#thayne never stop slaying
jadelemonadee · 3 months
he’s had the longest hamilton phase
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HSMTMTS season 4 reflections: I have been changed for good
It's been an incredibly wild ride and I was overflowing with emotions even before watching the final season, but now... the emotions are even stronger. I've let them settle down a bit and I think I'm ready now to share a list of my favourite and least favourite things about this season (both lists in a completely random order, though more or less chronological, if anything).
My favourite things:
‘It’s a good thing the cameras won’t be in our faces back at school. Right?’ This has the exact same energy as ‘Nothing will shake these ivy walls’ in School of Rock, and I love it for that. I'm all about the dramatic irony.
Alyson Reed as Ms Darbus looks just like a much older version of Ashlyn as her in season 1. What I’m saying is, the casting choice of Ash as Ms Darbus was on point.
I learnt the hard way back in season 2 not to get too invested in any core four relationships, but Ricky and Gina… they’re kinda it. I mean, just look at them, they’re so cute. Also, I've come to realise that, as an aroace autistic person who loves shipping, I mostly tend to ship canon couples only, except for when I don't perceive them as having chemistry. Conversely, I will sometimes ship non-canon couples if I perceive them as having chemistry. This will be important a bit later.
Rina's duet with the montage of season 1 references. That was so beautiful. And don't get me started on their Can I Have This Dance... Miss Jenn was trying to get through the table read quickly through all the chaos and wanted to skip over the songs, but Gina was just like 'no, I'm not doing that'. And we love her for it.
Ricky’s ‘You can tell it’s a joke because I laughed’… so me-core. Love it.
I found the bit about Troy and Gabriella being in couple's therapy so funny... I wonder, is that anything like Therapy from Tick Tick Boom?
Now or Never, the audition version (and the show version, too, but especially this one). That was the definition of Slay.
As a newly dog-favourable person, I would agree with Ricky — puppies are everyone’s kryptonite. In one way or another… I mean, can you believe that up until this last April, I would just literally go out of my way to avoid crossing paths with any dog of any kind, and then I put it into my head that I wanted that to stop, and now I’m this close to actually becoming a dog person? All this to say… I really appreciate those puppies. Everything really is better with puppies.
Ricky's background character in the film was giving Thayne Jasperson in Stick to the Status Quo. I enjoyed that.
Ashlyn's iconic 'I'm dying, I'm deceased, yes' is back again, and once again it comes in connection to Ms Darbus. We love to see the parallels.
Nightmares Come to Life is such a good song, though. Hallowe’en-y, creative, but also reflective of the characters’ very real fears and anxieties. Might be my favourite. Or it might not -- remains to be seen.
Why are all of Ashlyn’s songs the best in the show? Idk, but I might be warming up to Madlyn after this. Call It What You Want is quite something and their chemistry is off the charts.
Redlyn have always been so in sync, they even broke up with so much love and respect and amicability... I've heard the phrase 'We can still be friends' so many times, but they're one of the few ex-couples where I actually fully believe it.
EJ and Ricky’s duet is everything, and they’re finally, finally letting Matt sing… took them long enough.
Big Red in the last couple of episodes -- I literally teared up instantly even upon his first appearance, and with the exception of the extremely stupid and unnecessary cheating storyline, I just enjoyed seeing him one last time and especially getting to say a proper, less embittered goodbye at the end.
Carlos' recap in 4x6 goes hard. Pun absolutely intended. As were all of his go puns in it.
4x6 is the most Glee this show has ever been, even if we take season 1 into account. This is basically the '2009' episode of HSMTMTS, and my favourite of this season until the final one.
Seblos being back and making me believe in love again. I think the world healed a little after that duet. Though I've got to wonder... if it was meant for Ryan and his partner in the film... what is the script making those two go through to warrant such a song? I'm just curious, is all.
Dreams Don't Die, and Emmy's energy throughout the entirety of this season. It's been a sight to behold for certain.
Miss Jenn sending out Ricky's college application behind his back (Troy and Ms Darbus much?) and Mr Mazzara, Benny if you will, vouching for him. The world has truly turned upside down.
EJ and Big Red and Seb showing up for opening night (and Ricky carrying on Nini's opening night cards tradition), the way the gods intended. Big Red expecting to be 'screaming, crying, throwing up' (huh, a bit like on BATB opening night in season 2, innit?), and EJ just vibing to the entire first act, while Seb sings along like his life depends on it.
Carlos and Kourtney being magnificently fabulous as Ryan and Sharpay. Also, Seb just walking out there amid the number and planting one on Carlos with no warning. I sort of got Nick Nelson on sports day in season 1 of Heartstopper vibes from this. 'This means we're a thing'... we love it.
EJ’s scene with Miss Jenn… when did he become so wise? I was going to ask that about his scene with Ricky in 4x5, but this, this is something else. This is an adult conversation he’s having. It was even officially labelled as such. I just… I love this boy, this young man, I really wish him all the best. I wouldn’t have believed you if you’d told me this during season 1, but I shall miss Elton John Caswell.
'Antoine' not really being French was absolutely something I'd called all the way back in 2x7, but back then I certainly couldn't have called him being interested in Big Red, and not in a million years Big Red being interested in 'Napoleon over here', as he once referred to him. Then again, back before I watched this season, I'd never considered the thought of Redlyn not being endgame, so there's that. But I'm now 1000% here for it. As I mentioned a bit earlier, I ship canon couples if I see chemistry between them. (Also, it took me longer than it should have, but... Andy? Like Andrew? They literally didn't bother giving the character a name.)
The last ten or so minutes of it all, with Denny's and Born to be Brave and For Good at the end... now that was a sendoff such as this show deserved.
My least favourite things (some of them I find mildly irritating, others I'm actually enraged by; I hope it comes across which are which):
In the entire first half of the season, feeling like I couldn't even say 'Seblos' anymore bc they felt, for the first time since forever, like such separate entities which didn't seem like they'd be one again. That was painful for a while.
The 'Seb and Big Red cheating on Carlos and Ashlyn together' plotline... like, not only is this sticking an arguably biphobic stereotype on my favourite character, but it also feels extremely out of character for both of them. Another bit which just hurt to watch and to think about.
This is a bit of a gripe with HSM3 itself, but also with the fact that this version did nothing to change that up -- the two genders according to A Night to Remember: excited for prom and dreading prom. Interesting how I've always identified with the latter and to this day regret going to my prom... oh well. This is one of those mildly irritating ones.
The way Emmy pronounced Jean Valjean... I mean, nobody’s perfect. Even Mike Faist says ‘mischievious’. But this was a bit much for me. Still, it was sobering in this emotionally charged moment. I sort of needed something like this to take me out of things for a bit.
So yeah, it's clear to see that I liked more about this season than I disliked. At the end of the day, I walked into this season expecting to feel a bit 'meh' about it and walked out all like 'how can I sleep at night, pretend that I'm fine leaving it all behind'... That's been HSMTMTS, and it's been quite a wild ride. Because I knew you, I have been changed for good, indeed.
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The Tenets
(written with @basteala)
The classroom was well lit and full of eager new Dawnsmen. Most had given their oaths only days before. This was their first day in the classroom and there was an air of excitement from the individuals sitting within.
Knight Briggette Garabaldie had greeted each individual as they entered. She was dressed in simple but elegant robes, black and gold of the Dawn. Her hair pulled back in a neat bun, the scar on her neck covered only by the collar of her dress.  She stood at the front of the room, looking out at those present before clearing her throat softly and stepping forward. Her voice carried to the back of the room, “Good morning, Dawnsmen.” 
Rounds of “Good morning ma’am” came back to her before she continued. “You have joined one of the Alliance’s elite forces. The best of sword, bow, and magic surround you on this island. The Dawn’s creed, who can tell it to me?” Her blue eyes narrowing as she looked at those seated, finally someone spoke up. 
“We shall fear no evil, evil shall fear us.” 
She smiled and nodded, “Correct. But what does that mean? What does it mean to be a Dawnsman? What does it mean to be the thing that evil fears?” She held up a hand. “That is what you are here to learn. Being a Dawnsman is more than just knowing which end of your sword to hold up against an enemy.” A few snickers had her glancing once more around the room before it quieted. “You must also follow the right principles and values. The Light tells us to have Respect, Compassion, and Tenacity. But what do those words mean? And how do you have them? How do you show others that you follow that creed?” 
“On our first day here, I have with us a renowned Knight of the Dawn. Knight-Master Basteala Thayne is here to share with you all some of the ways, she lives up to those values.” Bri looked toward the doorway where the woman she loved with all her heart stood. A nod of her head and a little bit of a beckon to Bast as those in the classroom turned their eyes to the Knight being introduced. “Please give her your attention and welcome.” Bri stepped to the side to take a seat where she could view Bast but still be able to step up and speak, if needed. 
Basteala Thayne walked up to the front of the class, offering Briggette a warm smile of her own, but otherwise kept things professional. Perhaps by contrast to her title, the paladin was dressed very simply, wearing a clean, black button down shirt, and matching trousers. A gold medallion bearing the Dawn’s crest hung around her neck, and she wore the black and gold cloak of her office, but she was otherwise unadorned. Even her mark on her hand was covered in two black leather gloves. It was an honor she respected, but not one she wanted to flex, right now. Right now, she wanted to face the students as equals, to remove the barrier between mentor and learner, at least a little. To leave no confusion that Private, or Knight, or beyond, they were all children of the Light. That she too once stood where they were.
“Thank you, Briggette Garabaldie. As Briggette said, we’re here discuss the tenants of the Light, and, by extension, the values of the Dawn.Now I know not all of you share that faith, I see plenty of kaldorei among you, today, and quite a few Kul Tirans. That’s fine. I’m not here to convert you, but only to provide context. First off, who among you can tell me the Oaths of the Legion of the Dawn?” She smirks as she looks over the crowd. “Come now, don’t be shy~ This is your first day here, so most of you couldn’t have taken those oaths more than a week ago~”
A green skinned hand went into the air, a Kaldorei spoke softly but could be heard around the room, “By my Hand, as a private, and the Highlord's will, do I swear to you the Oaths of the Dawn. That my sword shall be a tool of judgment against the wicked. That my shield shall be a bulwark for the weak. That my knees shall never bend, and my will shall never break. And that the Dawn shall ever rise upon my shoulders.”  Her head tilted slightly to see if she had spoken correctly. 
Basteala smirks. “Word for word the oath of the Dawn.” She would step a little closer, and cant her head, looking the Kaldorei in the eye. “What do you think about those vows? What do they mean, to you?”
The elf smiled easily, “Well… since I use neither shield nor sword, I took them to mean that whatever weapon I wield will be used only to defend and protect. That I will stand fast against the evils of the world. And that I will not dishonor the people who have sworn the oath as well.” 
Basteala’s eyes glint with amusement as she mentioned the literal idea of a sword and shield. “I get that question a lot, if you can believe it. Some people take it as an idea that we’ll teach you how to use a sword and shield--and by the Light and Elune, we will, but there’s both less, and so much more, to those promises. It’s a solemn vow to protect the innocent, and to slay the wicked: a tenant that seems simple on the surface, but with two pillars that are so often at odds with each other.” Basteala takes her two hands, balls them into fists, and lightly thumps them against one another, to emphasize this last point.
“I’m going to address that point first. I doubt I need to remind anyone about the Fourth War, and the pain and death it brought to our people, yes?” She would look to the class, waiting for affirmations, or at least signs that they were paying attention, before continuing. “I joined the Dawn shortly after the war started to really heat up, when it was in full swing, and my homeland in Stromgarde turned into a meat grinder for both sides. Prominent in my thoughts at the time, and I’m sure in others that did their best in the war was this: what happens when this is over? To what point do we stop the Horde aggression?” Bast claps her hands together.
“Congratulations, you’re all promoted. For this day only, you are the minds behind the Alliance, the leaders, the heroes, the scholars. You’ve just won the war against the Horde. You now have a hostile foreign power that has surrendered, been bested, whatever, but the point is, you now stand before Orgrimmar, and have been asked to dispense justice in any way you see fit. What do you do?”
A brown haired Kul Tiran spoke up, “Kill any that don’t swear allegiance!” 
A gnome shook his head and said just after, “I’d think most soldiers would just want to go home, so those that gave up arms, send them home?” 
Another man spoke up, “What we did...do you think it wasn’t the right choice?” His question quieting the others that had started to speak up their opinions. The young man gave Bast a critical look waiting for her answer. 
Basteala folds her arms and waits as she listens to each student voice their opinions. Many of them spoke, she felt, emotions and sentiments that had danced about a hundred times. She could understand them all, expected them, and was about to speak up when one voice stood out among all the others. Challenged her. Her lips pulled into a small smirk.
“I would say we took a big risk, that day. We gave the Horde the peace they took from us. We met blades with understanding, and now try to rebuild a world that had no business being at war so shortly after repelling the Legion that demanded our extinction. We were merciful.” Basteala would look at the class again, taking, in particular, time to look at the Kaldorei, Gilneans, and even the Draenei that were gathered at the class today.
“But I don’t think justice was done that day. There are many night elves still without homes, parents who had to bury their children, loved ones wandering, alone and heartbroken, because a select few idiots selected a megalomaniac to lead, and then blindly followed her to set the world on fire. To those of you that were around during the war against Garrosh Hellscream, this may all sound very familiar. Some of you may even be wondering how long the peace will last, with such a volatile, violent neighbor.”
“And that’s the point I want to bring up right now. We were merciful. To have continued this violence would be to choose between one of two terrible choices: to kill every soldier, to destroy the Horde’s way to make war, to breed contempt among those that survived, until they found a way to make war again--and I’m sure to anyone who’s read your history about a certain group of Internment Camps, that may also sound familiar. We all know how well that went, right?” She smiles bitterly. “Which leads to option two: genocide.” She lets that word hang for some time. “I’m sure I don’t have to tell any of you, if you think about it enough, just what horrors that would mean.”
“And I’m sure there are other options and variations of those options, but in the end, our best option to move forward, to bring peace, was to offer it. We can’t control what resentment the Horde feels towards us over the war, but what we can control is ourselves. We denied ourselves justice, and we have to live with that. Remember what Bri said about the tenants of the Light? About Compassion, Respect, and Tenacity? That isn’t just about facing an evil trying to kick down our doors and kill our friends. Sometimes that evil, that very evil we need to defeat, lies within ourselves. Tenacity is as much about battling temptation, understanding that desires for justice that can twisted into revenge. Respect isn’t just about propriety and honoring your friends, but also your enemy. Compassion isn’t just the ability to turn around from those evils, and walk away, it’s about taking your opponent’s hand and leading them away from that darkness as well. It’s to lift someone out of the gutter. It’s to offer redemption. It’s to see the man, woman, and child behind every individual you see, and to connect with them. To help them at your own expense. To take the burdens of others, and make them our own, and shoulder them together.”
“And what’s what we did at the end of the Fourth War. We can’t control anyone’s thoughts or feelings but our own. When we offered the Horde peace, despite everything they had done, we took every scar, every burden, every pointless death and loss on us. We made a sacrifice that day, to bear the pain and regret of that war, and every war with the Horde before that. It’s on us now, to stand as wardens against that own resentment, so it may never again see the light of day, or poison Azeroth against itself. To deny ourselves justice, in order to act in a way that is just. That is respect, that is tenacity, and that is compassion made manifest.”
“And I want to stress that word: compassion. There’s a reason that it’s first of the Light’s tenants. The Light manifests itself in any of our good deeds. It’s through compassion that Elune shared her knowledge with the Kaldorei. Compassion brings Anshe’s bounty. And it is through compassion that we become one. The moment that Compassion is not what drives us first, we become separated from the Light. We become alone. We become blinded by the Light we’ve put behind us, even in that brief moment, and we become the very evils we are trying to stop.”
Bri sat watching both the classroom and Bast as the conversation deepened. As Bast stressed compassion she could be seen nodding along with the other’s words. As the other paladin finished, Bri pushed up from her chair and came to stand next to Bast looking out at the recruits. “The day will come, maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not for several years. But it will come, where you will have to choose. Choose the right path with compassion, respect and tenacity. And it I can’t promise it will be easy to choose compassion, respect or tenacity.” She paused, letting that sink in. 
“Each of these values, these tenants, they are more than just what those who practice with the Light follow. These are the core to being a part of the Dawn. Yes, you have sworn your oaths. Some of you have even seen combat before today. Some of you are paladins or priests very familiar with these virtues. Some of you may know them from whatever faith you practice by other names. But each of you, no matter your background must now understand and live up to what these three little words represent.” Her gaze shifted over each of the people in the room. 
 “So, now I want to ask you all a question. One that I want you all to think long and deep about. It will be one of your first assignments, and yes, I will ask that you write up your answer. Put to paper your thoughts on this. Why would evil fear compassion?” 
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treehoes · 6 years
Ok so I saw Hamilton today (4-4-18) on broadway and here’s like a lil review of how amazing it was
•Alexander Hamilton- I was going through so much shock that i was actually there I don’t remember much but the placements of all the characters during the “me? I _____ him” was spot on
•Aaron Burr Sir- The guy playing burr made burr so sarcastic it was great
•My Shot- This is probably my least favorite song but like the bros™️ were hitting the table with cups and their fists and it was so cool
•The Story of Tonight -Very low key bros being bros drinkin
•The Schuyler Sisters- The “and Peggy” was so like hey what about me it was great. Also those girls are phenomenal like wish I was half as talented
•Farmer Refuted-I’m pretty sure thayne Jasperson was the og Samuel seabury and he’s on point like Hamilton was all up in his face and he just pushed ham away and moved his box in front of him
•You’ll Be Back- Ok so king George was a great singer but he sang kinda annoyingly and I thought that really portrayed king George
•right hand man- G-wash was so great honestly and the ensemble in this song was so awesome and on point
•A winters ball- Reliable with the LADIES
•helpless- Lexi Lawson is very different from Phillipa soo but she’s so talented and absolutely killed it also Hercules as the flower girl was the best creative decision ever
•satisfied- Um ok so like actually shook Mandy fricking Gonzales is so talented like at the part at the end she not only killed it, she stabbed it 27 times and drop kicked it to mars like it was a mouth drop open and they redid everything from helpless perfectly 11/10 one of the best parts
•the story of tonight reprise- Drunk Lauren’s is the best
•wait for it- Ok home slices you know how much I went off on how good satisfied was well, this was 100 times better. Burr was better than Leslie Odom by a lot he was the best in the show
•stay alive-There were British soldiers in the background it was cool also Charles Lee was funny cuz he’s a general WEEEE
•10 duel commandments-Laurens, who has just shot someone: fuck ya I just shot that bitch fuck him.
Me: I’m so proud of you
•meet me inside- Ham: im not your son
G-wash: that sound fake but ok
•that would be enough-Again, Lexi Lawson slayed as eliza like she was pregnant and still killing it
•guns and ships- Lafayette was mega fast like I know all the words to that song and I could barely understand what he was saying but he was still great
•history has its eyes on you- G-wash gave ham a sword and when he put it in the holder it made such a nice noise
•Yorktown- I love big group numbers like this the choreography was on point. Right before herc entered they were waving redcoats and he burst through them and it was awesome
•what comes next-King George went im so blue and all the lights turned blue I just really like that part
•dear theodosia-This is my favorite song on the soundtrack and I wish they did a bit more with it onstage cuz they kinda just stood and sat and that was it
•the part where Laurens dies that I can’t remember the name of- Ok this was so sad but herc and Lafayette were up on the top part with the same letter that eliza was reading to ham and I didn’t know that they did that and it made the scene a lot more sad
•non stop- Ham is so extra I love it. They had chairs to represent ham, john jay and Madison and they all faced backwards and when John jay got sick after writing five they flipped his chair around and they took away Madison’s chair when he only did 29 and Hamilton was sitting in the third chair and I just really liked the way they did that. Also when ham goes to burr in the middle of the night there’s a light that makes it look like burr is standing in a doorway and I just really liked that lil detail also non stop is the song that got me and my friend that i went with into Hamilton so it has a special place in my heart
•intermission- Umm pretty boring actually, 15 minutes of random dudes coming on and off stage making sure everything is ok, no singing or dancing 0/10 but here’s a photo of me at intermission
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•what’d I miss- Ok so at the start of this, ensemble came out from different places and one of them came from the orchestra hole and I thought that was hilarious also this is 10x better on stage than it is on the soundtrack the ensemble was all on point doin their thing
•cabinet battle one- There was a mic drop and that’s all I wanted from this song and I got it
•take a break- Ok so Philip was great in this he was so nervous doing his poem and eliza was beatboxing like the true queen she is. And the beginning part made great use of the circle thing on the stage like ham was facing back when Philip and Eliza sang and then it circled him to the front and Philip and eliza to face the back I loved it
•say no to this- Spoiler, Hamilton didn’t say no. Also James Reynolds had a southern accent and I thought it was so funny
•the room where it happens- I said it once I’ll say it again burr was phenomenal like his lil dance was awesome this song blew me the fuck away
•Schuyler defeated- Idk what to say about this one except for I liked that Philip and eliza were on the balcony thing off to stage left
•cabinet battle 2- I love that these are rap battle but also epic rap battles of history is literally this cuz it’s a musical about history also when Madison said France it was so small it made it more funny
•Washington on your side- When they go OH the lights went big on the floor it was cool. Also “look at the bill of rights, which I wrote” I always thought Jefferson said which I wrote so since I started listening to Hamilton, I’ve had three tests/quizzes with a question on who wrote the constitution and the bill of rights and I always put Jefferson cuz of this line and I always got it wrong so fuck you hamilton
•one last time- I cried, g-wash was so good at the end of this song I can’t I want to hear him sing this every day
•I know him- When the lady whispered in his ear he was like what cuz like john Adams? That’s short bitch?
•the adams administration- Ham drops a stack of papers from the balcony and it hits the ground on a big beat and it was soo cool
•we know- Hamilton spills his soul out and Jefferson burr and Madison are like :o
•hurricane- I never really liked this song too much but The ham dude did it so amazing and the lighting looked like water and hurricanish
•the Reynolds pamphlet- Ok king George is in this and it’s the funniest thing ever cuz he’s all like I told you that you guys would suck and look! A very upper person had an affair
•burn- I’ve seen bootlegs of this song so many times but there’s nothing like seeing it onstage cuz it goes black at the end and all you can see is the fire from her lantern it’s beautiful
•blow us all away- I love Philips character cuz he’s such a kid and he’s great and talks a little fast
•stay alive reprise- I cried real hard during this, 11/10 death, would cry about again
•its quiet uptown- So sad lots of crying from the big tough looking guy sitting next to me. I really like how angelica narrates it I think that’s cute
•election of 1800- Ham: sad cuz of sons death
Everyone, chanting: choose you Bitch we’re incapable of doing it ourselves
But Jefferson did an I win dance when he was endorsed and burr was like wtf bro guess i gotta kill you now
•your obedient servant- When Hamilton writes a letter to burr it was 5 pages long and they had a different person deliver each page and the last girl had two and was doing a little dance to deliver them it was great
•best of wives best of women- Look at ham writing his note to next of kin, love your wife more she’s Lexi Lawson for Christ’s sake
•the world was wide enough- I cried even tho I knew he was gonna die. Hams part where there was no music was so dramatic and g-wash came on and hams Mom and Laurens/Philip it was so sad I loved it
•who lives who dies who tells your story
Thinking about this is gonna make me cry again but Hamilton was not in this number at all and I thought that was great cuz he’s dead but honestly fabulous way to end the show I’m shoooook
All in all it was a beautiful show, much more than I could have ever asked for. We had terrible seats but that’s ok cuz it’s Hamilton. The lighting and dancing and blocking was phenomenal I never really notice anything like that when I see shows but it was so good I talked about the lighting for 5 minutes straight and I don’t know jack shit about lighting
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