#thats the last time i house sit for anyone i swear the toll is too fucking big on me i can't take it anymore
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catfishofoldin99colours · 3 months ago
I know it's cos I haven't had my meds today and I've been in withdrawals for the past week (we love being poor and at the end of a prescription refill but not qualifying for low income healthcare so the meds will cos the $20 I had in my bank account until i got paid and obviously I needed food first) but FUCK ME I am in SUCH A BAD FUCKING MOOD HOLY SHIT
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years ago
ramon arellano felix as a dad would include
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a/n: heyy mis carinos youre favorite clown is back with something none of you guys asked yet here i am sharing this with you all i was soft but also because i havent written anything for my arellano boys in a minute and i got inspired wow anyways i hope you guys enjoy my desmadre
taglist: @fandomnerd16​ @visintaes​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @artemiseamoon​ @umvirgo​ @redhairedace 
let me know if you want to be tagged! 
ok right off i want to mention ME MUERO imagining ramon with the mini versions of himself
like he would be the fun dad thats always playing with his kids and always wanting to be around them constantly :(
but also my heart hurts imagining this ball of emotions being so happy about having kids with you
like i cant with the thought of him in the very moment you tell him youre pregnant-
like this soft ass moment where hes just in disbelief,, holding your face- “embarazada? de verdad princesa?”
i just- him being so excited,, wanting to hear you say it again and again before he picks you up from so much excitement :((
wow would not even hold back before hes already walking you both over to announce it to all his siblings :(
and like enedina would be the most excited because you know she would :( and i just have a feeling dina is going to go all the fucking way to be the consentida aunt :((
wow? um she definitely gives me the vibes of her always being around you to make sure your ok,, making sure you and her little niece/nephew have everything available to you within arms reach-
because she adores you with mon :(
but also ramon being constantly worried about you when hes not with you even tho he knows youre the safest person breathing in mexico
and because he knows dina is there with you all the time puts him a little at ease-
like omg if something,, even the slightest look,, happens to you or your kid, he would shoot up all of tijuana becasue no one touches his familia- his overprotectiveness goes through the roof- i
i am crying at the thought of him always kneeling down and talking to your stomach,, like that is a daily thing he does all the time-
like :(( imagine him doing it right after you told him your pregnant or something :( i-
no but also because the very fucking moment he knew about his kids existence in you,, he would give up his crack usage :/
todo porque he wants to be the best dad figure for his kids :((
like he vows to that shit even more once he had his kid in his arms- excuse me let me go cry,,
im sorry this is supposed to be a dad hc yall im starting to get carried away-
BUt WOw i cant even explain the way i go soft imagining this cabron as a dad with his kids :((
because you know what i thought of that first came to mind?
where he for sure would always give into them whenever they ask if they can get some ice cream for breakfast or something-
he would probably have his kids pinky promise to him to not tell you anything about skipping meals just to have an ice cream cone :((
and like having them happily eating their ice cream while he picks them up and sets them on his hip :((((
i am sorry,, but you cannot tell me park visits are not a thing right after having ice cream:(
like the thought of him pushing his kids on the swing set :(( or going on the slide with them is breaking my heart- :((
but ramon also being extra af with protectiveness with his kids :(
like him making sure everything and anything that could hurt his kids in anyway,, hes moving his kids away from them-
:(would make sure his mens guns and his own guns are away from his kids sights-
and moving a whole bunch of dangerous things away like in hard to reach places so his babies dont even get the glimpse of danger :((
all because he would never forgive himself if something he could have prevented hurts his ninos :(wow
:((((( AH he would love styling his kids hair all the TIME
omg i fucking cant at the thought of him having a daughter and loving to braid or putting his daughters hair in these little pigtails??? :(((
like him sitting her on his lap in the morning,, the both of them watching some kids show on the tv as hes just gently as fucking possible brushing her hair out :((( why do i do this to my s e lf
and he would like,, give her a little kiss to his ninas head like “mi princesa hermosa,, la mas guapa de la casa” :( WOW
or if he has a son,, the mini fucking version of him and dressing him up in those pinshis camisas :((
im just- holding in my tears imagining ramon being the dad that would love to bathe his kids :((
and like him having all these toys for them too,, playing with them all the time just to make his kids laugh-
fuckk- he would definitely do that cute shit where he would gather bath bubbles in his hands and place them on top of his kids hair :(( no one look at me
him def being the dad to like,, burrito wrap his kids in towels after their baths :(( carrying them around the house while they dry :(((
bro? picking out their clothes?? for them to wear?? because he has style??? :((((( im sorry
would always be seen walking around with his kids sitting on top of his shoulders when theyre old enough-
like my mon is a toll bby and his kids love getting upsies from him beacuse of that :(
wow would this one loving blowing all his fucking money if it means his kids have the best birthday party in all of mexico even if its like their first birthday loL
just christmas and birthdays especially being a mf highlight for him because he buys so much presents for them to have
decorating the house from top to bottom,, every year it’s somehow better than the last-
ok but also him buying everything and anything for his kids when he’s out with them
like before his kid even finishes their sentence that they want some car toy on the shelf
his ass is already shoving it into the cart because his little angels will get ANYTHING their little hearts desire ok?
i laugh because you probably scold him at times that he’s spoiling them too much
but he’s always on defense like “mi amor,, dime como les puedo decir que no a estas caritas preciosas????” :(( like low key tho he loves consintiendo his kids because he cant help it :(
oh my god??? you know what just attacked my mind that it made me start bawling??
the fact that mi ramon would love dancing nortenas with his kid/ daughter :((((((((
OR THE FACT THAT HE WOuld love taking you to bailes-
dancing with you all pegaditos to banda or nortenas,,, tu by los elegantes de jerez anyone??
im definitely not in the club crying my soul out at the thought of him kissing the top of his kids head and then you-
his stupid smile and heart eyes as he leans his forehead on yours and tells you “como te adoro princesa, por darme la mejor bendicion de mi vida” :(( someone pls come hug me
no :( i swear all i do is hurt myself because get this-
like do you guys remember when miguel angel killed off mi amor gueritos family?? holy shit could you imagine the way ramon would go fucking frantic to make sure that doesnt happen to his own family :(((
i kid you not he would go through anything to make sure you and his kids dont even get a single little piece of hair touched-
like im almost positive ,, family man ramon would fucking THREATEN to the max if miguel angel even looks or breathes in tijuanas direction-
wOW like when all the plazas got together and left in s2
and miguel angel saying some shit like “con cuidadito eh,, dicen que en tijuana anda bien peligroso,, no quiero que nada le pasa a esa hermosa familia que tienes, ramon”- ALL FUCKI NG SMUG WHILE MIGUEL THREATEN S HIM AND THE TJ BOYS FOR LEAVNI G-
good god- and ramon not hesitating for a second to try and pull his gun out,, all heated- im sorry for bringing that thought up
but overall just such a soft, overprotective family dad whos always going to be there making you and his kids as happy as possible :((
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sopeyb23-blog · 4 years ago
The Three Rules
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*not my gif
Rule #1, Rule #2
Summary: Spencer X F!reader work through exhaustion and frustration while on a case.
warnings: swearing (med), throwing things?, death (not main, not graphic, but mentioned), cm style issues, thats it i think???
Pairing: Spencer Reid X F!reader
words: 4.6K (shes big)
A/N: I keep making these soooo long, so, sorry. this one is a little darker than the rest but ends in fluff per usual and has a little bit of funny Emily and funny Garcia
*I do not own any CM characters
Rule #2: Always offer comfort and support
Y/N ~
Spencer and I finally moved in together about a month after the last incident. And he was right, it was more efficient. 
“We gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go!” I waited by our front door and Spencer ran around the apartment looking for his keys.
“I know I put them in the bowl”
“Spencer! I have keys, it's fine, let's go, lover boy!” He laughed and checked the ceramic bowl on the counter one last time before giving up. 
“Okay, one last check. Coffee?”
“Check” I held up the two large cups in my hands.
“Go bags, check” he held up both of our bags on his shoulders.
“And keys, ½ so, good enough” 
We arrived at the tarmac fifteen minutes earlier than usual...but still 10 minutes late. 
I took both of our bags and stashed them in the jet with the others before taking my seat beside Y/N on the couch. As per usual the first teasing began from Morgan when I sat down and he saw that my shirt was buttoned wrong and my hair was noticeably more disheveled than usual.
“Oooh, looks like a lover boy had a very good morning!” I glared at him as I rebuttoned my shirt and JJ immediately took action.
“Morgan, don’t make me put you in time out” He put his hands up in a mock defense.
“Im sorry mom!” Rossi laughed before handing me my paper file and Y/N her I-pad.
“Milwaukee again, they've got a child murderer.”   The once light mood from the teasing had gone away in an instant as we all opened up our files to see the pictures. 
“That's an annihilator” My first thought was to take Y/N's hand, offering a little support for her and comfort for myself through a small touch. She took my hand gladly and gave it a little squeeze. 
“An overly sadistic one too” Morgans brow furrowed as we continued to review the case but with perfect timing Garcia's face popped up on the screen. 
“I have a present for you” We all looked at her with puzzled expressions through the screen.
“Look under your seats!” she began with her best impression of a talk show host and we all fumbled about to find bedazzled gun holsters for each of us with all of our names in special large gems of our favorite colors. 
“Wow, thanks Garcia that's- that’s really thoughtful of you!” Emily tried and failed to contain her laughter as we all looked over to see Hotch replacing his leather belt holster with the bedazzled one from Garcia. He stood up to show her and got close to the camera.
“I’d say I look pretty badass.” He said it with a deadpan look on his face and then put his gun in it and sat back down without saying another word. JJ and Y/N looked at each other for a split second before bursting out in uncontrollable laughter. Like always, if one person on the team laughs, the rest of us can't help but join in. I always like to say it's because of Y/N. Her laugh is just one of those laughs that radiates all over and lights up a room.
Once we could breathe again we all thanked Garcia and she hung up with a big smile on her face. Now on to Milwaukee.
When we landed Hotch sent Spencer and I to the first crime scene together. Whenever possible on hard cases he likes to keep the two of us together because we work better that way. There is just something about the little touches during a hard case that keeps me going. And for this one, I was definitely going to need that. 
“Poor JJ” As we walked around the crime scene looking at all of the damage done Spencer and I talked through whatever came to mind.
“What do you mean?” I love him so much. But he's absolutely clueless.
“I mean, her and Hotch both. I can't imagine doing cases like this when you have a kid of your own back home. It must be terrifying” he nodded in silence before crouching down in the corner of the little boys room.
“Do you ever consider it?” I continued talking to him even though I know we are here to work. Sometimes that's my biggest flaw. I don't shut up easily.
“Consider what?”
“You know. Having baby geniuses one day?” I gave him a curious little smile as I waited for his response and continued writing little notes about the crime scene in my phone.
“Well i mean yeah, of course. But I'm not the one who'd be carrying them for 9 months am I?” I laughed at him and nodded before stopping altogether. 
“Them?” He gave me a mischievous smile back and said nothing.
“Fine then, keep your secrets”
We finished up at the crime scene and then headed back to the police station where the rest of the team was waiting for our report. Hotch and JJ look notably defeated and Rossi, Emily, and Derek just looked downright exhausted. Sometimes our work takes its toll rather quickly, especially when it's a very emotional case. Seeing a parent sob so horrifically after you give them the news is never easy. It's draining.
“So, what was the scene like?” Rossi spoke up from where he was standing in the corner.
“It was carnage. Absolute carnage” 
“How are the parents?” I looked at JJ who out of all of us definitely looked the most defeated.
“They’re acting like anyone else would. They’re distraught.” I grabbed Spencer's arm and held it tight as we talked about the profile. The more we talked the worse everyone looked. Garcia called mid profile and even her voice sounded exhausted. But we all knew that we wouldn't rest until we caught him.
None of us slept that night. None of us even left the precinct that night. A few times while we waited for more information or for someone to come in for an interview we would take turns napping on two chairs we wedged together to form a bed in the conference room. I tried that once, but I could barely fit my torso in them so I decided I would have better luck with the floor instead. 
“Spence, you want a snack?”
“They got pretzels?” I looked up from my napping position on the floor to look at Y/N when she stood over me with a few quarters in her hand. 
“Yeah, i'll be right back” She walked away for a moment and came back with two cups of coffee and two bags of pretzels. 
 She plopped both of them on my chest and crumbled to the floor beside me.
“Dinner is served” I chuckled and took a swig of coffee- overly sugared just how I like it- and then ate a single pretzel before Morgan came running into the room.
“A boy was just kidnapped” 
In a panic we all rushed up from our various positions and walked out into the main room of the precinct. I went straight for Hotch who was on the phone talking angrily.
“They put out an amber?” he blocked one end of the phone before turning to me.
“Not yet, get JJ on that please” I nodded and started to walk over to where JJ was napping.
“And Reid, get Y/N to talk to the parents, JJ’s done enough” I nodded solemnly.
We all have to do parent notifications and walkthroughs sometimes, but JJ does them the most. Every once in a while we make someone other than her do it to give her a well deserved break. Out of all of the things that we do, notifying the families is one of the hardest. 
“JJ, another boy has been taken, Hotch needs you to put out the amber.” I shook her shoulder and she woke quickly.
“Me? I should be with the family, have Garcia do it.” I looked her straight in the eyes and shook my head.
“We got this one, you deserve a break” she said nothing but got up from her chairs and walked over to the computer to start on the alert. 
“Y/N, baby, Hotch wants you with the families” she was still sitting on the floor where our coffees sat mostly untouched.
“Oh, um, okay, let's go then” I put a hand on her thigh.
“He wants me here. Will you be okay alone?”
“Oh. yeah, i'll be fine i have the keys anyways” She looked uneasy but neither of us had any choice in the matter. I gave her a chaste kiss on the top of her head and she grabbed my hand for just a second.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, i’ll be okay”
I subconsciously noticed the way she indirectly answered my question. It was her way of saying, no i’m not okay, but go do what you do. I kissed her hand in mine and walked out of the room going to help Derek and Hotch deliver the profile while the rest of the team was dispatched to separate locations. It's going to be a long night.
By the time I arrived at the families house it was nearing morning and the sun was starting to rise. There were cops all around and in their house which I quickly told to go. Right now, being here is not going to do that boy any good. Only one stayed to guard outside of the house, and me, of course, being the current family liaison. One of the problems with being the liaison with the family of an abductee is that after you make the initial connection with them, you don't get to stop being their liaison until the unsub is caught. That meant hours of being by myself in their house hearing the mother and father cry over the loss of their child. That meant almost never sleeping, or eating. And worst of all, that meant being without Spencers comforting touch and encouragement.
“Hi, I’m Agent Y/L/N, I'm the FBI agent assigned to your family.” They were sitting on the couch in the living room, their son’s toys covering the coffee table in front of them. The mother was crying soundlessly, almost catatonic, the father on the other hand was silent. He bounced his knee relentlessly and had no tears on his face. 
“Would you mind if I ask you a few questions about Danny?” 
The mother stayed quiet but the father looked up from his hands to speak.
“Do you think my son’s dead?”
Danny's mother withdrew her hand from her husbands and covered her mouth as she let out a sob.
“At this point we don't know much. But, i’m not here to lie to you, if this is connected to the other abductions then more than likely, yes”
The father still didn't cry, but instead just nodded his head solemnly. 
I asked them all the questions I could. Where did Danny go to school? Is there anyone he liked to hang out with? Do you know anyone who would want to hurt Danny? Some of them were real questions that needed answers. But for the most part they were just to get a sense of the parents, and to make them feel a little less helpless. Spencer always says to me that the best thing you can do for these families sometimes is just to make them feel like they can help. Usually they cant, but sometimes taking their mind off of their own thoughts and focusing them can bring out little bits of information we never knew would be helpful. The morning came and went. I had a single orange and a cup of coffee that day. The night came and still, no news. I checked my phone constantly, even though I knew that my ringer was on. If they found Danny, alive or dead, I would be the first person they call. But until then, all I could do was wait. 
Throughout the entire day I felt worried and distracted. Not just because I knew that the inevitable was close, but because usually, the team works in pairs. I deny it all the time, but I always work better when there is someone else with me. Not necessarily working with me- because I prefer to work alone- but just there. Someone who will remind me to slow down and take a deep breath or just let me talk out loud to them even though I probably won't listen to a word they say. But here I was, standing in front of a map, all alone, getting more and more frustrated by the moment and having not a single one of my teammates to get me back on track.
“Hello?” I finally took out my phone and called Y/N to get an update. On her that is, not the case.
“Hey, it's me, i'm just calling to see how you're doing” she sighed and I could practically see her rubbing a hand on the back of her neck and adjusting her glasses like she always does when she's stressed.
“That bad huh?”
“Yeah, not great. How's the map coming”
“It's not” this time it was my turn to sign into the phone.
“The the rest of the team is all out doing recon so i'm at a bit of a loss here”
“Oh, I'm sorry. Look Spence, I really shouldn't be on the phone, so-”
“Oh yeah, no I get it, of course.” She hung up without a word of goodbye and let me feel somehow even more frustrated than when our conversation began. I know she didn't mean to be condescending. I know she's just as frustrated as I am. But that doesn’t help me at the moment. After about another hour of waiting the rest of the team (minus Y/N) walked back into the precinct with downtrodden faces. 
“We just found the body, kid”  Morgan walked over to me and then sat down in a chair at the conference table. My heart broke. For once I was glad I wasn't with them today. 
“Did you get a positive ID?” I turned to Rossi this time who stood next me looking at the map.
“Yeah. it's him” 
I sat wide awake on the couch as it neared midnight. My phone lit up in the dark room with a call from Hotch.
“What's the news?” 
“We just got a positive ID on Danny's body” I was silent.
“After you inform the parents I need you back at the precinct” I was shocked. 
“Hotch, they still are going to need a liaison, my work isn't done yet”
“Y/N, their child is dead. There is nothing more that you can do for them” 
“Fine, i'll be back as soon as I can” I hung up the phone angrily and gingerly knocked on the bedroom door, knowing that this moment would alter their lives forever.
I opened up the door to the conference room to find everyone sitting in chairs around the table. They all gave me sympathetic looks and Spencer tried to reach his arm out to me which I denied. I’m a profiler, I know what healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms look like. I know that pulling away from anyone and everyone is not a good coping mechanism, but none of them were there with me. None of them saw the look of terror on his mother's face when I knocked on her door in the middle of the night. None of them heard her screams or saw her crumple to the ground in her son's room, holding his pillow like it was all that was keeping her anchored.  
I sat down on a chair in the corner of the room as we went through the profile and barely said a word. I saw Spencer looking back at me worried a few times while we gave the profile to the police and again as I went back into the corner of the conference room, still pulling away when he tried to grab my arm. Once everyone had gone back to researching or calling or going door to door, Spencer walked over to my chair in the corner. He put his hands on the arms of the chair and squatted down directly in front of me. Still being careful not to touch me, he tried to look me in the eyes but I averted them. 
“Y/N, you should go to the hotel”
“Are you going to the hotel?”
“No but-”
“Don't tell me that I need it more than you. Or that I've had a harder time than you! We are all struggling, we all need sleep! I can handle this Spencer!”  He flinched a little when I started to raise my voice but still stayed in his position. Hotch and Rossi upon hearing me raise my voice walked back into the room and over to Spencer. 
“Y/N, Spencer's right, you need to get some sleep.” 
“Is that an order?” Hotch paused for a moment and looked at Rossi who nodded.
“Yes, i'll see you in the morning” I clenched my jaw and Spencer quickly moved out of the way to let me get out of the chair, but not before taking a firm hold of my arm.
“This is a good thing, don't be mad at us for trying to help you” I took my eyes off of the floor to glare at him.
“Spencer, if you value our relationship or your hand, let go of my arm and stop with your condescending bullshit”
After she left I think it's fair to say that my mood did not improve. My frustration about the case turned into overall frustration with myself and everyone who happened to be around me at the time. I stood in front of the map without moving for hours just looking and going through all different theories in my mind. I was no longer alone but at this point that didn't matter. 
“Hey Spence, do you want any coffee?” JJ approached me cautiously and I silently shook my head. 
“Okay, well, uh, let me know if you need anything” she walked away to the hall just outside of the conference room where Morgan and Emily were standing. I could hear Emily talk to her through the glass doors that separated us.
“So?” Emily probed JJ as soon as the doors closed behind her.
“No good, didn't even speak” 
“I'm worried about him'' There was a hum of agreement between the three of them before Emily opened the doors and walked in. she approached me with less caution than JJ, but still with a little apprehension.
“Hey there, Spencer, do you need any help?” i didn't speak a word or even shake my head this time.
“You know I'm pretty good at mapping it so it happens. I could also help with a key if you want? Or alternatively you could just talk to me? Or look at me? No? Okay, well i'm going go get myself a cup of coffee from the diner down the street, if you decide to speak let me know” 
She asked me question after question and still I didn’t speak or move. Finally after staying for a moment of hostile silence she walked out of the room to where JJ and Derek were waiting. 
“So?” This time JJ asked Emily
“I asked him like five questions and he didn't even try and correct my grammar.”
 They all paused in silence for a moment before Emily turned to Derek.
“Alright Morgan, your turn, good luck” she patted him on the back and he sighed before walking into the room even more hesitantly than JJ was the first time.
“Hey Reid, you know, we’re all here for you if you-”
I turned around very slowly with a deadpan stare.
“Morgan, as politely as I can say this, if you and the rest of the team don’t leave me the fuck alone then I am going to take all 187 points of my IQ and shove them, up your-”
“Woah, woah,woah, okay pretty boy, I get the message” 
He turned and walked briskly out of the room. I turned back to my board but could hear JJ talking still from the hall.
“I'm worried, I've never seen him like this.”
“The only times he's ever been this frustrated we all know who got him out of it.” Emily stated and turned to Derek.
“I’ll see what I can do. Hey Rossi, let's take a drive”
I had slept for a few hours but the nightmares woke me up. It was morning now, so at least I know I got a little bit of sleep. I took a shower, got dressed, and sat on the edge of my bed, not quite ready to face the repercussions of what happened last night. I put my head in my hands as I remembered last nights events. I fucked up. Bad. After a few minutes I heard a knock on my hotel room door and got up from the bed to answer it. Rossi and Derek stood there with hands on their hips and worried looks on their faces.
“Can we come in?”
“Um, sure?” He said it as they had already walked in the room and I went back to sitting on the edge of my bed as they stood in front of me. Derek was the first to break the silence and he tore me away from where I was looking as I fiddled with my hands.
“Look, Pretty boy is in a bad place and you're the only one we know can get him out of it. If we want to catch this guy we need him, and to get him back on track we need you” he stopped and sighed. 
“Well, I have been ordered to stay here, so I guess you'll have to talk to our supervisor about that” Rossi grimaced as I said it and pointed to him. He put his head down for a second and then took a seat on the bed next to me. 
“Look kid, you were in a horrible place and I know that you know that. If you want to stop feeling helpless, If you want to get that boy the justice that he deserves, then we need your help. Spencer needs your help. You are the only person in the world that could help him right now, so I need you to suck up your pride, and come with us.” 
I gulped and sighed before standing from the bed. 
“Fine. But you both owe me a drink” They laughed and opened the door for me as we left the hotel. 
When the three of us arrived at the precinct and walked into the main area by the vending machines we saw a group of officers crowding around the hallway to the conference room. I walked right up to JJ and Emily who were making their way through the crowd towards me. JJ was the first to speak over the low murmur of the people crowding the hallway.
“Hey, thank god you're here!” She sounded so relieved you would have thought I’d saved her life.
“Um thanks? What's going on?” After I spoke I heard a loud thud and a crash coming from inside the conference room and a few people backed up from the windows. Emily got really close to me as she spoke.
“Um, Spencer’s...throwing things” I cocked my head to the side and was about to ask what she meant when another object, a book i think, hit the window in front of me.
“Holy, shit” I said with conviction and without another word walked to the front of the crowd and opened the glass doors. 
Spencer was facing away from me, but still throwing markers, and wherever he could get his hands on, at the window. Finally as he heard me approaching he stopped throwing things and put both of his palms to his forehead. As I got closer I could hear his heavy breathing and see the damage he had done. When I finally got close enough to his back I put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his arm gently. He flinched a little but didn't move away or try to get me off of him. I got on my tiptoes to whisper quietly into his ear.
“Spence, I love you and I'm sorry, but I need you to calm down right now because the team needs you. okay?” I kept my hands on him and heard him gulp in between his heavy breaths. After a minute his breathing started to slow a little.
“Good. I'm going to go get you a glass of water and i’ll be back in just a second” I took my hands off him and walked over to the door where JJ and Rossi were standing guard.
“JJ could you get me a glass of water?”
“Of course”
“Rossi, can you make everyone get away from the hallway and the window, there's too many people, I wont be able to get him to calm down if his senses are in a constant overdrive from the sounds” He nodded quickly as JJ came back with a glass of water in her hand. I took it from her and walked back into the room with Spencer as Rossi-with help from Hotch- started to disperse the crowd.
“Here, drink this” I guided him to a chair and he sat down to drink the glass. After a few sips I put my hand on his back and leaned forward so he could see my face fully.
“Okay, now I need you to tell me everything you know”
After a few minutes of drinking water I began to tell her about everything I knew for the location. At some point while we were talking I figured out where the unsub was and Morgan and Emily successfully got him and saved another young boy. As soon as he was processed we all decided that we wanted to leave as soon as possible, and not stay another second in that place. Even though it was the middle of the night Rossi was able to get the jet ready for us in an hour and we started the long flight home. 
I looked In front of me on the couch where Y/N was snuggled into my side and rolled onto my back so she could place her head on my chest. Her eyes were closed but her breathing told me that she was still awake and while she was I wanted to make sure she heard one last thing before this treacherous trip was over.
“I never said thank you” She turned her head on my chest so that she could look at me, but in the dark and quiet of the jet, it was clear she couldn't really see me anyways.
“For what?”
“For what you did back there, I never said thank you, so… thank you” She smiled widely at me but kept her eyes closed in the dark.
“Well, thank you. For not making me feel like I was helpless” she opened her eyes when she said it and it made me smile broadly. I kissed her head and turned back on my side so that I could pull her close to me. 
Rule #2, every little touch, every little word that she says brings me comfort whether she knows it, or not. I think that might have been the easiest rule to follow, after all, when you love someone just being around them is enough comfort.
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