]
"Okay, it's really simple. The drinks aren't that hard to make," Maze says to you, yelling over the music.  You nod, watching Maze pour the drinks with much precision and grace. She hands you the mixed cocktail, and when you go to take a sip, she stops you. "Ah, ah, ah." She points to a woman at the bar who's looking at you annoyed, and you sheepishly give her the green tinted drink. She takes it from you rather forcefully, and you have to step back a bit so it doesn't spill on you. 
"Sorry, sorry," you say to the woman as she walks off. You don't think she heard you. You turn back to Maze feeling guilty. 
She rolls her eyes and starts making another drink. A man comes up to the bar, handsome fellow, with black hair and brown eyes and skin. He smiles at you and you smile back and you feel your cheeks heat up. 
"Wh-what can I do for you?" You ask the handsome man. 
"A whiskey," he says, leaning in so he doesn't have to talk as loud. 
You look back at the wall of alcohol, before turning back to the man and saying, "Which one?" 
He leans in closer, smiling. "You choose." 
You smile and turn away, looking at all the bottles on the wall. Not knowing which one is which, you turn to Maze and whisper in her ear, "What's the best whiskey you have?" 
You gesture with your eyes towards the man who's looking around now, tapping his fingers on the bar. Maze smirks and reaches down underneath the bar, pulling out a bottle from amongst a bunch of very expensive looking bottles. You mouth 'Thank you' to her, and she smiles at you. 
You grab a glass and walk over to him, pouring a small glass of Whiskey for the man. He smiles at you and takes a small sip, letting you watch as he swallows slowly. 
"Mmm. This is divine," he says. 
"Not quite," you reply with a smile. 
The man laughs and takes another sip of his whiskey. "So, what's your name?" 
"[Y/N]. And you?" You ask in reply. 
"Gabriel," he responds. 
"Like the Archangel?" You ask with a laugh. Gabriel laughs under his breath and nods. "Huh. You seem… nothing like him…" you mutter underneath your breath, barely loud enough for even you to hear. 
"My parents were- are Catholic. They thought it was funny to name their son after an archangel," he laughs at that. It's not particularly funny, but it's funny to him. "And I thought it was funny that their only son went off to college and partied every day." 
"You sound more like a demon than an angel," you say. 
He smiles. "Oh? And what would you know about that?" 
You scoff and look away from him, over your shoulder almost. You look back at him and say, "Quite a bit, actually." 
He looks at you disbelieving, but like he wants to drag you across the bar and… do something to you. 
"Oh! Well! What do we have here?" You hear someone say. Looking up from your staring contest with Gabriel. "The Angel having a little fun on the job?" 
You roll your eyes and pour a glass of whiskey for Lucifer. You give him the glass and he takes it from you, brushing his fingers against yours. You don't pull your hand away, you don't flinch, and you let your hand stay there for a couple of seconds. Finally, Lucifer pulls his fingers away, but you don't stop looking at him, and he doesn't take his glowing red eyes away from you. 
"Oookay. I don't know what this thing is, but-" you hear a slapping sound on the bar -"Here's a fifty. I'm going to leave you two… yeah." 
You hear the chair scraping and you finally blink and look away towards Gabriel. "Wait!" You call after him. He stops and turns around. "It was nice talking to you!" 
He smiles and nods, turning around and leaving Lux. 
You turn back to Lucifer who raises an eyebrow. "What, did I ruin your moment?" Lucifer asks. 
You glare at him, though there's no malice behind your eyes. "I was trying to make a friend." 
Lucifer scoffs. "Make a friend? He wanted to bend you over the bar and take you in front of all these people!" He waves his arm out and you roll your eyes. 
You scoff. "Are you jealous?" 
Lucifer leans back in his chair, mouth agape, looking shocked and offended that you would ever imply that. "I beg your pardon! The devil isn't jealous!" Lucifer says. 
You laugh lightly behind your hand. "Okay. Okay," you say, leaning back and putting your hands up. "So the devil doesn't get jealous." You smile at Lucifer. "You know that book I was reading before?" Lucifer nods slowly, looking at you like you're confusing him. 
"What- what does this have to do with anyth-" Lucifer asks but you cut him off. 
"Shhhh!" You say putting a hand up. His eyebrows shoot up and he leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest, waiting for you to continue. "Now. The book I was reading was ‘The Three Little Pigs.’" Lucifer scoffs and rolls his eyes and you put up a hand again. "I know, I know. It's a children's book, it's meaningless drivel, blah blah blah. But there was something about it that reminded me…" You shake your head. "Anyways, the story's about these pigs and the houses they're making. Now there's this wolf who really wants to get into those houses, and the story frames the wolf as the bad guy. He wants to get into the houses and eat the pigs. I don't think he actually wants to do this. I think he wants to be in the pig's lives, but instead of asking nicely, and respecting them, he blows down their houses, until one of the pigs builds a house that the wolf can't blow down, and he's shut out of the pig's lives." You let out a breath and Lucifer goes to talk, but you cut him off. "What I'm trying to say is, Lucifer…" You reach out and grab his hand. "Don't be the wolf who caught the angel. Don't get jealous and destroy the nice things you have. You never know when someone will build a wall you can't break down." 
You get up and walk away from Lucifer, and you hear him calling from behind you, "I'm not jealous!" 
[Now Playing: Illusion of Bliss by Alicia Keys] 
 You stand in front of the mirrors again, looking at your wings, at the perfectly white bone protruding from your back. You move them up and down. They don't hurt anymore. At least, you don't notice any pain. You're sure there's still some underneath there somewhere, but you must have gotten used to it. You watch as your wings flex out to their full size before relaxing back into their original state. They haven't gotten any bigger or smaller since the last time you checked. You guess that's good. That means you haven't done anything good or bad. 
But do you want that? To live in stagnation for the rest of time while humanity withers and dies from wars waged in God's name? 
"[Y/N]! I wanted to talk to you about tonight!" 
You turn to the door and watch it being opened by someone, by Lucifer, and you go to hide your wings. 
But it's too late. 
"Angel-" Lucifer stops as he watches the bone fold back into your skin, which fuses over it, and the scars reform, and stanch the blood flowing from your back. "Wha…" 
"I can explain!" You exclaim, putting your hands out. You don't know if it's to protect you or Lucifer from you. 
"Your wings…" he breathes out. He reaches out but there's nothing to touch. You turn around, and let your wings once again break through your skin and blood once again falls down your back. 
While you can't feel Lucifer's hands on your wings, you know they're there, the presence of another celestial being near you is almost enough to make your knees weak. It's stronger on earth than in heaven. At least in heaven everyone's considered celestial. 
You feel him touch where the base of your wings meet your back and you flinch away. 
"I'm sorry…" Lucifer whispers. He sounds in shock and awe. "Have you ever thought about cutting them off?" 
You back away at that and turn around, folding your wings in protectively behind you. "What! I would never!" You take another step back. "How could you even say that?" you whisper. 
"Well, you're a fallen angel now!" Lucifer says, taking a step closer to you. Your back is against the wall now, and you're shaking your head now, tears rolling down your face. "Besides, they're useless anyways."
You shake your head again, even more fervently now than before, and you say quietly under your breath, "No… no…" You look Lucifer in the eye and glare at him. "No! I will not cut off my wings!" You fold them protectively around you. "I-I can't! I won't!" 
"But why not!" 
"Because- Because I just can't! If I do, God wins! And I can't let that happen," you say, and Lucifer stops. "I can't let God win…" You look down at the ground, at your feet, and grab your wings. "If God really is all powerful, all mighty, and all good, why do bad things happen to good people? Lucifer, you of all people should understand. I can’t let my hatred of him push me to rash decisions. I don't think my feathers falling off is his doing. This isn't him  because this is a cruel and- and a fucking awful thing to do! And if God really is kind, this isn't him. And if it is, I doubt God even cares for one measly little angel who got pushed out of heaven because they said one. Wrong. Thing." 
Lucifer takes a step forward now, his arms at his side. "Angel…" 
"What!" You yell at him, but he doesn't flinch. 
"Your… your wings!" He says, and looking over, you see new bones growing from the ends of them. You gasp and reach out, feeling as the bone shifts in your hands, getting longer and longer, before finally, they stop growing. Your wings are the size they were before. You hear the bone clacking together, and you smile as tears start falling down your cheeks. 
"How-how is this possible?" Lucifer asks reaching out to touch your wings as well. Your hand finds his on the bone, and you leave your fingers together. 
"I think it's my doubt," you say. "When I questioned why I ever doubted God, when I thought I shouldn't have done it and maybe I would still be in heaven, these bones-" you point to the ones that just grew back using your free hand "-fell off. And turned to ash, just like my feathers. I think it's some- some kind of sick test!" You say, anger penetrating your voice as you spit the words out. Lucifer unclasps your hand and walks away from you, running his fingers over his head. 
"So what does this mean?" Lucifer asks and you walk up to him, turning him around so you can see into his red eyes. 
"What this means, Lucifer, is that God wants me to doubt him. And I don't know why." 
[Now Playing: Like a Star by Corrine Bailey Rae]
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Catch The Mermaid
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I smiled as atlast we stopped for a moment throwing down my things and leaning against the tree, hodor doing much the same as me but laying on the ground proping brans cart by the tree, Meera came along close behind putting her things down and sitting on them jojen sighing sitting on the dirt catching his breath
"How much further?" Meera asks
"Where still at week out at best" I answered
"Make camp for tonight, where not going any further now" bran explained
Once we had all got some strength back we began setting up camp, bran helping as much as he could once we where all set up I took my things and headed down to a small stream close by having told Meera where I was going, once I arrived at the woodland stream I began to slip off my dress hanging all my clothes on a tree branch close by slowly stepping into the water it was cold but refreshing as I began to wash getting the caked dirt off my body and the mud and twigs from my hair once I was all clean I began to mostly just swim around in the sweet water, the cool crystal clear water flowing along downstream, around every inch and curve of my naked body, the trees high with a canopy of green to protect me from perverted eyes the sweet smell of earth and leaves in the air as I swam in the river and plaid around with my wet hair, until I thought I saw something just a little upstream but I thought little off it until I looked to the water and I could almost swear I saw a pair of brown eyes looking at me I looked away a little in fear until-
"Hello darling" I heard jojen smirk his hands already at my waist I quickly moved away covering myself with my hands
"Ohhh! Jojen! I'm sorry I didn't know-" I began
"Relax darling, you didn't do anything wrong" he laughs swimming over to me but I moved away trying my best to keep myself covered even if his bare chest and the amount of his pale skin under the water indicated to me he was less then dressed too
"Jojen stay away I'm not dressed" I giggled kicking his chest a little
"Aww I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to sneak up on you, I just came to bathe myself I didn't know you where here"
"Didn't you?" I laughed "why do I think that's a lie master reed?"
"It's Not a lie I promise darling"
"I think you where being a little pervert"
"Well... When a beautiful busty girls batheing completly naked in the river, how can I not wanna look at her?" He smirked trying to chase after me as I swam away
"Jojen no!" I giggled often splashing him
"Aww come on darling... I just wanna look" he pleads "how about this?" He smirked coming close to me "how about we play a little game?"
"Oohh? What game?" I asked
"Why don't we play a little game where I'd I show you something you have to show me something?"
"Ohh? And what sort of things would we be showing each other?" I smirked back
"Well... That depends doesn't it darling" he smirked "for example maybe if I... Showed you my cock? You'd have to show me your tits?"
"You could always ask you know" I smirked
"Ohh could I now?" He smirked "So would you let me see you darling? Without those teasing little hands of yours in my way?"
"No jojen"
"Even if I showed you without my hands in the way?"-
I was about to answer him but we headed steps heading our way I quickly hid myself away and so did jojen as we headed footsteps aproch the river I looked and saw hodor just leaving as he has dropped bran odd by the river's edge close to my clothes jojen was looking at me clearly trying to peak while I was distracted so I moved a hand flashing him my tits for a second, he was in shock but I noticed under the water his cock get harder then it already was, I looked at bran as he went close to my clothes and smiling
"Ummm y/n" he groans nuzzling closer to my dress
"Brandon what are you doing here?" I asked coming out keeping myself as covered as I could as I now had two sets of eyes to keep away from my naked body at completly different angles
"Oooh y/n!" He says in shock "nothing much I just came to bathe... What about you?"
"I came to bathe too" I smiled
"So did I" jojen piped up revealing he was here too
"Ooh... What are you too doing bathing together?" He asked clearly jealous
"Not together, I was bathing and someone came around being a little perv"
"Oohh... I see" he says "I can go if-"
"No bran stay... I was rather hoping you could help me"
"H-help you?" He stuttered a little excited
"Well you see boys I know you both only came down here to get a look at me" I giggled "so we're going to play a game"
"What sort of game darling?" Jojen smirked
"Catch the mermaid" I giggled swimming away hiding myself behind a corner "the rules are simple... If you catch the mermaid you get a kiss"
"How do we catch her?" Bran asked as he finished slipping his clothes off and climbed I to the water having hold of a branch stuck into the shore as he had much less mobility against the stream of water then jojen did
"Swim, but you have to keep your eyes closed" I giggled
"This doesn't seem fair darling" jojen smirked
"I like it" bran smiled they both closed there eyes and I stood giggling a moment as they both tried swimming around looking for me
"Ha! Got you darling!" Jojen laughed
"This is me jojen" bran complained "jojen! Stop rubbing your dick on me I'm not y/n"
"Just because your not y/n doesn't mean I don't wanna rub my cock on you?"
"Oooh boys" I giggled swimming closer to then not covering my at all
"Yes darling?" Jojen smirked coming close to me, I let him get his hands on me and he blushed a little "umm darling... Your not covering yourself up anymore?" He smirked trying to peak but I kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck pressing my lips to his try tasted like grass and mud like a earthy tea I pulled away and swam away again "she's naked" jojen whispered to bran
"Is she?" He smirked "like not covering her hands?"
"Completely" he smirked I giggled moving close to bran and he blushed and held me close
"Hi y/n" he blushed
"Hi bran" I smiled Kissing him he was sweet not as eager as jojen but still very excited to kiss me he tasted almost like ice a unearthly chill to his lips as soon as I pulled away I swam away
"Wait no come back" he pleads
We plaid a few more rounds in the twilight the boys getting much more handsy as the game went on till I smirked and got out the water
"Oooh boys" I smirked and they both opened there eyes and sat in shock seeing me naked as I stood on the river bank I covered my breasts with my but let them see everything else I could see bran was lost on his own little world looking at me and jojen was clearly jerking off looking at me "see you back at camp" I smirked blowing each of them a kiss and taking my clothes finding somewhere secret to get dressed.
I smiled putting my stuff down in the little place we found it would be nice to have a roof to rest under for once, I smirked seeing bran sat on the floor watching me I blew him a kiss and he blew me one too just as he did I felt a familiar hand on the small of my back
"Hello darling" jojen smirked giving my cheek a kiss
"Hands off jojen" I laughed pushing him away going over and giving bran a kiss which made jojen instantly jealous I smiled and went off to sort my stuff for a while
"Darling?" Jojen asked as he came over
"What is it jojen?" I smiled
"Me and bran want a word" he smirked so I followed him avoiding Meera and hodor sleeping he lead me to a small room where bran was waiting, the room was empty but a candle the two had clearly lit and a huge bathtub
"Hi y/n" bran blushed
"What's going on boys?" I asked
"Well we never did get to finish our game of catch the mermaid the other day?" Jojen smirked
"And we thought it might be fun in here" bran smirked back as I noticed the tub was full of fresh water
"Well you boys get sorted" I smiled going towards the back of the room they both stripped off and climbed in bran needing a bit of help from jojen to get in they both sat in the clear water so I went over and began slipping off my dress they both watched me careful jojen biting on his bottom lip as he watched me remove parts of my dress bran sat wide eyed and desperate to touch either me or himself I'm not sure he cared which I climbed in as far away from the boys as I could be they both closed there eyes and we tried to play but they both got hold of me opening there eyes
"Get off stark I got her"
"No you get off I had hold off her first"
"You did not you just grabbed her once I had hold of her!"
"You liar you snatched her from me!"
"Boys" I giggled "there's no reason to fight over me... I'm sure theres time for you both"
"Ohh is there darling?" Jojen smirked pulling me onto his lap and kissing me deeply I kissed back happily lightly grinding myself on him "ummmm darling..." He smirked pulling me closer but before he could do much else bran pulled me away to sit on his lap I could tell he was even more desperate that jojen was as he kissed me hard and lustfully I happily grinded on him too making him moan into my mouth till I was pulled away but not completely to jojen "I have an idea"
"What sort of idea?" I asked
"As our little y/n keeps torchering us maybe we should torcher her" bran smirked
"I'll take her first" jojen growled pulling me into his lap so my back was pressed against his chest within seconds he slipped inside me and I almost screamed if it hadn't been for bran kissing me I probably would have I held onto bran tightly as he kissed me and felt my breasts squeezing them and groping them as he kissed me all while jojen guided my hips so he could rapidly fuck me "does it feel good darling? All that time teasing us? Does it feel good having us fuck your slutty little pussy?"
"Come on my turn" bran smirked pulling me waist so jojen slipped out of me bran pulled me onto his lap slipping Inside me instantly he wasn't as long as jojen but much thicker I grabbed his neck as he bounced me over and over having to bite my neck as to not scream as jojen came behind me grinding his hard cock on my ass and kissing the other side of my neck
"Umm give her back, you've had enough time" jojen smirked pulling me back to him slipping inside me "humm darling? You like brans cock don't you? He made you so tight" he groans
"Or is it that our pretty girls gonna cum?" Bran smirked rubbing on my clit as he kissed me I almost squealed
"Ohh yeah she gonna cum, come on darling cum for us" jojen smirked getting faster until bran pulled me to sit on his lap my back against his chest this time as he was getting close his speed as much as jojens, bran felt up my ass as he fucked me and jojen kissed.me lustfully playing with my boobs and with my clit until I held jojen close kissing him as I peaked and almost screamed as I hit my orgasum bran held me tight as he felt me cum on his cock as soon as I caught my breath I was back in jojens lap,
This went on for what felt like forever I forgot how many orgasums I must have had I was beyond overwhelmed with pleasure in this lusty world where only jojen and bran existed I was there whore getting past between them like a fuck toy both of them just using anything they wanted of me I felt my insides where so strange as the boys seeds mixed Inside of me as well as my own juices as soon as one rode out an orgasum the other would be hard again passing me between them over and over making me cum over and over as they desperately fucked me
"Uuuhh you take her back, any more I'm gonna cum inside her pretty little pussy again" jojen moaned as he fucked me his thrusts slow and deep
"I can't, I'm still riding off the last one" bran groaned slowly jerking his cock
"Come on cum for me darling you know I can't cum till you do" jojen smirked rubbing on my clit so hard I shot into another uncontrollably and i felt him shot his seed Inside me he collapsed and bran did too all three of us colapsing in the now rather dirty water
"Fuck" bran smirked "we need to do that every night"
"We should..." Jojen smirked "we should play with our mermaid every night"
"Umm we should, maybe not tomorrow I think our little mermaid needs a rest" bran smirked
"And so do we" jojen laughed
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krispyalpacaduck · 4 years
Music Lessons With The Devil Chapter 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Lucifer x OC fic
Rating: R for language
A/N: I’m starting to lose steam so I hope y’all still enjoy this :). Tag list is open! Let me know if you’d like to be added!
“Weren’t you crippled?” Maze said snidely as I walked up to the bar.
“Nice to see you too, Maze.” I laughed.
“We’re closed.” She said pointedly.
“It was just a shot to the leg. Nothing major.”
Maze looked me up and down. “Too bad.”
“Now, now.” Lucifer said walking up to us. “Be nice. How’s the leg?”
“Eh,” I began, shrugging my shoulders. “Hell will have to wait for me.”
“I beg your pardon?” I’d never seen a more shocked, disbelieving look cross anyone’s face before.
“The Devil has a spot reserved for me.”
“I most certainly do not.”
“It’s just a phrase, Lucifer.” I laughed. He’d referred to himself as the Devil again. 
“Yes, I heard what you said. The question is why did you say it?”
“It’s doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it matters! You don’t walk around saying a phrase like that and not explain yourself!”
“Lots of people do it. I don’t see you Halloween catting over them.” His expression literally looked like one of the Halloween cat decorations with its fur up.
“Would you guys just shut up?” Maze snapped.
“This isn’t over.” He turned to me, pointing his finger. “Did you bring it?” He asked.
I set my pack down on the counter.
“What’s this?” Maze asked, curiously.
I unfolded the pack and pulled back the velvet covering.
“Knives? You throw?”
Lucifer coughed, his eyes wide. “Can she ever…”
“And?” Maze said, uninterested.
“Isn’t it obvious? I’ve brought her here to throw with you!”
She scoffed then laughed. When she saw Lucifer’s expression, she stopped.
“You’re serious?”
I craned my neck to look at Lucifer. “Told you it would be a waste of time.”
As I started to pack up, her knife came up to my throat. “Wait.”
“Mazikeen!” Lucifer growled.
When she was distracted, I grabbed the dagger, flipped it around in my fingers and then threw it, watching it embed into the wall next to us. She looked at me with an unreadable expression, then said, “I like you.”
Turning to Lucifer, she said, “How did you find out she could throw?”
I cocked my head as I walked to get her dagger out of the wall. “Yes Lucifer, how did you find out?” I smiled really big, a cocky look on my face.
“It was a bit uncalled for, really.” Lucifer said.
“He crashed my college class. I got pissed and threw a letter opener at his head.”
“Damn near hit me in the head! This close!” He said to Maze, his fingers showing how close it was.
Maze high-fived me. Lucifer looked positively betrayed.
“Hey, you brought her to me.” Maze said.
“She’s right you know.” I said.
“Oh, shut up and pour me a drink.” Lucifer sighed.
“You better be careful with this one. She just may best you.” Maze told him.
He scoffed. “Nobody bests the devil.”
Maze leaned in close to him. “I’ll be sure to tell Amenadiel that the next time I see him.”
“Funny girl, aren’t you?” Lucifer said, a tight expression his face. “I’m beginning to think it was a bad idea to bring you two together.”
Maze and I shared a look and rolled our eyes.
We were toe to toe with each other. She even showed me a few tricks. We’d been knocking back drinks and I didn’t realize how much we’d been drinking until I stumbled trying to throw.
“Alright. I think that’s it for me.” I said, laughing.
“Hmmm….let’s do one more. We’ll bet this time.”
“How about a challenge.”
I made a “continue” motion with my hand.
“I’m going to throw this drink umbrella and attempt to knife it to the wall. If I win, you kiss Lucifer.”
I spit out my drink. “What are we? Middle schoolers?” I chided.
“You guys are always eye-fucking each other so I’d thought you’d at least like to kiss first.”
“Hold on a second! I’m never the eye-fucker.” I protested.
Lucifer instantly perked up and moved right next to my face. “Ooohhh. I quite like this bet.”
Thinking of any possible way to get out of it, I just went for the easiest choice. Sighing, I said, “Alright and if you win, I’ll give you $50.”
Lucifer was watching the throw most intensely than he had the entire time. Maze went first and naturally didn’t miss. As I lined up my shot, I intentionally missed. Not by much. Maze gave a victory cheer and put her hand out. I slapped the money into her palm with a smile on my face.
“Good game.”
Leaning against the bar, I felt Lucifer behind me, his lips almost touching my ear.
“You threw the throw. Didn’t you? I’m hurt.” He whispered.
I hoped I didn’t visibly shiver. Tilting my head back to look at him, I said, “Ancient Chinese secret.”
“Clever little minx.” I saw him lean in, staring at my lips. Just as he got within range, I put my finger on his lips.
“Nope. I lost the bet.”
When I brought my head back up, my vision swam. Holding my head in my hand, I said, “Ooh bad idea.”
“Lightweight.” Maze teased.
“Gravity is a bitch.” I whined.
“Hey! You coming tonight?” Chloe said, bouncing up to me.
“Nah. I think I drank enough for a while today with Maze.”
She looked confused. “Since when were you two on good graces?”
“Since Lucifer set up a knife throwing appointment at Lux.”
“Huh. Anyway, you should come with us tonight. Lucifer is saying it’s his “rebirth” birthday party. Whatever that means.”
“Dude, I didn’t even attempt to understand him and I’m not about to start now. He had a really weird reaction today when he asked about my leg and I told him that Hell would have to wait for me. It was like he took it as a personal offense that I would even suggest such a thing.”
Chloe laughed. “You’re hardly going to Hell, Is but who knows? Lucifer’s a weird dude.”
Shaking the thoughts from my head, I said, “But seriously, how do you deal with that man? He’s so frustrating.”
She sighed heavily. “I know he is. But he really does lend some interesting insight to my cases and dare I say it, he’s become a friend.”
I bopped my head up and down, throwing my lip out.
“Maze tried to get me to kiss him today.” I blurted out.
“We were throwing knives and she bet me that if I lost to her that I’d have to kiss Lucifer.” I went quiet.
“So! What happened? Don’t leave me hanging.”
“I threw the throw.”
She clicked her tongue. “I bet he didn’t like that.”
“Yeah he put on a good show about it. Even tried to kiss me afterwards and I stopped him.”
“You should give him a chance, Is. He likes you.”
“Right. He likes me like he likes all of the other pretty tails that pack his bar every night.”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “You’re hopeless.”
I shrugged my shoulders.
“Come on. At least come with me. Just because.” She was giving me that puppy dog face that I could never resist.
It was my turn to click my tongue. “Alright. You’ve convinced me.”
Dressed in my best rave clothes, I met her at the door. Lucifer had made us VIP holders so we didn’t need to wait in line.
“Well, damn. First time I’ve been VIP of anything.”
“Right?” Chloe agreed.
We sauntered in to find the club already jumping. I was wearing a choker around my neck, a black  tube top and white cargo pants and my hair in a high ponytail. Maze saw us and motioned for us to come over. As I looked around the club, I saw Barb hanging all over Lucifer. It was kind of funny but I felt bad for him. She was barely wearing anything and left nothing to the imagination. That was the first time I’d seen him not interested in someone.
Maze poured us two shots, looking me up and down.
“Who is this?”
“Shut up.” I said, laughing.
“Rawr.” She said, making a claw with her hand.
“So…are we going to see a shuffle tonight?” Chloe asked.
I craned my head to look at her from under my eyelids. “Funny.” I said, scrunching my face up.
“We’ll see about that.” She said under her breath.
“What was that.”
“This place is jumping I said.”
“Huh uh. Don’t. Just don’t.”
She put her hand on her chest. “Me? I would never.”
I pointed at her. “I mean it, Chloe.”
I watched Lucifer run behind the bar, popping up to look between the bottles. Maze was looking at him, puzzled.
“What are you doing?” She admonished.
“Just making sure everything is running smoothly.”
“From between the bottles? It’s not like you to run from a human. Let alone a woman.”
“Ugh, she’s unbearable!”
He looked to me.
“You have to help me. It’s Barb…” He says, looking around worriedly. “She won’t leave me alone.”
I bit back a laugh. “But she’s so sweet and she loves when you speak French.” I said in an obnoxious voice.
He gave me a dark look. “Shit. She’s coming up here. Pretend we’re together. Just so she’ll go away.” He hissed.
“No way! Go get one of your flooz-”
Suddenly, he hopped the bar counter and had his arm around my shoulder. He pulled me into him, my hand on his chest. We locked eyes for a quick second before I tried to struggle away. 
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His grip on my shoulder tightened. I glared daggers up at him in warning.
“Please.” He whispered into my ear.
I growled in response, the pity I’d felt for him earlier taking over.
“Hey! That’s where you went!”
Her face dropped when she saw me looking up at him.
“Thought you said you two weren’t together?” She glared.
He looked down at me, a hurt expression on his face.
“You did?” Complete with puppy dog eyes.
My eye twitched.
“I’m sorry, Barb. It happened quite…suddenly.”
I brought my other hand up and patted him on the back, making sure to put more force into the 3rd pat so it stung, all the while trying to keep a snarl from crossing my face.
“Rude.” He said quietly, his brows furrowed.
I looked up at him with a smile like venom on my face, popping my eyebrow up. I looked around for Chloe. She was gone. Barb folded her arms across her chest, popping her hip out.
“Give us a kiss, then. Go on!”
I paled.
“Go on! If you’re together, prove it.” She had a knowing look on her face.
I laughed nervously. I looked up at him, as he looked from me to Barb. I looked back to Barb, digging my nails into his chest. “What is it with people obsessed about us kissing? He’s not really big on personal displays of aff-”
I heard him sigh and then I felt his hands on my cupping my face, turning me to face him. I didn’t have any time to react before his lips were on mine.
I inhaled sharply, my hands popping up. His tongue slid into my mouth like smooth bourbon. He tasted like a slice of Eden. My entire body softened from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I couldn’t deny the effect he was having on me. Slowly the sounds of the club died away as I gave in. His lips were a work of art and he certainly knew how to use them.
I felt him smile against my lips as he felt the change in me. He deepened the kiss, keeping a hand on my face and using the other to wrap around my waist and pull me closer into him. I’d never been kissed so thoroughly in my life. In that single instant, my universe flipped upside down and I could see why women kept coming back and why some lined up to be with him. He dropped the hand on my cheek, fingertips tracing down my neck as he pulled away, sneaking in a kiss right underneath my jaw. I exhaled, my eyes closed, shivering. When I opened my eyes to look at him, he smirked and booped my nose.
We both turned to look at Barb when she scoffed.
“Whatever. Call me when you’re bored of her.”
Lucifer smiled as she walked away, then turned back to me.
“So…that’s that then.” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. I had goosebumps all over. 
“Was it too much?"
“Just a bit...yeah...”
I was panicking inside. The wall needed to go back up. Fast. I needed a distraction.
Chloe came up next to me, her voice contorted in excitement. I watched Lucifer wink at me, looking mighty pleased with himself as he walked away, mingling in the crowd. I dropped heavily into a bar stool.
“So…. what was that?”
“What was what?” I said, taking small sips of my drink.
She looked at me like, “Seriously?”
“Oh that? That was nothing.”
“Didn’t look like nothing.”
“It was to get rid of Barb. She’s been bugging him since we got here. He needed a way to get rid of her.”
“Annnddd he chose you?”
“Don’t look too much into it, Chlo.”
“Didn’t figure you the type to be a bleeding heart.”
“I’m not a complete ice queen. For 0.2 seconds, my pity overran my judgement. I’ve heard stories about Barb and he looked genuinely disinterested as she hung on him so I decided to help a brother out.”
Talking to Chloe helped me to calm down.
“About that distraction...” I said to myself when I heard the beginning of Spooky Scary Skeletons Extended Mix Remix start up and looked at her.
“As usual, you know exactly what I need.” I slapped her lightly on the arm and ran to the dance floor with a bunch of other people.
@ayanna-wild​ @using-our-made-up-names​ 
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